How to sign a valentine for your sister. Congratulations in verse to your beloved. Ready-made templates for valentines

On Saint Valentine's Day I confess: I love you And I hope for reciprocity. You answer me. I'm looking forward to it.

On Valentine's Day I'm in love and you're loved. How I wish you would confess your love to me. All troubles will come to an end - And we will go down the aisle.

On Valentine's Day, congratulations are necessary. With freedom now you! Everything, the supply of love has dried up.

Well, how not to congratulate!

My heart and other organs belong to you, madam! Take care of them!

Get ready to fight for the cause of St. Valentine!

I wish you a feeling of reciprocity and reciprocity of feelings!

Today I love you more than yesterday, but still half as much as I will love tomorrow.

It's not your wedding anniversary... Congratulations!

Let me be good to you! The rest is nonsense.

Beautiful! Everything... reaches out to you!

I shout to the whole Universe - I love you! And... modestly add - congratulations!!!

I saw you dozens of times, And now I realized that I had not seen you.

Do not misunderstand me ... I will only congratulate you and return.

I give a flower with an unwavering hand. And I hug with tenderness another!

You could feel everything like that, When you would not hold a postcard in your hands ... or you could feel everything like that, When you would not hold a postcard in your hands ...

May the winged god of love not bypass your threshold!

Believe me - happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us!

Let the ice floe melt in the heart - Prachity my valentine!

Tired of guessing at "loves and dislikes" ... I will decide ... I will come ... I will congratulate ... And ... I will ask!

I find out in surprise, That it's time to give gifts - The winter holiday of all lovers Will certainly be hot!

In life, personal, intimate It occupies the lion's share ... Happy Valentine's Day I congratulate my beloved!

Lover of dreams, Burning bridges, My postcard, I'm at the door... And flowers.

As a symbol of the feeling of a saint I am writing three cherished words: "I love you." And please answer.

I believe in the magic of love, In its mysterious power, And on Valentine's Day I send you my impulses.

My dear friend, my joy, You are the reward of fate for me. And if you're just a dream, May it last forever!

Without you, I didn’t drink or eat, I became sad and turned a little gray, And my twisted mustache sagged, Heavy, friend, a load of loneliness ...

Just as excess weight hinders a ship, So superfluous words harm a hero. The words "I love you" sometimes sound stronger than the words "I love you very much" ...

No road with you seems long, And any river with you seems like the Volga to me, And the usual "hello!" It seems to me an oath of honor, And separation does not seem terrible as long as we are together.

All ages are submissive to love, As the wise classic said. So let the nimble Cupid flutter between us, sparing no wings. So bare your Hearts to meet him, saying beautifully, - Let him cripple them with arrows. Maybe not in vain, maybe not in vain.

You are my hero! You are my idol! You are mine ... to the toes, You are mine ... to the holes! You are my up to x ... chrome boots You are Apollo, You are Zeus, You are God! I'll go to the hut for you, into the fire, I'll stop the electric car. And, if necessary, in a hut, I'll be happy already. I will thank the sky for you every day!

Without you, I am lost among the lost, Dust on the road, a withered blade of grass, Of the ugliest, ugly, The most unhappy. Days without you - one expectation, I'm waiting, like the first confession in my life. The path to the porch is covered with snow, Either forgotten by you, or abandoned ... I am lost without you from the lost, There was no past, there is a present, You are alone in it and I pray in anxiety, So that the roads return you to me.

What does "love" rhyme with? The sun came out without a veil, February became weak at heart, - he exchanged his gold pieces for medals and almonds. On honey details, on crazy verses... You wouldn't give a copper for such trifles. I gave it away - there were enough candies and bells for everyone. I, my dear, have not forgotten what "love" rhymes with. I don't know a better rhyme that suits February just as exactly, just as sonorously... Just like "I love you!" Inspired by a high feeling, Once upon a time, someone came up with Valentine's Day, Not knowing at all then, That this day would become a favorite, A welcome holiday in the year, That St. Valentine's Day It would be called with reverence. Smiles and flowers are everywhere, In love, confessions again and again... So let a miracle happen for everyone - Let only love rule the world!

The old legend is alive, And I believe that it is undeniable. We need such a fairy tale, So that once a year, on Valentine's Day, I could confess my love to you: You are not better on Earth.

On Valentine's Day, I confess to you, I decided that I fell in love with you for a long time, I need you so much! Can we get closer? Whatever I can, I will give you everything. Together we will be better. I swear I won't offend!

If suddenly I open up On Valentine's Day, Like a decent man, Do not deceive me? I'd rather accept rejection Than a deception of love from you.

I send a valentine in the form of my heart. But take a closer look at the picture - You will find your own there. After all, there are miracles: There was a heart, there were two.

Tired of being a stranger. I will open up to you - come what may! It is not proper for adults to waste valuable time. Tired of being alone. Maybe meet me? I invite you to tea, I promise a glorious evening.

Loving you is hard for me - There is no reciprocal love. I want to erase your trace in my soul, But, apparently, it is not given. Drop at least a tear For a simple valentine!

Don't talk about love! You can spoil everything with words. You prove it with your deeds, With your eyes, tenderness, lips, Shower it with fragrant flowers, But don't talk about it out loud...

On Valentine's Day I can't hold back the avalanche of feelings that overwhelmed me, I open a secret gateway, And my love strives, Passionately foams and rushes To the best on Earth! Delightful! To you!!!

How many different valentines Spin in the snowy February. One of them - mine to you, Either from snowflakes, only from tears. It depends only on you: Let's melt the snow and spring Let's call soon or winter Let's leave it in our feelings forever

My beloved, my desired Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you: You are the most dear to me, There is no beloved, there never will be. St. Valentine is honored by the Earth, the Planet has gone crazy from love. And I go, wanting only you. My love, save me soon!

Saint Valentine on this day allows Those to confess their love, who do not yet know What other way to choose to open their whole soul and expose their love. With hope I give you a Valentine. Do not laugh! Saint Valentine does not forgive mockery in love. After all, when you fall in love, In response to a boomerang, you will receive a mockery.

LOVE!.. How immense in this sense! What an ocean in one tear! What a sky in one glance! What a storm in one breath! What lightning in one touch! What an eternity in one moment!..

I am writing you a letter, It is full of hope, I love you as before, There is no other. Be you always beautiful, Souls of my dream! Like a clear-eyed dawn And pure as a flower. May you always be healthy, Let the ailments go away, Be, as you are, troublesome, Once again I am with you here. We were promised a meeting On that earthly path, I am not afraid of sorrow. How to get past them? I experienced everything in my life: Both joy and sadness, But you only became stronger, Like damask steel. Let all the dashing years pass by, But you, my dove, are young at heart!

Roses are beautiful, violets are pure, sugar is as sweet as you are Roses are beautiful, violets are pure, cabbage stinks just like you.

A true lover is hard to find, but even harder to keep.

Our love is your best test.

Here are the keys to my heart, use them before I change the lock!

You were, are and, I hope, will be the most beautiful thing that I have.

Here lies a sick student. His fate is inexorable. Carry the medicine away. The disease of love is incurable!

I'm sorry, but I can't find tender words. I just want to say that I love you.

Nature brought us together. She made me love And wherever I am I can't forget you.

Your soul is bright! And your whole face is sweet. I thank the Creator - He gave you!

Love leads through deserts And through mountain ranges. And she does not get cold in the wind, And she is not afraid of heights.

It just so happened that on Valentine's Day it is customary to give valentines - postcards for Valentine's Day - small and large, modest and extravagant, purchased and do-it-yourself valentines, etc. When we have decided on the choice, we begin to rack our brains: how to sign a Valentine? To make it easier for ourselves, most of us choose valentines that already have a congratulation on Valentine's Day in verse. But whatever the printed text, it will not replace the words coming from the heart. You can choose a small wish, a little "conjure" with the lines, and here's the age-old question: how to sign a Valentine's card is solved.

If your love object, as they say, does not know about your existence, then the question of how to sign a valentine anonymously becomes even more interesting. You can write in the Valentine the lines that you often said to this person. And what, let strain your memory. And at the end, you can also put a signature, and even with all the curlicues.

Remember, words sent from the heart always hit the top ten, and stamps are quickly forgotten.
To facilitate the task of how to sign a Valentine, we suggest using one of the suggested examples. We hope that among these lines, you will definitely find exactly those congratulations on Valentine's Day that will help express your feelings for your beloved and just close people.

Happy Valentine's Day Mom:

Kind, beautiful, feminine most,
The best mother in the world
Beloved of his most important
I give you my best wishes!
On Valentine's Day Mom
I sincerely wish:
Don't let worries make you old!
Health to you, dear!

In his spiritual epigram,
Worrying and rushing.
I confess my love to my mother.
I bow down to the ground.

I wish on Valentine's Day
For God to protect you.
So as not to be ashamed of my son,
And so that the father does not get sick.

Health, love, longevity,
Don't waste yourself.
And your children will be calmer
When everything is fine with you.
On a February morning I'll draw a heart on the snow,
I'll show it to my mother, and then I'll kiss it,
Happy Valentine's Day to her
I would like to thank her for dedicating her life to me...
I wish you, mommy, big and pure love
And so that all wishes come true very quickly!
Who else to congratulate on Valentine's Day, if not your own mother. It was you who gave me life, which means that along with life, the ability to love. I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and my main love in life, laid down since childhood, is you! And this feeling will live in me forever!
Dear Mom,
Sweet, beautiful,
Kind and gentle
Light, sinless!

Valentine's day has come
I found a poem for you:
Congratulations on this day
You live in my heart!
And bloom in my soul
Sing a magical song

I love you dear
For me you are golden!
Let dreams come true.
Everything you desire!
Mothers teach their daughters
Be examples in everything.
This is true. By the way,
Congratulations are not about that.

And about being grateful
And, of course, in love
I'm into you, my dear mummy
(Lies in words are excluded!)

Happy Valentine's Day
And I wish ahead
Days filled with love.
May you always be lucky!
My one and only, beloved and priceless mother! For me, you are a ray of sunshine that illuminates the path of my life. I sincerely congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I want to tell you that there is no other like you in the world, and there is no need, because there can only be one mother. I love you very, very, very much!
Mamulechka, let a good Valentine
Add more happiness and love
So that everyone knows that there is not one in the world
And the father's house meets everyone longer.

Mommy, let the sadness go away
That maybe not everything is as we would like,
And for you, we, dear, are not sorry
Your love heart to keep warm.

How to sign a valentine: Happy Valentine's Day greetings

No words needed. No need. Shut up!
Words are carried away by the wind, you will forget them.
Oh happiness, don't cry about love,
Send me a Valentine - I will understand that you love.
Spring is about to burst into the world,
But still, February is still in force,
He gives us a wonderful holiday -
Cheerful, joyful beautiful!
Let the holiday bring love -
She is more precious than all gifts,
Let any day be with her
Happy, festive and bright!
On Saint Valentine's Day I confess: I love you And I hope for reciprocity. You answer me. I'm looking forward to it.
On Valentine's Day I'm in love and you're loved. How I wish you would confess your love to me. All troubles will come to an end - And we will go down the aisle.
On Valentine's Day, congratulations are necessary. With freedom now you! Everything, the supply of love has dried up.

Well, how not to congratulate!

My heart and other organs belong to you, madam! Take care of them!

I wish you a feeling of reciprocity and reciprocity of feelings!

Today I love you more than yesterday, but still half as much as I will love tomorrow.

Let me be good to you! The rest is nonsense.

I shout to the whole Universe - I love you! And... modestly add - congratulations!!!


Do not misunderstand me ... I will only congratulate you and return.

I give a flower with an unwavering hand. And I hug with tenderness another!

Tired of guessing at "loves and dislikes" ... I will decide ... I will come ... I will congratulate ... And ... I will ask!

I find out in surprise, That it's time to give gifts - The winter holiday of all lovers Will certainly be hot!

In life, personal, intimate It occupies the lion's share ... Happy Valentine's Day I congratulate my beloved!

Lover of dreams, Burning bridges, My postcard, I'm at the door... And flowers.

As a symbol of the feeling of a saint I am writing three cherished words: "I love you." And please answer.

I believe in the magic of love, In its mysterious power, And on Valentine's Day I send you my impulses.
All ages are submissive to love, As the wise classic said. So let the nimble Cupid flutter between us, sparing no wings. So bare your Hearts to meet him, saying beautifully, - Let him cripple them with arrows. Maybe not in vain, maybe not in vain.

You are my hero! You are my idol! You are mine ... to the toes, You are mine ... to the holes! You are my chrome boots You are Apollo, You are Zeus, You are God! I'll go to the hut for you, into the fire, I'll stop the electric car. And, if necessary, in a hut, I'll be happy already. I will thank the sky for you every day!

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The tradition of sending valentines on Valentine's Day dates back to the 15th century, when the Duke of Orleans wrote a love letter to his wife in 1415. Postcards reached their peak of popularity in the 18th century. Lovers often sent them without a signature to their addressees. In those days, valentines were the epitome of art - multi-sheet messages from openwork paper, lace and silk. Now they are sold in the form of cardboard postcards.

In the article we will tell you how to sign in order to explain your feelings as clearly as possible.

Beloved guy

If you decide to purchase a ready-made postcard, the text in verse or prose can be printed on it. It can be given to colleagues or close friends. Beloved buy postcards without a signature.

Not a bad idea to give a lot of valentines. Prepare a beautiful cardboard box or a glass jar of an interesting shape, on each valentine or a piece of beautiful cardboard, write a compliment or a trait for which you love it, and place it in a container. You can also write words on pieces of paper, roll it into a tube and tie it with a ribbon.

What can be written:

* * *
I have collected everything I can:
Tenderness, affection and love,
It wasn't hard for me
And I hope you're ready
For Valentine's Day
Hear sweet words
That without you the world is not enough for me,
You mean a lot to me!

* * *
Happy Valentine's Day,
My own half!
You are the best guy, you know!
With you, February is like a warm May!

* * *
I don't need other guys
And only you a valentine is sent,
I will say the words that will be so important:
I love it, everything else doesn't count!

* * *
Happy Valentine's Day, love
I want to again in a year,
You were also dear to my heart,
Let there be love between us!

* * *
My dear,
Today is Valentine's Day
Let all adversity bypass us,
Let love warm, it's so beautiful!

The boy who likes

If the object of your sympathy does not know about your existence, then how to sign a valentine anonymously becomes very interesting.

Write down the phrases that you often said to this boy. Let him think and remember who can say that. At the end, put a signature using all sorts of curls and emoticons.

Remember the truth: words from a pure heart always get into the top ten, and stamped phrases are quickly forgotten.

Beloved girl

The main thing in your signature is sincere words that your beloved will not get tired of re-reading hundreds of times.

  • Every day I fall in love with you again and again. Every day I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
  • If love is not madness, it is not love. I'm crazy in love with you.
  • One heart is not enough to contain all my love for you.
  • I have fallen in love many times. Each of which is in you.
  • Loving you opens windows and doors in me that didn't even exist before.
  • Your eyes replace the sun for me at night, and the stars during the day.
  • When you whisper something in my ear, my heart hears it. When you kiss me, my soul kisses you back.
  • All your kisses live in my soul, my memory remembers every touch of your hands, and the echo of your voice always sounds in my heart.

The girl who likes

If you are not ready to pronounce the cherished phrase aloud, then touch it indirectly by signing the valentine. Use epithets and gentle phrases that will help the girl understand what is at stake. Write the positive aspects and advantages of the addressee. You can also say that you are very happy just being nearby, in the same room. Describe your emotions and feelings that cover you around this girl.


Write a beautiful poem with sincere words about love.

* * *
Snow and cold outside the window
But you keep warm!
Happy Valentine's Day, my dear
Congratulations dear!

* * *
How lucky I am to have you!
I'm so happy, to spite everyone!
The man is true
I only have one!

* * *
Happy Valentine's Day, dear!
Let's have a feast on the mountain.
Let dreams come true
And there will be only you...

* * *
May our love
Won't fade with age
Let life again and again
decorates with flowers,
Let them not touch
Sadness and routine
Let the feelings wake up...
And Happy Valentine's Day!

* * *
On Valentine's Day
There is a great reason
Tell you "I love you" again
And I say it!
Let the beam sparkle bright
Fire burning hot
My tender words
Honey I love you!

* * *
My beloved, brave, beautiful and gentle,
In your arms I am always serene
I congratulate you on Valentine's Day
My only and beautiful man!


* * *
I present the main symbol of the holiday,
This is a valentine for you
And what can I say, well, honestly, I don’t know,
You better look into my eyes
And there, my dear wife,
Can you read the important words:
“I love you, without memory, without edge,
You, my tenderness, you are my destiny!

* * *
I officially want to congratulate you
Happy Valentine's Day, dear wife,
And there is only one thing left to add,
What I love, I love you very much!

* * *
Your beautiful half
On Valentine's Day I say:
My wife, my goddess
Today I give you:
Your love and your heart!
And those delicate flowers
And you souls open the doors for me,
And I will fulfill all my dreams!

* * *
On Valentine's Day
I want to tell you,
You are irreplaceable for me
I am glad that you are in my destiny!
We are connected with you forever
After all, you are not just my wife,
Girlfriend, mom, sun in the light,
Fate only gave me!

* * *
Lines of love and only for you,
Congratulations to my beloved wife
Happy Valentine's Day, you know through the years
I love you like crazy!

best friend

Remember cute situations, moments when you were especially close in a state of mind. Perhaps you have experienced something important together. Write to her how dear she is to you, how much you love her and that life without her would not be so bright and rich.

Perhaps you give funny nicknames to each other, then it's better to sign the card in a funny way.


Your best friend will be very pleased to see the lines you wrote in poetry.

* * *
On Valentine's Day, my friend, do not be bored!
Give me a call, invite me for tea!
I'll bring you sweets and wine and cake
And for the holiday of all lovers, we will raise a toast!

* * *
May every corner be filled with love
This Valentine's Day
I want to wish you my friend
Conquer the cherished peaks
Return from a long road
Feel the warmth of your dear shoulders,
Raise a crystal glass at the table
With a toast, so that we are lucky in everything.
Find the comfort of your own home
Give rest to the wounded soul
Experience love passion
And never stop loving.

Valentine in your own words:

My faithful and good friend, on this holiday, February 14, I want to wish you mutual love, sincere and tender. Let the girl who will be next to you today turn out to be the very second half, the search for which you have been passionate about for so long. Let your feelings burn with the fire of passion and never lose their sharpness.


In verse

* * *
On a February morning I'll draw a heart on the snow,
I'll show it to my mother, and then I'll kiss it,
Happy Valentine's Day to her
I would like to thank her for giving me her life...
I wish you, mommy, big and pure love
And so that all wishes come true very quickly!

* * *
Happy Valentine's Day
And I wish ahead
Days filled with love.
May you always be lucky!

* * *
Mommy, may a good Valentine
Add more happiness and love
So that everyone knows that there is not one in the world
And the father's house meets everyone longer.

* * *
Mommy, let the sadness go away
That maybe not everything is as we would like,
And for you, we, dear, are not sorry
Your love heart to keep warm.

In your own words

  • My only, beloved and priceless mother! For me, you are a ray of sunshine that illuminates the path of my life. I sincerely congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I want to tell you that there is no other like you in the world, and there is no need, because there can only be one mother. I love you very, very much!
  • Happy Valentine's Day, dear mommy! It was you who gave me life, which means that along with life, the ability to love. I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and my main love in life, laid down since childhood, is you! And this feeling will live in me forever!

Teacher and teacher

You can write in your own words. Express your attitude towards the teacher, wish love and patience towards your students. If there was a situation where the teacher helped you, thank him. Write with restraint, without “scattering” love words.

In English with translation

I love you
one, two,
I love you.
One, two, three
You love me.

    I love you

    One two,
    I love you.
    One two Three,
    Do you love me.

Valentine's Day
Three valentines I have for you
Have for you, have for you
Three valentines I have for you
Pink and red and blue.

Mail for you, mail for you
I'll put them in the mail for you,
Pink and red and blue.

    St. Valentine's Day

    I have 3 valentines for you
    For you, for you
    I have 3 valentines for you
    Pink, red and blue.
    I'll mail them to you
    In the mail for you, in the mail for you.
    I'll mail them to you
    Pink, red and blue.

Message "I love you"
I'm sending this valentine today
With the message "I love you"
Hoping that you love me, too.

    "I love you" message

    I am sending this valentine today
    With the words "I love you"
    Hoping that you love me too.

It's Valentine's Day!
It's Valentine's Day!
So here's me sending lots
Of love your way…
To wish you a very…
Happy Valentine's Day!

    Today is Valentine's Day

    Today is Valentine's Day!
    So I send big
    You love...
    With big wishes…
    Happy Valentine's Day!

Today I like you
Tomorrow I Will love you
through the frights
Through the cold nights
I love you always and forever
Happy valentine's day!

    Today I like you

    Today I like you
    Tomorrow I will love you.
    Through the fears
    Through the cold nights
    I love you always and forever.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

Sometimes we make love…
Sometimes we make love with our eyes.
Sometimes we make love with our hands.
Sometimes we make love with our bodies.
Always we make love with our hearts.

    Sometimes we love...

    Sometimes we love with our eyes.
    Sometimes we love with our hands.
    Sometimes we love with our bodies.
    We always love with our hearts.


* * *
They took me in an ambulance today
From the sky, Valentine struck with an arrow,
Said it's all for love
Well, I will endure, for that you will be with me!

* * *
The name Valentine rules today
Love is led by Valentine
May he not forget you either.
And your heart will connect with another!

* * *
Saint Valentine in the morning
He began to pour arrows without stopping,
But I took shelter from this rain
You spotted me earlier with a rifle!

* * *
The legend of the holiday is, in fact,
That Valentine was a priest in love,
But the order was given from the king,
Kill him for these obscene feelings!
Valentine did not say goodbye to his beloved,
But "Valentine" managed to write to her,
And to this day remains holy to us,
And so let's congratulate each other! No 1


The first valentine carried a declaration of love. Since then, it is a love confession that has been the most common content of this postcard, which you can buy in a store, or you can make yourself. They make small hearts from paper, velvet, gift wrapping and other materials. It is also better to sign on your own, although many of them are sold with ready-made confessions.

Put in the words that you write in, all your feelings for the addressee. If you know how to compose poetry, this will be the best option. There is nothing more pleasant for the recipient than a poem dedicated to him personally.

If poetry is not your element, warm, sincere words will do, expressing all your feelings for the recipient. Most importantly, write from the heart. A small lyrical poem by a famous author can supplement your words.

But if your rhythm of life does not allow, not only do valentine yourself, but even just buy it and, congratulate the person by sending an SMS or email. By the way, in addition to a few kind words, in both of these cases it is quite possible to put an e-card in the message.

A Valentine card is not an ordinary piece of paper in the shape of a heart, it is a real and sincere declaration of love. And the reaction of your half depends on how carefully you approach the issue of congratulations. Do not be lazy when buying ready-made cards, it is better to ask yourself how to sign a Valentine in your own words so that your chosen one or chosen one really understands how much they mean to you. The efforts and diligence will return to you a hundredfold - this is a fact!

How to sign a valentine for your loved one

Girls, as a rule, treat postcards with greater responsibility, enthusiastically look for all kinds of congratulations and wishes, add something from themselves, thus creating unique notes. Valentines are no exception. Valentine's Day is the time when you can most fully demonstrate the depth of your feelings, hit the chosen one in the heart.

You can dedicate the following lines to your beloved boyfriend or husband:

My sweet, gentle, dear,
My best and favorite!
My affectionate, so dear
And so necessary in life!
Let me tell you that I
warmed by the warmth of your soul,
And the star of love, grief,
Life shines with wondrous light!

On Valentine's Day
After all, the whole day today is ours,
I say "I love you"
Many hundreds of thousands of times!!!

You can try to write in a different handwriting, different pens or felt-tip pens, draw monograms. In a word, decorate your Valentine in every possible way. Beautiful words combined with a beautiful card will melt any heart.

How beautiful to sign a valentine for a girl

Girls know a lot about beautiful congratulations, and therefore the guys will have to try hard to surprise their loved ones. However, if there is such a desire and feelings are deep, then no problems will arise.

For example, the following lines are useful as a starting point:

On Valentine's Day
I am in love and you are loved.
How I wish you
She confessed her love to me.

Every day I fall in love with you all over again. It's incredible, but every day I love you more than yesterday, and less than tomorrow.

If every time I think of you, a rose would grow, the world would turn into a garden.

Also, don't forget that valentines were originally anonymous messages. Try to keep the atmosphere of antiquity by writing congratulations, for example, with your left hand. You don’t have to sign a Valentine’s card, but if you quietly throw it into your purse, then the young lady will have the opportunity to puzzle a little about who this mysterious admirer is. The holiday spirit will be kept. Then, of course, it will be possible to open up so that she understands that these beautiful words, which so touched her soul, were dedicated to her by the most beloved person.

How to sign a valentine in your own words in an original way

Of course, handmade gifts will be the best and most memorable for lovers. The same applies to Valentines. Even a large and expensive standard typographic postcard itself will not convey even a tenth of the spiritual warmth that a hand-made valentine carries in itself. And of course, numerous Internet poets will not replace your sincerity of heart. To really hit your love, just sit down and write an original congratulation in your own words, from the heart. And maybe you are not a writer to put words into sentences beautifully and correctly, but the sincere impulses of the soul will not go unnoticed. It is this congratulation that will remain in the soul for a long time. So the answer to the question of how to sign a valentine is one - in your own words. After all, there is no place for stamps in love.