Can a baby have hemorrhoids? Problems with the digestive tract. Artificial feeding of an infant

Is it worth believing the stories that a baby can grow hard hairs under the skin. Or can the information about the bristles in newborns be safely classified as “grandmother's tales” and not attach any importance to it? Are you very interested in this question? Let's try to find answers to this topic together.

Is it worth worrying: two views on the appearance of bristles in a baby

One suggestion that a hard black bristle may appear on the body of a small crumb can frighten any mother. What is this? Genetic disorder? A special kind of damage? Or a signal of some kind of internal disease? Finding dark thickened hair on the back of newborns or other parts of the body, it is quite difficult to contain the panic.

In fact, the attitude of mothers to this problem is fully consistent with the meaning of the saying "Fear has big eyes." I hasten to reassure you and bring two important, in my opinion, facts.

  • Firstly, official medicine generally does not recognize the diagnosis of "bristle in babies";
  • And secondly, even among the descriptions of this phenomenon in folk recipes, it is noted that it does not pose any threat to the health of the baby and is quite easy to treat.

Authoritative opinion of doctors

So what do doctors say about this? They assure that there is no deviation in the form of germination of hard bristles on the body of a newborn. But what about the statements of women who actively write in various forums about the appearance of bristles in their babies?

And it would be nice if only their stories, but there are also photos on the network with images of black hairs that have appeared on the skin of a baby. It really looks like the stubble that men have the day after shaving, only less often.

In response to such facts, one can hear the explanations of experts that these “bristles” are “the result of sticking together of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, dead epidermal cells and rolled up villi of the natural fluff covering the body of the newborn.” If you think about it, this argument looks quite plausible.

Indeed, the bristles in newborns, visible in the photo, may turn out to be a kind of plug that closes the exit of the sebaceous glands. At some point, it comes to the surface and can be removed without problems.

And here's another theory. It is believed that the bristle in babies is an atavism, so to speak, "an echo of evolutionary processes." In most babies, this type of coat occurs when the baby is still in the stomach and disappears by the time of birth. But sometimes it happens a little later in time, and we can see bristles in babies between the ages of one and three months.

In any case, doctors reassure us that such a problem does not pose any danger to the child. So do not worry too much and figure out how to remove the stubble from a newborn, because pediatricians believe that it should disappear on its own.

Experience of our grandmothers

It is clear that grandmothers would not talk about such a problem in vain, because they are our first assistants and advisers in caring for a baby. Therefore, you need to listen more closely to their words and recommendations.

First of all, folk beliefs say that it is not very easy to find bristles in a newborn. Because they germinate under the skin and, without leaving the surface, begin to wrap. Perhaps it is precisely because of this appearance of the bristles that healers call this disease "poker in newborns."

Sometimes bristles are noticed by simply running a hand over a child's skin. But most often it is not possible to determine the appearance of hard hairs by touch. The main indicator that can push you to look for a "poker" on the baby's body is his restless behavior while lying down.

Usually, moms talk about how the baby is calm while being carried in her arms and starts screaming loudly and arching her back if you try to put him on a table or in a crib. Of course, many may say that in this way the baby is simply naughty and demands attention, does not want to be let off the hook. About this in the article how to wean a child from hands?>>>

However, experienced mothers, having observed such behavior of a baby, still start a conversation about the possible appearance of bristles in him. And then you will hear from them the following tips on how to determine the bristles in a newborn:

  1. For some reason, the main ingredient in this case is breast milk. After bathing, you are advised to sprinkle a few drops of milk on the baby's body and begin to gently rub it into the skin. An interesting article on the topic: how to bathe a newborn baby >>>
  2. This procedure should be carried out for about 5 - 7 minutes;
  3. And then, according to eyewitnesses, right before our eyes, hard hairs will begin to appear from under the skin.

It is rather difficult to imagine this process and, to be honest, it is not very hard to believe that this is exactly what is happening. But popular rumor does not arise from scratch, so we really will see something like that.

In general, there is no particular clarity in the causes and process of bristle germination. Moreover, folk healers do not try to explain these issues in detail, but argue that all this can manifest itself in newborns if their mothers kicked cats or ate lard with skin during pregnancy.

That is why the stories about the “baby poker” look a little doubtful, but it is still possible to carry out the proposed test. The skin of a newborn will definitely not be harmed by massage using mother's milk.

If you are quite serious about traditional medicine and, as a result of examining the skin of a baby, you notice suspicious hairs on it, I suggest using such recipes as how to remove a poker from a newborn. They consist in carrying out "rolling out".

  • First, the baby needs to be bathed and steamed out of his skin so that the pores expand. Sometimes for this, it is recommended to cover the area of ​​​​the body where the bristles sprout, cover it with a towel soaked in warm water and hold it for a while; Important information about what water to bathe a newborn baby >>>
  • After that, take the bread crumb, make a lump out of it and roll the resulting ball over the skin. It is believed that during such a procedure, the hairs will stick to a soft lump and be removed from the body of the newborn;

There are other recipes for sticky mass. It can be a doughless dough, a cake made from flour and honey. It is also advised to smear a part of the body with honey and cover it with gauze on top. After some time, the honey will harden, and the hairs will stick tightly to it. Then the gauze must be removed. It turns out a kind of depilation.

Attention! It should be remembered that honey is a strong allergen, so it is necessary to use it for a newborn with extreme caution!

  • At the end of the whole action, the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin should be wiped with a damp towel and smeared with baby cream.

Sometimes all the bristles are not removed the first time, and such manipulations will have to be repeated. Of course, in no case do you need to shave off the hairs! Although sometimes the forums describe this method of removing bristles. But after all, even in an adult, after shaving, irritation occurs on the skin, to say nothing of the delicate skin of a newborn.

Also, you can not pull out the hairs with tweezers. This is not only painful for the child, but can also lead to the appearance of small wounds on his skin, through which the infection can penetrate and lead to inflammation.

In general, the problem with the bristles on the body of a newborn should be solved as carefully as possible, following all the recommendations so as not to harm the baby. It can be advised not to rush to start various procedures, but to wait a little with this.

Indeed, according to doctors, and in recipes for how to remove a bristle from a newborn, it is noted that most often these hairs disappear on their own. So it may not be worth interfering with the natural processes of adapting the body of a newborn to new conditions of existence. How do you think?

Surely every mother after childbirth faced with jaundice in the baby. This is a natural phenomenon that all pediatricians are well aware of. Physiological jaundice is considered temporary, and this diagnosis is made in almost all newborns. It resolves within 7-10 days and usually does not require any treatment. However, in some cases, jaundice can drag on for weeks, in such cases, the drug Ursofalk for newborns is needed, which does an excellent job with this scourge.

Causes of jaundice

The fact is that after birth, the child adapts to a different level of development. As a result of this process, fetal hemoglobin, which previously supplied oxygen through the umbilical cord to the mother's womb, occurs in a tiny organism.

Since the baby no longer needs fetal hemoglobin, the body is replaced by a different hemoglobin that is present in the blood of each person. When it breaks down, bilirubin is formed, which in itself is toxic and difficult to remove from the body. It is the excess of bilirubin, the amount of which exceeds 35 µmol / l, that accumulates in the blood and penetrates into the tissues of the newborn. Therefore, the baby's eyes and skin turn yellow.

Glucuronic acid, located in the liver, binds to bilirubin, as a result of which it loses its toxic properties and is easily excreted in the urine. However, the problem is that in a tiny body this process is very slow, since the liver works rather poorly and there is a lack of necessary enzymes.

With normal development, jaundice resolves in a maximum of 2 weeks. This time is enough for the liver to get stronger and fully remove bilirubin. However, if after this period the jaundice has not passed, this can be fraught with negative consequences.

The danger is that unprocessed bilirubin can reach the brain and destroy cells. In this case, jaundice is already called nuclear and carries a danger, because it can be extremely difficult to remove all the consequences of its effects on the brain.

Pathological jaundice in newborns sometimes leads to the most unpredictable consequences.

Action Ursofalk

All newborns with jaundice should be under the vigilant supervision of doctors. If the yellowness does not go away after 2 weeks, then tests are prescribed to help determine the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Preparations are prescribed to protect the liver and remove bile from the body, which include Ursofalk.

This drug protects the liver and improves the production of enzymes that promote the processing of bilirubin and its removal from the body. The liver strengthens and begins to process the poison faster, thereby preventing the development of nuclear jaundice.

Dosage and administration

For newborn babies, Ursofalk is available in the form of suspensions of 250 ml, there are also capsules that are usually prescribed for older children. Complete with the suspension, there is always a spoon with a volume of 5 ml, which is the daily dose for the baby. It is worth noting that with jaundice, children are given a remedy at the rate of 10 ml per 1 kg of weight. It is recommended to take Ursofalk in the evening, before going to bed.

In no case should you independently give medicines to the baby and engage in any self-medication. For this, there is a doctor who determines the dose based on the amount of bilirubin in the blood, shown in the tests performed.

Contraindications, side effects and price

  • severe liver disease;
  • Disorders in the work of the pancreas;
  • Impaired kidney function;
  • Inflammation of the bile ducts.

Side effects can be expressed in insomnia, causeless excitement and allergic reactions. Sometimes vomiting and regurgitation are observed, stools may also become more frequent, and if used incorrectly, there may be disturbances in the functioning of the liver, which can only be detected through tests.

The medicine is sold in almost every pharmacy. The price of the drug is relatively low and is about 1000 rubles.

Sometimes after taking Ursofalk, babies become very restless, so your support is extremely important for the crumbs.

Reviews about the medicine

About the drug Ursofalk respond mainly in a positive way. Young mothers note that the remedy is very effective and the result is not long in coming. Jaundice in newborns goes away in just a few days, which is quite an eloquent indicator.

A feature of the drug is a sweetish taste, and the kids swallow the suspension with pleasure. However, it is noted that there are a lot of purchased 250 ml, and the shelf life of Ursofalk is only 4 months.

For newborns, the medicine should be bought only in the form of a suspension. From Ursofalk in capsules, vomiting sometimes opens.

Video about jaundice in newborns and methods of dealing with it:

Physiological jaundice occurs in all babies and is by no means a cause for panic. Treatment is carried out only after passing tests for bilirubin and is prescribed exclusively by the observing pediatrician.


Pharmacological action of Ursofalk

Ursofalk, according to the instructions, has a choleretic, destroying cholesterol stones, cholesterol-lowering effect.

The drug protects the membranes of the cells of the liver and biliary tract from damage by toxic bile acids, and also prevents the growth of connective tissue in the liver in case of damage to hepatocytes.

Ursofalk contains urodeoxycholic acid in its composition. It, as it were, delimits the smallest structures of bile acids with a structural shell - it forms the so-called mixed micelles. Urodeoxycholic acid also interacts with the lipophilic structures of membranes, making them resistant to damage. Thus, it implements a cytoprotective (protective) effect.

Like its analogues, Ursofalk enhances the secretion of the stomach and pancreas.

The drug has an immunological effect - it affects the content of different classes of immune cells in the body, and at the level of the liver - it slows down the development of fibrosis in patients with cystic fibrosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease, and reduces the likelihood of esophageal varicose veins. There are positive reviews about Ursofalk when included in the treatment program for malignant diseases of the colon (cancer), it is able to retard the growth of tumor cells.

Release form

Ursofalk is produced in capsules of 250 mg and in suspension (250 ml vials, the content of urodeoxycholic acid is 250 mg/5 ml).

Indications for use Ursofalk

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis under the condition of a compensated state, biliary reflux gastritis, for dissolving cholesterol stones in the gallbladder and in case of cholestasis with parenteral nutrition, in the complex treatment of cystic fibrosis, biliary dyskinesia. It is also recommended to prevent the development of colon cancer in high-risk groups for this disease.

There are no age restrictions. Thus, the use of Ursofalk as a means of reducing the level of indirect bilirubin in the blood is possible in newborns with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice).


According to the instructions, Ursofalk is not used in case of individual intolerance, in the case of X-ray-positive gallstones (they contain a lot of calcium), in inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract and intestines, decompensated cirrhosis of the liver, non-functioning gallbladder, in violation of the kidneys, liver or pancreas.

Instructions for use Ursofalk

The drug is taken 1 time per day (at night) inside. The capsule is swallowed without opening the shell, washed down with water. The average daily dose of Ursofalk is calculated on the patient's body weight and is 10 mg / kg / day. If the dosage exceeds the average, you can divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses. Ursofalk suspension is recommended for the treatment of children under 3 years of age and patients weighing less than 34 kg, as well as for swallowing difficulties. It is recommended to take the drug for a long time - from several months to 2 years, without interruptions in treatment.

To dissolve stones in the gallbladder, before starting treatment, you should make sure that they are cholesterol (they are not visible on the x-ray), no larger than 20 mm in size, fill the gallbladder no more than half, while maintaining biliary tract patency. Like its analogues, Ursofalk is not recommended to be used simultaneously with drugs that increase cholesterol in bile (clofibrate, estrogens, etc.). Antacids impair the absorption of the drug.

In the case of cholelithiasis, the duration of dissolution of stones is from 6 to 24 months, but if after 12 months from the start of taking positive dynamics, Ursofalk can be canceled, since further treatment is not advisable. To monitor the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to examine the liver and biliary tract every six months using ultrasound and radiographically.

With biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis, the course of admission lasts an average of 10 to 14 days.

With cystic fibrosis, the daily dose of Ursofalk reaches 20-30 mg / kg / day, with primary biliary cirrhosis up to 15-20 mg / kg / day.

Ursofalk's analogues are Ursosan, Urdoksa and Ursodez.

Side effects

According to reviews, Ursofalk sometimes causes allergic reactions, diarrhea, dyspepsia, calcification of gallstones.

Ursofalk for newborns - will help to cope with jaundice

In this regard, approximately two days after birth, the child turns yellow - this is the physiological jaundice of newborns.

The jaundice resolves gradually within two weeks. During this limited time, no harm can be done to the body of the newborn, but if the jaundice continues longer, toxic indirect bilirubin can destroy brain cells, including the subcortical nuclei, so this jaundice is called nuclear. Nuclear jaundice is very dangerous, since it is very difficult to restore full brain function after it.

Physiological neonatal jaundice requires observation. If it lasts longer than usual, the child's blood is examined for bilirubin (the amount of total, indirect and direct bilirubin is determined). If necessary, treatment is prescribed for such newborns, including drugs that protect the liver and promote the excretion of bile, for example, ursofalk.

How does ursofalk work with physiological jaundice in newborns

Ursofalk is a drug with hepatoprotective properties (has a protective effect on liver cells), which also has a choleretic effect. Under the influence of ursofalk, the liver cells of the newborn begin to function more efficiently, secrete the necessary amount of enzymes to convert indirect bilirubin into direct bilirubin.

This leads to a rapid decrease in the toxic load on the child's body, especially on his brain, and to the prevention of nuclear jaundice. Direct bilirubin is rapidly excreted from the body in the urine, as ursofalk has a choleretic effect.

Ursofalk is produced by the pharmaceutical company Dr. Falk Pharma (Germany) in capsules and in the form of a suspension for oral administration. Newborn children are prescribed a suspension of ursofalk, which is available in 250 ml bottles with a measuring spoon (one 5 ml measuring spoon contains 250 mg of ursofalk).

With prolonged physiological jaundice of newborns, ursofalk is prescribed at the rate of 10 mg per kilogram of the child's weight per day.

Ursofalk for newborns should be prescribed by a pediatrician. Ursofalk is given once a day, the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor and depends on the condition of the child and the data of the laboratory blood test.

Contraindications and side effects

Ursofalk is not prescribed for newborns with severe diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys with impaired function, in the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the biliary tract, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug by the child's body.

Ursofalk rarely has any side effects, but sometimes it does happen. Side effects of ursofalk can be manifested:

  • on the part of the digestive system - regurgitation, vomiting with a fountain, impaired liver function (according to laboratory parameters);
  • there are also anxiety, sleep disturbance, allergic reactions.

Ursofalk is widely used in neonatology for the treatment of prolonged physiological jaundice in newborns.


Having studied the information on the Internet, about this dysbacteriosis, as before, I came to the conclusion that it does not exist. Intestinal upset is a consequence of something in the body. In our case, allergies contributed to intestinal upset. Today, as usual, I give the child a medicine for colic sub-simplex, and the child becomes covered with red spots and pimples (and then I turned on my brain that he was sweet !!! We also drink ursolfak for jaundice, he is also sweet !!! I have no other options ( I gave an antihistamine immediately (Fenistil) after a while the child seemed to have redness gone, but I also tried fenistil, it is also sweet (I contacted the doctor and told everything. She replaced us with enteros gel and polysorb. There is a gel at home I tried it, it’s not sweet, tell me who took this polysorb, it’s not sweet ??? not him(
plz tell me about Polysorb!!!

Almost all babies, without exception, after childbirth receive the so-called physiological jaundice. This phenomenon is considered the norm, and the mother of the child should not worry. The disease goes away on its own in about a week and does not require any medical treatment.

But sometimes the jaundice is delayed and in such cases the baby needs help. And in this case, the child may be prescribed a drug such as Ursofalk.

What is neonatal jaundice

After the birth of a baby, his body begins to adapt to completely new conditions for him. The supply of oxygen to the child during its intrauterine development was carried out using a special type of hemoglobin - fetal. But after birth, fetal hemoglobin begins to actively break down, since the baby no longer needs it.

In the process of its decay, indirect bilirubin is formed, which is a toxic substance and is excreted from the body after a certain transformation. In a newborn child, many systems are still far from perfect, and toxic bilirubin begins to accumulate in the tissues. The result is yellowing of the skin and eyeballs of the child, i.e. he develops signs of classic jaundice.

For the processing of indirect bilirubin, glucuronic acid, produced by the liver, is responsible. It is she who binds to the substance, after which it is excreted from the body naturally along with urine. This process in a child is very slow, because the liver is still not working at full capacity.

On average, physiological jaundice lasts a maximum of two weeks. During this period of time, the baby's liver adapts and begins to fulfill its duties in full. If after this period the symptoms of jaundice remain, and the bilirubin levels do not decrease, then this indicates that the child has developed pathological (nuclear) jaundice.

The danger of indirect bilirubin is that when it is in excess, it can harm brain cells. And the consequences of such a process can be very unpredictable.

How Ursofalk works

With the transition of physiological jaundice to nuclear, Ursofalk is prescribed for newborn babies, the drug is completely harmless. The tool provides protection for the liver and rapid discharge of bile.

Taking the drug improves the production of enzymes necessary for the qualitative processing of indirect bilirubin and its subsequent removal from the baby's body. The liver begins to work more actively, removing accumulated poisons.

Application and dosage

"Ursofalk" for newborns is offered in the form of a suspension - the bottle contains 250 ml. The drug is also produced in capsules, which are recommended for older children.

The suspension comes with a measuring spoon. For an infant, the daily dose is 5 ml. Dosage for older children is calculated based on the child's body weight: for every 10 kilograms of weight - 10 ml of the drug. The suspension should be taken in the evening, just before bedtime. The shelf life of the open funds is not more than four months.

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug for the treatment of pathology without a doctor's prescription. The dosage in any case should be selected by the doctor, based on the total amount of indirect bilirubin contained in the child's blood.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

The instruction to the drug prohibits taking the drug in children of any age in the following cases:

  • with existing liver diseases;
  • disorders associated with the work of the pancreas;
  • deviations in the work of the kidneys;
  • with existing inflammation of the biliary tract.

Side effects from the use of the drug include:

  • sleep disorders;
  • unreasonable excitement of the child;
  • an allergy that occurs as a reaction to the component composition of the product;
  • vomiting;
  • spitting up food;
  • quickened stool;
  • violations in the liver (if the recommended dosage is not observed).

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Even during pregnancy, you try to imagine the first meeting with your baby. What is he? Who does he look like? Do you recognize him? Are all newborns really the same? And so I already want to hug this miracle to myself ... But now the desired moment is rapidly approaching. Already the head has appeared, already you hear his first cry ... And the midwife shows you YOUR treasure ... Before you in all its glory appears wrinkled, purplish-red from exertion, wide-opening its tiny mouth, a disheveled wet lump. He almost completely fit in the hands of the midwife. Will he stay like this?

Lada Starostina
Pediatrician, MM A im. THEM. Sechenov

The neonatal period lasts from the moment of birth to 4 weeks of a child's life. So many changes have taken place during this time! A newborn baby is really wrinkled, because he was in the amniotic fluid all the time. But literally an hour or two will pass, and wrinkling will disappear - there will be a slight swelling of the face, eyelids, labia or scrotum. These swellings will also go away in a day or two. And then the baby will be able to open his eyes - still cloudy. There may be hemorrhages on the sclera (whites) of the eyes, which resolve within a few (3-4) days.

Naturally, you will immediately begin to find out eye color. But most newborns, regardless of heredity, have blue eyes at birth. The exception is the children of dark-skinned people: they are brown-eyed at birth.

Of course, every mother will carefully examine the visible parts of the baby's body - his face, head. Let's take a closer look at this.

Do not be surprised purple-red skin color - do not forget that the baby has made a difficult journey from the uterus through the birth canal, suffered severe stress, great stress. When the baby is shown to you for the first time, even before the first toilet of the newborn, his skin will be covered with a white creamy substance - a lubricant that helps him pass through the birth canal more easily and protects him from bacteria. Jaundice occurs in 1-2 days after birth in 40-45% of newborns. This is due to the fact that in the liver there is an intensive rearrangement of fetal (fetal) hemoglobin, which was necessary for the fetus for oxygen exchange through the placenta, to mature hemoglobin, through which gas exchange in the lungs is carried out. Jaundice, as a rule, is not very pronounced - it is a slight icteric staining of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera of the eyes. It appears on the 2nd-3rd day of life and usually lasts 7-10 days. At this time, "intrauterine" blood (fetal hemoglobin) is replaced by an adult version.

In many swarthy children, on the skin above the buttocks in the area of ​​​​the sacrum, "Mongoloid spot" - bluish stain. Don't worry, it's not a bruise. By 5 - 7 months of age, this spot will disappear.

In the place where the baby was pushed through the mother's birth canal, there will be a slight swelling - a birth tumor, the so-called cephalohematoma. It will dissipate within 7 days.

In the process of passing the head through the birth canal of the mother, the bones of the skull are found one on top of the other. It is felt on the child's head with a small bony longitudinal protrusion. By the end of the week, the bones fall into place, and the size of the head will increase by an average of 1 cm. A large fontanel (the place where the bones of the fetal skull converge, not yet fused, but connected by membranes), and if it is not visible, then it will be quite possible to feel it. And you will surely notice that the baby's head is relatively large compared to other parts of the body: while it occupies 1/4 of the entire “growth” of the baby.

Some children are born with a fairly large amount of hair on their heads, and some are “bald as a knee”. Don't worry. Even now, there is hair on the baby’s head - fluffy, moreover, the baby is covered with hair almost everywhere, except for the palms, feet and lips. During the first 3 months of life, vellus hair will be completely replaced by coarser ones. And hair color can also change - even within a few years: blond hairs can become quite dark afterwards.

Some kids have push kovy hair (lanugo) can cover the shoulders, back, forehead and cheeks. This is a sign of immaturity or prematurity. Within a few weeks, this increased "hairiness" will pass. Another cause of concern for mothers can be the almost complete absence of cilia and eyebrows. Unlike hair on the head and body, it is bristle, coarser hair. They grow much more slowly, so a newborn baby may not appear immediately, but after a few weeks. Their color may also change.

The face of the newborn is somewhat edematous, this disappears on the 2nd-3rd day. After swelling on the face has passed, some children may experience so-called I suck discy spots in the region of the upper eyelids, bridge of the nose or on the forehead between the eyebrows, above the ears and at the border of hair growth at the back. Usually such spots do not fade for a long time and gradually disappear at 3-4 years of age.

Also, with the convergence of edema on the face of the baby, milia - yellowish pimples on the nose, chin and cheeks of the newborn. Don't be scared! These are enlarged sebaceous glands that show through the skin. Gradually, as you gain mass, and, accordingly, the fat layer, milia will cease to be noticeable.

Now consider those parts of the body that are hidden by the diaper. All babies have nails at birth. In a full-term mature baby, the nails protrude beyond the nail bed. The immature and premature - no. The nails are soft, but at the same time they can scratch the baby's skin very painfully. Therefore, already a newborn baby can do a “manicure” - carefully trim the nails.

In the first week of life, the skin of the crumbs can be very flaky: exfoliation "intrauterine noah skin and replacing it with a new one.

In the delivery room, a special bracket is placed on the umbilical cord at a distance of 1 cm from the umbilical ring. The rest of the umbilical cord falls off on the 2nd or 3rd day in the maternity hospital, in its place there is an umbilical wound - a depression covered with a crust. By the 8th - 10th day, the umbilical wound will heal. The little man will simply acquire a navel - a reminder of the intrauterine connection with his mother.

Be sure to pay attention to body parts such as mammary gland and sexual organs. On the 3rd - 4th day, both boys and girls may experience engorgement (enlargement) of the mammary glands. A colostrum-like fluid may even be secreted. In no case do not squeeze! Apply a dry gauze bandage so that friction against clothing does not injure the delicate skin. By the 10th day, this condition usually passes. This condition may coincide with such a phenomenon as the "hormonal crisis" of a newborn in girls, when whitish mucus can be released from the genitals. Sometimes it can be stained with blood. You should not be afraid of this - these are maternal hormones. It will pass in 2-3 days. Do not be surprised if the large labia do not cover the small ones - gradually everything will become the other way around. Some girls may also have a protrusion of the hymen from the vagina. In a few weeks, and she will be "drawn" into place.

As for the boy, you should pay attention to his scrotum. Normally, it should be relatively large and hang freely. It should not fit snugly to the crotch. The testicles should already be in the scrotum.

It remains to consider only the oilcloth tag on the baby's hand. It shows the sex of the child, the surname and initials of the mother, the number of the medical history and the time of birth of your crumbs. Carefully preserved in the home archive, it will someday remind you of that exciting moment when you first saw your "treasure".

More often, reactions develop in response to auxiliary substances contained in vitamins, which are usually prescribed by pediatricians to prevent rickets.

Excipients combine with body proteins, which causes a sensitization reaction, which is called an allergy, since the body perceives the newly formed proteins as foreign.

In a growing body, vitamin D is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Due to the lack of this vitamin in children aged 2 months to 2 years, rickets develops - a disease characterized by a violation of the growth and development of bone tissue.

This happens due to the fact that the child receives only 4% of the daily norm with breast milk.

For an adult, vitamin D is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, nervous and immune systems, heart and kidneys.

In adults, a lack of vitamin D leads to nervousness, unstable mood swings, impaired sweating, sleep, and appetite. Often there is a decrease in vision, caries and "ache" in the joints.

Vitamin D is so important for the human body that its synthesis occurs in the skin when a person is outdoors on a sunny day.

Therefore, vitamin deficiency is often observed in people who spend a large amount of time indoors or go outside mainly at night.

A large amount of vitamin "D" is found in the following natural products:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • Cod liver;
  • fish fat;
  • parsley;
  • mushrooms;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • potato;
  • salmon;
  • herring;

By the way, there is much less vitamin D in plant foods than in animal products.

Therefore, vegans should remember that they are the main risk group under attack and either resort to consuming vitamin D supplements or occasionally consume animal products.

Vegetarians are not in the affected area, as they consume:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • fish.

Pharmaceuticals include:

  • Aquadetrim;
  • Vigantol;
  • Rocaltrol;
  • Alpha D3-TEVA;
  • Calcium D3 - Nycomed;
  • Videhol;
  • Osteothreol;
  • Etalfa.

The pharmaceutical market offers many preparations that contain either pure vitamin D, or it is included in mixtures.

In infants

Allergy to vitamin "D" in infants can manifest itself in different ways.

The most common manifestations are:

  1. rash and redness of varying severity, spreading to the face;
  2. peeling with small scales or layers of skin;
  3. itching in certain areas of the skin, especially pronounced in skin folds;
  4. development of an attack of bronchial asthma;
  5. capriciousness.

Threats to life are such manifestations as:

  1. angioedema;
  2. an attack of bronchial asthma;
  3. swelling in the larynx, lips, tongue;
  4. runny nose or cough;
  5. anaphylactic shock.

The manifestation of an allergic reaction to vitamin "D" in a child is no different from the symptoms that are observed in infants.

The child becomes capricious, rashes appear on the skin of the body, spreading to the face, and then exfoliation of the skin.

In cases of severe allergies, an asthma attack, anaphylactic shock, and Quincke's edema may develop.

Symptoms of vitamin D allergy in adults are somewhat different from typical childhood symptoms.

In adults, allergic reactions are much more likely to manifest themselves in the form of:

  1. difficulty breathing;
  2. feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest, pain (can be confused with an attack of angina pectoris);
  3. feeling of itching in the eyes and ears, redness of the conjunctiva;
  4. feeling of "congestion" in the lungs, the inability to breathe deeply.

Adults, like children, are not immune from life-threatening allergic reactions, such as an asthma attack, Quincke's edema, or anaphylactic shock.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the manifestation of an allergy in a pregnant woman does not pose any threat to the fetus, since it is reliably protected by the placental barrier.

But an allergy can manifest itself in a child after birth, as it is often hereditary.

For pregnant women, the same manifestations are characteristic as for adults, but urticaria, runny nose and conjunctivitis can be added.

Pregnant women are not immune from the development of life-threatening allergic reactions, therefore, when the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you should consult a doctor to find out the causes and stop the state of sensitization.

Overdose is often confused with allergies.

Please note that an overdose of vitamin D has other symptoms:

  1. nausea and vomiting;
  2. lethargy, apathy, fatigue;
  3. thirst;
  4. loss of appetite.

First, the first intake of vitamin D by a child should be done carefully.

Vitamin should be given in the smallest possible dosage to be sure that the allergy does not manifest itself.

If the allergy still manifests itself, then it is necessary:

  1. immediately stop taking drugs with vitamin "D";
  2. consult a pediatrician or allergist for advice;
  3. the doctor should be informed about what drugs and products the patient used;
  4. follow the recommendations on diet and taking antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs, if the doctor prescribes them;
  5. Do not self-medicate or continue taking the vitamin without your doctor's approval.

Most often, doctors with a lack of vitamin D prescribe the following drugs:

It has several forms of release, ranging from an oil solution to tablets.


  1. with suspicion of rickets;
  2. women with multiple pregnancies;
  3. pregnant women with nicotine addiction;
  4. in the presence of hypovitaminosis and beriberi;
  5. with alcoholism and many other diseases associated with poor absorption of vitamin D.

The drug, like all drugs with vitamin "D", increases the level of cholesterol in the blood and contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

It can not be used for pathology of the liver and kidneys, hypervitaminosis "D".

When using the drug, individual sensitivity should be taken into account. Since vitamin D has a teratogenic effect, during pregnancy, do not exceed the daily dose recommended by your doctor.

More expensive than Vitamin D3.

Has similar indications and contraindications.

Available exclusively in the form of drops for oral administration.

higher price.

The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets with three flavors (orange, mint, lemon).

Due to its pleasant taste, it is well suited for children.

Indications and contraindications are similar to previous drugs.

The most expensive of the presented drugs.

It differs from the previous ones in that the active substance in it is not vitamin D, but the precursor substance alfacalcidol, which is converted directly into vitamin D in the liver.

Available in the form of capsules.

Also a significant difference is the ban on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

All presented drugs are analogues and are selected based on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Caution should be taken only to Alpha-D3 TEVA due to contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.

In any case, when choosing a drug, you should consult a doctor so that he selects the dosage based on the patient's personal characteristics and the disease.

The only way to treat an allergy to vitamin D is to stop taking medications containing it, as well as to exclude foods rich in vitamin D from the diet.

It is better not to stop taking the vitamin on your own. You need to contact your doctor.

The doctor may advise not to exclude vitamin "D" from the diet completely, but to begin with, reduce the dosage and then, depending on the development of an allergic reaction, either completely prohibit drugs and products with vitamin "D" for a while, or allow them again.

In severe cases, if the reaction does not subside even after stopping vitamin D, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines.

If sensitization is manifested by a skin rash and scratching, then it is worth resorting to the use of creams and ointments with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.

If a child has a severe form of intoxication caused by an overdose of vitamin D, then the doctor may prescribe enterosorbents that will quickly remove toxins from the body.

In case of an overdose, it is worth increasing the amount of fluid consumed in order to effectively replenish body losses.

Prevention measures for vitamin D allergy are quite simple:

  • exact compliance with the dosages of drugs prescribed by the doctor;
  • it is forbidden to independently increase the dose of drugs without consulting a doctor;
  • if we are talking about a baby who is fed with artificial mixtures, then it is necessary to tell the pediatrician the brand of the mixture so that he can adjust the dosage of the vitamin depending on it;
  • it is worth giving preference to an aqueous solution of the vitamin, since it rarely causes allergies, unlike oil;
  • if an allergic reaction occurs after the first dose of the drug, then you should stop using it and ask the doctor to prescribe an analogue or adjust the dose.

Allergy to vitamin D can be the result of intolerance to certain foods.

  • exclude from the diet foods that cause an allergic reaction. In the case of vitamin D, these are milk and dairy products, eggs, fish, mushrooms, potatoes;
  • Be careful with foods that are common allergens. These include citrus fruits, peanuts, ketchups, chocolate and caffeine, strawberries, strong tea, raspberries, nightshade plants;
  • can be used:
  1. lean meat;
  2. yellow and green apples;
  3. legumes;
  4. zucchini;
  5. bread from wheat of the 2nd grade;
  6. fructose;
  7. White cabbage.
  • the diet should be adjusted taking into account the personal characteristics of the patient, cover the body's needs for the necessary macro- and microelements;
  • it is recommended to consume freshly prepared meals in order to avoid fermentation and putrefaction processes that contribute to sensitization when ingested;
  • remember that spices increase the permeability of the gastric mucosa, and therefore it is necessary to limit their consumption in order to reduce sensitization;
  • if children are allergic to vitamin D, it is worth trying to transfer them to fermented milk products, since the complete exclusion of the vitamin from the diet leads to the development of rickets.

The manifestations of allergies at any age should be treated carefully and look for the cause of the reactions in order to avoid complications.

The reaction to both vitamins and foodstuffs can be detrimental and lead to serious consequences up to the chronicity of inflammatory processes.

If you notice that a child or you yourself have developed an allergy to vitamin D, then you should immediately contact your doctor or allergist so that specialists can select therapy and stop the reaction before it leads to dangerous consequences.

It is believed that vitamin D is especially useful for infants, as this biologically active substance ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food.

Most often, preparations with this vitamin are prescribed for babies for the prevention and treatment of rickets, but sometimes the need for their use arises in adults. Recently, many have noticed the appearance of allergies after the use of drugs with vitamin D.

A true allergy to vitamin D is extremely rare, since this substance is not alien to the human body. In most cases, a negative reaction from immune system newborns are provoked by excipients that are part of such drugs. The most popular among pediatricians and parents is Aquadetrim, which contains vitamin D3. This solution contains potential allergens:

  • sucrose;
  • lemon acid;
  • anise flavor;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • Cremophor EL (macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate).

Somewhat less often, other drugs are prescribed that help fill the deficiency of cholecalciferol, one of them is Oxidevit. Its main active ingredient is an analogue of vitamin D3 (alfacalcidol). In addition, this agent contains an auxiliary component ionol. Also, the drug "Vigantol" can be prescribed to treat or prevent rickets in a child. In addition to vitamin D3, it contains only fat triglycerides.

The child also often becomes allergic to the Multi-Tabs Baby remedy, because vitamin D is not the only active ingredient in its composition. This drug includes many other biologically active and additional substances:

  • vitamin A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sucrose;
  • Cremophor EL;
  • hydrochloric acid.

Sometimes babies are recommended to take ergocalciferol - vitamin D2. It was previously thought that it is absorbed worse than vitamin D3, but the main difference between them is the release form. Vitamin D3 and its analogues are usually available as aqueous solutions, while ergocalciferol is dissolved in oils. Dosing an oil-based drug is more difficult than an aqueous solution. In this regard, ergocalciferol is not prescribed if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or metabolic disorders against the background of renal or hepatic insufficiency.

The symptoms of an allergic reaction and an overdose are very similar. Moreover, an allergy to vitamin D in many cases is due to excessive intake of this substance in the body. Often, parents do not even know about the causes of an overdose in infants, and there may be several of them at once.

  1. Self-change of the drug and the wrong dosing regimen for a long time. For example, one drop of Viganol contains approximately 670 IU of the vitamin, and a drop of Aquadetrim contains 500 IU.
  2. Mom taking vitamins. Almost any substance that enters the body of a nursing woman can enter breast milk, and then into the child's digestive system.
  1. Feeding with artificial mixtures. Manufacturers add vitamins, including cholecalciferol, to most nutrient mixtures.

It must be remembered that in a child with chronic diseases, the excretion of the vitamin from the body is slow, so it partially accumulates. In such children, the dosage of any drugs should be selected with extreme caution.

Usually symptoms of vitamin D allergy occur within a few hours or days after taking the drug, and disappear when the use is stopped. The disease manifests itself as follows:

redness, peeling and rashes in the form of small bubbles in the cheeks, neck, forearms, buttocks and shins of the child;

  • insomnia and anxiety of the baby due to itching;
  • loss of appetite;
  • runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion;
  • tearing, redness of the eyes.

In severe cases of vitamin D allergy, shortness of breath, coughing, swelling of the face, arms and legs develop, crying becomes hoarse. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor. If the disease is manifested by frequent regurgitation, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, then there is a high probability of acute intoxication. Chronic overdose can be indicated by lethargy, sleep disturbance, increased irritability, too rapid closure of the large fontanel, and impaired kidney function, which will show a urinalysis.

The first thing to do is to temporarily stop taking the drug. With a severe allergy to vitamin D, the pediatrician may prescribe oral antihistamines (Simprex, Kestin, Ksizal). If Quincke's edema develops, the doctor uses systemic corticosteroids. To eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis, anti-inflammatory creams are used (Bepanten, Bübchen, Epidel). In order to relieve itching and reduce the rash, an ointment with an antiallergic effect (Fenistil-gel, Advantan) can be used.

Allergy creams should be carefully chosen, as many of them contain large doses of hormonal substances that are unsafe for children. To cleanse the body of protein molecules that cause a negative reaction, some doctors advise doing a cleansing enema.

Once the allergy symptoms have subsided, it makes sense to try other vitamin D supplements if necessary. A good alternative can be ordinary fish oil or Devisol, which contains only oil and alpha-tocopherol from excipients. If a nursing mother eats properly and introduces complementary foods into the baby's diet in a timely manner, then the child's body will receive all the necessary substances. However, for the synthesis of vitamin D, the baby needs regular exposure to the sun. To reduce the risk of developing an allergy to vitamin D, follow certain rules.

  1. Take a walk with your child every day, even in cloudy weather, a certain percentage of ultraviolet rays hits the skin. If you live in an area where sunny weather is rare, try to spend your holidays in the southern regions.
  2. As an alternative to drugs, heliotherapy or ultraviolet irradiation of children is carried out under a special lamp.
  3. Choose drugs with a minimum amount of substances in the composition. The wider the list of ingredients, the more potential allergens in the medicine.
  4. Do not give your baby multivitamin preparations without first consulting a specialist. The children's body does not always need all the substances that are there. In addition, the need to absorb several vitamins at once can provoke the development of a negative reaction from the immune system.
  1. Refuse to take vitamin D during pregnancy, unless there is a real need for it (indications from a gynecologist). Even a slight excess of this substance in the body of a pregnant woman can cause sensitization in the fetus and allergies in the future.

Remember that allergic reactions in children are often temporary, because the child's immunity continues to develop. After a few months, the allergy may disappear on its own. However, the appearance of pathological symptoms requires a mandatory visit to the pediatrician, especially if the child's condition does not improve.

Do not try to diagnose yourself, because taking vitamin preparations can be accompanied not only by allergies, but also by overdose or side effects. Each of these conditions manifests itself in a similar way, and only a doctor can see the difference.

Physiologically active substances enter the body of an infant with mother's milk, with adapted mixtures, complementary foods. An allergy to vitamin D in infants can occur with an excess of this important regulator of calcium metabolism and the functioning of the immune system. In the future, hypo- and hypervitaminosis lead to problems in the development of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems of the child.

As the world-famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky explains, infants cannot become allergic to vitamin D while walking on a sunny day. Most often, the characteristic symptoms of an acute allergic condition in a child appear in case of an excess in the diet of a nursing mother and in dry mixtures of calciferols. So called vitamins of group D - ergocalciferol (D2) and cholecalciferol (D3). The main functions are associated with the activation of the synthesis of certain hormones, the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

The lack of substances that regulate the growth of bones in babies, domestic pediatricians attended to in the middle of the last century. After the war, the number of children suffering from rickets increased in the country. The disease is associated with a violation of the formation of solid bone substance and occurs against the background of a lack of vitamin D (D) in the body. Its absorption and storage of reserves occurs due to fats (lipids).

Vitamin D2 enters the body with food, for D3, in addition to the alimentary route, there is the possibility of synthesis in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Not surprisingly, women's forums are full of reports of cases of allergy to vitamin D3 in infants. "Horror stories" about rickets played a cruel joke on conscientious mothers. In caring for babies, they forgot the measure, they themselves "lean" on foods rich in calciferols, take vitamin supplements, give the child on the advice of a pediatrician, buy fortified mixtures.

According to experts, hypervitaminosis does not threaten when calciferols enter the child's body with food and regularly receive a dose of ultraviolet radiation. A two-hour weekly walk in sunny weather, provided that the child's face and hands are open, is enough to maintain a normal level of D3 in the child's body. Vitamin accumulation occurs from spring to autumn, in winter, with a lack of insolation, reserves are gradually consumed.

At the age of 0-2 years, intensive growth of bones takes place, but the skin of babies does not yet produce enough vitamin D3. With calcium deficiency, there is a danger of softening of the bones - rickets. Recent studies by scientists have revealed the participation of vitamin D in cell division, metabolism and the formation of immunity. With its deficiency, disturbances in the formation of dental and bone tissue occur, and autoimmune diseases develop.

Pediatricians often prescribe vitamin D to infants depending on the time of year when the newborn is born. If the date of birth falls in the autumn and winter months, then the baby may experience symptoms of calciferol deficiency. In the body of a breastfeeding woman, with a lack of sunlight, sometimes there is also not enough vitamin D.

If an overdose of calciferols occurs, then the baby loses its appetite, suffers from constipation, and becomes lethargic.

Excess vitamin D can lead to severe side effects such as hypercalcemia and convulsions. Increasing the dose of vitamin supplements causes dehydration, muscle pain. The child becomes weak, suffers from vomiting. Heart rhythms change, sand, kidney stones are deposited, the work of the urinary system worsens.

Dr. Komarovsky invites mothers to do simple calculations to prevent allergies and overdose. If the baby is bottle-fed, then during the day the mixture provides 600 IU of vitamin D to his body. Often, on the recommendation of a pediatrician or on her own initiative, the mother gives the baby the Aquadetrim drug for prophylactic purposes. Each drop is 500 IU of vitamin D, and a full-term newborn is given 1-2 drops per day. Mothers walk with their children, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D3 is formed in the skin.

The vitamin D requirement for a child under 1 year of age is only 400 IU per day.

An excess of calciferols, auxiliary components in the composition of pharmaceutical preparations with this active substance, can provoke atopic dermatitis. Symptoms of an allergy to vitamins in children, in particular to vitamin D3, are manifested in the form of redness and itching of the skin, rashes, runny nose and cough. A rash in infants most often occurs on the face, in the crease of the neck, on the arms and legs. The baby in such cases is usually naughty, does not eat well.

Acute allergic conditions pose a serious threat to the life of a child:

  • an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • swelling in the lips and throat;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • angioedema.

At the first symptoms, you should stop taking the vitamin, count the amount of calciferols that the child receives with milk mixtures. It is more difficult if the child is already being introduced to complementary foods. Eggs, milk and other foods also contain vitamin D. To get rid of allergy symptoms, you need to limit the load on the baby's digestive system, do not give him more food than his intestines can digest. This remark applies to mixtures and complementary foods in the baby's diet.

The mother of a baby with allergy symptoms in a child should switch to low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, do not use butter, rich meat broths. It is recommended to give the baby remedies for constipation based on lactulose. It is useful for a child and mother to take intestinal sorbents - these are Smecta and Enterosgel preparations. With itching and irritation of the skin, you can give the baby antihistamine drops, treat dry, flaky areas of the face and body with Bepanten cream or Fenistil gel.

We have an epic! we were told to urgently go to the hospital in the clinic, they say there are no numbers for the allergist, like what you want, then do it! the manager called me an egoist three times, rude me as best she could, sent me to the left polyclinic ... they sent us away there! as a result, I dashed off a complaint to the Ministry of Health, and I myself went to an appointment with a paid allergist !!! you can’t eat the usual adapted mixtures, allergy to cow protein, they prescribed to eat hydrolysates, completely split protein in them and the price is huge, 850 rubles / 400 g can, but what to do ... now the belts have been tightened, relatives help more ... they prescribed treatment ... on the day of suprastin 2 times 4 days 1/4, Creon 3 times a day also 1/4, enterosgel half a spoon 3 times a day an hour before meals, then cancel suprastin, enter fenistil 3 times a day 5 drops, ketotifen 10 days 1/4 3 times a day ... outwardly complex ointment 1: 1 zinc + salicylic + streptocid + advantan 2 times a day, after three days when advantan improves, mix 1/2 less into the ointment, after another 4 days advantan 1/4 ... add ... when improved after 2 weeks, smear bepapten or d-panenol ... it’s better to go to an allergist ... our strongest rash went away in a day !!! I don't know, maybe it's turning around again! it seems to me that the stomach is still in trouble, it is necessary to poop every day, and in our case every other day, therefore, the bad accumulates in the stomach, gets into the blood, as a result, the bad on the skin ... we have a pediatrician that is still a doctor, a stupid student, the nurse told me to smear the skin struck with boiled butter, the allergist said that they provoked an even greater allergy ... today the manager called, called me by my first name and patronymic, the complaint reached the Ministry of Health, she apparently got a good shake for her negligent attitude towards children and rudeness, and on a trip to paid doctors, with free in the same clinic ... so go to the allergist, do not wait until it gets stronger ... mmm ... good luck to you

Hello dear friends! Today we will deal with a rather serious problem in the life of a mother and a newborn child. We will try to learn to recognize a headache in your baby.

"Can a baby have a headache?" you can ask me. Naturally, maybe there is just a certain stereotype that headaches are problems for adults, but not for children. This opinion is erroneous, kids, just like us, suffer from this ailment, they just cannot explain it.

The problem lies in the fact that it is very difficult to understand that it is the head that hurts in an infant. Usually, children have tummy ache, at this moment they tighten their legs; or act up when they have. With the head, things are a little different, so let's understand in more detail.


  1. Adaptation to the environment. This reason is practically the main one for all the ailments that accompany the baby in the first year of his life. And I have written these words more than once and in any article. The fact is that the conditions in the mother's body were completely different than they became after birth.
  2. Difficult childbirth, not yet formed skull, pregnancy with complications. All this could be the reason that the baby. The result is headaches. Yes, these little kids also suffer from pressure and they can also react to changes in the weather and magnetic storms.

How to understand that the baby has a headache

There are not so many symptoms that will indicate that the child really has a headache, and they can also talk about another ailment. However, let's try anyway.

  1. Pay attention to the fontanel of the child. If it is slightly swollen, then this indicates that the pressure is increased.
  2. The child is naughty and at the same time arches and throws back his head. "".
  3. Vomiting, belching, frequent regurgitation, all this also indicates that the child may currently have high blood pressure and a headache.
  4. The child is lethargic, not in the mood to play, weakness.
  5. Reaction to light or sound. If everything was fine and suddenly one fine evening you noticed that the baby was crying at the sight of a bright light or TV, or maybe he reacted negatively to a loud sound, then know that these are all symptoms of a migraine.
  6. Also, convulsions may indicate increased pressure, blood vessels may be pronounced on the head.
  7. Symptoms of migraine are also abdominal pain in a child, but not often.
  8. Take a closer look at the baby, if he cries for a long time and pulls his hands to the head, then it is not difficult to guess that it is she who hurts him.
  9. The baby may begin to cry with sharp turns of the head.

What to do

This is perhaps the only article on the site at the moment in which I will not advise almost anything, because the head and intracranial pressure are very serious. The only thing I can suggest is to bathe the baby in a decoction of soothing herbs, and in general, bathing calms, distracts.

If the child has frequent headaches, then it is urgent to consult a doctor with a request for an examination of the baby. At least, in addition to the therapist, an ophthalmologist and a neurologist should look at it.

And that's all, friends. At the end of the article, I would like to recommend that you do not joke with things like a headache. Therefore, if the baby began to sleep poorly at night, often act up, pull his arms to his head, then it is better not to pull and consult a specialist.