Fetus 17 weeks pregnant feeling. Why is the tummy small or big. Is it possible to have sex

All expectant mothers need useful tips for the 17th week of pregnancy. You must know everything about yourself. This week your baby will start to gain a little weight. The accumulated fat, also known as adipose tissue, helps to warm the baby's body and maintain the temperature. Adipose tissue is also very important for metabolism, therefore it is a good source of energy.

The time has come for rapid growth - the fetus at this moment can reach 17 cm and weigh about 140 grams. At 17 weeks of pregnancy, the sensations are already much “cooler” - the baby begins to actively move the body! Now an ultrasound at 17 weeks pregnant can show if you have twins or triplets, which is often interesting to doctors at this time.

Good reaction “What are these new things that my mouth and throat can do?” All this time, your baby has been working on improving the two main reflexes - sucking and swallowing. By the time he is born, he will have all the same reflexes as you, they will help him survive and know the world.

Boy or girl?? If you have a girl, then special tissues develop into the uterus and vagina. If a boy, then these same tissues develop into other organs - the penis and the prostate gland.

Can't fit into your old one anymore? It's time to try on something new. You will be pleasantly surprised by the choice and quality of modern clothes for pregnant women. If you're on a budget, look for second-hand clothing or ask friends and family. Perhaps such clothes are your first public announcement of your pregnancy. Enjoy the attention you will get.

About amniocentesis. If your doctor suspects the risk of complications in the development of the fetus, you will have to undergo a special procedure - amniocentesis. Most doctors perform this test at the 18th week of pregnancy. Amniocentesis is the most accurate method to identify defects in the development of the baby, but it is not necessary for all pregnant women. This test is often given to 35-year-old women because they are at the highest risk of having a baby with defects such as Down's syndrome. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this test with your doctor.

Pain in... Nobody likes to talk about it, but more than half of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum, in which the vessels increase excessively as a result of increased blood circulation. Constipation and overexertion during bowel movements can also cause hemorrhoids. If you suffer from varicose veins or had hemorrhoids during a previous pregnancy, then you now have a lot of chances for a relapse. Is there a way to avoid this? Try dieting, drink plenty of fluids, and exercise regularly.

An expert's word: "Many women experience mixed feelings about their pregnancy and then feel guilty about their negative attitudes," says Dr. T. Berry Brazelton. - But remember, passion is made up of both positive and negative feelings. Passion has seized you. Appreciate her." Read more about the emotional state during pregnancy here.

Doctor's advice in the 17th week of pregnancy, how can your actions affect the development of the child?

Over-the-counter drugs
Many women consider over-the-counter drugs to be completely harmless and take them from any drive, whether they are pregnant or not. Moreover, studies have shown that during pregnancy, the intake of such drugs increases.

Be aware that supposedly completely safe drugs can harm the growing fetus. When taking them, you need to follow the same measures as when using prescription drugs. After all, they all have a complex structure. This may include aspirin, caffeine, or phenacythine, as in some pain relievers, or alcohol. For example, cough mixtures and sleeping pills can contain up to 25% alcohol. Taking them during pregnancy is like drinking wine or beer.

Do not take aspirin or medicines containing it, as aspirin causes bleeding, which can be harmful to you, especially before childbirth. Now, when the pregnancy is already at 17 weeks, the discharge begins to be brighter.

17th week of pregnancy - your baby's weight begins to grow rapidly, and you should immediately feel it. Sex at 17 weeks pregnant allowed, but not practiced by everyone!

Another drug to be careful with is ibuprofen. It is found in many prescription and over-the-counter drugs. There have been reports that it caused unwanted effects. Why would you take the risk?

As a general rule with any medication, check with your doctor before taking it. Read the instructions carefully, especially regarding safety for pregnant women.

Some antacids, ie. antacids contain sodium bicarbonate or baking soda. Excess sodium in the body leads to fluid retention, locks and gas formation. Other antacids contain aluminum, which also causes locks and reacts with other minerals. Other drugs contain magnesium, an overdose of which can lead to poisoning.

Some drugs, freely dispensed, can be taken during pregnancy, but this must be done wisely. Take any medications not prescribed by your doctor for no more than 48 hours. If during this time it does not help, consult a doctor, perhaps he will prescribe you another remedy.

If you feel unwell, you are worried about any, consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. But best of all, if you do without medication: exercise, healthy food, and most importantly, the joy of future motherhood will help you stay healthy and endure your situation with pleasure.

At the 17th week of pregnancy, the baby is growing rapidly. Its weight by this time increases to 100 g with a growth of 11-12 cm. At the same time, 90% of the mass of the fetus is this water. The seventeenth week of pregnancy is also different in that the fetus develops a swallowing recipe. The baby begins to drink about 400 mg of amniotic fluid. Therefore, the 17th week of pregnancy brings hiccups to life. At this time, the stomach increases significantly, so you should learn to sleep on your side. If you sleep on your back, the uterus will put pressure on the vena cava, thereby disrupting blood circulation. Sleeping on your stomach, for some reason, is also not worth it.

As you can see in the photo of the abdomen, the volumes, shapes and sizes of each pregnant woman are individual and depend on the constitution of the woman's body. Someone only has a hint of a rounded tummy, someone is already enjoying the look of a pregnant woman to the fullest. Therefore, relying on a variety of pregnancy calendars is a must, but listening to yourself and your body is also necessary.

Numerous changes will occur at 17 weeks pregnant

from and came 17 weeks pregnant. The expectant mother is already starting, and a big load is coming on your heart, more than 40 percent than in the normal state, so you will need to get more rest. Also, do not be surprised if your gums bleed, in addition to this, vaginal discharge and sweating will also increase, nosebleeds may occur. But this is all within the normal range, although the doctor may prescribe you any vitamins..

Particular attention must be paid to the diet. You can not take caffeine, give up your bad habits. Remember, if you do not give up addictions, this can not only negatively affect your baby, but also provoke a miscarriage. It will also be necessary to reduce the dosage of salt. Since you don’t need a load on the kidneys at all, all the more superfluous. Salt retains water in your body, which can accordingly lead to edema, as a result, you will move less, begin to recover faster, and in general, this condition will put a strain on all organs. Your doctor may even tell you not to drink much, especially at night.

You should also pay attention to the fact that many experts recommend not using household appliances for a long time, since the tissue of the fetus is very sensitive to radiation. . In general, now you should think not only about yourself, but also about the baby. Now you should work less at the computer, without special need do not go to the microwave oven, to the cell phone. Take this seriously, as cases have become more frequent lately. And if during pregnancy 17 weeks you notice the tone of the uterus, believe me, you should worry about it. Often the tone provokes a miscarriage.

The uterus at the 17th week of pregnancy is located seventeen centimeters above the pubis. You can feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, pain in the spine. After all, the weight of the baby is about one hundred and forty grams, and the growth reaches seventeen centimeters. The skin of the crumbs has already begun to accumulate fat, it is he who is involved in the metabolic process and in energy production. And the first furrows and convolutions appear in the brain .

If twins are found in your 17th week of pregnancy, you will most likely be registered in a different group and you will need to visit a doctor more often . And if you have twins, now you just need to get one hundred and twenty grams of protein every day. And you will also need other vitamins that positively affect the development of babies.

belly size at 17 weeks pregnant

At the 17th obstetric week of pregnancy, the endocrine, immune and central nervous systems are activated in the fetus. Adipose tissue begins to be deposited, namely, "brown fat", which in the future will be responsible for the body's heat transfer. By this time, the placenta is almost completely formed, it is a dense mass with a developed network of blood vessels. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen can be different for different women, it depends on many factors: the physique of the expectant mother, the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the amount of amniotic fluid. As for the size of the fetus, at the 17th week of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen is almost independent of this factor: at the beginning of the fifth month, the weight of the fetus is from 90 to 115 grams, height - from 12.5 to 14 cm.

On, that is, the height of the uterine fundus, as a rule, corresponds to the gestational age. On examination, the doctor should measure the distance from the upper edge of the pubic joint to the bottom of the uterus with a centimeter tape. With a period of 17 weeks, this distance should be 17 cm. At this time, the fetus begins to grow rapidly, and, therefore, the uterus grows upward, while displacing other internal organs . The expectant mother begins to experience pain in the abdomen - this is due to the fact that the growing uterus stretches the round ligaments that stretch from the upper edge of the uterus to the side wall of the pelvis.

Nausea at the 17th week of pregnancy is forgotten “like a bad dream” - toxicosis is already passing, and the uterus has not yet risen to such an extent as to interfere with normal digestion. Many doctors call this period a kind of "vacation". In the normal course of pregnancy, the mother feels great - the difficulties of the first weeks have passed, the body has adapted to the new state, and the size of the fetus does not interfere with active movement and leading a normal life.. From the breast at the 17th week of pregnancy, colostrum begins to stand out, which is a translucent yellowish liquid. You should wipe it with a napkin, in no case squeezing it out of the nipples.

Of course, there are many factors that concern the mother at the 17th week of pregnancy: the size of the abdomen, weight gain, breast condition, the health of the unborn child, and its gender. From the moment the expectant mother finds out about her situation, she asks questions: who is there, a boy or a girl? Thanks to modern technologies, it has become quite possible at the 17th week of pregnancy: with the help of ultrasound, specialists determine the girl with a certainty of up to 99%. Boys are not so simple: they often turn their backs on researchers, preferring to remain mysterious strangers.

What can be said about the feelings of a pregnant woman for a period of 17 weeks? In general, everything is fine. In the normal course of pregnancy, there are no unpleasant sensations. Toxicosis is forgotten like a bad dream. The body of the future mother has already completely rebuilt, so the woman only freshens and prettier.

It is worth saying that the tummy at the 17th week of pregnancy is not yet so big as to cause discomfort. In thin people, you won’t even notice it under your clothes.

It is quite possible that already now the pregnant woman begins to feel the weak tremors of her unborn baby. However, these movements are so light that they can easily be confused with the movement of gases in the intestines. But as many who have passed this period say, these sensations are so magical that you immediately understand that it is the baby that gives signs to mommy.

What does a pregnant woman feel at this time:

  • Appetite is getting better. Sometimes you want to eat often and a lot. But you should be careful not to gain unwanted extra weight.
  • The belly is growing. If you look in the mirror, you can notice an increase in the area in the lower abdomen. It's time to completely switch to maternity clothes. At the very least, it's time to put narrow and uncomfortable outfits on the far shelf of the closet.
  • Emotional condition. Now the expectant mother is becoming a little (and sometimes too) absent-minded, serene, as if hovering in the clouds. There is no time for work or everyday problems.
  • The appearance of Montgomery tubercles on the chest and a decrease in the sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Many mothers say that during this period they begin to see very vivid and positive dreams. There is no consensus among doctors and scientists about this fact. Most likely, night tales cause the emotional state of a pregnant woman.

Fetal development at 17 weeks gestation

It is at the seventeenth week of pregnancy (embryonic - approximately the 18th week) that the placenta, which performs a protective function for the embryo, is finally formed.

Now your baby weighs about 100 grams, and has grown to 110-120 mm. In size, imagine an average pear, this is how the fruit looks now.

What happens to the embryo at 17 obstetric weeks of pregnancy?

  • The body of the fetus is now completely covered with a delicate fluff - lanugo. Even after birth, it will persist, but not for long.
  • Fat layers begin to appear under the skin of the embryo. If earlier fat was only in the cheeks (the so-called Bish lumps), now it appears in the kidneys, liver and between the shoulder blades. The fat layer now retains heat. At birth, fat breaks down, so newborns look thin and shriveled.
  • The baby's heart rate can already be heard with a regular medical stethoscope. The doctor will listen to the fetal heart at each scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic.
  • The future baby already hears very well what is happening in the outside world. Therefore, now it is very good to listen to calm classical music, the sounds of nature. But you should avoid loud and sharp sounds: the auditory organs of the embryo are not yet sufficiently formed.
  • The coordination of fetal movements is already clearer. The baby touches his face, umbilical cord, sucks his finger.
  • Now quite often the embryo can hiccup. This is due to the fact that he swallows a lot of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) - up to 400 grams per day.

What factors affect the development of the fetus

A fully formed protective placenta protects the embryo from negative external influences. But still, she cannot save the baby from everything. Therefore, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of a doctor who will definitely tell you to give up all bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs), taking medications (especially antibiotics), avoiding exposure to chemicals and toxic substances (for example, in the workplace) and radiation.

You should not get carried away now with such a type of active leisure as riding on carousels and swings. The thing is that now the embryo is forming the vestibular apparatus.

What complications can occur at 17 weeks of gestation

Due to the increasing volume of blood, capillary vessels can not cope with the increasing pressure and burst. Therefore, during this period, nosebleeds in pregnant women and bleeding gums are not uncommon.

The abdomen at this time is already enlarged enough for the woman to become a little clumsy and awkward. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your movements so as not to fall and not be injured.

Carefully monitor the amount of calcium and vitamin D entering the body. The lack of these substances can lead to varicose veins and hemorrhoids in the mother, and in the unborn baby - to rickets.

Although the risk of miscarriage at 17 weeks of gestation is already minimal, it is worth keeping a close eye on vaginal discharge. An admixture of blood and cramping pains in the lower abdomen are a dangerous sign of a miscarriage that has begun.

Pay attention to the composition and smell of secretions. During this period, there is a high probability of exacerbation of fungal infections, for example, thrush.

Changes in the body of a woman at 17 weeks of gestation

Now all the changes in the body of a pregnant woman are associated for the most part only with the growth and development of the fetus. Every day the baby gets bigger, the uterus grows, and with it the tummy grows.

Occasionally, nosebleeds may appear during this week of pregnancy. This is due to a significant increase in blood volume in the body. The capillaries in the nose cannot withstand pressure and may burst.

The enlarged uterus begins to exert quite a noticeable pressure on the internal organs. Hence the problems with digestion, the appearance of heartburn. Doctors advise to solve these issues by adjusting the diet - eat a lot, but fractionally.

Sometimes during this period there is increased sweating. Vaginal discharge becomes abundant.

Already now, the doctor will control the risk of edema, which occurs due to fluid retention and may indicate preeclampsia.

The level of hCG at this time practically does not change and remains in the range of 6140-103000 mIU / ml.

Analyzes and medical examinations

At 17 weeks of gestation, mandatory tests and medical examinations are not required. This is during normal pregnancy. Additional tests may be prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of anemia or pyelonephritis, as well as for the purpose of monitoring in the presence of chronic diseases or pathologies.

At the 17th obstetric week of pregnancy, genetic screening is done (triple test of the 2nd trimester). In this case, blood is taken and examined for the level of hCG and ACE. Screening allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

If there are any unfavorable prognosis, then an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) may be additionally prescribed. This method allows you to most accurately determine all the risks and deviations in the development of the embryo. It may also be recommended to do an amniocentesis - an analysis of the amniotic fluid, which has the same set of genes as the fetus.

Ultrasound at 17 weeks pregnant

There is no mandatory ultrasound at this time. An examination may be prescribed for any risks or deviations during pregnancy.

If an ultrasound is performed, then it is quite possible to see the sex of the child, to determine the exact biological age of the embryo by some factors. On the screen of the device, you can see how the future baby moves. If he does not sleep, then you can watch how the baby moves his arms, frowns and grimace, grabs the umbilical cord.

Since the embryo already has a well-developed hearing, it is worth listening to pleasant music, the sounds of nature, the singing of birds. In general, do what pleases you and your baby.

The fetus continues to develop intensively, and therefore the need for nutrients increases significantly. Increase the calorie content of food gradually, but without busting. Pair vegetables and fruits with lean meats, dairy products, legumes, and nuts. Do not get carried away with sweet and starchy foods. If the appetite is brutal, then “deceive” the body with frequent snacks (every 2-3 hours), then not in large portions.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

At the 17th week of pregnancy, you can not:

  • smoke
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Take drugs
  • Use medications, dietary supplements without a doctor's prescription, and generally engage in self-medication
  • Be exposed to toxic substances or ionizing radiation
  • Participate in active sports due to high risk of injury
  • Wear tight clothing and high heels.

Remember that your lifestyle now directly affects the condition and development of the fetus. So take care of yourself and your future baby.

Sex at 17 weeks pregnant

At the 17th week of pregnancy, intimate relationships are not prohibited. In the event that there are no serious risks or deviations, a pregnant woman may well enjoy the pleasure of sex. Moreover, now all feelings are becoming brighter and sharper. Care should be taken when choosing a pose. There should be no deep penetration or pressure on the abdomen.

Sports and physical education

At this time, the expectant mother already feels her sluggishness and increased weight. But this is not a reason to give up physical activity. However, it should be moderate. Do not take risks and engage in any extreme sports. For active mothers, a swimming pool, gymnastics for pregnant women, and yoga are suitable. Yes, and ordinary walking in the fresh air brings a lot of benefits to you and your unborn baby.

Vitamins and medicines at 17 weeks pregnant

At this time, many doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes specially designed for pregnant women (for example, Elevit). This is necessary if you are not sure that you are taking all the necessary set of nutrients with food. It is clear that the embryo will take from your body everything that it needs for normal development. But in a mother, a lack of such substances can lead to serious consequences - varicose veins, anemia, and simply an uncomfortable condition.

It no longer makes sense to take folic acid, since the laying of the fetal nervous system has already been completed.

During the 17th week of pregnancy, negative sensations almost completely disappear. The expectant mother feels a surge of strength and an increased connection with the child. Surrounding people note an improvement in the appearance of the girl.

How does the baby develop

The size of an unborn baby at 17 weeks pregnant can be compared to a ripe orange. The body length of the fetus is 11-13 cm, and its weight is 100-140 g. During this period, active weight gain occurs. There are other changes as well, which include:

  1. The child actively reacts to loud sounds.

    Experts advise to stop listening to loud music during this period.

  2. The process of formation of subcutaneous adipose tissue is enhanced. The baby seems to be more developed. The body of the unborn child becomes proportional.
  3. The baby's immune system begins to work. The fetus at this stage receives protection from infections. However, it is not yet 100% working.
  4. The baby is moving more and more. However, during the first pregnancy, the girl is not always able to feel the movement. The movement of the baby is more often noticed by women who have already carried a child.
  5. In girls, the uterus is actively developing. In boys, the external genitalia become clearly visible. They are easy to see with an ultrasound.
  6. The process of laying permanent teeth is carried out.
  7. The swallowing process starts. During the day, a child can swallow up to 400 g of amniotic fluid. Because of this, he periodically has hiccups.

17 obstetric week of pregnancy is 15 weeks. The girl has been carrying a child for 3 and a half calendar months.

Changes in a woman's body

Changes affect the body of the mother. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the following changes occur:

The exact list of sensations during the 17th week depends on the individual characteristics of the girl, hormonal balance and her temperament.

External factors also influence. So that the girl does not experience unnecessary discomfort, the atmosphere in the family should be friendly. Conflict should be avoided during pregnancy.

Symptoms of the 17th week of pregnancy

At week 17, the girl's body has already fully adapted to the changed state. Symptoms of toxicosis pass. The body freely provides the fetus with the necessary substances. Signs of pregnancy at week 17 include:

  1. The mood improves. A number of girls note the emergence of serenity and absent-mindedness.
  2. The expectant mother ceases to worry about trifles. She sees beauty where she hasn't seen it before.
  3. The baby starts to move. Women compare his movements at week 17 with the fluttering of butterfly wings or the stirring of a worm.
  4. Appetite increases. If it is not controlled, the expectant mother can dramatically gain weight. However, diets and hunger strikes are contraindicated. In order to prevent excessive weight gain, the diet should be expanded due to protein foods and vegetables.
  5. The abdomen increases significantly in volume. Habitual clothes may no longer fit. At week 17, a woman should think about a temporary wardrobe change.
  6. The sensitivity of the chest is reduced. At the same time, there is an increase in blood circulation in the area. A characteristic venous pattern can be seen on the chest.
  7. Many mothers note that at week 17 they begin to see colorful dreams. Night pictures can be compared to Hollywood movies or fairy tale adventures.

Feelings at 17 weeks pregnant

At the 17th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to move more and more actively. Now the likelihood of feeling his stirring is higher. However, during the first pregnancy, the expectant mother may still not notice the movement of the baby.

There are also unpleasant sensations. A girl may experience:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate. The growing uterus compresses the bladder. Experts advise not to ignore the needs of the body and, if the desire arises, go to the toilet. The kidneys during this period work in an enhanced mode. They must remove the waste products of the organisms of the mother and child.

    Stagnation of urine can lead to disease.

  2. Bloating and heartburn. Due to the rise of the uterus, some of the internal organs are displaced. The intestine is pushed in. As a result of exposure, heartburn and bloating occur. To minimize the likelihood of a problem, you should not eat a large amount of food at a time.
  3. Pain in the region of the coccyx and lower back. The problem occurs due to the increase in the size of the uterus and the overall volume of weight. There is an increased load on the back.
  4. Sleep problems. A large belly prevents the search for a comfortable position.
  5. Problems with a sense of balance. The center of gravity shifts. The girl may experience dizziness, notice a violation of her gait and a slight swaying during movement. There is swelling of the legs or other parts of the body.
  6. Heat exchange is broken. A girl can often experience a feeling of heat.
  7. There may be a lack of air.
  8. Some women notice redness and itching of the palms and feet at the 17th week of pregnancy.

During the period of waiting for the baby, the state of health should be treated carefully. If a girl is worried about the sensations that she experiences, it is worth contacting a specialist. The doctor will help to understand whether the condition is dangerous for the health of the baby and mother.

Analyzes and examinations

In accordance with the calendar of preventive measures, in the period from 16 to 20 weeks, the expectant mother must undergo a comprehensive examination. It is called "second prenatal screening". Week 17 is considered the ideal time for testing.

If a woman has not been examined earlier, it is better to carry it out at the 17th week of pregnancy.

The procedure consists of several stages. The first one is blood donation. After studying the material obtained, the specialist will be able to identify the amount of substances contained in the girl's blood and compare the indicators with the norm. If it turns out that the level of hormones deviates from the set value, this may indicate a possible termination of pregnancy or the appearance of fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

The next screening step is an ultrasound scan. During the study, the doctor looks at how often the baby moves, and also finds out:

  • fetal parameters;
  • standing of the internal organs of the unborn child;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • baby weight;
  • condition of the placenta;
  • condition of the cervix.

Ultrasound will help to detect an increased tone of the uterus in advance or determine that its neck is too short. In this situation, treatment is immediately prescribed.

Possible dangers at 17 weeks pregnant

At 16-17 weeks, the risk of a missed pregnancy increases. If such a pathology appears, the development of the fetus stops. A number of signs that are inherent in the development of a child in the womb disappear. It is possible to identify the problem with one hundred percent probability only during an ultrasound. For this reason, if any other dangerous symptoms occur, the doctor immediately prescribes an examination. The procedure is carried out even if not much time has passed since the last ultrasound examination.

A woman should carefully monitor her health. Brown or bloody discharge should alert. They may indicate problems with the placenta. Their appearance often indicates a high risk of miscarriage. If a girl notices brown or bloody discharge and at the same time feels nauseous or even encounters general malaise, urgent hospitalization is necessary. In the hospital, doctors will be able to do everything possible to eliminate the threat of miscarriage.

In order not to harm either herself or the baby, at the 17th week of pregnancy, a woman should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Monitor the condition of the digestive system. During pregnancy, you may need to review your diet. Adhering to the usual diet, the expectant mother runs the risk of experiencing flatulence and heartburn. To avoid them, it is recommended to eat often, but in small portions. Food in this case will be easier to digest, and the likelihood of discomfort is minimized.
  2. Coffee and strong tea are prohibited. The fact is that they affect the cardiovascular system, which during pregnancy experiences an increased load. If a girl really wants to drink one of these drinks, she can afford it. However, you should not drink them too often. It is better to give preference to dairy products, juices or fresh fruits.
  3. The body of a pregnant woman can also benefit from the use of certain varieties of mineral water. However, you should start taking the drink only after receiving advice from a specialist. There are situations when the use of mineral water is contraindicated.
  4. During pregnancy, there is a high risk of developing or other bacterial diseases. To minimize the likelihood of their occurrence, it is worth paying special attention to intimate hygiene. The use of daily synthetic pads should be avoided. They prevent air from entering the area. This increases the likelihood of disease.
  5. Tight clothing should be removed from the wardrobe. At the 17th week of pregnancy, experts recommend changing your wardrobe. Tight jeans, tight dresses and skirts should be postponed until the baby is born.
  6. If the 17th week of pregnancy fell in the autumn-winter period, it is better to avoid visiting crowded places. During a visit to the cinema or to the supermarket, the expectant mother runs the risk of catching a cold or other viral disease. During pregnancy, health problems can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.
  7. Work that is associated with torso tilts should be abandoned at the 17th week of pregnancy. Long trips are also not recommended. The law allows a woman who is expecting a child to refuse the offer of her superiors to send her on a business trip.

The unborn child reacts to all the feelings, impressions or sensations of his mother. For this reason, a woman should try to protect herself as much as possible from negative emotions and focus on the good. Watching your favorite comedy series can help keep you in a positive mood. It is better to refuse action films, thrillers and other films with a negative connotation.

The 17th week of pregnancy is relatively comfortable for the expectant mother. Toxicosis and other unpleasant phenomena no longer bother. However, the pressure of the uterus on the intestines increases, which can cause constipation and other digestive problems. The child is actively moving and is already responding to sounds coming from outside. The bond between mother and baby is strengthened.

Expecting a baby is always an exciting and pleasant period, which is accompanied by many questions and physiological changes in the body of the mother and baby. Each stage of pregnancy has its own characteristics. The term of 17 weeks is the beginning of the fifth month and the time when a beautiful rounded tummy appears, the center of gravity changes. What is characterized by the 17th week of pregnancy and what happens to the baby, we will consider in this article.

Let's start with the changes that occur with the fetus. Organs that have already formed at earlier stages go through the stage of improvement. Among the most significant changes in the development of the baby are the following features:

  1. One of the most significant features of the development of the fetus at this time is the formation of its immune system. The body produces interferon and immunoglobulin, which gives the unborn child the ability to resist possible infections that may come from the mother. But, despite the formation of such protective properties in the body of a child, a woman should avoid contact with sources of infection.
  2. Also at the beginning of the fifth month, the formation of a fat layer occurs, which in the future will take part in the processes of heat transfer and protect the child from the cold. Changes are also observed in the skin, on which a protective white lubricant is formed. The skin also becomes more sensitive and sweat glands appear in it.
  3. Another characteristic feature of this period is the completion of the formation of the heart. Changes occur in the respiratory system. The bronchi, which have already been formed by this time, are divided into thin channels.
  4. The body of the unborn child, thanks to the work of the adrenal glands, is fully provided with the hormones necessary for life. The pituitary gland enters an active stage. It is at this time that the laying of the molars takes place, they are placed behind the milk teeth. The size of the future baby reaches 12-13 cm, and the weight is 110-140 g.
  5. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the sensations of the unborn baby become pronounced. He begins to perceive sounds, since at this period his organ of hearing is already practically formed. The child has an auricle that perceives sound. Also the middle ear, which acts as a conductor, and the inner ear, which transforms sound into a nerve impulse. Thanks to the perception of this impulse by the brain, the child gains the ability to hear. Women are recommended at this stage to start communicating with the child, tell him stories, sing songs or turn on music. There is an opinion that a child after birth is able to recognize the voices that he heard while in the womb. It is important to involve the future father in communication as well.

Feelings of a woman at 17 weeks of gestation

The baby makes itself felt exactly at the 17th week of pregnancy. The movements gradually become more and more pronounced. A woman during this period should be especially attentive to her well-being, since at this time there is a big load on the heart, kidneys and blood vessels.

Undoubtedly, a woman needs to take care of herself, not overwork, avoid stress, sudden temperature changes throughout the entire period. However, it is at week 17 that these recommendations become especially relevant due to the increased load on the organs of the expectant mother. An increase in blood volume can cause nosebleeds. You may also feel short of breath. If at least one of these signs appears, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Carrying a fetus at 17 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should monitor her condition. In the event of the appearance of new symptoms, in no case should they be ignored. Due to the frequent urge to urinate during this period, the risk of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract increases. The mother's kidneys work in an enhanced mode, they remove the waste products of the mother's body and the child from the blood. Such a load can cause stagnation of urine, which in the future will lead to diseases. In order to prevent such consequences, a woman is recommended to visit the toilet more often.

Changes in the uterus and abdomen at 17 weeks pregnant

The uterus at week 17 is constantly increasing in size, mostly upwards. This causes changes in the woman's well-being. There is heartburn, shortness of breath, urination becomes more frequent. As the uterus grows, it needs more and more space, the internal organs have to change their usual position. To feel the uterus at this time, you need to go down 4-5 cm below the navel.

During this period, the expectant mother is faced with the need to look for new positions for sleeping. Now it is preferable to sleep on your side. If a woman lies on her back during sleep, the uterus will press on the vena cava, as a result of which blood will not be able to flow to the child. Sleeping on your stomach is also not recommended, in this case, the uterus will be under strong pressure.

Due to changes in the uterus, a woman's belly increases at the 17th week of pregnancy. If the fetus is located near the back wall, this process is visually hardly noticeable. Therefore, do not worry if you do not trace a significant increase in the size of the abdomen.

In addition, week 17 may be accompanied by discomfort. A woman may experience heaviness and pain. In most cases, these symptoms do not signal any violations, but are the result of an increase in size. But you can not ignore these sensations, you should consult with your doctor.

The occurrence of pain at 17 weeks of gestation

The cause of pain is the rapid growth of the uterus, resulting in tension of the ligaments. The nature of the pain resembles discomfort, spasmodic pain during menstruation. It can be both aching pain and sensations of a backache when changing posture in the lumbar region and back. However, you can influence this process and minimize pain simply by avoiding sudden movements. If there is a sharp pain, a woman should exclude any load and rest a little.

Allocations at the 17th week of the term

Bloody discharge from the vagina is an alarming signal. With this symptom, you should immediately seek medical advice. Such discharge can be caused by several reasons, both safe and posing a direct threat to pregnancy. To safe include discharge, devoid of a pungent whitish odor. If this is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or in the back, there is a possibility of a miscarriage.

Also, the reason for seeking medical help is discharge that has a pungent odor, unnatural color and texture. Yellow, brown, gray color and a heterogeneous, curdled structure should alert. Such discharge may indicate the presence of a sexual infection in the expectant mother.

The risk of pregnancy fading at 17 weeks

The highest probability of fetal fading persists during the first trimester. At week 17, the risk decreases, but still exists. The reason for this can be various kinds of infections, malformations, intoxication. One of the signs of fading is spotting. This can be determined by ultrasound, which will show whether the baby's heart is beating at 17 weeks of gestation or not. In addition, evidence of fading may be a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age.

Ultrasound and tests at 17 weeks pregnant

With the help of ultrasound at this time, the doctor examines such indicators as:

  • condition of the uterus and amniotic fluid;
  • baby's heartbeat
  • absence of pathologies;
  • also whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the term.

At this time, parents, if desired, can already find out the sex of the child. To determine the presence of possible pathologies at this time, screening is carried out.

Determining the risk of developing pathological changes is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive study of indicators. Conclusions are made taking into account such factors as: the age of the woman, her state of health, weight indicators. This type of analysis includes a triple blood test for the following indicators:

  • alpha-fetoprotein (ACE) is a protein found in a baby's blood during early development. This substance is responsible for the formation of the liver, the binding of maternal estrogen, and also performs a protective function and prevents the effect of the woman's immune system on the fetus. An increased concentration of this protein indicates the presence of serious pathologies that may be incompatible with life or lead to disability. An insufficient amount of ACE in combination with deviations in the levels of hCG indicates Edwards disease or Down syndrome;
  • chorionic gonadotropin (CG) is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. He is responsible for the work of the corpus luteum - a temporary endocrine gland in a woman's body, which is formed from the granular cells of the follicle as a result of a rupture. The main task of the corpus luteum is the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen;
  • unconjugated estirol - a hormone that promotes blood circulation in the vessels of the uterus. Responsible for the development of the ducts of the mammary glands. The level of this hormone gives an idea of ​​the work of the placenta. If its concentration is constantly increasing, this is an indicator of the normal course of pregnancy.

The diet of the expectant mother during the 17th week does not differ much from the nutrition system at other stages of pregnancy. Preference should be given to products of natural origin containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is important to observe a rational ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A woman is advised to exclude from the diet or minimize the consumption of fried, fatty foods, dishes with a high content of spices, and coffee.

Acidic foods increase the production of gastric juice, so their presence in the diet should be minimal. The same applies to salt, which has the property of retaining fluid in the tissues. It is better to eat food at short intervals and in small portions. You should also limit your consumption of desserts. Walking after meals will be very useful. No need to eat for two contrary to popular belief, weight should be kept under control.

17 weeks pregnant. Photo:

Weight norms at the 17th week of the term

During this period of pregnancy, normal weight gain is up to 300 g per week. By week 17, a woman is gaining from 2.5 to 3.5 kg, but these norms are relative. In some cases, there are deviations from these indicators and women add up to 7 kg. Pregnancy develops without complications. The body weight of the expectant mother depends on many factors - the initial indicators of weight, heredity, age.

General condition at 17 weeks of gestation

At this stage, a woman may experience symptoms of late toxicosis. Its difference is that the main manifestation is not a feeling of nausea and vomiting, but the appearance of edema. At the initial stage, they are not particularly pronounced, but subsequently the woman faces certain inconveniences. Habitual shoes become narrow. Often, the expectant mother cannot put on shoes at all, which she previously wore freely. With this symptom, attention should be paid to weight, because. it is possible that it exceeds the norm. These points should be discussed with the doctor.

A woman can find a venous pattern in herself. Don't worry about this. In the vast majority of cases, the veins return to normal after the end of feeding. The sensitivity of the breast, its pain at the 17th week of pregnancy is reduced compared to the first trimester. Formations may appear on the nipples, visually similar to small "pimples". This is fine.

  1. First of all, a woman at the 17th obstetric week of pregnancy needs to monitor her psychological state and avoid situations that put her out of emotional balance. This advice is well known, but it does not lose its relevance. After all, the child is able to feel the mood of the mother and respond to emotions. Try to do only those activities that bring you pleasure, look for positive moments.
  2. It is very useful to listen to music with your child. Include musical works of various genres, and you can determine which one your baby likes by the activity of his movements.
  3. It is important to determine the optimal level of physical activity. You don’t need to completely abandon them and lead a passive lifestyle, but you shouldn’t overwork either. Do not try to do the entire amount of homework, involve loved ones in the household. If you want to perform any physical exercises during this period, be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor.
  4. Special attention should be paid to the wardrobe. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the tummy is quite noticeable and as it grows at a certain point, you will no longer be able to wear your usual clothes. Today, you can easily find special underwear and clothes for pregnant women on sale. Moreover, these are not necessarily shapeless dresses, it can be quite a stylish business attire with special inserts. You also need to pick up and special shoes. For the period of pregnancy, you should abandon the heels and give preference to comfortable ballet flats or moccasins.
  5. If the expectant mother expresses a desire to travel, week 17 is the period when she can afford it. You just need to follow some rules. First, do not go to an exotic country. Choose a place that is familiar to you, now is not the time for extreme trips. It is also not recommended to try unfamiliar dishes on a trip. In addition, get detailed advice from a doctor regarding possible complications.
  6. You should also pay attention to taking medications. Some women consider over-the-counter medications harmless to the baby and take these drugs on their own. This opinion is erroneous, such drugs can cause the same harm to the child as those that are strictly prescribed.

The composition of medicines sold without a prescription includes components that can negatively affect the development of the fetus and lead to serious disorders.

You should be especially careful when taking aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine, ibuprofen. Regarding taking medications, one universal advice can be given: you can take medications only after consulting a doctor.


Week 17 is a period when there are significant changes in the development of the baby. His organs become more formed. The expectant mother is experiencing new sensations that may not always be pleasant. A timely visit to the doctor, compliance with all recommendations will allow a woman to maintain the health of the child and improve her well-being and experience only positive emotions throughout pregnancy.

17 weeks pregnant. Video:

Obstetrician-gynecologists consider the beginning of pregnancy the first day of the last menstruation. The full period of bearing a child includes 10 lunar months of 28 days or 4 obstetric weeks. The actual age of the fetus is slightly behind this period, since its conception coincides with the date of ovulation. The release of the egg occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle - 12-16 days from the first day of the last menstruation.

17 weeks pregnant corresponds to the beginning of the fifth month or the middle of the second trimester. This period is characterized by increased development of the fetus - the beginning of the functioning of its immune system, improvement in the functioning of the brain and some sense organs. The second trimester allows the expectant mother to enjoy the pregnancy, because during it the symptoms of toxicosis recede, and the stomach does not reach too large sizes.

Fruit size

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy has dimensions comparable to the palm of its mother. His height is about 13 centimeters. The weight of the unborn child is 120-140 grams.

At this time, the fetus becomes more like a newborn baby. Its proportions acquire new features - there is a decrease in the size of the head in relation to the rest of the body. There is also a lengthening of the lower limbs.

Baby development

In the middle of the second trimester, there is an increased development of the skin of its appendages. The epidermis becomes thicker, so it has a lighter color. Vessels cease to shine through the skin, it loses its red tint. Sweat glands begin to form in the dermis.

At this time, the baby has fluffy hair all over the body. They are designed to hold the original lubricant on the skin. The development of adipose tissue is also observed. It has a brown color, its main function is to maintain body temperature. In the second trimester, the fetus has already formed eyebrows and cilia.

Attention! The seventeenth week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of its own skin pattern on the inner surface of the palms and feet, as well as on the fingertips. By this time, the baby has a cartilaginous nose, eyelids, oral fissure with lips, cheeks with subcutaneous fat.

The baby's lungs are not yet ready to breathe atmospheric air, they are a dense tissue. However, the unborn child begins to prepare for extrauterine life. He makes respiratory movements resembling the inhalation and exhalation of a newborn due to the contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

At week 17, the development of the urinary system of the unborn child is observed. His kidneys actively filter the blood, not passing proteins and carbohydrates. Through this process, urine is formed, which is excreted into the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is constantly updated due to the cardiovascular system of the expectant mother.

In the middle of the second trimester, the heart of the unborn child fully performs its function. It pumps blood to all organs, providing transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The average heart rate at this time is about 130-150 beats per minute.

The middle of the second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of the baby's own immune system. His body begins to produce protective proteins and white blood cells that prevent infection by infectious agents.

There is also an active development of the nervous system of the unborn child. The cerebral cortex undergoes structural changes, the main convolutions and furrows are formed in it. By this time, the baby can react to bright light and loud noise, turning away from their source.


At this time, the unborn child is in the spacious uterine cavity, it has a lot of space for various movements. The baby can move its limbs, turn its head, suck a finger, spin around its axis.

Usually, primiparas do not feel the movements of the baby at this time, because their amplitude and strength are too small. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, women may notice movements at 17-18 weeks. They are felt as weak shocks in the abdominal cavity.

Some multiparous perturbations may be absent. This feature is not a sign of pathology. Normally, the first movements of the baby can be felt at 20 and even 22 obstetric weeks.

Gender of the child

Ultrasound at 17 weeks of gestation can indicate the sex of the baby with absolute certainty. By the middle of the second trimester, the baby has formed external sexual characteristics. The equipment visualizes the ovaries and vagina of a girl or the testicles of a boy. However, when the fetus is turned with its back to the anterior abdominal wall of the expectant mother, sex determination is impossible.

Placenta and belly sizes

By the 17th week of pregnancy, the placenta completes its development, so by this time it fully performs its functions. The organ weighs about 300-400 grams, it is represented by a large number of vessels that provide nutrition for the unborn child. Also, the placenta protects the baby from harmful metabolic products, supplies protective maternal antibodies to his body.

In the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother has a rounded shape and increased size. If desired, a pregnant woman can easily hide it under a loose dress.

The height of the fundus of the uterus is approximately 10 centimeters. It is located midway between the pubic symphysis and the umbilicus. The girth of the abdomen is 70-75 centimeters. When carrying twins, this parameter can be increased to 75-80 centimeters.

Changes in the body

By the middle of the second trimester, the uterus begins to squeeze the surrounding organs. Due to this, it is possible to worsen the functioning of the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, a large uterus can compress the kidneys, leading to disruption of their work.

Due to the growth of the abdomen, the normal position of the spine is shifted, the center of gravity of the body changes. This feature leads to a change in the gait of the expectant mother.

Around the 17th week of pregnancy, an increase in circulating blood volume is observed. This measure is necessary for the full nutrition of the unborn child, but does not always have a positive effect on the mother's body, increasing the load on the kidneys and heart. A pregnant woman begins to notice increased sweating, a slight pastiness of the ankles and feet in the evening.

Due to the active synthesis of female sex hormones estrogen in the middle of the second trimester, an increase in melanin production is observed. This pigment causes darkening of the skin. That is why at the 17th week of the gestation period, expectant mothers may face the problem of age spots.

Feeling and feeling

The second trimester is the most favorable period of pregnancy. Most mothers-to-be are doing well at this time.

At the 17th week of pregnancy, an active synthesis of female sex hormones is observed. They affect the emotional sphere of the expectant mother, so she can become more irritable, nervous and restless. Some pregnant women note a decrease in the ability to concentrate.

Due to the production of the hormone prolactin and estrogen, the increase in the mammary glands continues. They become swollen and the nipples darken. Some expectant mothers may produce colostrum. At this time, a pregnant woman should take care of buying a good bra that prevents sagging breasts.

An enlarged uterus compresses the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupting their normal functioning. A pregnant woman may note the appearance of belching sour. Due to the stagnation of food masses, the development of unpleasant sensations in the umbilical region of the abdomen is not excluded.

17th week of pregnancy: what happens to mom and baby?


In a healthy woman, discharge from the genital tract is mild, whitish in color, and has no smell. Whites do not cause discomfort to the expectant mother, do not distract her from everyday affairs.

If the vaginal discharge turns red or pink, there is a risk of premature termination of pregnancy. When it starts, the woman pulls the lower abdomen, the appearance of cramping pains is possible. The presence of these symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

Green, gray or from the genital tract signal the attachment of an infectious process. Pathology may be accompanied by an unpleasant smell of whites, itching in the vulva, discomfort during palpation of the genitals.

Possible Complications

Cramping pains in the lower abdomen are a sign of pathology. They can talk about the threat of spontaneous abortion. Almost always, this pathology is accompanied by bloody discharge from the uterus.

Normally, in a pregnant woman in the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, the lower lateral parts of the abdomen may hurt. Unpleasant sensations are associated with stretching of the ligaments of the uterus and pelvic bones. It is also possible the appearance of pain in the back and pubic joint. Their cause lies in a similar process of softening of the ligaments.


Normally, all symptoms of early toxicosis should stop by the end of the first trimester of the baby's gestation period. The exception is women with multiple pregnancies. In rare cases, nausea may bother them until 15-17 weeks of gestational age. In the presence of unpleasant symptoms of the expectant mother, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Nausea can be a sign of damage to the digestive tract.


A healthy expectant mother should not have seizures. Their appearance may be due to calcium deficiency in the body. Such cramps appear at night, most often they capture the calf muscle of the lower leg. To stop the pain of the expectant mother, you should stretch the straight leg as much as possible and pull the toe towards you.


Normally, at the 17th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother should not experience swelling, or the development of a slight pastosity of the feet and ankles in the evening is possible. This fluid retention is associated with an increase in the load on the kidneys due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood.

Edema on the face, upper limbs, as well as massive fluid retention in the legs may indicate a violation of the kidneys or heart. In the presence of these symptoms, the expectant mother requires a medical examination.

17th week of pregnancy: sleep and gymnastics for pregnant women


Normal weight gain by the 17th week of pregnancy is about 2800-3300 grams. If, before conception, a woman had extra pounds, this figure is 2300 grams. Exceeding normal weight gain requires dietary adjustments.

In the diet of the expectant mother should be the following products:

  • lean meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • bird;
  • eggs;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • berries;
  • cereals;
  • black bread.
The daily calorie content of the diet should not exceed 2200-2600 kcal. It is recommended to have 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks per day.

A pregnant woman should reduce her intake of fast carbohydrates - flour products, pasta, chocolate, biscuits, white rice. These foods increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes. It is also forbidden to drink alcohol, strong coffee and tea.

medical examination

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother visits an obstetrician-gynecologist once every four weeks. At each examination, the doctor measures blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus. Also, a pregnant woman should visit an ophthalmologist, ENT, dentist and therapist. In the second trimester, she should take an electrocardiogram.

According to the indications, the expectant mother is sent for additional tests. These include the study of the hormonal profile, the determination of blood sugar levels, tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

Second screening

The 17th week of pregnancy is the optimal interval for carrying out. This set of studies is designed to monitor the condition of the fetus, exclude congenital developmental pathologies. The second screening includes a biochemical blood test and an ultrasound examination of the unborn child.

Biochemical analysis consists of a triple test. The expectant mother donates blood to determine the amount of alpha-fetoprotein, hCG and unconjugated estriol. These chemicals are a marker for major genetic diseases in the fetus. A deviation from the norm in the number of listed molecules may indicate Down syndrome, Edwards, Patau.

Also included in the second screening is an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity. The specialist evaluates the development of the child, visualizes the structure of his internal organs for the presence of congenital anomalies. The doctor also examines the structure of the placenta, determines the amount of amniotic fluid.