Professional hair care products. The best professional hair care products

All women dream of beautiful hair and often spare neither money nor effort in pursuit of fashionable new products, the advertising of which promises a wonderful, instant transformation after the first use. Now the supply in the cosmetics market far exceeds the demand. But making the right choice and saving time and money at the same time is not such an easy matter. Therefore, let's try together to choose the right hair care products based on their purpose and composition.

Shampoo. What's inside?

According to dermatologists, one cosmetic product that produces a “cloud of foam” cannot do without surfactants - surfactants. And the more foam your shampoo, the more surfactants it contains. The most common of them are lauryl sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) or sodium laureth sulfate (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). Lauryl will have a stronger effect, and laureth will be more gentle. Accordingly, the former may be more likely to cause allergies, flaking of the scalp and hair loss. Manufacturers are required to indicate the ingredients in shampoo as follows: substances whose content is the highest should appear at the beginning of the list. It is better that the herbal natural ingredients stated in the advertisement should be as close to the top of the list as possible, and surfactants as far away as possible. But at the same time, the presence of natural ingredients, minerals and vitamins should not be the main criterion for choosing a shampoo. As a rule, their content is insignificant.

It is necessary to select shampoo according to your hair type. The packaging or container indicates for which hair this cosmetic product is intended.
- if your hair is oily at the roots, but has dry ends, you should not constantly wash it with shampoo of the same cosmetic brand, otherwise addiction will occur and the desired effect will not occur. You can use shampoos to care for dry hair ends.
- for normal hair type, select shampoo intended only for this type.
- a moisturizing shampoo is suitable for curly hair, and a product with a protein base is suitable for very curly hair.
- if you have very thin and weak hair, you need to choose a shampoo with a so-called thickening effect. These products should remove the sensitive charge and protect the hair from adverse factors, creating a special protective barrier.
- shampoos “for all hair types” are neutral and correspond to the natural pH level of the skin. They won't get rid of problems, but they won't harm your hair either.

If you have an overly sensitive scalp, excessively dry or, conversely, oily hair, purchase shampoo based on “mild” surfactants. Beware of daily use shampoos. Read the packaging very carefully.

Most shampoos will not relieve dandruff or hair loss. In these cases, you should contact a dermatologist. You should look for medicated shampoos not in the supermarket, but in a specialized pharmacy.

You should beware of very brightly colored shampoos with a strong odor; most likely they contain excess dyes and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.

You shouldn't expect "miracles" from shampoo. Its task is to remove impurities from the scalp and hair, and not to treat and restore hair.

Don't buy 2-in-1 products to save money. For example, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. They have different tasks. So, shampoo should wash the hair as much as possible, and therefore it is more alkaline in its pH level. And the balm has an acidic composition. It is correct to apply them one by one, which cannot be done when using a “2 in 1” product. This cosmetic product does not have the desired effect.

Balms, conditioners and rinses are not a panacea!

These cosmetics, as a rule, do not restore the hair structure and fully moisturize it from the inside. They only improve the appearance of the hair. In most of these cosmetics, the main active ingredient is silicone. This component gives a fairly quick effect, especially on very damaged hair. They smooth out hair scales, fill voids, create a protective film that adds shine. If nature has rewarded you with luxurious, thick hair with which you will not experience serious problems, it is better not to overuse balms, conditioners, and masks. Because, in addition to natural ingredients and vitamins, they all contain thickeners, preservatives, surfactants and other “chemicals” that can damage the hair.

Conditioners are designed to ensure quick drying of hair and reduce static electricity in the hair. When using them, the curls are easy to comb.

If you have thin, straight and oily hair, then constantly using conditioner over the entire length of your hair is not recommended. When accumulated, this product weighs down the hair and over time, curls may lose volume. It is better to apply conditioner only to the ends of your hair. It is recommended to use a conditioner-rinse, which, according to the instructions, must be rinsed off a couple of minutes after application, and not one that does not require rinsing.

The balm, whose structure resembles a liquid cream, gives the hair a healthy look and makes it manageable. This product is more suitable for owners of dry, brittle hair.

Hair masks are responsible for restoring and nourishing hair.

Their components are designed to compensate for the lack of protein and moisturize the hair. But you need to select masks in accordance with your hair type and the functions of the mask itself. It is advisable that masks and balms do not contain mineral oil (mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffinum liquidum). This component forms a protective film on the hair. But at the same time it clogs the pores of the skin. Therefore, the use of such cosmetics can quickly pollute the hair or even cause irritation of the scalp. Do not forget that after using shampoo and other cosmetics, hair must be thoroughly rinsed with water, avoiding any detergent elements remaining on its surface.

Remember, the condition of your hair depends not only on the chosen cosmetics, but also on proper washing and combing. A properly selected diet will help to improve hair health. Cosmetologists recommend eating foods rich in vitamins A, B, E. These are vegetable oil, walnuts (4-5 per day), tangerines, cabbage, bananas, carrots, eggs, cheese

How not to make a mistake in a purchased shampoo or conditioner, and why you should study the composition, is known to those who have already felt on themselves, or rather on their hair, the consequences of low-quality products. Treatment and recovery do not occur so quickly, and at significant expense. Therefore, it is better to listen to the advice and recommendations of stylists on choosing hair care cosmetics.

Basic hair care products

Long-term use of the same shampoo eventually ceases to have an effective effect on the structure, so experts recommend purchasing 2-3 products with different compositions and alternating them every 3 weeks.

Environmental background, poor nutrition, stress affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, the strands require careful handling when cleansing. Special detergents are used to wash away dust and dirt from being outdoors and secretions.

Shampoo should be in any person's arsenal. The high-quality composition allows for gentle cleaning of the hair and scalp. When choosing, you should consider your hair type and purpose. It is also important to use high-quality products correctly, then you can achieve the desired effect.

Air conditioner Designed to protect hair from damage. When rinsing your hair with the product, the scales close, causing the hairs to become elastic. Treated strands are easier to comb. The composition may contain useful components, but their quantity is small. Therefore, air conditioners are not suitable for restoration.

Balm performs the function of moisturizing, nourishing and restoring damaged areas of the structure. In addition to hair, scalp care is performed. The therapeutic effect is ensured thanks to the composition rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. Penetrating deeper, the active components begin to act on biochemical processes and the cellular level. After the first use, the condition of the hair noticeably improves. Shine, silkiness and softness appear. It is important to take time for the ingredients to work effectively. The packaging of each product provides detailed information about the rules of use.

Masks have a magical effect on the hair structure, follicles, skin and sebaceous glands. The compositions are developed mainly on natural substances of plant origin. They are often supplemented with equally healing oils that provide hydration, nutrition and protection to the strands.

It is also wise to supplement your home arsenal of cosmetics with a moisturizing spray, oils, and thermal protection.

What criteria should you use to choose for your hair type?

You need to purchase cosmetics on official websites or in specialized stores. This way, the chances of getting a fake are significantly reduced.

Among the basic rules for choosing care products is studying the composition. Unscrupulous manufacturers may use harmful substances as components, which, if used systematically, can cause harm to hair and skin.

Whenever a product is purchased for the first time, testing should be done to detect an allergic reaction.

When studying the composition, you should pay attention to the sequence of arrangement of the listed components. The closer to the beginning of the list the name is, the larger the proportional part this substance makes up in the total amount of the product.

Ideally, the components should not contain harmful substances, such as:

  • parabens;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • silicone;
  • Ammonium laureth sulfate.

These substances are recognized as carcinogens causing irreparable harm to health.

Preference should be given to products in the production of which the following were used:

  • vegetable and;
  • plant extracts;
  • keratin;
  • proteins;
  • lecithins;
  • fruit wax, etc.

It is worth purchasing caring cosmetics taking into account your hair type. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging information about the purpose of the product. You should not choose according to the principle of “whatever comes first to hand.” Due to improper use of shampoo or conditioner, the consequences can be very negative.

Top best hair care products

Designed for weakened and brittle hair. The unique formula provides deep hydration of the structure and skin, as a result of which the hair is filled with vitality. After distributing a small amount of spray, a thin film envelops each hair, filling the voids. The result is noticeable after the first use. The effectiveness of the conditioner is due to its powerful composition, which includes the following components: hyaluronic acid, panthenol, silicones, vegetable oils.

The cost of a 200 ml bottle is 1080 rubles.

It has an intense absorbing effect on the strands. The rich vitamin composition refreshes and tones the scalp, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and ensures high-quality cleansing.

The cost of the bottle is 465 rubles.

Shampoo for normal hair type Selective professional Mela Verde

Provides gentle cleansing, nutrition and hydration of the hair structure and skin. After use, the strands become silky, shiny and manageable. Gentle care is provided thanks to a new formula, which is developed based on green apple extract. The product is suitable for frequent use.

The cost of a 1000 ml bottle is 589 rubles.

Developed on the basis of natural ingredients, the action of which significantly improves the condition of the structure and follicles. Active ingredients include: argan oil, myrrh extract,. The soft texture is easily applied to the strands and does not spread during exposure. 2-3 minutes are enough for exposure, which makes the product convenient to use. After use, a healthy shine appears, the structure becomes denser, and the root system is strengthened. The mask does not have a weighing effect. The result can be assessed after the first use.

The cost of a 200 ml bottle is 800 rubles.

Gives volume to the hair, compacts the structure without weighing it down. The composition, rich in useful minerals and vitamins, has a restorative effect on damaged areas and creates protection from sun rays. Nutrients penetrate deeply, saturating the bulbs and epidermis layer with valuable microelements.

The cost of a 200 ml bottle is 450 rubles.

It is an ideal product for daily use. The innovative formula with panthenol and avapui extract ensures restoration of damaged areas of the hair structure, retains moisture, and creates protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. After application, a thickening of the diameter of the hairs is observed, and a mirror shine appears. Active ingredients include: jojoba oil, henna and rosemary extracts.

The cost of a 300 ml bottle is 357 rubles.

Folk hair care products

Folk remedies can be no less effective if you follow certain rules:

  • Only natural ingredients should be used;
  • It is better to use the prepared mixture immediately after preparation (short-term storage of some compositions is allowed, but according to the conditions of the recipe);
  • If the ingredients include products (dairy products, eggs, fruits, etc.), you need to choose only good quality and home-made products.

The most popular are masks, which, thanks to a composition rich in beneficial microelements, restore, moisturize and nourish hair.

Among the most effective components:

  • burdock and;
  • eggs (usually yolk);
  • cream;
  • kefir;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • or vodka, etc.

According to the purpose of the masks there are:

  • to stimulate hair growth;
  • restoration of damaged structure;
  • nutrition and hydration;
  • regulation of sebaceous secretion production;
  • from hair loss.

In addition to masks, rinsers with home-made technology are no less popular. They are mixed from decoctions, tinctures, essential oils, and natural vinegar. It takes no more than 2-3 minutes to combine the ingredients, and the result will not go unnoticed by those close to you.

Nothing prevents you from making your own shampoos and conditioners. Beginning alchemists are advised to use proven recipes. Based on experience and skills, after some time you can select a combination of ingredients as you wish.

The recipe is compiled taking into account the properties of the component and its ability to have an effect on the scalp and hair structure. Most often, homemade compositions are intended for a specific hair type, although folk methods also contain many universal remedies.

Why doesn't our hair always look healthy and well-groomed? Trichologists name several main reasons:

● coloring;
● permanent wave;
● complex hairstyles;
● swimming in salty or chlorinated water.

As well as a number of reasons related to our lifestyle: poor diet, daily stress, changing climate zones. But the main obstacle to beauty is the use of inappropriate care products.

Trichologists advise using professional hair cosmetics and here's why:

● there are no aggressive detergent components in professional cosmetics;
● it contains many vitamins, minerals and other useful elements;
● each such product, before being allowed for sale, undergoes strict testing in the world's best laboratories;
● finally, professional hair cosmetics solve specific, highly targeted problems.

Step one. Hair type.

Determine your hair type. Their condition is directly related to the type of your scalp. There are:

● normal – thick, strong and elastic hair that retains volume and pleases the eye with a healthy shine;
● greasy – dull, quickly get dirty, often look untidy, stick together in strands and do not hold their style;
● dry – thin, brittle, easily tangled. Combing them is not easy - the hair splits and becomes electrified. The scalp is also dry and prone to irritation, dandruff, and itching;
● mixed - oily strands at the roots end in dry, brittle, split ends.

Once you have figured out what type of hair you have, use the “Hair Types” catalog filter. To reduce the time it takes to find the right product for you, use additional options, for example, “Dyed”, “Friable” or “Rare”.

Step two. We define the problem.

To choose a summer hair care product, look at the “Application” filter and select “Sun protection” there. You will have a large choice. All you have to do is go to the “Sections” filter to select the appropriate category, as well as select the country or brand you need.

How to order a product?

Some statistics:

● the standard chain “buy” - “place an order” will take you less than a minute;
● we deliver throughout Russia. By the way, in the hair cosmetics category there are more than 9,000 products and the same number of kilometers is the length of the order delivery route from our warehouse to Labytnangi (Russia, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug);
● delivery in Moscow will take 1 day.

We work with a large number of transport companies, so each buyer can choose the most suitable method of receiving the goods in terms of time and cost. Bonuses await regular customers: order more and save both on cosmetics and on their delivery!

Marina Ignatieva is the editor of the “Beauty” section of COLADY magazine, a hair and makeup specialist.


You can argue for a long time which hair product is better, so we have compiled an objective rating of hair cosmetics based on popularity and positive reviews from Russian women.

Choose the best hair products of 2014 , or supplement our list with personal useful tips in the comments below.

  1. Hair product No. 1 from GOT2B - “powder” for volume
    The magical formula of this styling powder gives your hair huge volume near the roots and an even hair structure in a couple of seconds! And without the unpleasant weight!
    It is enough to pour a little powder into your palms and lightly rub it. After this, the powder will seem to disappear from your hands, becoming invisible. Then apply it to dry roots to achieve incredible volume.
  2. Hair care product from “DNC” – Growth activator for dry and normal hair
    This effective drug contains nothing more than burdock oil, a well-known growth stimulant, and castor oil, a natural softener for the scalp and healthy hair roots. The components of the new product do not end there - the oil mixture is supplemented with vitamin A against dryness and vitamin B against hair loss.

    This hair product, according to customer reviews, is not addictive, eliminates dandruff, improves hair quality and really promotes faster growth.
    Cost - 65 rubles.
  3. Hair mask “Sauna & Spa” for strengthening and growth of hair from Natura Siberica
    As expected from such a brand - an organic composition of burdock oil, chamomile, Far Eastern lemongrass and Arctic wormwood. The oil heals dry, broken ends and adds shine, while the remaining components protect from environmental influences and nourish with fortified components. For people with dandruff, chamomile has been used to prevent dryness and soften existing flaking.

    The product is convenient to use - just apply it after washing your hair for 15 minutes and rinse off like a regular conditioner. During absorption, you can do a bunch of things - do a manicure, remove hair from your body, or just relax in the bath.
  4. Seborin – Anti-dandruff shampoo for daily use
    I came from the gym, went on a hike, went on a business trip - washed my hair. People with an energetic lifestyle have the same problem - frequent hair washing, and as a result - the occurrence of dandruff.

    This shampoo is not only designed for frequent use, but also treats dandruff. The active formula relieves itching, softens the skin and gradually eliminates dandruff.
    Cost – 205 rub.
  5. Conditioner for oily hair with Chinese lemongrass and calendula from Green Mama
    A well-known problem is the rapid contamination of hair after conditioning. Especially if your hair is initially prone to oiliness. So, make a decision - a special conditioner - balm for oily hair type.

    The main components are calendula, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and lemongrass, which saturates the hair with essential vitamins. As a result, hair looks brighter, healthier and more vibrant. The hairstyle is fresher and fuller.
    Cost - 164 rubles.
  6. Pro-V "Expert Age Defy" for thickening hair from Pantene
    The patented formula is designed for any problem hair: thin, dry, broken, split ends, frizzy, dull and unruly.
    In a couple of uses, it eliminates all problems, and it’s easy to use: apply to your hair and don’t rinse.
    Cost - 855 rub.
  7. Frizz-Ease for the effect of light curls and curls from John Frieda
    A couple of presses - and the hair becomes light, silky, elastic, with flirty curls. There is no feeling of dryness, heaviness or stiffness. On the contrary, magnesium gives hair strength, and the low-fat composition prevents hair from becoming greasy.

    By the way, the product is heat-protective, so it can be used for hot styling.
    Cost -467 rub.
  8. “Salon Care” mask for safe hair straightening from Kerasys
    Somewhat reminiscent of an air conditioner, but 3 times more effective. The hair restoration system rehabilitates even hooligan curls, and they become smooth and manageable.

    Natural moringa proteins stimulate structure renewal. Natural keratin increases regeneration. A complex of amino acids makes hair pleasant to the touch.
    Cost - 341 rubles.
  9. Hair structure restorer from split ends from DNC
    Constant lack of sleep, stress and poor nutrition already lead to the appearance of split ends. And if the causes can be dealt with by changing your lifestyle, then the consequences must be removed using this remedy.

    It penetrates deep into the hair and acts within a couple of days. During this time, it nourishes, protects and supports the hair restoration process. The product is very effective, just remember to use it correctly - first warm it up slightly, then rub it into your hair and after 20 minutes. wash off with shampoo.
    Cost - 137 rubles.
  10. Lotion for oily hair with yarrow and rosehip from Green Mama
    Its plant composition is simply magnificent: horsetail, oak bark, calendula and yarrow. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands due to the tannins in their composition.

    In turn, rose hips saturate the hair with vitamins, carotenes, microelements and organic acids.
    This lotion can be used throughout the day to refresh your hair. It improves hair quality and does not cause allergies.
    Cost - 128 rubles.

At the end of the year it is customary to sum up the results. Beauty bloggers do this with special passion. And I am pleased to present to you my personal top products for everyday and intensive hair care. The list of must-haves includes not only the brightest new products of the year, but also products that have already become cult bestsellers.

Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Extreme Mask

Philip Kingsley Elasticizer SOS Mask will save even the most chemically killed, dehydrated, dried out, damaged hair. Super moisturizing conditioner suitable for hair of any type. The mask penetrates the surface layer of the cuticle, saturating it with moisture and holding it there. The effect is noticeable after 1 application. The hair is soft, manageable, silky and voluminous, as if you just came from the salon. The mask has a very interesting way of using it: it is applied to wet, dirty (!) hair before washing. Distribute over the entire length, put on a shower cap and wrap your hair in a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mask and rinse your hair with shampoo twice. I don't recommend applying conditioner or leave-in treatment afterwards because your hair will quickly become dirty. A mask and shampoo are enough to achieve the effect. I use the mask 2 times a month. The consumption is very economical, so even at a high price, the product will last for a year for sure. Volume: 500 ml

Price: 6500 rubles

Macadamia Natural Oil Detangling Conditioner

In general, I would call the entire Macadamia Natural Oil series a must-have of the year. I love all the products in it from the shampoo to the comb, and I want all of it, but so far I have come across different products in parts. A couple more years and I’ll definitely put it together. Detangling conditioner is a special product for me because after every wash I find myself feeling slightly irritated. My hair is extremely capricious and prone to tangling so much that the Minotaur's labyrinth is a child's prank. A conditioner made with macadamia nut oil and argan oil works wonders. It smoothes and detangles hair in seconds without destroying or damaging the structure, making it easy to comb and style. The leave-in conditioner also provides UV protection. Volume: 100 ml

Joico deep-acting reconstructive mask

Salon care at your home! Another indispensable assistant in the fight for healthy and silky hair is the K-PAK Deep-Penetratinq Reconstructor Joico mask. This is the 3rd stage of hair restoration, which is preceded by shampoo and conditioner of the same series. I hardly believe in magic, but what this mask does to my hair cannot be called anything else. The mask has the highest concentration of Quadramine Complex, aimed at maximum reconstruction of the inner layers of the hair, as well as 19 amino acids, which are located in the necessary sequence for the reconstruction of damaged hair. With regular use, hair becomes much stronger and more elastic. They are healthy both to the touch and from the inside. I recommend this mask to everyone who regularly dyes their hair, as well as for prevention in winter and summer, because, as you know, hair is extremely picky about high and low temperatures.

The method of application is not very different from all masks: apply to clean, damp hair along the entire length and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse. If you have damaged hair, then the mask should be applied in a course of two washes, for extremely damaged hair, after one wash. I will definitely write a full review about this series, because under no circumstances can I ignore it. Volume: 150 ml

Price: 2000 rubles

Shampoo-conditioner 12 in 1 Grow Gorgeous

Grow Gorgeous is still a very little-known brand in our country, but I will do everything possible to correct this situation, because I am an absolute fan of this young brand. I started my acquaintance with the multifunctional shampoo-balm 12 in 1, which deeply cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes the hair and scalp, adds shine and elasticity, makes hair soft, increases strength, creates easy styling, protects against negative environmental influences, and preserves color. and enhances blondes using prismatic color technology. Available in two versions for blondes and brunettes. The product is presented in a 190 ml tube. You need to use it as a shampoo, then apply it for a couple of minutes as a mask. It is very convenient to take a multifunctional product with you on vacation instead of 3 bottles. After it, my hair is so soft and manageable that I don’t even apply serums or leave-in treatments. Today I received a new package with 4 more products from this brand. I’ll be back soon with a detailed review of the products from this brand, which, among other things, promises accelerated hair growth.

Price: 1100 rubles

Klorane intensive nourishing hair care with mango butter

A week ago, my sister left for London, happily taking Klorane shampoo and conditioner with mango butter without asking. I don't remember being this angry lately. I sent her an angry text asking why she took these particular products, because I like them so much. And I received the answer: “I like it!” In general, I am writing from memories and pleasant impressions. After using these products, the hair is well-groomed, smooth and manageable, and has a pleasant aroma of juicy mango. The series includes shampoo, conditioner, mask and care spray. The series is intended for damaged hair; my colored and dry hair, after using these products, quietly thanked me for the care and tenderness.

Dove Hair Series Nourishing Care

An interesting new product from the mass market is the “Nourishing Care” series from Dove. Using the products from this line left me with very pleasant impressions and soft and beautiful hair. The series consists of shampoo, conditioner, balm-mask, mask and express spray conditioner. The Nourishing Care series contains ultra-light oils that instantly penetrate the hair structure, helping to restore the natural balance of moisture and nutrients. As a result, with regular use, the hair is silky, healthy, and moisturized. Decent quality, quite competitive with well-known, more expensive brands of salon care.

Winter Therapy Series from Wella ProSeries

With these hair care products, no frost is scary. For people who have a habit of forgetting their hats or ignoring their existence in general, this line is the only way to survive the winter without loss. The series includes shampoo and conditioner that nourish and moisturize hair, restoring its smoothness and shine. The components included in the new series of products soften the hair, saturate it with microelements, restoring vitality, shine and smoothness to the strands. The shampoo and conditioner smooth the cuticle, making the hairs fit tightly together, creating a luxurious glossy effect. Each hair is covered with a thin protective layer that reduces hair damage when combing and styling. I’m stating a fact: with the products in this series I have some kind of super volume, I didn’t even know that I even had so much hair. The volume of the products also pleases me - 500 ml each.

Price: from 250 rubles

Leave-in care for fragile and damaged hair from Kiehls

Leave-in hair care is my personal fetish. So now we'll go through my top favorites. The leader in frequency of use lately is hair serum from Kiehls. This is the 3rd step in the DamageRepairing&Rehydrating care series, preceded by shampoo and conditioner. The active ingredients of the series are moringa tree oil and sodium hyaluronate. All products are designed specifically for gentle cleansing and restoration of depleted hair damaged as a result of aggressive chemical or physical effects (coloring, curling, heat styling, etc.). Moringa tree oil, widely used for cosmetic purposes back in Ancient Egypt, a derivative of hyaluronic acid and ceramides help strengthen hair. The product is suitable for daily use, but I use it 2 times a week. It does not weigh down the hair, and the ends of the hair themselves have become noticeably softer. Volume: 75 ml

Orofluido hair elixir

I can't imagine life without this hair oil and its captivating aroma. The Orofluido series contains natural cyperus, argan, and flax oils, which make hair manageable and silky, add volume, strengthen and seal the cuticle. But for me, in addition to care, the main thing in Orofluido products is the fantastic oriental tart aroma of amber, vanilla and cinnamon. The series is impressive in the number of products and the range of their actions: shampoo, conditioner, mask, elixir, shine, dry oil. But from the entire series, I am ready to give all the riches of the world just for the elixir. Volume: 100 ml

Gliss Kur BB 11 in 1 Beauty Balsam for hair

The BB revolution has spread from face creams to hair, and this trend makes me very happy. New this summer is Gliss Kur BB hair cream, it is light and nourishing, does not weigh down the hair and does not dry out the ends. BB cream has a wide spectrum of action: provides elasticity and hair and makes it smooth, gives hair a shimmering shine, prevents split ends, protects against damage and environmental influences, gives noticeable softness, makes curly hair more manageable, strengthens hair and makes it more elastic, adds dazzling shine to hair, provides natural volume, makes combing easier, deeply nourishes hair. The consistency is white milk cream, not greasy, very friendly to hair, and has a pleasant and unobtrusive smell. A miniature tube of 50 ml, but enough for a long period of use. As with facial skin care, you only need a small amount of BB cream for your hair. In terms of price-quality, this is one of the best products of the year.

Price: 180 rubles

Which of the presented tools did you use? What are the reviews on them?