How to keep shoes in perfect condition for a long time. How to wash the white rubber soles of sneakers and sneakers: video. Remove dirt with citric acid

It will be impossible to spill coffee or beer on such shoes, puddles and green grass will only increase its shelf life, and clumsy neighbors in public transport, striving to step on your foot, such shoes will politely pat on the shoulder (and to the point how they will try to fall with all their weight on your snow-white sneaker). But until this day has come, we must learn the rules for handling white shoes.

The phrase “white shoes” no longer smacks of foppishness: with the ubiquity of the athletic-chic style, sneakers, sneakers, sneakers and slip-ons have firmly entered your everyday wardrobe, displacing classic shoes. Moreover, even the most casual models have acquired contrasting white soles: brogues, loafers or topsiders.

Having acquired a pair of white shoes (or at least with a white sole or white details), on the one hand, you automatically fall into the pantheon of fashionistas, and on the other hand, you are forced to pay close attention to the care of white shoes.

In order not to be unfounded, we interviewed not even one specialist, but two. So after reading this article, caring for white shoes - leather, textile, or even high-tech materials - will not be difficult for you.

Vladimir Rothko, Chief Shoe Care Specialist at Rendez-Vous:

  • Leather footwear is preferably before the first wear and then periodically treated with a cream appropriate for the skin. It is important that this cream does not contain a lot of waxes so that the leather of the shoe remains breathable.
  • In addition to the outer surface of white shoes, you still have to take care of her "inner world". In closed shoes, it is imperative to periodically clean the lining. Remember to use a special deodorant based on menthol oil to get rid of bad smell and bacteria.
  • The white rubber sole cannot be cleaned with household detergents or rough materials. Therefore, forget about a household sponge with an abrasive, otherwise you run the risk of leaving micro-scratches on the soft material, from which it will become almost impossible to remove dirt in subsequent times. The fastest way to clean the sole will help a special solvent-based shoe shampoo.
  • White shoes (and indeed any) cannot be washed in a washing machine, cleaned with powder or other household cleaners. Depending on the material, such shoes can be cleaned with suede shampoo or regenerating soap.
  • Shoes, the upper of which is made of natural textile materials, all the more cannot be subjected to intensive washing in a washing machine. Textiles, by analogy with denim, irrevocably lose their color, which can no longer be restored. Lather the shampoo in a small container, apply the foam to the surface of the shoe and gently brush with a toothbrush. Remove the rest with a rag.
  • Shoes are not recommended to be heavily moistened. Therefore, after all the care procedures, dry it thoroughly, ideally on blocks. If you don't have one, stuff it tightly with cloth or paper so it doesn't warp when it dries.

Tatyana Bodanova, Product Manager, Footwear Category, Reebok Classic:

  • Best defense is attack. Buy a special tool that creates a protective layer on which dust and dirt will not stick so readily. If you regretted that you brushed off the annoying seller who offered to buy it along with sneakers, it's not too late to return and fix everything. In every store that sells shoes, there are sure to be protective equipment.
  • Dirt is an insidious enemy, and when it becomes visible, the battle may have already been lost. Coming from a run or a walk, do not be too lazy to wipe your sneakers first with a wet soft cloth moistened with soapy water, and then do the same, but without soap. This recipe works with leather and textile sneakers. If you prefer white suede or nubuck, then you will have to do with dry cleaning.
  • Do not forget about the sole - it also needs to be cleaned every day, armed with a toothbrush and soapy water. By the way, toothpaste as a remedy for stains on the soles is even more effective.
  • If, despite all precautions, you see a treacherous black stripe on a snow-white surface, do not rush to despair. First, try to erase the stain with a special shoe eraser. If it didn’t work out, use an already proven soap solution, and if it turned out to be powerless, then take a toothbrush and a little toothpaste and carefully clean the affected area, and then wash off the paste with water. An important point: the paste should be snow-white. Be sure to dry your sneakers.
  • There is always a temptation to turn on the automation and throw your sneakers into the washing machine. If there are leather elements on the sneakers, you will sign a death warrant for them by machine washing. And even with textile shoes, be careful: there is always a risk of shrinkage and deformation.
  • Pause in a relationship is sometimes good, especially when it comes to the love of sneakers. Change them sometimes with a different pair of shoes so that they rest and dry from the inside: the humidity of the air and your sweat do not do them any good. And do not forget to use shoe deodorant daily: even white color will not save you from the smell that will inevitably appear if you do not take preventive measures.

To do this, you just need to properly care for sneakers - we know 10 simple life hacks that will change your life!

Don't wear one pair every day

No matter how much you love your new sneakers and how perfect they are for any outfit, wearing the same pair every day is not worth it. Moreover, for quite practical, and not fashionable reasons - even after a short wearing, moisture appears inside them, the likelihood of an unpleasant odor increases, as well as the likelihood of faster wear.

If you can’t imagine yourself in any other sneakers, it’s better to go for the exact same second pair.

Don't forget to sanitize your sneakers...


... just like any other shoe. Believe me, special care products for shoes in general and sports shoes in particular were invented for a reason. They really work, but only if you use them as a prophylactic - with an already damaged pair, they are hardly capable of performing a miracle. So don't forget to treat your favorite sneakers with protective compound before leaving the house.

Saving is possible

But, despite the need to buy special equipment for the care of sneakers, it is not at all necessary to spend an amount on them that exceeds the cost of the pair itself - you can almost always find an alternative (and more budgetary) option for protective equipment. But, again, you must use it!

Wash them very carefully

Most of us prefer to wash our sneakers in the washing machine. But many experts do not recommend getting carried away with machine washing at all - in their opinion, it is only suitable for models made of artificial materials, but it can even harm a pair with a leather or suede top.

But if you still decide to machine wash your sneakers, you should wash them separately from the laces and insoles, and in addition, you must first clean the sole from dirt, pebbles and other “gifts from the street” and use a special bag when washing.

Washing is a must

But infrequent washes, whether hand or machine, are not very effective in the absence of constant cleaning of sneakers. It is important to wash them every time you get home and not leave them dirty overnight or even for a couple of days.

You can remove dirt with a smooth surface with warm water and soap, but suede sneakers require a more careful approach - use a dry shoe brush.

keep fit

Before putting "freshly washed" sneakers to dry, stuff them with waste paper or old newspapers. This simple tip will help them not to deform, retain their original shape and, in addition, allow them to dry much faster.

Forget about the battery

Have you washed or laundered your favorite pair of sneakers, diligently stuffed them with parchment paper, and left them to dry under the radiator? Well, it's all gone! Perhaps the main tip for caring for sneakers is to never dry them under a radiator! Unless, of course, you want to get completely damaged shoes at the exit - from such treatment, sneakers can at least stick out, and at most crack and change shape.

Don't wear them barefoot

Wearing barefoot sneakers will lead you to painful blisters, and them to bad odor and accelerated wear.

Don't be afraid of wear

Do you act strictly according to the instructions, follow all the recommendations of experts, but traitorous scuffs still appear on sneakers? One has only to come to terms with this fact - shoes inevitably wear out, which, of course, does not negate the fact that it is still important and necessary to take care of them. Just don't panic about a fresh micro-scratch on the side of your favorite Sneakers.

By the way, some sneaker fans, on the contrary, believe that slightly worn pairs look much more interesting than sterile clean freshly bought sneakers and resemble vintage models! But, again, provided that they are properly looked after.

There are two main approaches to this issue - the use of folk and professional means. Some people like the old time-tested toothpaste and toothbrush, someone uses specialized brushes, shampoos and cleaners for sneakers.

Using soap and water is a good and budget option to start with when you don't have any specialty products in your arsenal. You can use a sponge or toothbrush as a cleaning tool. A toothbrush is equally suitable for both the material of the sneaker and the sole. The cleaning mechanism is quite simple: after wetting the brush, we lather it, then with three circular and translational movements in places of pollution. At the next stage, remove excess soap with water, a damp cloth or sponge. Often the soap is washed off pretty badly, this is a minus of this method. White toothpaste cleans the sole perfectly, but the abrasive particles can damage the thin layer of paint.

It is strongly not recommended to clean any surfaces of sneakers with cleaning products intended for plumbing. The harsh chemicals used in these products can cause discoloration of colored materials and damage the material and shoe. In addition, most tile and plumbing cleaners have an unpleasant smell of chlorine.

To remove dust and light dirt, you can also use wet wipes, which can be found in almost any supermarket, but they will not give the desired effect with complex dirt.

In any case, when using non-specialized products, first of all, we recommend that you make sure that it is safe for the materials of the sneaker: try treating a small area of ​​​​the sneaker as a test. It is worth noting that non-specialized tools do not provide security guarantees, so their use is often risky.

Sneaker care products may seem expensive at first, but they work exceptionally well when used according to the instructions. Before using cleaners, it is necessary to remove coarse dirt and dust: this can be done with a brush, cloth or microfiber (cloth with highly absorbent properties), which are offered as accessories for professional products.

When the surface is pre-prepared, cleaners can be applied. Usually, their application is quite simple: wet the brush, apply the product to a damp brush, use the brush to create foam on the sneaker and remove the foam, along with dirt, with a cloth or microfiber cloth. Sneaker cleaners also safely remove dirt from delicate materials (suede, nubuck).

Specialized cleaners are becoming more and more common and can be purchased at almost any sneaker or sports store.

There are quite a lot of offers on the market, but they all work according to more or less the same principle, the main differences are in the quality of the packaging and the chemical products themselves. Often, simply following the instructions on the packaging is enough to remove almost any household stain from a sneaker. It is important to clean regularly, this will significantly prolong the cleanliness of your white or colored sneakers and sneakers.

For small scuffs, I recommend a melamine sponge. It is easy to use and quite inexpensive. You just need to slightly moisten the sponge, and it will remove all unwanted marks on the shoes. Also, a good result can be achieved with suede erasers with local, easily removable dirt.

Cleaning mesh sneakers deserves special attention, I would recommend proceeding as follows:

Stuff your shoes with paper towels to keep the detergent from seeping in.

Wipe off surface dirt with a cloth

Take an old toothbrush or a brush from a cleaning kit and rub the cleanser onto problem areas. Create foam, or wet the mesh heavily. Let the sneakers stand for a while in case of heavily stubborn dirt.

Remove foam and detergents with a tissue, if this is not enough - rinse thoroughly with water and make sure that the detergent is completely rinsed off

Which method to use is a personal choice for everyone. Our team offers the most effective and delicate cleaning products for those who choose professional cosmetics for sneakers.

Undoubtedly, if the shoes are properly cared for, they will retain their excellent appearance for a long time and will last much longer. are no exception and sneakers . Whatever model you choose, and from what material any of them needs systematic care. We offer you a program of three points, the implementation of which will allow you to use sneakers longer and not spend money on buying new ones.

First: protection

You bought a new pair of shoes , and you can not get enough of a new thing? In order for the shoes to continue to please you with their good appearance, take care of the protective coating. For each type of material, whether it is leather (natural or artificial), suede, nylon, etc., it is necessary to select its own type of coating. It can be oil, wax, silicone spray, etc. All these products are sold in any shoe store. Before applying the coating, carefully remove all dirt and dust from the sneakers. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before each exit to the street. Then your shoes will be reliably protected from the effects of adverse factors.

Second: replacement pair

To prolong the life of sneakers, it is necessary after each intensive use (jogging, football match or just exercising in the gym), give them a day or two to rest and “breathe”. During this time, they will dry well and ventilate. To implement such a regime, you need to have not one pair of shoes, but at least two.

Third: "hygiene" sneakers

We want to warn you right away - never use a washing machine to wash sneakers and do not leave them to sour in a basin of water. Machine washing can ruin the shape of shoes, and prolonged exposure to water will adversely affect the material of the sneakers. Sports shoes are washed by hand with cold water and a small amount of detergent or soap. For nylon sneakers, regular wiping with a damp cloth and silicone spray will suffice.

Leather sneakers look especially good if they are systematically lubricated with shoe cream or polisher. The color of the product used must match the color of the shoes, or be colorless. To keep the skin in good condition for longer, the cream must be applied to completely clean and dry sneakers. It may take some time to use the polishing agent. But when you see the result, you will not regret the minutes spent.

The most demanding to care for are suede sneakers. This is a specific material from which it is quite difficult to remove absorbed dirt. For small dirt, you can use a soft brush (unnecessary toothbrush or special shoe brush). If the pollution is strong, then the use of a stain remover is indispensable. It is necessary to use a tool specially designed for suede, carefully following the instructions. Regular "hygienic" procedures for suede sneakers will keep their attractive appearance for a long time.

Need similar care sneakers from nubuck and durabuck: systematic cleaning with stain remover (if necessary). Wash faux durabuck shoes in cool soapy water using a brush. After rinsing with clean water, let the sneakers dry and apply a protective agent.

To update the worn look of the sole, you can use oxyclinic paste. Using a small brush (you can use a toothbrush), apply the product to the sole that has been previously cleaned of dirt. The paste should evenly cover the entire area to be treated. Instead of a paste, you can use a cleansing spray.

Conclusion: replacement

Sneakers, like any other footwear, tend to wear out. Their service life directly depends on the intensity of operation. With active sports, experts recommend changing shoes every 3-4 months. With a less intensive mode of use - once every six months. Although these figures are approximate. The service life of sneakers is influenced by several factors: operating conditions (hall or street), the degree and nature of the loads, the quality of the product itself, etc.

When you come to the decision to change your running shoes, go to On it you will find a lot of useful and interesting information that will help you decide on the choice of a new pair.

Shoes with white soles always look stylish. However, after 2-3 outings, the sole noticeably loses its whiteness, especially if you wore shoes in autumn (rain and mud) and summer (dry dust). The gray tint gives the shoes a messy look. Is it possible to return the original color of the white sole of sneakers, sneakers and other types of shoes and how to keep it?

We clean shoes with white soles at home

What is the white sole made of?

The condition of shoes with white soles initially largely depends on the composition of the material of the sole itself. Modern soles are made from poly- and thermopolyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, tunite, felt, ethylene vinyl acetate, elatomer, leather, and wood. Traditionally, a white sole is an integral part of sneakers and sneakers. It is made from rubber with various additives that add wear resistance, reduce pressure on the foot, and improve thermoregulation. For example, elastomer rubber porous, durable and lightweight at the same time. Carbon rubber has great resistance and elasticity. It is these 2 types of rubber that are most often used to create the soles of sneakers and sports shoes.

In addition to useful properties, thanks to additives, rubber acquires a pattern, a different texture.

The composition of the material also determines how much easier it will be to clean. The more porous the material, the deeper the contaminants will penetrate into it and the more difficult it will be to completely remove them. Relief also plays a big role. A more embossed sole, with "channels", "holes" will collect more dust than a smooth one.

You can return the snow-white sole to its original appearance if you have not worn sneakers without a break and cleaning for months. As with any cleansing, regularity is the key to success here.

Cleaning the white soles of any shoe is almost the same. However, it is possible that the soles of your sneakers are made of rubber with some specific additives that do not tolerate certain agents. If you still have the box or cleaning instructions, don't neglect them. In all other cases, first test the cleaner on the underside of the sole or on the inside of the shoe. If after one or two hours no cracks, spots, discoloration appear, the product can be used.

The easiest and most expensive way is to dry-clean shoes with white soles. There it is guaranteed to be put in order. However, this will not be cheap, and besides, the result will not last long - literally until the next walk. Therefore, it makes sense to use home remedies to give the white soles of shoes their original whiteness.

Means and methods of cleaning from yellowness

The shoes with a white sole and a top in a contrasting color - black, dark blue - look the most spectacular. How to bleach the piping and soles without leaving stains on the uppers of the shoes?

Use ordinary masking tape - just gently stick it along the edging of the shoe. Of course, this must be done after cleaning the shoes from dust, otherwise the adhesive tape will not stick. Two or three layers will be enough so that drops or particles of the agent with which you will whiten the sole do not get on the dark top.

Preparing shoes with white soles for cleaning

Before using any product, shoes must be prepared - cleaned of dust. This can be done manually - with a brush or vacuum cleaner, or you can wash the shoes in the washing machine. This must be done carefully, observing certain rules.

  1. Shoes must be disassembled into parts - remove the insoles, unlace, remove all removable parts. It is better to wash them separately, by hand.
  2. Place the shoes in a special laundry bag and place them in the drum of the washing machine.
  3. Turn on the "sportswear/shoes" mode. In the absence of this, a “delicate wash” is also suitable. The temperature for such shoes is not higher than 40 degrees. Shoes should be washed with a special detergent for washing sportswear or with a very mild washing gel.
  4. If necessary, set an additional program "Rinse". The "spin" and "dry" modes for sneakers and sneakers cannot be used!
  5. Dry your shoes naturally. You can also use special shoe dryers.
  6. In no case should wet or damp sneakers be placed on the battery. Firstly, sneakers or sneakers from such forced heat can be deformed. Secondly, from overheating, the white sole may turn yellow forever.

So, you have cleaned the dust and dirt and white soles. Now arm yourself with improvised means.

We erase the raid. Eraser and melamine sponge

An ordinary school eraser can help you clean white soles. All you need is will and patience. And an eraser, of course. By the way, the eraser needs a light one, white is better. The method is quite long and requires painstaking work.

Melamine sponge - a product with truly magical properties.

  1. Wet your sponge.
  2. Just wipe off the dirt.
  3. Rinse the sponge in water as it gets dirty.

We clean sneakers with washing powder

They can not only wash things, but also whiten the white sole.

  1. Dissolve the powder in warm water. The concentration of the powder should be 2 times greater than for washing.
  2. Submerge your shoes in the solution. It should only cover the sole!
  3. Leave for half an hour. Go over the sole with a stiff-bristled brush.
  4. Rinse off the remaining powder and foam thoroughly.

The method is good for shoes, the quality of which you have no doubt. The sole is attached to sneakers mainly with glue, and in inexpensive models, after soaking, it can simply “move away”.

How to clean yellowed soles with bleach

Before applying the method with bleach, it is necessary to conduct a test - drop the bleach on the surface of the sole and leave it. If everything is visually in order with the sole, bleach can be used.

  1. Put on rubber gloves.
  2. Dilute bleach in water. Concentration 1:2.
  3. Place the shoes in the solution so that only the soles are covered. Check every 30 minutes, as soon as the sole has whitened to the desired state - rinse off the detergent and dry.

The method is unsafe, because with prolonged contact it makes the rubber looser.

Toothpaste/toothpowder against yellow plaque

The abrasiveness of the toothpaste cleans the white soles of sneakers or sneakers well.

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste or powder to an old toothbrush and scrub the sole well. Pay special attention to the irregularities (hollows, pimples) of the sole - this is where the most dirt accumulates.
  2. Wash off the foam with water. If necessary, use a brush with stiffer bristles.

To clean a white sole, toothpaste or powder should be taken only in white, without color blotches.

whitening soda

Again, we rely on the abrasive.

  1. Sprinkle some baking soda on a damp, soft cloth.
  2. Rub the piping and outsole well. It is better to do this over the sink or laying a rag - when cleaning, the soda will crumble. Use an old toothbrush to clean the grooves in the sole.
  3. Rinse off any baking soda with water and dry your shoes.

To whiten yellowed shoe soles, mix baking soda with lemon juice and rub the surface.

How to clean with acetone or nail polish remover

  1. Dampen a cotton pad or soft cloth with liquid and rub the sole. Cleaning should be carried out carefully so that the liquid does not get on the fabric upper of the shoe.
  2. Rinse with water and dry with a paper towel or tissue.

A rag for this method must be taken in white, colored from acetone can shed and ruin shoes.

The method is excellent for removing dirt such as black stripes on shoes or yellow spots, but it is more suitable for a flat surface than for a relief one.

To whiten the sole, you can also use acids - citric and acetic.

Remove dirt with citric acid

  1. Moisten the surface of the sole.
  2. Pour a little powdered citric acid and rub it with a rag or sponge.
  3. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Shake off the remaining acid and rinse the surface with water.

Citric acid will also help whiten a sole that has turned yellow over time (provided that the yellowness does not appear from drying on the battery).

Bleach with vinegar

  1. Prepare a solution - dilute table vinegar in warm water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. Dampen a rag with the solution and wipe off the dirt. Scrub stubborn stains with a brush.
  3. Rinse the surface.

Home remedies for removing plaque and stains from white soles: photo

The acid in table vinegar will help you clean and whiten the white soles of sneakers and trainers. Citric acid will clean and whiten the soles of shoes Nail polish remover quickly removes black marks on shoes Thanks to its abrasive and bleaching properties, baking soda cleans dirt on shoes well.

We remove various stains from the surface of shoes - traces of a marker, paint, shoe glue

Sometimes shoes need to be cleaned not only from street dirt, but also from various stains. In such cases, you need to solve 2 tasks at once - get rid of the stain and not ruin the shoes.

Marker marks on shoes are removed with alcohol, toothpaste with soda, WD-40.

  • Alcohol. It is better to remove traces of the marker from shoes with alcohol (96%), although any alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 50% will do.
  1. Wet a cotton pad and wipe the marker stain.
  2. Repeat if necessary. Try not to wet the stain too much.
  • WD-40. "Vedeshka" can do a lot, including deducing a trail from the marker.
  1. Apply the product to the stain and wipe with a clean, dry cloth.
  2. The tool should be used carefully.
  • Toothpaste + soda. Mix toothpaste and baking soda in a 1:1 ratio. First, saturate the stain with the compound, and then rub the mixture into the stain with a damp cloth. The method takes time and effort.

Glue marks on shoes are not easy to remove. It is necessary to use agents that soak and separate the adhesive particles. To do this, use alcohol, vinegar, soda and special tools.

  • The easiest way to remove glue is to heat it up. To do this, use a hairdryer. Heat the stain until the glue softens. Then gently scrape off the layer. Repeat until you have removed the maximum amount of adhesive. It is possible that already at this stage the glue will be completely removed from your shoes.

If there is still glue left, use other means.

  • Alcohol. It dissolves adhesive compounds, depriving them of stickiness.
  1. Soak the glue stain with alcohol.
  2. Rub gently. If the glue begins to soften, remove it. If not, wait and apply alcohol to the stain again.
  3. Scrape off any remaining adhesive and dry the shoes.
  • A paste of baking soda and water will help remove the glue stain.
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. Apply the mixture on the stain and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Using a cloth, rub the stain in a circular motion until the adhesive is completely removed.
  4. Wash off the paste with warm water.

This method is suitable for any surface where drops of glue have fallen.

  • The acid in table vinegar also softens the glue particles.
  1. Soak the glue stain in vinegar and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  2. If the glue has softened, then try rolling the glue with a dry cloth or scrape it off.
  • Special means for removing glue are called - "Antikle". They can be purchased at hardware stores. It is enough just to apply such a tool on the stain and the glue will begin to dissolve.
  • Solvent will remove traces of paint on shoes. Before using such products, try them on the sole or inside the shoe.
  1. Dampen a cotton pad with acetone and wipe the stain.
  2. Once the stain is gone, blot the area with a paper towel and pat dry.

The acetone method is suitable for oil paint. If you are not sure what kind of paint your shoes are stained with, then use the following recipe. It is suitable for removing any type of paint.

  1. Mix ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth and wipe the stain. Repeat until the stain is gone.

This method is suitable even for thin suede shoes.

White for a long time - how to keep the color of the rubber sole

The challenge that comes after all the effort of cleaning white shoe soles is how to keep the result. Shoe cosmetics will help you with this.

Purchase a colorless shoe polish. After cleaning and bleaching, apply a little cream and polish with a soft cloth. This will keep the border white. Of course, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of spots, gray and yellow plaque. Take care of your shoes even before you put them on for the first time - treat your shoes with a special water-repellent impregnation. It most often comes in a spray format, which is convenient to apply to the upper and sole of any material.

Don't forget to reapply protection - reapply every two weeks or every time before putting on your shoes.

How to wash white rubber soles of sneakers and sneakers: video

We clean the soles of shoes with our own hands: video

Shoes with white soles need regular care. Use shoe cosmetics - cream, protective spray to prevent dirt from entering. To clean the white sole from dirt, you can use improvised means. Clean your shoes regularly to remove dust and stains.