Leisure for children of the preparatory group: Cleanliness is the key to health. "clean hands day" in kindergarten In a deep, black dungeon

Summary of leisure within the framework of Health Day in the group preparatory to school

Topic: "Cleanliness is the key to health"

- Contribute to the consolidation of children's knowledge of cultural and hygienic skills and their application in practice.
- To fix the rules of cleanliness and order, to instill a desire for accuracy and cleanliness.
Preliminary work: a conversation on the topic of personal hygiene, reading the fairy tale "Moidodyr" by K.I. Chukovsky.
Integration: physical education, health, knowledge, communication. Hello children!
Today we will talk with you about what is most important for a person, what needs to be protected and what you can’t buy for any money. What is it? ...

That's right, this is health, but do you know what you need to do to be healthy?
Children's answers: Temper, play sports, eat healthy foods, keep a regimen - this is all right, but it can be useless if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. Do you know what personal hygiene is?

And now we will check how you know the items that help us keep our body clean.

1. Daily at six in the morning,
I'm cracking: it's time to get up! (Alarm)

That's right, children, in order to be healthy, you need to follow the regime and the alarm clock helps us with this.

2. As soon as I wake up in the morning,
I will squat, stand up and bend down -
All exercises in order:
It will help to grow ... (Charging).

That's right, guys, if you do exercises every day, we will grow up strong and healthy.

3. Didn't look out the window
There was only one Antoshka,
Looked out the window
There is a second Antoshka!
What is this window
Where was Antoshka looking? (Mirror)

That's right, in every bathroom we have a mirror.

4. To always be clean, people all need ... (Water)

Every morning we start with washing, and for this we, of course, need water.

5. Bone back, hard bristle
With soft paste is friends.
Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

6. Smooth and fragrant will wash clean. (Soap)

Escapes like a living thing
But I won't let it out
Foaming with white foam
Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (soap)

That's right, soap.

7. To make hair shine
And they had a beautiful view
To sparkle with purity
I wash them quickly. (Shampoo)

8. You soap me boldly,
I'll get to work right away.
Arms, legs, body rub,
Dirt any ototru. (washcloth)

9. A warm wave is splashing,
Under the wave of whiteness.
Guess, remember
What kind of sea is in the room? (Bath)

10. The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy:
He is without clouds, without clouds,
Ready to go all day long. (Shower)

11. After the bath, I help, get wet, wipe.
Fluffy, fluffy, clean, new. (Towel)

12. As many as twenty-five teeth
For curls and tufts,
And under each under the tooth
Hair will lie in a row (Comb)

Guys, what good fellows you are. Remind me what personal hygiene items you just mentioned.

In which cartoon are these items mentioned?
That's right, "Moydodyr"

Viewing the cartoon "Moydodyr" based on the fairy tale of the same name by K.I. Chukovsky.

Now let's loosen up a bit.
A physical education session "Homa-Homa-Hamster" is held. We perform movements along the text.

Homa Homa hamster - hands on the belt and twists of the hips,
striped barrel. vertical stripe across the body

Homa gets up raaaaano stretch, rub your cheeks and neck
washes cheeks, rubs neck.

Khoma sweeps the hut and swing your arms like we're sweeping
out for charging. or rinse, stomp

One two three four five- stomp, raise your hands up
Homa wants to become strong. - depict a strong man

After the physical education session, children are invited to draw objects that help people keep clean and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  • teach the basics of personal hygiene; to expand the horizons of children about personal hygiene, cleanliness and neatness.


  • Instilling healthy lifestyle skills, developing hygiene skills: washing hands, brushing teeth, bathing weekly.
  • Develop imagination, imagination, attention, ingenuity.


  • Cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance.
  • To cultivate the ability to listen to each other, to communicate, to be tolerant, to respect the opinion of a friend, to feel responsible for the knowledge of others.
  • Create a positive emotional state.


  • presentation lesson (Annex 1).
  • screen, projector, laptop., video recordings of the cartoon "Queen Toothbrush", "Moydodyr", "Peter and microbus";
  • a package from Moidodyr with personal hygiene items, an envelope with a letter, a jug of water, a basin, cards for individual work, diagrams for compiling a story, mood emoticons

Vocabulary work: personal hygiene, microbes, moidodyr, slob, filthy,

Preliminary work: daily formation of collective hygiene skills, learning the words of the scene, reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

Methods, techniques: game, visual, practical, verbal, artistic word.


  1. Lesson plans for the program "Development"
  2. L. A. Venger; Health holidays for children M.Yu. Kartushina, Moscow 2009.
  3. V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova. "Summaries of classes in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Development of speech", Voronezh, TC "Teacher", 2006

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Let's smile at each other, the guests and start our lesson.

Show the mood with which you came to class (Children show with what face they are happy or sad they came to class).

I hope that by the end of our lesson everyone will be in a good mood.

Are you ready, eyes? (stroke eyelids)

Yes! (looks through binoculars)

Are you ready ears?

Yes! (put palms to ears, stroking them)

Are you ready, pens?

Yes! (clap hands)

Are you ready feet?

Yes! (stroking feet, stomping)

You are ready?

Yes! (spread arms out to the sides and hug themselves)

II. Updating of basic knowledge. Formulation of the problem.

Attention to the screen. (slide) (Viewing a fragment of the cartoon "Moydodyr")

Why did things run away from the boy?

Can you guess what this boy's name is?

(Sleazy, dirty.)

Right. What should I do to avoid becoming like this boy?

(Wash hands, wash, wash, clean and wash clothes, comb.)

Well done! We will talk about the rules of personal hygiene in our lesson.

What do you think "personal hygiene" is? (children's answers)

Personal hygiene is taking care of your body, keeping it clean.

By the end of the lesson, we will draw up the rules of personal hygiene.

III. Discovery of new knowledge.

Fragment from the cartoon Queen Toothbrush. (girl enters)

A scene about dirt.

Oh, you are a dirty girl
Where did you get your hands dirty?
Black palms, paths on the hands

I lay in the sun
She kept her hands up
Here they are on fire.

Oh, you are a dirty girl
Where did you smear your face like that?
Nose tip black
Like smoked.

I lay in the sun
I kept my nose up
Here he is on fire

Girl, you need to wash your hands.

Ira will take cotton
And rub her nose.
- Roma will take a washcloth
And rub her hands.

Don't touch your palms
They won't be white
They are tanned.

Let's teach the girl to wash her hands properly

Wet your hands, take soap, lather your hands until lather, then rinse off the foam with water, and wipe dry.

Let's look at her hands.
And the palms were washed.
So it was dirt.

Guys, when do we wash our hands?

And let's see what can happen if you do not wash your face and do not wash your hands.

What can happen if you don't wash your face and don't wash your hands?

(Fragment of the cartoon Vitya and Microbus)

What is our body covered with?

(Our body is covered with skin. The teacher invites the children to examine the skin on their hands.)

The skin protects our body from disease. And when you run, jump and get hot, sweat drops appear on your skin. If the skin is not washed for a long time, then fat and sweat accumulate on it, which trap dust particles. From this, the skin becomes dirty, rough and ceases to protect our body from germs.

Dirty skin can be harmful to health. And besides, dirty, sloppy people are always unpleasant to others.

That is why the skin needs to be washed, it needs to be looked after.

Physical education minute

To be healthy, strong
Wash my face and hands with soap
Don't be lazy early in the morning
Get on the gym.

Who knows how to clean?
Who is not afraid of water?
This is us, this is us
This, this, this is us!
We can wash
Wash my hands, wash my neck
like this; like this,
We clean our teeth
Like this, like this.
We washed like big ones
Here we are clean!
Look, look!

IV. Personal hygiene items.

A package has arrived in our group. Let's find out who this package is from.

Guess what's in there?

Lie in your pocket and guard:
Roaring, crying and dirty.
They will morning streams of tears,
Don't forget about the nose. (H wasp scarf)

Smooth and fragrant, washes very cleanly.
Everyone needs to have - What, guys? ( Soap)

I take on the task of:
Heels, elbows with soap rub,
And I wipe my knees
I don't forget anything. ( washcloth)

I wipe, I try
After the boy's bath.
Everything is wet, everything is crumpled -
There is no dry spot. ( Towel)

I walk, I wander not through the forests,
And in the mustache, in the hair
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears. (R ascheska)

Looks like a hedgehog
But he does not ask for food.
Runs through clothes
And it will become cleaner. (Clothes brush.)

Who counts teeth to us
Mornings and evenings. (Z slaughter brush)

All these personal hygiene items.

(In the course of work, the teacher takes out a bar of soap, a toothbrush, a handkerchief, a comb, a towel, a brush for cleaning clothes.)

Guys, are you familiar with these items? What are they needed for?

Guys, look "Moydodyr" left us some more drawings, what do you think, for what?

We need to make a short story based on these drawings.

Let's try, be sure to use personal hygiene items.

(children make their own stories according to the schemes)

V. Primary fastening

1. The game "what is friends with what"(working with cards)


What is the friend of the nose:, shoes:, nails:, hair .., teeth ..?

And you are friends with a toothbrush.

Why should you brush your teeth?

Plaque is constantly forming on the teeth. It is made up of microbes and food debris. Food gets stuck between the teeth. Therefore, it is very important to brush your teeth.

How many times should you brush your teeth?

(Twice a day: morning and evening).

We repeated with you how to wash your hands, wash your face, brush your teeth. Take another look at all the items on my desk.

What items do you need to wash? (soap and towel)

What items do you need to brush your teeth? (toothbrush and toothpaste)

GAME "Advice of Moidodyr"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of personal hygiene.

1. Wash your face in the morning and evening.

2. You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day (in the morning, after breakfast, and in the evening, before going to bed)

3. Comb your hair daily.

4. Cut your nails on time.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, did you notice that we ourselves made up the rules of personal hygiene. Let's repeat them. (Children repeat)

VII. Reflection.

The song sounds.

What is your mood after our lesson?

August 9 at educational The institution hosted events dedicated to the thematic Day of Purity.

Remember guys:

Cleanliness is more important than anything.

From sickness, from diseases

She protects us.

AND no wonder people say.

Cleanliness is the key to health!

Is cleanliness the key to health? Most of us will answer "yes" and be right. "Cleanliness brings man closer to the Divine," remarked one European sociologist.Cleanliness and health are linked. No wonder they say: "Cleanliness is the key to health." This means that if a person is clean and tidy, cleanliness reigns around him, then he observes one of the most important rules that allow him to be healthy.That's whywork on the formation of personal hygiene skills in children should begin at an early preschool age.

IN during events dedicated to valeological subjects, the children expanded their knowledge of cultural and hygienic skills, they brought up the understanding that being healthy means keeping clean everywhere and in everything. During the conversation "Cleanliness is the key to health!" children have learned that there are germs that can cause dangerous diseases, so pens should always be washed with soap and water.

We found out why it is necessary to cut nails, wash dishes immediately after eating and clean the house. Solving riddles on the topic listened to the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Also on this day, the children took part in games with soapy water and soap bubbles, memorized proverbs and sayings about cleanliness and health. In addition, the pupils took part in fun activities "Visiting the Queen Toothbrush" and "Soap Fairy Tale".

Vera Tarasenko
Health Day for kids "Celebration of purity"

Target: the formation of the foundations healthy lifestyle of preschoolers.


to form a correct idea of ​​human hygiene;

instill skills healthy lifestyle, the need for proper care of the body, clothes, shoes;

protection and strengthening health of preschool children.

Event progress.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Competition guys,

We will start now with charging!

1st child Q: Why do I need to charge?

It's not a mystery at all

To develop strength

And all don't get tired of the day!

2- child: If someone is off charging

Runs away without looking back

He won't do anything

A real strong man!

Leading: Every our day guys

Starts with charging!

1st child: Hands to the sides and down,

Everyone sat down, got up

Both girls and boys

they all ran in a hurry.

2nd child: Make us stronger a lot

Exercise will help!

Even in the darkest morning

Physical education makes us happy!

3rd child: And, of course, very important

What would everyone do?

Did a good workout

Let's start training.

Leading: Guys! Today we are holding health day! And what would be healthy What should you start every morning with?

Children: With charging!

There is a warm-up.

Children sit down.

To the music, a dirty girl runs into the hall.

Girl: I heard a noise, I think let me see what happened? Oh how many of you are here. What are you gathered here?

Leading: Oh, you're a dirty girl

Where did you get your hands dirty?

black hands,

On the elbows of the track.

Girl: I was lying in the sun,

I held my hands up

Here they are on fire.

Leading: Oh, you are a dirty girl,

Where did you smear your face like that?

The tip of the nose is black, as if smoked.

Girl: I was lying in the sun

I kept my nose up

Here he is on fire.

Leading A: Oh, is it? Was it so? Now let's check and the children will help me.

Children come out to read riddle verses and give gifts to the girl after the audience has guessed riddles.

1. Hairy head

She deftly fits into her mouth,

And counts your teeth

Mornings and evenings!

(gives a toothbrush)

2. As many as twenty-five teeth

For curls and curls

And under each, under the tooth,

Hair will fall in a row!

(gives hairbrush)

3. Smooth, fragrant,

washes purely,

Everyone needs to have


(gives soap)

4. I will put this riddle in my pocket,

I'll take a look at myself later.

(give a mirror)

5. After the bath I help,

I get wet, I wipe

Fluffy, fluffy,

Pure, new.

(gives a towel)

6. To make the hair shine,

And they had a beautiful view

What would sparkle purity,

I wash them quickly!

(give shampoo)

7. You soap me boldly,

I'll get down to business right away.

Arms, legs, body rub,

Dirt any otru!

(gives a washcloth)

8. Whatever always be clean,

People all need WATER.

Leading: You take our gifts,

And wipe away the dirt.

The girl leaves. A relay race is being held.

"Big Wash"(two teams of 5 people each, there are basins on stools in front of the teams. The first three players hold a doll dress, a handkerchief, a scarf; the fourth empty basin, the fifth iron; adults stretch the rope. The first three players wash and hang clothes, the fourth removes and stores in pelvis, the fifth strokes who can handle it faster).

Already enters the hall pure girl.

Leading: I'm proud of you my handsome,

We like this girl!

Girl: I will be friends with water,

And I will take care of myself.

Cleanliness is always better,

Protects from diseases.

Leading: As far as I know, our girl did not clean up any papers, she always littered.

Girl: And now I'll fix it all.

Played game "Vacuum cleaner"(4-5 children collect balloons scattered around the room on a scoop without the help of hands).

Leading: Oh, what good fellows, they removed everything. And now let's play a relay race.

Everyone worked hard to gain strength and health.

Girl: I'm a former Dirty,

It became clear to me now

What being clean is great!

Leading: Friends! It's time for us to say goodbye!

No matter what happens, always a man

health wishes another forever!

To the music of a song about purity from m / f"Masha and the Bear" children leave the room

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