How to recognize the signs of fate? Secret signs of fate: meaning. Bad omens: what signs warn us of bad luck

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All of the listed signs and signs associated with enrichment:

Mole small size on a bald spot, located near the crown, symbolizes the upcoming success.

Dark mole of Saturnian color on top of the head prophesies wealth and nobility for its owner.
Mole on the forehead predicts success and wealth, and the closer it is to the middle part of the forehead, the better.
Mole on any of the hands talking about wealth. A mole on the hand is a sign of fidelity and determination, as well as prosperity and generosity.
Mole in the front of the throat It is the most auspicious sign predicting a rich marriage or successful career that will ensure prosperity.
Massive, strong palm square shape is a sign and a source of energy. An example is the palm of the American actress Angelina Jolie / Angelina Jolie, her palm shape refers to the signs of wealth:

Beautifully enveloping a distinctly pronounced hill of Venus, the line of life testifies to ardor and
great vitality. If there is also a long thumb this energy is tripled. The more energy, the more materially rich a person can become.

Mole on the navel is a sign of wealth and good luck.
Birthmark on (or above) the right eyebrow predicts its owner success in business, love, as well as wealth.
Moles located on any part of the nose they usually talk about the upcoming success in life, about a happy marriage.
Mole on one of the ears is sure sign wealth.
Mole on the chin indicates a love of travel, as well as luck.
Mole in the armpit there are about generous and attractive people.
Moles on the left chest found in industrious, prudent people, whose life usually develops successfully and brings abundance.
Mole located on the right knee, speaks of a good-natured character, honesty, great material success, and also the presence of many friends.
Mole located on the toes, predicts its owner a marriage with a wealthy person.

Birds that bring wealth and good luck

Hear how the duck quacked- a lucky sign that portends wealth. To see her in flight is an extraordinary fortune, especially for people who are in sadness or excitement.

Eagle. Very good sign. Among the Romans, it was considered the main bird, which symbolized the supreme power of Jupiter, often depicted next to an eagle. Guarantees prosperity.

Martin. It was also considered among the ancients as one of the happiest birds. It is a symbol of spring, awakening and rebirth of nature. It was considered a lucky sign to see a lone swallow before the others arrived. If a swallow made a nest on the eaves of the house, it promised the inhabitants of the house good luck, as well as happiness.

Woodpecker. It is considered a lucky bird, a meeting with which portends success, especially received as a reward for work.

Wren. A charming brown bird, which is a sign of good luck.

Stork. According to the Roman augurs, it is one of the happiest birds. In Sweden it is called a sacred bird. great success in all endeavors.

Peacock. As the Romans associated the eagle with Jupiter, so the peacock was identified with Juno, who was the queen of heaven. The happiest of all possible signs was considered a meeting with a peacock. If you see how a peacock spreads its tail, you can hope for prosperity and happiness.

Cuckoo. Hearing the cuckoo, expect wealth.

Pigeon. Refers to the happiest signs, which are associated with signs that testify to happiness, love and a blessing for the wedding.

Wealth Animals

Ram. It is a sign of success in life, wealth and nobility.
Horse- symbolizes wealth.

Rituals for enrichment and good luck

To get rich in Maundy Thursday need to bathe in gold and silver.
Wealth will bring Fern flower, found at night on Ivan Kupala.
Bring good luck chipped coins, which should be stored in the wallet.
The symbol of wealth is thumb ring.
If carry a double walnut in your wallet you will become rich.
If ride under the bridge by car and see a train traveling over the bridge, you need to urgently put any money on your head, after which the money will arrive. If there is not enough time, you can put a briefcase or a wallet with money on your head.
Buy a car from rich people- to good luck.
Detect litter on the body- to money.
planted birch at home scares away evil, protects from lightning, and also attracts wealth.
Mushrooms on the wall grew up - to wealth.
Take on the road elder staff, then you will not be afraid dangerous people nor wild beasts.
If you find and carry with you overcome-grass, gain goodness and talent. Odolen-grass is the popular name for the water lily.
dried shamrock stored in the house will bring well-being.
Accidentally spill rye- to good luck. Grain is a symbol of life and fertility.
If carry dry hops, you will become rich and be saved from corruption.
If eat Chernobyl with food, you can not be afraid of snake bites, or sorcerers, or poverty.
Eating at the beginning, as well as at the end of lunch, a piece of bread with salt become rich and happy.
Banknotes in the wallet should be placed front side (the one where the portrait is printed), to the owner. In the small compartment itself, you need to store a one dollar bill folded in the shape of a triangle.
The wallet should contain a “lucky coin”(received from good man, the first you earned, the remaining from a successful transaction, etc.). You can’t spend it - this is a happy talisman of prosperity, otherwise the money may “take offense” and stop coming to you.
Bird flying into the house- a symbol of wealth and good luck for the owner of the house.
Before any responsible business, for example, going to the boss’s office or passing the test, you need to put your hands in your pockets, make a figure there, and then immediately go to the goal.
Floating tea leaves and bubbles in the morning coffee appear to the money.
Dip and wash with Ilyinsky rain(which went on Ilyin's day - August 2) means - to attract wealth.
It suddenly began to rain while leaving for long way - to a safe path.
mistletoe branch, which was plucked before the summer solstice and hidden under the pillow, will allow you to see prophetic dreams of wealth (Wales).
It is recommended to start new business on Tuesday, as well as Thursday or Saturday - these days are considered to be the most favorable.
mice living in the house, promise wealth.
see the rainbow- to the fulfillment of desires.
Sneeze on Monday- to receive a gift: how many times you sneeze, you will receive so many gifts.
Sudden snow, rain or blizzard on the wedding day- to prosperity and wealth, to money.
Note about the bed: getting out of bed in the morning through a step or footstool, expect a good day.
In real rice, individual patterns stick together because they have a different structure. Education is rice when cooking rings along the edges of the pan promises wealth. http://site
Flip the sugar bowl to achieve abundance in the future.
Accidentally confuse sugar with salt when cooking, this is a good sign that does not depend on the taste of the cooked dish and portends good news.
If you suddenly dropped the glass, miraculously remaining intact, you have friends who are ready for you even to throw themselves into fire or into water.
Hearing, going to bed, mockingbird song, expect good luck soon.
In the past, snakes were often kept in houses for protection, so until now having a snake in the house considered a sign of happiness.
Seeing a snake in the garden, know that you can still get rich.
Seeing footprints of any wild animals in the snow who walked around your house, expect good luck in the future.
Seen in the morning, or at another time spider in the house, expect happiness.
Making a golden manicure, you will attract money to your hands.
Birds love to build nests over a good home who expects happiness in the future. This is probably due to the presence of an aura of well-being and tranquility in homes inhabited by kind and loving people. Therefore, feeling such a favorable aura, the birds begin to build nests over such houses.
Seeing a flying dove, get good news.
Tricolor cat, will bring prosperity to the family, as well as wealth.
If a cat reaches out to a person- it promises a benefit or renewal.
Japanese merchants believe that if the cat will suddenly hold the ear with its left paw, buyers will certainly come to their shop, or a good deal will soon be made.
Dropping, sweeping, a broom, you can make a wish, before you raise it - the wish will certainly come true.
Also in Russian villages there is the following sign: a large number of matches bring wealth to the home.
The Mongols of the era of Genghis Khan believed pearls are a symbol of power, wealth, as well as power.

There is a very powerful sign of wealth located at the top of chest, under the collarbone, on the happy side closer to the center. If there are three small moles, forming a triangle, this is
a symbol of great wealth, abundance, and such wealth that does not need to be earned, one day wealth will simply fall on you, perhaps in the form of an unexpected inheritance.

The most faithful symbol of inheritance is, nevertheless, a different sign, which should be located
on the buttocks. In Old Russian, even the very word “ass” meant inheritance. This sign should be located on the lower part of the buttocks, on the happy side, in a place where a smooth line separates the buttocks from the thigh. If you have there birthmark dark or bluish shade, this is a symbol of the great inheritance that you will receive in the future. If this spot is not round shape, but flattened and has an almost uneven oval shape, this is a sign that the inheritance will be simply huge.
There are also signs of wealth. One of them is located in the upper region of the foot,
next to the ankle. In that place should be two moles, one above the other, but in this case- on negative side. They symbolize secret sources of income, possibly left money.
If the moles are large, they indicate incorrectly acquired wealth. People who have this sign are under constant temptation and must be on the alert. In this case, moles should be approximately the same and located, preferably horizontally.
Signs can be not only moles, but even pimples that pop up unexpectedly, which are temporary symbols. If you suddenly have acne in one of the above places, expect to get wealth soon.

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Signs ... for someone, the mention of this phenomenon causes a skeptical smirk, and for someone, reverent awe or even fear. Why does it happen that for some signs are indisputable precursors of certain events, but at the same time do not affect the lives of others? Is it true that if you do not believe in bad omens, then they will not come true? Is it possible to somehow avert the misfortune predicted by the omen? Let's try to figure it out together...

What is an omen in general? This is, by and large, a kind of causal relationship that can neither be proven nor refuted. Something happened, so something will happen soon ... like if lightning flashes, then thunder is about to strike ... but if few people dare to argue with this natural pattern, then everything is much more interesting and unusual with signs.

Signs originate from those times when people about science had very vague concepts, or there were none at all. Religion in any of its manifestations ruled for everyone - starting from the ancient primitive priests and shamans, sorcerers, healers, healers, etc. At all times, people have been interested in knowing what awaits them in the future ... but how to do it? Here signs came to the rescue, which arose either on the basis of repeatedly experienced experience, or on the basis of religious and magical teachings, without any real background.

For example, people began to notice that after the appearance of rats in the house, illnesses begin in the family ... here's the first sign for you - "mice and rats are wound up at home - to diseases in the family." Everything is elementary here, no mysticism. Rats and mice are carriers of a huge number of diseases, and if they live side by side with you, have access to your things and products, then you are exposed to increased risk get sick...

Another example, well known to everyone since childhood, is the notorious black cat and all sorts of troubles ... this is mysticism clean water, originating from the Middle Ages, the times of the Inquisition, when black cats were considered minions of the devil and brutally destroyed in huge numbers ... for which they paid later by provoking a huge increase in the number of rodents, which, in turn, brought people death from the plague. Here is such a pun of weaving! And in fact, the poor cat is not to blame for anything! A harmless mammal, which nature has awarded with a black skin, that's all ... the same as cats of other colors, harmless ...

One of my acquaintances believes that a black cat brings trouble to people, and he is even ready to be late for work because of a detour, but he will never go along the road that the black cat crossed. I think it's funny, and we often argue about it. I say: “Here, a black cat lives at my house, she crosses my path a thousand times every day, nevertheless, everything is fine with me, and if you follow your logic, then most likely I would have been in the other world for a long time! ". To which he replies: “Well, when at home, this is another matter ...”, but if you think categorically, then a sign is a sign, and there should be no exceptions, so I think dear readers understand how some signs ridiculous...

But with all this, I don’t want to say that omens are complete nonsense, because it also happens that omens work! The first option is a coincidence. At dinner, a cup was broken, in the evening your boss praised you, and you went home very satisfied. But he praised you, obviously not because of the cup, but because you worked well ... and if you worked poorly, then at least interrupt the entire service - it would not help.

It's good when such coincidences are pleasant, much worse when something bad happens. Example: they spilled salt and soon had a fight with his wife. Again, not because of the salt, but for some reason known to you two. The next time, spilling salt, you will already experience internal discomfort, you will expect some kind of trouble ... and you will most likely get them, because you will attract them to yourself with your thoughts. Remember, thoughts have a way of materializing, especially if you regularly feed bad thoughts with your fear and confusion.

Therefore, some rituals were invented, supposedly to "reverse trouble", such as how to outdo three times, knock on wood, stick your tongue in the mirror, etc. This is the psychology of pure water, because a person will relax and will not expect trouble if, having noticed a bad omen, he quickly does something that will give him confidence that everything will be fine.

I try to deliberately not follow the lead of some signs and make sure that these signs are complete nonsense. For example, in principle I will not go to the mirror to show my tongue if, after leaving the apartment, I immediately have to return ... I will not throw salt over my left shoulder, if I suddenly spill it, I will not step on my foot in response ... and I live well at that.

But there are still some signs that I can not explain. For example, a mirror. I am very afraid to break the mirror, so I have only two of them at home - a small pocket one and one in the bath, I treat them carefully. For some reason, for me and my family, the signs associated with mirrors unfortunately came true, although no one believed in them, I used to too ... Although one of my friends says: “I broke a thousand times and nothing, everything is fine was "... Coincidence? May be so...

“The right eye itches - to look at a sweetheart” as well as “A knife fell - a man will come into the house” - they work with a probability of about 90% -95%, because it happens that you are absolutely not going to meet anyone, but signs say the opposite, and suddenly a friend calls you and offers to meet.

“The dishes beat for happiness” also works with a high degree of probability ... if you accidentally brush a cup off the table or drop a slippery soapy plate from your hands, a small pleasant event happens in life ...

There are signs that are frankly stupid and funny, you can encounter them in large numbers on various Internet resources ... I recently read a sign that amused me very much: “If you accidentally put on underpants inside out - a bad sign, you will get a contagious disease! To prevent this from happening, cowards must be burned immediately! What can I say ... maybe you just don’t have to engage in intimate contacts indiscriminately, then you won’t get infected with anything? Well, if you have casual relationships, then burn at least ten underpants - you won’t be insured, and the underpants put on inside out will have nothing to do with it.

You can find many such signs that just predict death, illness, poverty, disappointment ... “Do not put an umbrella in the hallway - one of the relatives will die!”, “Do not walk around the house in one slipper in search of another - the husband will die (wife)!”, “Don’t sit on the table, there will never be children (never marry, die close person, 10 years of misfortune, etc.), “A husband and wife should not sleep under different blankets- they will part ”and such absurd signs can be found in a cart and a small cart ... and what about gifts? I read the signs and realized that for the most part we give something that cannot be given at all ... everywhere there is one negative! "In which scary world we are living!" - you start to think, looking through a couple of sites dedicated to signs.

In the end, I would like to give you, dear readers, some advice: if you are an impressionable person, it’s better not to read signs at all, otherwise it will seem to you that there is a catch everywhere. Track "your" signs, good and kind, that work in your life and try to notice them more often, tune in a positive way. If something happened that supposedly is a bad omen, take it as a coincidence and nothing more ... think how many bad omens there are in the world that we do not know about! They happen in our lives, and we don’t even think about them, and everything is fine with us! What to say about omens different peoples, which may even contradict each other? There is only one conclusion - believe only in what you want to believe in, in what promises you happiness, health, love, good luck ... hope for it and believe that all the good will come to you, and the bad will bypass, then so be it!

Good luck dear readers and Have a good mood! Everything will be fine!

Many superstitions are associated with photographs and photographic equipment, one of which says that the one who takes pictures takes away the soul and happiness. It is for this reason that in many countries it is forbidden to film people without their permission. In Russia, this is treated more calmly, but still it is believed that photography has a special inexplicable power that can affect the fate of a person. In this article, we will talk about the most common signs, superstitions and prohibitions associated with photographs, and give explanations for them.

Photography Prohibitions

1. You can not give photos to strangers. This sign is as old as the world and carries a good justification - through photography, energy metabolism, which unscrupulous people can use to inflict irreparable harm, send damage, destroy life. Photographs often become the main magical attribute in rituals, love spells, damn.

However, this sign applies only to photos that were printed from the first medium (camera, phone, tablet). In other words, for magical rituals only the first and original photo will do. Pictures downloaded from the Internet are not subject to this rule.

2. You can not give a photograph to a loved one. This sign is very easy to explain - a photograph, which depicts one person, conveys the energy of loneliness. So when such a photo gets to your partner, he begins to subconsciously treat you as a person who does not need anyone.

In addition, it is now fashionable to give the most successful, edited and even artistic photographs. On them, a person looks much more attractive than in life. In practice, you can lose to your own double. Therefore, if you want your loved one to have your photo, esotericists recommend taking a picture together. It will unite you: in such a photo you feel the energy of love, which distracts from the shortcomings of appearance.

3. Do not cut, tear or burn photos. Any photograph is inseparably linked with the person depicted in it. Therefore, when you tear or burn your pictures, you personally destroy your life, attract troubles, troubles, illnesses. You violate the integrity of your energy field, becoming an easy target for ill-wishers, offenders, enemies.

4. You can not put your photograph in the coffin of the deceased. This superstition originates from the rituals practiced by black magicians. Esotericists believe that the deceased person, in whose coffin your photograph was placed, can really take you to the next world.

Of course, in order for the sign to come true, you need to read the plot above the photo. But it's not worth the risk. Photos are closely related to human energy, therefore, having buried your picture with the deceased, you yourself may soon find yourself underground.

5. You can not keep in sight photographs of the dead. Honoring the memory of deceased loved ones is right, but you should not keep their photos in the same album with those who are alive, and even more so post such photos in a conspicuous place. The fact is that photographs of the deceased store and transmit the energy of death, which negatively affects living people. In those houses in which photos of the deceased are prominently displayed, quarrels, illnesses and other troubles most often occur. In such a place, the energy of sorrow settles, which does not allow positive flows to dominate over negative ones.

6. You can not photograph places with negative energy. Moreover, you can’t take pictures of yourself and any other people in these places. Together with you, traces of the energy that is inherent in a terrible place can remain in the photo. As a rule, by taking a picture, you let some of this negativity into your life. Dark places are not the best choice for a snapshot.

7. You can not publish and give photos of the baby. The biofield of young children in the first months of birth is very vulnerable, so babies are much more susceptible to negativity. They are easier to jinx, even without bad intentions. Esotericists do not recommend giving photos of babies even to close relatives. For the same reason, you should not publish photos of children on the Internet. Someone else's envy, negativity and anger can harm the health of the child. He can become moody and weak.

8. You can not be photographed before the wedding. There is also such a sign that two lovers who were photographed before wedding celebration, will break up soon. Of course, people themselves are more often to blame for quarrels and breaks than photographs. If your love is real, you have nothing to worry about: joint pictures will only strengthen your union, enhancing the energy of love.

9. You can not photograph unbaptized children. It is believed that unbaptized children are deprived of divine protection, so photographs can harm them: take away vitality, make them weak, spineless, provoke a bad fate.

10. You can not be photographed during pregnancy. There is a belief that a woman who is photographed during pregnancy is sure to face misfortune associated with her unborn child. These actions can cause miscarriage, problems with the mental and physical health of the baby. However, there is a serious refutation of this sign - many foreign stars not only openly declared their pregnancy, but also photographed naked, focusing precisely on their interesting position. And each of them had a healthy baby.

11. You can not be photographed together. There is a belief that the one who is captured in the picture in the middle will suddenly die. This superstition does not stand up to scrutiny, and there is no reliable justification for it.

12. You can not take pictures before a long trip. Superstitious people believe that, having taken a picture "on the track", you can no longer return home. This is another controversial sign. Suffice it to recall the astronauts, famous travelers, sailors and discoverers who are photographed before departure and return safely.

As you can see, many superstitions are so contradictory that they do not stand up to scrutiny and come true only in exceptional cases. Esotericists do not forbid taking pictures, they forbid looking for negative where it does not exist and cannot exist. The main thing is not to give your photos to strangers and take pictures of yourself only in positive and joyful moments of your life. Such photos will fill your destiny with the energy of light, love and happiness. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

56 special signs of fate,

which are worth paying attention to.

Very often, fate gives us signs that we should not pay attention to. close attention.

Signs are formed from these signs and passed from generation to generation.

This close attention to the signs of fate and signs is necessary, first of all, for ourselves. For mental and physical health, to strengthen the family (we want our descendants to be healthy and happy, right?). And in the end, to improve our lives both in the spiritual sphere and in the material one!

Take to your bookmarks or favorites all the beautiful 56 signs of fate and accept, and pay your attention to them as often as possible until you remember them, and you no longer think, what would it mean when fate again and again calls you to attention.

1. When you walk down the street and see a feather lying on the ground, pick it up and bring it home, you can put it in a vase, you can hang it or even just put it down. This is a powerful amulet given to you by heaven. Notice such signs of the Spirits. (Karagai)

2. Collect rocks from rivers. They possess great strength, energy! (Karagay)

3. To feed on the energy of the sun, it is necessary that the sun be at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizon. It is necessary to fold large and index fingers two hands to make a triangle and look through this triangle at the sun. Then the energy will penetrate your body
maximum! (Karagay)

4. Try your best to help others. If you cannot bring joy, then at least do no harm. (Karagay)

5. Take care of your life, do not take risks at the life-death level ... Death can joke, but her jokes are flat and vulgar. (Karagay)

6. Go ahead and don't look back! What was, then leave it, everything has its lesson, what you needed once you can let go. (Karagay)

7. Difficulties ... a formality! Serious difficulties serious, but a formality! There is a sky, it is sometimes behind the clouds, but it is worth making an effort (to get on a plane) and above these clouds is the same blue sky. Peace to all! (Karagay)

8. To get closer to a dream, sometimes it is enough to take at least one step. Do not be afraid of difficulties, they always are and will be. White road to you all in all your endeavors! (Albert Talipov)

9. Your first moral principle should be the refusal to harm anyone. This principle in your life should be very firm: "I will never harm anyone." Think ... (Karagay)

10. When you become the source of happiness for sentient beings, you yourself will become the happiest. And if you become a source of suffering for others, you will be the first to become unhappy. Think... (Karagai)

11. Spend at least an hour a day in silence ... You need it just like communication. (Karagay)

12. The ability to love the highest that is on earth. Know how to love everyone, even your enemies! (Karagay)

13. Do not throw garbage into water bodies. No. The water spirit can get very angry. To appease the Spirit of Water, you can throw bread, milk, coins into the water. (Karagay)

14. Usually we call our past golden time, golden days. This is mistake. It is very important to understand that every coming moment in your life is just the same Golden time. (Karagai)

15. It is very easy to create the causes of suffering, but it is not easy to create the causes of happiness. To burn big house, there is no need to learn, even children are capable of it. But in order to build a big beautiful house you need to know a lot. Think about it. (Karagai)

16. The Summer Solstice is the highest point in the celestial circle of the Sun, when, having reached its peak, the Sun gives us all its Power. It is good to meet this day in a cozy place by the water. Bathing in the river, the lake will be cleansing. You can also make a supply of water from a well, a key - water is considered healing. (Dmitry Ilyin)

17. There is no perfect religion and faith, there is no worst of them, God is one, so pray to whomever you want, but remember very important commandments: live according to your conscience, respect your ancestors, love. (Karagay)

18. If you have a goal to change the world, first change yourself. Learn to possess the energy of joy and the energy of love. These are the main moments and experiences of a person. Smile, laughter, joy have great power. When you learn this, you will discover “love” for yourself (Albert Talipov)

19. Wild trees have no place in the garden and garden. They are good in the front garden, at the gate and at the gate. If the plot is large (more than 25 acres), then wild trees can be planted along the entire fence, or as a hedge. Wild trees suppress the growth of cultivated plants: chaos fights order. For example, a birch draws moisture from the soil within a radius of 30 meters, in spruce, in general, the root system is superficial and the higher the spruce, the larger area she collects nutrients. In addition, spruce, like oak, attracts lightning. (Dmitry Ilyin)

20. Break birch branches. Put some of them in a vase to decorate the house, which will create a bright and kind atmosphere. Finely chop a few branches, but do not use a knife or scissors. Put the fragments of twigs in the earthenware, glassware and soak in boiling water for at least 3 hours. If you find lemon or orange zest, add it. When infused, dip a cotton or gauze swab into the infusion and wipe yourself after an evening bath. You will feel the effect yourself. (Dmitry Ilyin)

21. There is such a very good saying: "The hand of the giver will not fail." Whenever possible, try to give money to the poor and the needy. It doesn’t matter what amount it will be, the process itself is important. (Albert Talipov)

22. Life is a damn short amount of time. Do not waste it on swearing and tears, foul language and alcohol! You can do good, give birth to children, relax and do a lot of other nice things! (Karagai)

23. Rain ... It can control the feelings and emotions of a person ... it can remind him of any moments of his life ... or, on the contrary, wash away all memories. Rain can cleanse. When everything is very bad ... I go out and just stand in the rain ... (Albert Talipov)

24. If your loved one began to get angry with you, if you are not to blame - hug him and hold him tightly, he will calm down. (Karagay)

25 . Respect your ancestors, whatever they may be. (Karagay)

26. If you feel bad at heart and you feel lethargic, just sing ... Sing what your heart desires. She sometimes also wants to speak out ... (Albert Talipov)

27. Treat everyone with respect and do not put yourself above anyone, even if you help someone. This is very bad. If selfishness begins, megalomania, you have to hit yourself on the ground and lower yourself from heaven, because nothing good will come of this. (Karagay)

28. People of all classes, different sexes and ages turn to me, and almost everyone has the same problem or the root cause of the problem - the roots are lost, the roots with the earth and with the ancestors. Remember the dead, no matter what they were during their lifetime, they are wiser than you, the Spirits help you later. Bake pancakes, cakes, put a chula in the khuree, go to the temple ... (Karagay)

29. Always remember: there is no the most faithful religion, there is no most correct faith, the most intelligent priests of certain cults. God is one. God is the top of the mountain, and different faiths and religions are approaches to this peak. Pray to whomever you want, but know that your main goal is not to be without sins, but to reach and know God. (Karagai)

thirty . If you decide to do something, then do not doubt yourself. Fear makes you retreat from the right way for this is the chief instrument of all evil. At the same time, do not lose hope if something does not work out the first time. Every small victory brings you closer to the big one. (Albert Talipov)

31. Remember one very important thing in life: everyone gets what they deserve. Don't allow problems into your Soul, into your thoughts, then the problem will not reach your body. (Karagay)

32. True love is always free. The first sign of vampirism is that a loved one, for some unknown reason, has cooled off towards you, but continues to use your feelings, i.e. you see that he is pleased with it and he encourages you to express your love, you need to carefully analyze your relationship. And, if you realize that you are addicted, start getting rid of it. After all, addiction is not love, and it should not have any value for you. (Aygo Aidana)

33. Acquiring the Power, the shaman enters into special relationship, reminiscent of the act of hunting, so the fate of the shaman is the Path of the Hunter. Sometimes it happens that the hunter and the victim change places, so that this does not happen, first train your hunting instinct, and then hunt. (D. Ilyin)

34. No magic can make a person love someone who is indifferent to him. The love spell only binds the victim to the initiator, forcing him to experience unconscious discomfort when trying to leave or somehow end the relationship. This discomfort, in the end, harasses a person, drives him to despair, deprives him of health and gives rise to a feeling of hatred for the object of affection. Don't joke with love spells. You can destroy a person's life, and with it your own. I wish you big true love! (Aygo Aidana)

35. Life can turn to face you, maybe in a different place, but few people understand that you yourself turn it. All bad thoughts towards others turn to you. All envy also comes, in the end, to you. And why is it necessary? Live calmly and measuredly ... You can’t envy, and there’s no reason .. Well, that person has big car, but his face will not get better from this car ... Gold is generally a dirty metal, it has nothing to envy. Smile more often and passers-by, loved ones and even life itself will smile at you too. (Karagai)

36. If you want to be respected, treat others with respect. Respond to good with kindness; repay evil with indifference. The person who caused evil will suffer more because you did not pay attention to it (Albert Talipov)

37. Don't drink alcohol at all. Alcohol destroys the body, brain, and soul. If you are a shaman or an esoteric, or someone else who does these things, and you drink, it means that you will soon run out of all your strength, the Spirits will punish you. Alcohol really kills, don't be stupid. In order to relax there is a bath, in order to have fun there are songs, in order to find mutual language there is tea, and in order to get to know a woman closely, there is, in Eventually sweets ... (Karagai)

38. When you have Bad mood Don't take it out on others. They don't deserve it. (Karagai)

39. In case of heart pain, try not to lie down, but sit in a more comfortable position for you. Breathe deeply and forcefully stroke the tips of the little fingers and the center of the palm. It is advisable to massage before the onset of pain, at least once every 2 days for 10-15 minutes. (Albert Talipov)

40. When looking for your soul mate, never listen to anyone, they say, the wrong person, the wrong figure, the wrong class ... Listen only to your heart and think with your head, and not with what is below. (Karagai)

41. Now is the most tick season. Eat great plot(It was given to me by my great-grandfather). At the entrance to the forest, stand up and say out loud: “I am in the forest, a tick is out of the forest”, emphasis on I and OUT. Ticks won't fit, and even if they do, they definitely won't bite. (Karagay)

42. Smile, smile more often and give smiles to people passing by! This will give both you and your interlocutor strength and energy. (Karagay)

43. Value your personal space and the space of others. Never insolently come too close to strangers, im may be on energy level very uncomfortable ... (Karagay)

44. Never regret anything, it's superfluous. Everything that happens happens by the will of the Spirits and everything is for the better. (Karagai)

45. Stones that look like animals cannot be taken without a rite, otherwise you can invite trouble. If you find such a stone and want to take it with you, then contact the host spirit of the place with a request to take the stone and make an offering to it. Then cover the stone on the ground with a white cloth... (Kagarai)

46. ​​To protect yourself from bad influence on the Internet, the photo on the avatar must be taken in front of a fire or in smoke, then reading information is extremely unlikely, including exposure. (Karagay)

47. Smoking. Two monks sat at the entrance to the temple and smoked. One asks the other: “Why is that? Here the Master allowed you to smoke in the temple, but I didn’t ... ”The other answers,“ How did you ask Him? - "Well ... Master, can I smoke during meditation? he said sharply NO "-" Here .. and I asked if I could meditate while smoking? And he said Yes…” (this parable was told to me by a student of Osho in India), you can treat smoking in different ways and the same will be the impact. It is better, of course, not to smoke, but if you smoke and are not going to quit, do not read what they write on the packs, because this is programming yourself for the occurrence of a disease. Do not smoke a pack a day out of habit, but only when you want ... And as much as you want. Don't treat it like bad habit that kills you, and the harm from smoking will really be less. (Karagay)

48. Listening to good music purifies yourself of negative energy accumulated during the day. Music is a kind of meditation that can bring you to a sense and harmony with yourself (Albert Talipov)

49. In order to breathe better, so that the heart does not press, know how to cry ... (Karagai)

50. If you quarrel with a person, and he says nasty things to you, curses you, and you start to feel bad about yourself, you can make a return (return to the person the negativity that he sent to you), out loud - “your speeches are on your shoulders, your thoughts on you and hung *** name **. (Karagay)

51. Your strength is in your thoughts. Never think badly about a loved one in anger, otherwise you yourself without meaning it will bring trouble on him. Thoughts are one of the sources of hidden energies of consciousness. Every thought generates an action, if not for yourself, then for the world as a whole. (Albert Talipov)

52. To make people reach out to you, go to meet them! Be altruistic, this will add strength to you, energy, perhaps, will be counted in next lives, but it will definitely affect you very well, but do not confuse sincere altruism with selfish (I think you understand me ...) (Karagay)

53. Being a shaman, I always respect other religions. Tomorrow the Orthodox have a "parents' day", it is necessary to remember all the dead. To commemorate a person, you can make ritual pova cakes (flour, water, salt, fry on sunflower oil) and eat them with the words "I eat a thorn, I eat a thorn, I eat a thorn." These cakes, like pancakes for Christians, are funeral, cult and ritual food, they should be eaten with special reverence and should not be thrown away. (Karagai)

54. If you feel that the situation that has developed is unsolvable, raise your hand higher, then abruptly release it with the words “fuck it ...” and think again! As the Great said, “even if you were eaten, you have two choices” (Karagay)

55. Learn to love, learn not to be offended, and if you are offended, then quickly forgive! Be happy, love each other! (Karagai)

56. When a woman buys food, she buys future days of happiness for her family. Each fresh, beautiful, ripe and pleasantly smelling vegetable or fruit is a day of happy and peaceful life in this family. The man, for his part, must provide the woman with money so that she can choose the best quality products. A family that saves on groceries becomes poor and unhappy, since saving on groceries is saving on the happiness of their own relatives. (Aigo Aigan)


Clues of Fate are found in the most unexpected places. Sometimes in order to get an answer to exciting question and bring well-being into your life, just look under your feet.

9. Water is the source of strength and wisdom. Fate gives us a chance to enlist the support of the spirit of water - use it. Throw milk, bread and small coins into the water (the latter only into bodies of water without living creatures). Do not throw garbage into water bodies - by doing so, you bring on yourself diseases.

10. Don't call your past the most best time life. Capricious Fortune may be offended and stop presenting you pleasant surprises. Live happily today and tomorrow, not in the past tense.

11. Build your happiness together with loved ones. Act collaboratively and with mutual assistance. Such an approach to business will always find a response and support from the Universe.

12. Fate constantly tells us where and when to draw energy and strength. Day summer solstice is one of the most powerful sources of power. Spend some time by the water and draw some from a natural spring (spring). With the help of such water, you can perform all kinds of rituals, be treated for various diseases prolong beauty and youth.

13. Everything in the world is in harmony. Create harmony within yourself, stop thinking in cliches and expressing the thoughts of other people. Live in mutual understanding, pray to those Gods in whom you believe, and do not offend others with your statements. Fate teaches us not to notice the shortcomings of others, but to correct our own.

14. Ancestral observations suggest that wild trees and shrubs reduce the growth of cultivated plants in the garden. In small areas, use only home crops. Thank nature for the gifts, and she will return gratitude to you.

15. Use the rain to your advantage. Streams of heavenly moisture can remind you of something long forgotten, excite emotions, calm down and even wash away all the accumulated negativity. This gift of Destiny is directly related to your well-being. Just wash off the remnants of anger and irritation by standing under the warm summer rain.

16. If you feel heaviness in your soul, tell the Universe about your problems. She, like no one else, is able to listen and suggest a way out of the situation. In addition, a person sometimes needs a strong and silent interlocutor.

17. Never lose touch with your roots. The clan force will protect you the more, the more you pay attention to living and deceased relatives. The spirits of the ancestors protect the whole family, and Fate constantly shows us their concern. It is important to feel and see with the heart.

18. Housewives, when buying products, should remember that they are acquiring happiness and health for their entire family. Your concern comes from the heart. Favorable Fate, watching your desire to take care of the family, will add optimism and strength to you.

19. IN difficult situations find an opportunity to get out into the bosom of nature. Ask her questions and you will definitely get answers. Fate favors people with an inquisitive mind and those who do not give up in front of obstacles.

20. Trust your intuition. Fortune speaks to you in all languages. Watch the changes that happen to you. If you are lucky, then you are on the right track.

21. Consider the obstacles in your path. One-time “stumbling” does not mean at all that you are doing the wrong thing. However, if the obstacles are of the same type, and Fate seems to turn you away from business, this should be taken seriously. Analyze your actions - you must have missed something, and Fate gives you a chance to correct mistakes.

The objects you meet along the way also symbolize good luck or obstacles. Some things are worth accepting as a gift, while others are to be avoided in a wide arc.

The main thing that various practices of the whole world converge on, whether it be feng shui, Indian Vedas, native faith, occultism and much more, is to listen to your heart. Look at the world not through the prism of public opinion, but through the eyes of the soul. We wish you new victories and achievements, and do not forget to press the buttons and