Download family tree template for photoshop. Create a family tree in Photoshop

A genealogical tree is a branched list of family members and (or) other people who are related or spiritually related.

There are several options for compiling a tree, and all of them have special cases. Today we will briefly talk about them and draw a simple family tree in Photoshop.

Let's talk about options first. There are two of them:

Creating a family tree in Photoshop consists of three steps.

  1. Collection of information about ancestors and relatives. It is advisable to find a photograph and, if known, years of life.
  2. Drawing up a pedigree chart. At this stage, you need to decide on the option.
  3. Decoration.

Collection of information

It all depends on how reverently you and your family treat the memory of your ancestors. Information can be obtained from grandmothers, and preferably from great-grandmothers and other relatives of advanced age. If it is known that the ancestor held any position or served in the army, then you may have to make a request to the appropriate archive.

Family tree diagram

Many people neglect this stage, since a simple pedigree (dad-mother-me) does not require a long search. In the same case, if you plan to compile a branched tree with a large generation depth, then it is better to draw up a diagram and gradually add information there.

Above you have already seen an example of a schematic representation of a pedigree.

A few tips:

  1. Create the first circuit element using the tool "Rounded Rectangle".

  2. We take the tool "Horizontal Text" and put the cursor inside the rectangle.

    We create the necessary inscription.

  3. Select both newly created layers while holding down the key CTRL, and then put them in a group by clicking CTRL+G. Let's call the group "I".

  4. Choosing a tool "Moving", select a group, hold down the key ALT and drag it across the canvas in any direction. This action will automatically create a copy.

  5. In the resulting copy of the group, you can change the inscription, color and size ( CTRL+T) rectangle.

  6. Arrows can be created in any way. The most convenient and fastest of them is to use the tool "Arbitrary figure". IN standard set there is a neat arrow.

  7. The created arrows will need to be rotated. After the call "Free Transform" must be clamped SHIFT to rotate the element by an angle that is a multiple of 15 degrees.

This was the basic information for creating elements of a family tree diagram in Photoshop. Next comes the design stage.


To design a pedigree, you can choose two ways: draw your own background, frames and ribbons for text, or find a ready-made PSD template on the Internet. We let's go second way.

  1. The first step is to find a suitable picture. This is done by a query in the search engine of the form « family tree psd template without quotes.

    In the process of preparing for the lesson, several sources were found. We'll focus on this:

  2. Open it in Photoshop and look at the layers palette.

  3. Select (click) the text layer, for example, "I".

    Then we look for the elements corresponding to it - a frame and a ribbon. The search is performed by turning visibility off and on.

    After the tape is found, we clamp CTRL and click on this layer.

    Both layers are selected. In the same way, we are looking for a frame.

    Now press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+G, grouping layers.

    We repeat the procedure with all elements.

    For even greater order, let's give names to all groups.

    With such a palette, working is much more convenient and faster.

  4. We place a photo in the workspace, open the corresponding group and move the picture there. We make sure that the photo is the lowest in the group.

  5. With Free Transform" ( CTRL+T) adjust the size of the image with the child under the frame.

  6. Erase excess areas with a regular eraser.

  7. In the same way, we place photos of all relatives in the template.

This completes the tutorial on how to create a family tree in Photoshop. Approach this work seriously if you plan to draw up a genealogy of your family.

Don't neglect preparatory work, such as preliminary drawing of the circuit. The selection of decoration is also a task that requires a responsible approach. The colors and styles of the elements and the background should reflect the character and atmosphere of the family as clearly as possible.

I decided here at my leisure to compile my own “Family Tree” (maybe it will be interesting for descendants to look at their ancestors). I took it and began frantically rummaging through the Internet in search of at least some patterns. Here's something interesting I found out. By search different phrases I was thrown out everywhere, wherever I just didn’t get, but basically they were the same pages. This is where the chaos began. You need to register, then send SMS. Then sit and wait by the sea for the weather. On the one hand, I understand them, everyone wants to eat, but on the other hand, I will send them some money for food. And where is the guarantee that I will not get a "Trojan horse" on my computer or some kind of worm? Well, when I was offered to download an archive with the EXE format from some file hosting service, I was generally taken aback by such impudence.

In general, I decided to collect everything that I could dig up from a more or less sensible one and put it on the World Wide Web for absolutely free download. Maybe someone will thank you. Templates of different samples of the “Family Tree” can be downloaded for free without any registration and SMS ok, you can follow the link located at the very bottom of this page.

A small video tip on how you can draw your own vision of this very genealogical tree in “Word”:

How to make your own family tree?

It turns out that there are several ways to compose this tree. The first is to pay money to some companies. Here they will start running through some obscure archives, collecting information about my ancestors. For a certain amount, they will write that my family was full of counts and princes, my blood is blue, and the bone is sugar. Well, then all this will be beautifully printed on stamped paper, tied with a velvet ribbon, well, they will also seal this beauty with their seal.

The second method is much more prosaic, but will require some effort and time. Sit down yourself, rummage through the family archive, collect the necessary photos. Select the most suitable for your taste, digitize them, and then stick them into the already ready template. Cheap but angry. The third way also has a place to be. This is to understand the intricacies of Photoshop, graphic editors. Take it with your own hands to create indescribable beauty, with monograms and the ruins of a family castle in the background of a tree. Decide for yourself.

Another video with a story about “Overview of the free program “Family Tree Builder” for creating a family tree”. I won’t lie, I didn’t download it, although there is a link to it. Maybe someone will be interested in its capabilities.

In principle, I have only one verdict. There are few free templates on the vast expanses of the Internet. Accordingly, a lot of paid things are not clear. Maybe someone will be more lucky than me and he will find something valuable, useful on this topic. Good luck.

This is a tutorial on how to make your own in graphics editor your family tree. Genealogy is the science of ancestors, and the family tree in an accessible form reflects family ties and the structure of the family of each person, serves as a vivid reminder of those people who gave life to you, your family, your clan. A family tree created in a graphic editor can serve as a wonderful gift for any of the relatives - just print the resulting image and fix it in a frame. Your children will thank you in the future if you make your family tree for them now. So let's not waste a minute! Further - detailed description how to make your own Family Tree in the graphics editor Photoshop.

1. First you need to collect information about your ancestors as completely as possible. Ask your parents, grandparents, write down all the data in a notebook, try to find photos. First, draw a template on paper, place the youngest member of your family, for example, your child, at the bottom of the sheet. Two branches come up from it - parents, mom and dad. From each of the parents, in turn, two branches also emanate, and so on.

2. When you already have the information and imagine what your tree will look like - it's time to turn on the computer! For decoration, we need some images from the Internet, in our case, this is a background and a tree.

3. After downloading the necessary images, let's start working in Photoshop. Open the background file - this is the base background. Do not forget that the image must be large enough, the larger - the better and clearer the final result will be.

4. Now open the file with the tree, tool " Magic wand» click on the background next to it (ideally, the background should be white or transparent, otherwise it will be difficult to work), press HIGHLIGHT - INVERT. Now the tree is ready to be "transported" to our background.

5. Copy the selected picture, open the background file and click EDIT - INSERT. Pick up right size using the TRANSFORM function, or IMAGE SIZE.

6. Now you can start creating the pedigree itself. Open the first photo, select the area of ​​the face, copy, paste in the picture with the tree. Choose the best location, then click EDIT - STROKE. Now the photo has a bright frame. Just below the photo, select a rectangular area, click EDIT - FILL and fill it with some color, then click EDIT - STROK again and make a bright frame. In this area, we will write the last name, first name and patronymic using the TEXT tool on the toolbar on the left.