Easter notes. Signs for Easter - how not to overlook the signs of higher powers

Each folk sign for Easter has its own little backstory, confirming the sacred theme of the main church celebration. While waiting for the holiday to come, pass the time by studying the omens noticed by your ancestors - they will reveal to you a completely incredible side of Easter traditions.

On the eve of Easter - signs, traditions, customs of Passion Week

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is preceded by a strict seven-week (40 days) fast, during which human souls are cleansed of filth and become closer to the Lord. The last week before Easter (week) is the most strict, Passionate. How to spend these six days remaining before the holiday - see the main instructions.


In the morning it was customary to go out into the yard and evaluate weather: bright sun in a clear sky foreshadowed a warm and fruitful year. And for young people who planned to get married this year, the omen predicted a happy and rich family life.

Start tidying up - this time is suitable for minor repairs of worn-out household utensils, to give the home a new look.

If you want prosperity and preservation of youth, pour water into dishes made of silver (or gold) and wash yourself with it - this is how our ancestors did.


A day suitable for the preparation of festive attire. You can decide what outfit you will wear when going to church. Wash, iron the furniture, hem - if necessary. If the work takes a little time, you can continue cleaning the house.


Even if you have not yet achieved perfect cleanliness in your home, try to take out all the rubbish and garbage from the room - get rid of the past. Then you can go shopping for eggs and related attributes (paint, stickers, candles, cake molds).


Main sign clean day: if the house is dusty and not tidy, you will live in the mud all year.

Healers advise to cook on these days. Put the powder in a heavy canvas bag in a preheated oven, hold for 10 minutes, then cool and consecrate the salt in the church.

enjoy magical mineral up to next Easter: it is suitable for removing damage made with the help of a lining (it is enough to process a suspicious object), cleaning the home from negativity, medical procedures(rinsing an inflamed throat or warming up a diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body).

Everywhere hardworking hostesses bake Easter (necessarily from cottage cheese), paint and paint eggs. To make the muffin successful - a sign about prosperous life- before starting to knead the dough, the culinary specialist must read the holy prayer, and send the blank placed in the mold to be baked with the words: “Lord, bless!”

A girl who wants to find her betrothed is advised to keep the unwashed towel with which she wiped herself after morning bathing (washing). When you go to a solemn service, take a towel with you, putting Easter cake and eggs there. Give it all to the beggars on the porch - soon you will be preparing for the wedding!

On Clean Thursday successful haircuts - the hair will be thicker and healthier, so in the old days it was customary to cut children for the first time, who recently turned one year old.


On strict Good Friday, you will not get off with one refusal of food. On this day, humanity mourns the death of Christ, so all entertainment events, even listening to music and walking are prohibited. It is customary to spend the whole day at home, in prayer, constantly lighting candles in all rooms.

There is no ban on baking Easter cakes on Friday - most importantly, read "Our Father" and ask the blessings of the Almighty. If you prefer to support ancient traditions- Bake muffins in a wood-fired oven. The signs left after baking are recommended to be preserved and used as a magical remedy that removes spoilage, love spells, the evil eye and heals from alcoholism.

Watch to Easter cakes did not burn and the crust did not crack on them - according to superstition, the family whole year happiness will not know if baking fails.

For people suffering from pain in the joints or lower back, healers are advised to take a large enough piece of fabric (so that you can then tie yourself up) and cover the corners with it. Use this rag as a warming belt or wipe your sore feet with it after a bath or bath.


Throughout the day and until the end of the Easter service, grief for the Savior continues. You can’t go to bed, even if you are not going to go to church for the vigil - in order to attract good luck.

As soon as the main religious moment of the end of the Great Tribulation is over - the Holy Fire will be carried out in Jerusalem from the tomb of the Lord - the turn of universal rejoicing and celebration of the resurrection of Jesus begins. Near the icon is always placed "eve" - ​​a jug of honey. A lit candle is placed in it - this is how the dead are commemorated.

In the joyful bustle of Sunday, try to remember everything that happens around you. Perhaps one of the signs will open the veil of the future before you. Read folk signs for Easter. Weather, food, animals, fateful events - what our wise ancestors noticed can be useful to you too.

Easter weather tips

The very first thing that people necessarily paid attention to was the weather conditions on the holiday. Not only the choice of clothes for going to church, but also the subsequent seasons of the year depend on what the Great Day will be like.

  • Meet the sunrise - you will not know trouble all year.
  • You will see a multi-colored sunset - great luck awaits.
  • Clear weather - for a hot summer, cloudy - for a cold, dry summer.
  • Rain on Easter - the end of spring will be rainy, and the rye harvest will be rich.
  • A thunderstorm on Easter or Bright Week - in late, dry autumn.
  • The snow before Easter had all gone from the fields - to a rich harvest.
  • Many stars on Easter night - expect more frosts.

Solemn worship - beliefs for the fulfillment of desires

Visiting holy places is an integral part of the Easter holiday. Going on the road and being in the temple, you can speed up the approach of the cherished goal - signs will help.

  • A warning to those who like to sleep: oversleep the morning service, do not rely on luck until the end of the year!
  • Keep candles bought in the church - you can “clean” your home with them, put them at the bedside of the sick so that they can recover faster, take them off.
  • When you pray in church, sincerely ask God for what you want - he will fulfill all bright, good desires.
  • If a girl wants to get married, she must say, standing in the church:

"Resurrection of Christ! Send me an unmarried bridegroom!”

  • Pay attention to how kissing happens with oncoming people: if a friend kisses you first in left cheek- he does not treat you very positively, perhaps even harbors hostility.
  • Lovers cannot kiss on the road - a sign promises separation. Kiss under the canopy of trees - you will be happy in marriage.

Easter signs and beliefs about money

To become a favorite of fortune and get rid of problems with money, try to do the following on the day of the celebration:

  • Give the person asking the church a coin.
  • Come from the temple before your neighbor (you will also become a long-liver, according to the sign).
  • After breaking your fast, go outside and look around - what attracts attention first, start doing that - the business will be profitable and successful.
  • women who want to rejuvenate and get rich should wash themselves from a container in which coins and krashanki lie;
  • It would be nice to get to the bell tower in the morning and strike the bell - the ancestors believed that, having asked from pure heart the Almighty has health, prosperity, new love or peace in the family - you will get what you want.

There are also controversial signs for money for Easter, which help players, treasure hunters and scammers:

  • treasure hunters took Easter eggs with them to fishing - they say magic action the symbol of the holiday is such that all the devils guarding the treasure scatter when a person approaches with an egg in his hands, and it is easy to notice the values;
  • gambling applicants for fabulous winnings, going to matins, put a nickel under the heel in their shoes.
  • the thief tried to steal something from the church on a holiday - supposedly such an act would make him lucky and elusive.

More fearless blasphemers took a pack of cards to church and did the following: as soon as the priest came out of the altar in a bright robe and said for the first time: “Christ is Risen!”, The player threw in response: “The cards are here!” To the repetition of the main Easter cry, the gambler answered: “Swish here!” The third response phrase of the atheist was the words: “Aces are here!”

After a long fast, the faithful with special enthusiasm began to absorb the dishes prepared for the holiday, however, they did not forget about the signs that could have a beneficial effect on the future.

  • You need to start breaking the fast with the whole family, and everyone must definitely eat a piece of Easter cake and a sacred egg, so that all year round there was harmony in the house.
  • Easter was cut first - and given to the cow so that she would have a lot of milk.
  • If a couple has for a long time there are no children, the woman should put an additional plate on the table and put a piece of Easter on it, saying: "Kulich - for the kids." After eating, crumble the muffin to the birds.
  • The sacred knife was hidden after dinner. If hail was observed in the summer, accompanied by thunder, they quickly threw a poker and a shovel in the courtyard with a cross, between which a knife was thrust. So the tool gained strength, and it was easy to kill a boar with it.
  • Having finished the meal, the peasant did not drink for two hours - so that he would not want much water at the harvest.
  • The shells from the sacred eggs were collected and tied to sticks that were installed in the garden - so that worms would not breed in the ground.

Definitely lucky for a baby born on Easter - luck will accompany the lucky one all his life: he will become famous and even be able to change the history of mankind if the moment of his birth falls at noon.

How Easter week is celebrated - meaning in signs

Easter does not end with the eating of holy Easter cakes - the holiday continues for a whole week, which is known among the people as Light, Easter, Great Day, Great, Joyful, Glorious, Delicious.

Along with the customs of visiting, drinking wine and delicacies, having fun and glorifying Christ, Christians commemorated the dead, wooed, watched pets, noticed the signs that are mentioned in numerous signs.

Every day, combing their hair, older people say:

“How many hairs are on the comb, so many grandchildren have been sent to me, Lord!”

Peasants on Easter week they chase chickens from a perch at dawn - so that they rush better.

If unmarried girl he won’t take salt in his hands all week - they won’t sweat.

The beauty's lips will itch - for loving kisses. And if she dreams about how she kisses someone - soon some unpleasant incident will happen to her.

Monday and Thursday are visiting days. To commemorate deceased relatives, jugs with candles, red Easter eggs (three), and sweets are brought to the graves.

Be sure to crumble the krashanki on the graveyard ground so that the birds can eat them. These days they do not sew or wash, so as not to harm the dead in the next world.

If you want to learn some craft, go to the temple on Monday. When the priest says "Christ is risen!" instead of the response "Truly!" speak your desire.

And on Tuesday it was possible to meet with the brownie. It is enough, according to legend, to climb into the attic with a burning candle.

Weak old people dreamed of dying on Easter week - it was believed that the soul, freed from the body at such a time, immediately finds itself in paradise.

If you get married in holidays allowed, then church weddings were prohibited. (comes immediately after the Great Week) - signs promised the engaged couples a happy family life.

Finally, keep in mind: you can’t get drunk, swear and just scream loudly on holidays - otherwise you will incur God’s wrath on yourself. Remember the main reason for the Holy Triumph and be worthy of Christ's sacrifice!

If the pullet could not get pregnant in any way, then on Easter she had to put a plate with a piece of Easter cake next to her and say the cherished phrase: “Kulich is for the kids.” After that, the Easter cake had to be crushed to the birds.

Elderly people who wanted to have grandchildren had to comb their hair on this holiday with the words: “Send me, God, as many grandchildren as there are hairs on this comb.”

To determine who was the head of the family, the husband and wife had to hit each other with spelled Easter eggs. Whose egg does not crack, then the main one in the family.

Inveterate players took cards to the church or put a penny under their heel, this, in their opinion, should have attracted good luck.

A person who saw a colorful sunset on Easter could count on great luck in the near future.

To increase their catch, the fishermen throughout the holiday answered the words “Christ is Risen”: “There are fish.” And the hunters for the same greeting fired into the air near the church, so that hunting in coming year was successful.

Bad Omens for Easter

If the baby was born on Good Friday, then it was considered bad omen. In this case, the unfortunate mother took her child and ran to the healers so that they reprimanded him from the upcoming troubles.

If festive Easter cakes cracked on Easter, then this was also considered not the best omen. In this case, misfortunes and troubles were promised to a person or family.
An extinguished candle during the Easter service was considered a bad omen.

On Easter Sunday and throughout the following week, it was impossible to get married, as this was considered not just a bad omen, but a great sin.

If a girl dreamed of kisses on any day of the Easter week, then this was considered a bad omen, and the poor fellow had to beware of some unpleasant incident.

It was considered bad luck not to attend church on that day. great holiday and do not ask God to forgive all sins. Parents, whose children were very capricious and disobedient, also had to pray for their sins.

It was considered a very bad omen to see a deceased relative in a dream on Easter week. This foreshadowed the imminent death of someone from the family.

People who had a large household at home, carefully examined all living creatures throughout the holiday. If any animal behaved restlessly, then it was necessary to get rid of it. Leaving such a beast at home was a bad omen.

Easter weather

A huge number of stars in the sky that day foreshadowed imminent frosts.
If it was for Easter good weather, then it was to be expected warm summer. If on this holiday it was cloudy, then the summer was coming cold and rainy.
A good harvest foreshadowed the absence of snow on Easter.
If it rained heavily on the holiday, then people could count on a prosperous year.
If there was a thunderstorm on the day of the resurrection of Christ, then one should have expected late autumn.
Believe in Easter signs or not, decide for yourself. But the fact that there is still some truth in them remains a fact.

One of the most important events in every family is the birth of a child. But what fate awaits those born on Easter week or directly on Easter? Will the baby be healthier and luckier? Even unbelieving people attach special importance to the birth of children in such a great Orthodox holiday. After all, each of us wants to believe that our child will become happy and there will always be luck next to him. Is it worth believing in it?

Our grandmothers believed that Easter and pre-Easter days are prophetic. And therefore, children born on Easter were considered special. There are many on this topic. different signs and superstition. But people have different attitudes to childbirth on this particular day. Some, with faith in the bright future of the child, celebrate his birth, while others do not attach much importance to the birthday on Easter.

Six days before the Great Feast, Holy Week begins. This is special and difficult period for believers. That is why many of them are concerned about the question of how the birthday affects the fate of children who were born precisely on Easter and in the upcoming Holy Week. There are such signs among the people.

  1. If a child was born on Monday, then he will have many friends who will sincerely love him.
  2. Born on Pure Tuesday, will be healthy, strong and physically developed. Therefore, they choose professions related to sports.
  3. A person born into a passionate environment has beautiful soul And good heart. As adults, these people choose professions related to helping people and animals and become doctors, veterinarians, etc.
  4. Children who appeared on Maundy Thursday are smiling and good-natured. They infect others with light, warmth and positive emotions, so they always have many friends. They make excellent teachers, educators and parents.
  5. On Good Friday, children with a difficult character are born. They are very touchy, vindictive and temperamental. Over time, they find real friends with whom they go through life. But with the search for the second half, they most often have difficulties.
  6. Children born on the eve big holiday very resourceful, curious and funny. Appeared in Great Saturday quickly and easily find a way out of any situation, which helps them in adulthood.
  7. If the birthday coincides with the celebration of Easter, then this was considered special sign, which notified parents about the happy fate of their child. The kid will be healthy, achieve high positions, and having found his soul mate, he will be able to create a strong and happy family.

And what does the church say about the conception of a child on Easter week or on Easter? On the one side intimate relationship V church holidays many call it a sin, since these days should be devoted to God and prayers. But, on the other hand, the Bible does not say anything about the prohibition of conception on Easter or during the Easter week. great post people need to learn to love each other, not only relying on physical connection. This is an important abstinence that helps married couple to prepare for possible difficulties that may come their way. During pregnancy, while expecting a child, in illness, separation or other situations, spouses should be prepared for physical abstinence. Therefore, if you nevertheless decided to conceive a child on Easter, then there is nothing sinful in this.

Do not confuse the rules and statutes of the church with various superstitions which seem to many to be rigid and inconvenient requirements.

Is it worth celebrating a birthday on Easter and on the eve of it

On the eve of the Great Holiday, a strict fast is observed, during which it is forbidden to eat food of animal origin. In addition, in given period it is worth abandoning noisy festivities and celebrations. Although not everyone adheres to these rules: only true believers strictly observe fasting and celebrate birthdays after the end of the Easter week.

There is no single rule for celebrating a birthday on Holy Sunday.

But even in fasting, you can celebrate your birthday with your family by preparing allowed treats. And even though many do not realize festive table without meat, you can still cook very tasty and interesting lenten dishes. It is allowed to serve pickled mushrooms, various vegetable salads or make a low-fat cake with fruits and nuts.

Of course, all parents want to believe that everything will turn out well in the life of their child. But no matter what day he was born, the main thing remains what mom and dad put into him. After all, love, care and attention make it possible to make a child a real kind and sympathetic person, which, by and large, is more important than luxury or a high position.

From the time of ancient Rus' Easter was considered one of the key church holidays. It takes its roots from pagan times, when people welcomed the coming spring and planned things for next year. The celebration of Easter, depending on the year, falls on the period from April 4 to May 8. Before her, it is customary to observe a strict forty-day fast. A considerable number of ancient signs have accumulated over many centuries, which are still relevant today. They are mainly associated with everyday life, family, luck and prosperity.

It was traditionally considered lucky to get to the bell tower on Easter day. The one who struck the bell could ask for a good harvest, health for his relatives, and the girl for a groom. If the request was from a pure heart, then during the year it was certainly fulfilled.

Easter wedding omens

No wonder Easter week was considered the right time for marriage. It is customary for matchmakers these days to visit each other, and the groom - to the bride (it was necessary to call her only by her first name and patronymic). Young girls who wanted to find a groom as soon as possible said during the Easter church service: “Bright Sunday of Christ, give me a single groom!” The future couple could not kiss on the threshold - this sure sign separation, but a kiss under a tree was considered a good omen that preserved the union. They didn’t get married in the church on Easter week, it was considered a bad omen, a sin, a distraction from happy holiday for worldly affairs.

For unmarried girls, it was a bad omen to see a kiss in a dream on Easter week, such a vision promised imminent trouble. And if lips suddenly began to itch, the pullet will soon go down the aisle. A happy sign for future brides is to hear the cuckoo singing, which means that matchmaking is coming soon. If a woman heard a cuckoo when she was married, expect an addition to the family. Here are some more signs that indicate imminent marriage:

  • If a girl hits her elbow in bright resurrection- the beloved remembers her.
  • Unexpectedly, the eyebrow of a guy or girl was combed during the Easter week - matchmaking is just around the corner.
  • A fly got into the Easter dish - for an early marriage.
  • Don't get married young this year. If Easter weather is bad.
  • A girl who accidentally tries 12 Easter cakes from different housewives will definitely get married this year.
  • The girl who will wash herself with water from a red egg, yes wedding ring, will become an enviable bride for all suitors in the area.
  • Those wishing to find a soul mate as soon as possible, after bathing on Maundy Thursday, wet towels were hung on the fence.

On Easter, the husband and wife had to break each other's colored eggs - whoever had left intact - he would be the main one in the family for the whole next year.

Signs for Easter related to children and pregnancy

It was considered great luck if a child was born on Easter. The sign says that talented and great people with excellent health are born on such days. Children born in a shirt will grow up lucky on Sunday. But even here there were some nuances - children born on Good Friday were threatened with an unhappy fate full of troubles and hardships. To prevent this from happening own mother she took the child to a sorceress or a witch, and she "made" him a new fate. To the kids in these bright days it was customary to give dark red eggs, they were considered a talisman against the evil eye and fear. With childbearing and babies, there are also a few signs:

  • Parents who prayed for sins on Easter week contributed to the recovery of the child. It was especially good to do this if the child is naughty and constantly cries.
  • From the evil eye, the child was rolled in an Easter egg, which was then buried in the ground.
  • If the baby was slowly developing, he was placed with his legs on the oak floor to “look like”.
  • protective maternal rites and signs are also directly related to the Easter holidays. All week it was customary to give the kids a piece of the consecrated Easter cake every day before meals, on an empty stomach.

If a woman could not get pregnant, she fought with a dye with a child - she will conceive this year too. Those who wanted to quickly acquire offspring put an extra plate with a piece of consecrated Easter cake on the family holiday table and said: “Kulich for the kids!”. Grandmothers also asked for the birth of grandchildren - combing their hair, they said: “How many hairs are on the comb - God will send me so many grandchildren!”

Easter weather tips

Based on the weather during the Easter week, our ancestors could predict the yield and weather for the whole next year:

  • On Easter day, a storm broke out - the autumn will be dry and late.
  • Rainfall at Easter is a sign of a rainy spring.
  • If the weather during the Easter week is gloomy, then the whole summer will be cloudy.
  • Frost on Easter is a good sign, to good harvest and dry flight.
  • Is Tuesday after Easter clear? Summer will be rainy. But warm and sunny weather on Sunday promises a hot summer and a bountiful harvest.
  • A clear starry Easter night is a sure sign of close frosts.
  • A bright, multi-colored sunset promised good luck to those who see it.
  • It was considered a positive sign if the sun "dances". This was the name given to the phenomenon when, at sunrise, the sun shimmered different colors and as if hiding behind the horizon, and then shown again.

And such signs are really worth believing, because their veracity among the people has been observed for centuries!

Money for Easter

Today, after the morning service on Christ's Sunday, people are in a hurry to get home faster. And it is connected with old omen. The one who arrives at the house before all the neighbors after the church service - the whole year will not need anything.

The moneyless and debtors could improve their affairs precisely on Easter:

  • Whoever gave a coin to a beggar gained monetary luck for a year. This belief is often used in combination with money conspiracies and prayers.
  • After we finished talking, if you go out into the street and notice the first thing that catches your eye, this year you can make good money on it.
  • A woman who wanted prosperity in the family and wealth washed herself with holy water with silver coins and dye.

Signs at the Easter table, in the family and at home

After the service, the eldest man in the house invited the whole family to the table. It was considered a good omen if before that the husband and wife ate a little together, secretly from prying eyes. It was a good sign to put lamb and jelly baked from dough on the table, but it was a bad omen to abuse alcohol - a person will walk sleepy all year.

After the meal, it was customary to guess, and here weather signs associated with birds, insects or people around came into force:

  • To hear a woodpecker after a feast at Easter - there will soon be a new home.
  • On the Annunciation was a good sign release the bird by making a wish. People believed - in this way she will give it to God, and it will certainly come true.
  • In the morning, the housewives watched the cattle: which lay peacefully - it will bear offspring and be healthy, and they tried to sell the restless cattle as soon as possible, it was "out of court".
  • If the owner overtakes other people's horses on her own, she will be the best at work all year.
  • Dogs barking during Easter prayers were considered bad messengers: barking to the west - unfortunately to the court, barking to the east - to the fire.
  • The hostess, who will weave a wreath of fresh flowers for Easter, will protect her home and family with it.
  • The whole family is dressed in new clothes- the whole year will be in the new walk.
  • During Easter, you can’t scream and swear in the house - pastries will be tasteless and quell.
  • If Easter Egg suddenly rotten - a sorcerer or a person with a bad idea came into the house. Such an egg was thrown out of the village, away from residential buildings.
  • Remains from Easter table, including eggshell, never thrown away. They were buried in the field, after which they sprinkled the ground with consecrated water. The belief said that such an action would lead to a rich harvest and save him from spoilage and disease.
  • Broken dishes during the Easter week were a bad omen.
  • To a serious illness of one of the family members, if the cake did not rise.

On Easter day, it was impossible to work, that's what Holy Week is for, that you need to finish all the work by the holiday.

Easter omens for health

Since Easter is traditionally considered a time of purification and deliverance from sins, many signs are also associated with health here. Even swinging these days was called fanning. It was believed that such a simple event, as it were, “blows away” sins from a person. Here are a few more time-tested health-related signs:

  • He who drank on Easter from a spring or other natural source will be healthy all year round.
  • If you stand on an ax in Easter Sunday- this will help to gain iron health. They also put the kids on the ax so that they would go faster.
  • Willow branches, placed next to the cradle or in the nursery, drove away ailments from children and evil spirit.
  • If a girl washed herself for Easter with water with a painted egg and gold jewelry, she will be the first beauty.

Any good deed done during the holy week was considered not only atonement for sins, but also the strongest talisman for health. Good deeds associated with helping the destitute, the holy fool or the sick had special power.

Easter signs in the church, in the cemetery or related to the dead

They were wary of those people who could not defend the morning, but went out into the street to breathe. This superstition has its roots, it was believed that during Easter, the evil spirits are especially active, so you should not leave the church once again. It was a bad sign if someone poke a finger in the back or side during the morning prayer. Not everyone came to church with pure thoughts, witches and sorcerers thus got rid of illnesses or shifted it with a poke from another person.

Very bad sign an unexpectedly extinguished candle was considered during prayer, or if a person accidentally blew it out himself. Candles purchased from easter holiday, endowed with miraculous power - they expelled evil spirits from the house and lit next to the sick all year. They even kept the melts, they were considered an effective amulet against fire. Those who overslept the Easter morning service were doomed to a bad year.

It was believed that if during the morning service on any Easter day you turn around sharply, you can see sorcerers and witches - they will stand with their backs to the altar. And here are a few signs associated with the deceased:

  • Although it was considered a blessing of God for the sick and old to die on Easter, but death these days could take a few more lives with it. Therefore, if, nevertheless, a misfortune happened, it was necessary to put a red egg in the hand of the deceased, and take out the others and distribute them to passers-by.
  • To see a deceased relative in a dream was considered a good sign, which means that this year no one in the family will die and will not be seriously ill.
  • It was possible to prolong the life of a seriously ill person by treating him with an egg taken from the hands of the father.

Great importance was attached to light Christ's Resurrection commemoration of the dead. At home, jugs (eve) with honey were exhibited, in which candles were placed. It was believed that in this way relatives in the next world could rejoice at the Resurrection of the Savior. Later, the eve was taken to the cemetery, where they also made a memorial - leaving colored eggs, Easter cakes and other delicacies on the grave. It was a good sign to break krashenok (eggs) with friends, neighbors, relatives. At the same time, they said: “Christ is Risen!” Such a simple rite, according to popular belief, brought good luck and endowed a person with health.

Unusual signs

Easter holidays were considered sacred literally by the entire population, from young to old. Interesting signs were characteristic and not only of ordinary peasants:

  • Even representatives of the criminal world had their own Easter signs - whoever stole any thing during the morning service will never be caught. But the main thing was not to get caught in such a case.
  • A nickel under the heel in the boot of an avid player who defended the morning, promised him luck for everything gambling. Particularly fearless could utter forbidden words during the service and luck in the cards immediately appeared. True until the player repents.
  • It was bad luck for hunters and fishermen to shed blood during Easter week. It was believed that every creature of God celebrates these days, together with people, the Resurrection of Christ.
  • Treasure hunters also used the consecrated painted egg. There was a sign that the devils, having seen it, would leave the treasure unattended and it could be easily found.

Of course, it is quite difficult to observe all the signs and traditions, but it is worth applying the wisdom of the ancestors in practice. Today, skeptics doubt their veracity, but you just have to take a closer look to notice an amazing pattern in the signs and consequences that occur on Easter.

In the section on the question A person born on Easter, what awaits him (will he not get sick or will he be the happiest, etc.) and what is he like ?? given by the author Detached the best answer is he will have an eternal Easter. does not live - easter ..))
All people born on church holidays are more successful and happier than others, they walk under God, they say so and it's true, I have a few friends born on such holidays, they are always lucky and in everything, although, for example, people born on Easter are different, because Easter is in different time and you will always be more successful than others!
since Rita claims, she probably knows ..)
“Holy is the birthday of a baby, on the same day who is born, then the temper and fate accepts”; "Fate is written in childbirth".
True, there was also the idea that the fate of the child was determined even before his birth. This is reflected primarily in the lives of the saints, where parents learn about the unusual fate of their child long before his birth. The Russians believed that a person has only one destiny, that it is written by God in a book and cannot be changed by anyone: “You can’t escape fate”, “What will be, will be, you will not pass it”. God could give a child a destiny both on a good day and on a bad one. Easter was considered a particularly auspicious day for the birth of a person. They believed that a person born on this day received the protection of God and happy fate. The old wedding glorification of the groom says:
You knew how to be born well!
And be richly equipped!
Your mother scolded you
Nine months in the womb
In the tenth she gave birth
In Christ's morning
Like the first big good news.

Answer from flush[guru]
it doesn’t mean anything, don’t think that he is some kind of special, it’s not

Answer from Andron1991Rus[guru]
Born on Easter - more responsible in their actions. Yes, to that - for each of his bad deeds he is immediately rewarded with the same thing that he did to others at a loss. Good is rewarded if you really did your best, for good is rewarded for those who have done better than others ...