Proper bathing of the baby with a circle around the neck. Video: How to put on a circle for bathing a baby on your own? What to do if a soft toy with musical effects cannot be lowered into the input

The circle will not only make the process of bathing your baby easier, it will also give your baby the opportunity to frolic while taking a bath.

Bathing circle for newborns, what is it?

A newborn bathing circle is an inflatable device with clasps that is worn around the baby's neck while bathing in an "adult" large bath.

By putting a circle on the baby, you do not need to constantly hold the baby with one hand. So you free your hands and it becomes easier to bathe the baby. The kid at this time can freely dangle in the water with legs and arms, swim.

The circle consists of two chambers - small and large, which are closed with valves, and also has fasteners for fixing on the neck. Most often, there are rattle balls inside the circle, which makes it interesting for kids.

You can use this bathing device already in first month life.

To get started - choose a circle from quality material. To do this, when buying, check the smell of the product: if it is very strong and sharp, you should choose another circle, without a similar smell. In addition, the circle should have a recess for the chin of the crumbs, so that the baby is more comfortable while bathing.

It is better that the circle is equipped with handles on the sides - the baby will be able to hold on to them if he gets tired.

You also need to choose a circle of the appropriate size: there are circles for children from birth to a year old, and for children older than a year old.

Before bathing alternately inflate small and large chambers, tightly close the valves, which will then need to be pressed inside the circle. Do not use a pump to inflate the circle.

Bathing technique with a circle on the neck

Before you start water procedures, show your baby a circle. Let the child look new thing, touch it, get used to it.

Unfasten the circle, lift one part of it up, and bend the other down. Using the resulting gap between the parts of the circle, put it on the baby's neck and fasten it.

Make sure that the fasteners are tightly closed, and the circle is not too tight around the child's neck, he should be comfortable. The chin should be above the corresponding notch.

Lower the baby with a circle around his neck into the water and start bathing. During the first use of the device, you can lightly hold the baby so that he gets used to it.

From time to time turn the baby over - from the tummy to the back and vice versa.

Do not take a full bath of water, its amount should not exceed the growth level of the child.

And the main rule - in any case, do not leave the baby in the bathroom unattended. The circle in no way insures the baby against accidents.


The bathing circle is contraindicated for children with increased intracranial pressure, as well as those who are recovering from spinal or collarbone injuries.

Also, swimming with a circle should be temporarily excluded if the baby catches a viral infection, or the baby has a rash on the neck.

Bathing a newborn is an essential procedure that affects the immune system, nervous system child. Children's doctor Komarovsky dedicated a program release to this topic. The program refutes the rationality of the rituals that grandmothers and mothers recommended to perform as mandatory procedures with a baby. Therefore, among modern mothers, the feasibility of using a new children's goods children's circle on the neck. This article will give readers the answer to the question of whether bathing a newborn with a circle around his neck is a necessity or a whim of new parents. Bathing a newborn with a circle on the neck at what age can be used.

Age of the newborn

Most pediatric doctors advise starting bathing with a circle after the navel has healed. Optimal age a newborn for water procedures with a circle -1-. At this time, the child is already accustomed to the environment and will perceive the new thing as a toy.

The main purpose of the bath circle is to ensure the freedom of movement of the child in the bathroom. Although some pediatricians believe that the benefits of this baby product for the bathroom lies in the performance of the subject of such functions:

  • Assistance in acquiring swimming skills. It is from birth that it is easier to teach a newborn to swim, because the baby remembers his stay in the mother's womb. The children's accessory allows the little miracle to move freely around the bathroom.
  • Influence on by strengthening the muscles of the back. Such children can sit, stand, walk earlier than their peers.

The structure of the children's circle for swimming

The circle for newborns is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This material is environmentally friendly and safe for babies. When buying a children's circle, it is best to pay attention to the product marked eco-friendly. Its price is much higher, but the quality is better.

Despite a large assortment goods for water procedures with a newborn, the main components of the circle are:

  1. Air chambers in which rattles or balls are located for the entertainment of the child. Separate small and large chambers. A reference point for finding a large air chamber is a drawing on the product.
  2. Zippers, Velcro for fixing the circle. It is advisable to choose a model with Velcro and a clasp. At daily use Velcro bathing accessories become unusable, and the clasp is an additional guarantor in the bathroom.
  3. Chin cavities are designed to protect the little person from bath water.

Stages of bathing a newborn with a circle on his neck

Before you start water procedures with a newborn, you should choose the optimal model of a children's accessory. The main criteria for choosing a product include:

  • Material. It is more expedient to choose a model marked eco-friendly.
  • Fixation method.
  • Shape and size. It is worth paying attention to the universal circle so as not to waste additional funds to buy a second one.
  • Guarantee. It is advisable to choose a model with warranty period over two weeks.

The process of bathing a newborn with a circle around his neck consists of the following steps:

  • Preparatory. At this stage, you need to get the children's accessory out of the package, straightening the contours of the circle. Then inflate the circle according to the instructions on the package. Parents are not allowed to inflate the circle chambers with a pump.
  • Introductory. It is important to let the child play and touch the circle before bathing, so as not to frighten the child during bathing.
  • Swimming preparation. It is worth putting the accessory on the child before immersion in water.

Instructions for putting a circle on a child look like this:

  1. Locks unfasten. It is strictly forbidden to pull them, otherwise the goods may deteriorate.
  2. Create an opening for the child's head, smoothly moving parts of the circle up and down.
  3. Check that the baby's chin is on the notch of the circle.
  4. Fasten Velcro and zippers. All fasteners must be on the top side and not in the water.

  • Bathing in the bathroom. Next, it is worth starting water procedures, immersing the baby in water. It is strictly forbidden to leave the child alone in the water even for a minute. Do not be upset if the baby began to act up. The reason may be inappropriate water temperature, Bad mood or the well-being of the child, the desire to sleep or eat the baby.
  • End of bathing. At this stage, it is important to remove the circle from the newborn on the changing table or on the couch.

Swimming with a circle on the neck at what age can you apply and you already know the reviews of doctors. Also, parents should remember that you can’t scatter the accessory near piercing objects so as not to damage it, otherwise the breakage of the product can scare the child.

If you follow all the recommendations, bathing a child with a circle around his neck will turn into a pleasure for the whole family. It's nice to take a picture of a little miracle in the water while dad controls the bathing process. Thanks to the bathing device, the baby can easily learn to swim in a pond or the sea, if the actions of family members are competent and united.

Parents try to give their baby the best and highest quality, even if it concerns regular bathing. Leading pediatricians insist on early learning swimming children, because this process is the best way to harden. Among other things, prolonged bathing develops the ability to own own body, strengthens the vestibular apparatus and improves the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

Circle for used in the bathroom, reduces increased muscle tone baby, allowing the baby to move freely in the water.

  1. The circle before bathing babies is put on not on the tummy, but on the baby's neck. This will help keep the head above the surface of the water in any position of the body without the active participation of parents.
  2. WITH inside the circle is equipped with a wide platform that holds the chin and prevents the head from slipping out or the child swallowing water if he accidentally presses the side to his face. In the first months of life, newborns retain increased tone bending character. This is manifested in the desire of the baby to take the usual intrauterine position: the limbs and head simultaneously bend and are attracted to the stomach. Therefore, it is important to prevent splash water from collecting on the circle at chin level.
  3. The circle for comfortable bathing has secure clasp with a clip and Velcro tape, with which the level of coverage of the neck is adjusted. The free ends of the circle are firmly pressed against each other so that the child does not take a sip of water while floating on his back.

Organization of proper bathing

There are no fundamental differences, but if a newborn loves to bathe, it is advisable to get a couple of degrees cooler in the bathroom to avoid overheating. If you have trouble sleeping or your baby is having a hard time falling asleep, it's best to schedule your bath time before your night's rest. Water procedures in tandem with a comfortable circle will bring a lot positive impressions, psychologically discharge and give a pleasant fatigue. And the baby will be provided with a calm and sound sleep.

Procedure safety

Air chambers with separate inflatable valves ensure safe bathing of the crumbs. Even if one part of the circle is accidentally damaged, the second will securely hold the little swimmer on the surface of the water. The place of contact of the circle with the neck of the baby has a unique "internal seam", which allows you to tightly and at the same time gently cover the neck without rubbing the delicate skin on it.

Thanks to two comfortable handles, parents will be able to direct the movements of the newborn in the process of bathing. You can attach the circle down with the handles so that the baby can grab onto them, developing new functions for themselves in a pleasant way.


There is also flip side circle use under the following conditions:

  • Availability viral infections, hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome;
  • period of recovery and adaptation after birth injury with damage to the collarbone or joint in the shoulder, when free swimming is prohibited;
  • congenital epidermolysis bullosa due to the risk of neck wounds on contact with the circle;
  • temporary ban for pustular lesions of the skin on the neck until complete recovery.

In all other cases, you can safely put the circle on the baby and enjoy the pleasant moments of water games.

Bathing is part of the child care process. Since hygiene is the basis of such care, bathing must be accompanied by the implementation of a number of rules. So how is it right small child bathe in big bath? How do you use a circle?

The first bath of a newborn baby in a large tub

Bathing a baby in a shared bathroom after a baby bath has its own distinctive features. First you need to gradually lower the child into the water, wetting the legs, arms and torso. You need to hold the child by the head in this way: your little finger should be under the neck, the rest of the fingers under the back of his head. Nothing bad will happen if water gets into the eyes, as long as it does not get into the mouth and nose. You will immediately notice that the baby's torso will not sink to the bottom of the bath. On the contrary, it floats and stays on the surface in such a way that rib cage with a tummy sticking out of the water. Therefore, with the other hand (and perhaps another adult will do this), it is necessary to regulate the immersion in the water of the body so that the chest and tummy are under water.

Once your baby is in the big bath, you will immediately understand the difference between this bathing option and bathing in a baby bath. You will make sure that the baby can move easily without the risk of hitting the walls of the tub.

In a large bath, you need to observe the behavior of the baby. If the child is not active, lies quietly and yawns, then he does not like the process of bathing. Then you can lead the baby in the water, moving to the edges of the bath back and forth. This is how you activate the child. Of course, it may not be worth doing this for the first time. After all, the first bath is adaptation, adaptation. And for sure, the process of such adaptation is more difficult for adults than for a child.

In general, for bathing a baby in a large bath, three positions will be enough:

  • lying on the back with support behind the head;
  • swimming on the tummy (the chin of the child is in the hand of an adult, between the large and index fingers hands);
  • sitting posture.

Yes, a baby can sit in a large bath even in the neonatal period. All further actions adults do not need any scheme of action. Need to be guided common sense and behavior of the child. If he begins to cry, then you do not need to forcibly keep him in the bath. And in order to prevent this from happening, adults must set the child to positive mood before bathing: talk to him, smile, stroke, make him smile.

You need to monitor the temperature of the water, because after 15 minutes it will drop by several degrees. It is recommended to start bathing a child in a large bath from 34 °, and after 2 days to reduce the starting water temperature by one degree. Over time, you need to ensure that the baby in the water is active. Talk to him. Water and turn a little to the sides.

Each child has its own properties of body temperature regulation. Therefore, it is optimal to predict comfortable temperature water for every child is impossible. One baby may smile at 23° and another won't even at 30°. However, parents should take into account the average optimal norms for bathing children in a large bath:

  1. At a temperature of 34 ° at the beginning, the process lasts 15 minutes.
  2. At the age of one month, this temperature can be 30-32°, and bathing lasts 20-25 minutes.
  3. At two months, the bathing temperature can be 28-30 ° and this bathing lasts 30 minutes.

Bathing a baby in a large tub with a circle

Bathing a baby with a circle is a special physical education in the water. An ordinary inflatable ring is not suitable for this, because it is focused on bathing older children. And the bathing circle for newborns is designed so that the child cannot slip out of it, drink water or dive. Bathing a baby in a bath with a circle is a prevention and at the same time treatment of muscle hypertonicity. It develops coordination of movements, the child ceases to be afraid of water. So, you bought a circle. Now we are ready to bathe.

First, unpack it and smooth out the contours. Gradually inflate its small chamber so that all the curves of the contour straighten out. To inflate, squeeze the valve nipple - and so the air will freely enter the chamber. When finished pumping, release the nipple, close it. Next, you need to inflate the large chamber of the circle. Closed valves must be “drowned” inside the circle. On both sides there is a notch for a child's chin.

Before you try swimming with a circle for the first time, you must first introduce the child to this swimming attribute. Let him get used to the circle, touch, play or just look. The child will be interested in the rattles on the circle.

Starting to bathe, open the fasteners, slowly spread one part of the circle up and the other down so that the formed opening passes the baby's neck. Release the outlines to return them to their original position.

The chin should be clearly in a special recess for the child's chin. Use the fasteners to adjust the fit of the inner contour to the neck of the crumbs, fix them. It is recommended to put on a circle together, but do it not in the water. You also need to remove it outside the bath.

Parents should remember that in no case should a child be left alone in a bath with a circle. It is necessary to control the process constantly, even when the baby is fully adapted to this swimming attribute. Systematic swimming with a circle causes the baby positive emotions, contribute to the strengthening of his respiratory and of cardio-vascular system. They have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and strengthen the nervous system, improve sleep and appetite.

You can start teaching your baby to swim at 2-3 weeks old, after the umbilical wound has completely healed. You can start swimming lessons with a circle in regular bath. When the child grows up, the bath becomes cramped for him, then this process can be moved to the pool.

The advantages of the circle are that the baby can swim both on the tummy and on the back. While swimming with a circle, your baby's body is completely submerged in water. So he won't freeze. The circle does not hinder the movement of the arms and legs of the baby. It perfectly protects the child's ears from water ingress.

You can put on a circle on the body of a baby only at the age of 3 months and on condition that he holds his head very confidently. Before you start swimming a child with a circle in the bath, it will not be superfluous to consult with your pediatrician.

How to bathe a baby in a large bath: rules

Bathing a child in a large bath, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Temperature control. You can use a thermometer for this, or you can use an old one. folk way: dip your elbow into the water, and if the temperature is comfortable for you, not hot, then you can bathe the child.
  2. If the child has diaper rash and redness on the body, it is useful to add a decoction of chamomile, succession, celandine, calendula to the bathing water.
  3. Never bathe a baby immediately after feeding.
  4. Bathe your baby with washing from top to bottom.
  5. When bathing, it is better to use liquid soap. Make sure baby bath products are labeled “no tears.”
  6. Do not forget about the treatment of the umbilical wound of the crumbs.
  7. It is not necessary to bathe the baby often and keep him in the bath for a long time.
  8. It is not recommended to bathe a child if he is naughty, crying, whimpering. Reassure the child, tune in a positive way.
  9. In no case do not trust the bathing of a child to a drunken relative.

Where to bathe a baby?

Some young parents believe that you need to bathe the child immediately in a large bath and not bother with the purchase of special baby baths. Well, it's possible. The large bath is simple and safe option bathing a child. Swimming has a number of benefits:

  1. Availability a large number bathing places. The child can move actively and freely without the risk of hitting the edge of the tub.
  2. Such a bath simply cannot roll over or fall.
  3. A large bath is usually already in the house, and you do not need to buy it, think about where to put it.
  4. It is easy to draw water into such a bath and just as easy to drain water from it.

But a large shared bath also has a number of disadvantages for bathing crumbs:

  1. All members of the family bathe in the shared bath. Before each bathing the baby, it should be thoroughly washed with soda or baby washing powder, gel for cleaning children's accessories.
  2. During such bathing, adults need to bend over or kneel to safely support the child. This is not very convenient.
  3. The large volume of the bath usually frightens parents, and it takes them a long time to adapt to the optimal water level in the bath for bathing a child.

So, where to start bathing the baby is the choice of each parent. Their task at the same time is to ensure safety and instill in the baby a love of water.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

You can start learning to swim as early as 2-3 weeks, that is, immediately after it heals umbilical wound. You can start swimming in a regular bath. And when the child grows up and it becomes crowded in the bath, you can start swimming in the pool. Usually, as early as two months old, you can safely swim in a spacious pool, putting a circle around your baby’s neck or torso.

Experts advise starting swimming with a circle no earlier than 1.5-.

For the first swimming lessons, you can use an inflatable ring. First you need to inflate it and let the baby play with it. Then you need to carefully put it on the child’s neck, so that the chin is in a special opening, while the circle should fit well against the neck, but not press on it. Since the child will spend a lot of energy during swimming, the first lessons should not last more than 5 minutes. The advantage of a circle that is worn around the neck is that the child can swim both on the tummy and on the back. In addition, while swimming, the baby's body is completely immersed in water, and he does not freeze. Moreover, the circle does not restrict the movement of the arms and legs of the baby. It protects the ears very well from water ingress. But the disadvantage is poor visibility and limited movement of the neck and head.

You can also put a circle on the child's torso. As a rule, in such circles there are special devices that support the baby, as well as belts and fasteners, with the help of fixing his position. But you can put on a circle on the body of a child only at the age of 3 months and provided that the baby confidently holds his head. The torso circle should be used while swimming in the pool, as it takes up a lot of space and the bathtub practically does not allow the child to move.

But before you start swimming with a circle, you should teach your baby the basic movements and swimming skills. In no case do not start swimming with a circle if the baby has not mastered the basic swimming skills. Therefore, it is very important, before leaving the baby alone with water, putting a circle on him, make sure that he does not get confused.