Cucumber face masks, quick homemade recipes for all skin types. The magical effect of cucumber on the skin. What is needed for cooking

Is your skin in need of whitening and hydration? Then the cucumber and honey facial mask is just what you were looking for! Let's find out the details of the recipe, as well as the features of use.

Moisturizing is essential for all skin types. Those who believe that oily skin does not need to be moisturized are mistaken. Just because of the lack of moisture, the sebaceous glands produce excess sebum. Well, everyone knows about the importance of this procedure for dry and combined types.

How to take care of your face? To do this, there are many different creams, lotions, masks. Most of them are produced by cosmetic companies using artificial ingredients. But the most useful thing that we need is contained in the gifts of nature.

One way to moisturize the skin of the face is to use a mask based on cucumber and honey. These natural ingredients nourish, saturate with moisture, tighten. In addition, the tool has a lifting effect and whitens the skin with regular use. Such a miraculous effect is due to the presence of a wide range of vitamins in the composition of the cucumber:

  • A - reduces peeling and dryness;
  • B1 - protects and rejuvenates;
  • B2 - ensures proper breathing of the skin;
  • B5 - smoothes wrinkles;
  • B6 - stimulates metabolic processes in cells;
  • B9 - fights acne;
  • C - the well-known ascorbic acid helps the skin maintain elasticity;
  • E - improves regeneration at the cellular level.
  • PP - makes the complexion more vibrant and healthy.

All this in a complex of micro and macro elements that honey contains makes the mask an indispensable tool for maintaining the vital balance of the skin. Its use is recommended and necessary in stressful situations of our lives. With it, you can let your skin relax.

cooking recipes

Preparing these masks is quite simple. And most importantly, the ingredients are available at any time of the year and their price is not high. This means that the product you make will be not only economical, but also quite effective.

So, you will need:

  • one cucumber (you will use only part of it);
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

Recipe 1

  1. Thoroughly wash the cucumber, peel it.
  2. Grate a small amount of vegetable on the basis of covering the entire skin of the face with the resulting mass.
  3. Put it in a handy bowl.
  4. Add some liquid honey.
  5. Mix well.

Recipe 2

  1. Wash the cucumber, dry it and cut into slices.
  2. Lubricate with a little honey.
  3. The resulting discs will be a kind of mask that must be distributed over the skin.

Indications for use

Despite the fact that this is not a drug in the traditional sense, it also has its own indications for use and contraindications. Your product will be a great find in the following cases:

  • skin prone to peeling and dryness will provide a sufficient level of hydration;
  • with increased age-related pigmentation, it will help to reduce its speed, whiten the skin;
  • with redness and pimples, it will successfully fight them, reducing inflammation;
  • mature skin will receive a rejuvenating lifting effect thanks to this tool.

How to apply

Apply such a mask, like any other, on cleansed face skin. If you use the first option with grated cucumbers, you need to evenly distribute the mass over the skin. Apply it with your fingers or a special spatula-spatula. A spoon works well too. After 15-20 minutes of exposure, the agent is carefully washed off with warm water.

In the case of cucumber circles, they are carefully applied to the skin with the side that you smeared with honey. Also, after 15-20, the mask should be removed. Carefully remove the discs from your face and then wash with warm water.

To fix and improve the tightening effect, you can arrange a contrast wash alternating cold and hot water. This activates the processes of regeneration, rejuvenation, and will give greater elasticity.

How often can masks be applied

Once a week is enough to fully provide the skin with all the necessary nutrients. Also, this frequency of abundant moisture will be the most optimal. In the hot season and with special needs, the frequency can be increased up to two times.

Many women have long appreciated all the benefits of natural cosmetics. Therefore, the gifts of nature are used not only for food, but also as all kinds of lotions, balms for the face, body and hair. One of these products, actively used in cosmetology, is cucumber. Any cucumber face mask instantly refreshes and tones.

The benefits of cucumber cosmetics

Cucumber homemade cosmetics will help solve a number of problems for owners of various skin types. Consider the positive properties of cucumber for the skin.

  1. Moisturizes the skin, saves and peeling;
  2. an excellent natural bleaching agent that helps to even out complexion, reduce pigmentation or completely eliminate it;
  3. cucumber water for the face has an anti-inflammatory effect, so owners of problem skin can use products based on it;
  4. helps to forget about swelling and redness;
  5. rejuvenating and refreshing effect.

Another plus of homemade cosmetics using cucumbers is its availability. Almost every cucumber mask includes ingredients that can be found in the kitchen of many housewives or purchased at the nearest grocery store.

Skin lightening

Not, but also saturates any skin. For one medium cucumber, you will need a couple of tablespoons of homemade cottage cheese, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, the same amount of milk and chopped fresh parsley. Mix well and apply for 15 minutes.

Grind one cucumber and pour boiling water over the pulp. After a few hours, the pulp is separated from the water and applied in a dense layer. After 20 minutes, wash your face and apply cream. The procedure is repeated every 2-4 days. As you can see, brightening cucumber masks at home are quite easy to prepare, and it’s not at all necessary to visit a salon.

Rejuvenation and help for aging skin

A mixture of cucumber and clay will not only give your face a fresh look, but also help get rid of excess fat. For its preparation, it is necessary to dilute ½ spoon of blue cosmetic clay) with a moderate amount of heated water to achieve the consistency of sour cream. A tablespoon of chopped cucumber is added to the clay and applied to the face, washed off after 15 minutes.

A cucumber and honey mask will give you a fresh look after a busy work week. Mix a teaspoon of liquid honey with one grated cucumber. Apply the gruel avoiding the area, wait 15 minutes and wash your face.

Mix vegetable juice, rose water and cream in equal proportions. Apply the composition to the front surface and décolleté area, and after 15 minutes remove it with a napkin or cotton pad. A cucumber and cream face mask will make the skin silky and eliminate the effects of fatigue.

Helping aging skin is easy with a homemade cucumber juice and milk lotion. Mix an equal amount of ingredients and lubricate the face with a lotion using a cotton pad. The procedure can be carried out daily in the morning and before bedtime.

A cucumber and potato mask will help eliminate swelling, bruising under the eyes and other signs of fatigue. Prepare cucumber-potato gruel in proportions of 1: 1. The composition can be left on the face for about 15 minutes, then washed off.

Nutrition and hydration

Owners of dry skin can use sour cream for cosmetic purposes. To make a mask, a fermented milk product is mixed with cucumber in proportions. The composition is applied to the facial area, neck, and after 17 minutes it is removed with a napkin.

By adding a little bit of wheat or oatmeal, you get a cleansing scrub. Some simplify the procedure and simply smear the face with sour cream, after which cucumber slices are applied. It is important to know that the mask can be done no more than 2-3 times a week. It is strictly contraindicated for owners of oily skin.

Strawberries are another popular product that can be used to make a simple face mask, but no less useful for that. In summer, you can easily prepare nourishing and refreshing cosmetics. In equal proportions, it is necessary to mix strawberry and cucumber gruel, as well as heavy cream. Apply the mixture on the skin and wash off after 15 minutes.

Moisturizes the skin and improves the color of the cucumber-almond mask. To prepare it, mix 3 tablespoons of cucumber pulp and a spoonful of almond oil, warmed to room temperature. "Cocktail" is applied to the skin, left for 20 minutes, then washed off with water of moderate temperature. Do not abuse the procedure and repeat it more than three times a week. After it, it is not necessary to apply a nourishing cream, it is better to sprinkle the skin with thermal water.

Products for oily skin

Cucumber, in combination with some products, cleanses and reduces pores, eliminates shine, which is often aimed at combating all the forces of owners of oily skin. One such product is egg white. Mix the protein well with 2 tablespoons of vegetable juice, and the cucumber mask for acne is ready.

You can also add a couple of drops of almond oil to this. Apply the mixture on your face, wait 10-15 minutes for it to dry, and then wash your face.

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of cucumber puree with oatmeal, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, add egg white. Apply the resulting puree on the skin of the face and neck for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This is not only a good mask, but also a great scrub.

A combination of cucumber and apple will help get rid of the “greasy” shine. It is enough to mix these two products in crushed form in proportions of 1: 1. The mask is applied to the skin and washed off after 10-15 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a week.

  • Cucumber is a harmless product suitable for every skin type. Therefore, if you have not yet been able to choose a suitable mask for yourself, just rub the skin with juice from time to time or lie down for 10-15 minutes with cucumber slices on your face.
  • In order for the product to really bring benefits, and not harm, use only fresh, organic cucumbers for making homemade cosmetics.

    Before using a cucumber on your face, get rid of the skin, even if it is a vegetable from your own garden.

  • Before you start preparing a cucumber mask with honey, lemon, strawberries and other allergenic foods, make sure that you are not allergic to them.
  • Summer is the most favorable time to use cucumber juice for the face and other cosmetics made from fresh fruits.
  • If you are not sure about the features and beneficial properties of a particular product, do not experiment with the composition of the masks.
  • Home cosmetics is a prophylactic. Therefore, do not try to get rid of skin diseases using cucumber masks, even those consisting exclusively of healthy products.


Cucumber is a useful product not only for the stomach, but also for the skin. Approach the choice and preparation of the mask wisely, and after a couple of procedures you will see positive results.

Cucumber face mask will help to cope with many skin problems. Effectively eliminates traces of wrinkles, brightens, relieves acne, helps eliminate oily sheen and dryness, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


Face masks with whitening action will help to get rid of age spots, freckles, eliminate circles under the eyes, smooth out uneven complexion and traces of wrinkles at home. Masks made from: leaves and juice of parsley, honey, sour cream and lemon have a whitening effect. Masks are applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, washed off with cold water.

with parsley
  • 30 gr chopped parsley leaves;
  • 200 ml of boiled water;
  • 25 ml cucumber juice.

Pour water into parsley and insist in a water bath for 15 minutes. Add cucumber juice and hold covered for about 5 minutes. Soak a washcloth in this solution and apply on your face. Home lightening will be more noticeable with regular treatments. Due to parsley, the skin is gently whitened and moisturized.

With parsley (another option)
  • cucumber;
  • parsley leaves.

Grind and mix to get a homogeneous mass. With regular use, whitening due to these two components will be effective.

With honey
  • 1 tsp fresh liquid honey;
  • 1 st. l. cucumber pulp.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, use only freshly prepared mixture.

With egg white
  • 1 egg white;
  • 30 gr grated fresh cucumber;
  • 1 teaspoon parsley leaves.

Beat the protein until a thick foam, mix with cucumber and parsley juice, mix again.

With lemon
  • cucumber juice;
  • lemon juice.

Mix in equal proportions. Moisten a washcloth and put on face, keep for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the face becomes fresh, pigmentation is less noticeable.

With strawberries and sour cream
  • cucumber;
  • strawberry;
  • sour cream.

Grind to a homogeneous gruel and add a spoonful of sour cream. Mix well. This mixture provides strong lightening at home.

Anti aging

Well tighten the skin and model the contours of the face at home. Smoothes and relieves deep wrinkles.

with potatoes
  • 20 gr fresh potatoes;
  • 20 gr cucumber mass.

Mix the vegetables and apply evenly on the face. A simple and effective mask against mimic and age wrinkles.

With aspirin
  • 1 grated cucumber;
  • aspirin - 2 pcs.;
  • chamomile - 1 teaspoon of decoction.

Mix everything, rub with soft massage movements. Remove the remaining product with a sponge. Favorably acts on smoothing mimic wrinkles, making them less noticeable.

With milk
  • 50 gr cucumber juice;
  • 100 gr milk.

Make a milkshake from the components and wipe your face with a sponge, 2 times a day in the morning and evening, you can remove makeup using this tool. Regular use will smooth and relieve even the deepest wrinkles.

For dry and oily skin

From sour cream
  • cucumber pulp;
  • 20 gr sour cream.

Finely grate a fresh cucumber and add sour cream to it. Products to take in equal proportions. Effectively combats oily sheen and dryness.

With kefir
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 15 ml of kefir.

Mash the vegetable well, add kefir, stir until smooth without lumps. You can make a gentle and effective scrub by adding a little flour.

With olive oil
  • cucumber mass;
  • olive oil.

Mix the components, you should get a non-liquid mixture. Apply to clean skin, keep for 20 minutes.

  • 30 gr cucumber gruel;
  • 20 ml of honey;
  • 10 gr.

Clean the vegetable, chop, mix with honey and diluted clay. Apply for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mixture will relieve oily sheen and prevent acne.

Against acne

For smooth skin
  • mashed cucumber mass;
  • 1 spoon of sour cream.

Mix and apply for an hour on a clean face. Moisturizing mask fights skin problems, acne and pimples at home.

With blue clay
  • 1 spoon of clay;
  • finely grated cucumber.

Prepare the components and mix in equal quantities. Apply to the skin and keep until completely dry, then wash with cool water.

With cottage cheese
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cucumber mass.

Combine in equal proportions, mix. Apply pointwise to problem areas or all over the face. Wash off with cool water.

For tired skin

It will help relieve fatigue, remove traces of wrinkles, circles under the eyes, signs of fatigue at home.

With rose water
  • 15 ml fresh cucumber juice;
  • 15 ml rose water;
  • 1 spoon of cream.

Combine the ingredients, mix, beat until foamy with a mixer. Apply for 15 minutes, remove with a damp cloth.

  • 20 gr cucumber mass;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 20 gr of cottage cheese;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

Grind the vegetable until smooth, add cottage cheese, milk and olive oil heated in a water bath to it. Mix everything thoroughly. Use three times a week to relieve fatigue and get rid of wrinkles.

Cooking cucumber face masks at home

Cucumber is an unsurpassed vegetable in terms of vitamin composition, due to its rejuvenating qualities, it has long been used in home and commercial cosmetology. Macronutrients in its composition contribute to:

  • refreshing effect on the skin;
  • removal of inflammation and acne;
  • softening and removing irritations;
  • skin whitening.

What are the benefits of cucumber for the face

Cucumber is 80% water, so it perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin. The remaining 20% ​​of the composition are useful substances and trace elements, which have an extremely beneficial effect on different skin types. Therefore, leading cosmetologists recommend applying cucumber masks on the face regularly.

The constituent macronutrients will help protect the skin and will nourish it with everything it needs:

  • vitamin B1 increases the protective functions of the epidermis;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps maintain skin elasticity and softness;
  • vitamin E stimulates the renewal of the cell layer;
  • biotin helps in the regeneration of damaged skin areas (due to this effect, masks are applied not only to the face, they help tighten scars and postpartum stretch marks on the abdomen);
  • pantothenic acid produces a wonderful rejuvenating effect, removes fine wrinkles around the eyes (it is this quality that is valued by women all over the world, and therefore mugs of fresh cucumber are applied to the eyes).

This vegetable also contains phylloquinone, thanks to which this remedy is recommended for skin whitening and evening complexion (also used for uneven tanning and skin defects).

Cucumber masks at home: recipes for skin rejuvenation and treatment

There are many recipes for healing and vitamin remedies, but in order for cucumber masks prepared at home to be more effective, other components should be added to them that enhance the beneficial properties of cucumber.

Cucumber masks with sour-milk additives

For skin elasticity

Grind a medium-sized cucumber, turning it into a pulp. Add to it 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh sour cream (preferably homemade), mix thoroughly. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes, then wash with warm running water. This mask is well suited for dry, tight skin, making it more elastic, moisturized.

For acne and inflammation

A combination of fresh cucumber juice with cottage cheese will help get rid of inflammation and acne. It is necessary to mix the components to get a homogeneous mass, apply to the problem area, rinse off after 15-20 minutes. If this problem is relevant, it makes sense to repeat the procedure regularly.

For skin rejuvenation

As an anti-aging agent, you can prepare the following mixture based on cucumber. Grate a small vegetable on a fine or medium grater, separate 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gruel, add homemade milk, low-fat cottage cheese and finely chopped parsley to it - only 1 tbsp. spoon. Mix well, then pour in a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to face, do not rinse for 20 minutes.

To moisturize dry skin

If the skin urgently needs moisturizing: peel half a medium cucumber, cut into large pieces. Beat in a blender until smooth with natural yogurt (1 tablespoon). Apply to the skin, rinse with cool water after 15 minutes.

For shine and natural color

By adding rose water to cucumber pulp and homemade cream, you can get a great mask that gives the skin radiance and improves complexion. Gently apply the mixture on the skin, after a quarter of an hour, remove with a soft cosmetic tissue.

Cucumber face mask with vegetables and fruits

For skin elasticity

Over time, the skin loses elasticity, looks gray and unkempt. In this case, as an express method, you can use a mixture of cucumber and parsley. To do this, prepare the infusion in advance - pour chopped parsley with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. After measuring out 50 ml of infusion and mix it with a small cucumber grated on a medium grater. Also, instead of infusion, you can use fresh herbs, apply for 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

For uniform color

To improve and even out the complexion, it is good to periodically make the following mask at home: grate a large cucumber, squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix with cucumber gruel. Add a few drops of thyme oil to it. Apply for 10-15 minutes, after rinsing off the mask with water, it is recommended to additionally wipe the skin with herbal ice cubes.

For wrinkle smoothing

A combination of cucumber and red apple will miraculously help to remove circles, swelling and fine wrinkles under the eyes. Peel 1 medium-sized cucumber and a medium apple, remove seeds, cut into small slices. Grind in a food processor or on a grater, mix well. Keep on face for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Fresh cucumbers on the face: the benefits of mixtures with various ingredients

For velvety skin

To become the owner of soft, velvety skin, we periodically recommend making the following mask: grate a medium cucumber, squeeze the juice out of it. To 3 tbsp. spoons of juice add 1 tbsp. tablespoon of almond oil, mix well until smooth. Apply on face for half an hour.

For oily skin

It is very easy to get rid of the unpleasant shine of oily skin with the help of a cucumber mask: for this, it is enough to mix vegetable gruel with a teaspoon of honey (preferably light) and one egg white (apply once a week, for 20 minutes).

To get rid of acne and skin diseases

Cucumber-clay mask will cleanse the skin epidermis, prevent inflammation and acne. For cooking, you need to grind the cucumber to a gruel state (without peel), add 2 tablespoons of white clay to the pulp (sold in pharmacies and specialized stores), mix gently. It is best to apply on the face with a special wide brush, leave for 15 minutes.

How to use cucumber masks correctly

As you can see, the benefits of cucumber for the face are simply invaluable. And most importantly - to make funds with its use is very simple and fast. What is important - it is best to use small and medium-sized fruits for masks, if the seeds are very large - they can be removed, leaving only the pulp. Also, it is better to cool the vegetable before use.

There are no preferences in varieties used in home cosmetology, but do not forget that cucumber masks are a seasonal remedy, and it does not make sense to cook them from vegetables bought in a store, since the content of nutrients in them is in question. You can use grown in winter in greenhouses and hotbeds.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, then before applying the finished mixture to your face, test it on the back of your wrist: just apply a small amount and leave for a couple of minutes. If there is no reaction, feel free to use it for its intended purpose.

The mask should be applied with light movements, without rubbing into the skin. It is very convenient to do this with a special cosmetic brush. After the mask is applied, it is better to lie down at least for a while. In this position, the muscles of the face will relax, and this will enable the skin to better absorb nutrients.

You can keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, after which you need to rinse your face with running water at room temperature or mineral water.


Cucumber is not only a culinary ingredient, but also a great helper in home cosmetology. Using our cucumber face mask recipes, you can get rid of many skin problems, it will look fresh and young, wrinkles will smooth out, and rashes and acne will disappear forever.

A homemade cucumber face mask will save the skin from dryness and flaking, wrinkles and crow's feet, age spots and acne, blue circles and bags under the eyes. It is perhaps difficult to find those cosmetic defects against which a homemade cucumber mask is ineffective. Find out their best recipes here.

This ancient vegetable is called differently: both female joy and false berry. Those who care about the health and beauty of their face can safely call it an excellent cosmetic product. It is almost 95-97% water, so cucumber face mask has excellent moisturizing ability. Among the other useful properties of the unique garden "beautician" are the elimination of age spots and, smoothing wrinkles and smoothing the skin, quickly getting rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes. For dry, mature, problematic and pigmented skin, as well as for the area around the eyes, cucumber is an indispensable cosmetic product. If you use it correctly and regularly, problems with the skin of the face will be much less.

The magical effect of cucumber on the skin

The effectiveness of the cucumber face mask is dictated by the rich and unusual chemical composition of this green vegetable.

Despite the fact that most of it is water, nevertheless, various vitamins, organic acids and mineral elements shelter in the remaining 3-5%.

Upon contact with the skin, they actively nourish the upper layers of the epidermis. They cannot penetrate deeply, since the lower layers are reliably protected by various layers. But the work that they carry out in the upper layers of the skin is instantly reflected on the face:

  • water how the main component of the chemical composition of cucumber gives this product such excellent moisturizing properties and makes masks from it ideal for dry and flaky skin care; normal and oily skin types are also actively moisturized under the action of cucumber masks;
  • potassium, which is quite a lot in this vegetable, allows you to take care of yourself with cucumber masks, because this trace element is known for its unique ability to control the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, and it also helps cells retain moisture for a long time, preventing it from evaporating;
  • retinol in cosmetology they call the gold standard of beauty: vitamin A, contained in cucumbers, is involved in the fight against wrinkles and acne, having smoothing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • thiamine, known as vitamin B1 of optimism, performs protective functions (with it, the skin has little chance of burning in the sun and frostbite in winter), has a rejuvenating effect (smoothes wrinkles, including in the corners of the eyes), and it is also what makes cucumber masks so effective refresh and tone up the most withered and tired skin;
  • riboflavin(lactoflavin B2) allows the skin to fully breathe, cleansing the pores from the remnants of dirt and delivering oxygen to the cells in the amount they need;
  • pantothenic acid- a vitamin known for its corrective functions, B5: it not only smoothes wrinkles and evens out skin texture - it can make the oval of the face more clear, pronounced, beautifully defined, so cucumber masks can be safely used against jowls and a double chin; it is thanks to pantothenic acid that cucumbers so quickly eliminate bags under the eyes;
  • pyridoxine- vitamin B6, which actively stimulates the most complex metabolic processes, metabolism in cells, thereby improving the overall condition of the skin;
  • folic acid(leaf vitamin B9) protects the skin from inflammation, relieves acne, pimples and other rashes;
  • ascorbic acid(the well-known immunomodulator vitamin C) promotes increased production of collagen in cells, so the skin after cucumber masks becomes unusually elastic and elastic;
  • tocopherol(vitamin E, unsurpassed in its anti-aging properties) promotes the renewal of old and regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • biotin(vitamin H, necessary for the beauty of skin and hair) helps tocopherol renew and restore damaged tissues;
  • phylloquinone(vitamin K) relieves puffiness (use cucumber for the skin around the eyes in the morning) and eliminates redness (the famous whitening properties of cucumber masks);
  • niacin(medicine considers vitamin PP a medicine) refreshes and restores a natural, healthy complexion.

So it turns out that cucumber for the face is an excellent moisturizing, whitening, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory cosmetic product that can be used for almost any skin type.

With regular use, problem skin can quickly get rid of acne and other rashes, mature skin can get rid of wrinkles and irregularities, dry skin can get rid of peeling and an eternal feeling of tightness, pigmented skin can. Those who have the biggest problem in the eye area will also rejoice at the smoothing effect that cucumber masks have. Bags, dark circles, puffiness under the eyes - they do a great job with all this.

Given the simplicity and ease of their preparation, cucumber cosmetic masks are incredibly popular among women of all ages.

Homemade cucumber face masks have a lot of advantages over other similar products. First, they do not require large financial costs. Even those who are far from the earth and do not have their own plot can go to the supermarket at any time of the year and purchase this green vegetable. Secondly, this product is not exotic in origin, the body reacts normally to it. At least, allergic reactions after masks from it are extremely rare. Thirdly, for especially lazy people, cucumber is an ideal skin care product. I cut it into circles - spread it on my face - and the results will shock everyone. However, for those who like something more refined and effective, there are a large number of different recipes that you need to be able to cook correctly.

  • For the face, you need to use only the freshest cucumbers, preferably without bitterness.
  • To begin with, they must be thoroughly washed, then peeled, which could absorb toxic substances from the atmosphere that can harm the skin. Seeds can injure the skin, so it is better to remove them first.
  • After that, you can cut the cucumber into circles and spread it all over the face, including the eyes. After 10 minutes, remove - and enjoy the acquired freshness and tone.
  • You can grind the peeled cucumber into a puree. This can be done in different ways: on a grater, through a blender. This gruel should be used in masks.
  • The third cosmetic product that can be obtained from cucumber is its juice, which is easy to squeeze through gauze from the resulting puree. It can be used as a tonic, wiping the face daily.
  • By freezing cucumber juice in ice molds, you can get an excellent anti-aging agent for rubbing the skin in the morning.
  • Cucumber rarely causes allergies, but just in case, it is recommended to test the prepared mixture on the wrist.

Properly prepared, correctly applied, any cucumber face mask will become that unique remedy that will save the skin from many problems.

This is a quick and very effective resuscitation for owners of problem skin, when deadlines are running out, but you need to look stunning.

This does not mean at all that the cucumber as a cosmetic product should be treated only in rare cases, when no other methods can save. On the contrary: regular, constant use of cucumber masks will make your skin beautiful, even, fresh. Be sure to find the recipe for your skin that will help it bloom in all its glory.

TOP cucumber mask recipes

Considering how useful cucumber is for facial skin of any type, select recipes according to this criterion. If you use products originally intended for oily skin and expect a moisturizing effect from them, the cosmetic procedure will not only not please you, but it can also harm you. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to this characteristic when choosing a mask. Also, recipes usually indicate what problem this or that remedy solves. Again, an anti-inflammatory mask will be completely useless for skin care around the eyes. There are a lot of recipes, there are plenty to choose from, so study the composition of the masks more carefully - and go ahead: the cucumber will significantly shorten your path to perfect facial skin.

  • Parsley + cucumber for the skin around the eyes

Mix two tablespoons of chopped cucumber with one teaspoon of finely chopped green parsley.

  • Cucumber + honey for age spots

Mix two tablespoons of chopped cucumber with one spoon of honey preheated to a warm state (you need natural, if possible, the last collection). Cucumber and honey whitening mask perfectly removes the darkest age spots and eliminates redness on the face.

  • Cucumber + Lemon = Whitening Mask

Mix two tablespoons of chopped cucumber with one teaspoon of freshly squeezed fresh lemon juice. For sensitive and thin skin, such a lemon-cucumber mask is not suitable.

  • Cucumber + milk + cottage cheese + parsley + olive oil = rejuvenating mask

Mix two tablespoons of chopped cucumber with one tablespoon of homemade fat milk, the same amount of cottage cheese. Add two teaspoons of finely chopped parsley and one tablespoon of warm, unrefined olive oil preheated in a water bath.

  • Cucumber + potatoes against wrinkles under the eyes

Mix two tablespoons of chopped cucumber with the same amount of fresh (provided that it is young, no more than 3-4 months after digging).

  • Cucumber + kaolin anti-wrinkle

Mix one tablespoon of chopped cucumber with one teaspoon of tea white cosmetic clay.

  • Cucumber + sour cream = moisturizing

Mix two tablespoons of chopped cucumber with the same amount of homemade fat sour cream. A moisturizing mask of cucumber and sour cream will help to cope with the feeling of constant tightness of dry skin, relieve it of flaky spots.

  • Cucumber + herbs for dry skin

Mix one tablespoon of chopped cucumber with finely chopped fresh basil and mint leaves (you need to take one teaspoon of both).

  • Classic cucumber mask for acne

The simplest and most popular cucumber mask: grate it and apply it in its pure form on the entire face or only on its most problematic areas.

  • Cucumber + cottage cheese = anti-inflammatory mask

Mix one tablespoon of chopped cucumber with the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese.

Those who know how cucumber is useful for the face constantly turn to this unique vegetable for help when the skin needs to be urgently put in order in a matter of hours. from pigmentation, smoothing wrinkles, drying acne and acne, eliminating bags and swelling under the eyes, extraordinary freshness and pleasant tone - this is what the skin gets after cucumber masks. If such problems arise from time to time, be sure to keep a couple of green and crispy cucumbers in reserve for making unique and effective cosmetics at home.

Cucumber face masks: effective moisturizing and whitening of the face at home

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