Comfortable room temperature for baby's sleep. What humidity should be in the children's room

Preparing for the birth of a baby, parents try to create comfortable conditions for their crumbs. In addition to buying a variety of things, it is worth considering in advance a system for maintaining optimal temperature indicators in the room for a newborn. The baby should neither overheat nor freeze.

Focusing on the behavior of the baby, you can find out what temperature and humidity is more comfortable for the newborn.

Temperature and humidity indicators in the child's room

According to modern medical standards, the optimal temperature in the room for a newborn should be in the range of 18-20 ° C. With these indicators, all biological processes in the baby's body proceed naturally.

But! In my opinion, it's too cold. An adult wants to put on woolen socks, wrap himself in a blanket and not stick his nose out of it. Therefore, in my practice, I guide parents to 22-24 degrees, and no deterioration in the child's well-being is noticed.

Humidity is also important for metabolism.

Place a thermometer near the crib to check the temperature data. Humidity indicators in the room are determined using a hygrometer, but it should be located away from heating appliances.

It is important to clearly understand the difference between the concepts of "temperature and humidity in the room" and "discomfort of the newborn."

Each baby is individual, so you need to focus, first of all, on the well-being of the crumbs. If the temperature and humidity of the room are normal, and the newborn has cold and sweaty hands and feet, it is worth putting on socks or an extra blouse.

Warm clothes, high temperature, lack of fresh air - the newborn sweats. Excessive skin moisture promotes the appearance and reproduction of bacteria.

Correcting a wrong habit will require correction not only of the temperature regime, but also a lot of effort and patience from parents.

Thermoregulation control

A newborn baby sleeps about 20 hours a day. His vigorous activity is small, while all organs and systems work to the maximum. Metabolism is much faster than that of an adult.

The thermoregulation system has not yet been debugged, so it is worth creating the most comfortable temperature in the room for the newborn.


Parents make sure that their child does not catch a cold or cough. (Learn how to treat a cough in an infant?) At the same time, they are addicted to excessive wrapping. Infant overheating is very dangerous, so you should not constantly wear warm socks and hats on the baby if the temperature in the room is more than 18 ° C.

At elevated temperatures, the baby has two ways of losing excess heat:

  1. Breath.

The inhaled air, reaching the lungs, is heated to body temperature. The difference in degrees reflects the amount of heat released. The cooler the air in the room, the greater this loss will be. The high air temperature in the child's room can lead to overheating of the young organism.

  1. Sweating.

If it is impossible to regulate the temperature indicators in the first way, the second way is activated in the newborn - through the skin. Drops of sweat come to the surface.

Excessive body moisture is very dangerous. In this case, the body not only loses excess heat, by lowering the temperature, but also the salts and water necessary for it.

The work of organs and systems will be disrupted due to insufficient fluid. In the event of an increase in temperature, the general condition of the newborn will worsen. Also among the possible consequences, the most common are:

  • increased skin moisture;
  • diaper rash in places where sweat accumulates;
  • difficult nasal breathing;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • abdominal pain, bloating (How to deal with colic, see the course Soft tummy >>>);
  • thrush in the oral cavity;
  • refusal to eat;
  • weak pulse;
  • sinking fontanel.

When dehydrated, the immune system of the crumbs is weakened, therefore, the risk of developing infectious diseases increases.

If a newborn has a high temperature, nosebleeds, retraction of the pupils, urgent medical care is needed.

Important! Avoid overheating is also on the street. When walking in the heat, try to be in the shade. Direct sunlight can cause sunstroke.


General hypothermia in a newborn can occur against the background of reduced nutrition or general fatigue. A sharp decrease in temperature, an increase in body moisture occur in cold water or in wet clothes. Symptoms of this condition will be:

  1. pale skin;
  2. trembling;
  3. quickening of breathing.

To avoid fainting and other serious consequences, it is urgent to stabilize the temperature of the baby, as well as restore the level of humidity.

If the newborn is cold during a walk, you can hold him close to you, soothe and warm him with your own body. But the best way to increase body temperature is to return home immediately. If this is not possible, you should go to the nearest warm room.

Important! If the newborn is wet or sweaty, then they urgently change into clean, dry underwear.

With a prolonged decrease in natural body temperature, the following can occur:

  • depletion of the body;
  • development of acute respiratory infections or SARS. Read how to protect your child from colds ?>>>
  • organic changes in the brain;
  • violation of vascular tone;
  • excessive moisture of the skin;
  • frostbite of the limbs.

Maintaining the optimal temperature

In summer, an air conditioner is installed in the room for ease of temperature control. You can place it both directly in the nursery and in the next room. To prevent the child from catching a cold, it is necessary to exclude the passage of cold air near the crib.

The temperature in the room has fallen below the required level, but the heating season has not started yet? Then you should buy a radiator. In winter, it is more difficult to maintain the optimal temperature in the room, because during centralized heating the apartment overheats to 26 ° C.

  1. Regular airing of the room;

Fresh air supply is required every 4 hours. The newborn should be moved to another room or taken for a walk. This will help not only to saturate the room with oxygen, but also to normalize the temperature and humidity.

  1. Retain heat;

Close the batteries with special plastic structures or a wide dense cloth. This will help slow the temperature rise in the room and increase the humidity.

  1. Open the free flow of air into the crib;

Multi-colored canopies and bumpers have an aesthetic value, while limiting the baby's access to oxygen, raising his body temperature. If a child falls asleep easier in a confined space, then immediately at the time of sleep, all tissues should be removed.

Important! Things are dust collectors, so there should be no clutter in the children's room, it is better to stick to the minimalist style in the interior.

  1. Properly selected clothes;

Avoid wearing synthetic materials to newborns. In them, the skin does not breathe, which means that the regulation of the child's body temperature is disturbed. The cap should be worn only when necessary - overheating the head is the most dangerous.

Excessive skin moisture during overheating adversely affects metabolic processes. It is not necessary to wrap up a newborn in high air temperature or leave him undressed in the cold. There must be a measure in everything. Clothing made from natural materials helps maintain the desired temperature and humidity of the skin.

  1. If the newborn is hot, then you can reduce the interval between meals;

Breastfeeding will help quench your thirst and balance your water balance, since breast milk is 80% water. With artificial feeding, in the intervals between feeding, the baby is given to drink simple boiled water at room temperature.

  1. water procedures.

If the newborn is hot, you should wash him as needed. At an air temperature of about 35 ° C, bathing is carried out up to three times a day. By immersing the child in the aquatic environment, you will create comfortable conditions for him and cheer him up.

Air humidity

Hygrometer and thermometer

Air humidity is no less important indicator in the room for a newborn than temperature. The value of this parameter is directly related to the course of metabolic processes. The air that a child exhales has a 100% rate. Humidity in the newborn room should be constantly monitored.

Breathing dry air, more liquid is spent. Elevated body temperature leads to a violation of water metabolism. Normal well-being of the baby is noted when the hygrometer reaches the mark of 50-70% humidity.

Important! Every newborn is different. To understand what humidity should be in a newborn's room, it is necessary to focus on the general well-being of the baby, on his body temperature.

The environmental conditions are comfortable, the humidity level in the room is optimal if the baby has:

  • deep sleep;
  • body temperature not higher than 37 ° C;
  • natural skin color;
  • no irritation on the body;
  • hands and feet are dry and warm;
  • calm breathing.

During the heating season, the air in the room does not have a sufficient level of humidity. With the central heat supply in the apartment, there is an increase in the temperature in the room, while the dryness indicator increases by 2-3 times or more.

The optimal humidity for the child is maintained by installing household appliances in the room or using improvised means.

In case of sharp deviations in indicators, it is worth using the following tips:

  • installation of a household air humidifier;
  • frequent wet cleaning of the room. Find out how to do everything after giving birth to a young mother;
  • placement of open containers with water, aquariums or decorative fountains;
  • spraying water with a spray gun;
  • cover hot batteries with wet rags.

Air with a low humidity content causes discomfort to all, without exception, babies. Adults may not notice the deviation of this parameter, while the children's body suffers greatly.

With low humidity in the room, the greatest accumulation of dust, microorganisms and other allergens is noted. The most common side effects of dehydration are:

  1. Asthma. The respiratory organs of a newborn are not yet fully developed; dehydration damages the lung tissue;
  2. Allergy. Histamine triggers allergic reactions in the body.

Water itself has antihistamine properties, therefore, in conditions of dehydration, the amount of this mediator in the blood increases dramatically. An allergic reaction can manifest itself with a rash, itching, runny nose and other symptoms;

  1. Dryness of the skin. With low humidity, damage to the structure of the skin occurs, and, consequently, a decrease in the protective properties of the body;
  2. Coughing. Drying of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract makes nasal breathing difficult, the child feels dry mouth, sore throat;
  3. Thickening of the blood. As a result of dehydration, the amount of fluid in the body is sharply reduced. Blood thicker in consistency is a manifestation of the pathological state of the body, characteristic of a violation of the mechanism of water exchange.

Be attentive to your baby. Monitor the humidity and temperature in the newborn room. And be healthy!

Every parent worries about the health of their child from the first days of life. Many ENT diseases are directly related to improperly created conditions in the room where the child is. For the normal functioning of the body, especially in a newborn, the temperature and humidity in the nursery are important. What should be the optimal indicators and how to maintain and adjust them, let's try to figure it out.

The body of a newborn is still imperfect, the regulation of body temperature occurs with some difficulty, which is due to intensive metabolism. In turn, a large amount of heat is produced, which the child needs to get rid of, there are two options - through the lungs and pores on the skin.

When the baby inhales air, it heats up when it enters the respiratory system. If air with a temperature above 23°C enters the lungs, the heat loss at the exit decreases and the body is released from the thermal excess through sweating. A newborn loses moisture and salts, and an insufficient amount of fluid in the body provokes a violation of many vital systems.

The level of humidity in the children's room is also extremely important, dryness is very harmful, especially for the baby's respiratory system. The exhalation air temperature is normally 36.6 ° C, and the amount of water vapor in it is 100%, the body spends liquid to eliminate dryness, and this is an additional water consumption.

Overheating is no less dangerous for a child than hypothermia, especially at an early age.

Moisture and heat levels

The correct temperature and sufficient humidity in the children's room are the main conditions for a comfortable stay in the child's room. Dryness and excessive heat in the room can cause many diseases. Loss of fluid leads to a violation of the water-salt balance, and sometimes even to dehydration.

Increased sweating in a too hot and unventilated room provokes skin problems in a child, namely: redness, dermatitis, diaper rash, rash, hives. Every mother at least once faced with one of these troubles and knows how hard it is to get rid of them. It would be worth considering if there was an overheating of the air in the room?

In addition, the child may be disturbed by pain in the tummy, problems with stools, because a lack of fluid leads to problems for the newborn in digestion, gastric juice is poorly liquefied and food is not completely digested. Lack of water in the body threatens the appearance of thrush - white spots in the mouth. In this case, saliva becomes too thick and cannot fully perform the functions of moisturizing the mucosa. Problems with the eyes of a child are also possible, they can fester, since little fluid enters the organ of vision.

From the side of ENT organs, insufficient air humidity in the apartment and an excess of temperature threaten the appearance of:

  • Dry scabs in the nose.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Dry rhinitis.
  • Cough.
  • Decreased ability of the bronchi to self-cleanse.
  • Edema of the respiratory tract.
  • Increased susceptibility to SARS.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • General deterioration of well-being.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases.

All this is often accompanied by lethargy, whims, anxiety, increased heart rate. It is worth noting that the presence of dampness in the room will bring a lot of troubles, such as: headaches, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, diseases of the respiratory system, nosebleeds and indigestion.

The optimal humidity in the room where the child is for a long time reduces the risk of these problems, if you do not want to face them, follow the temperature regime and control the humidity.

Optimum room temperature and humidity

How many degrees should the thermometer show, what humidity should be adhered to, given the opinion of experts? When born, the child spends the first days of his life in the maternity hospital, where the recommended 22 ° C is usually observed. Doctors advise sticking to the mark of 18–21 ° C - this is the norm for babies. Such parameters will be acceptable for healthy children; in case of prematurity, the room should be warmer by 3-5°C. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the air temperature in a healthy child's room should not exceed 18-19°C.

It should be borne in mind that babies feel differently at the same temperature. Room conditions are suitable if your child has:

  • Good restful sleep.
  • There is no excessive sweating and redness on the skin.
  • The limbs are warm.
  • Normal pulse and breathing.

Especially often, dryness in a room can be found during the heating season, because parents are diligently trying to heat an apartment or house. Many parents are wondering what is the optimal humidity for a child in an apartment? Typically, the humidity in such rooms does not exceed 30%, which is very low. 50-70% is considered the best indicator, for children it is still better to stick to 70%.

Place a thermometer and hydrometer near your baby's crib to monitor temperature and humidity levels.

Temperature and humidity control

In the child's room, the temperature regime must be adhered to in the first place. If the room is too warm and the readings on the thermometer are above normal, you need to:

  • Do frequent ventilation (open all the windows in the room, but only in the absence of the baby).
  • Turn on air conditioning only in neighboring rooms.
  • Cover hot batteries with a blanket.
  • It is advisable not to hang a canopy over the crib (this complicates air circulation).
  • Do not wrap the child tightly, do not wear a lot of clothes.
  • Give plenty of water to drink.
  • Bathe in the bath (you can 2 times a day).

If the room is cool and the temperature is below 18°C, you should use a heater, but be sure to ventilate the room frequently. It is important to bathe your baby at the same temperature he is used to to avoid freezing.

The humidity must be within the normal range, but if its indicators are lower, you need to buy an air humidifier, place several open water containers in the room, put an aquarium or cover the batteries with a wet thin cloth. If the house is damp, clean it, if it is ineffective, you will have to make repairs and insulate the room.

As evidenced by the analysis of pediatric sources, the optimal temperature parameters for the room in which the newborn child is located are within 18 - 20 ° C. In this case, all biochemical processes in the child's body will proceed quite naturally, without any failures.

TV doctor E. O. Komarovsky is convinced that the higher the temperature in the nursery, the worse it is for the child. Overheating of children is no less, and even significantly more dangerous than hypothermia. This is very important for every parent to remember.

To control the air parameters in the room, the thermometer should be placed next to the cradle of the newborn, and the hygrometer (a device that determines what humidity is in the room) away from all heating devices.

Despite the available recommended air indicators in the apartment, parents should, first of all, focus on children's well-being. That is, the temperature in the room should “like” the baby, should correspond to the characteristics of his body.

If the temperature in the room is within the normal range, but the child's lower and upper limbs are getting colder, socks and extra clothes should be put on. If the newborn sweats and blushes, it should be unwrapped.

For an infant who was born ahead of schedule, it is necessary to create special conditions due to insufficient thermoregulatory processes. Therefore, the temperature in a room with a premature newborn will be above 20°C.

Air humidity

Humidity in room air is another important indicator of the environment for a newborn. The air exhaled by a child is characterized by 100% humidity and high temperature. If the environment is too dry, the child's body uses fluid to humidify the air, which leads to a rapid loss of moisture.

A comfortable indicator of humidity, which should be in a house with a newborn child, is 50 - 70%. Approximately this level is observed in the off-season with regular ventilation and the central heating turned off.

But since the body of each newborn is individual, to understand whether the humidity level corresponds to the optimal values, one should focus on the health of the baby, his well-being.

Favorable signs are:

  • good dream;
  • normal body temperature;
  • natural skin color;
  • absence of rash and other irritations;
  • dryness and warmth of the extremities;
  • even breathing.

It should be understood that in winter, during the period of increased battery operation, the air in the apartment is not humid enough. Measurements with a hygrometer show that the performance is reduced several times.

Danger of hypothermia and overheating

A newborn child sleeps about 20 hours a day, the rest of the time he either eats or participates in organizational moments arranged by his parents. Naturally, he is not capable of dressing or undressing on his own.

His metabolism takes place in a higher mode than that of mom or dad. At the same time, thermoregulation has not yet been set up and adjusted, which is why it is so important to know what temperature should be in the children's room in order to avoid overheating and freezing of the child.

Knowing about the imperfection of thermoregulation, adults are afraid to “freeze” a newborn child. Hence the constant wrapping with warm clothes and the use of numerous diapers. At the same time, parents forget that overheating is a particular danger to the child's body.

The metabolism of a newborn is quite active, accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. The child's body needs to "dump" this heat. This process is carried out using two paths:

  • through the lungs
  • through the skin (evaporation of sweat occurs).

In the first case, the air that is inhaled by the child, passing through the lungs, begins to heat up to body temperature. In this case, a certain amount of heat will be lost.

The cooler the room, the higher the heat loss. If the temperature regime is excessively above the norm, then the heat generation begins to decrease significantly. Consequently, overheating of an organism that is still imperfect may occur.

If the first method of temperature regulation is impossible, the newborn activates the second way - through the skin. That is, the child sweats, excess heat is released, but at the same time there is a loss of moisture and salts.

Thus, increased temperature and humidity in the room can lead to dehydration of the child's body, which is fraught with a deterioration in overall health.

The main signs of overheating are:

  • excessive moisture of the skin;
  • diaper rash;
  • insomnia;
  • sweatshirt;
  • pain in the abdomen, bloating;
  • thrush in the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • complicated breathing through the nose;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • retraction of the fontanel.

The most severe negative consequences that threaten the life of a child are considered to be a jump in children's temperature, bleeding from the nasal cavity, rolling pupils. With such symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Overheating lies in wait for the baby not only at home, but also on the street. Try not to walk with a newborn in the heat, go for a walk only in the early morning and late evening. Also avoid direct rays of the sun, which often provoke sunstroke.

A child can overcool not only at low temperatures in the apartment, but also in case of overwork or malnutrition. The baby also freezes in cool water, or in wet clothes.

Signs of hypothermia in a newborn are:

  • pale skin;
  • cold extremities;
  • shiver;
  • hiccups;
  • cold perspiration;
  • slow movements of arms and legs;
  • rapid breathing.

In extreme cases, a blue nasolabial triangle and even fainting are possible. To avoid negative consequences, it is urgent to stabilize the child's body temperature.

Otherwise, the development of such undesirable and even dangerous for children's health is possible. states like:

  • general depletion of the child's body;
  • cold (in case of chronic hypothermia, pneumonia is possible);
  • brain damage;
  • changes in the cardiovascular system;
  • frostbite of hands or feet.

Parents should immediately begin to increase body temperature. First of all, it is worth checking whether the newborn child is wet or sweaty. If the suspicions are confirmed, the baby needs to be changed into dry clothes and wrapped up well.

Danger of low humidity

The reduced level of humidity in the room leads to a sharp dusting of the air, an increase in the number of pathogens and allergens. The most common results of dehydration are various negative conditions:

  • asthma. When the body is dehydrated, parts of the lungs can be damaged, resulting in chronic inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • allergic diseases. In case of lack of moisture in the body, the level of histamines in the circulatory system increases. An allergy occurs, which can manifest itself as a rash, rhinitis, itchy sensations;
  • dry skin. Dehydration damages the upper layers of the skin, resulting in dry patches on the child's body;
  • dry mouth and nose. Due to low humidity, the airways dry out. Dry crusts form in the nasal cavity, the child begins to cough;
  • blood clotting. The volume of fluid decreases, the blood begins to thicken, which is extremely dangerous for the entire child's body.

Thus, it is extremely important for an infant to be in a room with an optimal level of humidity. This is not just a whim, but the most important condition for normal child development. Be sure to remember this!

Ideal Temperature and Humidity: Creating Optimum Conditions

Comfortable humidity and air temperature in the room of a small newborn must be created correctly, focusing on the season. So, in the summer, air conditioning can be installed to regulate air parameters. It is only important not to direct cold streams directly to the crib.

The temperature in both the children's room and the room for adults depends on the beginning of the heating season. If it has not yet arrived, and the house is cold, parents are advised to purchase a heater. In winter, it is extremely difficult to follow the rules, as the premises become excessively heated and “dry out”.

In order for the temperature standards to come in order, experts advise adhering to certain recommendations, which should be discussed in more detail.

Fresh air is extremely useful for any child, so it is necessary to ventilate the room every four hours.

Especially important is the optimal humidity and temperature for sleep, otherwise the baby will not be able to rock normally and put to sleep.

When airing the nursery, the newborn must be taken to another room.

This helps not only optimize the temperature and humidity, but also saturate the room with oxygen. Another option is to take your child for a walk.

battery closure

If central heating radiators are too hot and it is impossible to reduce the heat level, it is recommended to cover them with special wooden or plastic shields. You can also hang a thick cloth on the batteries.

Getting rid of canopies

A canopy bed is a very cute and aesthetically pleasing structure. However, beautiful curtains can restrict the child's access to oxygen, which leads to an increase in body temperature. To ensure free flow of air, it is best to get rid of the canopy or remove it for the duration of the child's sleep.

Carpets are a well-known dust collector, it is also better to refuse them. In addition, it is worth getting rid of excess furniture, since clutter also disrupts the normal air circulation in the room.

Choosing the right clothes

For a child, the correct selection of clothes and bed linen is important. It is important to refuse to wear synthetic products for newborns. In them, the skin does not breathe, therefore, there is a violation of the thermal regulation of the baby's body. It is better to refuse a hat in general.

In addition, you should not wrap up the baby if the room is hot, and expose him if the room temperature is low. Well, things made from natural fabrics will help create optimal conditions for a restful sleep and active wakefulness.

If a newborn baby is too hot, shortening the intervals between meals can help.

It is known that breast milk contains 80% water, which means that breastfeeding quenches thirst and optimizes the level of fluid in the body.

If the baby is fed artificial formula, between meals, you can supplement it with water using a bottle.

It is important to ensure that the liquid is at room temperature.


In summer, it is extremely difficult to provide optimal conditions, the child is hot and dry. In this case, you need to bathe the baby up to three times a day, but not for the purpose of cleanliness, but to improve well-being. Naturally, there is no need to use detergents.

Humidity increase

As already noted, humidified air is no less important for a newborn than the optimal temperature regime. You can create comfortable conditions with the help of technical devices or improvised means.

Specialists advise:

  • install a special humidifier;
  • more often to carry out wet cleaning of the room;
  • place water containers, fountains next to the child or batteries;
  • spray water with "sprinklers";
  • cover radiators with wet towels or sheets.

The air temperature in the room of a newborn child is an important condition for well-being, health and emotional mood. Do not forget to monitor the state of the environment, and the baby will develop without any problems to the delight of parents.

With the advent of a newborn baby in the house, parents have new concerns: to provide the most comfortable conditions for their crumbs. It is of great importance. However, that's not all! The humidity in the room for the newborn also affects the well-being of the child. If it is enough, then the metabolic processes in the body of the baby will proceed more actively, and as a result, it will grow faster and get sick less. The lack of air humidity can lead to frequent colds, runny nose, allergies and even asthma. Therefore, what humidity should be in the newborn's room should be known to all moms and dads.

Humidity in the newborn room: optimal values

The air exhaled by a person has an absolute humidity of 100%. This value remains constant regardless of the humidity in the room. Therefore, the drier the inhaled air, the more fluid will be lost to the newborn. And at this age, a sharp loss of fluid can be very dangerous for the baby: he may have an increase in body temperature and discomfort. Scientists have determined the optimal value air humidity standards in the newborn room: 50-70%.

How to determine this important parameter? First of all, you can purchase a special device - a hygrometer. Very often, it is combined with. If it is not there, then how do you know if the humidity in the room is optimal for a newborn? It is very simple - to look after the state of the crumbs, he should:

Experts note that during the beginning of the heating season, air humidity in apartments drops to a minimum level and can sometimes be equal to a third of the norm. This must be fought!

What to do if the temperature and humidity in the newborn's room are sharply different from the norm

To bring the humidity parameters to normal, experts advise using special devices or improvised means:

  1. . The most proven way, the silent device will fill the room very quickly with cold, moist air, but not with steam! Some models have the function of ionizing the room or spraying special aromatic oils.
  2. Wet cleaning of the room. And it will allow you to get rid of dust and the air in the nursery will noticeably moisten.
  3. Availability of open water tanks. It can be anything: from basins to decorative fountains and aquariums.
  4. Spraying moisture with a spray bottle.
  5. Drying wet towels on batteries. The least productive way, as it fills the room with hot steam.

What causes the decrease in air humidity in the room of a newborn below normal

All newborn babies suffer from low humidity - this parameter does not have such a detrimental effect on adults. The lack of moisture is primarily manifested in:

  1. Drying of the skin surface. It becomes warm, wet loses its protective properties. Because of this, pathogens can enter the baby's body.
  2. Frequent coughing. The child feels the drying of the mucous membranes, so he can often cough, feel dry mouth, the baby has a runny nose.
  3. Thickening of the blood. The lack of moisture in newborns also affects this parameter.

Dry, hot air in the room contributes to the accumulation of harmful microorganisms in the nursery, dust and allergens. As a result, the risk of allergic reactions and even asthma increases.

Having been discharged from the hospital, a caring mother is trying in every way to protect her baby, creating comfort and coziness in the house for him. After all, he seems such a defenseless, fragile creature. Is it possible to overdo it and even harm the baby with your actions? Let's talk about the air temperature in the newborn's room.

Room temperature and baby's health

Why does the question arise at all, what should be the temperature in the room for a newborn? The fact is that we all know the fact that the thermoregulation of the child's body is imperfect. This means that the baby can easily become cold or overheated.

Often parents, as well as grandparents, try to wrap the newborn warmer, heat the room with portable heaters, if, as they think, the room is cold. At the same time, windows in the children's bedroom are often clogged so that someone does not accidentally “let the cold in”.

Dear parents, remember: the proverb “steam of bones does not break” is in no way applicable in this situation. It is much more dangerous for a little man to overheat than to be too cold! And that's why.

The body of the crumbs in infancy produces a lot of heat due to intensive metabolism. He needs to get rid of this heat either through the lungs or through the skin.

If the temperature in the room is 18-20 o C, then the cool air, figuratively speaking, gives it the opportunity to lose heat. But if the room temperature is much higher, for example, in the summer heat, the body has nowhere to give off heat. And then the child begins to sweat actively. The skin of the crumbs becomes wet and salty, which can lead to dehydration, and in infancy it is very, very dangerous.

The baby should sleep in optimal and comfortable conditions.

If there is not enough water in the body

Overheating and, as a result, dehydration, indirectly or directly causes such problems:

  • diaper rash;
  • flatulence (due to a lack of fluid, intestinal juices thicken);
  • dry crusts in the nose;
  • parched mucosa of the nasopharynx;
  • thrush in the mouth.

The other extreme is when it's too cold. The baby has not yet learned how to generate heat using the mechanism of muscle trembling. Therefore, there are situations when the child runs the risk of hypothermia, even if the room is not very cold. It is important to remember that the baby's limbs freeze faster, but the back, head and neck can quickly overheat.

From the foregoing, we conclude that the optimal room temperature for newborns is 18-20 o C, but not higher than 22 o C. At the same time, the child should not be cold. The golden mean is achieved through the clothes on the baby.

However, there is no need to dress the baby like a cabbage. Moreover, it is useful to air baths for a few minutes before feeding and when changing a diaper.

The Importance of Humidity

Humidity is another important factor on which the health and well-being of the baby depends. In the children's room, the ideal humidity is 50-55%.

At high humidity levels, fungi and mold actively multiply, which leads to respiratory diseases. With insufficient moisture, other pathological conditions occur:

  1. The skin of the child dries up, peels off. There is a risk of developing atopic dermatitis.
  2. The mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, drying out, become susceptible to all kinds of infections. The baby can "grunt", sniffle, suck with difficulty at the breast or bottle.
  3. Dry air increases the risk of allergic diseases.

Studies conducted in the United States have shown that humidity in the range of 40-60% significantly reduces the viability of the influenza virus in the air.

In view of the foregoing, we draw the second important conclusion: parents need to monitor the humidity in the children's room. You can do this in different ways:

  • do wet cleaning;
  • start an aquarium with fish;
  • buy decorative fountains;
  • buy a humidifier.

I would like to say a few words about the last method. Household humidifiers are steam and ultrasonic. The latter are both quieter and safer. Humidifiers with a hygrometer make it possible to create and control the desired humidity.

We have seen that parents can help their child grow up healthy by creating a comfortable temperature and humidity in their baby's room from birth. May your children grow up healthy.