The second month went to the child as he develops. the child has crooked legs. Raising and holding the head

Twenty years ago, this question would have caused bewilderment in everyone: what should such a baby do, if at 2 months he still can’t even hold his head properly? But today, experts say with confidence: classes with a baby should be started as early as possible so that his auditory, visual and motor skills develop successfully. For this, there are special games and gymnastics.

The baby at 2 months still sleeps a lot, but is already interested in the game

We develop vision

At 2 months, the baby already knows how to fix his eyes on certain things in the room. Start teaching your baby to follow moving objects. To do this, take a bright rattle, draw the child's attention to it with the help of sound, and then slowly move the toy first in one direction, at a distance of no more than half a meter from the child's eyes. The baby should look after the thing. Then move it to the other side. This exercise is an excellent tool for the prevention of strabismus.

Give this activity no more than 30 seconds so as not to tire the baby.

Developing Vision Through Looking

At any sign of dissatisfaction, stop playing. At 2 months, the child is still difficult to give long classes.

Once the exercise described above is mastered, you can set the toy in other directions (up and down, in a circle and diagonally).

Another unpretentious toy will help the kid train his eyesight and learn to distinguish emotions on faces. On a cardboard circle with a diameter of 20 cm, draw two faces - cheerful and sad. Attach the circle to a wooden or plastic handle. Show the baby alternately (but not too often) one side or the other. The baby will eventually respond to the face with the same emotions that it expresses.

We develop hearing

At 2 months old, a child can be given rattles in his hands, melodic sounds will attract his attention with any movement of his hands. Mom can attract the attention of the baby by rattling a toy out of sight of the crumbs. The child will look for the source of the sound and turn the head in its direction. For the same purpose, you can use not only rattles, but also musical toys and just computer speakers. Move them to a new place each time to develop your baby's auditory skills.

The development of hearing is carried out by issuing sounds from the side

It is useful to draw the attention of a two-month-old baby to various everyday sounds (meowing a cat, murmuring water, sounds outside the windows).

Any manipulations carried out with the baby in Everyday life, be it bathing, dressing, feeding, accompany with comments, praises. In this case, you should lean a little towards the baby's face so that he sees your articulation and remembers. You can even just talk affectionately, bending over the child while he is awake. This will strengthen the emotional connection between mother and baby, and also help the mother herself to escape from everyday worries.

After 2 months, the baby already responds with a smile to the appeal

If the child begins to make sounds, repeat them after him. Then you can proceed to a long, singsong pronunciation of vowels, opening your mouth wide and actively moving your lips. Such enhanced articulation will help the baby in mastering his speech apparatus.

Develop motor function of arms and legs

Accompany all kinds of nursery rhymes and jokes for the little ones with stroking fingers and pens. Such classes will help a two-month-old baby feel their hands and learn how to independently manage them. Play "patty" by putting objects in your baby's hands different texture. True, you will first have to help the little researcher to hold objects in his hands.

Playing with fingers is both a massage, and the development of motor skills, and communication

Bright socks worn on the baby's legs will undoubtedly attract his attention and make him start exploring. You can also use multi-colored dolls that fit on the hands of adults.

At 2 months, babies can already concentrate for a few seconds.

Hang bright, interesting toys over the crib different shapes so that the baby has the opportunity to reach them. Do not show your child how to grab them. At one point, he himself will guess to do it. Just choose not too loud and tiring toys. Change the location of the toys, moving them to the handles, then to the legs, to develop the activity of all limbs.

Charging for a child at 2 months

Most convenient time for gymnastics is the first half of the day, when the child has slept and is not hungry, but not immediately after eating. Do the following exercises:

  1. Putting the baby on a changing table or sofa (better if it is hard surface), make movements with its handles up and down, to the sides and cross on the chest.
  2. Turn the baby on his tummy, let him learn to hold his head. At two months, the child should hold his head with muscle strength for 15 seconds.
  3. Box with the fists of your child.
  4. Take in your hands his legs in the ankle area and "ride a bike."
  5. Bend towards the tummy and unbend the baby's legs to a straight position.
  6. Hold the child under the armpits, lift it above the surface of the table so that it can slowly push off from it with its legs.

Charging in 2 months - required element development

Do all exercises at a moderate pace, without making sudden movements, so as not to frighten the baby. If you see any dissatisfaction on the part of the baby, postpone the gymnastics for a while.

How to play during daily activities

To develop the skills of a two-month-old baby, it is not necessary to allocate for this every time special time, classes can be carried out without being distracted from ordinary affairs.

Playing with a 2 month old baby is already very interesting
  • During feeding, you can develop vision and tactile sensations of the crumbs. Wrap it up in covers different colors and textures at each feeding. The child will be interested in touching it.
  • Play peek-a-boo every chance you get. Hide from the crumbs behind a towel, blanket or diaper and suddenly look out with a smile and an exclamation of “cuckoo”. This game is incredibly fun for kids.
  • When the child is not dressed, you can alternately breathe on different parts of the body. The warmth from mother's breath will help the baby learn to feel different parts of her body.

Not only mom, but also dad should deal with a baby at the age of 2 months, you can also connect grandparents.

This practice will help the child to establish an emotional connection with all the adults in the family, and this experience will give the adults themselves magical moments closeness with the baby and joy for his achievements.

You have passed the neonatal stage. Already in the second month of a child's life, you begin to understand his personality. You have also already learned to understand the signs that two month old baby, his likes and dislikes.

Do you know the reasons for the dissatisfaction that this moment rather primitive: hunger, drowsiness and dirty diapers.

Babies are born very nearsighted, which means they see better at close distances.

A child of the second month of life learns to follow a moving object with his eyes, is more interested in shapes and patterns, and can also notice familiar faces even at a distance. A person's face is one of the baby's favorite objects to look at, especially if it is own face or parent's face.

Set up a child-safe baby mirror at baby's eye level and watch your child observe themselves.

The color vision of a child at two months continues to develop, so bright wall decorations or toys will help develop the ability small child distinguish colors. Soft pastel colors it is difficult for a child to evaluate, and this should be borne in mind when buying toys and books.

In children at 2 or 2.5 months, eye coordination improves to follow a moving object.


A 2-month-old baby begins to identify voices that he heard more often.

Regular speaking (or singing) great way help the child get used to the voice, and this is also one of the methods to calm the baby.

The baby will enjoy listening to music (turn on various styles) and, perhaps, be fascinated by the usual sounds of the surrounding world. Keep an infant nearby when you rattle pots while preparing dinner, and let older siblings sit within earshot of laughing and playing.

Baby rattles and musical mobiles - good methods stimulate your child's hearing.

The motor development of the child in the second month is characterized by greater control over the position of the body. This means that the baby in the prone or upright position can hold his head more steadily than before.

At two months, babies have a strong sucking reflex. You may notice that the baby likes to suck on his fist or fingers. This is one of best practices consolation of children.

At 2 months, the baby does not yet have sufficient coordination to play with toys. But he can hit a colorful object hanging in front of him. At 2 months, your baby may begin to reach for objects. This is the beginning of hand-eye coordination.

At 2 months old, your baby can even hold a toy that you put in one of his hands.

Communication development of a child at 2 months of age

For a two-month-old baby, the main means of communication is crying. But sometimes you can hear cooing, grunting and cooing. The child must identify the face and voice of the parents. Perhaps you will find the first delightful hint of a smile.

One of the most important things parents can do at this age is to talk to their child. Despite the fact that two-month-old babies cannot speak, they respond to the sound of their parent's voice and this encourages them to start forming their first words.


Many babies peak in episodes of crying at 2 months, leaving parents almost as frustrated as a result. There are many reasons why a baby cries, even when all of its needs seem to have been met. Maturation nervous system, overwork, or simply the need for sedation are some of the most common causes.

In these early months there will be times when parents just need to follow the needs of the child and follow their instincts.

What should a child know?

  • the child holds his head more steadily;
  • many of the reflexes of the neonatal period are still preserved. For example, the sucking reflex;
  • the child tries to cling to the objects that you place in front of them with handles;
  • vision develops, and the baby can see objects at a distance of up to 45 cm;
  • the baby begins to follow what is happening with his eyes;
  • the baby loves to listen to the voice and singing;
  • the cry may contain more grunts;
  • the baby begins to turn his head to the sounds;
  • Some parents are lucky enough to see their baby's first conscious smile.


Caring for a baby at 2 months is not much different from the newborn period. The difference lies in the number of feedings, sleep time, educational games and toys.

This month, the baby will demand to be fed more often. Try to follow and trust the signs your baby gives when it comes to feeding time.

When feeding, both breasts should be offered to promote better lactation.

If you feed with a mixture, at this age the number of feedings decreases with an increase in the single volume of the mixture. This will happen as the baby matures. Because babies do not digest formula as quickly as breast milk, parents generally do not need to feed a formula-fed baby as often as a baby on breastfeeding.

Two-month-olds usually drink 6-8 bottles of 120-180 ml per day and may need an additional 30 ml of formula when the infant is 3 months old.

At two months, a baby will still need 1 to 2 feedings during the night, but they may have a longer sleep period, such as 5 to 6 hours between a pair of nightly feedings.

The sleep pattern of the baby is stabilizing, but at two months it is not yet fully established. At this age, babies sleep 15 to 16 hours a day. But these hours are random and children are usually not ready to sleep through the night. This is especially true for infants who wake up to eat about every three hours.

Hold on for a few more weeks and you can get some much-needed rest.

Help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own. Put the baby in the crib when he is sleepy, not fast asleep. He can sleep in the same room as you, but sleeping in your bed is not recommended.

All infants should be placed on their back to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Allow the child to spend a lot of time lying on his stomach, when he is awake and supervised by adults.

Also, remove all soft items from the crib, including pillows, blankets, Stuffed Toys and partitions.

Don't let your child overheat. Keep the room temperature comfortable for adults. Never dress your baby in more than one layer. Do not cover your baby's face or head while he is sleeping.

Do not raise the headboard in a child's bed. The child may roll into a position that makes it difficult for him to breathe.


Babies should receive their first vaccinations at 2 months of age. Mark the date on the calendar or diary when the baby is 2 months old so that you do not miss the vaccination time.

Security measures

Give your baby enough time every day. Pets should be kept away from the baby. Never leave your baby unattended on the changing table, on the floor, or in an unsafe area. Toys should be round and soft, without sharp edges.

How to develop a child at 2 months?

Whenever you and your baby are awake, take the opportunity to play. Through play, you will help your child develop both mentally and physically.

You can use the following developmental activities with a 2 month old baby.

This is an important sensory activity in an infant's daily life. The prone position helps develop coordination and strengthens the baby's neck, shoulders, arms and spine.

This position helps with motor skills such as rolling, crawling, stretching, and sitting.



  • develops listening skills;
  • promotes language development;
  • helps in the development of attention and memory;
  • strengthens the bond between you and your baby.

Tips for parents:

  • read to your baby in a quiet place;
  • you don't have to read all the words in the book;
  • you can describe what you see on each page;
  • have fun while reading. Use facial expressions, lively voices and just plain stupidity.

The magic of human touch

This is an easy sensory activity that has amazing benefits for you and your little one.

What can be done:

  • skin-to-skin contact;
  • often hug the child;
  • rocking a child;
  • baby massage.

Some of the benefits:

  • creating a bond between you and the baby;
  • strengthening psychological and physical health;
  • sleep improvement;
  • massage helps kids cope with stress;
  • massage stabilizes autonomic functions such as heart rate and temperature;
  • massage can help relieve pain.

Movement with a child

Movement with the child helps in the development of the vestibular system.

How can you move? You can turn on your favorite music and dance with your child. You can rock it down, side to side, or lift it up. You can move your child quickly and slowly. Don't forget to stop about every minute. This will allow the body to fix the movements and make sure that the baby is not too aroused.

Touch exploration

The development of tactile sensations is important. The child learns about his body through touch and environment. Remember that it's not just about using your hands. It includes the whole body.

So whenever the temperature allows baby to be stripped down to a diaper, let him explore the variety of textures. It helps in the development of many skills, including gross and fine motor skills.

Here some ideas:

  1. Put the child on various fabrics or blankets. It can be wool, silk, cotton. Always make sure your child is comfortable.
  2. Place various embossed materials or toys in your baby's hands. Examples may include various fabrics, rattles, rings.
  3. Moving various relief materials on the arms, legs, face, stomach and back. Again, these may be different fabrics or toys, such as tickling with a feather.
  4. Bath time! Water covers the whole body, and this is another pleasant sensation. You can use different textured towels each time to add variety.

At this age, the child cannot see far, but there are many things that he likes. The faces are certainly one of their favorites. Another favorite hobby- look at the moving fingers.

What to do? You can let your imagination run wild. The main goal for the baby is to watch your fingers dance. You can turn on the music and move your hands rhythmically. Up, down, side to side, fast or slow.

You can use finger puppets and put on a simple puppet show.

Object observation

At two months, the child can see up to 45 cm from his face. At this age, the infant may also fixate on an object and on a short time follow him. You can advance this skill through the game. You can hold a toy or any object that the baby finds interesting in front of his face. Move it around. In addition to this, you can hum, talk or make funny sound effects.

Remember, every baby develops at its own pace. If the child is not ready or interested in these activities, try them again in a few weeks.

Tips for caring for a 2 month old

  1. The second month of a newborn's life is exciting and unnerving for new parents. Don't be afraid to ask for advice when you need it. Pediatrician - best source information, but family and friends are also good advisers and helpers.
  2. Modern parents are always on the go. As a result, children spend a lot of time in car seats and carriers. Babies should be able to be in different positions throughout the day so they can use the muscles they need to roll over, crawl, and eventually walk.
  3. Touch is very important during the first months of life. Good skin contact. Some experts recommend baby massage but just holding or rocking the baby is enough.
  4. When your baby is crying, try different soothing techniques. Some children respond to soft music or singing. Others are soothed by "white noise" (for example, starting a vacuum cleaner or installing a radio between stations). If you haven't already, try inserting a pacifier. It is calming and also helps in preventing sudden infant death syndrome. Experiment to find what works best for your two month old.

All children are unique and reach certain milestones at their own pace. Development guidelines simply show what a child can accomplish. If not now, then soon. If the child was born prematurely, it takes a little longer for him to reach his stages of development. If you have any questions about your child's development, ask your doctor.

The most difficult, adaptive period, when everything was new and unusual for both the baby and the parents, has been successfully completed. The next thirty days are a time of other equally important discoveries, a grandiose period of mastering new skills, gaining experience and forming habits.

Physical development

In the second month of life, your baby's body continues to develop at an extremely high pace: having taken a good start in the first month, the baby is actively growing. Over the next four weeks, he should gain 800-1000 g of weight, increase his height by 3-4 cm, increase the volume of his chest and head by 10-15 mm. During this period, the development internal organs the child becomes active, the systems and organs of the baby are no longer so much adapted as they enter into a rhythm corresponding to the extrauterine environment.

Indicators of a child from 1 to 2 months

Growth chart and

And the weight chart


53.51-54.53 cm

4.150-4.320 kg

Head circumference

chest girth

To ensure the growth and development of the baby, parents must provide their child with a stable sleep and feeding schedule. The task is, first of all, before the mother. Of course, the hourly feeding system imposed by Soviet pediatrics has become obsolete, and it is quite possible to feed the baby on demand, while not violating his regimen at all. However, it is important to take into account that month old baby should sleep 18-20 hours a day and eat this amount mother's milk, which would correspond to 1/5 of the baby's body weight.

If we take, as a standard, the weight of a child is 4 kilograms, then a mother must provide her baby with at least 800 grams of milk per day. This amount of food gives the child the opportunity for a full energy exchange, he remains active, cheerful and gains weight well.

If parents notice that the baby sleeps or eats a little less (more), then you should not sound the alarm. Every children's body is individual, and it is not worth observing any standards when establishing a regimen of rest and feeding - they simply do not exist. As a rule, healthy children already at this age feel their own norm and are able to clearly let their mother know that they have already had enough.

If during the second month of your child's life you have not been able to independently establish his regimen - he eats little and mostly sleeps or is naughty, then it is better to seek help from a pediatrician. Except healthy sleep Monthly babies must have another source of energy - abundant nutrition.

In the second month, the mother's lactation should be active.- You need a lot of milk and often. If you notice that the baby is not full, change your diet: drink plenty of fluids - at least two liters a day, add cottage cheese, fish, lean meat, milk and kefir to your menu. Before feeding, make it a rule to drink a cup of weak tea with milk.

Baby gains new motor skills

He already confidently raises his head and can hold it for 10-20 seconds, in the prone position on his stomach, the child, in addition to his head, raises his chest and can remain so for some not very long time. The frog posture, typical for the first weeks, begins to transform into a human one: the child’s arms and legs are more relaxed, he stretches them more and more to the sides. If one of the elders supports the baby in a sitting position, he can shake his head, and involuntary shuddering and muscle twitching occurs less and less in the child.

Any bright spot, a rattle that makes melodic sounds are the most curious objects for a baby at this age.

He grabs the toy tightly and can hold it for a while. And when the child's hands are not occupied with a toy, then his fists are partially opened. Sometimes the baby flails his hands in the air with all his might - and this is quite normal phenomenon for children of this age.

Baby crying when tired or unable to sleep

In addition, the crying of a baby can be a kind of signal to parents that he is lonely and wants to embrace his own. For most babies, getting into the arms of mom or dad is excellent tool to calm down.

If the child cries for a long time, bringing himself to the state in which his hands and chin tremble, while he throws his head back strongly, burps too often and sleeps little - immediately show him to a neurologist.

The baby may have intestinal colic even in the second month. To minimize them, mom should again pay attention to her diet: limit sweets, give up grapes and vegetables rich in fiber, soda and drinks based on it.

You can alleviate the fate of the child when he starts having colic problems by laying the baby on his tummy, applying a warm heating pad or stroking his belly clockwise.

During this period, parents should pay special attention to the baby's skin and care for it.. Air baths, massage, evening bathing - not only very useful procedures, but also very pleasant for the child.

In the second month of life, children are increasingly active, they already prefer one or another type of communication. The most favorite activity of almost every month old baby is to wiggle and bounce. They like to lie down, comfortably sitting on their father's chest.

By two months, the baby must be examined by a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, orthopedist and neuropathologist.

mental development

The second month of life is the stage when the child begins to use the organs of sight and hearing more confidently. The visual organ, compared with the first month, has developed significantly, allowing the baby to fix his gaze on a motionless bright object for half a minute.

The kid already knows how to follow a moving object with his eyes, while he “clings” to the object that attracts his attention not only with his eyes, but also helps himself with all his might, twirling his head.

The child now knows how to catch the eyes of parents, so his visual abilities "matured" in this short period of time. The child can focus his attention on any of the objects that fall into his field of vision. Usually, parents, checking the baby’s visual reaction, use a simple test: half a meter from the child’s eyes, they slowly pass a colored toy - the baby always leads with his eyes following, at the same speed with which the object of interest moves.

Child's hearing ability in the second month of life also increase markedly. Now, upon hearing any sound that breaks the silence of the room, the baby actively tries to locate the source of the noise and locate it.

A hearing test can be performed using the same rattle, ringing it for no more than 10 seconds outside the child's field of vision. After the sound that startled him, the baby freezes for a split second, subconsciously analyzing the nature of the phenomenon. And then he starts to turn his head, trying to detect a "noisy" object.

In addition to the sounds made by rattles, squeakers and other toys, in addition to various kinds of artificial sounds, a one-month-old baby begins to listen to voices. He perfectly distinguishes intonation, in response to a quiet gentle voice he will turn calmly and slowly, but he may be frightened by a sharp cry. Therefore, the main rule of conversation in the children's room: quietly, not abruptly, calmly.

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1 to 2 months

  • from birth to 1 month
  • 1 to 2 months
  • 2 to 3 months
  • 3 to 4 months
  • 4 to 5 months
  • 5 to 6 months
  • 6 to 7 months
  • 7 to 8 months
  • 8 to 9 months
  • 9 to 10 months
  • 10 to 11 months
  • 11 to 12 months
  • 1 year to 1 year and 3 months
  • 1 year and 3 months to 1 year and 6 months
  • 1 year and 6 months to 1 year and 9 months
  • from 1 year and 9 months to 2 years
  • 2 years to 2 years and 3 months
  • 2 years and 3 months to 2 years and 6 months
  • 2 years and 6 months to 2 years and 9 months
  • 2 years and 9 months to 3 years
  • 3 to 4 years
  • 4 to 7 years old
  • 5 to 7 years old
  • 6 to 7 years old
  • 7 years and older


Dynamics in the emotional development of the infant

In a month, children are able to give their parents their first smiles. But this smile will not be unreasonable - it will rather become the child's response to your gentle appeal to him. In addition to smiling, many children at this age can laugh, and the nature of laughter is different for everyone: from quiet intermittent to loud bursting.

A child at the age of one month makes the first attempts to distinguish an animate object from an inanimate one: look at how much more your baby will be interested in another child than in the proposed toy. The baby focuses more and more attention on a child or one of the adults and watches them with such interest that at some point it may seem that a one-month-old baby is thinking about what he saw. The characteristic immobility of the body and some of the mimic nuances give rise to conclusions about the monthly "thinker".

Single guttural sounds, characteristic of the first month of life, now develop into babble. The kid clearly pronounces "a", "y", "o", "e", "uh". Cooing is often observed in the second month of life.

At the end of the month, the child is already diligently beginning to combine vowels with consonants, and such “words” as “ehe”, “ah”, “ho”, “he” will lay the foundation for a rich vocabulary your baby.

If a one-month-old baby gurgles, then he does it very emotionally. In humming, you can catch gurgling, grunting, squealing, champing, and cooing. The baby puts a feeling into every sound and, perhaps, he is able to feel the mood of his parents, especially his mother, because he has not lost that close connection with her that was present between them during the nine months of gestation. He trusts his mother more than anyone, even sympathizes when she is upset by something - catching the mood, the baby is also upset and starts to cry.

Children at this age begin to be interested in the faces of others. They study the features of their parents for a long time, carefully examining them.

Even the crying of a baby in the second month of life is tied to an associative chain: hungry - crying - they hear the signal - they feed me.

Despite the rapid pace of development of the baby, the monthly baby should be protected from too bright light, too loud sounds, during his sleep it is better to turn off or turn down the sound of the TV as much as possible and restrain your negative emotions with the child.

Scientists believe that mental capacity monthly babies are much higher than we used to think, but reading fiction out loud, most likely, it is still too early to practice.

But verbal and visual contact, as well as contact through touch, will bring many benefits in building your relationship with your baby. Communicate with him as often as possible, including during feeding: gently hold the child to you, stroke, look into his eyes, talk to him. In the future, he will "remember" this.

That glorious moment came when a small miracle was born. How cute and beautiful it is! It makes me want to hug and kiss him. But it does not even understand this: it is only two weeks old. But very little time passes, and he turns a month or two. And slowly the newborn becomes a classic baby. The second month of a child's life is very important for him. At this stage, the body is formed sometimes even faster than in adolescence.

And you can’t even dispute this fact, because everyone knows that infancy is a stage of super-rapid growth, which then slows down and is restored only in adolescence. But this does not give the same speed. A child in the second month develops so quickly that it is sometimes impossible to keep track of him. However, you should try to do so. We need to understand the aspects that accompany the second month of a child's life and the development of your little miracle at this stage. Let's do it right now.


The second month of a child's life is very important. Development here is very fast. Only in the second month, about 800 grams are usually added to the baby's weight, and about three centimeters to height. with no adolescence these numbers don't match. However, it should be borne in mind that the data are averaged, so each baby may manifest this in its own way. The volume of the head increases by three centimeters, and the fontanelles are almost completely overgrown. The period of wakefulness of the child also increases. It can reach 20 minutes per hour or even more.

In some children, in general, it may be that the fontanel is already completely covered with connective tissue by the end of the second month, so that the brain is already protected by this time. Deviations from these indicators, however, can be noticed quite often. It all depends on features individual development child.

Second month of baby's life: 5-6 weeks

Now let's look at the development of the child during the month itself. It turns out that every week counts. The development of a child in the second month of life has such features.

  1. By the sixth week, the ability to turn the head towards a certain object appears, because the muscles of the neck and back have already developed sufficiently. And this is only the beginning of the second month of a child's life. Also at the sixth week, the child already knows how to grasp objects with his lips and hold them tightly.
  2. Also at this stage, the eyes are already developed enough to see the hand that passes in front of them. The eyes acquire the ability to converge, that is, to focus on an object that is located next to them. This is achieved by bringing two pupils closer together. Every day, the stability of the gaze improves, and by the end of the 7th week, the child can already look steadily at the hand. And in general, he begins to consider it in great detail.

The muscles of the hands are also quite developed, which allow you to keep the cam at the level of the mouth. The child may even start biting his fist and biting his nails. In general, the baby becomes such a typical child.

What happens at 7-8 weeks?

What follows is much more interesting. The seventh-eighth week is characterized by the ability to determine the source of the sound, and the baby can even look at it with a focused direct look. There is also an increase in the period of wakefulness. It may be that the child will not fall asleep for an hour. However, here it is also necessary to approach the issue individually, since it is impossible to completely ideally predict the behavior of a child at a certain stage of development. Therefore, one infant may only begin to focus his vision at the seventh or eighth week, while the other will go further in his ontogenesis.

In principle, the second month is characterized by the beginning of the active behavior of the child. And the older he gets, the more pronounced these signs. The seventh-eighth weeks are the start for active knowledge of the world. For more early stages, even those that enter the second month, the usual survival with the help of standard set reflexes and nothing else. The daily routine of a child of the second month of life is becoming more and more diverse.

What should be done in the second month of a child's life?

Since the child begins to actively explore the world, it is necessary to encourage his attempts in every possible way. You should also increase the time of communication with the child. If you think it's enough to just change your baby's diapers, then no. He will understand that you are mechanically doing everything that he needs, but at the same time he will not receive love. And this can provoke the development of an inferiority complex and attention deficit disorder even at the age of two months.

To attract a child to the knowledge of the world around him, you can hang a toy with a lot of details somewhere at a distance of 30 centimeters from him. What a child can do in the second month of life is to be interested in the whole world, and this toy in particular. Let her examine and study it in detail. This will be useful to him in the future. A very difficult age for both the parent and the child is the second month of life. Physical care at this stage is very important, but also psychological aspect requires parental effort. So pay attention Special attention on the emotional sphere of the child.

Emotions in the second month of life

Exactly at childhood a person learns to openly express his emotions and to the world. And openness to people is not a trait that is unique to extroverts, it is also found in introverts. It's just that the latter are more prone to closed social contacts. Nevertheless, if you properly educate such children, then they will not see anything difficult in communicating with other people.

From birth, you need to engage in the development of social skills in a child. It is important to ensure that he learns to communicate with other people. In certain aspects, one can begin to initiate him into the world of social norms. For example, when a child takes someone else's, even just to ask, it is worth taking it away and saying that this can only be done by asking permission and receiving it.

Yes, he may not understand the meaning of this message in such a young age. But the very sound of the message is sure to be imprinted in his memory. And when will you train him in more adulthood this truth, it will be much easier to do this, since this thought is more likely to seem native to the child, simple and understandable.

Techniques for attracting an adult and communicating with him

In the second month of life, the child has a whole range of techniques to attract adults. Children in this aspect are quite inventive, since their survival in a sense depends on it. Nevertheless, certain trends still exist. They should be sorted out.

  1. Smile. In the second month, the child can already respond with a smile to the fact that another person also showed such a sign of attention to him.
  2. Vocalization. At this stage, the child can already make various hooting sounds, which attracts adults to him. If you hear such sounds from the baby, then you should respond to them. Thus, the child will learn to call you in those moments when he needs to communicate with you. In more early age it could only be done through crying. But now he has another arsenal. Don't force him to cry and you will see your baby happy and humming.
  3. Motor recovery. This is another way to attract an adult. In the second month of life, the child can already direct his movements, while at earlier stages they were rather chaotic.

These are the techniques that you should respond to in order to maintain contact with the child. This is already a full-fledged communication, albeit not yet carrying a full-fledged informative value. You can be sure that the child understands you.

Development of initiative in a child

This is very important element, which should begin to develop in your child from the age of two months. At this stage, initiative in the adult sense of the term is impossible, since the child has not even learned to walk yet. But at the same time, some elements of behavior that will lay the foundation for the child's initiative can already be instilled.

What is the base? Self confidence. People with this quality are always proactive. What is self-confidence? To put it very simply, this is the feeling when you are appreciated. And it can be easily created. This is primarily done through communication. Secondly, the child's self-confidence is created by eliminating all signs of discomfort as soon as possible. Remember that every minute of downtime now can affect the child's self-esteem in the future. And if he does not remember this, then this fact does not mean that self-esteem will be in order or there will be no tendency to complexes.

How to behave with a two-month-old baby?

So how to behave with a child of this age? Since this is a very difficult second month of a child's life, care requires some effort. In principle, the advice is quite simple, if you think about it. It is enough just to satisfy all the needs of the baby, relieve him of discomfort and communicate with him more. Communication is understood as interaction with the child through the entire spectrum of the senses: eyes (toy), hearing ( tender words), tactile sensations (hugs) and so on. This is very important to consider, since when communicating with people, in general, all channels are important, but for a child they are simply vital.

What is good lisping with a child?

IN Lately a lot of people talk about the fact that lisping is harmful. In principle, this is true, but only partially. The fact is that at two months the baby's ears are tuned to listen only to high frequencies, so lisping is enough in a good way communication, which was laid in us by nature.

In addition, such communication is gentle in itself, so the child will feel emotional support and love from you. Accordingly, the child's self-esteem also increases. Rather, the foundation is being laid for its increase, which was agreed upon by us earlier.

The second month of a child's life: nutrition

Nutrition is a very important area of ​​human life of any age. But as for two-month-old children, this is, in general, a matter of life and death. After all, poor-quality food that is consumed by such a baby can adversely affect a person’s immunity in the future. In general, up to five months, the baby still needs to be breastfed. If you feel that there is not enough milk, then you need to supplement the child, gradually adding mixtures and new dishes to the diet.


We figured out what children at the age of two months can do and how to behave with them so that they grow up as full-fledged individuals capable of adequate cooperation and statement of their needs. Later you need to teach the child to also take into account the opinions of other people, but this is not a task for two month old baby, but one that will be a little older. You will have to feel this moment for yourself.

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby should consist of the correct sequence of sleep, feeding and periods of wakefulness, alternating with the implementation of mandatory hygiene procedures.

Approximate (!) Daily routine of a breastfed baby

  • 6:00 The first feeding, morning hygiene procedures (diaper change, washing, cleaning the nasal passages, cutting nails.);
  • 7:30-9:30 Morning sleep;
  • 9:30-11:00 Waking up, laying the baby on the tummy (). The second feeding (a freshly fed baby must be kept in a “column” to prevent spitting up). We are going for a walk;
  • 11:00-13:00 daytime sleep. Better while walking;
  • 13:00-14:30 Third feeding;
  • 14:30-16:30 Dream;
  • 16:30-17:30 Fourth feeding. Developing activities: manipulations with a rattle, fixing a look at a toy, accompanied by songs, rhymes, nursery rhymes;
  • 17:30-19:30 Dream;
  • 19:30-21:00 Fifth feeding. Hygiene procedures: bathing a child (if the temperature in the room is not lower than 22 degrees, you can not rush to dress a newly bathed baby, giving him the opportunity to be naked for five minutes);
  • 21:00-23:30 Dream;
  • 23:30-00:00 Sixth feeding;
  • 00:00-6:00 Night sleep. It is this time interval that is considered ideal for a night's rest. two month old baby, but, as a rule, the baby wakes up at night, sometimes even more than once - you should not refuse him feeding.

You can download and print an approximate daily routine from our Yandex.Disk -

More daily routine options for children from 1 to 3 months:

This routine is amenable to correction, taking into account the individuality of the baby.. Weakened babies often need more sleep. You can go to meet a child who is hungry before the allotted time (15-20 minutes do not solve anything). Sleep time is subjected to exactly the same adjustment: a naughty and overtired baby can be put to bed early, and a sound sleeper can be given a little more sleep.

However, all this concerns only minor deviations from the schedule presented by us. Some young mothers who do not know how to correctly interpret the behavior of their baby begin to adapt to his every dissatisfied squeak. As a result, the schedule of feeding, sleep and wakefulness gets confused, giving way to unsystematic and chaotic.

Even if there are some deviations in the behavior of the child(for example, he can mix up the time of day, being awake at night and sleeping during the day), they can and should be streamlined. If this is not done in time, excessive maternal compassion will lead to the fact that the child's misbehavior will become the norm, making the organization of the family lifestyle inconvenient for the rest of the family.

About the daily routine of an artificial baby

The daily routine of a 2-month-old baby fed with artificial mixtures will be somewhat different than for a baby who receives mother's milk. This is explained by a longer (compared to breast milk) assimilation artificial product. In this regard, the breaks between feedings should be at least four hours, so the artificial feeding schedule will be as follows: 6:00 | 10:00 | 14:00 | 18:00 | 22:00 | 2:00

As for the periods of wakefulness and sleep, they remain the same as for babies fed on mother's milk. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body of each child in this mode some minor adjustments may be made.

On the importance of sleep

The quality of sleep determines the characteristics of the physical and emotional state baby. If he slept well, it means that he will have enough strength for active perception of the world, games and communication with loved ones, as well as an excellent appetite. A sleepy child will be lethargic and capricious.

A two-month-old baby should sleep at least 16 hours a day, and the falling asleep baby does not need any motion sickness and stroking. If he is healthy, fed and put to bed on time, there should be no problems falling asleep, because he needs sleep physiologically.

If there are still sleep disturbances in a 2-month-old baby, it is necessary to figure out what is the reason for this unnatural phenomenon. The baby may not sleep well due to:

  • insufficient activity during wakefulness;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system, sensitive to even weak stimuli (for example, the light in the next room, falling into the field of view of the child);
  • the consequences of birth trauma (this kind of anxiety is noted up to about three months of age);
  • feelings of discomfort (uncomfortable bed, wet diapers, feelings of hunger or overeating);
  • too bright light;
  • noisy environment;
  • high humidity or dry air;
  • violations temperature regime in the children's room (the optimum temperature is from 20 to 24 degrees);
  • pain in the abdomen.

We also read about how much time a newborn baby sleeps during the day

Babies who are taught to rock in their arms may have great difficulty falling asleep. Having found out the cause of sleep disturbance, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it (let the baby move during wakefulness, create a calm environment before going to bed: mute the sound of the TV, do not allow other family members to talk loudly in the room where the baby sleeps). The main factor contributing to the normalization of sleep is the laying of the baby at the same time. Having got used to the regime, he will begin to fall asleep on his own.

Sleep organization

For sleep, the child should have a comfortable crib with a hard elastic mattress () and a flat pillow. In order for the baby to fully sleep, it is necessary to create optimal conditions:

  • well ventilate the children's room;
  • re-lay the crib, making sure that the sheet does not form folds that can cause discomfort;
  • if the room is on the sunny side, it is necessary to shade the window;
  • before going to bed, change a diaper or diaper;
  • feed the baby.

Since a two-month-old baby still needs close contact with his mother, he feels her absence even in a dream. The sleep of a baby placed in a crib is characterized by shortness and discontinuity. Many mothers notice this when they briefly leave the room where their baby sleeps.

A completely different situation is observed if the mother is nearby: the baby sleeps soundly and for a long time. That is why pediatricians advise breastfeeding mothers to daytime hours do not tear the baby from the breast during feeding, but lie down next to him for forty minutes. The benefit turns out to be two-sided: the mother gets the opportunity to relax and take a break from household chores, and the baby gains strength for the next wakefulness.

Do night sleep the bathing procedure that precedes the feeding of the baby can be longer and more complete.

Many mothers are interested in the question of the advisability of swaddling a two-month-old baby at bedtime. IN former years this manipulation was considered mandatory. Modern pediatricians are of the opinion that it is not at all necessary. The exception is when the baby sleeps restlessly, waving his arms. Sometimes loose swaddling helps to solve this problem.

Features of feeding

Ideal option for proper development the baby is breastfeeding, since mother's milk is perfectly absorbed by the child's body, contains all the necessary nutrients and antibodies that protect the baby from exposure to pathogens.

The nuances of breastfeeding

The most physiological is the free mode of breastfeeding, when the baby gets access to mother's milk "on demand". Demanding crying or restlessness shown by the baby are indicators that he is hungry.

Despite the seeming spontaneity of this approach, it turned out that the need to eat occurs in the crumbs every three hours during the day and four at night, so this is quite consistent with the daily routine recommended by modern pediatricians.

This is the mode of feeding practiced by most experienced mothers, arguing that it not only satisfies the psychological and physiological needs of the baby, but also minimizes the risk of milk stagnation (). Babies who receive breasts on demand practically do not cry, because they feel not only satiety, but also a state of serenity and comfort, close to that which they experienced during prenatal development.

Daily rate breast milk for a two-month-old child is approximately 900 ml (single dose - 130 ml). How to track whether the baby receives the prescribed norm? A guideline can be the duration of his stay at the chest. The average duration of one feeding is twenty minutes.(the most active and strong babies are able to get enough in a quarter of an hour). We read in detail about how much breast milk or formula a baby should eat -

There are children who turn away from the chest after five minutes. This moment is clearly not enough to saturate the child. This is usually done by weakened babies who feed exclusively on “light” milk that enters their mouths without the slightest effort on their part. With the cessation of this "feed" they stop sucking. To get a little sloth to eat properly, experts recommend that mothers express the first portion of milk. Then the baby will suck out exactly as much as he is supposed to.

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However, with this feeding option, the baby may experience a lack of liquid, since the “front” milk contains more liquid, and the “back” milk contains more fat. To exclude the possibility of such an imbalance, the mother should consult with a pediatrician - he will help her choose the necessary feeding tactics.

It is also undesirable to keep the baby at the breast for too long. For some babies, the feeding process takes about an hour. After eating for the first twenty minutes, they simply hold the nipple in their mouth, occasionally sucking on it. Mothers of such babies should be aware that this can affect the condition of the nipples.

Due to the constant mechanical impact on them, they can form, capable of causing extremely pain during every feeding. To prevent this, you should carefully remove the nipple from the mouth of an already satiated crumb.

Another indicator of the sufficiency of breastfeeding is the number of wet diapers and diapers soiled by the baby. A two-month-old baby who receives enough mother's milk urinates 12 to 15 times a day. The mode of the chair may be different. Some babies poop after each feeding, others have stools from two to four times a day: this is also considered the norm (artists do this less often - no more than one or two times a day).

About feeding artificials

Babies who are on artificial feeding They only feed at certain hours. This is a forced measure, due to the fact that in order to digest an artificial mixture, although it is analogue of mother's milk, but slightly different in composition and useful properties, it takes more time.

Two-month-old babies are fed with adapted milk formulas number 1. The number of feedings (5-6 times) and the volume of one serving (120-140 ml) are indicated on each package. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage and number of feedings. premature babies and infants with very low birth weight are on a special feeding regimen under the supervision and prescription of a pediatrician.

If, when breastfeeding, a baby is given drinking water only on especially hot days - to quench his thirst (mother's milk is both drink and food for him), then for artificial people it is absolutely necessary. drinking water artificers must be given in the pauses between feedings.

Despite the fact that artificial babies are bottle-fed, mothers should feed them not in the crib, but in their arms: this is how the much-needed bodily contact with the dearest person is made.

After feeding the children (both infants and artificial babies), it is necessary to hold in vertical position, allowing the portion of air that has entered the stomach to leave it. The presence of abundant (“fountain”) belching is a reason to contact a pediatrician, as this may indicate some pathologies of the digestive tract.

Features of wakefulness

2 months is the time when the baby begins to pay attention to the world around him. If earlier his awakenings were associated only with the need to refresh himself, now he is able to stay awake for an hour and a half.

As psycho-emotional and mental development the baby increases and his activity. Feeling the ability to control the muscles (due to the weakening of the flexor muscle tone), he begins to perform many purposeful movements. Vision and hearing, improving day by day (the baby is able to see objects seven meters away from him), allow him to recognize loved ones and gradually navigate in space. This is largely due to the strengthening neck muscles allowing the baby to turn his head in the direction he needs.


Extremely useful for every kid walks in the fresh air. Their duration in warm time year can be at least one and a half hours. best time for this are morning (before 11) and evening (after 16) hours. It is best to walk in the lacy shade of trees, protecting the baby from bright sunlight.

In winter, walks with a child of 2 months are possible only at temperatures exceeding -10 degrees. The best clothes for sedentary crumbs is a semi-overalls lined with natural fur And bottom made in the form of an envelope.

An awake baby must be taken out of the stroller, showing him the world. Walking with the baby should be in a place remote from gassed highways: a quiet park or a calm yard.

Activities and educational games

Two months of age is a great time to train the senses. In order for the baby to learn to follow moving objects, focusing on them, you need to purchase several very light and bright rattles, painted in red, yellow and Orange color, because now he perceives only these warm colors. The sound of the rattle should not be frightening, but pleasant.

  • Taking a rattle, you can approach the baby from the side and shake it thirty centimeters from him, forcing the baby to turn his head in the direction of the sound. Having shifted the toy to the other hand, in the same way they achieve the turn of his head in the opposite direction. Mom can simply call the baby in a gentle voice, coming up to the crib with different parties so that he, reacting to the sound, turns the head in the right direction;
  • It is useful to put a rattle in the child's hand. Weak fingers can hold it for only thirty seconds. This is an excellent exercise that prepares the muscles of the hand for the act of grasping;
  • You can hang a garland of bright rattles over the baby's bed so that he can reach her arms or legs. The sound made by the garland in response to the touch of the baby surprises and delights him, forcing him to swing his arms and move his legs even more actively;
  • A bright rattle can be placed in front of the baby, laid out on the tummy (it is better to do this in a crib without a mattress or in an arena). A healthy baby should raise his head, lean on his forearms and, lifting his chest, look forward. A bright object will surely attract his attention and make him stay in this position for some time, examining the objects lying in front of him;
  • For the development of motor skills of small muscles, you can play with the child in the "white-sided magpie". Going through and massaging each finger, it is necessary to pronounce the text of the rhyme.

The duration of developmental activities with the baby should not exceed twenty minutes. It is necessary to talk with him affectionately, emotionally, often changing intonation, read children's poems, sing simple songs. Hearing how the baby “hums”, calling on the mother to communicate, it is necessary to respond to his call. Otherwise, the “walking” will soon stop, which will inevitably lead to a delay in speech and a violation of emotional development.

Gymnastics and massage


When bathing a two-month-old baby, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • Use of special detergents allowed no more than once a week;
  • For daily bathing, the crumbs use ordinary clean water;
  • If the baby has sweating or diaper rash, you can add infusions of chamomile and string to the bath;
  • The optimum water temperature for bathing a baby is thirty-seven degrees;
  • It is not necessary to bathe the baby before going to bed for the night. If the baby protests and is naughty, you can do this during the daytime or morning hours when he is awake.

Caring for a two-month-old baby is not an easy and very responsible task. If caring and loving mother will steadily adhere to the same daily routine, in the future she will be able to protect the family from the problems faced by parents of babies raised without any system. How earlier kid gets used to the order - the easier it adapts to the conditions of the surrounding world.

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