Is it possible to give a watch to a loved one and how to get around signs? Why giving a watch is a bad omen

Nata Karlin April 24, 2018, 18:29

How many times have each of us wondered what to give the hero of the occasion. After all, the present must meet several requirements:

  • to be beautiful, high-quality, necessary,
  • surprise and delight the recipient,
  • give pleasure.

All of these epithets are great for watches, but from time immemorial, people have developed a strong opinion that you can't give them. Why is it not customary to give watches? Is it superstition or true, and how to give them in any case so that the recipient is not offended. Let's try to figure it out together.

History and legends of East and West: a sign to give a watch - what is it for?

Sharp arrows refer to objects that can be cut and pricked

Watches are undesirable gifts, as well as forks, knives, that is, objects that can cut or prick. From the point of view of Western peoples, the sharp hands of the clock fell into the category of such presents. It was believed that along with the present at the time of giving, evil spirits were attached to the recipient. In addition, it is believed that sharp arrows are able to “cut the warm feelings” that used to be between people.

According to the second version, which came from the East, and in particular from China, the watch is a kind of invitation to a funeral.

Strange, isn't it? But the mysterious East is generally difficult to understand for a European.

Over time, the Chinese superstition has grown, and now there are several variations of it:

  1. Allegedly donated watches will count the seconds until the moment of parting. At the hour when they stop, the gap between you and your loved one will be inevitable.
  2. In another interpretation, the clock counts down the minutes until the death of the recipient of the gift. That is, the background of the gift is a wish for a person to die soon.

A watch as a gift counts the seconds before parting

I must say, the sign from the point of view of logic is somewhat creepy.

The Slavic peoples, in particular the Old Believers, have their own explanation of why gifting a watch is a bad omen. In this case, it is generally accepted that by presenting such a present, you, along with it, give a person pain, devastation, bad weather and disappointment. Many are sure that together with the present we give away part of our time, our life, bringing death closer.

Now it becomes a little clear why it is not customary to give watches for any holiday.

However, is this really so, and is it worth taking into account such superstitions, considering them an omen of misfortune?

Why you can’t give watches to your halves, and a few more prohibitions

Superstitious people are always ready to tell a couple of scary stories about how a guy gave his girlfriend a beautiful watch, and the mechanism suddenly stopped, and the couple immediately broke up. And then the clock broke off the arrow, and the lovers were reunited.

It sounds tragic and somewhat unrealistic, although it can be assumed that the watch just broke. But you never know how superstitious your girlfriend is. Suddenly she decides you hint to her in this way to break up? In general, it is believed that it is undesirable to give women watches, if only in order not to spoil the mood while thinking about all the signs that have been common among the people for many centuries.

Antique clock

It is undesirable to give a watch on a birthday especially for the older generation. At this age, most of them are no longer happy with the "holiday of childhood", supposedly bringing them closer to the tragic end for a year. Therefore, it is not worth aggravating the state of melancholy and sentimentality. There is no need to give another reason to dream about turning back the clock and understand that this is simply impossible.

To whom and when still it is impossible to give a watch: is it worth believing the myths?

Following everything that is said in the terrible myths and legends of mankind, a watch should not be given to anyone, never and under no circumstances.

And if we consider the issue sensibly, without going into mystical and occult explanations?

What is a watch? Wrist, wall, with a fight, floor, with a cuckoo and others - they are all a tool for counting our precious time. We live in it without noticing and spend as we see fit. So why do we superstitiously think that someone can take it away from us or influence the decision to love and be loved? From the point of view of modern psychology, these myths can be explained much more simply.

Giving a watch as a gift for a birthday, wedding, engagement and other holidays can be regarded as the recipient of the gift is simply not punctual, although this is also a controversial statement. But is it worth focusing on this little thing, especially for women? Again, observing some formalities, namely the refusal of such a present to a seriously ill or elderly person, we can say with confidence that there is nothing wrong with such a gift as a watch. Also, when it comes to fine jewelry, Swiss illustrious or vintage antique watches. Any person will be pleased to receive such a gift.

Sports men's watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price link)

Who can give a watch?

To know for sure whether the gift will be a pleasant surprise, it is worth knowing a little about the person himself and his attitude to myths, superstitions and legends. If the recipient of the gift is suspicious and can invent the most terrible catastrophes for any reason, it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgiving him a watch. And when a person simply does not believe in omens, then you can give this present without hesitation.

Another one hundred percent hit in the category of desired presents is a gift of a watch to a true collector

This is an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to give a watch to a man or a woman. In this case not only possible but necessary. Most likely, he has already heard and knows everything about the sign, but from his own experience he was convinced that there is nothing terrible in it and cannot be.

The same applies to the answer to the question of whether it is possible to give a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, colleague a wrist, wall or other clock. Reminisce about brutal officer or impeccable Swiss watches. Will your husband or boyfriend refuse such an exquisite gift? And elegant jewelry bracelets or chains with small women's watches? No real woman would even think that such a gift would bring trouble.

The joy of such a gift will overshadow all fears and superstitions. Especially if you engrave with memorable words or a love confession. But for those who still doubt, there is one reliable way to give and receive a watch as a gift.

How to give and accept a watch as a gift, bypassing signs and avoiding trouble?

If we consider the situation from the point of view of the recipient of the present, then it is worth responding to such a gift adequately:

  • calm down;
  • discard superstition;
  • not hold a grudge against the donor.

You need to understand that a person simply may not know about the existence of such a sign or not pay special attention to it, since he is not superstitious at all

And the way out of the situation here is so simple that you should not get hung up on the problem. Need to take out a few coins from your own wallet and give them to the present giver. Thus, when they give a watch, you need to give a coin in return. That is, you say that you have now paid tribute for the watch and “bought” it, so the sign loses all power from this moment on.

Women's watch on a metal bracelet, SL(price link)

If you yourself are in the place of the donor, at the time of presenting the gift, ask the hero of the occasion give you some money. It can be a trifle or a banknote of small denomination, the main thing is that the conventions will be observed, and the gift will simply please its owner.

Superstitions, everything mystical and inexplicable have firmly entered the life of almost every person. However, as practice shows, all signs are based on human fear and distrust of the new and unusual. For example, the horror of the ancients about the fact that there is a mechanism that counts something invisible and intangible, turned into a legend.

For many centuries she frightened short-sighted and superstitious people, not allowing them to please their loved ones with beautiful things.

Today clock is a common instrument, which is rather a necessary and stylish thing than a terrible omen of future troubles.

Many people know the saying that giving a watch to a loved one means parting. In this regard, this useful and fashionable accessory is often underestimated as a great gift idea. Women are especially wary of giving watches to their men, so as not to disturb the idyll in relationships. In fact, a watch as a gift for a man is a great idea that does not promise any pitfalls.

In fact, psychologists insist that superstitions can become reality if a person believes in them with all his heart. Other experts advise getting rid of stereotypes and signs, as thoughts tend to materialize. It is not without reason that a watch is on the list of the best gift ideas, especially when it comes to a present for a man.

If we consider the question of whether it is possible to give a watch for a man's birthday, superstitions and signs in most cases do not approve of such a decision. There are many stories when a woman presented a watch as a gift to a man, after which the relationship cracked and even stopped altogether. But is it worth judging by the experience of others and predicting your future? Beliefs in many countries also reinforce this sign that a watch as a gift promises nothing but trouble.

For reference! Ancestors believed that any sharp objects that are presented as a gift can cut even the strongest and most lasting relationship. Watches were also referred to such objects, since sharp details - arrows - are built into them.

In fact, there is no scientific confirmation that a watch for a man as a gift can somehow negatively affect relationships, marriage or friendship. Psychologists say that the power of thought and the firm belief that the watch will become a reason for quarrels is more likely to cause problems than the gift itself. If the mind of a person is free from prejudices and stereotypes, a men's watch as a gift is a great and safe idea.

Folk omens

In many countries, it is generally accepted that any sharp objects are not the best gift idea, including watches that have sharp hands built into them. There are opinions that a watch is a thing that has powerful energy and power, and having received an accessory as a gift, a man will forever bind himself to this power. Legends and stories say that many families began to break up after the clock was donated.

If you go back to the times of Ancient China, then in those days people believed that the giver of the watch and its future owner thereby receive a common invitation to the funeral. In Japan, to the question of whether it is possible to give a man a watch, there was an unequivocal answer - no, since this gift speaks of the desire for death to the birthday man. From time immemorial and to this day, the secrets and secrets of Eastern culture have been at a special price and have not lost their relevance.

Signs in Eastern culture about watches as a gift had several decodings:

  • after receiving a gift, the clock starts counting the time until the moment of parting with the person who gave it, and as soon as the clock stops running, two people will lose touch forever;
  • after receiving the clock as a gift, the countdown begins until the death of the hero of the occasion.

The Slavic peoples believed that such a gift brings disappointment, pain and anxiety to the fate of a person. There is also an opinion that, together with the clock, a person gives a piece of his fate and life to the birthday man. Hence the negative thoughts, why you can’t give a watch for a man’s birthday. There is even a sign that if the clock falls from the wall, it is worth waiting for an imminent death in this house.

To whom and when to give a watch?

Particular importance should be given to which person the watch will be presented to, as well as what holiday and period of time it will be. First of all, it is worth considering how exactly the recipient will perceive this version of the present, whether he is subject to stereotypes and superstitions. In the event that a man is worried about the clock, the negative scenario of the development of events according to the signs can really come true.

You can give watches for holidays that are not related to the fate and life of the recipient, for example, New Year, February 23 or other public holidays. A great idea would be to present watches to men collectors and true connoisseurs of such accessories. Especially if you add a wrist watch with a personalized engraving or something individually related to the recipient.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

You can’t give such an accessory to men who are prone to superstition, as a person will involuntarily begin to tune in to a negative scenario.

You can also pay attention to the question of who exactly will be presented with such a gift. If there is some doubt, it is better to refuse the gift of a watch for a beloved man, spouse or close friend. But for comrades, colleagues or relatives, such a gift is unlikely to promise a break in relations or trouble. In addition, according to statistics, men are much less prone to superstition than the fair sex.

Selection rules

Another important question, as a gift, worries those who nevertheless decided to present such a gift. Today, manufacturers offer unique models without numbers, with a double dial, navigator, compass, calendar, organizer and many other useful features. For a gift, it is better to choose watches from branded and popular brands.

When choosing, consider the following criteria:

  • the age of the man;
  • Lifestyle;
  • hobbies and hobbies, interests of the recipient of the gift;
  • his appearance and style.

If a man goes in for sports, respectively, sports watch models will be appreciated. For respectable men, it is better to choose classic models, they can be supplemented with engraving and the initials of the owner. But the best option would be the original Swiss watch, which will emphasize the status and shine luxuriously on the man's hand.

How to give an original accessory?

You can present a gift in such a positive mood that the recipient will not even think about whether it is possible to give a watch to a man at all. Today, experts and event organizers offer several ideas on how to present a watch to a man in an original way, for example:

  1. Quest. If the birthday boy loves riddles and difficulties, you can make a quest. To do this, they draw a treasure map, thinking through riddles, puzzles and charades on the way to finding a gift.
  2. Matryoshka. A great idea for an original gift presentation is to place several boxes from a smaller to a huge box so that the birthday boy gets to the treasured box in stages.
  3. Humor. When presenting a gift, you can say any jokes related to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gift and the recipient, for example, that he is often late or does not always keep track of time, in connection with which he receives such a special gift.

Would you like to receive a watch as a gift?


Also, especially talented individuals can write poetry and congratulatory speeches and mention that such a special gift will be given to the birthday man. Thanks to such interesting options as a surprise, few people will think about the negative side of a gift in the form of a watch.


A quality product from a popular manufacturer is a luxurious gift for any man. All folk signs and superstitions actually do not have any scientific confirmation, rather, they are fiction. But if a man sincerely believes in superstition, it is better to choose a different idea for a present so as not to make a negative contribution to the holiday. Psychologists believe that only the power of thought can lead to such a gift a negative development of events.

Everyone likes to receive gifts, but it is much more pleasant to give them, especially if they are to the liking of people dear to our hearts. However, often the choice of a gift turns into a painful process. I would like to give something practical, and not some banal thing that will gather dust on the mezzanine. And what could be more practical than a stylish wrist watch? That's just there are unpleasant beliefs associated with such a gift.

And even if you are not superstitious, then your chosen one may be. How to be in that case? Is it possible to give a watch to a loved one? What are the consequences of such a gift? Let's figure it out.

Folk omens and superstitions

This is probably inherent in nature: despite technological progress and a developed society, many of us are prone to superstition. But most of the superstitions and signs were born due to ignorance of the nature of the occurring phenomena. Although, if you think about it, time is still an abstract quantity, absolutely beyond the control of man. It cannot be touched, and no matter how much we would like to turn back time sometimes, we are powerless. It is no wonder that a lot of superstitions are associated with such a mysterious substance.

One of them is the donation of watches. This belief has its roots in those distant times, when watches were only invented and superstitiously terrified ordinary people who understood little about mechanisms, and even more so in measuring what is not. In their view, the clock could somehow affect the passage of time, and a little later this fear was reborn into the belief that they measure the life of their owner.

The clock was also endowed with magical properties and it was believed that magicians, using them, could influence human destiny. But in the mysterious Chinese mythology, the clock was directly associated with death. In Chinese, even the hieroglyphs for hours and death are almost identical. There is an opinion that a person will live until the clock presented to him as a gift stops. Therefore, before giving a watch to a Chinese or Japanese, think carefully, as they may perceive such a gift as a wish for a speedy death.

Based on these superstitions and myths, many rather contradictory signs were born:

  • a watch as a gift to a loved one - for an early parting;
  • a watch presented to a colleague is a harbinger of a short life;
  • a watch as a wedding gift will bring discord into a young family, and then a divorce is inevitable;
  • at the same time, your favorite watch, which you have not parted with for a long time, can become your talisman and amulet;
  • to change life for the better and get out of the black streak of failures, you need to urgently purchase a new watch;
  • lost watches bring bad luck, but those found, on the contrary, are considered a symbol of success.

Why can't you give a watch to your loved one?

Do they give watches to their halves? Popular superstition claims that this is categorically undesirable. The ban applies to boyfriends and girlfriends, as well as married couples. They say that by giving a watch, you will begin your parting with your loved one. Moreover, separation is inevitable and does not depend on the stop of the clock mechanism. They may keep moving, but you will still part ways. Particularly superstitious young ladies are very upset by such gifts, believing that the young man is trying to get rid of their society. And even a gift in the form of a gold watch does not delight them.

One legend tells of a certain young couple who never quarreled, as they say, they lived in perfect harmony. But on the anniversary of the acquaintance, the girl decided to give the guy a watch. And from the moment a cat ran between them, quarrels did not stop. But contrary to superstitious omen, separation did not come between them: the clock broke, and love turned out to be stronger than time.

Whether we believe in signs or not, there are watches, they are worn, put on fireplaces, hung on walls, sold, bought and given away. It is only necessary to remember that thought is material. If you think about something bad all the time, then it will definitely happen. Therefore, if you are in doubt whether it is possible to give a watch to a loved one for a birthday, and thoughts of separation from him do not leave you, it is better to refuse such a gift and give him something neutral.

Give or not?

"To be or not to be?" - that is the question. This is the whole essence of the human, the eternal search, constant torment and the need for choice. The situation is simplified if a person is free from superstitions. Then, in order to give a watch to a loved one, it is necessary to find out his attitude to popular beliefs and rumors. If he, like you, does not pay attention to signs, then there is no problem. You just have to choose a chronometer worthy of your young man. Otherwise, either leave this idea, or recommend that he buy a watch himself, and give another present for his birthday.

There is another way out of this situation. The same popular belief that prohibits donating watches says that if you sell them for a nominal fee, then this is not considered a gift, which means that the omen will not work. A few kopecks or an iron ruble will do as payment. The fate of the donor, whose chosen one is a watch collector, is completely facilitated. Such a person will certainly be glad to receive a watch, especially if there are none in his collection. A gift with a memorable personalized engraving will be priceless.

Watch as a gift. Is it a bad omen or is such a present acceptable? To whom and when can I give a watch?

Many of us are aware that we should not give a watch as a gift, but no one can clearly explain why.

In fact, the sign about this has several different assumptions of occurrence, but there is a solution, although it is one.

We will talk about it later. But first things first.

There are two main versions that are considered to be true.


In Western traditions, it is customary to equate arrows with pointed objects, which means that they already fall into the category of those gifts that are undesirable to give, such as forks, knives and scissors, as well as other cutting and stabbing ones.

It is customary to think that such gifts tend to attract impure forces, which, at the time of giving, are attached to the donee. Subsequently, this will either lead to some kind of misfortune, or very big quarrels with the donor, sometimes even to a complete and final break in relations. As for pointed objects, it is also customary to say that they can “cut happiness and friendship.”


The second common reason why watches are not given as a present came to us from distant China. For a long time they had the opinion that the clock is a kind of invitation to the funeral. Yes, it is a rather strange sign, but it is generally difficult for us, the Slavic brothers, to understand Western culture.

There are many interpretations of this superstition. Someone thinks that the clock is counting down the time until separation, and as soon as the clock presented for a birthday stops, you will part with the person forever. And some are even sure that they are counting down the time until the death of the donee and thus are a direct threat to the life of the donee. In general, the omen is terrible.


The Slavs have their own concept of this sign. According to legend, when you give a watch as a gift, you also bring pain, emptiness, and disappointment to a person with this gift. Some people think that by giving a watch, you are giving away a part of your life. Often such a gift is called a quarrel between lovers, and some believe in the approaching death of the donee.

Why can't you give a watch to your loved ones?

There are many stories among the people about how people gave watches to their soul mates and then reaped the bitter consequences.

There was even a story about a couple in which the girl wanted to give her lover a watch, and before that they had never quarreled, but after such a gift, disagreements began. True, their love turned out to be much stronger and the sign ceased to be valid: the arrow on the clock fell off, and the second one soon stopped forever.

Although who knows, perhaps the product was simply of poor quality?

Who else can not give a watch?

It is best to remember that it is better not to give a birthday watch to anyone.

Whether you trust signs or not, it’s better not to give such a gift to your girlfriend. It is no secret that they are more superstitious, so such a gift can offend them or simply spoil their mood, which would be very inopportune if the reason for the gift was her birthday.

Many people, after they are over 14, begin to get upset over many trifles on this seemingly festive day. Surely among your friends there are those who look dejected on their own birthday. So, many of them feel like the clock is ticking and time is running out.

And the older the donee, the greater the chance that on his birthday he will think about old age and the transience of life and time in general, so you should not give a watch, or rather, another reason for grief.

What to do if you were given a watch?

So, we understood the root cause why you can’t give a watch as a gift. Now you will think more than once about whether it is worth presenting such a gift to someone you know.

But what to do if such a gift was given to you?

First, remember that not all people believe in omens, but someone, like you, is aware that it is impossible to give a watch as a gift. It is likely that the person has not heard of signs, so you should not blame him for all sins.

It is important to remember that not even the gift itself is important, but attention.

If a person wanted to please you and tried to find a beautiful and at the same time practical gift that you would not throw on the far shelf. Most people are quite reverent about this rite of donation. Even a shadow of doubt about accepting a gift can make a person very upset, so accept his gift with a smile and thank you for it from the bottom of your heart.

And secondly, in signs with such a gift, nothing is said about the purchase, which means that you can redeem the gift. No one says that you will have to pay the entire amount for a gift, you can even give a nominal fee, even 10 kopecks.

Many people think that the higher the ransom, the better it is, and they try to redeem the gift with paper bills, but it’s better not to do this. If you want to give a ransom when giving a gift in the form of a watch, then it is better to do this with coins.

Take a few coins in a handful, without counting them, give to the person when you accept the gift. Yes, and paying off on a large scale in itself will look strange, because in this way the fact of donation will simply come to naught. Better show how grateful you are with your hospitality and delicious treats.

Who can give a watch?

In fact, signs do not have any scientific justification, so if a person is superstitious, then any gift from the “forbidden” ones can ruin his mood and provoke a placebo effect, which entails a series of coincidences with a bad outcome. If a person does not believe in omens, then it is unlikely that something will happen to him after receiving a gift.

You can safely present a watch as a gift and those who collect them. Such people will definitely be delighted with gifts, but they most likely do not believe in omens.

In addition to all this, you can give watches husband, boss, and father. Most likely, you have heard more than once about officer watches that are given to the military for their services to the Motherland. Many have dreamed of these since childhood, but never got them.

You can buy such a watch yourself, but it cannot be compared with if a man received it as a gift. And if you do not spare money and also order a nominal engraving, then there will be no price for such a gift.

Be that as it may, try to think less about the bad and do not be afraid to give watches to others. If the watch presented to you scares you, then give a few coins to the donor. If this does not help, it is better to get rid of them.

In no case do not throw away the donated watch, but simply give it to someone else.

However, you can sell for the same symbolic ransom. Just do not forget that a present is a sign of care, love and all the best, because it will be unpleasant for a person to know that you did not like this gift.

Viewed: 82

We have long been accustomed to this saying, but is this gift really fatal? It's time to figure out if it's so bad to get such a present.

In the article:

Why giving a watch is a bad omen

There are two main versions. Adherents of the first believe that this gift will attract evil power to its owner.

People are sure that at the moment of transferring the clock, evil forces take possession of the victim. As a result, illnesses, misfortunes, financial problems are attracted to it, discord in friendship and love is possible.

Usually quarrels occur between the donor and the new owner of the item. Sharp small details on the body can cut the life of the one who wears the walker.

Second version Chinese origin - this people has been sure since ancient times that if you present a watch as a gift to a person, then invite him to a funeral. And on their own.

There is a less common interpretation of signs, hours - they will separate you from your loved ones.

Japanese we are sure that you can receive this thing as a gift only from the enemy, since with this gesture you wish the person to die soon.

Slavs It has long been believed that donated clocks testify to imminent disappointment in life, misfortune, emptiness and loneliness.

Parting with a loved one - what is the fault of the clock

Some are sure that if you give your soulmate a watch with a reliable mechanism, then as long as they go, the relationship will be strong.

This is a strange belief, since people themselves bring on a negative program, and it turns on the moment the clock stops. Such an attitude attracts bad events.

The lovers are sure that if a guy gives such a gift to his soulmate, problems, misunderstandings and quarrels will begin in the relationship. It is not always so. There is a belief that when the clock breaks the arrow, the lovers will part.

It is impossible to believe in this as an axiom. Remember that relationships depend only on your feelings, and if you really love each other, then not a single object that carries negative energy can harm and change anything for the worse.

Why watches are not given to friends and relatives

Even if you are not, refrain from such a gift, especially for women. They can independently launch a non-existent negative program and attract negative energy to themselves.

Do not present the watch to close relatives or friends. After all, the popular belief that this is a bad gift will ruin the holiday and leave a residue for a long time.

The negative perception of this gift is much more dangerous than the message it carries. It is undesirable to present watches as a gift to those who have crossed the line of 40 years.

Studies show that people older than this age think about the transience of time, near old age, bygone youth. Do not remind once again that everything is subject to time.

How to avoid a fatal gift

What to do if someone tries to give you a watch? First of all, pay attention to the donor.

If they are presented from a pure heart by a loved one who cares about you, does something pleasant, then the gift will not bring trouble.

It all depends on you and this thing. It is much more likely to receive an energy strike and launch a negative program by taking an object from hand to hand. Pay attention to who presents the watch and with what message he does it.

If you are afraid to receive such a thing from a loved one, redeem it! You don't have to pay the full price of the item. It is enough to give a little change in return. The same ceremony can be performed if you are given a wallet.

In order not to receive an unwanted present in the form of a watch for the holiday, warn relatives that such a gift is unacceptable for you.

If a loved one wants to buy this particular thing, go to the store with him, choose a watch that both will like. Let the donor give you the money, and you will pay for the selected attribute yourself. So you can protect yourself from the negative impact of the program and not offend anyone.

Remember that it is not the gift that matters, but the attention. Therefore, even if you were presented with a watch, do not set yourself up for negativity. Take pleasure in the fact that the person wanted to do something pleasant.