When to wear a knitted mink. What does a knitted mink coat mean. The cost of knitted fur

Recently, knitted mink from strips of fur is very popular and many fashionistas opt for it.
Products made from knitted mink are lighter and more flexible than ordinary mink, so clothes made from it are soft and comfortable to wear. Of course, the main plus is that products of this kind are much cheaper than ordinary fur coats made of whole fur.

There are several myths about knitted mink.

Myth one.

"Knitted mink is sewn from production waste"
In fact, in a knitted product, as in an ordinary classic fur coat, it is also necessary to select a mink according to the length of the hair and color. Therefore, bad pieces or too short strips will not work, otherwise such a knitted mink coat will look like a mangy cat. Therefore, for knitted ponchos, we use only good quality mink, which is pre-cut into strips. There are several ways and techniques of knitting. As a result of these techniques, the knitted mink looks different.

Myth two.

"Knitted mink is knitted with knitting needles"
In fact, the knitting needles are not involved here, but this process also happens manually. This process is quite painstaking, the strip is imposed on the grid, while the fur is located not only outside, but also inside the poncho.

Myth three.

“Things made of knitted mink wear out quickly”
If a mink knitted poncho is carefully worn and properly cared for, then it is worth buying such a thing once and it will be worn for a very long time. At the same time, it needs to be cleaned much less frequently. This kind of thing is hard to mess up.

Myth four.

"The knitted mink is very cold"
Due to the fact that the mink fur of the knitted poncho is located on the front and back sides, the poncho warms well. The only thing is that there is a distance between the stripes, which is more ventilated than a regular mink coat. We have corrected this shortcoming with the help of a dense lining. Of course, in severe frosts, a knitted poncho will not save you. This knitted mink coat is perfect for a cold winter or autumn.

Myth five.

"Knitted mink looks cheap"
Of course, it is clear that this is a knitted mink, and not a solid one. But this is what gives the product originality. There are so many ideas for the designer's fantasies.

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Fur products have never gone out of fashion and have always been at the peak of popularity. Recently, a knitted mink coat has been especially in demand.

About knitted fur coat

Fur-knitted items came into fashion recently and were created by Canadian designer Paula Lishman. Here, the villi on the fur coat do not look so long, and various knitting techniques allow you to decorate the thing with a variety of patterns. The product is made both from a single piece of mink, and from the remains of fur.

A knitted mink fur coat is the perfect option for modern women who are actively interested in fashion. Suitable for evening and festive occasions. It is a spectacular accessory in a lady's wardrobe.

Product manufacturing technique

The technique of creating a knitted product is complex. One thing takes about 40 hours. To do this, the whole mink skin is divided into many thin strips, which are subsequently subjected to a special treatment that increases their elasticity and strength. The warp thread is wrapped with fur thread. Furriers knit a product from the raw materials obtained. retains all the properties of whole fur: warmth, pleasant to the touch texture, plasticity and beauty.

Knitting techniques have improved over the years. The latest trend was the addition of cotton in the process of twisting. Such a fur item is lighter, more elastic, drapes well and is easy to wash, but this is no longer outerwear, but rather fur knitwear.

Advantages and disadvantages

A knitted mink coat has certain advantages. Firstly, it is inexpensive compared to fur items made from whole-cut pieces of mink larger than 15 cm. Secondly, such clothes well emphasize and fit the figure, unlike their fur "brothers", thanks to a special pattern, under which the product is adjusted. Thirdly, such a thing would be appropriate at any time of the year. In the spring-autumn period, it can be worn as outerwear, and at any time it will perfectly complement an evening or festive outfit. Fourthly, it is light, weightless and almost not felt during wear. Fifthly, it can be finished with a variety of textures - from leather and fabric to various ornaments and ruffles, which makes the item more original.

Along with the undeniable advantages of the product, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • such a thing cannot be washed, it is better to give it to dry cleaning;
  • knitted fur product strongly absorbs all odors;
  • it is short-lived, compared with a traditional fur coat;
  • performs an image and decorative role more than a functional one. Able to protect only from a slight cold. At low temperatures, it is better to prefer traditional outerwear.

Fur weaving gave the world a lot of original things and made it possible to save on expensive fur items, giving the fair sex the opportunity to look truly feminine and luxurious.

Assortment of woven fur outerwear

Ladies have long been bored with traditional fur coats, and knitted fur products have come to replace them in order to diversify the assortment.

Such things are quite diverse and have a different style, cut and purpose. These are jackets, coats, capes, coats, fur coats, vests, jackets, etc. The product is decorated with a hood, a turn-down collar, cuffs, a flounce, a belt. Fur threads are combined with artificial ones, which allows you to trim outerwear in different colors and create an unusual decor. The weaving of the fabric depends on the knitting method, it can be spiral, oblique, straight or stripes in the form of pigtails. Models are sewn both in a classic style and in any other, for example, or street style.

The most popular are a knitted mink vest, stole and short fur coat. Especially fashionable fur coats resemble the style of the 50-60s and do not have a collar, the length reaches the knee, the sleeves of such a model can be long or shortened by 2/3.

At the peak of popularity is a white knitted coat. It is this thing that decorates all the wedding collections of the winter season of 2015. Such an image of the bride is considered especially refined and hints at the airiness, lightness and grace of the outfit. And in everyday life, such a fur coat will not leave a woman unnoticed.

The choice of knitted mink fur coats is huge, and there is a must-have model that satisfies the taste of a woman. The assortment is complemented by hats, boas, ponchos, scarves and stoles made of knitted mink, which are indispensable winter accessories.

The cost of knitted fur

A knitted mink fur coat, the price of which depends largely on the method of manufacture and the quality of raw materials, is quite affordable. Such a thing is 3-5 times cheaper than a fur coat made of whole pieces. An important role in the price is played by the brand, as well as the method of manufacturing fur threads. If the fur thread was cut from a single piece of cloth, then such a thing will cost more than a fur coat made from fur waste. The cost is also influenced by its length, color and fashion. More stylish items tend to be more expensive than classic traditional models.

So, a black or brown cape costs from 12 to 15 thousand rubles, the price of a knitted mink jacket to the knees ranges from 15 to 17 thousand rubles, and a fur coat can be purchased for 20 -26 thousand rubles, a knitted fur jacket costs about 15-17 thousand rubles.

Each woman has inherent charm, sensuality, beauty, which will help to reveal magnificent fur coats made of knitted mink. Fur products are made using the unique technology of a Canadian designer. They are ideal for different types of figure, hiding imperfections and emphasizing the advantages. Soft and warm coats, ponchos, jackets will warm your soul and body, making winter beautiful.

Our catalog contains only the most beautiful and fashionable fur coats. Each product is the pinnacle of sophistication and quality. Our customers are delighted with their purchases and in 98% of cases they advise their friends to buy a knitted mink fur coat in the MehaModa online store.

Knitted mink from the manufacturer

Customers are always interested in browsing this category, but the novelty of technology sometimes scares them. Our managers have prepared a list of advantages that simple and elegant fur coats have:

  • Wearable for over 10 years. Durable material does not roll, does not crack.
  • Incredible softness. When worn, it will seem to you that you are enveloped in a warm, airy cloud. The fur is completely weightless and very pleasant to the body.
  • The lightness of the product. The weight of the jacket is no more than 1 kg. This affects not only the comfort of wearing, but also the cost of delivery throughout the Russian Federation.
  • Ideal anatomical shape. Mink clothes flow along the figure, making the wearer slimmer and more attractive.
  • Variety of patterns. The designer is not limited in his imagination, creating beautiful, interesting drawings and patterns.
  • Versatility combined. New fashionable colors and models are perfect for office or ultra-modern style, evening dress.
  • Originality. The high quality of natural fur is combined with the uniqueness of knitted patterns.
  • Celebrity's Choice. Only recently have such fur coats become available on the mass market. Before that, wearing a knitted mink was a privilege of high society.
  • Withstands low temperatures. Fur coats made of knitted mink are able to store heat at temperatures down to -10°C.
  • Acceptable cost. Our clients do not deny themselves anything due to the low price of fur products.

We provide delivery with fitting within Moscow. You can order up to 3 products to try on and choose any or refuse all.

Now you know where to buy a knitted mink in Moscow. Rather, call our manager to order a fur coat or consult on models.

Winter is a great time of the year for those who love sledding, playing snowballs in a snowy forest, building a snowman and, of course, wearing mink coats that are not afraid of frost and cold.

It is in winter that we prefer fur products: luxurious fur coats and short fur coats. As you know, a fur coat, before it falls into your hands, or rather lies on your quivering shoulders, goes through several stages, one might say, of its development. A huge number of designers and fashion designers work and compete with each other to create chic models, hits of the season. From time immemorial, fur products, and especially women's fur coats, have attracted a huge number of people who want to buy this expensive, but damn attractive little thing.

Today, on the shop windows, you and I can see a huge variety of products from whole mink, knitted, fur coats with transverse plates or longitudinal ones, sheared mink, plucked mink and much more. Let's stop at a knitted mink and find out what kind of variety it is.

“Knitted mink” is one of the varieties of designer work with fur, namely, knitting with fur. This method was created by the famous fashion designer Paula Lishman. As a matter of fact, there is nothing complicated about this, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knitted socks a long time ago, but not from the mink fur itself, of course, but nevertheless, the technique has long been mastered. The knitting technique allows the fur to be located both outside and inside the product, which makes it very pleasant to the touch. Of course, in order to create a fur thread, you need to make a lot of effort. First, the skin is cut into several thin strips, then the threads are tied together on a special elastic basis. This makes knitted fur products resistant to wear.

Knitted fur is visually different from the usual. The villi do not look as long, but various knitting techniques allow you to create almost any pattern from different furs. Mink is one of the most popular materials for creating various products.

How to care for a knitted mink?

Knitted mink products are very soft, they require delicate care, but it is not at all difficult to care for them. If there are any stains, you should not try to remove them yourself, it is better to take them to dry cleaning. If you notice that the fur is crumpled or has absorbed strong odors, such as cigarettes or perfume, then you need to treat the fur with steam or hot air, without bringing sources of steam or air closer than 20 cm to the fur. The steam will help the fur to smooth out, and unpleasant odors disappear.

If you accidentally wet a thing from a knitted mink, you need to dry it on a coat hanger, but not near a radiator or radiator. When the thing dries out gradually, it can be treated with steam or hot air so that the villi do not stick together.

Knitted mink items should be stored in the same way as any natural fur items - in a dark, dry place, protecting them from dust and moths. Several times a year, the thing must be aired, even if it has not been used at that time.

Knitted mink is a really great option for fashionistas who don't want to look like everyone else. Things made of knitted mink may not protect against severe frosts, but they are ideal for a warm winter, as an evening or business attire, as a luxurious accessory for a celebration. You can wear things from knitted mink with any clothes that match them in style. In addition, for example, knitted fur jackets can be worn not only in winter, but also in warmer seasons. Another nice advantage of knitted fur is that even mink items are much cheaper than items made from whole skins. A beautiful jacket or cape will cost you 3 or even 5 times cheaper than a regular mink coat.