Hooponopono quick results are real. Hooponopono techniques and their results

There are two ways to live. You can live as if miracles don't happen.
And you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.
Albert Einstein

Joe Vitale is the author of books on wish fulfillment techniques and other new age techniques. Widely popular, for example, are his books such as The Key or The Attraction Factor. Most of him became known after he starred in the interview film "The Secret". I want to talk about one of the most interesting techniques of Joe Vitale, which he borrowed from the shamanic practices of the indigenous peoples of Hawaii, the so-called "Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness" or Hooponopono.

In the language of the native Hawaiian peoples, "Hooponono" means "make order". It looks like this.

Suppose you are surrounded by a world that you not only do not like, but to be in it is very uncomfortable, up to a vital threat - a threat to your life and health. This situation is extreme, when for the first time, in fact, the “hooponono” technique was applied by a “western” person.

And then you have not just a desire, but a concentrated intention to change the world around you, to change the situation. Native Hawaiians call it "heal, cure the world", quite in the spirit of shamanism - the shaman only heals, he is a healer.

So how are we going to heal the world? Pour aspirin down his throat, like a whale, so that he does not sneeze and does not turn our boat over? No, comrades, you don't have enough money to buy so much aspirin! Leave this thing.

In order to heal the world, the hooponono technique suggests healing yourself. No no no! This is not at all about a benevolent wish to “change your attitude to the problem” and other blah blah blah, which is very annoying. We are talking about magic, about magic, about a specific technique.

Let me give you a living example from Joe Vitale. The first educated person (with higher medical education and clinical practice) used the "hooponono" technique like this. He was transferred to work in a hospital for the severely mentally ill. It was something like a closed zone-psychiatric hospital, where the most terrible and absolutely hopeless, from the point of view of medicine and society, people get. Atmosphere on new job was suffocating, the medical staff was afraid of their patients, the staff turnover was almost indecent. Patients were either chained to their beds or moved along the corridors in handcuffs, under heavy guard.

Having started work, the new psychiatrist did not call a single patient to him and did not begin to revise the previous medical methods treatment. To be honest, he had no time for patients. He sat in his office and frantically thought: “How did you, my dear, come to such a life? Why did fate place you in this pleasant place? Why did you create SUCH a world around you?”

And so the doctor began to heal. He took in hand medical records his new patients and worked... on himself. The doctor himself described this process in the following words:

"I was just treating the parts of me that created them."

And so, as the psychiatrist sat locked in his office and worked on himself, the patients began to recover. A miracle happened: those who, due to their violent behavior, walked in handcuffs, began to move freely around the hospital building, those who were on the strongest medicines stopped receiving them, because they no longer needed them, and those who could be discharged were discharged compensated. And four years later, all the patients of this small department were compensated, and the department itself was closed. This mass healing was heard in wide and narrow circles, and Joe Vitale also learned about the miracle doctor. He interviewed him and asked him to reveal the principles of this technique in more detail.

The technique turned out to be simple, like everything ingenious. The first thing to understand (and what the doctor did) is that you and no one else are responsible for everything that happens in your life, in other words:

The whole world was created by you!

There is nothing to be outside. And this is not the primitive solipsism of an egoist-egocentric - it is much deeper, it is holism - Philosophy of the Whole. No man is - Island. All of us are only a part of a single and boundless Continent. So don't ask for whom the bell tolls, it always tolls for you.

Here is what Joe Vitale writes about this: “If you want improve your life, you need cure own life. If you want to cure someone – even a crazy one – you can do it if you cure yourself.”

And, finally, the most important thing: what did the psychiatrist say when examining the patient charts, what does the mantra of the ho'oponopono technique sound like?

It consists of four short phrases:

  1. I love you
  2. I'm sorry
  3. Please forgive me
  4. thank you

When translating into Russian, the elusive semantic line of difference between one “forgive me” is lost. I'm sorry and the second "I'm sorry" Please forgive me.

“I am sorry” is translated into Russian as “I am very sorry.” Not exactly the right phrase for meditative prayer. A more accurate translation would be “I repent” or simply “I repent, I repent, I repent” ... Then everything falls into place: I repent, Forgive me.

You can pronounce these mantras both in Russian and in English language. However, the hackneyed phrase (and not only that) I am sorry, which office plankton likes to shove in place and out of place, can divert thoughts from meditation, turning it into a banal set of stamped phrases. Therefore, ho'oponopono meditation can and should be spoken in one's own language. mother tongue.

Among other things, the Hawaiian doctor Ihaliakala Hugh Lin himself says literally the following: “there is no reason to say I'm sorry. Just the I love you and thank you(to the Divine) is all needed!”

So no need to apologize. To contact the Universe, just two phrases are enough:

  1. I love you!
  2. Thank you! (Thank you!)

The ho'oponopono technique works as a cleansing of those attitudes that block our progress towards happiness and harmony on a subconscious level. "Ho" o - "reason", "ponopono" - "improvement". The "reason" that with our thoughts we created a prison world for ourselves is our own thoughts. "Improvement" is the process of improving these thoughts in active "thinking in the healing repetition of new thoughts.

These simple phrases should be addressed 1) to oneself and 2) to those people and situations that “create” a prison-like world for us.

But before you start chanting any mantras, I want to warn you in the words of Joe Vitale himself against making a mistake that can be fatal:

“In response to their prayers, people get what they feel rather than what they say. Most people pray out of desperation... which means they will get what they feel - more desperation!”

Therefore, when pronouncing any phrase of meditation, including hooponopono meditation, think about the meaning of what you are talking about. Let at first it will be slowly and a little bit, but - correctly. Like a play played on musical instrument timid fingers of a student.

Here is the most important and undeniable thought in this whole "story about the Hawaiian natives."

If you want to "cure" someone or something (even a crazy person), you can only do so if you first cure yourself.

Here's an obvious example for you. Let's say bees attack you. Of course, we immediately say that these bees are “bad”. But if we find out the reason for their malicious interest in you, then the matter takes a different turn. Bees don't like perfume, and you sprayed it. Stop "puffing" with spirits, and the bees will stop noticing you.

In life, everything is much more subtle than the story about bees, so psychological maps are needed to unravel what the secret is.

Continuing the example of the lady who in July for some reason smells of all the sharp synthetic fragrances, we can conclude: our hypothetical lady really needs a heart-to-heart talk... with herself!

1. She needs to sincerely and motherly love herself for something like that ... (rather than stuffing “ridiculous herself” with artificial perfumes).

2. She also needs to repent with tears of relief for something done wrong to herself, to admit her long-standing wrong, mistake, stubbornness in something in relation to the world and people - after all, it happens to everyone.

3. She needs to ask forgiveness from herself for the harm that she does to herself.

4. And finally, she needs to rationally thank herself for something good and valuable that she has and that she has done and can still do. A reason to be proud of yourself. And these are not defiant spirits, but something better.

First part of the schedule. Healing work I

Now you will consciously pronounce these 4 phrases, referring to yourself:

- I love you,

– I'm sorry

– Please forgive me,

– Thank you.

Think about the meaning and content of what you are talking about, and do not repeat it like a parrot mantra. And for this we need cards that will fill each phrase with meaning and weight.

We work with spontaneous cards "1000 Lives". There are 4 positions in the layout.


I sincerely and motherly love myself because I...


I admit that I was wrong in relation to the world and people when I... Now I don't need it and I don't want to do it anymore.


I admit that I hurt myself by thinking and doing...

I apologize to myself for this stupidity and I will not cause such harm to myself again!


Finally, as a father, I am proud of myself and appreciate myself for a number of my undoubted valuable qualities and abilities, as well as the actions I perform, namely ...

The second part of the layout. Work on healing the Other (Problem).

Nevertheless, the "crazy" still did not stop bothering us, and they also need to be "treated".

But we address any Other People briefly and with only two mega-remarks (there are enough of them if you work hard - with yourself).

1. I love you!

2. Thank you!

As you remember, these phrases must be repeated in spite of everything that happens. But they, too, need to be filled with Meaning, and not sing a mantra incomprehensible to him like a fool. And in finding meaning, cards will help us again, but now - spontaneous cards " 1000 Roads".

There are 2 positions in the layout.


I love you!

Why? How can I do it? What should I try to see in you?


Thank you!

For what? What do I get thanks to you?

Psychological cards "1000 ideas", "1000 lives" and "1000 roads", as well as guides for working with decks, books with exercises and layouts can be purchased at our

The Hawaiian ho'oponopono meditation technique helps you learn how to cleanse a situation that worries you of negativity. This practice fills the mind with positive energy vibrations, relieves low feelings: anger, irritation and resentment. As a result, a person becomes more calm and peaceful.

Hooponopono meditation: what is the point?

Hooponopono meditation is an ancient Hawaiian healing and purification technique. It can be used in any situation where you are filled with negative emotions to quickly let go of the conflict and forgive the offender. You can also practice the technique daily to heal on a deeper level: work through traumas and repressed negative emotions that are deeply embedded in your subconscious.

During a meditation session, a person monotonously repeats four simple phrases:

  1. I love you. This phrase helps to reset all emotions, get in touch with higher power and fill with the energy of love. Man recognizes that he lives inside unconditional love: to God, to oneself, people and the world. He gives this feeling into space, which ultimately helps to change life in better side.
  2. I am very sorry. This is an acknowledgment that some negative programs influence your life: parental, ancestral and acquired during life. This is an awareness of the problem and an expression of the desire to solve them, taking responsibility for everything that happens in life.
  3. Please forgive me. This is an expression of readiness to accept any consequences of negativity and a request for healing. Complete humility that results in true forgiveness - with the heart, not the head.
  4. Thank you. An expression of gratitude that rebuilds a person's consciousness to higher energy vibrations. Feeling gratitude, you give away a powerful resource of the Universe, as a result real life become able to receive abundance and all kinds of blessings.

It is these four phrases that have the highest energy vibrations, so they completely heal a person from negativity, help to cleanse themselves of injuries, complexes, beliefs and attitudes that prevent them from living happily and harmoniously.

How to practice ho'oponopono with people?

IN classical technique meditation, a person, repeating phrases, refers to the Higher power: God, the Creator, the Creator, the Universe. It doesn't matter what it's called, it's enough for you to believe it.

But let's also special case using practice to resolve conflicts with people. How it works:

  1. Let's say you have a conflict with a loved one, a colleague, or just an evil tram conductor.
  2. You felt sharp negative emotions: irritation, anger, resentment, or something else.
  3. First of all, you need to recognize and realize your negative emotions. Say to yourself: Yes, now I am offended, annoyed, the situation that has arisen bothers me.
  4. After accepting your feelings, start repeating the cherished four phrases of ho'oponopono, referring to the offender. Imagine him as if he is standing in front of you.
  5. Gradually, bright bad emotions will begin to let go of you, and you will feel complete peace.

This method is very efficient. It helps to quickly let go of any grievances without burying them in the depths of your subconscious. You learn to sincerely love people and accept any of their behavior. As a result, after regular practice, you notice that you get irritated and angry less often, become more calm, loving and peaceful.

You gain the ability to sincerely forgive, as a result, your inner state changes. You start to radiate powerful energy flows love, gratitude and acceptance, which ultimately changes the world around you. People always mirror your state.

You can turn on this video for meditation:

Important Points

Regular practice of ho'oponopono is already a huge step towards a happy and harmonious life. But meditation is not enough if the rest of the time you do not control your mind and still think negatively.

Important Points, which you need to realize and implement in your life so that the effectiveness of hooponopono is maximum:

  1. Take responsibility for your life. Accept as an axiom the fact that everything that happens is the result of only your actions and thoughts. Whatever happens around is a reflection of your inner state. Stop blaming others, government, employer, husband, children. A better question to ask is: Why did this negative situation happen to me? With what thoughts or actions did I attract her?
  2. Remember about the specularity of the Universe. It always reflects your inner state. If you experience negative emotions very often, then no less often various things will happen to you. unpleasant situations. If you are sure that all people are bad, they will confirm your belief. If you set yourself up that the world is a pleasant and bright place in which you have found your place, it will be so.
  3. Very often, your life is influenced by generic and parental programs and attitudes. You may or may not be aware of them. These scenarios need to be worked on with the help of a therapist or constellation master. It is important to trace recurring scenarios. For example, women in your family have always been lonely - this is inevitable for you if you do not realize and eliminate the cause.
  4. It is very difficult to get any results without faith in higher power. Therefore, meditation works most effectively for those people who feel God and recognize his existence. If you consider yourself an atheist, it will be more difficult, because there is no unconditional faith in the power and strength of the universe.

The four ho'oponopono phrases are your ticket to a world without limits, in which there is no serious problems and difficulties, and desires are fulfilled quickly and easily. In such a world, there are many opportunities and there is always a place for love.

Many people are increasingly resorting to the treatment and restoration of their body using non-traditional methods.

Hooponopono is a Hawaiian method of healing without special efforts, by correcting the mistakes of the past of their own and relatives. It is necessary, at the same time, to separate the concepts of responsibility and guilt. Wrong behavior of a person leads him to diseases. Therefore, before embarking on self-healing, you need to understand yourself, understand your thoughts.

Having understood your mistakes, having unraveled the tangle of failures, the body is reconfigured and the healing process begins.

Try to forgive yourself, repent of what you have done. Then, you need to read affirmations for a complete transformation:

"I'm sorry", "Thank you", "I love you", "Please forgive me".

Affirmations are pronounced in different places, many times, investing in this feeling.

There is a technique "Eraser", "Pencil". If you feel that the relationship with a friend or girlfriend is upset, then you need to tap the eraser or pencil on your photo or object that needs to be cleaned. The method is able to smooth out the most inveterate problems.

The Hooponopono technique gives strength to the body, helps to overcome negative events that can block access to the Universe. Having learned to control its body, to be able to negotiate with it, it gratefully responds. Gotta love yourself physical form and fill it with happiness and love.

This technique not only heals, but also gives a lot of knowledge about the universe and the laws of the universe.

To change the world around you, you need to say to yourself and others more often:

“I love you”, “I'm sorry”, “It's a pity that it happened”, “Thank you”.

Need to create positive thoughts, pure thoughts. After all, your thoughts are you. If thoughts have a positive charge, then they exude Love. We must take full responsibility for creating thoughts and a positive aura around. Get rid of negative energy as often as possible, cleanse yourself by admitting your mistakes and repentance. As a result of this, space will be freed up, which will be filled with light.

To solve the problem, you must constantly work on your personality. If the problem lies in another person, then you need to ask him for forgiveness. You have to repeat this many times.

The healing and relief that came after affirmations is the miraculous effect of the hooponopono technique on the environment.

History of the method

Dr. Ihaleakal Hugh Lin is the very first person to put the Ho'oponopono method into practice. Long years the doctor worked in a clinic in Hawaii as a psychologist. His patients were cruel and ruthless criminals who had serious deviations in the psyche. The staff at the clinic did not stay long, because patients quite often attacked people in white coats.

The doctor was not going to leave the medical institution, he wanted to cure his patients without fail. However, Hugh Lin behaved rather strangely. He never personally communicated with his patients, did not give them different recommendations He didn't treat them. The doctor was constantly studying the charts of his patients, looking at the diseases of patients and trying to influence only himself. This is exactly what the ho'oponopono method practices. The doctor improved himself and treated his patients, and achieved incredible success.

Why did this happen? The doctor said that he only uttered certain words in relation to himself, and successfully treated crazy patients. They recovered right before our eyes. They were no longer given tranquilizers and psychotropic medications. Some even went to the discharge, and they were absolutely healthy, and no longer posed a danger to society. Dr. Hugh Lin proved that hooponopono can work wonders!

Birth in Hawaii

Dr. Hugh Lin, of course, did not invent the ho'oponopono system with his own hands. He studied the ancient Hawaiian art, which allows you to get rid of your own problems and help others. The technique allows you to correct past mistakes and change life for the better.

The Hawaiians were sure that problems were all produced exclusively in the head. It is the person himself who provokes certain situations, gets into trouble up to his ears only because of himself. Human thoughts provoke a variety of diseases, troubles and disruption of harmony. Root main problem is in the past, it has a direct connection with other people's mistakes, which provoke problems. If this is changed, then life will be much better than before.

The aborigines believed that hooponopono, through prayers, phrases, repentance and forgiveness, helps to find the flow of abundance. The technique is able to erase negative programs in a person’s head, correct him personal mistakes and the mistakes of others. That is why you should not expect the result to come instantly. Also, the ancient method allowed only the chosen ones to perform rituals, and not any person. Shamans and healers were engaged in practices. One Hawaiian healer told Hugh Lin about this method. Now the technique has changed a little, it has become simpler, so each person is able to independently practice ho'oponopono and cleanse himself of negativity.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Everything that is in the Universe and surrounds a person establishes mental programs that are controlled by memory from the past. All the mistakes and experience of the ancestors lies on the shoulders of a person, puts pressure on them and does not allow them to open up. In order to unlock it, you need to swipe various activities that everyone can do.

It is the person who is responsible for everything that happens to him, you should not pay attention to the past experience and mistakes of the ancestors, only he himself is able to change the existing state of affairs. Here we are not talking only about what happens to a person personally. He can influence everything around him.

Ho'oponopono considers the key phrase that the world begins with man. All events with acquaintances and relatives, with work and children, everything is under the influence of a person. For everything he should be responsible, even for watching TV. All conflicts, wars or disasters also occur because of a person, his conversations and actions in the past and present. If a person on the street sees a quarrel between strangers, then he should know that it was he who attracted it, made events unfold in this way and nothing else. If a person observes this, then he has already let the situation inside himself.

People around do not look like that, stop on the street, insult, only the person is to blame for this, which means he provokes such behavior. It is quite difficult to understand all this, but it is necessary to accept it.
You can not blame others for your own troubles, because the fault can only lie with the person himself. Also, you should not blame yourself for everything that happens, you just need to accept the situation and bear responsibility for it.

A person using the hooponopono method can change a lot and make his own life and the lives of others much better. You just need to learn how to work with your thoughts and mind. Every person has inside great strength which you need to learn how to use correctly. You need to be ready to accept the power inside, then it will not keep you waiting long.

Hooponopono teaches to feel responsibility and change the programs in the head, the mind is cleared. As a result, changes in life will definitely occur, and they will become noticeable from the very beginning of the practice.

Hooponopono technique and tools

First you need to try to change yourself, then others around you will change. Hooponopono has several stages. You need to learn to forgive, love, repent and transform. It is imperative to use the necessary phrases in order to actually change yourself from the inside.

I'm really sorry

When a person begins to realize that it is he who brings negativity into his life with wrong thoughts, then he must accept and understand this fact. A person must understand that it is in him that there is the root of evil, that it was he who attracted this problem. A person must repent of his actions, then he will be able to understand a lot and change.

Thank you

In this case, a person turns to the Universe. He should thank her for everything that happened to him and will happen in the future. Everything in the world is relative, you need to understand this. This phrase carries only positive, it has tremendous power. The Universe will certainly take into account gratitude and will help in all difficult situations. Just don't expect instant results.

I love you

A person should feel an all-consuming love for everything that surrounds him, and also not forget about himself. Hawaiians say that it is love that is the personification of the Creator. One must love fully and unconditionally the Sun, the sky, passers-by, friends and everything that is in the world. Love must come from the heart, no matter what is happening around. If a person has love inside, then others will definitely feel it. This is the law, so you must give in order to receive in return. The constant repetition of this phrase can completely clear the mind of a person, bring it to the starting point, which is zero.

Please forgive me

It is necessary to pronounce these words periodically, but at the same time refer to yourself. It is imperative to ask for forgiveness for your actions from those around you, yourself, your body and mind, for everything that happens. You can not shift the responsibility for the fact that they commit bad deeds towards a person on others. He has only himself to blame for this.

The above phrases should be repeated as often as possible everywhere. Wherever the person is. Moreover, you need to accurately realize and understand why they need to be spoken, and not just said out loud. Dr. Hugh Lin said exactly these phrases, and this helped his patients to recover.

First you need to choose any of these phrases and say it several times. You can do this while looking in the mirror to see your expression and think. After practice, you can repeat all four phrases in any situation. Soon a person will definitely notice changes. Which will begin to occur in his life.

There is a huge variety of exercises in the practice of hooponopono that will help change yourself and your own life for the better. Each tool has its own tasks and goals. It is worth considering them in more detail.


You need to take a pencil with an eraser on the end. You need to tap on a certain thing that should be cleaned. You can even knock on yourself, as if erasing old problems and mistakes. A person can thus eliminate from his head negative memories feel relieved. All this is so simple that it seems truly incredible. You can also say those phrases while knocking. which have been described above. Washing gum will erase even the oldest and deepest problems.

Water in a glass

Fill the glass halfway with water. And then put it in your home. You need to change the water twice a day. If a person begins to worry or get nervous, then it is worth changing the water again. To solve a certain problem. You can write it down on a piece of paper and put a glass of water on it.

Blue water

You need to find a blue glass and pour water into it. Next, you should put it on the window so that the liquid is under the influence sun rays. In an hour you can drink water, wash your face with it, cook food and do whatever you want.


You need to look in the mirror as long as possible and imagine yourself exactly as the reflection shows. You should feel incredible love for yourself, love yourself with all your heart and soul.

Tutti Frutti

This practice is great for getting rid of various diseases. Even if a person is currently feeling well, one can use the practice for prevention. All fears and suffering will disappear without a trace from a person's life.

Also, in the whole human race, in his relatives and relatives, all diseases go away. If you pronounce the word tutti-frutti, then you can clear your own memory and the mistakes of your ancestors.


This practice brings happiness to the family and makes you completely forget about quarrels and scandals. You need to put a photo or drawing of a bright butterfly on the wall. Fridge. On the monitor screen. In any convenient place, and periodically look at it. At this time, you need to pronounce the above phrases. Butterfly will help get rid of scandals and reveal your creative abilities.

Ice blue

This technique helps to eliminate pain, both mental and physical, to get rid of suffering. You just need to constantly repeat the words "blue ice" for as long as a person needs.

Milky Way

These words help to perceive new and interesting things, reveal the secrets of consciousness, remove all doubts and fears, suffering and pain. Such words can completely change a person's life, make it happier and more interesting.

Techniques for attracting money

In order to become financially independent, one must also use special practices. If you use them, you can attract money to yourself and keep it.

Orange juice

You need to imagine in your mind a glass of orange juice and dip a large banknote. Juice is a symbol of the sun's rays, because of this you can call it divine light. If a person takes loans. And then he pays interest on them, then the money is very offended by him. It is imperative to ask for forgiveness from them, which is why you should put them in orange juice.

The Ho'oponopono philosophy prefers to view money as living beings. With banknotes, you can have conversations and ask them for advice. It is banknotes that carry the energy of a huge number of people, both positive and negative. Need to have a heart to heart talk with in cash, say that they are loved and ask for forgiveness. In this case, all negative information is liquidated. The main thing is to pronounce words from the heart and believe in what is said.


Flower yellow color quickly clear the path to money and remove all blockages. You need to pronounce this word out loud, hang an image of a sunflower in the house or plant it in the yard.

Practitioners are sure that hooponopono will definitely provoke positive changes in the life of any person. Everything around him will change, the attitude of others will become much better, the problems will go away.

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Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: Every moment something happens around us. The atmosphere around us is filled with light, sound, color, smells, all kinds of information - from thought forms to radio waves. According to scientists, the speed of the flow of information entering our brain from the external environment is 11 million bits per second. And only 40 bits out of these millions are perceived by us consciously.

In today's article, we will talk about the main ideas of Hooponopono - the Hawaiian way of harmonizing relationships.

The Hooponopono method has 5 main principles:

1. You don't know what's going on and you can't control it.

Every moment something is happening around us. The atmosphere around us is filled with light, sound, color, smells, all kinds of information - from thought forms to radio waves. According to scientists, the speed of the flow of information entering our brain from the external environment is 11 million bits per second. And only 40 bits out of these millions are perceived by us consciously. Just think about it - some forty bits out of eleven million. It's dust, nothing. The rest of the mass settles in the cells of our memory in the form of unnecessary experience or, I would even say, in the form of unnecessary rubbish.

Yes, we all live with our own individual world, creating it right here and now every moment, but this happens mostly unconsciously, and we cannot keep it under full control.

And if it seems to us that everything is going according to our plan, then this is a trap. The trap of our Ego, which creates the illusion that the whole world is in our pocket. Well, since our Ego, or our Consciousness, is not aware of what is happening in the world at every moment, it would not be entirely reasonable to give it the remote control of our life and decide what would be best for us, right?

Want to make God laugh? Tell him about your plans for tomorrow.

According to Ho'oponopono, we have the right to choose. We can and should choose what we want to experience or experience, but the right to decide whether this event will occur, and if so, when? - we must leave to the Supreme.

Therefore, there is no point in worrying about what is happening to you at any given moment. You just have to accept this moment. Accept and trust a Higher Power.

2. You are able to heal everyone in your life.

According to Hooponopono, whatever happens in your life, whatever problem appears on the horizon, it is not your fault. But you are able to heal it for the simple reason that it is in your realm, it concerns you personally, therefore it can be healed.

In short, if you were able to spot a problem in someone else and it hurts (dislikes or annoys you), then this problem is already in you. And this means that you are able to solve it (erase or delete) by healing yourself.

Remember how in the Bible?

We do not notice the log in our own eye, but we see the mote in someone else's.

It's all from the same opera.

And the more often you heal everything that you meet on your life path, the deeper you can cleanse yourself and the more creative energy will be released at the same time, helping us to fulfill our desires.

3. You are 100% responsible for your entire life.

As mentioned above, everything that happens in life is not your fault. But you are fully (100%) responsible for all events, because you are their author. You are responsible not only for yourself, but for all the people who have appeared in your life along with their problems. That is, if someone in your environment has a problem, then this is your problem too. Acceptance of this fact is the acceptance of 100% responsibility. Perhaps this is the most important thing in Hooponopono.

We have no right to blame anyone for what is happening. We can only accept it and heal by healing ourselves. And we can do this only when we recognize it as our own and love it. Loving the problem heals its cause. At the same time, purification occurs and our connection with the Primary Source is strengthened.

4. Your ticket to life without limits is the repetition of the phrase “I love you!”

The simple phrase "I love you!" - is able to turn your world upside down, heal it and fill it with life-giving power.

Repeating "I love you!" again and again, you awaken spiritually and cleanse your inner space, thereby opening the doors to Miracles.

The whole point of Ho'oponopono is to love everything around you - your naughty child, picky boss, his overweight, bad weather, restless neighbor - love them all.

There is nothing stronger than love in the world. She cleans negative energy, transforms it and opens the way for inspiration.

Simple words "I love you!" become the magic password to the absence of restrictions.

5. Divine Inspiration is more important than personal intention.

In the Hooponopono technique, all our intentions are just toys of our mind, and Inspiration is a message from God.

Intention is an attempt to control one's life with the help of an inner Ego overloaded with memory.

Inspiration is a signal from the Supreme with instructions for action.

Intention can work and bring results.

Inspiration works and works wonders.

Hooponopono cheat sheet:

If you decide to practice the Hooponopono method, then you need to firmly grasp and apply daily in your life and relationships with others the following 5 postulates:

1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.

2. If my thoughts are negative, they create a negative physical reality.

3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a perfect physical reality, radiating LOVE.

4. I am fully (100%) responsible for the creation of my physical universe.

5. Nothing exists apart from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

Cleansing technique

Tools Hooponopono "Pencil" (Eraser)

The Ho'oponopono technique, with its wide variety of "cleansing" tools, allows us to reach the state of "zero" and act on inspiration.

Today I bring to your attention one of the additional ones - "Pencil" or "Eraser"

Hooponopono Pencil Cleansing Tool

The technique for using it is quite simple:

Take a regular pencil with an eraser on the end (new, not sharpened) and lightly tap it on the object that you need to clean (it can be any thing, or yourself). Mentally (to yourself) repeat the word "Dewdrop" at the same time to enhance the effect.

It can also be your negative memories that you need to get rid of (in this case, tapping is done on any surface).

At the same time, deep cleansing occurs through many generations. As practice has shown, some severe and deep-seated problems can only be eliminated using the Pencil method.

This will be of interest to you:

Joe Vitale, popularizer this method and the author of the bestselling Zero Limit (Life Without Limits), which made Ho'oponopono world-famous, describes his experience with the tool:

“... I realized that I could use the eraser on the other end of the pencil to erase negative programs and cleanse. To do this, it was only necessary to tap it on the object that I needed to clean. This is a vivid symbol of the purification of memories.

Clear your memories! published

Ho "oponopono is a purification method that brings you to a zero state. In Hawaiian: Ogo means reason and ponopono means perfection. Ho" oponopono is ancient Hawaiian method healing, which changes and clears all energy ties with present and past situations and people, as well as all ancestral line, yours and other people of the whole Universe. There are four basic phrases for this in ho'oponopono. At first, you may not feel the change. Don't worry, the work is still being done 🙂 But with a little practice, you can really feel the difference in yourself and in those around you. You will purify your life, and as you continue to purify, you will begin to feel yourself in in a better mood both body and soul! Further read: why there are bad reviews about the Hooponopono method or how to practice Hooponopono correctly.

It is about taking full 100% responsibility for your actions, as well as for the actions of those with whom you are connected in any way. You are only putting your thoughts and consciousness in order and, since we are all one, and your reactions are projected onto everything that you come into contact with (especially that which causes you an emotional charge)!

It may be hard to understand, but.... Everything that you experience in your life, up to the announcement you just read in the newspaper, you have attracted to yourself. This is the simple law of attraction. If you attracted something to yourself, then you were looking for it and you need it. You can say: “But I didn’t look for and didn’t want robbers to attack me in the evening, beat me up and rob me. I didn’t attract them into my life!” This is wrong. Think, everyone is looking for what he does not have or what he lacks.

This means that you lack strength and self-confidence, and, perhaps, in various situations you feel like a victim, you are afraid to act and make decisions. Cat you have attracted power into your life! And the robbers were looking for weakness and defenselessness in order to show their strength. If you radiate inner peace and confidence, if your body does not “smell of fear”, you do not feel like a hostage of circumstances and their victim - you will never become one. Believe me, in this example, the robbers will simply pass by. They will find what they are looking for. They don't need power, they have it.

You will say: “I didn’t want to get sick (well, or get into an accident, or break my leg)”. And it seems to be true. No one in their right mind would want to attract something like this into their lives. But, think about it, maybe in your life there are such circumstances, people, situations that you want to get rid of with all your might, by any means and “cut the knot” that binds you? It sits deep in the soul, so that it’s scary to admit it to yourself ... This is when you understand with consciousness that you owe something to someone (or yourself), that you can’t change anything with an effort of will, that your desire is unethical, immoral, well, or something else, which, in your opinion, has no justification. When you consider yourself a hostage of a situation and cannot get out of it. Then internal experiences, discomfort, and a frantic outflow of energy result in illnesses and disasters. Do you now understand that it was you who pulled the situation into your life?

This is the Perfect Law of Attraction in every person's life! If there is anything in your life that still leaves you somehow emotionally charged, it is you who have attracted it, and you can transform that energy by clearing it. You cleanse your memory, thereby transforming and purifying everything in the entire universe. This is your world, and when you are sad it is your joy, when you are happy it is your calm in the storm, it is everything and nothing / zero all at once!

Hooponopono: Bad Reviews - Why the Method Might Not Work

Point zero - This is a complete removal of the emotional charge in relation to the situation that worries you. Those. THIS ceases to emotionally cling to you completely! You accept what happened as a fact, stop throwing out energy about the situation, you perceive it with your mind, but it does not hurt you. You are calm, harmonious, and open. If you have not reached the zero point, then the method will not work. Therefore, there are bad reviews - people seem to repeat phrases, but do not realize the reason, they continue to blame other people or circumstances for what happened, but not themselves, their loved ones :). Thus, they retain an emotional charge and their energy continues to flow away ...

The bad reviews about the Ho'oponopono method also arise due to the strong desire of the founders and followers to capitalize on it. more money. Courses and trainings are far from free and expensive. But this is a personal matter for everyone: what to invest their money in. The technique is working and flourishing.

So: how to practice ho'oponopono in order to "work"

Initially and consistently, you say 4 key phrases: I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you and thank you.

When you see a problem, repeat four phrases. When you think about a person, also repeat the magic phrases. When you experience negative emotions, repeat four phrases. When you are worried, unhappy, depressed, angry, full of aggression, etc., etc. - again - the cherished four phrases.

Become whole, become the breath of love, and repeat the four phrases over and over again. And when are you happy? You guessed it: say these four phrases! Be grateful! This is called cleaning.
Say them in any order, in your head or out loud. Say the same phrase multiple times or say a different one - your intuition will guide you on how to do it better! So relax, breathe, and let go of your situation. And everything will be in divine perfect order.

Ho "oponopono process:

    • Imagine that person in front of you, or imagine the situation where you need to fix something.
    • Imagine that a silvery calm light (or stream) is pouring through your crown from the infinite Universe. It is the light of healing, love and tranquility. It fills your entire body and, pouring through your heart, begins to fill everything around ... And the person you represent, or the situation, is also filled with this light of love. Feel that you feel good and calm and your love is accepted and understood ..
    • After the energy of love fills the spaces, mentally talk to the person you imagined, ask him for forgiveness and ask him to forgive you too.
    • Let go of this situation or person, watch how he moves away, floats away into the distance and dissolves into it .... If you notice that there is any connection left between you - a thread, a cord, or something similar, break or cut it. If you want to change your relationship with a person and keep in touch with him, keep his image filled with your love in yourself.
  • This process can be done for any situation and for any person towards whom you feel an energy leak or hook.

How to check that it turned out right? The answer is yes if you can see or think about the person without experiencing any negative emotions. If you feel negative emotions, or get annoyed, or return in your thoughts to the situation and “scroll” it over and over again - do the process yet, it is not finished, the zero point has not been reached ... So you got the answer to the question: Hooponopono: how to practice correctly .