Stagnation of milk in the breast what to do. What to do with lactostasis. The healing power of chamomile

Almost all nursing mothers are faced with such a problem as milk stagnation or lactostasis. It is better to know about this problem in advance in order to take the correct measures to eliminate it. Since, if you do not start “treating” in time, you can earn mastitis, which is much more dangerous.

The article "" will describe the causes and signs of lactostasis, and you will also learn what can and cannot be done with milk stagnation.

What is lactostasis?

Laktostasis - this is the stagnation of milk. Or in other words, in a certain part of the breast, the movement of milk is suspended. As a result, a milk plug is formed, which blocks the passage of new milk. Edema appears in this place.

Signs of lactostasis

  • discomfort;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • soreness in the chest;
  • temperature;
  • redness of the skin on the chest.

Causes of stagnant milk

  • feeding the baby in the same position;
  • uncomfortable or unsuitable underwear for feeding;
  • chest tightness during sleep;
  • feeding at night on one side;
  • a break in feeding (for example, the baby slept all night);
  • fatigue, lack of sleep, stress or exercise;
  • baby's use of a pacifier. Some babies, having tried to suck on a pacifier, begin to be lazy to “work” at the breast and empty it insufficiently;
  • the use of fatty foods (for example, nuts) in the mother's diet. Such food can affect the viscosity of milk and contribute to the formation of milk stagnation;
  • sudden change in weather. Especially in summer, when in hot weather a young mother forgets to drink, and her body lacks moisture;
  • unnecessary pumping after each feed can also cause milk stasis. Milk should be produced as much as the baby needs. If you feed your baby on demand, there will be no problems. If, after each feeding, to express, then the milk will arrive at the next feeding even more, and so on. It turns out a vicious circle in which it will be difficult to avoid lactostasis.

Don't expect everything to go away on its own. Take action! After all, it is much easier to overcome lactostasis on the first day!

Stagnation of milk. What to do?

  • change the position of the baby when feeding. The baby's chin should point towards the seal. Read more about, with a different position of lactostasis.
  • Start feeding your baby as often as possible. Night is no exception! Take the baby to you and feed at night at least every 3 hours, during the day every 1-2 hours. Also, do not forget to apply the baby to it as the healthy breast fills.
  • make sure that the attachments are correct. The baby's mouth should be wide open, part of the halo should be in the baby's mouth, when the baby eats, no extraneous sounds should be heard, the baby's lips should be turned out.
  • follow
  • rest.

Perhaps, if you started the fight against lactostasis in time, this will be enough. However, it is likely that additional pumping of the affected breast will be required.

How to express a breast affected by lactostasis?

  • For a better outflow of milk, apply a warm compress for 5-10 minutes before pumping. For example, a warm towel. You can also take a warm shower (if there is no temperature).
  • gently massage the place of stagnation from the periphery to the center.
  • remember that your task is not to express as much milk as possible, but to pierce the duct. Do not press hard on the affected part of the chest.
  • Try to breastfeed your baby immediately after pumping. The child can very well dissolve the stagnation of milk.
  • after feeding, put a cabbage leaf on a sore spot (previously “make a chop out of it” so that the juice starts up). Cabbage leaf can reduce soreness and swelling of the breast. Make sure that cabbage juice does not get on the nipple, as it is not useful for your baby's digestion. Leave the sheet for 1-2 hours, then breastfeed the baby again. Instead of a cabbage leaf, you can also use cool cottage cheese in marlechka. The compress time is 20 minutes, until the curd is heated and dried. If there is severe redness of the affected area, apply an ice pack to this area.

With the stagnation of milk is impossible!

  • reduce the amount of liquid you consume, especially during a fever.
  • do warm compresses only before pumping and feeding!
  • Don't stop breastfeeding your baby. This will only make it worse.
  • strongly knead the seal with your hands.
  • ask to dissolve the husband's lactostasis. An adult person does not know how to suck milk the way a small child does. And don't forget the germs in your husband's mouth.
  • smear the chest with alcohol, camphor, Vishnevsky ointment. These funds make it even more difficult to drain milk and can increase lactostasis.

Be sure to contact a specialist if:

  • you have a temperature and it lasts for more than two days (more than a day in the first month of a child’s life);
  • tightness in the chest does not decrease for several days;
  • tightness in the chest does not go away for more than a week.

You will be prescribed physical therapy or antibiotics that are compatible with breastfeeding.

I wish you to meet with lactostasis as rarely as possible, and also be ready to defeat it! What is your experience? Have you experienced milk stasis? How did you defeat him?

Sincerely, Irina

Symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother, treatment of pathology.

After the birth of a child, most young mothers face such a problem as lactostasis. And since this pathology greatly complicates the process of secreting milk through the milk ducts, in the end this leads to problems in the newborn.

But still, if you notice the appearance of a pathology in time and start treating it as quickly as possible, you can get rid of the disease quickly enough. How to do it right and our article will tell.

What is lactostasis, what does it look like, how long does it last: causes and symptoms

Symptoms of lactostasis

Lactostasis is a blockage of the milk ducts, as a result of which a kind of cork appears, interfering with the normal exit of milk formed in the mammary glands. Outwardly, such a pathology looks like ordinary tubercles, quite hard to the touch and quite painful. Most often, this disease develops in mothers who produce more milk than the child needs, as well as in those whose milk ducts are naturally very narrow.

Symptoms of lactostasis:

  • Excessive swelling of the breast
  • Pronounced seals
  • Redness of the skin
  • Increased body temperature
  • Breast asymmetry may appear
  • Sufficient pain syndrome

Causes of lactostasis:

  • Squeezing of the milk ducts during feeding
  • severe hypothermia
  • Breast trauma
  • Too tight bra
  • Too frequent pumping
  • Early refusal to feed the baby
  • Wrong posture while sleeping

Is it possible to breastfeed with lactostasis: posture for feeding

Postures for feeding with lactostasis

Simple Tips

If you think that lactostasis is an indication to completely abandon breastfeeding, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, it is the baby who can completely empty the breast, thereby relieving you of the stagnation of milk that has arisen. You just have to remember that in order for your problem not to interfere with the crumbs to eat right, you will need to carry out preliminary preparation for the feeding process.

To do this, you will first need to do a light warming chest massage with your hands. If you have a sufficiently strong pain syndrome, then the massage can be replaced with warming up under running warm water. After that, you will need to express a small amount of stagnant milk, and then proceed to standard feeding.

As for the position in which to feed the child, it will be better if the mother puts the baby on the bed, and she herself will, as it were, hang over him. If the child can already sit, then the mother can simply place him on her lap and feed in this position.

The difference between lactostasis and mastitis

A fairly large number of young mothers confuse lactostasis with mastitis and, for this reason, they carry out not quite the right treatment. Although in fact, if you take a closer look at the signs of both ailments, then even a person without a medical education can easily distinguish them.

Firstly, with mastitis, inflammation develops, which provokes uncontrolled growth of fibrous tissue and, as a result, it is not possible to remove breast swelling with an ordinary compress. In the event that a woman has developed precisely lactostasis, then a cool compress and proper pumping will literally immediately bring noticeable relief. Secondly, you must remember that with mastitis, the axillary lymph nodes always increase.

In view of this, if your breasts are swollen, but at the same time, lymph nodes are not palpable at your fingertips, then you need to treat lactostasis. But perhaps the most pronounced symptom of mastitis is the inability to express milk. With lactostasis, this problem is not observed. As practice shows, even if the pathology is in an acute phase, a woman can quite simply express stagnant milk.

Laktostasis in a nursing mother, when feeding and pregnancy are stopped: treatment with folk remedies

Laktostasis: treatment with folk remedies

As you probably already understood, lactostasis refers to those diseases that are quite easy to treat. That is why, if you wish, you can try to cope with this problem with folk methods. The most popular home treatment for this pathology is an alcohol compress.

As a rule, it is applied twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and a bandage soaked in alcohol is necessarily placed on the massaged chest. It is also believed that raw carrots have good anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties. If you apply it to the places of compaction, at least for an hour a day, then after 2-3 days you will notice that during feeding the breast is completely emptied.

Yes, and remember that carrots have the maximum effect on your chest, before applying the vegetable to reddened places, it will need to be rubbed on a fine grater and only then used for its intended purpose. For an even greater therapeutic effect, you can mix it with any animal's internal fat.

How to apply a cabbage leaf with lactostasis?

Cabbage leaf with lactostasis

If you want the cabbage leaf to really help you get rid of lactostasis, then keep in mind that in this case you need to do some kind of compress. That is why if you simply tear off a leaf from a cabbage head and apply it to a sore spot, then the effect will be minimal. In view of this, it will be better if you first lightly beat off the leaf (it should become wet to the touch) and only after that you apply it to your chest.

Yes, and remember that you only need to use a warm sheet for such a compress. If you try to apply a very cold product, this will cause vasospasm and, as a result, the condition will worsen even more. That is why, before you start to beat off the sheet, be sure to pour boiling water over it.

Honey cake for lactostasis: recipe

Honey cake with lactostasis

Remember, in order for this folk remedy to have the desired therapeutic effect, only natural honey must be used for its manufacture. If you make a cake using a low-quality product, then with a high probability we can say that your problem will progress even more and, as a result, you will have to resort to more complex treatment.


  • To start, take rye flour and lightly heat it in a dry frying pan.
  • When it becomes warm, add honey (preferably May) to it, and knead a tight dough.
  • Form a cake out of it and attach it to the pre-massaged breast
  • Leave it there for 25 minutes, and then gently remove and rinse the skin with room temperature water.

Breast massage with lactostasis

Breast massage with lactostasis

Most young mothers, when they massage themselves with lactostasis, make one mistake. They believe that if they knead their chest as intensively as possible, this will contribute to a faster resolution of the problem. In fact, if you do a massage roughly enough, then at least it will increase the pain syndrome, and at the maximum it will only increase the inflammatory process in the tissues.

That is why it will be better if you try to make the massage as easy as possible. This means that it should be done with light, rubbing and stroking movements that will help the chest muscles to relax well.


  • To begin, gently rub the entire chest
  • As soon as the skin becomes warm and slightly red, proceed to the second stage.
  • Find the places of seals and exert a mechanical effect on them
  • It is necessary to rub the seals for 1-2 minutes
  • After the breasts relax, express some of the milk and proceed to standard feeding.

Proper decanting with lactostasis: instructions

Proper decanting with lactostasis
  • At the initial stage, do a light breast massage
  • Next, place one hand under the chest, and with two fingers of the other hand, grasp the halo
  • Gently press to stimulate the nipple area
  • Move your fingers a little further behind the nipple and work on that area of ​​the breast
  • If you are doing everything right, then at this stage the first droplets of milk will begin to stand out from the nipple.
  • Continue to apply light pressure along the edge of the halo, periodically alternating with stroking the entire chest.
  • Approximately 2-3 minutes after the start of these manipulations, whole streams of milk should be sprayed from the nipple

Camphor oil for lactostasis: recipe

Camphor oil for lactostasis

Camphor oil can be called a universal remedy for combating lactostasis. The substances that are in its composition are able to simultaneously remove all the symptoms of this pathology. With the help of this product, you will remove puffiness, reduce pain, promote relaxation of gland tissues and, of course, quickly remove seals.


  • First, warm the camphor oil to room temperature.
  • Soak a piece of gauze or cotton cloth in it.
  • Apply an oil compress to the stagnation site
  • Cover it with cling film and forget about it for 2-4 hours
  • After this time, remove the compress from the chest and rinse it under a warm shower.

Iodine mesh for lactostasis: how to do it right?

Iodine mesh for lactostasis

I would immediately like to say that, although the iodine mesh is considered to be a fairly effective means of combating lactostasis, it must be used very carefully. It should be applied only if you have a normal temperature for more than a day.

If you use this method of treatment during a period when the body temperature is higher than necessary, this can lead to an even greater exacerbation of the disease.

  • Prepare a 5% iodine solution and an ordinary cotton swab
  • Take your chest in your hand and try to locate the lumps.
  • Soak the stick in iodine and begin to draw horizontal lines on the skin at a distance of 1 cm from each other
  • Draw vertical lines at the same distance
  • As a result, you should get perfect squares on your skin.
  • You can apply a re-mesh on the skin only after this one becomes completely invisible.

Magnesia compress for lactostasis

In case you don't have time to prepare some home remedies, you can always try to deal with this problem with the help of magnesia. All you need to do in this case is simply pour the required amount of the medicinal substance into a container, moisten cotton wool or gauze in it and apply them to the place of stagnation.

If you use magnesia in the form of a dry powder, then first you will need to dilute it with water and only then soak the fabric in it. It is necessary to leave such a compress on the chest for at least half an hour, and it is advisable to do it immediately after feeding your child.

Ointment Traumeel, Vishnevsky, arnica, Malavit, Troxevasin, heparin for lactostasis: instructions

Ointments for lactostasis

Perhaps, ointments can be attributed to the most effective means of combating lactostasis. As practice shows, it is they who help to get rid of this problem in the shortest possible time. But still, if you want to forget about your problem as quickly as possible, then use them in combination with other therapeutic measures. Be sure to massage your breasts and pump at the initial stage. How to do all this correctly, we told you a little higher.

Instructions for the use of ointments:

  • To start, warm up the chest with a stroking massage.
  • Squeeze the ointment from the tube and apply evenly on the skin
  • During the distribution of the ointment, try to do an additional massage of the places of milk stagnation.
  • Wait until the ointment is absorbed and calmly go to do household chores.
  • Before feeding, be sure to remove the remnants of the ointment with warm water.

Amoxiclav, Oxytocin, Dostinex, Paracetamol, Lecithin, No-shpa for lactostasis: instruction

Tablets for lactostasis

Probably, it’s not even worth mentioning that taking pills during breastfeeding can directly affect the newborn. That is why such funds should never be prescribed to yourself on your own. It will be better if you find the time, go to the doctor's office, and he will already select the correct dosage for you.

  • Never try to underestimate or envy the dose during a single dose
  • Take the tablets with pure water only.
  • Use only non-steroidal pain relievers
  • Take tablets only after eating

Homeopathy for lactostasis

If you have encountered homeopathic remedies at least once in your life, then you probably know that in order for them to begin to have at least some minimal therapeutic effect, you need to take them for at least a week. In view of this, you definitely cannot get rid of lactostasis when it is in the acute phase with such drugs. As practice shows, such drugs are best taken as a preventive measure, solely so that a woman does not have problems with feeding again.

Physiotherapy, ultrasound, magnet for lactostasis

If within 7 days after the appearance of the first symptoms of lactostasis, the condition of the young mother does not improve, she is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. Whether it will be ultrasound or a magnet, only a specialist decides. As a rule, in this case it all depends on how quickly the pathology progresses and how much damage it has already caused to the milk ducts.

As practice shows, after the 4th session, the puffiness disappears in the sick women and the pain syndrome decreases, and by about the 8th session the problem disappears completely. True, you must remember that such treatment has its own nuances. Most often in this case, a woman has to drink a little more liquid than before. This contributes to the fact that the milk becomes less fat and viscous, and it is easier to pass through the milk ducts.

How long does the temperature last with lactostasis?

In principle, the temperature during lactostasis lasts no more than 3 days. If a woman discovered the problem in time and began to take measures as quickly as possible, then the temperature indicators can return to normal even within one day.

In view of this, if you see that, it would seem, with proper treatment, the temperature does not drop to normal, then immediately see a doctor. It is likely that you are doing something wrong, thereby contributing to the fact that the stagnation only intensified.

Consequences of lactostasis

Consequences of lactostasis

Although lactostasis is a fairly harmless disease, it should be treated as seriously as possible. Since this problem can cause the cessation of lactation, it is not worth delaying with its therapeutic measures.

In addition, this condition is dangerous because, without proper treatment, it will quickly affect large areas of the mammary glands and after some time the entire inner part of the breast will become inflamed in women. If she does not take the necessary measures at this stage, then a chronic inflammatory process can cause the development of mastopathy or even malignant and benign tumors.

Prevention of lactostasis during breastfeeding

  • Breastfeed your baby at least 7 times a day
  • Make sure your breasts are completely emptied while breastfeeding.
  • If required, pump after feeding
  • Change positions regularly while feeding
  • Don't pump very often (the body will begin to perceive this as a signal to produce milk)
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Be sure to practice decanting (especially if this is your first child)

Video: Breastfeeding and lactostasis: what to do? Tips for parents

Milk stasis, or lactostasis, is one of the most common problems that overshadow the everyday life of nursing mothers. Many face it in the first weeks of a child's life, but someone may not be aware of this disease until the introduction of complementary foods or even longer.

Probably, there are also lucky ones who were completely spared by this misfortune. However, everything is not so scary if you know what to do: how to diagnose and how to treat lactostasis.

What is lactostasis and why is it dangerous?

Lactostasis in a nursing mother occurs when excess milk accumulates in one of the lobes of the mammary gland, which can be from 15 to 25. This occurs if the given lobe does not empty well enough within a few days or as a result of duct occlusion.

If the appropriate treatment for lactostasis is not carried out, it can turn into uninfected mastitis, which, in turn, into an infected one, which will require antibiotics. And this, of course, is undesirable for any nursing mother, although many antibiotics are compatible with breastfeeding.

Signs of lactostasis

We do not always pay attention to a slight painless seal in the chest, so sometimes a nursing mother already has lactostasis, but its symptoms continue to go unnoticed.

But then this seal becomes painful - at first to the touch, and then begins to cause anxiety in itself. The skin on the outside may be slightly reddened.

Sometimes the signs of the disease look different: a woman's general well-being worsens, chills occur, and the temperature may rise.

Since there are no other symptoms of a cold, the woman concludes that something is wrong with her breasts. And, indeed, he feels a painful lump of lactostasis there.

What to do in such a situation? Treatment of lactostasis at home

First of all, calm down, as there is no need for additional worries for a nursing mother. In addition, stress is one of the possible causes of lactostasis. Do not think that your congestion will necessarily turn into mastitis: if you start treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms of the disease, most likely this will not happen.

First of all, you need ensure a good outflow of milk from a sore breast(not forgetting, however, about healthy). To do this, apply the child more often.

In general, on-demand feeding is the mother's best help for successful lactation and for the prevention of lactostasis, although the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky believes that it is harmful for a child to eat more than once every two hours.

Please note that Is the baby latching on correctly?. First of all, he should not hurt you. If the child begins to chew your nipple with his gums, then cracks will appear, and the breast will be emptied poorly, which will lead to lactostasis. (Treatment of cracks is essential, as infection can penetrate through them, and then you will already encounter mastitis.)

Try to attach the baby so that he captures as much of the areola as possible (the lower lip should be turned outward, and the chin should be pressed to the chest). Form the breast with your hand so that the nipple is pointing towards the baby's nose. (For more on how to do this, see Perfect Food for Your Baby: Making Breastfeeding Better.)

try weaning a baby from breastfeeding incorrectly, each time stopping sucking with the help of the little finger and applying again. Remove pacifiers and bottles if you use them: they interfere with developing a proper grip.

Treatment of lactostasis will go faster if the nursing mother manages to take a position in which the baby's chin is directed towards stagnation. If it is comfortable enough to feed in the “from under the arm” position (in case of tightness in the armpit), then doing it on all fours may seem unusual.

But by turning the baby, lying on its back, in the right direction, you can influence lactostasis in any area. It is best to use this technique when the baby is sleeping, but not very soundly, and ready to suck.

If the baby does not take the mother's breast or continues to suckle ineffectively, the treatment of lactostasis will include additional pumping, from 1 to 3 per day.

It is best to do this procedure as follows:

  1. Apply a warm compress to the affected area, such as a towel soaked in warm water (you can put it in a thin plastic bag to keep your clothes from getting wet).
  2. Gently express your breasts for about 15 minutes.
  3. If the baby takes the breast, attach it to it.
  4. Finish off with a cold compress. For example, fat-free cottage cheese wrapped in gauze is suitable.

Don't limit yourself to drinking. Rest more. Let those around you finally take care of the nursing mother and provide bed rest for you and your baby. And if the child is already crawling or walking, then they will look after the little fidget while you get rid of lactostasis.

What if the treatment doesn't help?

If, with all these measures, the symptoms increase during the day or remain at the same level for two days, then you can not do without the help of a doctor. (Also see a mammologist if lactose is not particularly bothersome, but the lump doesn't go away within a week.) An ultrasound and antibiotics may be prescribed.

If you or someone close to you speaks English, you can find out if this medicine is suitable for a nursing mother, or. The first resource immediately indicates the level of risk (0,1,2,3), so you can use it without even knowing the language, the main thing is to enter the name of the active substance in Latin into the search box.

You can download a free app called LactMed to your mobile device.

Also, sometimes lactostasis is well affected by treatment with physiotherapy. Ask your doctor to refer you to a similar procedure. But if two sessions were left without a result, there is no point in doing a third.

Keep in mind that some lactation consultants are good at expressing breasts, so you can use their services. The specialist will also show the nursing mother how best to apply the baby.

Unfortunately, often a nursing mother in a situation of lactostasis has to choose which is better: an expensive visit from a consultant or treatment by a local antenatal clinic doctor who can advise you to stop breastfeeding for a while or forever.

But consultants do not have the right to prescribe medications, and sometimes you cannot do without them. Therefore, try to find a common language with the doctor, gently explain your position to him. Better yet, find a doctor who supports breastfeeding.

If lactostasis occurs frequently ...

  1. Try drinking lecithin capsules 3-4 times a day if your baby is not allergic.
  2. Pay attention to mechanical factors causing compression or damage to the breast. Do not let the child beat on it with arms and legs.
  3. Get plenty of rest and drink enough fluids.
  4. Try not to feed all the time in the same position.
  5. Feed on demand, follow the correct attachment, try to exclude sucking objects from the baby's everyday life.
  6. Be patient: in especially sensitive nursing mothers, lactostasis occurs even because the breast reacts to a change in weather.

Be healthy!

The doctor will answer questions about how to distinguish milk stagnation from mastitis in a nursing mother, what to do in both cases.

What you need to know about milk stasis

It is necessary to distinguish lactostasis from mastitis, although this is quite difficult: the symptoms are similar, the chest can hurt the same way. Mastitis is a bacterial infection that requires treatment with antibacterial drugs, sometimes antibiotics; folk remedies are enough to treat lactostasis.

Symptoms of lactostasis:

  • stagnation of breast milk;
  • local manifestations of discomfort;
  • pulling pains during feeding;
  • on palpation, painful compaction;
  • the outflow of milk is difficult.

Simple pumping and massage relieve symptoms. With mastitis, pumping does not help.

Symptoms of mastitis: the chest hurts, a seal is felt in it. As the main difference from lactostasis - deterioration in general well-being, high fever, headaches, weakness, lethargy, chest pains, it seems to burst from the inside, the skin at the site of the lesion is swollen, hot. In the initial stages, an increase in temperature is not necessary.

Laktostasis, that is, a blocked duct, can later become infected, which means that it can cause mastitis, but not necessarily.

Quick Help Tools

They include the following activities:

  1. Continue feeding, while it is important that the breast is well emptied, especially at the site of the affected segment. You can help the baby by gently pressing your fingers on the clogged area. You can put the baby to the breast on your own initiative as often as possible, up to feeding every hour.
  2. Express the breast, but not after feeding the baby, but before applying. In this case, the baby will be able to work out deep areas, in addition, he will get more useful “hind milk”.
  3. Soft massage. In no case should you make it rough. Massage should be persistent, but it should be carried out with soft circular movements.
  4. The basic rule: warm compresses improve the outflow of milk and increase its quantity. Cooling - relieve swelling and reduce milk production. As a warming terry towel soaked in warm water is sufficient.
  5. A cabbage leaf can be used as a cooling compress. This is a completely safe and effective remedy that reduces milk stasis during breastfeeding. The leaf should be green, fresh, well washed. Before use, it is slightly wrinkled with hands, then applied to the affected area, covered with a soft cloth. Do this after feeding when you need to reduce swelling, although the cabbage leaf can be worn all day, changing it when it warms up. If the edema is strong, ice is applied or compresses are made from cold cottage cheese (the cottage cheese is wrapped in a bandage).
  6. Theoretically, exercise can help, although experienced moms say that this is just a way to kill time between calls to the main remedy - their own child. The exercise is simple: you need to stretch the oblique pectoral muscles - they go from the chest to the shoulders. Pulling the elbows up and back and stretching the muscles will help. It is convenient to do this near a support, such as in a doorway or any other vertical surface. If there is a seal, you can lightly grab it with the opposite hand, and rest it with your elbow on the support with the other hand. Then slightly stretch forward with the body, achieving the feeling that the mammary gland will slip out of the hand clasping it.

Congestion in the breast, if the mother breastfeeds and follows these rules, disappears in 1-2 days. It can bother the baby because it is more difficult to suck milk from the affected side.

It is impossible to carry out warming procedures if mastitis is suspected. This will only speed up the spread of the infection.

How to express milk from an affected breast

The first is to gently warm the mammary gland. For example, in a warm shower or by applying a warm compress for 15 minutes. Then you need to gently grab the chest with one palm so that it is convenient to massage the affected area. The thumb and forefinger of the other hand are at the edge of the areola. With the first hand, gently and rhythmically compress the chest with pulling movements, focusing on the affected area.

With the other hand, squeeze the areola with the same soft pulling movements, be sure to change the position of the fingers around the entire circumference. Pumping is alternated with light massage, which involves shaking, squeezing and stroking the entire mammary gland or the affected area.

Medical methods of treatment

Quite often, when the chest hurts due to milk stagnation, ultrasound physiotherapy is used. High frequency sound breaks the seal and massages the mammary gland. The procedure is painless, safe, effective - it helps to prevent the development of an infectious process, that is, mastitis. Heals cracked nipples.

Enough of one application, intensive mode - 3 procedures per day. A course is possible - 8 sessions daily, the duration of each is 15 minutes. It is carried out very simply: the doctor guides the device along the mammary gland with soft circular movements, bypassing the nipple area. Immediately after physiotherapy, milk should be expressed.

Of the drugs may prescribe Lecithin. This treatment is recommended by Canadian pediatrician Jack Newman. Lecithin is a bioactive additive of general action, useful not only for nursing.

Also, some doctors may prescribe to apply Vishnevsky ointment, vaseline, camphor oil, alcohol compresses and dimexide to the breast. However, all these means are doubtful and are not supported by all specialists. Dimexide is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, enters the milk, not only of the diseased breast, but also of the healthy one.

Possible Complications

Some mothers have difficulty pumping from painful breasts. The sensations can be too unpleasant, and so much so that they are not able to effectively massage the affected area. How to get rid of milk stagnation in this case? You can contact your gynecologist. An experienced midwife will conduct a massage session, as a result, the problem will be solved in half an hour.

If the symptoms of blockage have not gone away in 24 hours, and there has been no improvement, there is reason to diagnose mastitis (only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis). A general blood test and milk culture are performed to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. An approximate treatment regimen includes antibiotics, painkillers.

Antibiotics acting on Staphylococcus aureus: Amoxiclav, Flucloxacillin, Cefalexin, Cloxacillin. They are suitable for those who are allergic to penicillins, such as Ciprofloxacin, Clindamycin. Taking antibiotics is not a contraindication to natural feeding, although gynecologists, together with therapists, usually decide to interrupt breastfeeding for the duration of treatment, and in some cases completely remove it if there is already very little milk. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.

Painkillers and drugs to reduce fever: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. It is better to choose products with anti-inflammatory effect.

With mastitis, it is shown to carry out all procedures that allow you to qualitatively empty the mammary gland. It is possible to prescribe drugs that reduce milk production (Parlodel) or stimulate outflow (Oxytocin).

Of the unpleasant consequences of lactostasis, which has turned into mastitis, the following are possible: abscess and lymphadenitis.

Incorrect treatment often leads to an abscess, for example, with Vishnevsky ointment. An abscess is a blockage in the affected area and the formation of pus in it. Requires hospitalization. Milk stagnation is eliminated with a needle or drainage is done. It is not necessary to stop breastfeeding with an abscess.

Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes.

If the seal has not passed in 2 weeks, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Breast ultrasound, mammography, tissue biopsy do not require breastfeeding to be cancelled.

What Not to Do

With lactostasis, you can not:

  1. Refuse breastfeeding. The baby is able to get rid of the blockage much better than even the most vigorous pumping. Not a single device, an adult or his hand, is capable of working out the chest so deeply.
  2. Apply warm compresses at odd times. Warm compresses are good for making pumping easier because the warmth stimulates the flow of milk. Between feedings or long before pumping, such compresses can only do harm.
  3. Use products with a pungent odor to warm the chest: alcohol compresses, with Vishnevsky ointment or camphor. A strong unpleasant odor can cause the main assistant in the fight against stagnation, that is, the baby, to refuse the breast. Or it may affect his well-being.
  4. Limit fluid intake. There is a relationship between fluid intake and milk production, but it is greatly exaggerated. The main factor in increasing milk supply is the baby suckling the breast. There is no point in stagnation of milk to drink less than you want. On the contrary, dehydration can be detrimental, contributing to fever and worsening milk flow.
  5. Drink herbal teas that reduce milk production, they act systemically, then it will be difficult to return to the previous level.
  6. Wait for it to go away on its own. With intensive feeding, there is a chance for this, but it is worth solving the problem as early as possible. Optimally - within 1-2 days.

Prevention of milk stasis

The question of how to remove stagnation will not arise if the following rules are observed:

  1. It is correct to attach the child to the chest - so that he captures the areola almost completely and when sucking, his cheeks or even cheekbones work.
  2. Feeding on demand. In this case, pumping is not required.
  3. You can not wear an uncomfortable bra or sleep on your stomach (you can pinch the ducts).
  4. Overwork, lack of rest, temperature changes, hypothermia are not allowed.

The last recommendation: do not rush to apply all the tips in a row, especially those related to folk remedies. For example, make warm compresses with honey. Honey is a well-known allergen, when applied externally, it is unlikely to get to a child, but it does not hurt to play it safe.


What to do with mastitis - find out about it in the next video.

The stagnation of milk in the breast of a nursing mother brings a lot of unpleasantness to the child, and for the mother it turns into torment. Lactostasis, this is what stagnation in the mammary glands is called, can be stopped in the initial stages quickly and easily. But, if you start the condition, complications will come, and the treatment will be delayed for a long time. In order to avoid this condition, or minimize the time of illness, let's look at the causes of lactostasis, methods of prevention and treatment.

What is lactostasis and what causes it

Stagnation of milk, lactostasis, occurs in that part of the breast in which the movement of milk through the glands is difficult. There are plugs that stop the flow of milk, swelling and thickening of the mammary gland appear. Painful redness appears at the site of the swelling. If measures are not taken in time, the inflammatory process is accompanied by a high temperature.

There are several reasons for stagnation:

  • Rare feeding. If a nursing mother has long pauses between feedings, the movement of milk is limited, which contributes to blockage of the glands.
  • Feeding the baby in one position and sleeping on one side. In such cases, there are also problems with the movement of milk through the ducts.
  • Uncomfortable underwear that constrains and puts pressure on the mammary gland.
  • Poor sleep, overwork and intensive housework are also often the causes of lactostasis.
  • Using a pacifier or bottle feeding a baby. After the experience with a bottle or pacifier, the baby may suckle less intensively and not empty it completely.
  • Nutrition. When eating a large amount of fatty foods, nuts, milk changes its consistency and becomes more viscous, which makes it difficult to pass through the ducts of the mammary gland.
  • Weather. The body of some mothers may react with lactostasis to a sharp change in temperature.
  • Violation of the drinking regime in hot weather is the same reason for stagnation of milk. It is necessary to use more clean drinking water in the summer.
  • Pumping. Perhaps, in the first days, until the process is settled, there will be heaviness in the mammary glands. Then you can express a little milk, until relief. If you regularly express the remaining milk after feeding, this will lead to even more milk flow.

What to do if symptoms of lactostasis occur?

First of all, you need to remember that it is impossible to leave the symptoms unattended in any case. Launched lactostasis develops into mastitis. And this inflammation is more serious and requires treatment with antibiotics.

  • The very first aid in the formation of stagnation will be the frequent application of the child to the breast. During feeding, that lobe of the mammary gland, which is indicated by the baby's chin, is emptied. So you can regulate the output of milk by the position of the crumbs at the breast. Change position more often so that all lobes are emptied evenly.
  • If frequent feeding has not coped with stagnation, you can resort to additional pumping. For a better outflow, take a warm shower and lightly massage the place of stagnation.
  • For the fastest improvement in the condition, use compresses between feedings of the baby. Compresses from cabbage leaves, slightly beaten off, or honey cake, based on honey and flour, do their job well.

In any case, you can act independently as long as the stagnation only causes discomfort in the chest. If the temperature rises sharply, the inflamed area on the chest turns red and becomes hot, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to prevent complications and the transition of lactostasis to mastitis.

What not to do with stagnation of milk

  • Tolerate. Wait until the inflammation goes away on its own and do nothing.
  • Don't feed the baby. Stagnation of milk does not affect its quality and will not harm the baby.
  • Lubricate inflammation with alcohol or camphor, Vishnevsky ointment. Not only will these products not help solve the problem, but they can significantly aggravate it and harm the quality of milk.
  • You can heat the site of inflammation only immediately before feeding or decanting.
  • Reduce the amount of drinking. Milk comes in response to breast stimulation, and does not depend on the amount of liquid drunk.

Almost every lactating woman faces lactostasis, to one degree or another. With timely help, all this will be forgotten very quickly and will become just another experience for a young mother. The main thing is to adequately assess your condition and, with the slightest doubt, contact a specialist.