Genealogical tree of the family. How to draw a family tree for a child to school

You will need

  • - quilling tools (stick with a forked tip, template, awl, tongs, pins)
  • - a sheet of A4 paper;
  • - hole puncher;
  • - scissors - simple and curly;
  • - strips for quilling of different widths;
  • - colored paper tinted;
  • - cardboard - color and white;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - brush for glue;
  • - comb;
  • - pencils;
  • - eraser;
  • - frame.


With curly scissors, cut out circles on which the child can draw portraits of their relatives. Tell me what characteristics this or that relative has. Instead, you can stick photos on top of them.

Draw the contours of the future tree on the base sheet, glue portraits at the ends of the branches, which will become apples. And write the names on the branches themselves. All inscriptions must be done before you start gluing the contours and rolls!

It's time to stick the contours of the branches and trunk. Apply glue to the end of the brown strip and attach it to the sheet in the place of the drawn outline. Press for half a minute. PVA should be thick so that the paper does not get wet and sticks securely to the base.

Make rolls from stripes of different brown shades. To do this, clamp the tip of the strip in the sting of the stack and wind it very tightly onto the stack, pressing the edge to your finger. Attach the stack with the roll to the template of the required diameter and release the tip.

When the roll unrolls a little, put PVA glue on the tip of the strip and glue it to the roll. With the help of pins or special templates, such a roll can be turned into a drop, leaf, triangle, etc.

Remove the roll and squeeze it on one side (drop) or both (leaf or eye). This tree is made from such simple shapes in quilling.

Lay out the barrel within the contours, lubricating the bottom of the roll and sides with glue. The crown of leaves is made in the same way - with rolls-drops of different sizes from stripes of various shades of green.

The bottom of the composition should also not be left empty. Grass can be made from the same strips that were used to decorate the crown. To do this, twist one end of the strip into a spiral, and glue the other to the base. If the width and length of the stripes when decorating the grass is different, this will make the picture more interesting.

At the bottom, you can also make a main inscription with the name of the owner of the family tree. To do this, wind the strip around a bottle or glass, fix the end flat with glue and let dry. During this time, you must complete the circle (inscription). Carefully remove the resulting ring and glue it to the base with the end side.

Natalia Kaptsova - expert in psychology and success

Reading time: 8 minutes


Currently compiling family tree considered a fashion trend - all over the world today people have begun to actively find out origin of their ancestors. The genealogical tree of the family should be understood as schematic representation of family ties in the form of a conditional tree. At the "roots" of the tree, the ancestor will be indicated, representatives of the main line of the genus will be located on the "trunk". "Branches" are representatives of various lines of ancestry, and "leaves" are known descendants.

About the most common types of family trees will be discussed in our article.

  • Family tree on the wall

You can draw the tree itself using stencils or ready-made wall tree stickers, and on top of it are attached photographs of relatives. In the design apply contrasting colors. This type of wood will be a worthy decoration of your room!

  • Genealogical tree built using a special program Family Tree Builder

The functionality of this program is quite high, and building a family tree is not difficult. Free Family Tree Builder App provides an opportunity not only to build a family tree, but also looking for your relatives by comparing the family trees of other participants in the global project. When you run the program for the first time, it will give advice on the formation of a new family tree project - this will ensure a quick acquaintance with the program and its development.

The program is very simple and accessible, but with the only disadvantage- required to work Internet connection. The result will bring a lot of pleasure, and you will get an excellent genealogical tree of your family!

  • Family tree on the poster

Before you start creating a family tree, you need to decide on the information that will be included in the pedigree. The content of the entries and the shape of the tree may vary. Minimum set of information should include surname and name of the relative, date of his birth and date of death.

You can choose a suitable tree design option on the Internet - there you can find many beautifully designed variants of family trees. After the shape of the tree is chosen, you need to pick up photographs. They must be of high quality, uniform in size and matching in style. In order not to spoil the original pictures, they can be entered into a computer and printed in the form of squares or circles. After selecting photos, you need to glue on the prepared tree in the respective places. Under the photographs should be stickers with important information about this or that relative.

  • Family tree on a withered branch

It will be quite an original decor for the wall, made by hand. A simple dry tree branch can be fixed on the wall and hang frames with family photos on it. It will be a stylish and exciting solution for the interior. Selected photographs will help to understand your family history and personal uniqueness.

  • decorative family tree

To make it you will need felt, a piece of wallpaper, photographs, double-sided tape, thick cardboard, glue and a little patience.

on felt paint with soap tree outline and cut out. From the wallpaper you need to cut off a piece of 50 * 60 cm in size. Cut out the wallpaper with the help of 2-sided adhesive tape or glue, we attach it to the cardboard. We put a felt tree on top, and glue all its thin parts with glue. Painting photo frames with spray paint into a single color. On the upper branches of the tree, glue the yarn imitating foliage and insert photos. At the top we have children's photos, and below - photos of grandparents. With glue All frames need to be glued to the genealogical tree. The result is a realistic handmade family tree. It can be an excellent gift for relatives.

All that remains is to select and place photos of close and dear people in the finished genealogical tree. This version of the family tree will become great gift birthday, anniversary or wedding day.

Many people ask question: What is a family tree for?

The answer is simple. It reminds us of our ancestors, preserves the entire history of the family in a concise and accessible form.

If you make the necessary efforts to create a family tree, it can become an extraordinary and original interior decoration.

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As a tree grows, so does each family - from the most ancient ancestors (roots) to the young representatives of the genus (green leaves). Moms and dads in the family tree can be compared with branches, grandparents - with a strong trunk.

It is thanks to this association that a schematic representation of the genealogical relationships of each family is called a genealogical tree (tree).

The content of the article:

Genealogical tree design options

There are several options for designing a genealogical family tree. Traditionally, the genealogy is drawn up from its initiator, the oldest known person in the family. Then it is this ancestor who is depicted as the head of the family, and branches of his offspring schematically diverge from him, including the marital relations of children, grandchildren, etc. The better the family knows its history, the more carefully it treats the preservation of the memory of its ancestors, the thicker the branches of its family tree. Many famous families know and honor the history of their kind for 200-300 years.

In schools, for compiling a student portfolio or as part of an assignment in a lesson, they are asked to compile a different type of family tree, when the child himself is placed at the head of the family, and branches go from him to parents, from them to grandparents. Usually this is enough, but if there is information about great-grandparents (and deeper roots), then it is advisable to provide it.

Drawing up a family tree with a child is quite an exciting activity, and not just a boring school obligation. If parents understand this, they will spend many exciting minutes in the company of a child, remembering their own childhood, talking about their grandparents, who they were by profession, how they remember them, what interesting stories they know from their lives.

By teaching a child to preserve the memory of generations, you will pass this tradition on to him - and who knows, perhaps after many, many years your family tree will be able to boast a lush crown with many branches.

How to make a family tree of a family with your own hands?

First, draw a draft of the tree, on which indicate the members of the child's family (direct relatives): their last names and initials, dates of life. Take photos of family members - the tree will no longer be impersonal, it will no longer be just a dry listing of names and dates, but a graphic image of the family.

Choose how the tree is made. If the teacher allows, it will be great if the child draws it with his own hands (pencils or paints), and you paste the photo and sign the data.

A combined option is possible: print a drawing with a tree and stick signed photographs on it.

You can create a family tree of the family with your own hands in the usual Word, Paint, Photoshop and other graphic editors. There are also online programs for compiling graphic family pedigrees.

However, the easiest option is to print out a ready-made family tree template.

Genealogical tree: templates to fill out

To open the image in full size, click on it.

Hello my dear readers! Surely each of you at least once thought about your family tree. It is so interesting to know who your ancestors were, what they did, who they worked for, how they spent their free time. Some even look up archives to find out about their great-grandfathers. And today I want to tell you how to draw up your family tree and arrange it into a family tree with your own hands.

It is very good if the family has a decorated family tree at home. And how interesting it is for children to learn that dad's grandfather was a military man, and great-grandmother had her own barnyard. If everyone knew everything about their relatives, then there would be fewer losses in the family, tears, and there would be no need to look for relatives for years.

What is a family or genealogical tree? This is a kind of scheme representing the kinship of generations of relatives. No wonder it is designed in the form of a tree. After all, it symbolizes life and the continuation of the family.

As a rule, I use 2 Ways to Represent Relationships.

  • The first is when the ancestor of the clan is at the head, from whom the history of the surname began.
  • The second is when you lead a branch of relatives from yourself.

They can be made both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. It all depends on which design option you prefer.

How to make a family tree?

First, the most important step in this business should be the collection of information. It must be reliable and accurate. To compile a family tree, it is not necessary to know the entire biography of the ancestors, it is enough to know the full surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, find a photograph, and it does not have to be in color or in adulthood, the main thing is to be. Do not forget to accurately determine the relationship in relation to all family members.

Another question is where to get information. Well, of course, this is conversations with close and distant relatives - uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and brothers. I think they always have something to tell. Even every little thing can be useful. Also, old letters, diaries, family photos, archives, and even medical records can be an excellent source of information.

The more people will participate in compiling a family tree, the more beautiful, original and better it will turn out. Involve your parents, don't be afraid to call distant relatives with whom you do not communicate. This is a great opportunity to reconnect and find support in their faces.

I would like to say a few words about the services that “help” establish a connection and the type of surname. Firstly, I myself somehow fell for this bait, and it turned out that it was just a scam for the purpose of profit. Secondly, in the Russian Federation there is a law on personal data, according to which no one has the right to transfer such and truthful information to everyone in a row, even for money. Therefore, if you stumble upon a site with a supposedly database, then these are most likely scammers with false and presumptive information.

Genealogical tree in the interior

There are a lot of options for creating a family tree. You can make it as a piece of furniture, which will be a great decoration for your home. Guests and friends will always appreciate this kind of ingenuity. Here are some ideas.

If space permits, a tree of this kind would be a good option. This will be the highlight and distinctive black room. And it is not necessary to be able to draw beautifully. Now they sell special vinyl wall stickers that make it easy to decorate photos beautifully and neatly.

Desktop family trees have been very popular at all times. The only thing that can be a problem is that the photos will have to be reduced or even cropped. Overview images will be useless here, it is better to take faces. They sell a lot of blanks, for every taste and color: metal, wood, plastic.

Framed family tree design is popular. As a picture, it can be hung and even given as a gift.

A budget, but no less beautiful way is to compile a pedigree in special programs and print it out as a large photo card. There are many templates, any subject. Don't forget to scan your photo beforehand.

For creative people who like to do everything with their own hands, creative ideas are suitable. This kind of tree can be made together with children in kindergarten or as a gift to grandmother, for example.

DIY family tree

The branch can be varnished, painted with acrylic paint, or simply left unchanged, only in places to walk with coarse sandpaper. By the way, here you can experiment with color. It seems to me that a branch of golden, silver or just black color will look unusual (but this is just my opinion).

Next, take a pot. Plastic, glass or ceramic, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that it should be transparent. Our task is to fix the tree so that it stands exactly. To do this, take the foam according to the size of the pot and simply insert the branch. The slots around the edges can be stuffed with paper or other material of your choice. Another option to keep the branch in the pot is to use gypsum. Then the product will be a little weighty.
To cover the contents of the pot, put moss, artificial greenery or beads on top.

Next, the most interesting part - we make out photos. Cut out a photo of relatives in the shape of a circle. Here you need to consider that they should be the same in size. Cut out? Great! Then we make the base. From felt, cut out the flowers with a diameter slightly larger than the photos. Instead of flowers, hearts, leaves or stars are perfect. And felt can be replaced with colored cardboard.

You can attach a photo to the branches in the order of the hierarchy of the family clan. It also does not hurt to decorate the tree with ribbons or beads. Everything depends on fantasy. Finally, we cut out the label with the name of the fake and glue it on the pot. That's all! Our family tree is complete. Making photos with your own hands is a very exciting activity, trust me!

Imagine how nice it would be to receive such a fake or piece of furniture as a gift to an elderly person, where the entire previous and future generation will be displayed on a small piece of paper or plywood.

You can also draw a family tree with your own hands. This is the easiest way to arrange your pedigree.

To do this, you need a thick sheet of paper, such as whatman paper or landscape sheet. The size of the base will depend on the size of your drawing. Consider the presence of photographs and their parameters. However, in any photo editor, you can both enlarge the image and reduce it, adjusting it to the desired format without losing quality.

So, draw a template for the future drawing with a simple pencil. It can be a branched tree or with a crown. Look at the photo below and estimate the format of your fake. Then think about what you will be comfortable working with: colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Plan in advance the location of the portraits of relatives, using the diagram at the beginning of the article.

Then you just have to color everything and glue the photos. A great way to decorate it would be a frame. Thus, it can be hung on the wall or placed on the table.

As you can see, making a family tree with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing in this case is to find and collect reliable information. There can be no guesswork here, because the memory that will be inherited is at stake. Hope you like this idea. Good luck to all! Bye bye!

The issue of compiling a genealogical family tree has always been considered relevant. However, few people try to solve it on their own. They are afraid of not knowing their genealogy, which is a big mistake. Without understanding anything in this matter, you can try to solve it. Why is this necessary, you ask?

First, to know the history of a kind. Secondly, it is a way to find out about all your relatives. Perhaps one of your ancestors was a great scientist, a famous politician, or just a popular person. And why not: satisfy your curiosity. Consider below the solution to the question: how to correctly compose a family tree of the family.

How to make a family tree

In the era of technological development, it is not difficult to make a family tree. You need to go to the Internet, select the necessary program and install it on your computer. The "Tree of Life" program received good reviews, revealing in detail all the technology, how to correctly compile a family tree.

Tree of Life program

So what's the first step to take? Start with yourself. Open the downloaded program for compiling a family tree, enter data about yourself into it, then about your immediate environment. Complete the information provided with photographs. It happens that there is too little known data. Then you should go to a meeting of a personal nature. If you have a voice recorder, take it with you.

  1. The meeting should be individual, everyone should not be gathered together, this can lead to controversy, a long discussion. Unnecessary conversations, noisy disputes will only take time, upset the nerves, make it difficult, and not help, to find the answer to the question: how to correctly draw up a family tree.
  2. Start your survey with the older generation. They have a lot of knowledge. Old people will plunge deeply into the past. For efficient use of time, so as not to overwork them, make a list of questions in advance. An example of a questionnaire might be:
  • place, date of birth;
  • when, where did you study;
  • where and when they worked;
  • with whom they were in a marriage relationship;
  • how many children, their names, dates of birth;
  • where, when he died, if someone is no longer alive;
  • and so on in the same way.

If someone has skype, communication can be built using this program. This will save time. And yes, it's not always possible to visit everyone. By communicating along the chain, moving from one to another, you can find all the relatives. If some data is missing, there is always the Internet. You just need to know who to look for information about.

Respondents themselves can provide good help in finding all relatives. The story about the family tree should interest them, I think everyone is interested in learning how to correctly compose a family tree.

There are times when many relatives have died, then the employees of the archives will provide assistance. You can make a request there via the Internet or go and dig through the papers on the spot.

All information received must be carefully checked so that no mistake occurs, since there are many namesakes.

So, the material necessary for work has been collected, you can begin to build a family tree diagram. When using the downloaded program, follow the suggested prompts. When you decide to do without the help of the program, to do everything yourself, think about your work plan, the principle that you will follow.

There are several options for building a family tree diagram:

  • on the father's side;

Paternal scheme

  • from the mother's side;
  • descending tree;
  • ascending tree.

Upstream scheme

You can build a pedigree in the form of a tree or a table.

When everything is thought over, take a drawing paper and get to work. The one for whom the scheme is being drawn up should be placed in the center. Divide the sheet into two parts, leave the left for relatives on the father's side, the right for relatives from the mother's side. Under each last name, glue a pocket or an envelope where you put notes about this person, additional photographs.

Family tree variant

When they took up the scheme along the ascending line, and chose its appearance in the form of a tree, then the main person will symbolize the trunk. Branches extend from it in different directions. Large ones are parents, those that are smaller are grandparents. On each leaflet, you can put a certain person. Fantasy when creating a tree has no boundaries. The main thing is to preserve the accuracy of the data, not to distort it.

Before starting work, you need to carefully consider everything, study this issue from all sides. Then such work can easily turn into a hobby.