Christmas traditions: what to give for the holiday? What to give for Christmas: pleasant surprises for each family member

It is better to think about gifts for Christmas even before the New Year's fuss, otherwise the festive carousel will spin in such a way that there will be no time or energy left for shopping trips. When going to visit friends, you can simplify the task and buy one useful gift for everyone and a sweet gift for a child. You don't have to buy at Christmas expensive gifts, it is quite enough to get by with a cake and a bottle of wine or bring a set of tea, a gift jar of good coffee or a box as a congratulation chocolates. The most Christmas present is curly gingerbread, you can buy them in advance or bake them yourself. On the eve of the holiday, various goods with a Christmas theme appear in stores: watches, calendars, mugs, candles, key rings, bookmarks, magnets, pens and notepads. To create festive atmosphere and color your wishes and congratulations, friends, colleagues and relatives should definitely buy little surprises.

What to give a child for Christmas

Gifts such as rattles, cubes, bathing toys, pyramids, tumblers are suitable for babies up to three years old. a good gift for the grandson there will be jumpers, rocking chairs or walkers. To a little boy you can give an inexpensive but pleasant toy for him: a typewriter, an automatic machine, a set of tools for a home craftsman, a designer or a drawing board. A godchild for Christmas should buy a radio-controlled helicopter, car or plane. Would be a great gift for my son Railway or multi-level parking. If you want to buy a developing gift, then you should choose a set for chasing or burning, an aircraft model for self-assembly, a kit for chemical experiments or a kit for creating plaster bas-reliefs. A schoolchild can be presented with a board game or a game for the street, for example, children's badminton or a soccer ball.

A girl can buy a set of dishes or a set of toy products, a stroller or a crib for a doll, a set for house cleaning or a set to play in the store. The goddaughter will definitely like a microwave, refrigerator or coffee maker. For Christmas, it is best to give your beloved daughter or granddaughter an interactive soft toy that can walk, make sounds and respond to touch. A children's umbrella, a handbag or a set of accessories for creating hairstyles is suitable for a gift to the daughters of acquaintances. Daughter's girlfriends will be delighted with children's cosmetics, key chains in the form of small toys and small dolls. If you want to make educational gifts, you should pay attention to kits for embroidery, soap making, jewelry making or modeling.

What can you give a woman for Christmas

A familiar woman can buy a Christmas chocolate figure or a caramel bouquet as a gift. An excellent gift for mom would be a canvas painting drawn from her photo, or a photo frame in the form family tree. The most appropriate Christmas gift for a girlfriend or wife is a small jewelry. If your girlfriend combines intelligence and beauty, then the best gift for her is a USB flash drive in a jewelry case in the form of a pendant with rhinestones or a keychain with pebbles. Women - work colleagues on Christmas can be congratulated with inexpensive figurines in the form of cute angels, and if you want to do useful gifts, then you can buy some little things for the kitchen: silicone cupcake molds, pepper mills, spice containers, a set of coasters for hot or kitchen towels with the right pattern. Young girls will be pleased to receive something for beauty as a gift: a pocket mirror, nail polish, bath foam or hand cream. unfamiliar girls it is better to buy a box of chocolates or a jar of good coffee.

What to buy as a Christmas present for a man

For Christmas, you can give your beloved man or brother a beautiful tie clip, cufflinks, a business card holder or a cover for documents made of genuine leather, a universal car holder, a mug with his photo, a key chain, a car charm toy, a steering wheel braid or a lighter. In that family celebration appropriate to give warm gifts: scarves, sweaters, dressing gowns. A man you know can be bought as a gift an original flask for strong drinks, a stand for pens or CDs, an interesting book, alcoholic drinks in gift boxes, an ashtray or a table clock. For young guy the easiest way is to choose some kind of gadget for your computer: a USB hub, headphones, miniature speakers, a USB flash drive, a wireless mouse, or a funny rug. If a man frequents sports events, then he will like a comfortable seat for a fan, and a guy who sits at home all day will definitely need a home horizontal bar for a doorway.

DIY Christmas gifts

The most expensive Christmas gifts keep the warmth of the hands of the one who not only gave them, but also made them himself. Easiest to make for friends and family beautiful candles in the form of Christmas stars. Christmas angels will look very symbolic, which can be made from paper or sewn from patches of white fabric and lace. A woman can make a box of round box, which sells portioned cheese. The lid of the box should be decorated with a postcard corresponding to the holiday theme. On the eve of the holiday, beautiful Christmas napkins are sold, they can be used for decoration various items in decoupage technique. With a little effort, a bread cutting board, an empty bottle, paper box or an old vase.

If there is no money for gifts, then you can limit yourself beautiful postcards in which pleasant and good wishes will be written.

Liana Raymanova November 26, 2018

Christmas - great holiday, revered by all Orthodox for more than 2000 years. The holiday is filled deep meaning, symbolizes the beginning of the earthly path of the Savior. All believers treat this wonderful event with respect and awe. At Christmas, the best gifts are given, because the tradition is of great importance and goes back to the time of the birth of the baby Jesus. When he was born, the Magi presented him with special gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Since then, it is customary to give your loved ones Christmas gifts.

All gifts should be special on this day, filled with deep meaning.

And many people begin to be tormented by doubts about what to give for Christmas. Choosing a present is not difficult, the main thing is that it be made with love and from a pure heart.

Who gives gifts to whom at Christmas?

There are no restrictions on who to give gifts to and who can give them. You can not only buy a present, but also. The holiday is special, and you can receive a gift on this day from anyone, as well as present it . But children are bestowed first and foremost. From time immemorial, even orphans and disadvantaged children have always been presented with Christmas gifts. It is believed that by giving gifts to children at Christmas, man pays tribute to Christ himself.

What to give children?

perfect christmas gift for child sweets will become. You can put various sweets, gingerbread, chocolate, nuts in a package with sweets. Fasting ends, food restrictions are lifted - you can enjoy any confectionery. Now there is a huge selection of not only delicious, but also a beautiful assortment of chocolate products. You can give figured chocolate. If it seems that such a gift is not enough, add something else. It can be a desired toy or a book. Believers can pick up something related to religion. For example, for older children, a gold or silver cross or ring "Save and save". Another option is a spiritual book.

Photos of Christmas gifts - sweet gift children for Christmas

What to give to friends?

You can give to friends for Christmas christmas candles. This is an accessible symbolic presentation. In this case, the price is not important, the respect and attention of the person is important. Suitable Christmas wreaths, decorated with bells and red bows. It is recommended to give on this day figurines of baby Jesus, virgin Mary, magi. They are presented in a wide variety of souvenir shops. If it's hard to decide what gift to choose for a friend, present him with a decorative Christmas-themed mug or a large Christmas gingerbread.

Christmas gift photo - Christmas candle as a gift to a friend for Christmas

What to give your wife?

A good gift for your wife for Christmas will be the thing that she dreams of. The main thing is that the gift should still comply with Orthodox canons and not offend the holy holiday. That's why you can not give money, alcohol, cigarettes or items that Orthodoxy rejects. If finances allow, choose jewel or present a tour to Finland. Every woman will be happy new fur coat. She will always be worthy gift and warm it in the harsh Russian winter. A worthy analogue of expensive gifts will be an exquisite box of chocolate, a service with Christmas drawings, warm mittens, decorations. There are no restrictions, it is important that the gift speaks of your feelings and is presented as a sign of love.

Gold pendant, Sorokin(price link)

Gifts for English Christmas: what do the British give?

England is a strict country, restrained. The tradition of giving something on this day took root in the country only in the middle of the 19th century. Until that time, gifts were not given at all. But the custom took root, and the holiday turned into a real fabulous event. The houses of the English are decorated with juniper branches, wreaths with bells are made from them and hung over entrance doors. Everyone is looking forward to the start of the holiday and surprises.

Children hang their socks over the fireplace, waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. It is he who brings gifts on Christmas night. Eat traditional presents, which are customary to give on this holiday. These include cristingle. This is an orange with a candle (the core of the citrus is cleaned and a space is formed into which the candle is inserted), in addition to the candle, 4 more sticks are inserted into the fruit, symbolizing the 4 cardinal points.

Christingle as the main Christmas present in England

All children receive a mint or cinnamon flavored candy cane as a gift. It is adorned with a red ribbon. The English are pretty practical people. Therefore, apart from traditional gifts they present to their loved ones the things they dreamed of. It could be anything. All gifts are packaged in beautiful boxes with bows and are awarded in turn to all family members.

There is another great tradition in England: the Christmas ceremony anonymous gift exchange by a group of people. It has another name - Secret Santa. This game form giving holiday presents can be successfully applied in large work groups or schools. Its essence is as follows: each member of the team pulls out a piece of paper with the name of the employee to whom he should give a gift. But the names are kept secret, and no one knows who got whose name. On a holiday, a gift is left on the desktop in a smart package. This creates an atmosphere of mystery, surprise and joyful mood. And in England, all workers post at their workplace a list of things that they would like to receive as a gift. It turns out very practical and saves people from a painful choice.

In order to avoid embarrassing situations, the amount of money is agreed in advance, which should not exceed the cost of the presentation.

Christmas in England is primarily a day of surprises. To surprise your loved ones on Christmas Day is considered good tone. In addition to a self-arranged family surprise, there is an indispensable participation in entertainment with candy dragging ( paper packaging, made in the form of sweets). To do this, two participants pull it until it breaks. Whoever has most of the candy left takes the contents. The gift is of little value. It can be a small figurine or a sweet. The British still put a crown in candy. This decoration is worn on the head on Christmas Eve. Such an event is very fun and gives a lot of positive emotions.

Candy with a surprise inside on Christmas Eve

It so happened that exact date The birth of Christ is not recorded in written sources. Therefore, disputes constantly arise about the day of celebration of this event. Besides, the date of the holiday is different for Orthodox and Catholic Christians. The idea to celebrate the holiday on the night of January 6-7 came from Egyptian Christians. And all Christians celebrated this event on the same day. In the 9th century, the Roman Empire moved the celebration to December 25th. In Armenia, for example, Christmas is celebrated in both January and December.

Therefore, every Christian celebrates a holiday when it is recommended to them to do so by their religion.

In Russia people are mostly celebrate Christmas on the night of 6 to 7 January. But here the debate begins again about when gifts are given: January 6 or 7? Gifts can be given after the festive service, which takes place at night. But those who are not present at the service usually begin to present gifts on the morning of January 7th. Children can put gifts at night so that they wake up and see them immediately. Although Orthodox Church recommends giving gifts after the service, as it also means the end of the fast. And sweets will be allowed to be eaten only with breaking the fast. Therefore, when to give gifts, each person must decide for himself. . At all it is customary to present small souvenirs all week. If there is no opportunity to see relatives and friends on January 7, you can present them later.

When are gifts given at Christmas?

Interesting gifts for Christmas in different countries

In Canada given as a gift for the holidays knitted sweaters with the image of deer or other Christmas symbols. These sweaters, no matter how ridiculous they look, are a must-have on Christmas night. In connection with this tradition, the custom arose to hold a party of the ugliest sweater. People began to buy funny knitwear and choose a winner.

What gifts are presented at Christmas in other countries: Canada - knitted sweater

in Iceland each child should give not one, but 12 gifts. The donation starts on December 12 and lasts 12 days. Surely, the happiest kids in the world live there. Fortunately, gifts may not be very valuable, and parents get by with sweets.

In Germany do not give gifts New Year, all gifts are given by Santa Claus on Christmas holidays.

In Venezuela a child who overslept the festive service in the church is tied with a rope on his leg. He is left without a gift. True, at present, such children are still given a present, although the child walks with a rope on his leg. It is considered shameful to oversleep the most important service in the life of Christians.

In Japan there are very few Christians, and merchants came up with the idea of ​​making this holiday Valentine's Day. Couples in love present gifts to each other, symbolizing love. The more valuable the gift, the stronger feeling donor. Christians living in Japan celebrate this holiday by making charitable contributions.

In Hungary and Holland children put their polished shoes outside. And in the morning they find sweets and gingerbread in them.

in Italy it is customary to give expensive clothes and accessories this Christmas. Pretty practical tradition.

But, no matter what country a person is in, and no matter what he chooses as a gift, it is important that the present be made with all my heart and with love. .

Christmas - good time congratulate orphans, elderly relatives, sick people and people in difficult life situations

Christmas - amazing holiday, and magic should be in the life of every person.

Christmas is a holiday of family unity and positive emotions. Everyone is looking forward to something magical, both children and adults.

On this day, you should forget all the quarrels and make up at the common table. Be sure to go to church for Christmas with the whole family.

It is not customary to give expensive gifts for Christmas. Gifts should be funny or for good luck.

What to give your parents for Christmas

Can be done for parents original gift for Christmas, as a convenient and practical thing that can be useful in the household. For example, mom can be pleased with the original kitchen utensils, and dad will be pleased with the new set of tools that he has long dreamed of.

Also for parents, you can prepare gifts in a religious style, in the spirit of the sacred Orthodox holiday. These can be personalized icons, chains for crosses (for mom - gold, for dad - silver), beautiful candles in candlesticks, a Christmas wreath on the door, bells or figurines of angels.

On Christmas Eve, the whole family can go to the theater or visit a cozy restaurant.

What to give a child for Christmas

When choosing a gift for a child, consider his age characteristics.

The most common gift for children at Christmas is sweets. So that such a gift does not look banal, it is enough to buy or prepare sweets with Christmas symbols.

If a child young age, then you can give him beautiful toy. When choosing a gift for a teenager, it is enough to focus on his interests and hobbies: skates, skis, a ball, a bicycle, Board games(football, hockey, lotto), etc.

What to give a friend / girlfriend for Christmas

A win-win option for a girl will be a gift in the form of gift certificate. It can be purchased in almost all major cosmetics, clothing stores, household appliances or beauty salons.

It is worth giving perfume or cosmetics only if you are absolutely sure that it will really fit. For such a gift, a girl needs to know more than one year and be aware of her preferences.

If you want to give a gift to your girlfriend, then such a gift needs to be thought out in advance, as it should reflect all your feelings. A girl will always be happy with a big soft toy. It will be very good to organize romantic dinner for two.

What to get a friend/boyfriend for Christmas

Immediately from the range possible gifts shaving products, foams and all sorts of lotions should be excluded. Of course, perfumes or Eau de Toilette. If the Christmas gift is intended for a friend, then you can give him a cover for mobile phone, figurine or cufflinks. A connoisseur of quality alcohol will clearly appreciate a bottle of vintage or collection wine, or cognac.

For a loved one great gift for Christmas it can become a cozy sweater. A warm scarf or soft, knitted socks. Such things acquire special value if they are connected by you with your own hands. A new wallet would be a good gift, only you need to put a bill in it. You can also give the guy tickets to the concert of your favorite artist or group, if the performance takes place in the near future. In another situation, they can be saved for another reason. Also, as in the option with a girl, you can organize a romantic dinner for two.

What to get godparents for Christmas

At Christmas, be sure to give gifts to your godparents. You can cook kutya, sweets and kalach for them. gifts for godparents should evoke warmth. That's why good option There will be a bottle of red wine and a warm blanket.

What to get grandma/grandpa for Christmas

An indispensable gift for your grandmother will be a warm openwork shawl with a fringe. Wrapped up in it, grandma will remember this Christmas and your attention. You can also give a grandmother a blanket, because they don’t have to hide completely, as an option, cover their legs when watching their favorite series. Before small gifts can be attributed knitted socks or stockings, a wide scarf with pom-poms and mittens. The gift of warmth with poems or songs will fill Christmas gatherings by the fireplace with family comfort. And will be remembered for a long time.

Grandpas usually practice. You can give your grandfather a warm knitted sweater, a warm flannelette shirt, a new jacket. If your grandfather is a fisherman or a hunter, give him a new thermos, souvenir waterproof matches, a special fish cleaning kit or a compass. Of even more practical gifts that will be useful to your grandfather for more than one year, one can name a good spinning rod. If grandfather is fond of summer cottage, a good gift will be modern technology for the garden area.

Photo in text:

Christmas is a warm family holiday, on the eve of which miracles are sure to happen. All relatives and friends gather at one large table, exchange congratulations and, of course, give gifts. The choice of a present for Christmas can often be confusing, because the traditions of this holiday in our country have only recently begun to revive. So what should be a Christmas present?

First of all, your choice must necessarily carry a piece of magic. At Christmas, it is customary to give not too expensive, symbolic gifts that will warm its owner with their warmth throughout the year. little angels, aroma candles, warm knitwear... This list is endless, so today we have prepared for you the TOP 15 best Christmas gifts for every taste.

For centuries, there has been a tradition of giving at Christmas. Greeting Cards. Inside them you can write your most intimate wishes, which will surely come true. Such magic postcard You can make your own or buy in a store. Choose a Christmas card>>

Candlestick in the shape of an angel

Candlesticks always make our lives a little warmer. A candlestick in the shape of an angel can also give a drop of goodness. This symbol of Christmas will definitely please your mother or grandmother and will bring them joy on long winter evenings. Choose a beautiful candlestick>>

Wine box "Christmas deer"

If you decide to present a bottle of wine to the Christmas table, then better design just can't find it for her. In addition, such an original personalized box can also become an independent gift, especially if your dad or grandfather collects alcohol. Choose engraved wine box>>

Knitted things are universal gift which will suit any member of your family or friends. In addition, we often lose mittens, so an extra pair will always come in handy, especially in winter time of the year. Choose winter mittens>>

Such a gift will win-win if you do not know the tastes of the owner of the house very well. Burning candles always create a festive atmosphere. And it's especially nice to light candles at Christmas. The house is immediately filled with warmth, and I want to believe in a miracle... Choose decorative candles>>

This surprise will certainly bring joy to the child, because warm blanket nice to cover up, and with soft toy you can fall asleep or just play during the day. But this gift is not just for kids! If your girlfriend loves soft animals, then this plaid will definitely add to her collection. Choose a blanket with a toy>>

The Christmas wreath is another symbol of this good winter holiday. If you want to please your sister or girlfriend unusual decoration, then such a gift will not gather dust on the shelf, but will take its rightful place among the Christmas decor.

Personalized thermo mug

On cold days, hot tea or coffee warms us best. The most important thing is that such a drink does not cool down. for a long time. But it is no less pleasant, when taking a new sip, to see your name on the mug. Warm your soul mate with such a gift, and she will definitely appreciate it! Choose personalized thermo mug>>

At Christmas, it's nice to receive gifts that make our lives more comfortable, and an anti-stress pillow is just one of them. Buy it for your friends or relatives if they complain about constant fatigue. This magical pillow will relieve stress and help you fall asleep peacefully. Choose an anti-stress pillow>>

Christmas sweets

It is customary to give sweets to adults and especially children at Christmas. If you're visiting a family with toddlers, be sure to buy a couple of lollipops, even if the main gift has already been bought in advance. Christmas must be sweet! Select Christmas sweets>>

Christmas is a real family holiday, so your parents will be especially pleased to receive a family tree book on this day. On long winter evenings, you will fill in the cherished pages together and tell each other old good stories. Select genealogy book>>

"Christmas Star"

The tradition of giving poinsettia for Christmas came to us from Europe. This plant is not for nothing called the "Christmas star", because its flowers in their shape resemble a real star. If you do not find a live poinsettia, then you can always choose its artificial counterpart.

This Christmas interpretation of the classic music box is sure to please adults and children alike. What could be better than listening to your favorite winter melodies and looking at little dancing figures? Such a gift will definitely contain a secret that you want to unravel. Select music box>>

Draft roller toy

Such practical gift as impossible better fit for the winter season. If your friends or parents constantly complain about drafts, then the best gift they simply cannot be found. Children can play with such a cute animal, and most importantly, they will be reliably protected from the cold! Choose a toy-roller from drafts>>

tea box

Tea is not in vain considered the most comfortable drink. It gives strength, cures colds and simply cheers up. Of course, not one can cope with this, but different varieties tea, so they should all be at hand at the right moment. Select tea set>>

We hope we were able to inspire you to buy the most unforgettable Christmas present. Remember that it should be magical, warm and very cozy. Good luck with your search and Merry Christmas!

Christmas in Russia has a special meaning and respect. Among the Orthodox these days it is customary to greet each other like this: “Christ is born!” - in response they say: “We praise him!”

Church people have been preparing for Christmas since the end of November - with the beginning of the strictly Advent fast. Fasting, prayer and the desire to get rid of one's own bad habits put the preparation for the holiday on a high level of importance.

For those who attend church several times a year, Christmas also remains one of the most important spiritual holidays. Many people strive to do good deeds on this day and celebrate the holy days of Christmas as correctly as possible from the point of view of church canons.

Based on the spirituality of this holiday, it is necessary to select gifts and congratulations, given that it is not at all the same thing that is given and wished to relatives and close people, friends and acquaintances, colleagues and boss.

What do church people give each other

A good gift will be something that will reveal the spiritual significance of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ to the maximum.

The best gift to choose Orthodox church . Only under one condition, if the recipient is not an atheist, but a person who believes in God and has a good attitude towards the Church, icons and everything connected with this.

If you have a desire to give a gold cross and purchase it in a jewelry store, then it will need to be consecrated in the church. This also applies to buying icons in the store. To do this, you need to come to church on the day of worship and already there learn how to consecrate a cross or icon.

Suitable for a gift cross, even if a person wears a wearable icon, the cross should still be on the chest.
It matters that the Crucifixion be Orthodox and not Catholic. This is easy to determine: there were four nails on the body of Christ during the crucifixion - one on each arm and leg, while Catholics have three of them - in their hands, and both legs are nailed with one nail.

You can give an icon. It is better to find out what icons you already have so as not to give a second one. The first houses should be the icons of the Savior Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It has an old Russian tradition.
Further, the icon of the patron saint, in whose honor the person was baptized, the icons of Angels and images of the Virgin, among which, the most revered is the Kazan Mother of God.
A good gift would be an icon in the car. Or the overdoor icon of the Intercession Holy Mother of God- believers turn to the Mother of God when leaving and entering the house: they ask the Queen of Heaven to Cover with Her Veil.
They often give holy oil, a “Living in Help” belt, a lamp, a home-made censer and incense.

When choosing a Christmas gift, pay attention to spiritual books.
The Bible and the Gospel are invaluable.
The Bible contains the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
And the Gospel is only the books of the New Testament: the four Gospels, the apostolic acts and epistles.

An excellent, God-pleasing gift is a prayer book.
Prayer books are common and with a selection of prayers for different categories people, here are just a few:
- for the mother;
- for young people;
- for a warrior or soldier;
- for family;
— Prayer book with interpretation;
— Prayer book and Psalter (to read the Psalter, you need to get the blessing of the priest);
— Prayers before certain icons.

Prayer will be a wonderful gift, a manifestation of Love and care.
In an Orthodox church, you can order the Sorokoust liturgy for health. For forty days the name will be read in the altar during the most important Divine service - the Divine Liturgy.
If desired, you can do the same for six months or a year.

What do Orthodox Christians want for Christmas?

If on the days of Orthodox celebrations we are confident in the correctness of good deeds, then congratulations should also contain care and a desire for good. Wishes should carry purity and goodwill.

We must try to congratulate on the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ those with whom we are in a quarrel, whom we have offended or those who have offended us. It is better to start such a congratulation with the words of apology. Reconciliation is the first and most remarkable indicator of morality and goodness.
Having reconciled with everyone, the soul becomes easy and pleasant.

1. Wish real joy from life, joy and gratitude for our beautiful world.

2. Wish for Love. Love for everyone around. To wish not only good, but also kindness in everything.

3. Wish everyone to forgive each other and meet the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the world.

4. Desire God's help in personal life in study and work.

5. To wish the Grace of God in all life and in all good undertakings.

Who and how to congratulate

It is customary to congratulate and give gifts first of all to relatives and friends. Of course parents and godparents.

A great deed of love and nobility will be the congratulations of the homeless and the poor. Children in a boarding school or hospital. Elderly people living nearby - that is, those who will not be able to give us something in return. You can buy just chocolates, canned food, kefir or juice, cookies or sausage. Anything, according to the wallet.

Better to do it with your kids. So that it is the children who give a can of condensed milk into the wounded and shaking hands of a homeless person.

This is very important when our home child, gives a chocolate bar to his peer in orphanage who, falling asleep, dreams that maybe tomorrow they will call him and say: “Get ready, mom has come for you!” For our children to acquire the skill of giving - this will definitely return to us when the children become adults, and we will take the place of the neighbor's old people: kindness always gives continuation! The good that we have born will live where we leave it. And who knows, maybe a boy in a boarding school, who received a chocolate bar from us, will become a doctor in a few years and will treat poor people for free.

May the feast of the Nativity of Christ fill us with Love for everyone around us!
May joy and happiness appear in our soul. Let this day not become another formal event, but warm us with the warmth of our hearts and God's love!