How to determine pregnancy in the early stages: the first signs. How to determine pregnancy at home: tests and their types. Pain syndrome in the lower back

Many women want to know about conception as soon as possible, so they try to look for signs of pregnancy on early dates before the delay.

However, a lot of time must pass before they appear.

There are a number of factors by which you can find out about pregnancy even before you can do it. pharmacy test. Not everyone knows about them, so most women do not know about their situation until the moment when menstruation is delayed.

There are signs that may indicate that a woman is pregnant. However, given the uniqueness of each organism, it is worth noting that not every woman notices in herself significant changes that might be alarming. For many women, the early signs of pregnancy before and after the delay may be completely absent, while other representatives of the fair sex fully feel the first symptoms of future motherhood. Sometimes there are also cases when nothing even hints about pregnancy for the first couple of months.

If the fair sex has suspicions about pregnancy, it is worth confirming or refuting your guesses by purchasing a test in a pharmacy. If necessary, you can visit a gynecologist, but, as a rule, in the first weeks it is enough to confine yourself to the usual testing.

It takes time for the egg to be fertilized. As a rule, it takes about a day, but sometimes it takes much more days. At the same time, you can feel the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages only after a week, not earlier. It is at this time that it begins to rapidly increase hCG level, i.e. pregnancy hormone. It can be determined by the results of a urine and blood test. Based on testing the level of this protein, it also gives a result and a pharmacy test.

It is unlikely that a woman will be able to determine pregnancy immediately after conception has occurred. This is simply impossible, since the body itself does not react in any way at first, and the concentration of hCG is so low that it is not possible to recognize successful fertilization.

It often happens that the early signs of pregnancy do not appear before the delay in menstruation, so women find out about their situation only after critical days do not come on time. However, this is not always the result of pregnancy. Medicine knows a lot of other reasons that can affect the menstrual cycle. Among frequent occurrences- hormonal failure, frequent stress, excessive physical exercise and taking antibiotics. Sometimes menstruation does not come on time even for such a simple reason as acclimatization, so women often notice this phenomenon when spending holidays in exotic countries.

Not all women are familiar with the definition of basal temperature and its importance. But this tool helps not only to correctly determine the period of ovulation, but also to learn about the pregnancy in the early stages. The importance of measuring basal temperature is known to women who are busy with family planning and are preparing for replenishment.

If the basal temperature increased after the delay of critical days was recorded, this clear sign the fact that menstruation did not occur due to pregnancy.

Measuring your basal body temperature is very easy. This process not very different from standard procedure, the only difference is that the basal temperature is measured not in the armpit, but in the mouth or in the rectum. It is important to carry out this procedure immediately in the first minutes after waking up, that is, before leaving the bed. If the thermometer readings are at around 37 degrees or more, this is a clear sign that the woman is expecting a baby.

Delay critical days

And yet, the most common way to find out about pregnancy early is the lack of menstruation at the right time. If the calendar shows day X, but there are no periods, the woman begins to suspect pregnancy. After that, as a rule, another week or two of waiting passes, after which a test is used to confirm or refute suspicions.

However, you should not rely on delay alone, as this can be a symptom of some diseases and a consequence negative impact a number of factors completely unrelated to procreation. Medicine knows many diseases that manifest themselves in the absence of critical days. Due to a change in the hormonal state against the background of the development of an ailment or severe stress, disruptions in the menstrual cycle are possible.

In some women, the first sign of early pregnancy before menstruation is a small amount of blood that appears once at the time of implantation, but this should not be confused with bleeding. There are also situations when bleeding occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. It is often confused with menstruation, but in fact, it is a symptom of a negative nature. Often, bleeding from critical days can be distinguished by the amount of discharge and their shade. As a rule, there is not very much blood and it does not go as long as during normal menstruation.

Nausea as a sign of pregnancy

If conception did occur, a woman may experience vomiting and nausea in the first weeks. This is a fairly common first sign of early pregnancy, but it can be confused with a symptom of poisoning or a disease associated with problems. gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Nausea with vomiting during pregnancy manifests itself mainly in the morning. However, during the day, a similar symptom is also not ruled out. It is associated with changes in blood sugar levels.

Early signs of pregnancy in the form of toxicosis appear due to the fact that the body urgently needs to get rid of the accumulation harmful substances. The third trimester may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting due to the fact that the body begins to perceive the child as a foreign organism, and "requires" getting rid of it. Some women have a very hard time getting pregnant. They are accompanied by nausea and vomiting for all nine months. Experts call this pathology psychological toxicosis.

Unusual taste preferences and breast changes

One of the first signs by which you can determine the pregnancy that has taken place is a change in diet. In the daily menu, products are beginning to appear that the woman could not stand before.

But here it is worth remembering that not everyone this feature appears on early stage pregnancy. Many begin to eat strawberries with herring, and pickles with ice cream at a later date.

The origin of life in female body often characterized unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, which can also be a sign of early pregnancy before a delay. After the egg is fertilized, the breast will begin to prepare for feeding the unborn child. She starts to hurt, becomes more rough, nipples get dark color and become extremely sensitive. The veins become more distinct, and the areolas near the nipple increase in size. However, if the chest suddenly stops hurting, returns to its usual shape, this may be a sign of a missed pregnancy in the early stages, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

A clear sign of the onset of pregnancy is the periodic appearance of colostrum from the breast, that is light discharge. However, this symptom is not observed in every case.

Frequent urination

An early sign at 1 week of pregnancy may be frequent urination. Already a week after successful conception, a woman may notice that she runs to the toilet much more often than before. The reason for this is the active production of the pregnancy hormone, that is, hCG. It leads to the fact that blood supply to the pelvic organs increases. As a result of this, the expectant mother feels that her bladder crowded, although in reality it is far from being the case. Frequent urge to urinate begins to torment mainly at night.

But do not confuse this symptom with a symptom of cystitis or urethritis. These infections may be associated with constant feeling bladder overflow. They are quite dangerous and require timely and adequate treatment. It is possible to determine cystitis by the characteristic cramps during the cleansing of the body from fluid.

Cold symptoms

As mentioned above, female body may react differently to the appearance of the fetus. Some of the fair sex have symptoms similar to a cold. They constantly feel drowsiness, weakness and fatigue. During pregnancy, this is due to the acceleration of metabolism, which is necessary to maintain the body in such an unusual state for it. I especially want to sleep and relax during the day.

How to determine pregnancy is one of the most exciting questions all women of reproductive age who are sexually active. What could be easier - you just need to go to the doctor if there are any signs of an interesting situation. However, even a specialist will find it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis if too little time has passed after conception. How to determine pregnancy before a delay - this question is much more scrupulous and interesting. let's consider various ways diagnosis and associated symptoms.

Until the delay

We determine the presence and level chorionic gonadotropin

So, the only reliable symptom before the onset of a delay in menstruation is elevated level chorionic gonadotropin in the body. This is a hormone that is produced by the chorion (developing placenta), respectively, may indicate interesting position. However, in some cases, hCG rises and not during pregnancy. Such a phenomenon, quite rarely diagnosed, may indicate the development of some dangerous disease, for example, oncology.

But let's talk about the good. HCG begins to be produced immediately after the introduction of the egg into the uterus or ... into another organ that is not suitable for this - for example, into the wall fallopian tube. In the second case, during an ectopic pregnancy, this hormone grows much more slowly than during the uterine one. Low hCG is one of the symptoms of unfavorable pregnancy.

The introduction of the egg into the wall of the uterus occurs approximately 1 week after sexual intercourse, which gave new life. With help laboratory research(donating blood for analysis from a vein) get reliable result can be already for 8-10 days. We think that now it has become clearer how to determine pregnancy before menstruation (as much as 6-10 days before their probable date, depending on the length menstrual cycle). We took for example the standard - 28-30-day cycle. By the way, a little closer to the start of menstruation, you can try to diagnose using a pregnancy test with high sensitivity. 1-2 days before the due date, the result should be correct. But, of course, it is better to wait for a delay so that the result is certainly correct. We will talk about tests in more detail a little later in the article.

Measuring basal temperature

basal temperature. A lot of people are involved in its measurement - and those who need it for medical indications(for example, in the treatment of infertility, the numbers obtained may be important), and those who want to get pregnant quickly (to calculate ovulation), and those who are trying in this way to avoid unwanted conception (forgetting about intimate relationship on "dangerous" days).

The basal temperature is measured either in the vagina, or in the mouth, or in the rectum, but not under the arm. The most reliable and common way is to measure the temperature rectally.

If you are looking for an answer to the question - how to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception by measuring basal temperature, do not be lazy and find out all the factors that can cause measurement errors and, in fact, the rules for this procedure. In order to find out about your position, you need to start measuring 10 days after conception. As a rule, by the end of the menstrual cycle, the temperature decreases (becomes below 37 degrees), if not, then it is likely that conception has occurred.

But back to technology. Measurement rules.

1. Measurements are taken exclusively in the morning, immediately after waking up. If you got out of bed a couple of hours before and then went to bed, the results are likely to be incorrect.

2. Do not take alcohol the day before.

3. Do not have sex 12-24 hours before the measurement.

4. If you regularly measure BBT, then do it with the same thermometer.

5. Wrong results may cause the intake of dietary supplements or drugs.

6. Do not carry out this diagnosis in case of illness, especially if the body temperature is elevated, as the result will still be incorrect.

After a delay

Making a test

How to determine pregnancy at home after the onset of a delay? Very simple! You just need to purchase a test at a pharmacy and do it in the morning. Why in the morning? The point is that this is the right time, in the urine accumulated overnight, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is higher. This means that the reliability of the test is higher.

Currently, 3 types of tests are sold in Russia: ordinary "strips", tablet and electronic ones. The latter are a curiosity for many, and they are by no means cheap. Tablet tests are usually highly sensitive. But ordinary, cheap test strips are not far behind them either. The main thing is to perform the test exactly according to the instructions. If the second shelf is very weak and the result is negative, while other signs of pregnancy are present, this diagnosis must be repeated, preferably with 2-3 tests from different companies.

And how to determine pregnancy without a test at home? It is also quite realistic - you can measure BT (we already wrote about this in this article) or listen to your body and try to find likely symptoms interesting position.

Looking for possible signs of pregnancy

For example, toxicosis. This is probably the most common companion of any pregnancy. In varying degrees, toxicosis manifests itself in everyone. For some, this is mild nausea in the morning and intolerance to certain foods, while for others, frequent vomiting, loss of appetite, and other "gastrointestinal troubles."

Another common sign of pregnancy is changes in the mammary glands. They can literally grow by 1-2 sizes before our eyes, and this is not surprising, because from the first weeks the breasts begin to prepare for lactation. A little later, you can notice the darkening of the nipples, and the release of a small amount of liquid from them when pressed is colostrum, pre-milk.

The third sign is an increase in temperature, no, not only basal, but the whole body. And with all this, there are no symptoms of diseases. This phenomenon you just need to endure, avoid overheating, ventilate the room more often and everything will return to normal.

A marked increase in the amount of discharge from the genital tract. Normally, they are transparent, viscous, odorless. It is from these secretions that a cork is created in the cervix, which will protect the uterus from penetration of infection from the vagina into it. The mucus plug comes off before childbirth. Appearance spotting speaks either about the beginning of the next menstruation, or about a miscarriage. In the second case, as a rule, the discharge is quite plentiful. Arise pain in the abdomen.

The next sign is weak aching pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination. The pain is similar to premenstrual pain. Attention, if both of these symptoms are present, and urination is not only frequent, but also painful, then this is a symptom of cystitis, not pregnancy. And his treatment should be handled by a urologist.

The rest of the signs are probabilistic. It's insomnia, change taste sensations, mood swings, etc.

What will the doctors tell us?

But not all women know exactly how to determine pregnancy in the early stages, and therefore those who are most concerned about their health turn to gynecologists. Going to see a doctor due to a delay in menstruation is worth at least 2 or even 4 weeks after it starts. You perfectly understand that the absence of menstruation can be caused by many reasons and it is not at all a fact that this is due to a possible interesting situation. In addition, at a very early date, the doctor during the examination will not be able to accurately diagnose you, therefore, if nothing hurts or worries, you can not rush to the doctor. Only if a possible pregnancy is not undesirable for you ... Then you need to run headlong to the doctor.

And even though the doctor cannot accurately diagnose pregnancy at such an early date, a laboratory assistant who does a blood test for the presence of hCG(an analysis can be taken even before the start of the delay, in the morning, on an empty stomach).

Ultrasound also shows the fetus in the early stages, literally from 2 weeks of delay. Approximately then it is already possible to say whether the baby is developing or not by the presence of contractions of the heart muscle.

So we answered the question of how to determine pregnancy in the first days after the fertilization of the egg and after the start of a delay in menstruation. By the way, the second sign is the main reason to suspect pregnancy if a woman is sexually active.

Special rapid tests are now available in every pharmacy, they are inexpensive, and the results show reliable. But it happens that a woman finds herself in a situation in which she cannot acquire this remedy(lives in a remote village, catastrophically no money, etc.). How to determine pregnancy without a test? There are home methods for determining, but doctors recommend that the reliability of the results obtained must be confirmed by medical methods.

To determine pregnancy without a test, it is not at all necessary to conduct some intricate research. To begin with, it is recommended to take a closer look at own body and pay attention to the sensations, because it is quite possible to recognize pregnancy by some specific manifestations.

  1. Delay. Usually suspicions about possible conception occurs after a delay in menstruation. From this time on, women begin to think about probable pregnancy. In rare cases, menstruation continues for several months after conception, but they are not as plentiful as traditional discharge.
  2. Swelling of the mammary glands. Perhaps the most proven sign of an accomplished conception. The breast becomes larger, the nipples increase and change the shade, pain is felt on palpation - all this indicates that the body has begun preparing for the future feeding of the baby. Sometimes some mammary swelling is observed during PMS, which must be taken into account when diagnosing pregnancy at home.
  3. Cloudiness and dizziness. Cloudiness of consciousness and slight dizziness often help, if not to diagnose, then to suspect the onset of conception. It seems to a woman that there is some kind of veil before her eyes, which is associated with hormonal changes and correction hormonal background. But sometimes such symptoms are observed due to stressful condition or overwork.
  4. Nausea-vomiting manifestations. Early definition pregnancy is often based on this symptom, which characterizes the onset of toxicosis of pregnant women. But a woman can also feel nauseous due to mild poisoning with low-quality food, which also needs to be taken into account.
  5. Hyperthermia. If a woman has a persistent rise in temperature to 37.5 ° for several days, then such changes can be considered as the first signs of pregnancy. Gynecologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine endometrium, the immune structures perceive it as a foreign organism, so the protection system activates an increase in temperature to destroy it. Similar symptom may indicate the development of an infectious-inflammatory process, this factor must be understood.
  6. Pain in the abdomen and umbilical region. When the embryo comes out of the tubes and implants into the uterine endometrium, the girl feels heaviness and pulling pain in the abdomen. Bloody spotting may appear, the general condition worsens, malaise appears. It is quite possible to recognize pregnancy by these signs.

Additional symptoms

Exacerbation of taste buds, smell. The manifestation of such signs in some cases helps to recognize the onset of fertilization. The woman notes the appearance of hypersensitivity to odors, her taste preferences change noticeably. This is the most likely symptom of the onset of conception.

Drowsiness and weakness. It is possible to identify the onset of pregnancy by the presence of such conditions. During the first days of gestation, the body spends a lot of energy on transformations for the comfortable growth of the fetus. Therefore, the woman's strength is quickly wasted, and she experiences weakness and drowsiness. An uncontrollable craving for sleep can haunt you all day, and the usual household chores cause severe overwork. It is impossible to diagnose pregnancy without a test at home only on this basis, because similar condition may occur due to overload of the body or seasonal overwork.

Excess weight. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages yet? Not all pregnant women in the first weeks feel sick and have no appetite. While in position, some begin to eat and drink more fluids, which immediately leads to edema, which is a factor in weight gain in the early stages.

Psycho-emotional instability causing mood swings. One of the first signs of how to find out that you are pregnant is without a test. Any minor incident can provoke a sea of ​​​​tears in a pregnant woman or a strong attack of irritation and anger. In the body, the concentration of hormones simply rolls over. If a woman has never suffered from depressive disorders or premenstrual syndrome, then the presence of pregnancy can be detected by the occurrence of such signs.

Specific highlights. When conception has just occurred, the body is rebuilt. A side effect of this reconstruction is copious excretion mucus that is odorless and has a special color. An increase in such secretions may indicate an accomplished conception, but if the mucus has an unpleasant odor, then there is a suspicion of a sexual infection.

Frequent urination - sure sign how to find out pregnancy. But in the early stages, it absolutely does not work, because the mechanism of increased urination is caused by an increase in the uterus and its pressure on the bladder. A similar symptom is typical for the second or third period of gestation. If it appeared at the beginning, then this indicates an infection or inflammation.

What else to pay attention to

Pigmentation and the appearance of papillomas. It is also a sign characteristic of an interesting situation, but only for its later terms, therefore, the onset of pregnancy cannot be determined by them either. Although in some patients with papillomas and moles, a slight increase was observed during pregnancy, which is explained by the same hormonal surge. But in general, by the appearance of papillomas, it is impossible to understand whether conception has occurred or not.

Among possible symptoms you can also call a sharp increase or decrease in libido. Similar cataclysms with sexual desire are explained hormonal explosions in the female body.

Nasal congestion. Some patients on initial terms note the appearance of nasal congestion. Experts explain this phenomenon by increased blood flow, which causes nasal mucous membranes to swell and interfere with normal breathing.

By the presence of such manifestations at home without a test, you can guess about pregnancy. Some deviations from the norm can only signal that metamorphoses are taking place in the body, but the final result can be obtained using express tests or in a antenatal clinic.

Methods for determining pregnancy

Home pregnancy tests are very convenient and allow you to confirm the onset of conception with maximum certainty. If this was not at hand, then it can be determined that the woman is pregnant without a test. To do this, there are several proven, but not one hundred percent methods that require medical confirmation of the results. How to determine pregnancy at home?

Iodine will help

A remedy such as iodine will help detect pregnancy at home. Everyone has it at home, so there should not be any difficulties in preparing materials. There are two ways to understand the presence of pregnancy using an iodine solution.

According to the first method, a woman needs to collect urine in a container, and then drop a little iodine there. Then closely monitor the behavior of iodine. How can pregnancy be determined? If the iodine drop is completely dissolved and blurred in the urine, then there is no chance of pregnancy, but if it lingers on the liquid in the form of a floating spot, then the probability of pregnancy is high.

To maximize the reliability of the test, it is recommended to observe several conditions. The material for the study should be taken only from the morning portion, and the study should be carried out immediately so that the urine does not stand. Before collecting urine, be sure to wash yourself without soap, Additional materials must also be clean. You need to drip iodine not from a height, but by bringing the pipette as close to the surface as possible.

Using iodine, you can use another home diagnostic method. You need to take a small strip of paper and dip it in morning urine so that it is well saturated. Then you need to drip iodine onto the paper. If the solution changed the traditional Brown color for purple or blue tint, then you can hope for a successful conception.

Unfortunately, such methods are not confirmed by medical research, therefore they are not scientifically substantiated. But in practice, many women were convinced of the reliability of this technique.

Soda will tell

To dispel doubts about an interesting situation, a woman can do a pregnancy test at home using the usual baking soda. The principle of such a study is as follows: when pregnancy occurs, the acid-base indicator in the urine shifts in the direction of alkali. Therefore, soda helps to determine the fact of pregnancy.

  • To do this, throw a spoonful of soda into a container with morning urine and observe the further reaction of the powder.
  • If there is a hiss with bubbles, as in the preparation of a pop, then there can be no pregnancy.
  • But if, after adding sodium bicarbonate, no reaction followed, and the powder simply settled to the bottom, then this indicates alkalization of urine - a sign of an existing pregnancy.

But this principle can work for other reasons as well. Urine acquires alkaline properties in the presence of kidney infections, diarrhea, or an abundance of vegetables in the patient's menu.

Basal temperature

If the previous methods do not inspire confidence and you still care about the question of whether it is possible to determine pregnancy with improvised means with maximum reliability, then you can turn to a technique such as measuring basal temperature. Such a study can be carried out by temperature indicator in the mouth, rectum, or vagina. It is necessary to carry out such measurements two days before the expected menstruation.

After ovulation, shortly before menstruation, the temperature drops slightly, keeping below the 37-degree mark. If the measurements showed 37 ° C or more, then the probability of pregnancy is quite high. In order for the reliability of the results to be as accurate as possible, you need to know how to check pregnancy in this way. For measurements, it is better to take the usual mercury thermometer, which is kept in the mouth for about 5 minutes, and 3 minutes is enough in the vagina or intestines.

The timing of the measurements is also important. Define basal rates in the morning, immediately after waking up, do not get out of bed. Even sharp movements cannot be made, otherwise the results will be implausible. The day before, you should not take medication, drink alcohol or have sex, because such factors also contribute to an increase in the studied values. When testing, it is necessary to exclude the influence pathological factors like the flu, SARS, etc. The ideal option there will be a measurement of basal temperature for several months with a special schedule. Usually, similar practice used in pregnancy planning.

Online tests

If special tests for pregnancy at home are not available, then modern possibilities they offer to take an online test, which, according to the author of this program, almost accurately determines whether a woman is pregnant or not. But if you take a sober look at things, then it is impossible to diagnose anything through the monitor.

Online tests usually contain a traditional set of questions, knowing the answer to which, it can be assumed that a woman is pregnant or not. In such a survey, there are usually questions like: is there a delay, is there nausea, are the breasts swollen, does the stomach hurt, etc. Unfortunately, such projects are often not provided for free, you are asked to send SMS and withdraw money. Don't be fooled by scammers. How can this be avoided? You can easily answer such questions from a gynecologist, and he will give you a diagnosis for free, which will be 100% correct, and not an assumption, as is the case with the online version.

Popular questions

  1. At what time can pregnancy be determined? The gynecologist will be able to diagnose the conception that has occurred after a two-three-week delay. It is during this period that a sufficient increase in the uterus occurs to assess the presence or absence of pregnancy.
  2. Is it possible to get pregnant without tubes naturally? Theoretically, this is impossible, but in practice, doctors periodically observe similar cases. Of course, this happens quite rarely, but such a fact cannot be ruled out. Therefore, in exceptional cases, pregnancy without tubes is possible.

These are the most popular options that help to some extent dispel doubts about pregnancy, but they cannot be especially trusted. It is much better to buy a rapid test and check your suspicions.

Many women want to know about the onset of pregnancy as early as possible. IN modern world to determine conception, there are many methods that are used at home and in the laboratory. Early recognition of pregnancy has a positive effect on the development of the unborn baby. A woman changes her lifestyle, normalizes nutrition, refuses bad habits if they were before. Seeing a doctor allows you to assess the nature of the course of pregnancy, to refute ectopic pregnancy, check the woman's health status and eliminate the risks of intrauterine disorders. Determining pregnancy in the early stages is the first important step towards a happy motherhood.

The main signs of early pregnancy

After the moment of conception, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body, aimed at preparing the uterus for implantation of the egg and maintaining normal course pregnancy. This is manifested by specific sensations, according to which a woman may suspect her interesting position and take further measures to confirm the fact of conception.

Early signs of pregnancy.

  1. Drawing, cramping and in the lumbar region, which are accompanied by meager pink discharge from the vagina. Pain syndrome occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle before the onset of menstruation and is associated with implantation gestational sac into the wall of the uterus. Attachment of a fertilized egg to the endometrium of the uterus causes a violation of the integrity blood vessels which leads to bleeding. This symptom does not occur in all women. The implantation process may go unnoticed, but is considered the most reliable early sign the onset of pregnancy.
  2. signs early toxicosis: nausea and in the morning, deterioration or increase in appetite, change taste preferences(a woman prefers atypical dishes in food), taste perversions (for example, mixing sweet and salty foods).
  3. Breast engorgement. The chest is filled, becomes painful and sensitive. Pigmentation may appear around the nipples.
  4. Frequent urination, especially at night. In early pregnancy, it is associated with the relaxing effect of sex hormones on the sphincter of the bladder.
  5. Change emotional background. There are mood swings throughout the day. Characterized by irritability, tearfulness, excessive suspiciousness, aggressiveness.
  6. Unreasonable at first glance, increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance.
  7. Delayed menstruation - important feature conception, but can occur with diseases of the genital area and menstrual irregularities.

When probable signs of pregnancy appear, it is necessary to confirm the fact of conception using special test systems or diagnostics (laboratory, instrumental).

Diagnosing conception with pregnancy tests

To determine the fact of conception in the pharmacy network, you can purchase test systems of varying degrees of sensitivity and cost, the reliability of the results of which reaches 95-98%. Pregnancy tests - simple and available method, which reveals the fact
conception from 1-2 days of delayed menstruation. The principle of action is the determination of (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine, which is the hormone of pregnancy. The modern pharmaceutical industry also produces highly sensitive tests that can detect pregnancy in 7-10 days.

Types of pregnancy tests.

  1. Test systems of the 1st generation - strip tests (test strips). These are the most popular and inexpensive test systems that allow you to detect pregnancy for 1-2 days of missed menstruation. They represent paper strips, impregnated with reagent for determination of concentration . For diagnosis, morning urine is collected, the edge of the strip is immersed in it for 10-20 seconds, then it is removed and the result is awaited for several minutes. The appearance of one strip indicates the absence of conception, two stripes indicate the onset of pregnancy.
  2. Test system of the 2nd generation - test cassettes. They differ from strip tests in a plastic frame, which has 2 windows. Urine is dripped into the first window using a special dispenser that is included in the kit. After a few minutes, the result will appear in the second window - one or two strips. The sensitivity of the tests is the same, but the test cassettes are more expensive.
  3. 3rd generation test system - inkjet tests. They are a plastic container, inside of which a porous material with many tubules is placed. During urination, the end of the test is substituted under the stream of urine, the result is ready in 1-2 minutes. Advantage inkjet tests– low probability of errors and the ability to use urine at any time of the day.
  4. Electronic tests. They have a window in which, after the diagnosis, the inscription appears: “pregnant” or “not pregnant”, respectively “pregnancy” or “no pregnancy”. The advantage is that there is no need to independently interpret the result when the second strip appears fuzzy.

Pregnancy tests, which detect the fact of conception on the 1-2 day of missed menstruation, have a sensitivity index of 20-25 mIU / ml. Highly sensitive test systems have a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml, so they can determine conception even before the delay of the menstrual cycle. Their disadvantage is their high cost.

Medical methods for diagnosing pregnancy

When contacting a gynecologist, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods that allow you to finally verify the onset of pregnancy. In addition, according to additional tests, the specialist will evaluate the course of the gestation period, refute an ectopic pregnancy, determine the gestational age and date of birth.

After medical diagnostics pregnancy, a woman becomes registered in women's consultation and observed by a gynecologist until the moment of delivery.

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay at home

Doctors consider the measurement of basal (internal) temperature to be the most popular and reliable method for detecting pregnancy at home. This the way is fine women who are planning a pregnancy. The measurement is carried out in the rectum in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed until morning toilet. The method is most effective in controlling rectal temperature for several months.

  • high temperatures are maintained after the end of the phase corpus luteum;
  • the corpus luteum phase lasts 18 days or more;
  • a third temperature jump appears on the graph after ovulation (a three-phase graph instead of the usual two-phase graph).

It would seem that today there is no need to determine pregnancy at home, because medicine offers high-precision research and diagnostics, with which traditional methods cannot be compared. At the same time, some women eagerly try to determine pregnancy without tests.

How to determine pregnancy without a test in the early stages?

One of the very first signs of pregnancy is a delay in the menstrual cycle. However, without additional manifestations this symptom may indicate hormonal failure or other health problems.

Pregnancy is often associated with toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting can occur in a woman from bad smell or a food item that suddenly became disgusting to her.

Discomfort and soreness in the mammary glands can also indicate the onset of pregnancy. This sign can determine pregnancy without a test. This increases the sensitivity of the nipples, and pigmentation appears. Soreness is felt in both mammary glands.

Pain in the ovaries or uterus may indicate a possible onset of menstruation or that you are pregnant. It will help to distinguish pain during PMS from those that accompany early pregnancy. menstrual bleeding: if menstruation has not come, but the pain still persists, then the likelihood that the woman is expecting a baby is quite high. But this must be confirmed by a gynecologist.

Among other opportunities to determine pregnancy without a test at home, a woman’s observation of her health will help, especially with regard to discharge from the genitals. First of all, a transparent, odorless secretion speaks of pregnancy.

If you have noticed in yourself curdled discharge with a sour smell, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate the presence of thrush.

During pregnancy, a woman's sexual mood also changes: libido can either increase or worsen. Such metamorphoses are connected, first of all, with hormonal changes.

Irritability, emotionality, drowsiness and fatigue are the main companions of expectant mothers. Therefore, along with the above symptoms, mixed feelings and lack of vigor also emphasize the “interesting” position of a woman. Moreover, the period of pregnancy is characterized strange desires: eat a piece of chalk, smell gasoline, have a snack with something unusual in the middle of the night.

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is frequent urination. Some women may think they have cystitis, but other than that frequent calls to urination, other signs of the disease do not appear.

What other than pregnancy?

If you have several symptoms possible pregnancy, but as a result of the examination, the alarm turned out to be false, then the following factors could probably provoke them:

  • the approach of the menstrual cycle;
  • acclimatization;
  • stress or overwork;
  • medical preparations;
  • weight changes.

It is in connection with the listed circumstances that a hormonal failure and changes in the menstrual cycle can occur.

How to know pregnancy without a test?

You have a suspicion that you are already pregnant, but there is no way to confirm this by purchasing a special medical test. You can also find out pregnancy without a test using folk methods. Often women turn to them when they are not sure that they are pregnant. We will share with you some folk secrets which, without a medical test, will reveal to you whether you are pregnant or not.

Of course, the most reliable confirmation without the use of a pregnancy test can only be obtained by visiting a gynecologist, ultrasound or by daily monitoring of body temperature.

Here are eight ways to determine pregnancy without a test:

  1. For the first method, stir in half a liter warm water a few granules of potassium permanganate. The water should take on a light pink hue. Then pour a small portion of your fresh morning urine into the solution. Now look at the liquid. A change in its color to pale yellow indicates the absence of pregnancy. However, if small flakes form, and the color of the solution remains the same, then this is a sure sign of pregnancy. The reliability of the method is 5 out of 5.
  2. A small portion of fresh morning urine should be placed in a container and a couple of drops of iodine should be added there. If iodine has spread over the surface as a stain, the result is negative. Iodine briefly gathered on the surface of the urine as a droplet - you can please your loved ones with good news. The method is also very accurate - 5 out of 5.
  3. Put some of your urine collected in the morning on a piece of white paper. Then put some iodine on it. Look carefully at the sheet. Blue paper indicates no pregnancy. If its color has changed to a bright lilac or purple hue, then this speaks of a positive result. This method is less reliable - 4 out of 5, because the composition of the paper can distort the result.
  4. Take the wine and pour it 1 to 1 into the bowl with your morning urine. Watch your mixture. If the liquid has become cloudy and has acquired the consistency of cottage cheese, you can be congratulated on the birth of a new life inside you. The liquid did not change transparency and kept light shade pregnancy has not been confirmed.
    This method is not completely reliable (only 3 out of 5), since the quality of the wine greatly affects the results of the test. Often added to inexpensive wine various dyes and other chemical additives that can spoil the result.
  5. The degree of veracity of this method is 2 out of 5. You need to collect morning urine in a fireproof dish and put it on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil, then pour it into a transparent, preferably glass, container. Watch for sediment: if flakes appear, pregnancy has come. This method is based on the ability of the protein to precipitate in the form of flakes when heated. But this can happen if the protein just curled up when boiled. It is difficult to distinguish these results.
  6. We measure the basal temperature (3 out of 5). Experts believe that the basal temperature does not make it possible to find out about pregnancy before the delay occurs, but you can start measuring and record the data obtained already on the second day of the delay in menstruation. After ovulation, closer to menstruation, the temperature begins to decrease from 37 degrees, and if this has not happened, you will probably have a baby. Basal body temperature is measured in the mouth, vagina, or rectum. Take measurements while lying in bed, immediately after waking up. The thermometer should be prepared in the evening. It is worth noting that the basal temperature depends on several factors: health status, alcohol consumption, certain medications. If you rule out these factors, then it makes real sense to talk about pregnancy.
  7. Using regular baking soda, you can detect pregnancy at home. This will require a small container and a teaspoon of soda. Collect a small amount of your morning urine in a container. Pour soda into the liquid and observe the reaction. If the soda began to hiss, pregnancy did not occur. And if the soda just precipitated, then the woman will soon become a mother. Reliability of the method - 2 out of 5
  8. The pulse tracking method is reliable at 2 out of 5. It is popularly believed that if you check the pulse at the navel, you can find out if a woman is pregnant. To do this, you need to put your hand on your stomach, about four fingers below the navel, and monitor your sensations. If a pulsation is felt in this place, then the woman is pregnant.

Reliability of online tests

Some women claim that they knew about their pregnancy from the first day of conception. Such stories are confirmation that a woman must listen to her body if she wants to determine pregnancy without a test in the early stages. And those who do not trust own feelings or does not know how to analyze their feelings, they can resort to enough unusual techniques, for example, to online tests for pregnancy. Naturally, such methods for determining pregnancy are not reliable, since they are not of a medical or scientific nature.

Unusual methods of how to determine pregnancy without a test

In ancient times, women were also interested in the issue of pregnancy, for example, in Ancient China married women They wore a thin thread of silk around their necks. If after some time this thread was torn, then this meant pregnancy. Secret this method is that after conception thyroid slightly increased, because the thread was torn.

In ancient Israel, a pregnant woman had to walk on soft grass, if the grass rose quickly again, it means that the woman is not pregnant yet, and if the grass remained crushed for some time, then soon the family will be replenished.

Women ancient egypt they collected budu-duk grass, which had to be mixed with the milk of a woman in labor. Such a mixture was given to a woman, and if she vomited, then she was expecting a baby.

The ancient Greeks also had their own ways of determining pregnancy. One of these original methods- rubbing a red stone in front of the eyes of the fair sex. If the dust of the stone got into her eyes, the woman is probably expecting a baby.

Some methods of ancient times are associated with the study of urine. For example, in those days, pregnancy could be determined without a test in the following way: women watered the flower beds with urine and watched the flowers. If as a result the flowers dried up, then the woman's pregnancy was refuted.

Also, the urine of the expectant mother could be boiled and looked for the presence of sediment: a significant sediment appeared in the urine of those women who were pregnant.

Among the rather amusing ways to determine pregnancy is the use of an onion. The onion was cut into two parts: one meant a positive answer, and the second meant a negative one. Both halves were placed in water: from which a sprout 5 cm in size hatched faster, it gave the answer to an exciting question.

Some women learned about their situation from dreams. It was believed that expectant mother may dream of a fish. Wherein male name fish (perch, carp) indicates that a boy will be born, and female (pike, mackerel) portends the birth of a girl.

Of course, hardly modern women will apply similar methods, and believe their reliability, but in the past such manipulations were very popular. Exactly before a woman could determine pregnancy without a test.

Today, a representative of the beautiful half of humanity can confirm her guesses about pregnancy with the help of tests for hCG and ultrasound.