Why ultrasound does not show the gestational age. How long does an ultrasound show pregnancy? Is an ectopic pregnancy visible in the short term?

Ultrasound examination in the field of obstetrics and gynecology is considered a safe method of diagnosis. The advantages of ultrasound are that this method can detect pathologies of fetal development, measure its parameters and determine the day of conception.

There are 2 types of survey methods:

  • vaginal;
  • through the skin of the abdomen.

The diagnostic method is considered safe and does not cause malformations of the child, but, on the contrary, helps to identify the presence of many diseases. Thanks to clinical studies, it has been proven that ultrasound is the only way to determine the day of conception, the positive and negative aspects of the developing fetus.

Almost all women are anxiously waiting for the day when the fact of conceiving a child becomes obvious. After discovering unusual sensations in anticipation of a miracle, they do an initial pregnancy test, which may show a positive result, but for an accurate determination, many do not know when they can have an ultrasound session for confirmation.

How to find out at what time ultrasound shows pregnancy?

After positive results of hCG tests and pregnancy tests, the gynecologist has the right to appoint a day when a woman will have to undergo an ultrasound session not only to confirm conception, but also to clarify other parameters of fetal development so that the baby will be successful in future.

In some cases, after the first examination, screening using the vaginal method is prescribed. This method allows you to identify the embryo in the early stages more accurately.

What does it depend on

So, what it depends on, on the monitor during the examination, the Doctor can see a fetus 1 cm in size. This value is usually formed by the 6th week of pregnancy. But, given the individual characteristics of the female body, the result can be confirmed at a later date (8-9 weeks).

What are the signs of pregnancy on ultrasound

The first visit to a patient who felt a sharp change in her body and general condition on a certain day begins with an anamnesis, where the doctor carefully listens to complaints based on the subjective feelings of the woman.

After that, the obstetrician conducts a primary examination: palpation in the abdomen, mammary glands, examines the external and internal genital organs. Based on the cumulative symptoms or one of them, gives the gynecologist a basis for confirming the diagnosis of pregnancy, and an experienced obstetrician can determine the day of its onset.

In individual cases, when the sign of conception is in doubt, after screening in order to clarify the fact, the obstetrician appoints the day of the ultrasound, in which the reliability of the pregnancy is confirmed accurately.

The main signs of the presence of the fetus include:

Embryo Identification
With successful conception, a fetal egg during diagnosis can be detected, the size of which corresponds to 1 or more centimeters. On the screen, the doctor will see a small oval bladder.

Ultrasound picture of the first week of pregnancy

The presence of a heartbeat
An obvious sign of the presence of a fetus is the heartbeat of the unborn child. On ultrasound equipment, it is detected at 5 weeks. Even outdated equipment detects a heartbeat.

Corpus luteum of the ovary
Successful conception is characterized by the presence of a temporary gland in the female body. With successful fertilization, the corpus luteum persists for 10-12 weeks, otherwise it disappears after a few days.

Fetal mobility
Already by 7-8 weeks, when the embryo grows up to 2 cm, the doctor can observe the movements of the future baby.

Sign of an ectopic pregnancy

It occurs more often as a result of female inflammatory diseases of the fallopian tubes. The embryo can be located both in the abdominal cavity and in the ovarian zone.

How long does an ultrasound detect pregnancy?

Ultrasound examination is so familiar to everyone that bypassing other modern methods of detecting nascent life, many women, bypassing a gynecologist, go to a diagnostic center. How true is this? They can feel pregnancy only when there is a delay in the menstrual cycle.

The term is usually no more than 2 weeks. By this time, the size of the embryo increases by no more than 1 millimeter, so it is difficult to determine with the help of ultrasound whether there was a fact of conception or not.

Even with the vaginal method, you can see the fetus only by the end of the third week, provided the latest equipment and highly qualified doctors. The obstetrician prescribes the first ultrasound according to the totality of the measures taken to detect the embryo only by 10-14 weeks.

Can an ultrasound not show pregnancy

In most cases, the reasons for not detecting the fetus are too early. There are frequent cases when a woman not only feels that she is pregnant, but has a positive test and other confirmations on her hands, and the most advanced ultrasound method does not show anything.

You should always be careful about the results of any analyzes and tests - no one is immune from mistakes. There are episodes when a doctor diagnoses an ectopic pregnancy by ultrasound, and as a result, a woman gives birth to a healthy baby.

The reasons for a negative result in ultrasound diagnostics can be different:

  • low qualification of the doctor (this is especially true for remote areas where the lack
  • qualified personnel causes distrust of patients to such procedures due to frequent erroneous diagnoses);
  • worn-out equipment or poor quality devices;
  • too early;
  • non-standard physiological structure of the uterus (in this case, the fetus is detected at later periods);
  • misdiagnosis (the doctor "discovers" uterine fibroids instead of the embryo);
  • fuzzy image, in which the specialist cannot see the fetus;
  • technical difficulites.

Violation of the menstrual cycle may indicate that the long-awaited day of conception has come. It is this fact that women have always been guided by.

But after a delay in the cycle, pregnancy was not always confirmed, because rhythmic disruptions can also occur for other reasons:

  • climate change;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • stress;
  • overweight;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • heredity and others.

What to do if the ultrasound does not show pregnancy

The first reaction should not be too emotional, because cases of incorrect results are not uncommon. A full examination, carried out on the recommendation of a gynecologist, and a second scan will help you make the right decision, get complete information about your health.

Scheduled screening

To determine the normal course of pregnancy and the growth of the baby without pathologies, the doctor prescribes 3 ultrasound sessions.

The first procedure is prescribed from 6 to 9 weeks in order to:

The initial examination is not mandatory, the doctor can only recommend to the patient about the possibility of undergoing the procedure.

The second procedure is scheduled at 10-14 weeks to :

  • confirm pregnancy;
  • identify possible deviations or complications;
  • prevent the threat of miscarriage, warn about hereditary pathologies.

The third procedure at 20-24 weeks reveals:

  • location and presentation of the fetus;
  • developmental delay;
  • gender of the unborn child;
  • physical disorders.

The last ultrasound examination is carried out at the end of 32-34 weeks , it helps to determine the exact day of the upcoming natural birth, or - in preparing a woman for surgery.
The doctor has the right to prescribe additional diagnostics using ultrasound. There are strong reasons for this:

  • complaints of frequent abdominal pain;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • age after 40 years;
  • pathologies detected at an early stage.

All women for whom pregnancy is a joyful event must remember that ultrasound is not the only way to confirm the presence of a fetus.

Mistakes are common, and it is better for all expectant mothers to trust an experienced doctor after a pregnancy is suspected than to thoughtlessly follow the advice of amateurs and listen to dubious information. After fatal mistakes, undesirable for a young mother and her unborn baby may occur.

Ultrasounds of early pregnancy sometimes need to be done, despite the fear of negative effects of ultrasound on the baby. By the way, this fact has not been confirmed by any study. Why might such an examination be needed, and can ultrasound not show early pregnancy, do mistakes happen?

As a rule, an ultrasound examination in the first weeks after a probable conception is prescribed for women who have had any problems with the onset of pregnancy (for example, with IVF) or if any problems are suspected. This is an ectopic pregnancy, and frozen, and a miscarriage.

Early ultrasound allows you to accurately diagnose the location of the fetal egg. If it's in the uterus, don't worry. But if a woman has a positive pregnancy test, a high level of hCG, but there is nothing in the uterus, this can be alarming ... But not always. Usually, pregnancy is detected at a period of approximately 5 obstetric weeks (this is 1 week of delayed menstruation), provided that the hCG level is at least 1000. And this is at best, with a good device and an experienced ultrasound doctor. It is better to perform the first ultrasound during pregnancy at 2 weeks of delay, if there is no great urgency. Urgency may be in case of unwillingness to leave the child, the desire to terminate the pregnancy with medication, which is possible and effective only in the very early stages of pregnancy. But without the discovery of a fetal egg, no one will send a woman for an abortion, just as they will not register for pregnancy.

In addition to the presence of a fetal egg, an increase in the level of hCG, there are other ultrasound signs of an interesting situation. These are changes in the endometrium at the cellular level, its thickness is about 25 mm, as well as a large corpus luteum. Although in some cases, with insufficient size, the corpus luteum may not be visualized. This is considered one of the signs of the threat of spontaneous abortion, as the corpus luteum produces progesterone, a hormone necessary for the development of the fetal egg, after which the placenta takes over this function.

It should be noted that ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy, performed by transvaginal access, always gives more accurate results. And for women it is more convenient, since preparation for the examination in the form of filling the bladder is not required. An ultrasound performed using a vaginal probe does not in any way provoke a miscarriage.

Another important point - ultrasound in the very first weeks of pregnancy allows you to literally determine the gestational age and calculate the expected date of birth, literally up to the day. Calculations based on the first day of the last menstruation do not make it possible to determine the age of the embryo and the date of birth so accurately. It should be noted that ultrasound examinations in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy no longer guarantee such accuracy, since at such times children develop very individually (at one time they may have different height, weight, limb length, etc.).

When a desired pregnancy occurs, all expectant mothers want to reliably make sure that the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus and the formation of the unborn baby is normal. Ultrasound is considered the most reliable and convenient way to confirm a positive pregnancy test.

Despite the fact that a high-precision test strip, readily available in the pharmacy network, shows the onset of pregnancy, and a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist is able to recognize the symptoms of a "pregnant uterus", only the final ultrasound data confirms the fact of gestation. That is why, in the case when a woman believes that she managed to get pregnant, and the fetal egg is not visible on the ultrasound, future parents are perplexed.

In connection with this phenomenon, they have a question - can the diagnostician not see the pregnancy on an ultrasound scan? In our article, we want to provide information on how long it is possible to confirm the completion of the conception process, when the ultrasound scanner will allow the doctor to see the embryo, and whether it is possible not to see the pregnancy on ultrasound.

How are expectant mothers examined?

If the pregnancy test turned out to be positive, this can be confirmed by ultrasound - the diagnosis is carried out in a commercial center or in a antenatal clinic. It is important to know that an important role in obtaining reliable survey results is played by equipment with a high level of resolution and functionality, as well as the qualifications of a specialist.

Up to 9 obstetric weeks, two methods are used to examine pregnant women:

  • Transabdominal - through the region of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Transvaginal - using a transducer that is inserted into the vagina.

Up to 5 weeks, the formed fetal egg is very small - its size is only about two millimeters. It is transvaginal that is considered to be an effective method for diagnosing the embryonic period - its high-frequency sensor makes it possible to get as close as possible to the uterine cavity and transfer the smallest sizes of the organs under study to the monitor screen.

The technique of examining a future mother using high-frequency waves is non-invasive and absolutely harmless - it allows the doctor to safely observe the development of the fetus

For the entire period of gestation, a woman performs at least three ultrasound scans. The examination session is short-term, the doctor tries not to hold the sensor in one place for a long time, especially during the formation of the most important organs and systems of the unborn baby.

What is seen on an ultrasound?

The main purpose of ultrasound in the embryonic period is to confirm the onset of pregnancy, this issue is especially relevant in the case of in vitro fertilization. The doctor-diagnostician has several tasks:

  • Confirmation of fixation of the fetal egg in the uterus.
  • Exclusion of the presence of a neoplasm in the uterine cavity, which can "mask" as pregnancy.
  • Embryo viability assessment.
  • Exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Determination of the presence of a second fetus.
  • Study of the localization of the placenta and fetus.
  • Specification of gestational age.

In gynecological practice, there is one important point that all future mothers should know: the doctor measures the duration of the pregnancy period in obstetric weeks - from the first day of the last menstruation. That is why the difference between the real and obstetric term for conceiving a child is two weeks. In a woman of reproductive age with a normal menstrual cycle, recognition of pregnancy during transvaginal examination occurs no later than five weeks. If the cycle is irregular, it is difficult to determine the exact period for menstruation.

At what time is the embryo not visible on ultrasound?

Signs of a viable pregnancy are the following factors that the ultrasound scanner captures:

  • the presence of a distinguishable outline of the embryo in the egg;
  • listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • fixation of the slightest movements of the embryo.

For each woman, the period of bearing a child proceeds individually and it is very difficult to say exactly how long it takes for the doctor to be able to examine the fetus in the form of a dot and hear the rhythm of his heart.

In obstetric practice, there are certain normative terms for conducting ultrasound diagnostics for pregnant women. This takes into account that transvaginal scanning allows you to study the ongoing changes before transabdominal. In order for our readers to evaluate the quality of these methods, we provide a comparative table.

The beginning of contractions of the heart muscle of the future baby falls on the period from 3 to 4 weeks and it is possible to catch it only with the help of a transducer (a special narrow vaginal sensor). It happens that the uzist doctor cannot see anything in the fetal egg and recommends coming for an examination in 7-14 days.

It is the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle of the embryo that will allow the doctor to clarify the gestational age:

  • at 5 obstetric weeks, the heart rate is up to 85 beats / min;
  • in 6 - from 102 to 126;
  • in 7 - from 127 to 149;
  • in 8 - from 150 to 172;
  • at 9 - 175.

If at 7 obstetric weeks no embryo parameters are observed in the fetal egg and the heart rhythm is not heard, a preliminary diagnosis of anembryony is made - the absence of an embryo in the fetal egg. However, in this case, the woman is also recommended to come for an additional ultrasound after another 7 days.

Embryo parameters

Normally, the fetal egg has an oval shape and a dark gray tint. To fully monitor the formation of the fetus on ultrasound, the following indicators are measured.

Many factors influence the clear visibility of the fetus on the monitor of the ultrasound machine, and if the embryo is not visible, do not panic - you should wait two weeks and repeat the study.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the embryo resembles the letter ā€œCā€, as it grows, the appearance changes - at 8 weeks you can already see both the head and the highlighted limbs

Why is the fetus not visible on ultrasound with a growing level of hCG?

The fetal membranes of the developing baby produce a special substance - human chorionic gonadotropin, indicating that the conception has taken place. In the first trimester, the amount of this protein-hormone in the circulating blood of a woman grows very quickly - in the first weeks, its concentration doubles every second day.

Monitoring the growth dynamics of hCG levels allows obstetrician-gynecologists to draw an accurate conclusion about the development of pregnancy.

If, when assessing the amount of this biologically active substance, an increase in its amount is observed, the doctor confirms with certainty the onset and successful development of pregnancy. Every woman wants to know about the onset of pregnancy early, but the accuracy of the ultrasound results in the second week of the delay in menstruation is very low - it is better to wait until the fifth week.

If, with positive hCG tests (in the case when the quantitative final data of the analyzes correspond to the estimated gestational age), pregnancy is not determined by ultrasound, then you need to come for an additional examination. An hCG level of more than 1800 mU / ml corresponds to the third week of pregnancy and, if an ultrasound scanner does not observe a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, the doctor assumes the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

The lack of growth in hCG levels (negative test) may indicate the fact that the development of the embryo does not occur - either it died, or the egg was not fertilized in this cycle.
Not all women know such a phenomenon as biochemical pregnancy or preclinical spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, conception occurs, the fetal egg is attached to the uterine wall, however, when the next period comes, the pregnancy is terminated.

Emphasis should also be placed on those situations where pregnancy is not visible on ultrasound, and the test is positive - monitoring the level of hCG is of particular importance, it is necessary to take a blood test several times, with an interval of several days. The final data of laboratory studies allow us to determine the compliance of the hormone concentration with the norm and its increase.

Practitioners advise future parents to try not to force events, an exception is possible only when it is necessary to confirm or deny the pregnancy as soon as possible

What to do if pregnancy is not detected during ultrasound scanning?

In the event of a situation where the uzist doctor cannot see the outlines of the embryo, and sometimes the fetal egg itself, you must try to remain calm and not succumb to false beliefs! This is possible in the absence of gestation or its period is very short to notice on the monitor. Without the presence of absolute evidence of an interrupted pregnancy, it is impossible to carry out curettage of the uterine cavity!

You should go to another clinic and re-examine - it is better to do this on expert-class equipment with high resolution. It is also necessary that an ultrasound be accompanied. You may need to go through the examination several times. Future parents should make every effort so that diagnostic errors do not cost the child's life!

How long does an ultrasound show pregnancy? - this is the most important and exciting question for women. It occurs in case of delayed menstruation or symptoms that make you think about pregnancy. But you should not immediately run after the first day of delay in ultrasound, as it still cannot show you anything at this time. The test will also not be informative. You just have to wait a little to find out exactly your position. But in order to be sure that pregnancy has come, it is necessary to remember the day of conception. It can come a couple of days after intercourse. The likelihood of conception becomes less if sexual intercourse occurs later than the estimated timing of ovulation. The time of the intended fertilization must be calculated. You can use a calculator for this.

Fertilization of the egg can take place on the day of ovulation. This day comes in the middle of the cycle or immediately within a few days after this process. The egg enters the uterus through the fallopian tubes. The fertilization of the egg occurs only if the spermatozoa can reach the goal. In the uterus, this fusion is introduced into the mucous layer. Conception will not occur if a woman has obstruction of the fallopian tubes. After conception, a pulling sensation may appear in the lower abdomen, as before menstruation. Now we can assume that you are a mother and a fetus or even twins lives in your stomach. In order for an ultrasound to show accurate pregnancy results, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Sufficient time. In the short term, ultrasound will not be able to see the fetal egg. Also, at this time it is impossible to determine how many babies you have - one or twins. This can only be seen from week 10 with an accuracy of 90%.
  2. The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane in the uterus should be absent. If it is, then the fetal egg should be of considerable size. The device sees only sizes larger than 0.3 cm. The number of examinations will depend on the condition.
  3. Choosing the right diagnostic method. It will depend on him how effective the examination is, and whether it can also determine - one fetus and twins. To determine with an accuracy of thousandths, you need to do an ultrasound for 10-12 weeks. Twins can be seen easily. The probability of conceiving twins is practically impossible to calculate only if you have a genetic predisposition. If the doctor could not determine pregnancy not in the early week, this indicates his lack of obstetric experience. The doctor sees pregnancy, starting from 5-7 weeks. If in doubt, appoint a few days after the examination of the ultrasound.

What day of delay the study will show pregnancy

Pregnancy can be seen if the delay is 5-7 days. Provided that the ultrasound will be done by a qualified specialist on high-quality equipment. Approximately 3 weeks pregnant. The most informative ultrasound is considered to be on the 9-11th day of delay. In such a situation, a vaginal probe will be used. At such an early date, it is impossible to make a diagnosis - an ectopic pregnancy, and determine how many fetuses are in the uterus. During the examination using a vaginal probe, the doctor must be careful not to damage the fetal egg.

When a woman wants to get pregnant, she uses a calculator to help calculate the day of ovulation. A few days after conception, you can take a pregnancy test, but the likelihood of seeing a positive result in this situation is the least. As far as we know, there is also an ovulation test, which will serve as good helpers in this situation. It increases the chance of getting pregnant. They are 100% accurate.

Types of ultrasound to determine pregnancy

There are several types of ultrasound that help determine pregnancy in the early stages (with an accuracy of 95%):

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound. In this study, a sensor is used that is inserted into the vagina. It will help determine pregnancy from the third week, sometimes even earlier.
  2. Abdominal ultrasound. The sensor is placed on the anterior wall of the abdomen. The result can show only at the fifth week of pregnancy.

Study preparation

In order for the diagnosis of pregnancy to be effective, a woman is advised to prepare in advance. A few days before the ultrasound, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that can cause gas formation in the intestines. The presence of gases makes it difficult to see the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes. This preparation applies to any type of research.

When you were scheduled for a transabdominal ultrasound, on the day of the examination, you need to fill your bladder for three hours, after which you can not go to the toilet. When a woman cannot withstand so much time, then a certain amount of water is drunk per hour, but not less than 0.5-1 liter of non-carbonated liquid. During the examination, discomfort may occur, the more water is drunk, and the woman will endure, the greater the discomfort. After the ultrasound, you can go to the toilet. On an empty bubble, it will not be possible to determine the pregnancy with great accuracy.

When is it necessary to do an ultrasound for pregnancy?

In the first days of the delay, you can do a preliminary pregnancy test and if a weak line appears, you can consult a doctor and visit an ultrasound scan. But before the ultrasound, the gynecologist prescribes an hCG analysis. If its level is increased, then the probability of pregnancy increases several times (the table below shows the levels of hCG at different times).

Pregnancy since the first day of the last menstrual cycle (weeks)Approximate level of hCG, mIU / ml
2 50-300
3-4 1500-5000
4-5 10000-30000
5-6 20000-100000
6-7 50000-200000
7-8 40000-200000
8-9 35000-140000
9-10 35000-130000
10-11 30000-120000
11-12 27500-110000
13-14 25000-100000
15-16 20000-80000
17-21 15000-60000

If you are 8-15 days late, have pain and have bloody discharge, then you need to undergo an ultrasound examination, which can show that the fetal egg exfoliates.

How the study is done

The examination process will depend on the type of examination assigned.

  1. During a vaginal examination, the bladder must be empty. A woman needs to be bare below the waist. Take a lying position. The legs are bent at the knees. The sensor is inserted into the vagina, after which a condom is put on it. Helps to determine pregnancy from the fifth day of delay.
  2. During an abdominal examination, the transducer is placed on the surface of the lower abdomen. A special gel is applied to the skin, which helps to glide over the surface and prevent air from penetrating under the sensor. Air can interfere. This type of study is used further throughout the pregnancy. This method can be used from the seventh day of delay.

Data decryption

Only a qualified specialist should deal with the interpretation of ultrasound data. At the first ultrasound, the specialist determines:

  • The presence of a drop-shaped or rounded hypoechoic formation, the diameter of which is 0.3-0.5 cm. The size also depends on the period.
  • Education should be surrounded by a thin shell. This formation is the fertilized egg.
  • The presence of a corpus luteum.

Ultrasound already in later weeks helps to determine how the fetus develops and whether there are any defects. Tables with standard indicators will be presented below.

Normative indicators of fetal heart rate depending on the duration of pregnancy

gestational age in weeksHeart rate, beats/min
10 170(161-179)
11 165(153-177)
12 162(150-174)
13 159(147-171)
14 157(146-168)

Normative indicators of the thickness of the collar space of the embryo / fetus, depending on the gestational age

gestational age in weeksCollar thickness in mm
5th percentile50th percentile95th percentile
10-11 0,8 1,5 2,2
11-12 0,8 1,6 2,4
12-13 0,7 1,6 2,5
13-14 0,7 1,7 2,7

Is the diagnosis wrong?

The first ultrasound in the early stages helps to find out if the fetus is in the uterus and whether it develops correctly or not. But there are also cases when this study can be wrong. This can happen if a hematoma has formed on the wall of the uterus. An error may also occur with the determination of the term and gender of the child, which very often happens.

Causes of errors

In most cases, the causes of errors can be:

  1. If the period is too short.
  2. If there are hematomas or other formations in the uterus.
  3. Outdated equipment.
  4. Unqualified professional.

But you should understand that the probability of error is 1:10. Basically, it is always possible to determine pregnancy and its duration with the help of ultrasound. In order to be able to monitor the development of the fetus, the course of pregnancy, during the entire period it is better to use a calculator that can determine when you give birth with an accuracy of a week and a day.

It turns out that our life can present absolutely any surprise. That is why we must believe in magic and hope for the best. Often, when it comes to diagnosing pregnancy, it is recommended not only to repeat the test, but also an ultrasound examination, which reveals the presence of a fetal egg and its place of attachment. But ultrasound can not always accurately determine pregnancy.

And there are many such cases! On the Internet, you can find a lot of stories about how at a period of 8, 11, and sometimes 13 weeks of pregnancy, a specialist could not recognize the presence of a fetus in the uterine cavity. And this is when the child's heart is already formed and functioning. Women talk about how easily they endured and revealed their children to the light. It is worth saying that many of them had to go through recommendations for abortion and removal of the fallopian tube, suspecting an ectopic pregnancy. It is sad to admit it, but precisely because of such mistakes, many children were not born.

Of course, a lot happens, the fetal egg may not reach the uterus or die. But, before coming to such a conclusion, it is worth checking everything! Why can't ultrasound detect pregnancy? The latest equipment can facilitate the diagnosis of pregnancy and its subsequent management. The commissioning of ultrasound machines has greatly facilitated the work of gynecologists and the lives of their patients. But, under human control, technology can give erroneous results.

Modern ultrasound diagnostics is the most reliable method for determining pregnancy. But that doesn't mean you can trust her 100%. The results of the study directly depend on how experienced and qualified the specialist conducts the study. It often happens that the fetus is mistaken for uterine fibroids, or even nothing is found at all, even if the size of the fetus corresponds to more than 4, and sometimes more than 8 weeks. Erroneous results can also be associated with the age of the equipment.

In this case, it is impossible to determine the presence of a fetal egg in the early stages. In fact, the period at which ultrasound diagnostics is performed plays a huge role. Experts say that earlier than after 10 days of delayed menstruation, going to an ultrasound scan is pointless. Too early a term may cause the test to not confirm pregnancy. In addition, the fetal egg may go unnoticed due to the special anatomical structure or shape of the woman's uterus. Here pregnancy is determined later.

What if the ultrasound did not detect pregnancy? Don't trust anyone! No matter how hard it is, don't beat yourself up. Because miracles happen. You can't be sure: is it a lack of pregnancy or a diagnostic error? Refuse cleaning, even if the doctor insists on an intrauterine or missed pregnancy. Remember, ultrasound diagnosis is not the only method for determining pregnancy and is far from the most accurate.

To be sure, it is worth conducting another 1-2 ultrasounds, and with different diagnosticians. The most reliable is transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy. The most accurate method is the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) blood test, which is by far the most accurate. But, even here you can not be 100% sure. Laboratory assistants are people who, like us, sometimes make mistakes. Therefore, this analysis should be repeated twice.

Author of the publication: Alexey Kulagin