A reason to write to an unfamiliar girl. What to write to a girl on VKontakte

They say that women love with their ears, but how to make a compliment, for example, via SMS or through a message on a social network, what to write to a girl so that she melts and stops being offended or wants to get to know each other?

What to write to a girl in VK?

There are many options, it all depends on the goals pursued and the stage of the relationship. At the initial stages of dating, do not be particularly zealous, you can sometimes insert some phrases with a hint:

  • “I woke up and came here to read your letters”;
  • “After we met, I began to wait for the evening to spend it in a pleasant correspondence”;
  • “It turns out that you can also have fun here.”

If you are close enough, add a little intimacy, but not vulgarity, but sweet touching words:

  • “I’m sitting at work, and before my eyes you and last night”;
  • “I can’t help myself, I want to see you right now”;
  • "Your smile is so seductive";
  • “I dream of gently embracing falling asleep next to me.”

Focus on the situation, but do not overwhelm her with compliments endlessly, the main thing is to be an interesting conversationalist.

Message before bed

Women love to receive romantic affectionate wishes before going to bed, then in the morning the mood rises and they smile. If you are far away, you cannot personally wish her good night, write a message of any format, sweet and touching, maybe a little erotic:

  1. "Sweet dreams, my cherry";
  2. "My angel, I love you sleeping even more";
  3. "Don't forget to set an alarm, you'll oversleep for work";
  4. “Sleep tight, my girl, today was a hard day, let it be forgotten, and the next one will bring a good mood”;
  5. “I miss the night even more, sweet dreams”;
  6. “We didn’t see each other for one day, but it seems to me an eternity, I go to bed early so that tomorrow we can meet faster”;

Do not overdo it, too intrusive and cloying letters repel, you need a measure in everything. Again, a lot depends on her character, some girls should not write such messages at all, they love serious men, so that no “usi-pusi”.

What to write to a girl to make her happy?

What else to please your beloved, what words? You can write not an ordinary message, but, for example, with chalk on the pavement: “Daisies for my cutie” and draw flowers. It is especially effective if the inscription is made just like that, for no reason.

Or from simpler options - funny quatrains in messages, they usually touch even the most gloomy ladies:

With constant failures,
And breaking the last dreams
Just the thought of the one that is so desirable
Does not allow you to fall from a height.

I've been looking for you for many years
And wandered around the world,
Hearing suddenly yours: "Hi",
I suddenly realized what it was all about.

I like you and even very much!
And this, to be honest.
Let me write these lines with fear
But I realized that I love you!

Being with you is a reward!
All for you - so many tender words!
My wish is to make you happy
And I'm ready for anything!

It is especially good if you can see that they are written personally, and not written off from the Internet. Let there be a little crooked syllable, the rhyme is lame - but from the heart. A woman will understand: you thought about her, wanted to please her - nothing will be so pleasant to her.

When she got offended

Another option is when you quarreled and it may be your fault, then the message should correspond to the event, be of an apologetic and conciliatory nature, for example:

  • "I am a fool, but this fool loves you";
  • “It’s so cloudy outside, it’s you and me to blame, let’s stop pouting and the sun will come out”;
  • “I’ll hug my sweetheart, give me rings, stop being offended, come to me in the evening! I'm sorry, I got excited, I'll fix it;
  • “Look out the window, look at me, I offended you a little, forgive the fool.”

But it is better to talk in person, because messages, even the most touching ones, will not work like a guilty look, a gentle touch, a sincere conversation.

But take care of yourself too, nothing will help if you are not the hero of her novel. Think about it - a friend is constantly offended, puts forward some demands, tries to remake you, maybe she just uses you and she doesn’t need to write on the contrary.

What to write to a girl when meeting Vkontakte: text examples

Often we go to the pages of friends on social networks and see pretty girls and guys there, then we begin to study the personal data of a person: marital status, photographs, audio recordings. If this is a girl, she is not married or is actively looking for, why not get to know each other? But how, what to write to her? Below we give examples that the guys have already used.

You can, of course, start with the banal: “Hi, how are you, what are you doing?” But such letters are answered by those who have absolutely nothing to do. Try to be original, intriguing, and most importantly, honest:

  • “I found you as a friend of my brother, I liked you, and I decided to get acquainted”;
  • “Hi, I was looking for fellow travelers to travel to Lake Baikal and saw your photo, let's go together?”
  • “Hello, my name is Sasha, I was at the same concert yesterday, this is my favorite group, but I didn’t have time to watch it to the end, throw off the video (photo) of the last numbers.”

If you meet online, do it according to your interests, then there is always something to talk about, you just need to start.

Common writing mistakes

Here are some things, in the words of the girls themselves, that repel:

  • Banal hackneyed phrases: “Hi, how are you?”;
  • Vulgarity, themes of a sexual nature, when you are just getting to know each other;
  • Obscene curses in the text, slang words, such as: "chika", "suitability", "AUE";
  • Complete illiteracy;
  • Deception - the use of fake pages or without a photo, with a picture of a famous person instead of a real photo;

And put your page in order:

  • Delete stupid drunk photos;
  • Fill out a profile, indicate interests, musical preferences;
  • Watch what you post on the page, everyone can see it.

This does not mean that you need to adapt to everyone, just try not to deceive people, unfortunately, this is easy to do online, users no longer trust each other and not be rude, but be a cultured and pleasant conversationalist.

So, we tried to help modest uncommunicative guys who don’t know what to write to a girl in a message so that she melts, pays attention and becomes interested in you. We will be very happy if you use the provided material to your advantage.

Video: 5 ways to hook a girl the first time

In this video, psychologist Elena Mitrofanova will tell you what words you can immediately interest your interlocutor:

Girls are gentle, sensitive and unpredictable creatures. They can rejoice at a chocolate bar and indifferently accept a car as a gift.

Let's say more, a girl may not accept an expensive gift at all, and the usual compliments and bouquets of roses cause boredom, because they say that the chosen one does not want to seek attention, but prefers to follow the beaten paths. Try to reach the heart of the chosen one. Think about what to write to the girl to make her smile.

What hasn't worked for a long time

A number of techniques have long outlived their usefulness, and they are used either by elderly gentlemen or modest unfortunate lovers. Many girls are indifferent to roses, especially long and prickly ones. In a bouquet, they look beautiful, but give the impression of inaccessibility and closeness. It is difficult to have warm feelings for a prickly flower, and roses live out their lives in an equally pretentious vase. Now it is not considered romantic to order musicians, give a star or tell a long parable about love. All this is somewhat outdated and does not cause emotions.

The social network has become the main place of acquaintance, and subsequent communication mainly takes place here. What to write to a girl in VK? No need to write about her appearance, say hackneyed phrases and try to copy famous actors. The falseness is immediately visible, and it causes a mocking smile, not a sincere one.

Let's start communication

Acquaintance with a girl does not need to start with a boring question, search for mutual acquaintances or recommendations of a loved one. What to write to a girl in VK? Your further communication depends on the first phrase, so think about it. What attracts your attention in a girl? Maybe just her smile? So write about it! For example, the phrase "Smile, dear! It's not difficult for you, but I'm pleased!" will definitely work. The girl notes the courage of the interlocutor, his sincerity and originality. This phrase does not oblige to continue communication, but gives such an opportunity.

Do not write about your work, do not ask her about studies and work. Daily routine is not often a good topic. Comparison with a model or an actress is flattering to a girl's vanity. Moreover, it is better to pick up a little-known person so that the girl can assess the interests of the interlocutor. To pass for original, note the small nuances in the behavior and thinking of the girl. On the avatar in VK, is she depicted with her favorite animal? Note her softness and tenderness of appearance.

For a laugh

Maybe it's easier to cause laughter than a touching smile? Remember some joke. For example, a joke where the husband called his wife a bunny, and when she asked to expand the compliment and flavor it, the husband replied "a herd of hares." A short anecdote, but a funny message with such a basis can work. Most importantly, do not make fun of the girl, do not question her knowledge of anything. Remember that you are not competing in wit, but want to interest the interlocutor. Every girl is waiting for tender words, but she gets tired of the banal. Call it an asterisk, a camomile, a dewdrop. Focus on the depth of the eyes, the beauty of the dimples on the cheeks, note the blush or aristocratic pallor. What to write to a girl to make her smile? Hmm, you can start communication with a grotesque address. For example, "Oh, beautiful, they didn’t order to execute, but they told them to say a word!". If she answers with fiction, then the girl is funny and quick-witted.

This will not be boring. Be sure that she is smiling on the other side of the screen.

A smile will make everyone warmer ...

Pay attention to the uniqueness of the interlocutor. No need to pour compliments, as from a cornucopia. Mark the trait that you really like. After all, for some reason you paid attention to this person. What to write to a girl? The examples are simple and actionable. “You are so interesting! I didn’t know that a girl can like computer games!”, “Are you really into boxing? And she looks like such a fragile girl, like a flower!”. The girl will be pleased, and she will not resist smiling. This is a good moment to invite your interlocutor on a date, a walk in the park or a picnic.

What to write after a date?

The first date is an important milestone. After it, evaluate your impressions and send a message to your chosen one. What to write to a girl to make her happy? Compliment her choice of clothes, say that you still smell her perfume. Say that you were not mistaken in it and would like to meet again. If the date did not leave a pleasant impression, then ask about her impressions. Maybe you will find a friend in this girl? This happens often. What to write to a girl to make her smile? Recall common themes, jokingly describe a familiar character, complain about tomorrow's affairs. “Oh, now I would have a cupcake, but you can’t ...”, - you don’t expect such a phrase from your beloved man, but from a friend it’s possible. So you do not spoil the impression, and show your attitude towards the girl.

For the only

And when the relationship is time-tested, is it already easy to communicate or, on the contrary, difficult?

It all depends on the trust in the couple and the depth of feelings. What to write to your girlfriend? Since you are texting rather than talking, distance or business separates you. Remember the common pleasant moments, call her a secret name, tell her how you miss her and keep her photo under your pillow. Girls are very sentimental and appreciate such manifestations of feelings. Remember the taste of her lips, the scent of her hair. It's the little things that bring you together and bring you together. "I so want to touch your hair, hold you close to me ...", - seems to be an ordinary phrase, but how warm it is! The girl will be moved and appreciate your words.

A trifle, but nice

What to write to a girl to make her smile? Be unpredictable, enter her personal space. Do not say that you adore or go crazy - this is no longer perceived. Say that you can’t tear yourself away from her, that you are nervous in the distance, that you are worried.

The sincere concern of the young man will cause a smile, his request to dress warmer, grab pies for lunch from home, and promise to pick them up after work. Scold the evil boss together, compose a touching couplet about the past day. Let the rhyme be clumsy, but it comes from the heart. The girl will appreciate the naivety and openness of the soul. In a couple, it is permissible to fool around, laugh and talk nonsense. Writing a letter to a loved one is fun and pleasant, because this is the same conversation, but long and detailed. What to write to a girl to make her happy? Yes, anything! Provided that you are interested in her and her life. Write that you miss her, that you can’t fall asleep without her voice, touch or smile. "I'm uncomfortable without you, the bed is empty and cold ...", - not every man will say such words, because they demonstrate his weakness. But a woman will appreciate sincerity and smile from the surging feelings. If you text before bed, end the conversation with a request to visit you in your dream. "Dream me, my little one. I so want you to be there." And, of course, a girl always likes a declaration of love, if it is sincere and sincere.

Today, there are many different opportunities for communication. However, another, more serious problem immediately arose: for some reason, people forgot how to communicate with each other. Often guys do not know what to write to a girl in "Contact". And this is regardless of whether they want to meet or have known the girl for quite some time. Let's talk about this now.

The main rules of communication

Initially, you need to say that you need to be able to communicate in social networks, including in "Contact". So, for this it is best to follow a couple of simple but effective rules:

  1. You should always be yourself. In social networks, there is a temptation to create your own image, the type that you really want to be, but for certain reasons this does not work out. However, this is a false path. You must always be yourself. Indeed, otherwise it is easy to get into a mess, finding yourself in an uncomfortable and sometimes even delicate situation.
  2. You must always tell the truth. After all, lies tend to accumulate. And then it will be easy to get confused.
  3. It is best to exchange short messages. After all, few people like to read long letters. Yes, and it's not very convenient.
  4. A separate moment about greetings. So, you don't always have to say hello. If you want to start a conversation, then definitely. If the message is a response to a photo or an interesting post, there is no need to say hello.
  5. Well, and most importantly, you can’t do without emoticons and likes. It is also a kind of form of communication. And most people generally consider repost as something similar to respect.

The first phrases when meeting

Be sure to figure out what to write to a girl when meeting in "Contact". So, you need to start with the most common greeting. There are several ways to do this:

  • Standard. To the girl you like, you can simply write: “Hi, how are you?” However, it should be noted that this phrase will interest only those ladies who at the moment have absolutely nothing to do. And the answer will follow only in order to entertain yourself for half an hour.
  • Original. So, you can write something unusual to a girl. For example: “You dress so beautifully. You must be a stylist. Or popular today: "Your parents are probably sorcerers, because their daughter is a charming fairy."
  • Mysterious. What to write to a girl when meeting in "Contact" to interest her? Example: “Hi, I don’t know if you will answer me or not, but I have something interesting to offer you.” However, in this case, you need to think through everything carefully so that later you do not turn out to be empty talk.
  • Youth. You can use special slang for greetings: youth, subcultural. Especially if the girl is a representative of a certain group (conclusions can be drawn from photos, audio recordings, etc.).

Well, and most importantly, what is worth remembering: any phrase written for the first time should cause a desire to answer. That is, the message should call for action.

What to start talking about

We understand further what to write to a girl in "Contact". So, if an acquaintance happened, you also need to think about how not to break off the connection that has just begun. It's important to keep the conversation going. Here you need to submit as much information as possible so that it is interesting to the interlocutor. At the same time, it is important that the girl also talks a little about herself. It must be remembered that it is imperative to be interested in the person with whom you are talking. This will be evidence that the person is not indifferent to the interlocutor.

Self-talk: work

What to write to a girl in "Contact" to bring her to a conversation about yourself? So, here you need to hook the lady with something that interests her. To do this, you will have to view her profile, study her small profile. Many useful conclusions can be drawn from this. For example, you can ask a question about the place of study. Ask where the girl studies, why she chose this direction (for students), what subjects she likes to study (for schoolchildren). This is a very good topic that can flow into multiple stories about the future, about the profession, about hobbies and scientific potential. Approximate phrases from what to write to a girl in "Contact" in the key of talking about her:

  • "Where do you study? You can see from the photo that your life is very interesting."
  • "What is your favorite subject of study, and what do you just hate to study?" (It is very easy to get along in a conversation also on the basis of dislike.)
  • "Where do you work? Why here?"

Do not forget that the wording of phrases can be varied, adjusted to a special slang.

Self-talk: hobbies

Self-talk: family

We figure out further what to write to the girl you like in "Contact". So, let's talk about her family. However, it must be remembered that this is a very sensitive topic. Here you need to be careful and not make mistakes. After all, very often a simple interest can be regarded as a mercantile intention to find out information about the welfare of relatives. Sample questions that you can safely ask:

  1. "Tell me about your parents' hobbies. Are there any common hobbies and activities in your family?"
  2. "Tell me about the unique ancestors in your family. Maybe you have grandees or workers of rare professions along the family line?"
  3. "Interestingly, have you followed (will you follow) in the footsteps of your relatives in choosing a profession?" (So ​​unobtrusively you can find out about what your parents are doing.)

About compliments

Often, guys are interested in what to write a nice girl in "Contact". Here, of course, you need to use compliments. However, they must be applied skillfully, unobtrusively. After all, if there are a lot of compliments, this can be regarded as a toady. Examples of simple phrases:

  • "You have very beautiful eyes (smile, hair)."
  • "Even in the photo you have a crazy energy. You must be a very energetic person."
  • "You dress beautifully. You have your own special attractive style."

Poems and prose

We further consider a variety of options for what you can write to a girl in "Contact". So, you can send a poem to the lady you like. However, it should be small and best of all handwritten. Girls will definitely find this cute. However, at first you do not need to write about great feelings, love and the sublime. In a quatrain, you can wish good morning or a good day. You can write something nice. If you can’t write something similar on your own, you can simply download the verse from the Internet. However, such messages should not be sent too often. After all, it may seem that there is nothing more to say.

Loading the wall

It is also worth giving a couple of tips on what to write to the girl on the wall in "Contact". So, the wall is a public place. And if a guy there periodically leaves his messages, this will testify to something. In any case, the girls really like it. In this case, what to write to the girl in "Contact"? Examples:

  1. "You can leave songs with meaning on the wall."
  2. "Be sure the girls need to" throw "postcards with flowers or animals on the wall."
  3. "But still, small graffiti painted by the ladies are most appreciated by the ladies. This will indicate that the girl is not indifferent to the man."

As a small conclusion, it is worth saying: no matter what a guy decides to write to a girl, everything should be done with all his heart and from the bottom of his heart.

Generations succeed each other, but the difficulties of the youth do not change. If before the guys did not know how to say “hello” to the young lady on the street, today they are embarrassed to start chatting online.

Thus, new technologies did not at all ease the problem of dating, but, on the contrary, added another burning question: how to start a correspondence with a girl. Maybe dedicate touching poems to her to make a good impression?

Let us give specific examples of proper communication with the fairer sex in social networks.

Communication in real life is significantly different from dating on Vkontakte. In a personal meeting, a young man is able to impress a young lady with a dignified appearance, charm her with exquisite manners.

The conversation on social networks depends, first of all, on the guy's ability to interest a potential interlocutor with information on his profile, the ability to communicate and beautifully look after (in the virtual world).

That's why before that, you need to analyze your own page for provocative information and try to look at it from the point of view of a young lady sitting in front of a computer screen.

What needs to be done before direct communication?

The first important thing is to properly design the page on the site so that it does not seem empty. A prerequisite is the uploading of high-quality photographs, For example:

  1. Personal photo portrait, made in high-quality resolution, with a minimum number of Photoshop effects.
  2. Captured moments of your life - playing sports, sightseeing in various places of the country and the planet.
  3. Pictures with various girls so that after the first message you have a reason to tell who these young people are for you.

Do not forget to join various VK groups and indicate a variety of hobbies. However, do not start a conversation while in such ambiguous communities as, for example, "Pickup Features", "Pickup for the macho", "We breed girls for sex."

Before entering into communication on VK, quietly “scroll” her page in order to get certain information that makes it easier to get to know each other. This will help you avoid mistakes in the first post and find different points of contact. On the site you can find out:

  • how often a potential interlocutor sits on the network and Vkontakte;
  • in which communities it is registered;
  • how many online fans she has;
  • supposed hobbies.

Before you meet a girl on the Internet and start a full-fledged communication, offer her friendship on VK. So you get the opportunity to better study her profile (you will see personal albums, contact information) and form a preliminary opinion on how to conduct a conversation.

You can start communication not only with a personal message, but also by leaving comments under girlish photos and posts on the wall. Pickup masters are advised to arouse interest in women with various provocative remarks, but without offensive hints.

So, your profile is completed, the information is added, it's time for direct communication.

At this stage, a man faces a variety of questions: how to communicate correctly and correctly with a young lady, what to write to a girl so that she answers. Let's talk about this in more detail.

To ensure constructive communication on the network, decide for yourself what the purpose of the upcoming acquaintance is: texting for "general development", a pickup and subsequent sexual contact, a serious relationship.

So, how to get acquainted on the Internet?

  1. Radiate positivity. Communicate with a woman with humor, but do not use sarcasm in relation to the interlocutor. Joke more often, use emoticons in moderation in the message, do not load the girl with sad stories at the beginning of the acquaintance.
  2. Write smartly. The absence of errors is perhaps the first thing that many representatives of the weaker sex pay attention to when corresponding. Before sending a message, check it for literacy through various services that can be found on the network.
  3. Be polite. Don't forget to say hello. Greeting is an obligatory element of the message, as well as the absence of obscenities, abusive and vulgar words. Tip of the pickup masters: do not forget to call the young lady by her name during communication, since the name is the most favorite word for every person.
  4. Intrigue the interlocutor. Pickup followers recommend changing communication tactics. For example, after making sure that the girl is interested, try to disappear from Vkontakte for several days, stopping the conversation at the most interesting place.
  5. Be different. If your first words were extremely brutal, in the process of communication, surprise the young lady, for example, by sending her romantic poems. Or indicate inadvertently in the message that you once practiced dancing.
  6. Take an interest in a girl. It is quite difficult to communicate with an unfamiliar girl, however, the pickup masters recommend asking the young lady more often about her hobbies, being interested in her desires and plans for the future. Talking about the interlocutor is a good move.
  7. Communicate via SMS. Communication in VK is, of course, wonderful, but if you want to meet in real life, after some time, go to SMS. In a phone message, you can send poems and greetings in the morning, and generally stay in touch. Of course, there is no need to insist on the transition to SMS.

How to start a chat?

Find a nice interlocutor in the social. networks and specifically in VK is quite simple. However, the following problems immediately appear: what to write to a girl in contact in the first message, how to start a conversation, what should be avoided in communication, and how to translate the dialogue into a real meeting.

The first rule of a pickup truck is no platitudes! Get rid of the standard messages “Hi, how are you?”, “Let's meet?”, “Hi, beauty” from your head forever.

Many guys begin to communicate online with girls with just such phrases. But if the young lady is pretty, such messages in VK come to her regularly.

The first message should be short and concise. Pickup masters recommend that before sending a message, check whether it answers three important questions that arise in every pretty girl's head after the young lady reads your succinct "hello".

Here are the following questions for dating and chatting on the Internet:

  1. Who are you? That is your name.
  2. For what purpose did you start the conversation? Your tasks: just to communicate, to learn something from a girl, to invite her on a date, etc.
  3. Why did you choose her from a large female company in VK? Perhaps you have found common ground, noticed something on her page, etc.

The first messages and male greetings should interest a potential interlocutor, make her start and continue communication.

Do I need to invent a complex greeting or write a huge text? Another pickup rule is that the first message can consist of two or three sentences, but they must be catchy.

Do not forget to say hello and insert your own name into the greeting - you need to introduce yourself, even if your page contains personal data. Do you want your interlocutor to make a positive opinion about you? Moreover, in decent societies, it is acceptable to voice your name when meeting.

If you don't know what excuse to use as a reason to communicate, don't worry. Your desire to communicate, carry on a conversation and just get to know a pretty young lady is already a sufficient pretext for sending a message. Of course, you should not indicate in the first phrases that you dream of having children with her and going down the aisle next Sunday.

So, the first message should be original and creative. It is necessary to do without vulgarity and all sorts of sexual innuendos, so as not to be blacklisted by unreliable users. Even if you're a pickup advocate, you don't need to immediately demonstrate the true purpose of the communication.

We offer the following phrases for dating as a greeting and starting a conversation:

  1. “Hi, Katherine. I saw you in the group (name of the community in which the girl is a member). I wanted to get to know you, because they are also fascinated by this problem. Yes, my name is Sergey! The first message demonstrates common hobbies and interests.
  2. “Svetlana, hello! My sister's birthday is in a couple of days, and I still don't know what to give her. I decided to ask girls of her age in VK what gifts they prefer. Maybe you can help? The first message indicates a request for help, and young girls love to give advice.
  3. "Hello, Maria. My name is Alexander, and I am fond of the work of the group (the name of the musical group). I saw a video file on the network that you posted to the community (the name of the group in VK), and I want to ask if you went normally? I plan to attend their concert, but I don’t know whether to go or not ... ”A good option in which you immediately indicate a common interest in the first message and ask for advice.
  4. “Greetings, lovely stranger. In today's dream I saw a girl who is very, very reminiscent of you. And suddenly today I met you in VK. Do you believe in such coincidences?" Although some conditions are not observed here, however, they are rules, so that they are occasionally violated. Such a first message also has the right to "life" because it shows your romantic mood.
  5. "Hello, Elena. It seems that I met you yesterday in the city center. In real life, you are even more beautiful than in your wonderful photographs. In such a first message, you express and also "throw a bait", forcing the girl to find out where you could see her.

Of course, these are only approximate phrases for getting to know each other, idiosyncratic examples and landmarks that you can use to start a conversation and start networking. Perhaps you have more effective greetings and a competent pickup in your arsenal.

Let's say you succeeded, she decided to keep the conversation going and answered the message addressed to her. What are the next steps? Continue to communicate in VK, periodically sending her poems and beautifully caring in the virtual space?

If your goal is in real life, you should not delay with an invitation to a date and taking a phone number. Pickup masters recommend immediately pulling the interlocutor out of the network for a meeting, since you absolutely do not need to delay communication.

The girl does not agree to communicate via SMS and does not want to meet in real life? Do not immediately dismiss it, try to practice communication and tackles with the fairer sex. In addition, perhaps after one or two messages, the young lady will still change her mind and go on a date with you.

If you have really serious intentions, and not just a pickup truck, then there is no specific time frame for meeting and communicating on the Internet with the girl you like.

Keep up the conversation, send poems and pictures to the sweet lady, in general, show yourself to be a good conversationalist. Later, when it opens, you can switch to SMS communication. And there is already close to the real meeting.

It is not so difficult to get acquainted with a pretty young lady in VK, but only if you adhere to certain rules and are not afraid of numerous "pitfalls".

It is important to understand that the first message is the main key for subsequent communication and further development of relationships. Avoid platitudes, use original phrases and write compliments to girls. Perhaps it is a simple online conversation that will be the beginning for a passionate romance and love!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Be original. Send her a text that she won't get from another guy. Don't just say hello or send her a weird emoji; think of a way to make her smile or show interest in you. Do anything to make her think, “There is something special about him. I want to keep talking to him." Here are some ways to be original:

  • Captivate her with your wit. Make the witty remark that this girl has an unusual outlook.
  • Make her laugh. Show her that you can be smart - even in text messages.
  • Tell her something new. If you just heard great news that will surprise her, share your knowledge.
  • Ask a good question. It is best to start with a question so that the girl understands that you are waiting for an answer. No need to make her spend the evening thinking about what she should answer. The simpler and clearer your question is, the better. Here are some ways to ask a question:

    • Ask about how her day or week went. If you know she had an important event, ask her how it went.
    • Make sure your question can be easily answered. Don't ask her about the meaning of life; ask her about the plans for the May holidays.
    • Don't complicate. One short message can contain a lot of meaning.
    • Let the question be ambiguous. Instead of asking her, “What time did you get home after the concert?” - write: "How was the concert?" This will make it easier for her to respond. If you ask a question that can be answered with one or two words, you can end the conversation before it even starts.
  • Watch out for bugs. It may seem obvious to you, but remember to check the spelling of words and punctuation before sending SMS. Of course, you don't need to write her novels, but you need to show the girl that you took the time to construct sentences grammatically correctly.

    • Take the time to capitalize or put punctuation where necessary. No need to put colons and dashes throughout the message, just check it before sending it.
  • Don't try too hard. If you try too hard at the first correspondence with a girl, she will immediately understand this. Remember to be yourself and not try to impress her by talking in a way you would never say in your life. Worst of all, for a girl, all your maneuvers may be obvious.

    • Relax. Do not send long or hectic text messages. One message at a time is enough.
    • Don't try to be funny. If you have a natural sense of humor, great, but if you write "haha" at the end of your own messages to show her that it was a joke, it's better to take a step back.
    • Remember that the girl is likely to be a little nervous too. This should make it easier for you. Just be yourself and don't worry about everything being perfect.