How to understand that a newborn has a stomach ache. How much should a newborn poop, what kind of stool should a baby have, and what to do if the child has never pooped a day. Sunburn in a young child

Most often, abdominal pain in newborns occurs due to the fact that their digestive system not yet fully developed. The main causes of abdominal pain in newborns are colic, flatulence or intestinal dysbacteriosis. But, unfortunately, the baby cannot independently say what is happening to him, but can only cry, so it is necessary to find out for the mother whether something really hurts the baby and whether it is true that it is the tummy that worries him.

As a rule, if a baby has a stomachache, he shows it pushing and straightening your legs. In parallel with this, babies bend and cry a lot, behave irritably and restlessly, and may even refuse to eat. If the pain becomes severe, then the child begins to turn pale. If the problem occurs with the digestive organs, then the pains are short-lived and most often disappear after defecation or after taking special drugs.

Let's take a closer look at symptoms and causes of abdominal pain in newborns what to do if this happens, and what drugs can help the baby at that age.

A newborn has a tummy ache: the main causes

The most common cause of abdominal pain in a newborn is intestinal colic. In the first years of life, colic in children is associated with the formation of the digestive system and with the body's unaccustomed to new products.

In this case, there is no special treatment for colic. They usually go away on their own. Despite this, there are some recommendations:

  • If abdominal pain is associated precisely with colic, then all fatty, spicy, fried, sweet and coffee should be excluded from the mother's diet.
  • It is also worth abandoning the use of soda, fast food and semi-finished products.
  • It is necessary to eat less potatoes, cabbage, pasta, green apples and grapes.

However, in the first year of life, the baby may have other problems with the digestive system. Such problems include the following:

  • food allergy. Most often, it manifests itself with the introduction of complementary foods up to six months and in “artificial children”. In addition, an allergic reaction may be accompanied by a skin rash, bloody secretions in feces, profuse liquid stool and slow weight gain. IN this case be sure to seek the help of a specialist that he determined true reason diseases and prescribe appropriate treatment. As a rule, the main therapy in this case will be to correct the diet of the newborn.
  • Intestinal obstruction. In other words, this is a common intestinal volvulus, which most often occurs in children with artificial feeding. This disease is accompanied by the cessation of gas and stool discharge. In parallel, vomiting occurs, the temperature rises, feces appear in the form of mucus or with blood clots. Intestinal obstruction is accompanied by spasmodic pains in the abdomen, but in the intervals between spasms, the baby can feel quite calm. Despite this, it is urgent to call ambulance because this disease is life-threatening.
  • lactase deficiency. Lactase deficiency indicates that the body of the newborn does not have enough lactase enzymes, which perform the role of breaking down milk sugar. The symptoms of lactase deficiency are very similar to those of allergic reaction organism.
  • Pain associated with teething. It may seem unusual, but during the growth of teeth, the baby can also experience abdominal pain. The pain is also accompanied by the appearance of grayish or grayish stools. white color. If at the same time the child is not lethargic and not pale, and the feces have a sour smell, then such diarrhea is only a temporary phenomenon. It will pass as soon as the teeth erupt.

The tummy hurts in a newborn: what to do in this case

If a newborn has a tummy ache, then you can try to determine the cause yourself and fix the problem. To do this, you should use the following tips:

If the newborn has a tummy ache, then it is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby. If he doesn't vomit, elevated temperature or others threatening symptoms, then perhaps the child just needs to empty the intestines. Turning to the doctor, he will advise which drugs to take.

If a child accumulates gases and colic appears, then after each feeding, experts recommend holding the baby upright until a burp, which indicates that the excess air has successfully left the stomach.

What medicines will help?

Answering this question, first of all, it should be borne in mind that only qualified specialist, so self-medication is not worth it. However, there are several safe medications that can help treat digestive problems in a newborn.

  • With vomiting and diarrhea. In this case, the body is deprived of fluid and the likelihood of internal intoxication increases, as well as sodium, potassium and chloride salts, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach, are washed out. At the same time, such drugs as "Gastrolit" and "Regidon" can help, which must be dissolved in water before use, as described in the instructions, and then give the baby a drink. To avoid dehydration, you can simply give the newborn boiled water, little by little, but often.
  • With bloating and gas formation in case of poisoning, enterosorbents will help - drugs that absorb harmful substances from the stomach or intestines. These drugs include Enterosgel and Smecta.
  • With diarrhea, intestinal infection or poisoning, drugs such as Enterol, Hilak Forte and Linex will help. They will help restore the intestinal microflora.


In most cases, the occurrence of abdominal pain in a baby, which are incomprehensible to the mother in their manifestations, only a specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment with drugs. Therefore, if the baby has pain, accompanied by fever, vomiting, dark or reddish feces, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Many print publications warn young mothers about the need for a diet during the period of feeding a baby. breast milk.
The nutrition of the mother directly affects the well-being of the child.

But, despite the warnings and attempts of nursing mothers to stick to a diet, the problem still does not disappear and methods for treating colic do not lose their relevance. Moreover, a remedy that instantly calms one baby may not have any effect on the digestive system of another. What is the most common and effective remedy can you tell me if my stomach hurts?

First of all, the mother's diet will help to cope with the problem. You should make a list of allowed foods, hanging it on the refrigerator as a reminder.

Several ways: how to quickly remove tummy pain in a child

Spasms in an infant can be relieved with a massage, by moving a hand along the tummy in a clockwise direction.
Place a folded heated diaper or press small tummy to your bare stomach. The warmth of the mother's body will soothe the pain.

If the tummy rumbles, then you can give dill water, infusion chamomile or "Espumizan", "Happy Baby", "Bebinos", "Plantex", "Baby Calm". Use the drugs strictly according to the instructions in no case increase the dosage!

If the stomach hurts all the time from birth, despite the fact that the mother follows all the prescribed diets, then perhaps she forgets to raise the baby vertically for 15 minutes after feeding?

If all the conditions are met, but the problem remains, then you need to start taking medication. To begin with, you should pay attention to what is the consistency of the baby's stool.

constipation baby can be considered in two ways. Functional and organic. Functional can occur with a lack of fluid, allergies or lack of iron.

Organic - this is a malformation of the child, surgical intervention is necessary here.

What will help with constipation?

If the baby is enough to give him required amount liquid, how much he wants, the problem will be solved. But if the child is on artificial feeding, then you should not change the mixture. Early introduce complementary foods with puree, juices, give more water.
When you can give your child laxatives from the series "Normaze", "Prelax". They don't cause addiction. As a warm-up before feeding, it is worth putting the baby with his stomach down, doing a light massage, moving his legs.

The situation when the baby's tummy hurts is as old as the world. All mothers and all babies pass through it. At different children differently, more often or less often, pain gas formation occurs. At the same time, the child screams, cannot fall asleep, and the whole family cannot sleep with him. The pain sensations of the baby are significantly weakened at the age of 3 months, and, as a rule, do not bother at all after six months.

There are certain steps that can and should be taken to prevent the occurrence of severe pain in the baby's tummy. It is necessary for both mother and child. The baby requires the maximum possible comfort, and it is desirable for the mother to get enough sleep. This will affect the amount of milk and increased mother's irritability.

Cause of abdominal pain in an infant

Why does the baby have a tummy ache? There are several reasons, one of which is intestinal colic and gas, but what can cause colic and gas?

Firstly, mom's food. Gaziki in the intestines of the baby are formed in the same way as in an adult. Some foods cause strong gas formation, with the use of others, the formation of gases is practically absent. Remember what kind of food you had before, before pregnancy, “farting” occurred. Eliminate this food immediately. Then carefully monitor after what your food the baby's tummy starts to hurt. To do this, separate meals for several days, eat soup separately, after a while separately porridge or meat, in order to understand exactly which product does not suit both of you now.

What can a breastfeeding mother eat?

It may turn out that the set of dishes left after all the exceptions is not rich. Don't worry, this is a temporary measure. In a few months, your baby will grow up, become larger, and gasses will easily leave his body.

Moms take note!

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The second reason that the baby's tummy hurtsmental condition nursing woman. It is very important not to be nervous. The experiences of the mother are transmitted to the child, with nervous excitement, his muscles tense, contract and make it difficult for the gas to exit the anus.

Third possible reason abdominal pain in chestincreased fat content milk. At the same time, thick fat milk in the baby's digestive system is poorly absorbed and causes pain. In such cases, it is enough for the mother to give the baby water to drink before feeding.

What to do when the baby has a tummy ache?

  1. When a baby has a tummy ache, sometimes you need to use a small flexible tube to divert the gas to the baby in the ass. —
  2. Light heating of the tummy also helps, for example, with a warm diaper (it is pre-ironed with an iron) or warm mother's belly(mom takes the baby in her arms and presses her tummy to herself). —
  3. To prevent the occurrence intestinal colic the baby is doing (light strokes around the navel in a clockwise direction) and gymnastics (flexion and extension of the legs to the tummy). It is also necessary to lay the baby on the tummy before feeding.
An excellent remedy for pain in the tummy is a weak decoction of chamomile.

The amount of chamomile is taken at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. For a day, it is enough for a baby to brew one glass (200 g of water and 1/5 of a teaspoon of chamomile). The broth must be filtered, poured into a bottle and given to the baby to drink before feeding. A hungry baby will first take this water for food and will actively suck it out. After fifteen minutes, the chamomile decoction will pass from the stomach into the intestines, the child will feel hungry again and will let you know about it. Now feed him milk.

From ready pharmaceutical products used to relieve and prevent intestinal colic medications based on simethicone (for example, Bobotik).

Most often, abdominal pain in an infant is associated with colic, bloating and dysbacteriosis. The digestive system is not fully developed and any external or internal factors change its functioning. The kid behaves uneasily, cries, refuses to eat. To accurately understand that the child is worried about the stomach, you need to understand the problem.

If the tummy hurts in children, they press their legs to it, cry, show concern. With a strong pain syndrome may change color skin. The skin may turn pale or redden.

Pain is short-term, after taking painkillers or enzyme preparations, as well as after the act of defecation, relief occurs. To understand what is happening with the child, you need to carefully monitor his behavior and condition.

The main reason why the stomach hurts and swells is intestinal colic. There is bloating, the stomach is large and it hurts. Introducing new foods to a mom's diet can cause discomfort. Mom will have to exclude fatty, spicy and too sweet foods from the diet.

You can not eat foods that cause bloating. A woman needs to know what foods to give up. These are cabbage, legumes, grapes, potatoes.

Early introduction of complementary foods (before 6 months) or the consumption of food allergens by a nursing mother can cause food allergies. Perhaps the mixture is not suitable if the child is bottle-fed. Associated symptoms are: a rash on the surface of the skin, the appearance of blood and mucus in stool Oh. The baby is not gaining weight well, the tummy is constantly puffy.

The baby may have intestinal obstruction. Children who are formula-fed are at risk. The main symptom is the cessation of discharge of gases and feces. The abdomen is firm and large. rises heat may vomit. Abdominal pain is characterized by spasms. The condition is life-threatening, so urgent action needs to be taken.

Often small child observed lactase deficiency. The body lacks the enzyme lactase, which breaks down milk sugar. A rash appears frequent regurgitation, vomiting, diarrhea. The tummy becomes large, swells, hurts during feeding. The baby is not gaining weight well.

Abdominal pain in an infant may be associated with teething. During this period, there may be a disorder of the stool in the form of diarrhea. As soon as the acute period passes, the pain subsides.

Pain in the tummy in a baby may occur due to a change in the weather, an improperly diluted mixture. More serious causes of pain include diseases of the kidneys, stomach, and lungs.

When the baby has pain, you should carefully monitor him general condition. If there is no temperature, vomiting and other alarming symptoms, then you should wait or give a medicine that will help the passage of gases and feces.

The main thing is to take action in time

Adults need to understand and learn to determine for themselves how serious reason pain.

The following table will help you understand all this.

If with organs digestive tract everything is normal in the baby, then the pain is episodic and will not bring any harm.

  1. The child is gaining the necessary grams.
  2. After feeding, the baby rarely burps, and a small amount of milk comes out.
  3. The child is cheerful, active, his tummy is soft to the touch.
  4. The stool has a homogeneous structure, without impurities of mucus, blood, foam.

In what cases is it necessary urgent help? If the tummy of the baby hurts a lot more than an hour, it is large, the temperature has risen, vomiting has appeared - immediately call an ambulance. Until specialists arrive, you can not leave the child for a minute.

Therapeutic measures

On her own, mom can help in the following ways:

  • take the baby in your arms or put it with your tummy on your stomach;
  • if the tummy hurts and swells, the use of a gas outlet tube will help;
  • with periodic pain, it is recommended to lay the baby on the tummy before feeding or apply a warm diaper to the abdomen;
  • massage will help relieve pain, eliminate swelling;
  • you can do exercises that consist in alternately pressing the legs to the tummy;
  • bloating can be eliminated with dill water or herbal decoctions.

The doctor may prescribe treatment:

  1. If the condition is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, there is an increased risk of fluid being washed out of the body and useful substances, and also develops the risk of internal intoxication. Preparations containing healthy salts will help normalize the water balance.
  2. When the tummy swells during poisoning, enterosorbents are prescribed that can remove harmful substances from the body.
  3. If the cause of pain in the chest was intestinal infection or poisoning, prescribe antiviral, antimicrobial drugs.

Until the ambulance arrives, you should not take any medications, especially painkillers. You can not feed the child, this can aggravate the situation.

Preventive actions

  1. A lactating woman needs to carefully monitor her diet. Do not eat foods that cause bloating and increased gas formation.
  2. After feeding, you should keep the baby in an upright position for a while.
  3. You can not move from one mixture to another too quickly.
  4. If the child is fed with mixtures, then the rules for its breeding must be strictly observed. You can't overfeed your baby.
  5. It is necessary to learn the technique of attachment to the breast so that the child does not swallow excess air.

Young children, like adults, can have pain. But due to immaturity internal organs the symptoms are pronounced, and the consequences are much more serious. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor if the baby is worried about something.

The fact that the baby is experiencing discomfort or pain, the mother understands by his crying. How to understand what exactly hurts a newborn? Restless behavior of a child can be provoked by the digestive system. It is important for a mother to understand why a newborn has abdominal pain. The methods of delivering the child from suffering also depend on the causes.

How to understand that a newborn baby has a tummy ache

Crying is the only way a baby can communicate with the world. This makes it possible to understand that the newborn has a stomach ache, to attract attention. Many mothers say that they determine by crying or screaming their baby, he calls her, because he is bored, hungry, or his tummy or head hurts. A sharp loud cry is akin to a plea for help. It is not difficult to understand that the baby is worried about pain in the tummy:

Colic, when tummies hurt, is the most common explanation for baby crying in the first weeks of life. This lasts up to 2 to 4 months until the intestines begin to function normally. The tummy in newborns can hurt for other reasons, so it's best to show the baby to the pediatrician and undergo examinations to make sure that the reasons are not in developmental pathologies.

Causes of abdominal pain in infants

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Having been born, a boy or girl first encounters many irritants. Everything is new for a sterile body, the organs learn to function normally on their own, without the support of the mother, so there are many reasons for discomfort and pain. Many situations can upset, annoy, hurt.

Features of physiology

Up to 6 months, the baby's body adapts to new conditions. The organs of respiration, digestion, blood supply "learn" to meet the needs of a growing baby, and problems with the intestines occur especially often.

CauseBody reactionHow to eliminate
Air swallowed by suckingToo greedy absorption mother's milk or a mixture leads to the swallowing of air that enters the stomach, begins to burst the walls, causing pain.When breastfeeding, you should make sure that the mother correctly attaches the baby, and with artificial feeding, whether the nipple is large or small, the hole in it.
MicrofloraThe absence of beneficial microflora in the intestines affects the processes of assimilation and digestion. Its composition has been constantly changing since birth, which can cause discomfort.Mother's milk is best for the first months of a baby's life, breast-feeding reduces the risk of colic to a minimum proper nutrition mothers.
Muscle toneIn the process of digestion and improving intestinal motility, muscles play an important role. Weak tone can provoke constipation, a strong gag reflex.The correct position during and after feeding, massage, stroking the tummy and back will help the child's intestines cope with the difficulties of the first weeks of life (we recommend reading:).
Feeding modeAdhering to the schedule, mothers do not understand that the child may not have time to get hungry or, on the contrary, feel the desire to eat much earlier than the prescribed time. Both situations do not bode well. A hungry newborn will catch air or gorge himself with a margin, which will cause discomfort in the tummy. And an unhungry baby will become naughty, eat poorly, which will also negatively affect his well-being.Do not rely on the schedule as a panacea for all ills. You should be guided by the needs of the child, your observations, and not methodological developments, many of which are outdated
EnzymesAbsence or lack of enzymes in the intestines and stomach of the crumbs necessary for digestion and assimilation nutrients may lead to flatulence. Often children spit up food, suffer from fermentation processes.Breastfeeding and patience - gradually everything will return to normal, the body will cope with the problems on its own.

Every mother knows that a newborn is not only about positive and inspiring emotions. Motherhood is a huge job, which also consists in overcoming simple domestic problems, and the need to take care of the baby almost around the clock, comfort, teach him to live in a new world for him. Physiological problems will very quickly remain in the past - it is important at this time not to destroy your connection with the baby, patiently and gently helping him.

Pathological conditions

What else causes pain in the baby's tummy? There are a number of reasons, not only physiological. Be sure to exclude pathological conditions to protect the child from complications:

When a baby screams and cries from pain in the tummy, you need to call a doctor. Immediate assistance is required for conditions in which:

  • increased body temperature;
  • a rash appeared on the body;
  • the child refuses to eat;
  • the color of the skin has changed;
  • frequent and loose stools unusual color, It smells bad;
  • there was no stool until 3 days;
  • the baby looks apathetic, lethargic.

Mothers need to be very careful not to endanger the life of their child. Doctors are ready to listen carefully, prescribe everything necessary research and help the baby.

How to help a child at home

If you experience abdominal pain, you should immediately contact a specialist, call emergency care or get to the hospital on your own. You should not take risks and self-medicate, even if grandparents and neighbors say that all children have a tummy ache, so you need to give medicine or get a massage. In the first month of a baby's life, you should not listen to anyone's advice - only a good pediatrician will determine what hurts, tell if there are any pathologies and what to do next.

First aid

Yes, the arrival of doctors to mom, u month old baby whose tummy hurts, you need to try to calm the crumbs:

These methods will alleviate the condition or help normalize peristalsis, if it is a matter of physiology. Deny medical care not worth it - pediatricians will recommend drugs, exercises, nutrition, they will tell you what to do if the newborn has pain.

Medical treatment

In the absence of pathologies, doctors recommend using special preparations to eliminate colic that normalize the work of the digestive organs. Espumizan, Simicol, Kolikid, Semiticon safely eliminate gas bubbles, split them, remove the cause of bloating and colic. Eat safe drugs based on herbs: Plantex, Bebinos, Dill water, well-proven.

The effectiveness of medical devices depends on many factors, including - individual characteristics organism. Before you drink the crumbs, listen carefully, or rather write down all the recommendations for use, study the instructions and clearly follow all the instructions.

Folk methods

For centuries, traditional medicine has been hoarding recipes to help babies and their parents, which will help at home.

Still working flawlessly:

Mom can help the baby by remaining calm, affectionate, solving emerging problems without panic. A woman needs to monitor not only the child, but also herself, follow the necessary diet, relax and visit more fresh air, avoid stress in order to get enough vitamins and nutrients that the child will also receive with milk.

Prevention of abdominal pain in infants

Both children and adults suffer from colic and abdominal discomfort. The mother will be able to help the newborn overcome the adaptation period by following the rules.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of spasms. Monitor the correct grip of the nipple and nipple, the position of the head during feeding. massage, reasonable physical exercise and gymnastics for babies 2-3 times a day help to stabilize the work of the intestines. Before feeding, the child should be placed on the tummy and allowed to “walk” for several minutes. After eating, it should be held vertically for several minutes to let it burp, accelerate the passage of gases.

To get rid of pain in the tummy in an infant, there are many remedies. Before using any of them, you should always consult with your doctors so as not to complicate the situation.