Should there be signs of pregnancy before the delay. Proven symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages. Zhor or lack of appetite

For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited happiness. That is why, when planning this event, a woman listens to own feelings to understand that the pregnancy has finally come. If a woman has not been pregnant before, then it can be quite difficult to understand the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage.

conception process

Any pregnancy begins with conception. In order for this happened, the egg must be fertilized by the sperm. During the period of ovulation, a mature egg leaves the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus, if at this time it meets with the sperm, conception occurs.

The fertilized egg must attach to the wall uterus in order to be able to develop further.

After that, the egg begins to divide rapidly. So fast that by about the 8th week of embryo development, vital important organs.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

On early dates it can be difficult to determine pregnancy without the use of special tests. However, if you listen to your body, you can find out the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. They are due to the onset of changes in the body and hormonal surge:

In addition to these first signs of pregnancy, swelling of the extremities may appear in the early stages, especially in the evening, frequent urges to urinate, especially at night.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, attempts to get pregnant are not always successful. Sometimes, instead of a normal pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy can occur. This means that the fetal egg is fixed outside the uterus - in the fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity. Signs of pregnancy at an early stage with development gestational sac outside the uterus are:

  1. Bloody discharge of an uncharacteristic color - brown, brown.
  2. acute pain in the lower abdomen, which increases with a change in body position.
  3. Weakness in the body, chills, which indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.
  4. downgrade blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fainting, general malaise.

In this case, it is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner for surgical intervention.

How to determine pregnancy

You can determine the "interesting position" by the early signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation:

Data early signs pregnancies in the first week are not entirely accurate, so when they appear, you should purchase a pregnancy test at a pharmacy or resort to other methods for determining the "interesting position".

Toxicosis during pregnancy

Toxicosis can be attributed to one of the early signs of pregnancy after a delay. This is due to the fact that the body is not ready to accept the fetus and reacts to it as foreign body. Toxicosis is most often manifested in women who are prone to hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure. Toxicosis can manifest itself as follows:

It is not at all necessary that all pregnant women should experience toxicosis; in some cases, a woman does not feel the slightest discomfort throughout the entire period. In the event that the toxicosis is too strong, it is recommended to seek a qualified medical care, otherwise there may be a threat of miscarriage. Normally, with a moderate manifestation of toxicosis, its symptoms disappear by the 14-16th week of pregnancy, when the woman's body gets used to the fetus inside.

When the belly starts to grow

After realizing the fact of the onset of pregnancy, any woman begins to be interested in the changes that will occur with her body. First of all, the expectant mother begins to be interested in what it feels like during pregnancy and when the belly begins to grow.

Normally, noticeable growth of the tummy begins at the 14-15th week of pregnancy. However, many women notice signs and sensations of pregnancy already at the 5-10th week. They also include the beginning of the growth of the tummy. Experts point out that this short term pregnancy, the belly can begin to increase not only from the rapid growth of the fetus in the uterus, but also due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which is inevitable for a woman.

At the same time, a rounded belly becomes noticeable to others at the 20th week. At about the same time, a woman needs to update a wardrobe to accommodate a growing belly.

The growth rate is very important, as the doctor can determine from it possible pathologies- polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, fetal growth retardation and others.

HCG analysis

One of the early signs of pregnancy in the first week is an increase in the body hCG levels is a hormone secreted by the placenta during gestation. An analysis for hCG can be taken already 10 days after conception, it is at this time that it will show the presence of pregnancy.

In addition, passing an analysis for hCG makes it possible to track the intrauterine development of the child until the moment when the time allows for an ultrasound scan. This analysis is not expensive and can be done in any hospital or laboratory. In order to get the most reliable results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. On the day before the test, you must do without significant physical work or sports.
  2. Blood for analysis must be taken on an empty stomach, that is, at least 4 hours after the last meal.
  3. When you receive hormonal drugs The test should be discussed with and made known to healthcare professionals, as some medications may interfere with test results.

Not a large number of hormone secreted by the placenta is found in the urine, according to this principle pharmacy tests for pregnancy.

Determination of pregnancy using ultrasound

Noticing the first signs pregnancy, after a week of delay, you can contact an ultrasound specialist to diagnose pregnancy. In this case, it should be remembered that the embryo has a size of about 4 mm, so it is quite difficult to consider it. To do this, the doctor must have extensive experience, and the medical device must be in perfect condition.

Gynecologist at examination with the help of apparatus ultrasound diagnostics notes the following changes in the organs of a woman:

  1. The uterus is an elastic organ that softens and becomes more pliable with the onset of pregnancy, in addition, after some time, its growth is noticeable.
  2. The vagina also changes. It becomes a different shade, its density also changes.

The method of ultrasound diagnostics is the most informative for determining pregnancy, as it not only confirms or refutes its fact, but also gives a detailed picture of the state of the internal genital organs or the development of the fetus.

Use of iodine

Many women are wondering how to determine pregnancy before a delay without a test. This can be done with ordinary iodine, which is in any home first aid kit. There are two ways to help determine pregnancy:

  1. Need to moisten paper napkin in the morning urine, then drop a little iodine on it. If the stain becomes purple hue, then we can confidently talk about the onset of pregnancy.
  2. The first morning urine must be collected in a container. After that, a little iodine must be dropped into the liquid. If the drop quickly dissolves in the urine, then the test result is most likely negative. In the presence of pregnancy, the drop will linger on the surface of the urine for a while.

Although this method is not 100% guaranteed exact definition pregnancy, many women continue to use it successfully.

Soda Test

The signs and sensations of a first pregnancy can be confusing for a woman who has never experienced similar symptoms. Having discovered unusual manifestations " interesting state", the woman will undoubtedly want to confirm her suspicions. This can be done with ordinary baking soda.

To do this, it is necessary to collect a portion of the first morning urine in a clean container. After that, you need to lower a teaspoon of soda there. If a reaction occurs and the liquid begins to hiss and foam, then the woman is not pregnant. If the soda precipitates to the bottom of the container, then we are talking about successful conception.

This method, like the method using iodine, cannot be called 100% accurate, but women who have experienced it in most cases confirm its effectiveness.

Grandma's methods

How was pregnancy determined without tests? There are many folk methods, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries of use before the advent of pharmacy pregnancy tests. The most common methods for determining pregnancy at home are:

  1. It is necessary to take clean dishes and dissolve a little potassium permanganate in water so that the water turns pink. After that, you need to add a little first urine to the water. If it dissolves in water, there is no pregnancy, but if it precipitates in the form of flakes, then most likely the woman is preparing to become a mother.
  2. The first morning urine must be mixed with red wine in a ratio of 1:1. If the color has not changed, then conception has not occurred, if the liquid has become cloudy and a precipitate has appeared, then pregnancy takes place. When using this method, it should be remembered that the wine must be completely natural, otherwise the accuracy of the method is reduced to a minimum, it is advisable to use homemade grape wine.
  3. The first morning urine is placed in an iron container and boiled. If a woman is pregnant, then a precipitate will fall in the form of flakes. However, this method should be treated with caution. For example, if a woman has kidney disease, then a large amount of protein in the urine may clot and be mistaken for sediment.
  4. It used to be said that during pregnancy, a woman may dream of fresh fish. This method has no scientific justification, however, many young mothers note that in the early stages of pregnancy, fresh fish can really be dreamed of.
  5. It is necessary to touch your stomach with your fingers 7-8 cm below the navel. In this case, you can hear a barely noticeable pulsation, this will indicate pregnancy.
  6. Dandelion leaves should be poured with a fresh portion of morning urine. If they soon lost their color and became covered with bubbles, then we are talking about a successful conception.
  7. A small amount of urine must be mixed with toothpaste. If the test result is positive, then when mixed, a liquid should be obtained. blue tint. Also, instead of toothpaste, you can use chlorine bleach, the result will be similar.
  8. Fortune telling onion. To do this, you need to plant two onions in cups and guess which one means pregnancy and which one does not. Which of them will grow faster to a size of 4 cm, that result is positive.

It is worth remembering that folk methods pregnancy tests do not give a 100% result, therefore, to obtain reliable information, it is recommended to use pharmacy pregnancy tests or use the services medical institutions.


Undoubtedly, pregnancy is an unusual condition for any woman. That is why future mom is interested in what are the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages, in order to determine the "interesting position" as quickly as possible. There are many manifestations and symptoms, but this does not mean at all that a woman will feel them all on herself. It often happens that the expectant mother notices changes in her body on intuitive level or does not even know about conception until the moment of delay of menstruation.

In any case, from the moment pregnancy is determined, a woman should contact the antenatal clinic for registration. This is necessary so that doctors can monitor the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Physiological changes in the expectant mother. The first symptoms of pregnancy based on the sex of the child. Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy.

Determine pregnancy for short term when there is no delay, it is quite possible. Knowing the early signs of gestation and identifying them in yourself will delight a married couple who were striving to conceive.

Pronounced signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation are noticeable during the implantation of a fertilized egg (approximately the 20th day after the merger of the female and male cell). Up to this point, the body reacts slightly to the birth of a new life. But attentive women understand that replenishment in the family is expected.

Physiological changes in the expectant mother

If a woman of childbearing age suspects that conception has occurred and is looking for information on how to understand that she is pregnant before her period is late, she should first listen to herself.

What is the state of health, smell, condition of the chest, appearance vaginal discharge etc. Any deviation from the usual sensations is an occasion to think about what is happening in the body.

Distorted sense of smell

Aversion to surrounding odors during pregnancy occurs in every second woman. The phenomenon is associated with changes in the central nervous system. Odor aversion leads to profuse salivation, nausea, change in the taste of food.

Breast tenderness

The mammary glands respond to conception immediately after the implantation of the egg. The breasts may look swollen in the first week. Light touch causes pain. The sensitivity increases, the color of the halo changes.

The bumps of Montgomery, resembling rashes on halos, become more pronounced. They are found on the breasts of every woman and in the normal state are not so noticeable. These small rudimentary glands become apparent after fixation of the fetal egg. Therefore, changes in the mammary glands can be considered among the earliest signs of a recent pregnancy.

Deterioration in general well-being

Fluctuations in progesterone levels and a slight increase in body temperature lead to the appearance of signs colds. Still not knowing about her situation, the woman thinks that this is a consequence of hypothermia or infection, because all the symptoms are the same:

  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Migraine.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Runny nose or sore throat.

In the first 48 hours after the fertilization of the egg, a special substance appears in the blood of women, which experts call early factor pregnancy. An increase in its performance is observed in the 1st trimester. Diagnosis of conception by this factor confirms 67% of cases of completed pregnancies.

Bleeding from the genital tract

Consider whether pregnancy can be determined by vaginal discharge. When the egg is introduced into the uterine cavity, a small implantation bleeding opens. This is due to the presence in the endometrium of its own vascular network.

At the time of attachment of the egg, the vessels are injured, and blood is released. Often such an event occurs on the day of the expected menstruation. If a woman's periods have never been heavy, she may not suspect gestation.

However, there are several signs by which false menstruation can be distinguished from true bleeding:

  1. Short duration - 1 - 2 days.
  2. There is no increase in bleeding.
  3. The color of the blood is red or pinkish.
  4. The extracts do not contain impurities.
  5. The process is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

If the process of introducing the fetal egg into the uterus was atraumatic for the vessels, the vaginal discharge during pregnancy becomes transparent, moderately thick and loses a pronounced smell.

Frequent urination

More frequent trips to the toilet in a small way during the day and the need to urinate at night may indicate pregnancy.

In the absence of unpleasant symptoms, you should not worry. This phenomenon is due to hormonal changes, due to which the uterus receives more blood. Congested blood vessels affect the urinary system. This is not considered a disease.


Toxicosis, which is often manifested by nausea and vomiting, will help determine the development of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation.

Many mothers remember with a shudder unpleasant symptom, because of which even the teeth could not be properly cleaned. It is impossible to ignore toxicosis, since it disrupts the laying of the organs and systems of the embryo. In addition to digestive symptoms, a pregnant woman may be disturbed by cramps, bronchial asthma, skin rashes. And all this refers to signs of toxicosis.

Why such an unfavorable process develops during pregnancy, scientists cannot establish. However, gynecologists analyzed which factors increase the risk of developing toxicosis:

  • Stress.
  • Multiple abortions.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Excessive thinness of the body.
  • Endocrine and digestive disorders.

Tests for hCG help doctors judge the presence of pregnancy. The hormone begins to grow even before the delay of menstruation, and at 1 - 2 weeks of pregnancy, its value varies between 25 - 156 mU / ml. From weeks 2 to 3, the hCG value is 101 - 4870 mU / ml.

Fullness in the lower abdomen

A strange feeling of a full belly sometimes indicates the onset of pregnancy. The severity is due to an increase in the size of the uterus, to which blood is actively supplied.

With a significant increase in the genital organ, when the fetus develops intensively, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen may be accompanied by hemorrhoids. During the first pregnancy, the complication occurs after the 20th week, and during the second pregnancy, it worries in the early stages.

Basal temperature indicators

Constant measurements in the morning immediately after waking up and plotting its fluctuations give the most accurate results. According to the BT indicators, ovulation can be easily calculated, since during this period the previously recorded indicators increase and persist for some time. About a week before menstruation, the temperature measured by the rectal route becomes normal.

If a woman sees on the chart that the dynamics of BT has changed, but there is no decrease, it makes sense to suspect pregnancy. IN interesting position rectal temperature does not decrease.

Low blood pressure in early pregnancy is observed in hypotensive women. BP indicators reach 90/60 mm Hg. and are lower. In a stuffy room and after a long stay in a standing position, the expectant mother develops weakness or dizziness. For the same reason, fainting occurs.

The first symptoms of pregnancy by gender of the child

If married couple I really want a boy or a girl and all attempts are made to conceive, information on how to find out about pregnancy by gender of the child will be relevant for future parents.

A few talk about the conception of a boy obvious signs, noticed by mothers of sons. They have no medical justification. Consider how pregnant women walk with a boy:

  1. Appearance - only positive changes. The woman looks blooming. Her hair becomes thick, her nails become strong, her skin becomes matte with a pleasant peach tint.
  2. Appetite - increases from the first days. There is a craving for meat products.
  3. Mood - psycho-emotional state is good, working capacity is normal, there is a surge of strength.
  4. The temperature of the extremities is cold feet against the general background of internal heat.
  5. Nausea - or not, or slightly sick.
  6. Belly - rounded at the bottom, taking the form of a slight bulge. With a careful examination of the body, this is noticeable at 1 - 2 weeks.

Now let's try to figure out how to determine pregnancy before a delay in menstruation if a girl is born in the womb. Mother's appearance changes the worst side. The daughter takes beauty away, making her skin pale and swollen, and her lips swollen. Age spots appear, freckles become more pronounced. Feet feel warm to the touch, but inside pound with chills.

There is no appetite from the first days of pregnancy. If you want to refresh yourself, a woman chooses sweets or citruses. Mood, thoughts and actions are disordered. Much is done spontaneously. In the morning, mommy is worried about nausea, which subsides slightly in the evening. The abdomen looks slightly sunken.

Concerning multiple pregnancy, which pleases some people and saddens others, its symptoms can be as follows:

  • Appearance - a powerful hormonal restructuring and the work of the body "for everyone" significantly spoil the appearance. Worries severe toxicosis. Pimples appear on the face.
  • Appetite - increased even with nausea.
  • Body weight - gaining quickly.
  • The mood is unimportant. A woman is overcome by laziness, drowsiness, fatigue.
  • Nausea - periodically ends with vomiting.
  • Urination - accelerated growth uterus increases the need to urinate.
  • Belly - evenly rounded from the first weeks.

A gynecologist can determine pregnancy at a short time. He examines the patient on the chair and sees that the cervix has become softer and more cyanotic. Its color has changed under the influence of increased blood circulation. These figures are typical for a period of 6 weeks.

Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy

It is very difficult to determine pregnancy in the first week. After merging with the male seed female cage within 5 - 7 days moves through the tubes to the uterus. A pea-sized fetus develops a placenta and an umbilical cord. A week later, it attaches to the walls of the reproductive organ. You can feel the birth of life at this moment intuitively, and by comparing folk omens with her early pregnancy condition.

Some women do this simple analysis: they pour a pinch of baking soda into fresh urine and observe the reaction. If there are bubbles, the test is positive. The second option is to mix urine with a drop of iodine. If the drug is dissolved, the conception took place.

Interpreters of dreams consider a dream in which a watermelon or a live fish was seen as a signal of pregnancy. Many mothers notice an increase in libido with the onset of pregnancy. I want more and more sex. A more reliable method is a simple measurement. It is necessary to lie on your back and measure from the navel 8 cm down. If this point pulsates, there is new life.

To guess whether there is a pregnancy or not, two identical bulbs will help. They put them in glasses and watch which one releases green feathers faster. The winning vegetable gives the correct answer.

Other signs promise the onset of pregnancy:

  1. pour urine houseplants or flowers in the garden - their intensive growth will talk about the hormonal surge characteristic of gestation.
  2. Boil urine - the appearance of flakes indicates pregnancy.
  3. Assess the color of morning urine - a dark liquid gives an interesting situation.

But what if the signs indicate conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are accompanied by one-sided abdominal pain and long, heavy false periods?

Most likely inside female body develops ectopic pregnancy. In other words, the fertilized egg stopped at a certain point in its path and fixed itself outside the uterus (most often in the tube). Unpleasant sensations arise in the place of its localization and are aggravated by walking and turning the torso.

What to do in this case? Urgently go to the doctor!

A little about vaginal thrush

At the beginning of pregnancy future mother may be disturbed by the symptoms inherent in thrush - itching, curdled discharge, swelling of the genitals. Out of ignorance, women classify the disease as signs of gestation and are not treated. But in fact, fungi provoke, and not the fact of conception.

Intensive blood flow to the pelvic organs, an increase in the amount of secretions and a surge in estrogen create the prerequisites for the successful reproduction of candidal flora. Specific smell and the unusual consistency of discharge during pregnancy should alert the woman. The milkmaid is harmless. It must be completely eliminated before childbirth so that the child does not pass through the infected genital tract.

From the very first hours after the conception of a baby, great changes begin to occur in a woman's body. Understanding this, many planning the birth of a baby begin to expect the first signs to appear even before the delay in menstruation. Interest is fueled by those who claim that literally from the first days they felt “somehow different”. In this material, we will examine in detail whether it is possible to feel pregnancy before a delay and what symptoms may indicate it.

Conception and implantation

It is impossible to feel the process of conception, because two tiny sex cells are involved in it, and the whole process takes place exclusively at the cellular level. On the day of ovulation, a mature egg is released from the follicle. Even during the day, she retains the ability to be fertilized. If at this time there are spermatozoa nearby, then it is quite possible that one of the millions of spermatozoa will still be able to break the integrity of the oocyte membranes and penetrate inside.

Immediately after this, the process of fusion begins, the two cells combine their DNA and the development of a new life begins. The egg develops into a zygote and then into a blastocyst. Every day it is crushed, the number of cells in it increases. At the same time, the blastocyst moves along the fallopian tube from the ampullar part, in which the fusion occurred, into the uterine cavity. She is actively “helped” by the villi that are dotted with the fallopian tubes from the inside. They push the fertilized egg forward with their movements. First, it enters the mouth of the tubes, and then it ends up in the uterine cavity.

This process lasts an average of 7-9 days after conception. In the uterus, the fetal egg must be fixed in order to have a chance for further development. The attachment process is called implantation. It has two stages. At the first stage, the blastocyst adheres with membranes to the endometrium. This stage is called adhesion. The shells of the egg secrete certain enzymes that partially “dissolve” the endometrial cells.

Then the second stage begins - invasion. With it, the egg “breaks” into the endometrium, the chorionic villi are connected to small blood vessels, and the fetal egg begins to receive oxygen and nutrients from maternal blood.

Only from this moment on, pregnancy is considered to have occurred, which means that the first signs can quite logically appear only after implantation, that is, 7-10 days after conception. However, some claim that they began to feel changes in their body earlier. Such feelings can be attributed to subjective. But scientific explanation there is also for them - while the egg moves towards the uterine cavity, hormonal changes begin in the body.

Also, early signs can be psychosomatic. This occurs in women who have long and so far unsuccessfully planned the birth of a baby. They tend to see any unusual sensation as a sign of an "interesting position." It is often said of them that they “make up” the symptoms for themselves. Such ladies do not deceive at all, they really feel pregnancy, but they inspired these feelings themselves.

In order to better understand her own feelings, a woman should know exactly what changes, from the point of view of official medicine, occur inside her body in these two weeks that separate ovulation from the date of the next menstruation.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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What happens in a woman's body?

After ovulation, regardless of whether the conception took place or not, the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the blood plasma increases. In the second phase menstrual cycle this substance regulates all processes - first, the endometrium thickens under its influence, becomes looser, and prepares for implantation. If there was no fertilization, then two weeks later, when progesterone falls and estrogens begin to predominate, menstruation begins - the very overgrown endometrium, which this time “was not useful”, is rejected.

If conception has taken place, then progesterone is produced more actively. Even before implantation, this substance triggers some biochemical changes - the endometrium thickens, the smooth muscles of the uterus relax somewhat, the cervical canal is tightly closed with a thick mucous plug to prevent sperm, bacteria, and viruses from entering the uterine cavity.

"Explanatory work" is carried out by progesterone and with female immunity. The fetus is half of the native genetic material. The second half of it is paternal genes, and it is they that can be perceived by the vigilant immune defense of an adult woman as hostile. So that the immune system does not reject the embryo, progesterone begins to have an immunosuppressive effect on it, which partially suppresses the activity of antibodies.

Immediately after implantation, the changes become more massive. The chorionic villi, with which the membranes of the fetal egg are connected to the wall of the uterus, begin to produce their own hormonal substance, the name of which is well known to everyone planning a pregnancy - this is hCG. Chorionic gonadotropin stimulates the production of progesterone. If in a non-pregnant cycle the level of the hormone begins to fall by the time of menstruation, then now hCG will not allow it to do this, and as a result, menstruation will not occur.

The chorionic hormone increases as the fetal egg grows, while the rate of increase in its concentration is quite clear - every two days the concentration of hCG in the blood plasma increases exactly 2 times. If a woman becomes pregnant with twins, then the hormone level will increase not by 2, but by 4 times relative to the previous values.

Two hormones together affect almost all organs and systems. Progesterone increases appetite because its job is to maintain pregnancy, and to do this, evolution provides for the creation of a nutritious fat and carbohydrate reserve in case of situations of nutritional deficiency. Mucous membranes under the influence of two hormones become looser and more vulnerable. The pelvic organs begin to be better supplied with blood, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.

A new functional center, the pregnancy center, is being formed in the cerebral cortex. Within nine months, he will have to be responsible for the consistency of all processes that are designed to help in bearing the fetus. It is this center that will regulate the growth of the uterus, mammary glands, control hormonal balance and compensate for all the inconvenience that internal organs woman growing fetus in the womb.

All this happens about a week before the next menstruation. And this the last week It may well bring something new and unusual to the usual sensations of a woman. However, much depends on individual sensitivity, on the state of immunity.

The stronger the immunity, the more pronounced the first sensations and signs can be (the body will begin to resist some changes). Immunocompromised women may not notice anything out of the ordinary.

Symptoms and sensations before delay

Knowing about biochemical processes, it will not be so difficult to understand which sensations are justified and which ones are far-fetched by a woman. The most common early pregnancy symptoms are common cold. A woman may feel overwhelmed, tired, and a runny nose that has appeared will completely convince her that she is sick. In fact, this is how progesterone affects the immune system. Among the other discussed first symptoms of pregnancy in the earliest stages, the following can be noted.

Trouble falling asleep or persistent sleepiness

An obsessive desire to sleep longer a week before the end of the menstrual cycle is a normal phenomenon if conception has taken place. The internal processes described above lead to higher energy costs. Fatigue and drowsiness defense mechanism designed to offset these costs.

The inability to get enough sleep is noted by about half of pregnant women. The woman does not yet know if pregnancy has occurred, but the woman's body already knows the answer to this question for sure. A new impulse center that has arisen in the cerebral cortex delivers a lot of discomfort to neighboring centers. One of the "suffering" is the center of sleep regulation.

That is why after implantation, a week before the date of the next menstruation, a woman may notice that she does not get enough sleep, even if she sleeps enough time, or cannot fall asleep when it is time. Frequent awakening, sensitive and shallow sleep can also indirectly indicate a possible pregnancy.

On the other hand, insomnia may well be caused not by pregnancy, but by stress, anxiety, problems at work or at home, financial difficulties and even a hearty dinner before going to bed and stuffiness in the bedroom.

Mental and emotional instability

Progesterone has one unpleasant side effect - it causes mental and emotional instability. The central nervous system is partially suppressed by the hormone to provide a more favorable psychological background for the development of pregnancy. But without a “fight”, the central nervous system does not give up, and because of this, a woman may feel sudden changes in mood about a week after conception. Many become tearful, more touchy, and some even aggressive.

Women who experience monthly premenstrual syndrome know about this effect of progesterone firsthand. However, with PMS, mood changes usually begin two to three days before your period. With the onset of pregnancy, instability of emotions and reactions usually manifests itself somewhat earlier.

This symptom also cannot be regarded as specific, since it depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's psyche, on her temperament and lifestyle. In some, the symptom is absent, in some it is present outside of pregnancy.

Heaviness in the abdomen

If heaviness appeared the day after conception, it is most likely related to food. But 3-4 days before the expected menstruation, a feeling of enduring heaviness in the lower abdomen may already be one of the early signs of an “interesting position”. The fact is that the amount of circulating blood begins to gradually increase, because the pelvic organs already require increased blood supply.

Often, the feeling of “fullness” of a woman is regarded as a sign of imminent menstruation, and therefore they do not pay due attention to it.

Strange sensations in the uterus

The uterine muscles under the influence of progesterone become more relaxed and soft. This is necessary for full development baby in the womb. It is the softening process that is sometimes felt as “tingling” or small “shoots” in the uterus. Usually, women begin to notice this sign a few days after conception.

You should not regard this symptom as mandatory. Even if there is no pregnancy, a slight softening of the uterus in the second half of the female cycle - physiological norm and therefore tingling may occur.

sore chest

Women planning to conceive are very fond of examining their breasts to find the answer to the question of whether the pregnancy has occurred. From a medical point of view, this has a share common sense. Hormonal changes in the body after implantation of the ovum cause small shifts in the concentration of other hormones. The sensitivity of the breast may increase or, conversely, decrease.

There is no single standard for evaluating breasts prior to delay. However, women note that with a high probability the breasts in the "pregnant" cycle will behave differently than in the "non-pregnant". In other words, if the nipples were usually more sensitive in the second half of the cycle, then after conception they may stop hurting and vice versa.

Other signs

To other indirect signs initial stage pregnancy can be attributed to headaches, which are also " side effect» from exposure to progesterone and hCG. They usually start either in the morning or in the evening and rarely last long.

Progesterone softens not only the muscles of the uterus, but also partially relieves intestinal tone. Because of this, constipation, heartburn are possible. The hormone has a similar effect on bladder, and therefore many women note frequent urination even before the delay.

The thought of a cold can visit a woman not only because of a physiological runny nose and a feeling of fatigue. After implantation, that is, about a week after ovulation, a woman may notice that in the evenings her body temperature rises, chills appear. However, in the morning the temperature drops to return again in the evening. This is not a cold, but a way of immune defense to adapt to the new conditions in which the body will have to be.

Many pregnant women, even before the test and blood test, find out about their position by characteristic salivation. Usually saliva is secreted in large quantities at night when the woman is sleeping. This is how a certain center in the cerebral cortex “rebels”, which regulates the production of this fluid. With the advent of a new center - the center for regulating pregnancy, its work is disrupted by a new "neighbor".


After ovulation in the second half of the cycle, the discharge becomes less abundant. Under the influence of progesterone, the so-called "dry period" begins. Allocations normally remain light, thick. Under the influence of progesterone, yellowish shades of the vaginal secretion are possible.

In some women, the process of implantation is accompanied by a rather obvious symptom, which is called “implantation bleeding”. About a week or more after ovulation, a woman may notice scanty brown discharge, "daub", which she may mistakenly take for an earlier onset of menstruation.

Implantation bleeding occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the endometrial layer during the invasion of the fetal egg into it. Allocations do not pose any danger either to the health of the woman or to the development of her baby. Usually they end in a few hours or a maximum of a day.

The symptom does not occur in all pregnant women. Therefore, the absence of such secretions at the right time is not a reason to be upset, believing that conception did not occur.

Basal temperature

The measurement of basal temperature can give food for thought only to those women who have systematically taken daily temperature measurements in the rectum for at least the last three cycles and included them in special schedules.

Two weeks before menstruation, the basal temperature rises. This is the ovulation peak. If conception has taken place, then the temperature no longer returns to the values ​​​​of the first phase of the cycle and is elevated - above 37.0 degrees.

Sometimes during pregnancy, the temperature remains below 37.0 degrees, and this idiosyncrasy the body of a woman, most often associated with insufficient levels of progesterone.

Sometimes an elevated basal temperature may indicate not pregnancy, but inflammatory process in a woman’s body, and therefore the measurement method is not a 100% accurate diagnosis.

External and physical changes

Not a single doctor will give an affirmative answer to the question of how a woman's appearance changes after conception before a delay. Medicine does not have such data. But the fair sex themselves have long noticed that some changes are quite possible. So, according to reviews, the first signs may appear as early as a week after conception. In the morning, the face and hands may swell a little. May appear acne, because this is how a woman's body is able to respond to changes in hormonal levels.

In women who have previously been treated for thrush, a week after conception, itching may appear in the vulva, accompanied by thick, cheesy white discharge. The manifestation of thrush - frequent sign pregnancy to a delay, as the immune system under the action of progesterone becomes weakened.

Those who suffer from chronic hemorrhoids note that an exacerbation may begin. unpleasant disease. This is due to the increased blood supply to the pelvic organs.

When to do the test?

Given that hCG hormone, which is determined by express tests, grows every two days, its concentration in the urine begins to exceed the sensitivity thresholds of the tests only a couple of days before menstruation or on the first day of delay. Holding more early testing only increases stress levels. A woman worries, fears failure, stress hormones disrupt normal flow pregnancy and may well cause detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall.

At late ovulation tests may show negative result and within a few days after the delay. Therefore, it is the absence of menstruation that is considered the most objective sign of pregnancy.

If you really want to know about your situation earlier, you should do a blood test for hCG. This analysis can be taken at any clinic, its cost is low (500-600 rubles), the accuracy is almost 100%. Approximately 4 days before delay laboratory research detect hCG in blood plasma.

Some women are looking forward to pregnancy, for others - it turns out to be an absolute surprise. But for both the first and second, it is important to understand whether the miracle of conception has happened or not, and preferably as soon as possible. How to spot an attack pregnancy before missed period what to pay attention to and whatappear most often? If you notice that some changes are taking place in the body that are not entirely clear to you, we will explain which of them indicate the onset of pregnancy, and which are not related to this.

By the way, many women claim that they "knew" about the onset of pregnancy, or rather felt, even before the test showed two strips. We will list someso that you clarify your condition for yourself and draw the appropriate conclusions.


· Signs of pregnancy before delay: first week

To begin with, in fact, the 1st week of pregnancy starts even before pregnancy itself. Exactly. In medicine, a full-term pregnancy is considered a period of gestation of a baby of 40 weeks. But the reference point in obstetrics is the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

It is during menstruation that the egg begins to form, which is some prototype of the future heir or heiress. During this first week, the woman's body will choose the best, one of the three hundred thousand formed eggs, to further create a new life.

It is clear that there are simply no signs of pregnancy on the 1st week, because menstruation is still going on or has just ended, and conception has not occurred. In fact, the earliest, which can be recognized or felt, begin to appear only from the 2-3rd week after the last monthly, that is, from the middle.

· The first signs of pregnancy after conception

When conception has occurred, the woman's body begins to actively change its tasks and functions, adapting to the needs of the unborn child growing in her mother's tummy. Many may turn out to be unpleasant for you, and some even painful. Alas, the restructuring of the body to a completely new mode of life cannot pass without a trace, and therefore it is worth being patient.

Try to treat your own feelings calmly and with understanding. But remember: pregnancy is not a disease, but only a new state of the body, albeit not always rosy. At the end of this test, you will receive a well-deserved reward - the birth of your blood.

So let's listcharacteristic in most cases in women awaiting replenishment:

  1. small bleeding;
  2. change and increase in basal temperature;
  3. malaise;
  4. increased sensitivity of the breast;
  5. sensations of "fullness" in the lower abdomen, tingling inside the uterus, bloating, possibly intestinal upset, all at once or separately;
  6. fast fatiguability, drowsiness, distraction;
  7. can throw it into the heat, then into the cold;
  8. aversion to smells, nausea, changes in taste, increased salivation;
  9. back pain, headaches;
  10. frequent urination;
  11. increase in vaginal discharge;
  12. delay of menstruation.

Why are these changes taking place? Will all pregnant women experience them? And is there any reason to worry if there is a pregnancy, but there are no signs? Let's deal with everything in order.

1. : slight bleeding

Any woman can be a little puzzled by discharge, vaguely reminiscent of the onset of menstruation. The first thought is that menstruation somehow starts in a wrong way, and somehow at the wrong time. secretionsafter conception a yellowish-brown color and a small amount are characteristic - they are not plentiful, but rather smearing.

These so-called implantation bleedings are the mostfirst signs of pregnancy before missed period . They can appear 6-12 days after conception, when planting, implantation, or simply attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall occurs.

The presence of implantation bleeding is not at all necessary, you may not notice it. But if they are repeated even after a delay in menstruation, then you should be wary and visit a gynecologist immediately. At this time, there is a risk of miscarriage, so it makes sense to take a closer look at your health.

2. The first signs of pregnancy: a change in basal temperature

Early signs of pregnancy before a delay are led by an increase in basal temperature, starting from the moment of ovulation, that is, in the second half of a woman's menstrual cycle. To to determine this symptom, you need to measure body temperature in the rectum for several days in a row. This should be done in the morning, immediately after waking up and without getting out of bed - this is important for reliability. The basal temperature during pregnancy is consistently above 37 degrees, as a rule, it is in the range of 37-37.2, but in some cases it can rise up to 38 degrees.

This happens because in the body at the onset of conception, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, which affects the rise in temperature indicators.

True, the elevated basal temperature persists only during the first two weeks after conception, and more precisely, in the future, the temperature does not say anything. When the placenta begins to fully function, the temperature should recover. If this does not happen, then either something is wrong with the pregnancy, or the temperature increase was not associated with the onset of pregnancy. For more details on this feature, see the article..

3. early signs of pregnancy before delay: malaise

Some women who are not yet aware that they are pregnant think they have caught a cold. Such sensations are explained by the fact that the body temperature rises slightly in the early stages, and as a result, malaise, increased fatigue.

However, there is indeed some deterioration in well-being: a runny nose may begin, sore throats may appear. General immunity at this time is slightly reduced, pregnancy becomes an absolute priority for the body.

4. The first signs of pregnancy: hypersensitivity chest

Changes in sensations and some swelling, swelling of the breast - a sign of pregnancy, characteristic of the 1-2nd weekafter conception . The breast of a woman becomes more sensitive: soreness at the slightest touch, at times it is literally impossible to touch it. However, such signs of pregnancy before a delay are not at all necessary, it happens the other way around: a woman does not feel changes in her breasts and wonders why she does not hurt, as usually happens before menstruation.

Darkening of the skin around the nipple area may indicate the beginning of pregnancy. Also, there may be discharge from the nipples when pressed. The body thus prepares the mammary glands for breastfeeding baby after birth.

5. The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation : sensations in the lower abdomen

The development of pregnancy involves all the forces of the woman's body. To the pelvic area P There is a significant increase in blood flow, the pregnant uterus begins to increase in size. Therefore, many women say that they feel the uterus right from the earliest dates. In addition to the feeling of "fullness" in the lower abdomen, tingling inside the uterus, swelling is possible, and sometimes intestinal upset. Such early signs may appear all at once or separately, or not at all.

For the same reason, it is possible hemorrhoids And pregnancy varicose veins . In general, such phenomena are characteristic of the second half of pregnancy, due to an increase in the fetus and uterus. But for some expectant mothers, mostly multiparous, these problems may appear in the early stages.

6. Signs of pregnancy: fatigue, drowsiness, absent-mindedness

Rapid fatigue, constant drowsiness, a state of absent-mindedness, sometimes anxiety, sentimentality or excessive emotionality appear all for the same reason: active production of the hormone progesterone, complete restructuring female body targeting pregnancy.

Progesterone has an overwhelming effect on the psyche, causing drowsiness. This state of affairs will not last long. Already after the 10th week of pregnancy, the placenta begins to produce its own hormones, then the level of estrogens increases, which already have an exciting effect on the woman's psyche.

7. Early signs of pregnancy: it can either throw into the heat, then it becomes cold

This symptom is explained by an increase in temperature that accompanies a pregnant woman in the first few weeks, and a decrease in pressure.

In general, the state of the body rebuilding to a new, pregnant way is like a swing: until the processes of change stabilize, there may be fluctuations in well-being, and increased sweating, and a feeling of heat, then cold, and weakness or excessive activity.

8. Signs of pregnancy before menstruation: changes in taste, aversion to smells, nausea, salivation

Early toxicosis is one of the main signs of pregnancy. Nausea and even vomiting occurs, as a rule, from the 2nd week, and can continue throughout the pregnancy, periodically intensifying, then receding. This phenomenon is explained by changes in functional state female central nervous system.

taste changes, taste preferences, as well as disgust for certain smells is characteristic of most women, only some lucky women manage to avoid these problems while carrying a baby.

Vomiting can occur twice or even more times during the day, it may be accompanied by profuse salivation and a decrease in appetite. In such cases, you should consult your doctor.

9. Signs of pregnancy: back pain, frequent headaches

In the region of the sacrum, pains resembling "lumbago" may appear, such pain in the lower back is also observed on later dates pregnancy. The occurrence of headaches is explained by all the same hormones, or rather a sudden change in their quantity in a woman's body.

Such pains also serve as a sign of an interesting situation, but for the most part indirect. As a rule, the level of hormones levels off by the end of the first trimester, headaches also disappear, and future mommy can truly enjoy her position - the second trimester will bring noticeable relief to the pregnant woman.

10. Signs of pregnancy after conception: increased frequency of urination

Frequent urination included inearly signs of pregnancy after conception . The reason for them lies in the increase in the level female hormones in the body, a rush of blood to the small pelvis, and temporary changes in kidney function.

In the second trimester, this sign is attributed to the general manifestations of pregnancy. At this time, frequent urination occurs due to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the woman's bladder.

11. The first signs of conception after a missed period: an increase in vaginal discharge

After conception, as already mentioned, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, which increases the volume of vaginal discharge.

By the way, these secretions have a protective function: an increased content of hydrogen ions in the vaginal secretion protects the body of the pregnant woman and the baby in her tummy from the penetration of microbes.

But this phenomenon also has a serious minus: this resulting environment is favorable for the reproduction of yeast fungi, which is why pregnant women so often have thrush, which requires mandatory competent treatment in order to avoid infection of the fetus. In addition, due to thrush, the risk of ruptures during childbirth increases.

12. Signs of pregnancy: missed period

Changes in menstrual calendar in the direction of a delay in menstruation - this is the surest sign of pregnancy, the logical continuation of which is a pregnancy test and a visit to the antenatal clinic.

As discussed earlier, bleeding is possible at the beginning of pregnancy, but they are minor, not heavy and markedly different from menstrual bleeding. In any case, it is important to understand the seriousness of the occurrence of a delay in menstruation, as well as a timely visit to a gynecologist, since a delay can be a symptom of some kind of gynecological disease.

If your pregnancy is confirmed, smile and tune in to an extremely positive perception of the changes taking place in your body. Get ready to become a mommy and be healthy!

Yana Lagidna, especially for

You are waiting for this more than a declaration of love, own wedding or the latest episode of your favorite TV series.

This worries you more than the dollar, the political situation in a neighboring country, or gossip about an evil boss. Pregnancy.

Two strips on tests have been appearing to you in a dream for a long time, and this time you again carefully listen to your body and wonder: did it happen or not?

Stop guessing, this article will tell you how to recognize pregnancy early, even before a delay.

In a young family, there was also no talk of children, or the girl is not yet married, but suddenly something happens that radically changes her life.

Exciting dreams

Even today, many women believe that if a girl caught a fish in a dream, it means she is expecting a baby. Where this sign came from is unknown, but from the point of view of psychology, there is some truth in it.

Fish in a dream - to a child!

Scientists have found that for many women, it is the fish on a subconscious level that symbolizes evolution and procreation.

When a new life is born in the body, this can be evidenced by a dream about successful fishing, as a symbol that now this woman will also be able to continue her race.

smart kids

It often happens that a random kid or child of relatives reveals the truth about the interesting position of the “aunt”. The question "Do you have Lyalya in your tummy?" children literally unsettle a young girl, because she still does not suspect pregnancy.

And suddenly, the baby is right. Many argue that children intuitively feel pregnant, even if the period is still very short.

Experienced Grandmothers

Or grandfathers. About the same as with children. Sometimes it seems that older people can smell pregnant women a mile away. I wonder why? Does life experience play a role?

Or over the years, intuition sharpens so much that Old man on the bus, he suddenly gives you his seat and says something like: “There are two of you under your coat!”.

Relying on these methods, of course, is not worth it. Perhaps they are talking not so much about pregnancy, but about your readiness to finally become a mother.

Just think about it and talk to your partner. And if the probability is high, the symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay will help determine your position.

sexual attraction
Hormonal changes in the body are responsible for sexual attraction women.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, it may decrease or, conversely, increase.
And if there are no medical contraindications to sexual activity, for example, the threat of miscarriage, then you should not deny yourself the joys of sex.

10 most likely signs

Let's talk about those signs of pregnancy that a woman herself can feel, sometimes long before the delay.


Everyone has heard about it, but not everyone can feel it.

If you are one of those “lucky ones” who are destined to experience the “joys” of toxicosis, get ready for the fact that not only morning sickness awaits you, but also other ailments.

Experts refer to toxicosis the following types ailment:

  • Salivation;
  • Odor aversion;
  • Change in taste;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Nausea at any time of the day.


In the morning you get up and realize that you have got a cold. You don't seem to have a runny nose or cough, but you get chills. The thermometer shows something around 37.2 and I don’t feel like going to work at all.

You make tea and cover yourself warm blanket, but after a while everything suddenly passes. Such a drop in body temperature may indicate that soon someone will have to run to the pharmacy for tests.

But on what day after conception will the test show pregnancy before the delay? AND ?

Hormonal surge provokes the body to different kind impulses, including temperature jumps.

Basal temperature

If you've been carefully tracking your ovulation with a basal temperature chart, you'll easily be able to tell if you're pregnant. The line on your drawing will not go down, as it happens by the end of the cycle, but will stably stay at marks above 37.

If basal body temperature you've never measured - don't start. There are many other, more pleasant ways.

Strange discharge

There may be several explanations for the strange discharge in the second half of the cycle.

  1. Implant retraction. A few days after conception, a tiny clump of cells attaches to the wall of the uterus for further growth and development in the mother's body.
    The attachment process may be accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood, so the lower abdomen hurts - the first signs of pregnancy before the delay.
  2. imaginary menstruation. There are times when a few months after conception, a woman in common days cycles, there are discharges, as with menstruation, although they are not physiological menstruation.
    This is explained hormonal changes, lack of progesterone and weakness of the cervix.

Seek immediate medical attention!
If bloody issues are accompanied by a sharp pain in one part of the abdomen, urgently contact the nearest emergency room!
Your pregnancy may be ectopic!

Breast changes

The chest is the place that can most quickly tell a woman that she is pregnant.

Of the most frequent and likely first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation in the early stages, including in the first week, there are:

  • Swelling of the mammary glands;
  • soreness of the chest;
  • Isolation of colostrum;
  • Darkening of the areola.

your belly

First of all, with the onset of pregnancy, the intestines will make themselves felt. Pregnancy hormones contribute to the fact that he begins to be lazy, work slowly and reluctantly. Hence the gas and bloating.

In addition, you may be concerned about:

  • Feeling of fullness or heaviness in the lower abdomen. The uterus begins to grow, so this feeling is your companion for the next nine months.
  • Slight pulling pains and numbness in the area of ​​the uterus. At times like this, it's best to lie down and calm down.
  • Frequent urination. They are provoked by both hormones and the uterus pressing on the bladder.
  • Edema. The hormonal boom causes the kidneys to work a little differently, so you may notice some swelling in your fingers and face by the end of the day.

What happens at night

Your dreams will also change. There are two options: either they will become brighter and will resemble Hollywood films, or they will leave you completely, and you will suffer from insomnia.

Don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon.

The growth of the hCG hormone
Special tests or analyzes determine the increase in the level of hCG, which indicates the presence of pregnancy and its normal course.
It is important that this indicator grows even before the delay of menstruation:

  • 1-2 weeks - 25-156 mU / ml;
  • 2-3 weeks - 101-4870 mU / ml;
  • 3-4 weeks - 1110-31500 mU / ml;
  • 4-5 weeks - 2560-82300 mU / ml;
  • 5-6 weeks - 23100-151000 mU / ml.

Your other half

With the onset of pregnancy, peppercorns will also be added to relations with the second half. In the very early stages, when you are not yet aware of the baby, hormones are doing their job and your mood jumps from the “minus one hundred” mark to the “plus one thousand” mark in a fraction of a second.

Perhaps it is your spouse who will tell you, "Honey, why don't you take a pregnancy test?"

In addition to mood, your attraction to a partner may also fall. This is easily explained: nature protects the tiny creature inside you, and extra shakes during this period can harm it.

Your long-suffering back

If this child is not the first, your lower back will surely give you a sign of pregnancy.

Also in past pregnancy she was slightly bent by lordosis, so next time it was she aching pains will warn you that you will soon become a mother again.

If the pregnancy is the first, it is possible that pain in the growing uterus will be given to the lower back. In any case, beware if your back gets tired and whining faster in the evening.


A frequent companion of pregnant women is headaches. It's all about the hormones again.

By the way, in the near future, it is hormones that you can explain everything that is happening to you.

Loss of consciousness

Remember how it usually happens in TV shows? The heroine, unaware of her pregnancy, suddenly faints, and, recovering herself, hears from the doctor: “You are pregnant!”. There is some truth in this scene.

On the background hormonal changes the pressure in the body of a woman decreases, and therefore dizziness and fainting can occur, especially in stuffy, smoky and hot rooms.