Cucumber face mask at home - easy and effective recipes. For intense hydration. With strawberries and sour cream

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk to you about fresh cucumber face masks. Do you know how to make a cucumber mask for acne? Today I will devote time to beauty, especially since the season of cucumbers is just around the corner. Personally, I do not visit beauty salons. Of course, I do manicures in the salon, but I like homemade masks, various, for the face. I have an aunt, well, she just loves cucumber masks. I remember this as a child, when my parents and I visited her, she always set the table.

In the summer, she often cooked vegetable salads, and so, when she chopped cucumbers on a salad, she cut off a circle of a cucumber and rubbed her face with it. She said that the cucumber nourishes and refreshes the face. I remember as a child I often copied it, and in the season when cucumbers appeared in our garden, I often smeared my face with a piece of cucumber. After that, there was a feeling of freshness and cleanliness of the face.

On my blog, not so long ago I already wrote about face masks, but only about aloe masks. You can read the recipes for masks in my article "". I really love this medicinal plant, it is useful for both beauty and health.

Cucumbers are really a cheap and affordable product that will help maintain the health and beauty of our skin. In addition, many of us grow cucumbers in the country, garden, garden plot. Our own, fresh homemade cucumbers, much better than imported ones. Our favorite summer dish is a vegetable salad made from fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh herbs. My daughter loves fresh cucumbers very much, she can eat them at least all day long.

What is useful mask of fresh cucumber for the face.

  • Masks that are made on the basis of fresh cucumber give an instant effect. Masks refresh and tone the skin of the face.
  • Cucumber is rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B9, sodium, silicon, iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, fluorine.
  • Cucumber masks are good for oily skin, remove excess shine.
  • It is useful to apply cucumber masks on the face for sagging and redness of the skin.
  • One of the benefits of fresh cucumber masks is that they help get rid of acne.
  • Cucumber masks help to remove pigmentation on the skin of the face, as well as freckles.
  • Smoothes fine wrinkles.
  • Cucumber is rich in silicon dioxide, the function of which is skin rejuvenation.
  • With the constant use of cucumber masks, the skin becomes soft, smooth, elastic.
  • Cucumber masks whiten the skin, moisturize and nourish.

Fresh cucumber masks really have a good effect on our skin. But, each of us has a different skin type. Usually women know their skin type, I consulted a beautician. I have combination skin type. I have dry skin, but my T-zone is oily.

You can consult a beautician about your skin type. You can also do the test at home. Usually they take a napkin and pass it over their face. If the wipe is oily, your skin is oily. If dry, then the skin of the face is dry. And if oily in the T-shaped zone, then this is combination skin.

How to make a cucumber mask?

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for making cucumber masks. But, you need to be attentive to the components of the mask, since the components included in the composition can cause allergies. But I won't say that everyone does. Before applying the prepared cucumber mask on the face, it is enough to apply a little of the mask on the hand. Wait until absorbed, then rinse with water. If there is no redness or irritation on the skin, then such a mask can be applied to the face.

My aunt, just after she washed her face, wiped her face dry with a towel and rubbed it with a circle of fresh cucumber. Sometimes she just put slices of fresh cucumber on her face. This is actually her favorite mask.

But, there are many other fresh cucumber masks, which we will talk about now.

Fresh cucumber face masks.

For the preparation of cucumber masks, fresh juice and pulp of cucumbers are used. Cucumber masks refresh, smooth, whiten our skin. In addition, cucumber masks tighten pores. It gives softness and elasticity to the skin of the face, nourishes the skin, and also helps to significantly discolor freckles.

With freckles, as well as age spots on the face, the face is rubbed with slices of fresh cucumber. Let the cucumber juice soak into the skin, leave for 10 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

The simplest face mask that will give your face a fresh and healthy look from cucumber rounds. Fresh cucumber should be cut into thin slices without skin. These slices are applied to a pre-washed face. Leave the mask for half an hour. Then remove the cucumber slices.

If you have dark circles under your eyes, then for about half an hour, apply a cucumber peel to the eyelids with the inside. It is very good to put the cucumber peel in the refrigerator for at least 5-7 minutes before this, so that the peel is cool. Then remove the peel of the cucumber, no need to wash. In more detail about how to remove dark circles under the eyes, I already wrote on the blog. You can read the recipes in my article "".

Cucumber masks for dry and normal skin types.

  • sour cream
  • fresh cucumber

To prepare the mask, take a small cucumber. It needs to be grated on a fine grater and decant the excess liquid, add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, mix everything. Apply the mask on a clean face for 15 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water. This cucumber mask can be done several times a week.

  • cucumber
  • lemon

Also prepare a cucumber honey face mask only if you are not allergic to honey. If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with one small yolk. To prepare the mask, we need one medium cucumber, without skin, a spoonful of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey. First you need to grate the cucumber, decant the excess liquid. Add honey and lemon to the grated cucumber. Apply the mask on clean skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Face masks for oily and combination skin.

  • yogurt
  • fresh cucumber

Take a small fresh cucumber, grate it, add a few tablespoons of yogurt, but without any additives, mix everything and apply on the face. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water.

  • protein
  • cucumber

Take the egg white, beat lightly and mix with fresh cucumber juice in a ratio of 1:2. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Such a mask will help cleanse the pores, and also reduces the work of the sebaceous glands.

Fresh cucumber face mask for acne.

  • cucumber
  • protein
  • olive oil

For the mask, you will need one small cucumber. It must be rubbed on a grater and combined with one whipped protein. You also need to add a few drops of olive oil to the mask. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Now you can buy cucumbers on the market, but they are imported, I don’t buy them, I’m waiting for my own, homemade. I hope that when cucumbers appear in large quantities, you will make yourself a face mask from a fresh cucumber. Moreover, you know how to make a mask.

And if you still have questions about the mask, watch the video, which tells and shows in detail how to prepare a cucumber mask. Stay always young and attractive.

Fresh cucumber pulp is an ideal base for making homemade masks.

The unique composition of the traditional vegetable easily gives the skin of the face tenderness, freshness, purity.

Combining cucumber with other components, you can solve various skin problems.

The benefits of masks from cucumber pulp for the face

The composition of cucumber can actually be called unique in terms of benefits for women's skin. In a simple vegetable, there are a lot of vitamins and minerals, organic acids and enzymes. At the same time, the effect of cucumber juice is not aggressive, therefore cucumber masks can be applied to any skin, including allergic or inflamed.

The benefits of cucumber face masks are explained by the effect that each of the substances contained in cucumber juice and pulp gives:

Thiamine (vitamin B1) rejuvenates;

Folic acid (vitamin B9) cleanses problem skin from pimples and acne;

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) provides cellular respiration;

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) normalizes the processes of cellular metabolism;

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) evens out skin creases, erasing wrinkles from the face;

Retinol (vitamin A) moisturizes dry and evens out flaky skin;

Tocopherol (vitamin E) instantly renews the cells of the dermis;

Biotin (vitamin H) provides regeneration;

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) makes the skin glow, restores its elasticity;

Phylloquinone (vitamin K) relieves the skin of redness, swelling, whitens;

Niacin (Vitamin PP) has a refreshing effect.

Is it any wonder that cucumber face masks are like a magical sip of health, youth and beauty. They can be used to care for problematic, flabby, young skin. The effect of masks is diverse:

Moisturizing and toning;


Alignment of wrinkles;


Removal of puffiness;

Acne and acne treatment;

Loose skin tightening.

Moreover, of all home cosmetics, it is cucumber pulp or juice that can be safely and effectively used to care for thin, wrinkle-prone skin around the eyes.

How to apply cucumber face masks

In order for facial care with a cucumber mask to be more effective, you need to follow some rules:

Use only fresh, firm vegetables;

Prepare cucumber puree without seeds and peel.

To get a soft base, cucumber can be pureed on a grater, in a meat grinder or blender. Keep the mask on your face for at least 20 minutes, in some cases longer, up to half an hour. It is advisable to lie down and completely relax during the procedure. You can not talk or actively use facial expressions if one of the components of the mask is clay or gelatin.

Cucumber masks at home are best done in courses. A full course includes ten procedures carried out 2-3 times in ten days. In the future, the skin can be maintained in good shape by making a mask once every seven to ten days.

Cucumber juice often becomes one of the components of a refreshing and tonic mask. If there is a lot of juice, then the leftovers can always be poisoned in the freezer, spilling into molds. A wonderful revitalizing and awakening lotion will come out.

Universal cucumber masks for all skin types

The simplest mask imaginable is made entirely of cucumber flesh. It is necessary to cut the fruit into thin circles, put them on cleansed skin and hold for 20 minutes. There is no need to wash after the procedure. Having removed the cucumbers, you can immediately see the changes: the code will become more elastic, fresh, soft. Delicate mask has a good effect even on problematic, inflamed skin.

The classic mono-mask recipe exists in another form. Grate the cucumber on a fine or medium grater and apply the resulting slurry to the skin. It can be spread over the face just like that or wrapped in a gauze napkin. Of course, after removing the mask, you will have to wash.

To achieve a greater effect, other ingredients can be added to the cucumber base, such as lemon, parsley and honey.

Cucumber and lemon

Normal skin needs hydration and toning. If you additionally want to get a whitening effect, there is nothing better than a combination of cucumber juice and lemon.

Grate the cucumber, squeeze the juice through the gauze cloth. Squeeze juice from a fresh lemon. Mix two tablespoons of cucumber and lemon juice, soak a cotton swab and apply on face. The exposure time is 15 minutes. As the mask dries, it must be renewed.

You can simply moisten a gauze or cotton pad with juice and apply it on your face.

Cucumber and parsley

One of the most effective cucumber masks for the face and around the eyes. Perfectly refreshes, whitens, tones.

Medium cucumber should be rubbed on a fine grater. Finely chop a few sprigs of parsley. Mix two generous spoons of cucumber puree with a dessert spoon of parsley. Apply all over the face, including the eyelids.

Masks with cucumber for problem skin

It is very difficult to find adequate care for problem skin. Inflamed areas, subcutaneous acne, pimples and acne limit the possibilities of additional care. Meanwhile, problem skin needs hydration, nourishment, and protection. Cucumber is an ideal base for creating homemade masks suitable for this type of skin, because it does not harm it in any way. Moreover, thanks to the miraculous cucumber juice, the skin is quickly cleared of inflammatory elements. The effect can be enhanced by adding other components to the masks.

Cucumber and cottage cheese

Popular cucumber mask, thanks to which the face is refreshed and gradually gets rid of imperfections. A tablespoon of cucumber puree should be combined with an equal amount of low-fat cottage cheese (2-8 percent fat). Wash, wipe the skin with a tonic or lotion for problem skin.

cucumber and soda

An effective mask that instantly improves skin condition due to its drying and antiseptic effect. Cucumber grate on a fine grater or chop with a blender. Separate two tablespoons of puree and pour half a cup of boiling water over them.

After the liquid has cooled, add half a teaspoon of soda, mix well and distribute the soda mixture over the skin. Rinse with clean cool (not cold) water, pat your face dry with a soft cloth.

Cucumber, clay and lemon

If you make such a mask once a week, then after a month the condition of problem skin will become consistently good. You will need pharmacy blue or white clay. The composition of the mask: 2 tbsp. l. clay and cucumber puree, 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Apply the mixture very carefully, without touching the eyelids and delicate skin around the eyes. The exposure time is less than usual: 10 minutes is enough for the composition to be absorbed and work enough. You will have to carefully wash off the seized clay, finally rinsing your face with clean water.

Cucumber and oatmeal flakes

Perfectly eliminates oily sheen, soothes the sebaceous glands, nourishes. 3 art. l. grind hercules in a coffee grinder. Combine with three tablespoons of cucumber puree. Mix the ingredients until you get a sour cream consistency, use as a regular cosmetic mask.

Cucumber masks for oily skin

Oily skin also needs careful care. Many girls make a big mistake when they stop moisturizing it. As a result, the face begins to shine even more, more often clogged and inflamed. Cucumber in this case plays an important role: it moisturizes the skin and at the same time reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Cucumber and egg white

The mask well narrows pores, soothes inflamed skin, dries it. Squeeze juice from cucumber puree (2 tablespoons) and beat it with a fork along with egg white. Apply to a clean face. After rinsing, be sure to apply a moisturizing day or nourishing night cream.

Cucumber and apple

Grate the cucumber along with the skin (you only need to cut it if the vegetable is old, overripe). Grate half an apple. Mix the components in equal proportions, distribute over the face and keep for half an hour.

Cucumber and rye bread

An original way to cleanse oily skin is a gentle cucumber-based peeling grater. From a half of a medium vegetable, pureed with a blender, you need to squeeze the juice. Take a piece of black rye bread, choose a crumb and soak it with cucumber juice. Cleanse the face with a wet piece, moving along the massage lines. When the bread begins to slide over the skin without hindrance, cleansing is complete. Be sure to wash, apply cream according to skin type.

Cucumber and salt

Another great recipe for a cleansing peeling mask. On a tablespoon of fine or medium grinding salt, take a dessert spoon of grated cucumber mass. Spread evenly over the face, let the mask work and wash with cool water.

Cucumber masks for sagging skin

Mature skin needs delicate, but at the same time active care. Cucumber juice must be combined with other active ingredients in order to tighten the sagging dermis, give it tone and elasticity.

cucumber and honey

Another great homemade beauty product is a cucumber-honey mask. Tones, moisturizes, nourishes, brightens age spots, gently removes redness of the skin.

Honey must be preheated over steam or in the microwave. Mix two generous spoons of cucumber puree with a teaspoon of liquid bee honey. Apply the mixture on the face, do not use cosmetics after rinsing.

Cucumber, milk, cottage cheese, parsley, olive oil

Such a rich composition provides a complex effect on the skin. The face will get rid of puffiness, it will look younger, the tone and structure of the skin will even out. For 2 st. l. grated cucumber mass you need to take one tablespoon of any milk, low-fat cottage cheese, finely chopped garden parsley. Pour in a dessert spoon of olive oil, mix and use as usual. Wash off the cucumber mask first with warm water, then with a cosmetic product (foam, milk).

Cucumber and potatoes

A cucumber-potato mask gives the skin a wonderful brightening and refreshing effect. The potato tuber must be raw. For 2 st. l. cucumber puree is taken an equal amount of grated raw potatoes. Tightening, tone, radiance - this is the result of the course use of a cucumber mask at home.

Cucumber, gelatin and milk

Gelatin masks give excellent results on aging skin. To prepare a homemade cosmetic product, you need one medium-sized cucumber, two tables. spoons of gelatin powder, six tablespoons of milk.

Pour gelatin with milk, dissolve over fire after swelling. Puree the cucumber, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix cucumber juice and warm gelatin, apply the mass on the face. The exposure time is from 30 to 40 minutes.

The face will delight with freshness, instant visual tightening. The mask relieves swelling, whitens, tones. To achieve a sustainable effect, apply twice a week.

Cucumber masks for dry skin

Cucumber works great on dry skin too. Cucumber masks at home can be made with sour cream, yolk, cream, carrots, oatmeal, rose water.

Cucumber and sour cream

Mix the main components of the mask in equal proportions, send for 10 minutes in the refrigerator, apply to the face. Additional cooling will enhance the tonic effect of cucumber juice.

Cucumber, yolk and butter

Perfectly nourishes dry sensitive skin of the face with fatty egg yolk. It must be mixed with 2 tbsp. l. cucumber puree, 1 tsp. cosmetic (wheat germ, almond, peach) or olive mass and apply on the face.

Cucumber, cream, sour cream, parsley, olive oil

The rich composition of this homemade cucumber mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes dry skin. After the procedure, wrinkles will become less noticeable, the face will slightly whiten and acquire a uniform color.

Components, including parsley, must be mixed in a blender in approximately equal proportions. Apply a homogeneous mixture on the face, after 20 minutes wash with warm water. Rinse skin quickly with cold water.

Cucumber, cream and rose water

Beat three tbsp. l. cucumber juice with an equal volume of cream and rose water. Apply the mixture all over your face. After washing off the mask, treat the skin with a cotton pad soaked in rose water.

Cucumber, carrot, hercules

Perfectly whitens, moisturizes and nourishes a mask based on cucumber pulp mixed with ground oats and freshly grated carrots. Puree of vegetables will need three tablespoons, ground oatmeal into flour - one spoon. If the mixture seems thick, it can be diluted with milk or cream.

Cucumber masks are inexpensive, but allow you to get a quick visual effect. They remarkably heal the skin, give it a glow of beauty and freshness.

A cucumber mask is a great way to restore a fresh and healthy look to your skin. And if you combine the cucumber base with other components, you can solve many skin problems.

The secret to the effectiveness of cucumber face mask

Cucumber has a wide range of skin-friendly ingredients that make this product a real treasure.

  • Vitamin A is especially useful for dry skin, it can eliminate the feeling of tight skin, peeling, chapping.
  • Riboflavin is responsible for proper oxygenation of the skin.
  • Thiamine rejuvenates the skin, protects it from external influences.
  • Folic acid eliminates acne and pimples.
  • Ascorbic acid helps restore elasticity.
  • Pyridoxine improves metabolic processes in cells.
  • Due to the content of pantothenic acid, it is possible to smooth out small wrinkles, and make deep ones less noticeable.
  • Tocopherol is involved in cell renewal.
  • Biotin helps damaged tissues recover faster.
  • Niacin gives the skin a fresh and healthy look.

Cucumber for facial skin is very useful, masks based on it give an instant effect. After using them, the skin immediately becomes fresh, smooth and very moisturized. In addition, the cucumber face mask does not contain irritating components, so it can be safely applied to the area around the eyes.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of cucumber compositions for the face.

  • An effective bleaching agent prepared on the basis of cucumbers. If you regularly apply a healing composition, you will be able to solve the problem of freckles and pigmentation. The complexion of the skin will become more even.
  • Cucumber face mask does not cause allergies. This is because the pH level of this vegetable is equal to the acid-base balance of the skin.
  • A cucumber face mask is an excellent remedy to get rid of excessive oiliness, prevent inflammation and the formation of acne.
  • If cucumber slices are applied to the eyes and the area around the eyes, then you can get rid of dark circles, small bruises and bags.
  • On dry skin, a remedy made from cucumber has no less effective effect than expensive cosmetic preparations.
  • Cucumber for the face is used as a tonic and restores skin elasticity.

In addition, a cucumber face mask at home helps to get rid of enlarged pores, unhealthy complexion, eyelid skin problems.

To get the maximum effect from the use of cucumber composition, you must adhere to certain rules.

  • Cucumbers are recommended to use fresh, grown in their own garden.
  • The benefits of the prepared product will be tangible if you use only natural products.
  • Cucumbers need to be chilled first.
  • As a rule, after wiping the face with cucumber juice, they do not wash.
  • To get a face mask with fresh cucumber, you need to chop this vegetable beforehand (grate on a fine grater).
  • A cucumber mask at home is applied to the face for a certain time, then you should wash with cool water. For the face you need to have a separate towel.
  • The composition prepared from cucumber should be used immediately, since over time the healing properties of this product are lost.
  • Before applying the mask, it is advisable to use a scrub.

You should also have an idea of ​​how long to keep the cucumber mask. The recommendations of cosmetologists are as follows:

  • The mask is applied to the area around the eyes for no more than a quarter of an hour.
  • Cucumber slices are applied to the entire face for 20 minutes.
  • Cucumber juice does not need to be washed off at all. It absorbs beautifully.

Whiten the skin

Cucumber miracle mask, prepared according to this recipe, is capable of face. To prepare it, you will need natural honey, fresh cucumber and lemon juice. All these ingredients should be taken 1 teaspoon each and mixed thoroughly (the cucumber should be grated in advance). Apply the whitening agent to a cleansed face and leave for 10 minutes. Thanks to this composition, age spots can be lightened.

You can whiten your face with another mask. To prepare it, you need fresh cucumber and lemon. To prepare the composition, the cucumber must be grated, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Juice is also squeezed out of a lemon. For the mask, mix 2 tablespoons of each ingredient. With a cotton swab soaked in the solution, you need to gently wipe your face. The duration of the composition is 15 minutes. You can moisten a small piece of gauze or cotton cloth in the prepared drug and apply it on your face.

We smooth wrinkles

The cucumber face mask for wrinkles is very simple but effective. All we need is a cucumber. To prepare a healing mask, you need to take half a cucumber, grate and cool in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Cucumber gruel should be applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. Thanks to this tool, you can get rid of dark circles and eliminate swelling under the eyes. But the most important thing is that this simple remedy removes fine wrinkles well.

Mask for dry and sensitive skin

This mask is made from cucumber and sour cream. Sour cream must be taken fat and fresh. In a bowl, mix a few tablespoons of fresh grated cucumber and a spoonful of sour cream. Leave the applied mask on the face for 15 minutes. The remains of the product are removed with cotton pads.

Anti-acne remedy

Based on cucumber and baking soda, you can prepare a remedy that will perfectly cope with acne and rashes. Two tablespoons of cucumber gruel should be mixed with a teaspoon of soda. Apply the resulting composition on the face in a circular motion and leave for 15 minutes.

You can try another cucumber and egg white mask. This composition is most suitable for oily skin. Beat the egg white a little and mix with 1 tablespoon of cucumber gruel. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Mask with cottage cheese

Through this simple composition, it will be possible to get rid of the imperfections of the skin of the face, moisturize and soften it. For this mask, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese with the same amount of cucumber gruel. Apply the mass evenly on the face and leave for 10 minutes.

cucumber juice

Cucumber juice is very useful for facial skin. Everyone knows how to cook it. It is enough to take a fresh cucumber, chop it, squeeze it through gauze. The resulting juice can be poured into ice molds and frozen. The easiest way to use cucumber juice is to wipe your face with frozen cubes in the morning. Or you can moisten gauze in cucumber juice and apply to your face for 15 minutes. Cucumber juice will not only perfectly moisturize the skin, but also saturate the cells of the epidermis with vitamins and beneficial trace elements, which will instantly improve the complexion.

Oatmeal mask

Making this mask at home is very easy. To do this, you need a grated cucumber, half a glass of chopped oatmeal and the same amount of natural yogurt. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency, applied to the face for 10 minutes. After the procedure, wipe the face well with cucumber juice. This product will moisturize, soften and soothe irritated skin prone to allergies.

Cucumber and honey

This composition is an excellent tool for home cosmetology. It perfectly moisturizes, tones, nourishes, brightens and gently removes redness of the skin.

Honey should be heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Cucumber puree in the amount of 1 tablespoon mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the product on the face for 15 minutes. After the mask, it is advisable not to use cosmetics.


The use of cucumber masks is not shown to everyone. Very rarely, but still there is an allergy to cucumbers, therefore, those who have similar problems should not use this product as part of masks. This also applies to those who are allergic to the pollen of this plant.

People who have open wounds or cuts on their face should refrain from using such a cosmetic product. In addition, you can not use a cucumber mask during an exacerbation of a skin disease.

Cucumber face mask for wrinkles is an excellent cosmetic product, the effect of it can be assessed after the first application. Proper use of masks prepared at home will give your skin a second life.

Cucumber is an annual herbaceous plant, which is the oldest vegetable crop. Due to the fact that the green vegetable has a large number of useful properties, it is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

Composition features

Fresh cucumbers are a source of beneficial nutrients that refresh, moisturize and improve skin tone. Their systematic use as a mask helps to get rid of such imperfections on the surface of the face as acne, acne, skin pigmentation.

The basis of the vegetable is water, the content of which in it is close to 95%. Water is a natural absorbent that removes and breaks down toxic substances contained in the body.

In addition to water, cucumber contains:

  • vitamin A (retinol) - has a moisturizing effect, preventing dryness and flaking;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol) - renews the epidermis;
  • vitamin PP (niacin) – revitalizes the skin, giving it a natural glow;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9)- provide skin rejuvenation and cellular respiration, normalize cellular metabolism, save from the negative effects of the environment, cleanse the surface of the face from rashes;
  • vitamin H (biotin) - regenerates tissues;
  • vitamin K (phylloquinone)- removes redness and reduces puffiness;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid)- has an antioxidant effect;
  • organic acids - action is aimed at preventing premature aging.

The combination of these components makes the cucumber face mask a popular cosmetic product that has a complex effect on the skin.

Beneficial features

Cucumber masks are unique in their effect on the skin. A green vegetable contains a ton of essential nutrients. At the same time, the action of cucumber juice is absolutely not aggressive and is suitable for use even for sensitive and allergy-prone skin.

The nature of the impact of masks is diverse:

  • moisturizing;
  • giving tone;
  • whitening;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • nutrition;
  • removal of edema;
  • elimination of acne, treatment of acne and acne;
  • lifting effect.

Such benefits from the effects of cucumber masks are explained by the rich composition of the green vegetable. They are suitable for oily, dry, combination, problem and normal skin.

For more on the benefits of cucumber face masks, see the following video.

Before using cucumber masks, you need to familiarize yourself with some simple rules.

  • Firstly, you can use only fresh vegetables (they should be bright green and firm to the touch), it is better if the cucumbers are chilled;
  • Secondly, the vegetable must first be peeled and all seeds removed from it.

In order to prepare the cucumber pulp, which will form the basis of the future mask, the vegetable can be passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender.

Also, thinly sliced ​​cucumber slices can be used as the basis for the mask.

Very often, in the process of processing a cucumber (for example, when crushed in a blender), a lot of vegetable juice is formed. From it you can prepare a tonic and refreshing lotion. To do this, pour the resulting cucumber juice into ice molds and send it to the freezer. This tool is easy to prepare and easy to use.

Beauticians do not have a consensus on how long to keep a cucumber mask. The average recommended duration is 20-30 minutes. During the procedure, lie down and relax.

Cucumber mask should be prepared without adding any chemicals and drugs. Otherwise, the use of the mask may lead to side effects and allergic reactions. To avoid aggressive effects, add only natural fresh ingredients.

Finished cosmetic products

Very often, cucumber is used as the basis for the preparation of homemade cosmetics. The vegetable is quite affordable and easy to process. However, there is a wide range of professional cosmetic products in which it is included.

  • Himalaya Herbals Exfoliating Mask contains cucumber, almond, pineapple and emblic. It has a cleansing effect, evens out the surface of the face and gives the skin a pleasant natural tone. Walnut oil nourishes and softens, while pineapple has a protective function. The product is suitable for every skin type, it should be applied 2 times a week.

  • Avon peel-off mask with cucumber extract and tea tree will give the skin the missing energy, give a healthy glow and free from shine. The tool has a deep cleansing effect.

  • Oriflame Cucumber Hydrating Mask nourishes dehydrated skin cells with moisture, refreshing it. Cucumber extract whitens and rejuvenates tired skin, eliminating swelling and puffiness, and also normalizes the process of secretion of fat on the skin. The constant use of the product allows you to protect yourself from acne.

  • Mask-film for cleansing the surface of the face Skinlite "Cucumber" acts as an exfoliator without tightening pores and evens out the tone of the face. In the process of application, the cells of the epidermis are renewed, which gives the skin a well-groomed appearance. Buyers highlight not only the effectiveness of the mask, but also the convenience of its use.

  • Dizao Cucumber Face & Neck Mask has a complex of useful actions due to its exceptional natural composition. This placental mask makes the skin smooth and silky, filling it with vital energy. To achieve the desired result, the remedy should be used in a course (at least 12 days). The product preserves youth, renews, brightens and rejuvenates the skin.

  • Trade brand Ziaja offers a mask with mint and cucumber suitable for all skin types. The product is designed to restore, cleanse and moisturize. Country of origin - Poland.

When buying ready-made products, carefully study the composition. It is important that the presence of chemical and artificial components is minimal. This will protect the skin from negative consequences in the form of rashes, redness and acne.

How to make at home

Homemade face masks have a reputation for being natural and safe. There are a large number of folk, time-tested recipes for multidirectional cucumber masks.

For oily skin

Impact: saves from shine caused by secretions of the sebaceous glands, has a tonic effect.


  • mineral water;
  • cucumber juice;
  • 1 egg yolk.

A mixture of 1 yolk and 2 tbsp. spoons of cucumber juice should be applied to the face in an even layer. After 20 minutes, you need to wash with mineral water.

For dry

Impact: hydration, nutrition, healing.


  • sour cream;
  • 1 cucumber.

Grind the cucumber and mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream. The creamy gruel is evenly distributed over the surface of the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Also, to moisturize the skin, it is advisable to use a mask consisting of cucumber pulp and white clay dissolved in warm water. The product should be kept for no more than 10 minutes.

The use of a mask of cucumbers and cottage cheese will make dry skin beautiful and well-groomed.


  • milk;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • olive oil;
  • curd;

We mix the ingredients with grated cucumber until a single mass is obtained (1 tablespoon of milk and curd mass, 1 teaspoon of oil). Spread it on the skin of the face with a thin layer and wash off after 10 minutes of use.

For problematic

Impact: treatment of acne, blackheads, inflammation, redness, irritation.


  • 1 cucumber;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 cups of water (boiling water).

We rub the cucumber on a grater and pour it with boiling water. Add soda to the cooled mass and filter the gruel, removing water. We apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes.


Impact: Hydrates.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of grated cucumber;
  • mint;
  • basil.

Grind mint and basil leaves (you will need 1 teaspoon of each component) and mix with grated cucumber.


Impact: peeling effect.


  • juice of half a cucumber;
  • crumb of rye bread.

The crumb of rye bread must be soaked with cucumber juice. Wipe the face along the massage lines with a soaked piece of bread. After cleansing, apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Peeling can also be done with cucumber pulp mixed with salt. After use, wash with cool water.

Cucumber face mask will help to cope with many skin problems. Effectively eliminates traces of wrinkles, brightens, relieves acne, helps eliminate oily sheen and dryness, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


Face masks with whitening action will help to get rid of age spots, freckles, eliminate circles under the eyes, smooth out uneven complexion and traces of wrinkles at home. Masks made from: leaves and juice of parsley, honey, sour cream and lemon have a whitening effect. Masks are applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, washed off with cold water.

with parsley
  • 30 gr chopped parsley leaves;
  • 200 ml of boiled water;
  • 25 ml cucumber juice.

Pour water into parsley and insist in a water bath for 15 minutes. Add cucumber juice and hold covered for about 5 minutes. Soak a washcloth in this solution and apply on your face. Home lightening will be more noticeable with regular treatments. Due to parsley, the skin is gently whitened and moisturized.

With parsley (another option)
  • cucumber;
  • parsley leaves.

Grind and mix to get a homogeneous mass. With regular use, whitening due to these two components will be effective.

With honey
  • 1 tsp fresh liquid honey;
  • 1 st. l. cucumber pulp.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, use only freshly prepared mixture.

With egg white
  • 1 egg white;
  • 30 gr grated fresh cucumber;
  • 1 teaspoon parsley leaves.

Beat the protein until a thick foam, mix with cucumber and parsley juice, mix again.

With lemon
  • cucumber juice;
  • lemon juice.

Mix in equal proportions. Moisten a washcloth and put on face, keep for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the face becomes fresh, pigmentation is less noticeable.

With strawberries and sour cream
  • cucumber;
  • strawberry;
  • sour cream.

Grind to a homogeneous gruel and add a spoonful of sour cream. Mix well. This mixture provides strong lightening at home.

Anti aging

Well tighten the skin and model the contours of the face at home. Smoothes and relieves deep wrinkles.

with potatoes
  • 20 gr fresh potatoes;
  • 20 gr cucumber mass.

Mix the vegetables and apply evenly on the face. A simple and effective mask against mimic and age wrinkles.

With aspirin
  • 1 grated cucumber;
  • aspirin - 2 pcs.;
  • chamomile - 1 teaspoon of decoction.

Mix everything, rub with soft massage movements. Remove the remaining product with a sponge. Favorably acts on smoothing mimic wrinkles, making them less noticeable.

With milk
  • 50 gr cucumber juice;
  • 100 gr milk.

Make a milkshake from the components and wipe your face with a sponge, 2 times a day in the morning and evening, you can remove makeup using this tool. Regular use will smooth and relieve even the deepest wrinkles.

For dry and oily skin

From sour cream
  • cucumber pulp;
  • 20 gr sour cream.

Finely grate a fresh cucumber and add sour cream to it. Products to take in equal proportions. Effectively combats oily sheen and dryness.

With kefir
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 15 ml of kefir.

Mash the vegetable well, add kefir, stir until smooth without lumps. You can make a gentle and effective scrub by adding a little flour.

With olive oil
  • cucumber mass;
  • olive oil.

Mix the components, you should get a non-liquid mixture. Apply to clean skin, keep for 20 minutes.

  • 30 gr cucumber gruel;
  • 20 ml of honey;
  • 10 gr.

Clean the vegetable, chop, mix with honey and diluted clay. Apply for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mixture will relieve oily sheen and prevent acne.

Against acne

For smooth skin
  • mashed cucumber mass;
  • 1 spoon of sour cream.

Mix and apply for an hour on a clean face. Moisturizing mask fights skin problems, acne and pimples at home.

With blue clay
  • 1 spoon of clay;
  • finely grated cucumber.

Prepare the components and mix in equal quantities. Apply to the skin and keep until completely dry, then wash with cool water.

With cottage cheese
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cucumber mass.

Combine in equal proportions, mix. Apply pointwise to problem areas or all over the face. Wash off with cool water.

For tired skin

It will help relieve fatigue, remove traces of wrinkles, circles under the eyes, signs of fatigue at home.

With rose water
  • 15 ml fresh cucumber juice;
  • 15 ml rose water;
  • 1 spoon of cream.

Combine the ingredients, mix, beat until foamy with a mixer. Apply for 15 minutes, remove with a damp cloth.

  • 20 gr cucumber mass;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 20 gr of cottage cheese;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

Grind the vegetable until smooth, add cottage cheese, milk and olive oil heated in a water bath to it. Mix everything thoroughly. Use three times a week to relieve fatigue and get rid of wrinkles.