Esoteric why there are financial difficulties in men. Money Magic: The Four Laws of Abundance. Why, according to transurfing, it is dangerous to spin the target slide by a specific amount

I'm the only person who knows what it's like to lose a quarter of a billion dollars in a year. It is very good at shaping personality. Steve Jobs

Why do financial losses occur? Why does someone accumulate money by themselves without any extra effort, while for someone most of the time it magically disappears from their wallet and bank accounts?

For a clear, unambiguously manifested event pattern of chronic financial losses, the following conditions must be observed simultaneously:

1) psychological poverty. To put it briefly, money is not given to a person simply because he does not really need it, because he is poor in his head. A poor person has an extremely low financial ceiling. As soon as a penny appears, he immediately "repels" money from himself, spending it.

If a poor person is given a significant amount, his hands begin to shake with fear, he carries 700 thousand rubles to the bank in a taxi, nervously looking around: the unconscious gives a clear signal that even such a tiny amount is not his, alien to him. The poor man is afraid to go into an expensive store, he is uncomfortable there, he looks around in alarm that he will be chased away by the guards or ridiculed by other visitors, and he goes to this store in his best clothes, as if to a parade, while a rich person can come to buy a ferrari dressed in tattered sweatpants, and his self-confidence will not suffer from this.

Sometimes the roots of psychological poverty are in early childhood, when the native was either accompanied by poverty in fact, or he felt a lack of care, all sorts of restrictions and prodding from his parents, getting used to the fact that "life is not sugar, you have to limit yourself and save." And his psyche simply does not know another life.

Money is not a soulless pile of paper or zeros on a bank account, it is a special form of energy, it is similar to other natural processes. Money is characterized by traditional dualism: it is both a material object and an energy quantum.

It should be remembered that the significator of the house of money is Venus, whose most important function is gravity, i.e. attraction of desired objects of the material world. Regardless of the horoscope, the 2nd house must respect the basic principle of Venus.

An attempt to swindle every penny or, on the contrary, to spend it right there, is equally destructive from the point of view of a qualitative increase in well-being. The difference between the rich and the poor has already been cited in the table earlier, but as part of the financial issue, we recall that money loves, on the one hand, a lot of their own kind and concentration (the first million is easier to earn than a thousand), and on the other hand, the clarity and certainty of goals .

A complete rejection of desires, saving on oneself is bad (fate will not give money if a person himself does not know how to dispose of it). Primitive desires that are immediately satisfied without the concept of further development are even worse. The poor immediately spends what he has earned, and saves what is left after that for strategic purposes. The rich first reserves what he earns for large long-term goals and invests in the means of reproducing surplus value, and then he spends on everything else, but he never “pulls out” money from strategic funds for household immediate needs, because a rich person is sure that nature will never let you die with his head. This confidence, as a characteristic feature of the psychological prism of perception of reality, forms the corresponding eventfulness.

Healthy harmony is the best way to observe the Venusian principle of the financial house.

2) Illiterate financial behavior. Water people instinctively understand how to behave in order to earn. Everyone else has to step on a rake for years in order to understand which action brings money, which one takes away. This is where astrological methods come to the rescue.

3) Repeatability. The natal regularity clearly manifests itself in life if it is repeated 3 or more times in several ways.

For example, the ruler of the 12th house makes an opposition to the planet of the 2nd house, Neptune in a tau-square to the 2-8 axis, and natal Venus in a square to the planet in the 12th house, which can be safely interpreted and get the correct unambiguous answer according to the symbolism 2-12.

And if in the chart the ruler is 2 squared with the ruler 12, but at the same time in the 2nd house there is a gramonic Venus in a taurus trine with Saturn, then here 2-12 is a big question, a person is so psychologically practical and linked to reality that a 12-house negative in the face of one instruction, it turns out to be disarmed on the way.

Here is a brief theoretical guide, compiled on the basis of observations from practice. Additions based on your experience are welcome.

Thus, wealth is not a lot of money, but a person's internal attitude to reality and a special mode of his financial behavior. It is this attitude that distinguishes the truly rich from the poor. Temporarily rich poor instantly impoverished. And a rich person, temporarily experiencing difficulties, will receive resources literally from nowhere.

Problems do not appear in our lives by chance. These are a kind of disease not of the body, but of the soul, which we used to ignore until it gets worse.

All problems in our life are directly or indirectly related to the inner world, energy and biofield. Our energy is the second invisible body, which can also get sick. When our head hurts, we take pills, and when our soul gets sick, we don’t pay attention to it, letting everything take its course. The inner world is very vulnerable, it is more malleable than our biological shell. It is on the state of mind that a person’s life, his luck and happiness depend. The evil eye and spoilage are ailments of the energy level, which sometimes go unnoticed. While gaps form in our biofield, and vital forces leave us, we do not change anything, but only complain about the black streak and take offense at troubles.

Evil eye: the root cause of all problems

Perhaps the most terrible human qualities include envy, anger, irritation. Any person voluntarily or unwittingly can affect your life, your biofield and energy. Of course, nothing good can be expected from such an impact. This is a kind of psychological attack that mostly happens unconsciously, but is always successful. The negative impulse directed by an unkind person quickly reaches its goal, and here serious problems begin.

Your body begins to fight with foreign disharmonious energy, and it begins to attract even more negativity, drawing it from us. All our negative emotions: resentment, anger, despondency, sadness - go to feed this impulse. A person loses interest in life, lethargy, apathy, obsessive thoughts appear. Thus, negative energy continues to multiply, increase, grow until it completely exhausts you. You stop drawing vitality, happiness leaves you, now you are the real bait for everything black and evil in this world.

Corruption: energy disease from witchcraft

Speaking of damage, we are raising a more serious topic. This is a deliberate evil and a real attempt not only on your energy, but also on your life. To repel such a powerful energy strike, a person must have a myriad of positive energy in his arsenal. Most of the time it's missing. Hence all the difficult problems, soldered both with the spiritual world and with the material.

Corruption is a bunch of destructive energy, which not only attracts negativity in the form of troubles, diseases and difficulties: it has the power to modify a person’s thinking, character, and even his fate. Only in the material environment do opposites attract, in the energy environment - the negative attracts the negative. All personality traits of a person change, his views and attitude to life change to the opposite, that is, negative. The dark side of the personality awakens and gains strength, splashing out all the evil out. The Universe perceives this as a kind of signal, repaying us with the same coin. The boomerang law is activated: what you give is what you get in full.

Losing money is not such a bad omen. Find out what to do and what to prepare for if you drop or lose coins or banknotes.

In the article:

Losing money is a sign of receiving benefits

It is difficult to find a person who would never lose money. Of course, such incidents cannot but upset. It is especially offensive if the amount was large. Signs of the loss of money speak not only of banknotes accidentally missing from pockets. They also concern stolen funds, which is also not uncommon. There are many ways to lose money, but according to legend, they all mean the same thing.

In the old days they said this: if you lose, you will soon find twice as much. This means that losing money is a sign of profit. Most likely, new opportunities will soon turn up for you or a profitable one-time income will appear. It doesn't always mean money. You can receive another gift from fate - love, mutual understanding, good luck and luck or health.

In order to guarantee the return of money or other benefits that will replace them, you can read the conspiracy. This is done immediately after you discover the loss. You cannot read this plot if you have been robbed or robbed:

Go, come back and bring your friends!

There is another sign. If you lose money, you will gain what the person who finds and appropriates it loses. Perhaps this is another reason for not raising money on the street.

If you have lost your wallet in your house or car, this indicates serious expenses in the near future. Most likely, they will be unreasonable or forced. If the loss of money is a good sign, then the loss of a wallet promises difficulties and problems, usually of a material nature.

At the same time, it is known that finding money is a double sign. In the old days, it was believed that such a find promises prosperity. If you have been praying for money, this is for you - your prayers have been answered. Now everyone knows that with the help of coins they cause damage and shift illnesses and life's difficulties. Signs about finding and losing money have something in common - the larger the amount, the bigger problems or rewards await you.

However, if you lost money, but then found it and are completely sure that it is your money, you can pick it up. This portends good luck. The greater the amount of money lost and then found, the greater your success will be.

Loss of money - a sign of the favor of the universe

It doesn't really matter which pantheon you prefer. Perhaps you believe that God gives good luck and other rewards, or maybe you think that gifts of fate are given Universe- a formation that operates according to certain laws. Losing money is a good omen, which means that your requests have been heard, and your wishes will soon come true. Probably, in this way "bought" you from serious problems.

That is why knowledgeable people say in such situations, referring to the Universe: thank you for taking the money. It is known that after losing money, something positive should be expected - good luck, better health or relationships. Sometimes new money comes in return. The Universe seems to take payment for its gifts, and it's good if it chooses money - this is a renewable resource, you can always earn more. You can lose something more valuable than banknotes. Rejoice that you are healthy and happy. Don't be discouraged and the money will come back.

If you went for any purchase, most likely, higher powers are trying to dissuade you from it. Perhaps the product is not of good quality, or maybe it's for another reason. Think again - are you willing to spend money the way you planned? Many people had to abandon their plans because of losing money along the way, and they did not regret it, avoiding problems with goods or services. If you have lost your finances at home or in a car, this is a warning that the planned expenses will not bring happiness.

If you have asked for something from higher powers through prayers, rituals or conspiracies, the loss of money means that soon your witchcraft will come true. The fact is that any forces, both good and evil, may wish to pay for their help. This is especially true in the event that your ransom, demand, or other type of offering turned out to be insufficient. Beginning magicians often forget about the need for offerings to the forces they are addressing. In the case of the favor of the latter, they take the payment themselves. This is a good sign - you were accepted and forgiven for the mistake you made.

Sign - to lose money as a fair punishment

Losing money is generally a positive sign. But this is not always the case. If you have lost a large amount of money, survived a robbery, or become a victim of theft, think about whether you have committed unfair or even evil actions for the sake of gain. If the answer is yes, this is most likely your punishment.

No crime in this world goes unpunished. If you have not repaid a debt, left a friend without financial assistance with good financial opportunities, do not help poor relatives, perhaps the time has come to learn to live according to your conscience. Remember that neither greed nor money obtained dishonestly brings happiness. Your money has gone to someone who needs it more than you and who truly deserves help from the universe. Do not allow anger, try to understand and correct your mistakes.

In addition, serious losses may indicate evil eye as a result of envy. This is especially true if you regularly lose small to medium amounts of money. You can find out with the help of diagnostics. There are simple rituals that can be performed at home.

In general, the sign of losing money in most cases portends good luck. This will come in handy after such an unfortunate incident, especially if the amount of money was large enough. But sometimes belief has a negative or instructive meaning - the Universe can punish bad deeds in this way.

Have you ever wondered why there is no money or not enough, although you work hard, invest in your education and personal growth, and try to think positively?

Today we offer a look at financial problems and their solution from the point of view of psychology and spirituality.

To put it briefly: the world is abundant, it has enough goods and resources for everyone.

Modern reality provides you with any opportunities for earning and realizing. If something goes wrong, it is not external “enemies” that prevent it, but internal reasons.

You have little money - which means that the subconscious mind protects you from a larger amount.

It believes that wealth will be dangerous for you in some way, or it will destroy your basic life values.

These are called money promises.

Signs that you have a vow of poverty and the like:

you are working at full capacity, but there is not enough money to meet your needs;
there is enough money, but it is hard, you do not like or exhaust your work;
when money comes to you, it quickly "leaks like sand through your fingers";
if your financial situation improves, troubles immediately occur, unforeseen expenses and other events that delay your material resource;
if you have more money than relatives and friends, you are embarrassed, you feel guilty and, perhaps, you begin to solve the problems of others, “save” someone, and so on.

If you find one or more of the listed items, carefully study this material.

We will consider the types of money vows and their manifestation, look for ways to release.

1. Spiritual vow of poverty

The most common money block. His idea is the rejection of material wealth for the sake of spiritual quest.

Examples: “Money is soulless. I give up wealth for the sake of closeness to God”, “All rich people are immoral and sinful”, “Only being poor, I lead a life pleasing to God”

History: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God” [Matt. 19:23]

There are various interpretations of this famous biblical saying.

For example, that people on the way to money commit sins and crimes; that excess money leads to vicious behavior (revelry, gluttony, vanity).

Also, there is an opinion among spiritual people that money has “low vibrations” and closes the perception of high spheres.

You and your entourage have little money, not enough.

As an option: they became smaller after you took up spiritual practices. At this moment, the vow of poverty manifested itself especially strongly.

Additionally, these beliefs can be supported by your environment and family: “poor, but proud”, “all the rich are thieves”, “but we are spiritually richer”, condemn more successful people, expensive purchases.

It is clear why there is no money - how can one own it if it is sinful, immoral and hinders the spiritual path?

New look and release: Crimes and excesses are not a characteristic of money as such, but simply the choice and behavior of people.

Although wealth can increase human vices, poverty also copes with this no worse. Let us recall the criminal statistics in the marginalized strata of society.

Poor people, in fact, are also not very busy with spiritual quests - they are tormented by thoughts of how to get money for survival every day.

The very word “wealth” contains the root “God”, i.e. material goods are God's gift to you and your life.

It turns out that the phrase of Christ indicated in the previous paragraph does not expose wealth in general, but an excessive obsession with money.

In the modern world, of course, it is possible to have financial freedom and be a spiritual person - you just need to cancel the vow of poverty and form a new way of thinking about this.

2. Oath of Selfless Service

This item especially applies to those whose work or additional activities are related to serving people - a teacher, doctor, psychologist, healer and others.

You are aware of the high social and moral value of your work, but the pay (and, therefore, your standard of living) leaves much to be desired.

Examples: “We need to help people for free”, “If I have money, I lose my spiritual gifts”, “Healing people for money is a sin, God will punish me”, “I choose high service to people, not money”

How can it manifest itself in your life: If you have a "service" job, you probably encounter the prejudice that in such professions "it is indecent to profit from people."

This is often supported by "public opinion". It’s like you can’t get decent pay for your hard work.

As a result, you often recycle, do a lot of things for free at all, and it is difficult for you to ask for a pay increase - especially when interacting with clients personally.

Of course, you can work for some time on enthusiasm and heartburn, but without proper replenishment of resources, including financial ones, everything can lead to burnout and disappointment in the profession.

New look and release: You have chosen an activity related to serving people, preserving the “genetic” memory of respect in society and care from the Temple.

You are sincerely and ardently involved in your work and expect “out of habit” worthy recognition for your spiritual work, but alas…

Times have already changed, there is no community or church that would guarantee you safety.

Words about the "great and selfless feat" of your profession have turned into propaganda, which is often used by manipulators to ... yes, not to pay you money.

New tasks for you, as a spiritual person, are to independently recognize the value of your work and its benefits for people and proudly receive decent pay for it.

3. Giving up wealth for security

These are all decisions to refuse money because they are associated with danger, death, arrests, the loss of friends and loved ones.

Examples: “Being rich is dangerous”, “I refuse money for the sake of life/health/family”.

Origin history: Huge layers of troubles and suffering associated precisely with money. It could happen to you in other lifetimes if you believe in them.

But even without that, there are enough examples from the history of the family, the country, modern films and the media.

Each person has their own fear and is associated with a specific case.

For example, my clients recalled that in their family there was dispossession (the decision “It’s useless to earn money, they’ll take it anyway”), murder for money (“Having a lot of money is life-threatening”), squabbles and betrayal among loved ones (“Wealth destroys the family ").

As I wrote at the beginning, the subconscious mind protects you from danger - wealth.

If more funds appear than you are used to, unforeseen expenses immediately arise, or you quickly “lost” money for no reason.

Often even attempts to earn more money fail. For example, large projects and high-paying job offers fail, clients “leave” at the last moment.

New look and release: First you need to understand that it is not wealth that is dangerous, but carelessness, distrust of one's intuition, undrawn boundaries, which is why the above troubles happened.

A poor person is even less protected from the blows of fate than a wealthy one,

that is, the rejection of money does not exactly guarantee security.

You should heal the described traumatic cases from your history and develop a healthier and more positive outlook on money.

4. Guilt and retribution

Karmic "debts" manifest themselves in the material sphere as a loss of finances and real money debts.(the so-called "retribution").

Examples:“I am indebted to ...”, “I always have to pay for such and such an act”, “I must be punished”

Origin history: Events from other incarnations or your real life history make you feel guilty - before God, society, a particular person.

Maybe you really did something wrong. Or perhaps you were simply imposed a sense of guilt (from a real case - “you were born and ruined your mother’s whole life and health, and now you are in eternal debt”).

Add to this the pressure of the Christian ideology of "original sin", violation of the commandments - and you will understand that you can feel guilty about almost anything.

So you have to endlessly atone for this "guilt", in the literal sense of the word - with money.

How does it show up in your life? You feel guilty or embarrassed when you have more money or expensive things that friends and family don't have.

You are acutely involved in volunteer and charitable activities, often to the detriment of your well-being, health, and family. In general, the “rescuer” complex is typical for you.

Also, the existence of a “need to atone for guilt” is indicated by monetary debts and other onerous obligations (for example, you cannot change a low-paying job for some moral reasons).

New look and release: Understand that what is happening to you is not an external punishment at the will of higher powers, but a decision to punish yourself.

Even if you really “remember” the deeds that terrify you, for example, violence towards people, try to see this as an agreement of your Souls (all participants in the situation received some kind of experience).

If necessary, perform your own ritual of repentance, mourning, atonement for that situation, and complete it.

Your current life and personality, in fact, has nothing to do with those events, you should not suffer anymore.

In addition, sometimes the feeling of guilt is generally imposed on you.

When considering situations, it often turns out that a person was simply shifted responsibility for other people or circumstances completely beyond his control.

Try to understand what is happening, understand and forgive yourself.

Now you know about the main types of spiritual money vows that can interfere with your financial well-being.

This will interest you:

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From childhood we are taught - do not be greedy! All of us, of course, listen to the opinion of moms and dads, they said it’s impossible - that means it’s bad. But until a certain point. I grew up a long time ago and my opinion on this matter has changed somewhat, because moderate greed is exactly what makes us develop, move forward, receive new benefits, live and relax in comfort. Not far from this opinion, and specialists in esotericism, believing that money has its own quite obvious energy, which must be attracted.

Surely in your environment there are people to whom money literally floats by itself and, moreover, not only appears, but brings a rather impressive stable income. They also seem to constantly come to others, but at the same moment they leave. But there are those who work hard at 10 jobs day and night, but cannot afford not only to relax in style, but even to buy some valuable thing. It turns out that it's all about how you feel about money, how you take care of it. After all, the wrong conditions for their "living" in your house can scare them away.

Say nonsense, myth? - Maybe. But the bare facts speak for themselves.

We think positively!

So, closer to the point. What is the energy of money? All esoteric practitioners are confident that all objects, and money is no exception, have their own energy. In order for it to have a positive orientation and bring you the wealth that you aspire to, you first need to think about money correctly. This energy is fed by your mental messages, your energy. Therefore, if you adhere to the opinion so familiar in many religions that money is evil, then you will never have it. No matter how hard you try to earn them, in order to at least provide yourself with a more or less acceptable level of life, everything will go down the drain.

Ideally, from the moment you decide to become rich, you should always think that money is freedom, happiness, joy, pleasure, peace, stability, power, that now your income level will increase day by day, that you - already secured and luck is always on your side.

By the way, this idea was already voiced by me in the article ““, be sure to read it too.

Everyone work!

Do you think you're the only one who needs to work to get things done? But no! Money, it turns out, also likes to work, and not lie in stockings and socks under mattresses. The more you put them into circulation, the more likely you are to secure a stable high income. There are many examples here. Take at least very rich people who occupy first places in Forbes and other publications. They have a lot of new ideas, they constantly turn profits, take risks. All this seems doubtful to you?

Please leave the famous millionaires. My personal experience over the past year is also quite a worthy example of this axiom. I do not hide the general level of profitability from any of you, as you can see in my article "".

And if we bring under this opinion a simple mathematical calculation, which is set out in my article "", then everything turns out to be quite logical, even without esotericism.

One two Three!

Ask yourself: What is a lot of money? Can you answer it right away, but not vaguely, but give the exact amount that you would be happy receiving? A million, two, or maybe a lot more? Now answer yourself, what will you spend this hypothetical million on?

This is where the second rule comes in. You need to correctly set yourself a goal that will correspond to your capabilities. In the language of esotericism, how much money can you take into your life and manage it wisely? If you turn to any Feng Shui or other esoteric guru and tell him that you earn little money, she will answer you, which means that at the moment you are receiving from the Universe exactly as much as your consciousness can cover. That is, you will not be able to manage a larger amount without compromising psychological control. To expand your consciousness, you need to constantly improve your financial literacy, which you can also do with the help of my blog, starting for example with the article "".

As soon as you designate a specific amount for yourself, it's time to act. Another nuance is that money in itself is not an end in itself, that is, you attract them into your life in order to be able to receive certain benefits. Here you can find useful information in the field of financial literacy, for example, my report "". But be prudent, always remember that "the rich also cry."

We share money!

If you begin to thoroughly study all the esoteric currents, you will find out that there are several levels of our being. It is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. The latter, by the way, is the most profound and is directly related to the amount of money in your life.

At the beginning of this article, I talked about greed. So, it can also be different: one helps us acquire wealth, and the other, on the contrary, leads to the fact that the money itself runs out. What is going on?

If you do not know how to share money, then the energy channel through which they came to you does not find a way out, closes, and the money no longer comes to you. Remember that movement is life! Provide a free road without obstacles to money, and it will come to you in an endless stream. What should be done for this?

  1. Develop yourself.
  2. Share your experience.
  3. Find new investment ideas.

Even a small charity to the extent of your current opportunities will benefit. If you're sure you're ready for new ideas, start by monitoring how you invest. To make it easier for you, I have already reviewed the most profitable options in my article "".

What does it cost us to build a house

Do you think you are the only one who likes to live in a spacious, beautiful, comfortable house? No. Money, it turns out, also likes good conditions. Perhaps that is why expensive accessories, which include expensive wallets, are an indicator of status and real wealth. Choose a suitable home for storing money. It can be a quality leather wallet, convenient for you. No less effective for attracting money will be a piggy bank for coins. Often, there is simply nowhere to put a trifle, it is lying around the house idle. Collect all the coins and put them in the piggy bank. Their ringing will attract other coins at the energy level, and, as you know, a penny saves a ruble. Soon you will notice how it was filled literally out of the blue, and that it's time to buy a new one.

The only caveat: if with the help of a piggy bank you decide to collect a specific amount for a certain purchase (rest, thing, etc.), but you had to spend part of this money for other needs ahead of time, be sure to “negotiate” with the money. That is, take a loan from yourself, certainly at interest, and return it on time. Otherwise, it will turn out that you deceived the money, they will “take offense” at you and will not come again. You can understand how the lending system works by reading "" on my blog.

No money left!

About how to attract money to yourself, in general terms, it is already clear. Now a little about what absolutely cannot be done:

  1. Never call your earnings inflated to other people, and, moreover, do not brag about an occasional lottery win or a large bonus. By doing this, you are destroying money.
  2. Never say: "I have no money." I already mentioned a positive attitude above, but this is exactly the phrase that will never allow you to become rich. Not only do you scare away money from yourself, but you also tune your subconscious mind to sustainable poverty, and repeating such a phrase very often and year after year, you will be constantly in debt and in poverty - do you need it? Do not complain, but state a fact: at the moment I do not have enough 1000 rubles to buy a vacuum cleaner, but I will have it in a week. See, she will appear!

Skeptics right here!

I am more than sure that many skeptics smirked just from the title of this article. Today, esotericism is perceived by the majority exclusively as something mythical, from the realm of unreality, quackery. In fact, this is a whole science of the development and improvement of man. All the rules of esotericism are aimed at ridding a person of everything superfluous in his life - vices, weaknesses, delusions. At the same time, this is the acquisition of specific new knowledge about human development, about his psychology, the principles of thinking - after all, they really exist! This cannot be denied. You yourself can cite certain models of behavior in different situations as an example from personal experience or from your friends.

Receiving this knowledge, you learn to manage your subconscious, consciousness, daily thoughts and actions, and your life positions change accordingly. That is, if you are sure that you will never have the amount of money you need, you have already set yourself up for defeat. At the same time, there is no goal and the desire to achieve it, and if there is no goal, then there is no result. And vice versa, you got interested in the idea, set a goal, started to put it into practice, and got what you wanted. Everything is simple. And no mysticism, a completely logical development of oneself as a person in the ordinary real world.

My relationship with esotericism

I don’t go into all the subtleties of the work of the energy of money and their attraction into my life. But the knowledge I had was enough for me. In principle, I am far from such ephemeral concepts and prefer specific numbers, simple mathematical calculations.

I am making money now, not wasting precious time on mantras and other rituals that help me get rich in the future. But I deeply respect this science for the very goal that it sets for people - to learn to be friends with money.

If you liked the article, write about it in the comments, and I will prepare new educational material for you in this direction. If you read or know about other ways to attract money, tried them on yourself - share the result. Learning to make money is not boring, you just need to be ready to receive information.

Good luck in all endeavors! See you soon!