Menstruation and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS symptoms and interpretation

Signs of pregnancy and symptoms of PMS are very similar to each other. But how can you tell pregnancy from PMS? What is the difference between PMS and pregnancy - you will find out the answer in this article.

What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?

PMS is an acronym for premenstrual syndrome. This is a complex of negative symptoms that occur in a woman before menstruation. According to statistics, about half of all women of childbearing age suffer from PMS.

Interestingly, under the influence of PMS, most of the crimes were committed by women. It is because of this condition that women were involved in road accidents, university students deserve the lowest scores during this period of the menstrual cycle.

It is noted that more often than other PMS worries women with poor health. Problems such as chronic diseases, reduced immunity, bad habits increase the chances of developing premenstrual syndrome. High mental stress also contributes to the development of PMS.

Why does PMS occur?

Premenstrual syndrome occurs due to hormonal imbalance. It does not manifest itself in all the fair sex, but the vast majority still quite acutely feel its symptoms. This syndrome occurs due to a decrease in progesterone levels. Due to many circumstances, women can confuse PMS with pregnancy. And in most cases, the opposite happens - the girl does not attach importance to her traditional ailments, since she considers them a common thing before the start of the menstrual cycle, and as a result it turns out that she will soon have a child. That is why gynecologists focus their attention on the need to maintain a women's calendar. And in this case, one should dwell on the opinion of doctors, since they consider PMS to be a cyclic tension syndrome.

According to statistics, during premenstrual syndrome, women most often commit crimes and offenses: they get into an accident, suffer from the results of uncontrolled aggression. Moreover, PMS has a negative impact on work and learning, so students during the period of premenstrual syndrome receive the lowest grades.

If we talk about predisposition to PMS, then most often this phenomenon affects the fair sex with reduced body defenses. Chronic diseases, bad habits, malnutrition and heavy mental stress also contribute to PMS.

Other causes of premenstrual syndrome include:

  • the presence of gynecological diseases;
  • illiterately selected contraception;
  • surgical interventions.

It is worth noting that even one of these reasons can be a provoking factor for the occurrence of PMS.

Symptoms of PMS and pregnancy

First of all, among the most common signs of pregnancy is a change in gastronomic preferences. At the same time, it can also pull on salty and smoked foods during PMS, but if you want to eat something that you couldn’t stand before, or vice versa, you flatly refuse your favorite foods and at the same time feel nausea, most likely you are pregnant. Although in most cases, toxicosis begins after the first month of pregnancy and lasts until about the 4th month, until the placenta matures.

Gastronomic changes are aggravated closer to the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. The same applies to the perception of surrounding odors.

You can also distinguish pregnancy from PMS by other signs:

  1. Changes in the mammary glands. During PMS, as well as during the birth of a new life, hormonal surges occur in the body, because the breast becomes sensitive, soreness appears in the mammary glands. How to distinguish breast metamorphoses associated with pregnancy from those that occur every month at the end of the cycle? Only by indirect signs, that is, when soreness in the mammary glands is accompanied by other symptoms inherent in a woman in a position. In addition, about a day before the onset of menstruation, soreness in the chest decreases very noticeably, which cannot be said when it comes to pregnancy.
  2. Feeling tired. Before menstruation, a woman often experiences irritability, and during pregnancy - depression, fatigue, apathy and drowsiness. All this is due to the level of progesterone, which rises significantly after the conception of a baby. Fatigue during pregnancy begins from the 4th week of bearing the crumbs. In rare cases, fatigue can be observed before menstruation, which indicates hormonal disorders.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom can indicate both PMS and pregnancy. In this case, you will succeed in distinguishing pregnancy from PMS if you listen to yourself: the pain in the lower abdomen disappears a few days after the onset of menstruation and can be of a very different intensity. And in the case of pains in the lower abdomen during the onset of pregnancy, they are quite mild and short-term and disappear in 1-2 days.
  4. Pain in the back. They are a clear symptom of PMS, since back pain in expectant mothers occurs only in the second trimester, when the load on the spine increases. Therefore, this symptom cannot be attributed to manifestations of pregnancy in the early stages.
  5. Emotional instability. This is a rather controversial symptom that women can feel before the onset of menstruation, therefore, using this symptom, it is difficult to distinguish pregnancy from PMS. At the same time, before menstruation, a woman feels more negative emotions, and during pregnancy, her feelings are mixed and chaotic.
  6. Frequent urination. We can say that the representative of the fair half, with the help of this sign, will immediately understand whether she feels PMS or pregnancy at the moment. Many people know that PMS is not accompanied by frequent urination, so future motherhood is on the face.
  7. Toxicosis and dizziness. Can talk about pregnancy if there is a delay in menstruation. In other cases, nausea and vomiting indicates an increase in prostaglandins, which provoke similar symptoms during PMS and the onset of menstruation. If we talk about dizziness, then they are also inherent in both women in position and those who experience discomfort at the end of the cycle.
  8. Having a metallic taste. One of the atypical signs of pregnancy is a metallic taste in the mouth. This symptom is not felt by all women, but for some women it is one of the few confirming the fact of pregnancy.
  9. Bloating. The most characteristic and striking manifestation of PMS can be called bloating and disorders in the digestive tract (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence). Many women observe this a few days before the onset of menstruation.
  10. Headache. Headache attacks can be in both cases, therefore, this symptom cannot be regarded as confirmation of pregnancy.
  11. Bleeding. Minor blotches of blood in the discharge may indicate pregnancy. But menstrual bleeding does not occur. But some women do not know about the onset of pregnancy until other characteristic signs appear. Often it is by this symptom that pregnancy can be distinguished from PMS.

It is really difficult to distinguish pregnancy from PMS, especially in the early stages of bearing a baby. Moreover, there are cases when, due to the individual characteristics of the reproductive system, menstruation continued to go on for several more months in a row. All this is an exception and even an anomaly, which should definitely be discussed with a doctor.

A Reliable Method for Determining the Cause of Feeling Unwell

To understand why the state of health has worsened, you should wait until the onset of menstruation. This will not happen if pregnancy occurs.

If there is no desire or patience to wait, you can donate blood for the study of human chorionic gonadotropin. An analysis of the level of this hormone will reliably show whether conception has occurred already on the tenth day after the fertilization of the egg. So you can determine what caused the painful condition - pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome.

A pharmacy test to determine pregnancy can only be used in case of a delay in menstruation. Such a test responds to an increase in the level of hCG in the urine of a woman. In the urine, hCG is detected somewhat later than in the blood.

Sometimes it happens that medical tests give erroneous results. Therefore, a visit to the gynecologist remains the most reliable way to find out whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

Using the method of palpation, the doctor evaluates the shape of the uterus. According to this condition, he can diagnose pregnancy. To confirm the assumption, the gynecologist will prescribe an ultrasound analysis to check for the presence of a fetus.

Menstruation and PMS in facts and figures

Feminists say men secretly regret not having periods. This theory of fighters for gender equality was born in opposition to the absurd at first glance, but the postulate of female envy of the penis that has gained great popularity.

According to the old man Freud, without this universal thesis, the psychology of a woman cannot be understood. He believed that, without having "male dignity", the beautiful half always subconsciously feels inferior. And feminists do not want to endure humiliation and foam at the mouth prove that the eternal male fun - bloody wars - is nothing more than envy of menstruation. It would be because of what spears break!

Menstruation lasting more than 5 days with a cycle of less than 26 days, and especially if there are clots for at least one day, should be a concern. This condition is called menorrhagia and requires medical intervention.

90 liters

In a lifetime, every woman loses about 90 liters of blood. The norm of daily blood loss during menstruation is 30-40 ml. At the same time, every day we lose 15-20 mg of iron, which is not scary on such a scale. 40-60 mg is already too much, and "flows" of more than 60-70 ml per day can cause iron deficiency, which adversely affects health.

According to statistics, only 10% of women suffer from pronounced PMS symptoms. Sex during menstruation is practically safe - the likelihood of pregnancy on the background of menstruation is extremely small. But it’s still worth using a condom, since during this period the likelihood of infection in the genitals of both partners increases.

100 vs 400

Anthropologist Beverly Strassmann in the 80s studied the menstrual cycle of women of the Dogon African tribe, who preserved the primitive way of life. According to tradition, during the period of menstruation, women moved to special huts, but a few fell into them, mostly barren, while the rest, as a rule, carried or fed children and did not “suffer” from menstruation.

For a long life, about 70 years, women of the tribe menstruate about 100 times, and American and European women with 2-3 children experience up to 400 cycles during fertility. The researcher concludes: monthly critical days are not the result of physiological evolution, but rather a consequence of a certain system of values ​​and lifestyle.

In 1999, the sensational book of authoritative physicians Sheldon Segal and Elzar Cautinho was published: Menstruation Obsolete (“Menstruation is outdated / superfluous”). The authors call the subject of research useless blood loss associated with hygienic complications and risks. In addition, in their opinion, menstruation increases the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer.

This theory, calling to get rid of regular torment 12 times a year, is actively promoted by the creators of the recently appeared drug Seasonal on the world market, which reduces the number of periods up to 4 times a year. However, it is impossible not to notice that pharmacists in this business have an obvious monetary interest.

Procter & Gamble, a major manufacturer of hygiene products, opposes the idea of ​​"useless blood loss" and cites market research, according to which many women want their periods to be monthly. The company's gynecologists exclaim: "Most do not have a negative attitude towards menstruation!" - and add: "If menstrual bleeding caused disease, most of the population would die out." But gasket manufacturers are also not selfish in this matter.

7 years

For someone, PMS lasts 2-3 days, while for someone it lasts all 14. For the majority, this period is 6-7 days. So, on average, a woman suffers from the ill-fated syndrome about 72 days a year. And in a lifetime in a state of PMS, we spend up to 7.5 years! And about 7 more years pass in menstruation.

Most ladies, during menstruation, gain 1-2 kg. This is the result of increased hunger and greater fluid retention during this period. It is not difficult to lose such kilograms - usually by the middle of the cycle they go off on their own. They leave to return.

Menopause: please delay!

Menopause can be delayed by making some lifestyle changes. A European study conducted over 6 years involving 1000 women showed the following. Menopause is coming...

later if:
  • full pregnancy was at an older age;
  • Women have longer intervals between regular periods.
earlier if:
  • the woman has a long history of smoking;
  • a woman's diet lacks fat.

When you are really looking forward to pregnancy, use proven folk methods for pregnancy , you believe in signs, then you listen to every new sensation, to every new feeling inside. The delay is still far away, but I really want to know for sure, here and now. And unfortunately, no signs of a suspected pregnancy . Or, on the contrary, there are many symptoms that didn’t seem to exist before, but you don’t want to flatter yourself with hope in vain, because the disappointment that comes with the advent of the next menstruation is even worse than complete ignorance. And it happens that there are already all the signs of PMS that has begun, and hope still does not die - what if! Let's figure out what happens in the body during PMS and what happens when early pregnancy .

  • Where does the insidious PMS (premenstrual syndrome) come from?
  • What are the signs of PMS?
  • Reviews from forums from real women

Causes of PMS - why do we notice it?

Premenstrual syndrome can be found in about 50-80% of women. And this is not at all a physiological process, as many women think, but a disease that is characterized by a number of symptoms that occur 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation. But what are the causes anyway? There are several theories.

  • In the second phase of the monthly cycle suddenly the ratio of progesterone and estrogen is disturbed. The amount of estrogen increases, hyperestrogenism occurs and, as a result, the functions of the corpus luteum are weakened, and the level of progesterone decreases. This has a strong effect on the neuro-emotional state.
  • Increased production of prolactin resulting in hyperprolactinemia. Under its influence, the mammary glands undergo significant changes. They enlarge, swell and become painful.
  • Various thyroid disease , violation of the secretion of a number of hormones that affect the female body.
  • Kidney dysfunction affects water-salt metabolism, which also plays a role in the development of PMS symptoms.
  • Makes a significant contribution lack of vitamins , in particular B6, and trace elements of calcium, magnesium and zinc - this is called hypovitaminosis.
  • genetic predisposition also takes place.
  • And, of course, frequent stress do not pass without harm to women's health. In affected women, PMS is several times more common and symptoms are more severe.

All these theories exist, but are not absolutely proven. Nevertheless, the most reliable theory is considered to be the imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, or a combination of several reasons.

If you do not go into medical terms, then, in simple words, PMS - This is a physical and emotional discomfort that occurs on the eve of menstruation. Sometimes such discomfort is felt by a woman for only a few hours, but usually it is still a few days.

Real signs of PMS - women share their experience

Manifestations are very diverse and individual for each woman, in addition, a different set of symptoms can be observed in different cycles.

Here are the main ones:

  • Weakness, distraction, fatigue, lethargy, numbness in the hands;
  • Insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness;
  • Dizziness, headache, fainting, nausea, vomiting and bloating, fever;
  • Swelling of the mammary glands and their severe soreness;
  • Irritability, tearfulness, resentment, nervous tension, capriciousness, anxiety, causeless anger;
  • swelling, even weight gain;
  • Aching or pulling pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, painful physical sensations in the joints and muscles, cramps;
  • Skin allergic reactions;
  • Panic attacks and palpitations;
  • Changes in the perception of smells and taste sensations;
  • Sudden increase or decrease in libido;
  • Weakened immunity and, consequently, increased susceptibility to various infections, exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Now you know that there are a lot of symptoms, but all of them, of course, do not appear in one woman. It's no surprise that many people confuse PMS symptoms with signs of early pregnancy, as they are virtually identical. But during pregnancy, the hormonal background is completely different. Estrogen levels are reduced and progesterone rises, preventing menstruation and maintaining pregnancy. So the theory about the cause of PMS in violation of the hormone ratio seems to be the most truthful, since in PMS and during pregnancy there are completely different quantitative indicators of the same hormones, but the similarity is in the large difference in their quantity and in the fact that both processes are mainly regulated progesterone:

  • PMS - a lot of estrogen and little progesterone;
  • Early pregnancy - excess progesterone and low estrogen levels.

What could it be - PMS or pregnancy? The whole truth in women's forums


I didn’t even suspect that I was pregnant, because, as usual, a week before my period, I began to get annoyed and cry for any reason. Then I immediately thought that it was over again, until I realized that I had a delay and my PMS was not going to pass. And it wasn't him at all, as it turned out. So I don't know what kind of signs are so early, I usually have them every month.


Now I remember... All the signs were like in the usual monthly pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue .... every day I thought - well, today they will definitely go, a day passed, and I thought: well, today .... Then it was already somehow strange that the stomach began to pull (it turns out there was a tone) .... I took a test and you have 2 fat lines! That's it! So it happens that you don’t feel at all that you are pregnant ....


During PMS, I felt just terrible, it doesn’t get worse, but during pregnancy everything was wonderful - nothing hurt at all, my breasts really swelled. And yet, for some reason, there was such a super mood that I wanted to hug everyone, although I had no idea about the pregnancy yet.


Maybe someone has settled with you already. I started in the middle of the cycle as usual and everyone kept saying: PMS! PMS! Therefore, I did not do tests, so as not to be disappointed. And I found out about pregnancy only at the 7th week, when severe toxicosis began. The delay was associated with an irregular cycle against the background of the cancellation of OK.


And only when I found out that I was pregnant, I realized that the cycle took place completely without PMS usual, somehow I spun and did not notice it, then with a delay my chest started to hurt a lot , it was simply impossible to touch.


Oh, I found out I'm pregnant! Hooray! But what kind of PMS this confused me, until I did the test, I didn’t understand anything. Everything was as usual - I was tired, I wanted to sleep, my chest hurt.


I had no doubt that everything worked out for us the first time, usually my stomach pulled a week before M, my chest ached, I didn’t sleep well, but it was as if nothing had happened, I didn’t feel anything, I immediately realized that something was wrong. Our mask has already grown!!!


It was like that for me too... And then for several weeks the same sensations lasted: the chest hurt, and the stomach sipped, in general, everything was like before menstruation.


As you can see, it is not easy to distinguish between PMS and early pregnancy. What can be done?


The easiest way is to wait, not to annoy yourself once again, but simply take a test in the morning on the first day of the delay. For many, a weak line is shown before the delay, but not for everyone. Or get tested for HCG.


You can hope for pregnancy if suddenly, miraculously, you do not have symptoms of approaching menstruation, that is, PMS.


With the onset of pregnancy, the basal temperature will be consistently above 37 degrees, while before menstruation it drops below. Try to measure!

And in addition to all of the above, I would like to add: the main thing is not to get hung up on pregnancy, and everything will work out sooner or later!

Doctors have always tried to determine the reasons why women feel unwell and irritable in the days immediately before monthly . In ancient times, this phenomenon was associated with various factors - both with the phases of the moon, and with the health of a woman, and with the characteristics of the area where she lived. However, the state before menstruation was a mystery to the Aesculapius. Only in the twentieth century, doctors were able to understand to some extent what was happening to the ladies.

Speaking of PMS - what it is, you should know how PMS is deciphered - this is what it means - a manifestation that is characteristic of women on the days before menstruation. PMS is a complex of symptoms that appear in women and girls a few days before the onset of menstruation.

What are the causes of such manifestations, and what does this syndrome mean, scientists are still investigating. Those who are interested in how PMS is translated should learn more about what manifestations are characteristic of this condition. Each transcript of what PMS is in girls contains a description of all the characteristic symptoms and manifestations.

After all, PMS in women is a whole complex of symptoms, both physical and mental - their scientists counted about 150. Approximately 75% of women experience premenstrual syndrome to varying degrees.

As a rule, PMS in girls begins to appear about 2-10 days before the day when signs of menstruation appear. After the menstruation ends, the menstrual syndrome also completely disappears.

Why does PMS develop?

Until now, all the studies conducted have not made it possible to determine why premenstrual syndrome manifests itself? There are many theories that explain why this condition develops.

  • The so-called "water intoxication" is a disturbed water-salt metabolism.
  • Allergic nature - high sensitivity of the body to endogenous.
  • Psychosomatic - the development of physiological symptoms due to the influence of mental factors.

The most complete and broadest to date is the hormonal theory, according to which PMS is explained by a strong hormonal fluctuation in the second phase of the cycle. After all, in order for the female body to function correctly, a normal hormonal balance is important:

  • are able to improve well-being, both physical and mental, activate mental activity, increase vitality;
  • progesterone provides a sedative effect, which can lead to a depressive state in the second phase;
  • affect libido, increase efficiency and energy.

In the second phase of the cycle, the hormonal background of a woman changes. Consequently, the hormonal theory suggests that the body reacts inadequately to such a “storm”. Interestingly, premenstrual tension syndrome is inherited.

Since in the premenstrual period in the body there is endocrine instability , this leads to the manifestation of somatic and psychovegetative disorders. The main reason for this is the fluctuation of sex hormones during the monthly cycle and the reaction of the limbic parts of the brain to this.

  • When the level increases estrogen and first increases, and then decreases the level progesterone , swelling, soreness of the mammary glands, dysfunctions of the heart and blood vessels, pressure surges, irritability and aggression in women are noted.
  • With increased secretion fluid is also retained in the body.
  • When content increases , there are violations of a vegetative-vascular nature, digestive disorders - diarrhea, nausea, as well as headaches resembling.

Thus, modern physicians distinguish the following factors that determine the development of PMS:

  • A decrease in the level, which leads to the manifestation of mental symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: with a decrease in this hormone, sadness and longing are noted.
  • Deficiency leads to fluid retention, breast tenderness, mood changes.
  • A lack of magnesium leads to the development of symptoms such as headache, desire to eat sweets.
  • Smoking – women who smoke are twice as likely to suffer from PMS.
  • - those with a body mass index greater than 30 are much more likely to experience the symptoms of this syndrome.
  • Genetics - the tendency to PMS can be inherited.
  • Difficult childbirth, abortion, gynecological operations.

The main symptoms of PMS in women

Speaking about what are the symptoms of PMS, how many days before menstruation in girls and women they appear, one should take into account the individual characteristics of each organism. The main signs of PMS before menstruation are divided into several different groups by doctors. There are such symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (in groups):

  • neuro-psychic : depression, aggression, irritability and tearfulness.
  • Exchange-endocrine : chills, swelling due to impaired water-salt metabolism, fever, discomfort in the mammary glands, bloating, blurred vision and memory.
  • Vegetative-vascular : headache, pressure drops, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, pain in the heart.

Speaking about what symptoms before menstruation appear in women, it should be noted that they can be conditionally divided into several forms. However, as a rule, they are combined. So, if pronounced psycho-vegetative disorders are noted, the pain threshold decreases, and the woman perceives pain very sharply - a week or a few days before menstruation.

What signs of menstruation for a week or a few days can be observed?

Neuropsychic form Disturbances in the emotional and nervous spheres are manifested:
  • panic attacks, causeless longing and depression may develop;
  • anxiety, feeling of fear, depression;
  • forgetfulness, impaired concentration, mood swings;
  • insomnia, activation or decrease in libido;
  • aggression, dizziness.
crisis form
  • There is tachycardia, pressure drops, pain in the heart;
  • frequent urination before menstruation, panic.
  • those who are characterized by this form, as a rule, have heart disease, kidney disease, and poor digestion.
Atypical manifestations
  • The temperature rises to subfebrile indicators;
  • constantly worried about drowsiness, allergic manifestations, vomiting.
edematous form
  • Characterized by negative diuresis and fluid retention in the body.
  • There are swelling of the limbs and face, itching of the skin, thirst, weight gain, pain in the lower back and joints, headache, decreased urination, and digestive problems.
Cephalgic form Most show vegetative-vascular and neurological symptoms:
  • migraine, cardialgia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • tachycardia;
  • high sensitivity to smells and sounds.

Approximately 75% of women have an increase in the vascular pattern, hyperostosis. With this form, as a rule, a family history includes hypertension, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Wikipedia and other sources indicate that every woman has PMS in her own way, and the symptoms may vary.

Scientists, after conducting a series of studies, determined the frequency of manifestations of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome:

In addition, PMS can significantly aggravate the course of other diseases:

  • anemia ;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • migraine ;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diseases of the female genital area of ​​an inflammatory nature.

What conditions and diseases can masquerade as PMS?

To know how many days menstruation begins, each woman must have a calendar or a special notebook and write down the date of the beginning of menstruation, how long menstruation lasts, and also the day of ovulation (for this, it is enough to measure basal temperature). It is also worth noting the manifestation of symptoms before menstruation and well-being during ovulation.

If a woman keeps such records for several cycles, this helps her to establish how often the signs of PMS appear. Also, the diary will help determine if there is a delay in menstruation, etc.

To establish the diagnosis of PMS, the doctor determines the presence of at least 4 signs of the following:

  • , insomnia ;
  • deterioration of attention and memory;
  • increased appetite, loss of appetite;
  • severe fatigue, weakness;
  • chest pain;
  • swelling;
  • pain in the joints or muscles;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

You can also diagnose this condition if at least one of the following signs is noted:

  • conflict, tearfulness, nervousness and irritability, sudden mood swings in women;
  • groundless anxiety, fear, tension;
  • feeling of melancholy without reason, depression;
  • depressive state;
  • aggressiveness.

To determine the severity of PMS, it is important to consider the number of manifestations, their severity and duration:

  • Mild form - manifests itself from 1 to 4 symptoms, if these are 1-2 signs, then they are significantly pronounced.
  • Severe form - manifests itself from 2 to 12 signs, if these are 2-5 symptoms, then they are significantly pronounced. Sometimes they can lead to the fact that a woman becomes disabled a day or a few days before menstruation.

The cyclicity of manifestations is the main feature that distinguishes premenstrual syndrome from other diseases. That is, this condition is premenstrual syndrome when it begins before menstruation (from 2 to 10 days) and completely disappears after menstruation. But if the psychovegetative symptoms disappear, then physical sensations sometimes turn into painful periods or migraines in the first days of the cycle.

If a woman feels relatively good in the first phase of the cycle, then this is PMS, and not an exacerbation of chronic diseases - depression, neurosis, fibrocystic.

If soreness is noted only immediately before menstruation and during menstruation, and is combined with blood secretions in the middle of the cycle, then this indicates that, most likely, a gynecological disease develops in the body -, and etc.

To establish the form of PMS, hormones are examined: estradiol , prolactin , progesterone .

Additional research methods may also be prescribed, depending on which complaints prevail:

  • If you are concerned about very severe headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, it is necessary to conduct a CT scan or MRI to rule out organic brain diseases.
  • With the predominance of neuropsychic symptoms, an EEG is performed to rule out an epileptic syndrome.
  • If edema is of concern, the amount of urine per day changes, tests are carried out to diagnose the kidneys.
  • In case of significant breast engorgement, an ultrasound of the mammary glands should be performed, .

Women who suffer from PMS are examined not only by a gynecologist, but also by other specialists: neurologists, psychiatrists, nephrologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, and therapists.

How to understand - PMS or pregnancy?

Since some symptoms during pregnancy are very similar to those of PMS, it is important to consider the differences by which these conditions can be distinguished.

After the conception has occurred, the growth of the hormone occurs in the female body progesterone . As a result, a woman can confuse pregnancy with PMS when they begin to appear: sore and swollen breasts, vomiting, nausea, mood swings, lower back pain, irritability.

Often, going to one or another thematic forum, you can see the reasoning of women about how to distinguish PMS from pregnancy before delay. Of course, if menstruation began on time, then the issue is removed by itself. However, even pregnant women sometimes have discharge during the days. When should you have your period. There are differences in discharge before menstruation and during pregnancy - in pregnant women, they are usually more scarce. But still, in order to verify the presence or absence of pregnancy, it is worth doing a test or conducting tests in honey. institution.

Below is a comparison of the most common signs during pregnancy and PMS.

Symptom During pregnancy For premenstrual syndrome
Chest pain Occurs during pregnancy Disappears with the onset of menstruation
Appetite Taste preferences change, sense of smell sharpens, habitual smells irritate May crave sweet, salty, sensitivity to odors, possibly increased appetite
Backache Anxiety in the last trimester Possible lower back pain
Fatigue Appears about a month after conception. Possible both after ovulation and a few days before menstruation
Pain in the lower abdomen Intermittent, mild pain Manifested individually
Emotional condition Mood changes frequently Irritability, tearfulness appear
Frequent urination May be No
Toxicosis Begins to develop approximately 4-5 weeks after conception May have nausea, vomiting

Since the symptoms of these conditions are actually similar, and in some cases even pregnancy during menstruation is possible (at least, this is the impression a woman has if there is a discharge), it is important to act correctly.

It is best to wait until the menstruation begins. If a woman notes that she already has a delay, it is imperative to conduct a pregnancy test that reliably determines pregnancy after a delay. Those who want to immediately verify whether there was a conception can take (pregnancy hormone). Such a test already on the tenth day after conception accurately determines pregnancy.

It is most correct in such a situation to visit a gynecologist who will help you figure out what a woman really has - PMS or pregnancy through examination, ultrasound. Sometimes the question also arises, how to distinguish pregnancy from - in this case, you also need to consult a doctor or do a test.

When should you contact a specialist?

If pain, irritability, increased tearfulness in women, the causes of which are associated with PMS, significantly reduce the quality of life and are very pronounced, you should consult a doctor and carry out the treatment prescribed by him. Also, the doctor can give effective recommendations on how to alleviate certain unpleasant manifestations.

As a rule, symptomatic therapy is prescribed for such manifestations. How to treat PMS, and whether it is worth prescribing any drugs for treatment, the specialist determines, taking into account the form, symptoms, and course of premenstrual syndrome. The following treatments may be prescribed:

  • With mood swings, depression, irritability, psychotherapy sessions, a relaxation technique, and a sedative are prescribed.
  • If you are concerned about pain in the abdomen, lower back, headaches, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain (pills, and etc.).
  • Also prescribe drugs for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome - diuretics in order to remove excess fluid and eliminate edema.
  • Hormonal treatment is prescribed if there is an insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle, after carrying out tests of functional diagnostics, guided by the results of the changes that have been identified. Appoint gestagens medroxyprogesterone acetate , they need to be taken from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed to women who develop numerous neuropsychic symptoms before menstruation: aggressiveness, nervousness, panic attacks, insomnia, etc. In such cases, they are prescribed,

    Have a good rest

    You need to sleep as much time as the body needs for proper rest. As a rule, it is 8-10 hours. Many women who write to any thematic forum note that it was the normalization of sleep that made it possible to reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. With a lack of sleep, anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness can develop, worsens. For those who have insomnia, small evening walks can help.


    Provided that a woman does not suffer from allergies, aromatherapy can be practiced by choosing a special composition of aroma oils. It is recommended to use oil of lavender, basil, sage, geranium, rose, juniper, bergamot. It is worth starting to take baths with aromatic oils two weeks before menstruation.

    Physical exercise

    Any reasonable load has a positive effect on the body - running, dancing, yoga, body flex, etc. If you train fully and regularly, the content of endorphins . And this allows you to overcome depression and insomnia, reduce the severity of physical symptoms.

    Vitamins and minerals

    To reduce the severity of symptoms, magnesium should be taken two weeks before menstruation and. It is also recommended to drink and. This will help reduce the severity of a number of symptoms: palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, irritability.


    It is important to include in the diet as many vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as foods containing calcium and fiber. It is worth reducing the amount of coffee, cola, chocolate consumed, as caffeine provokes anxiety and mood swings. It is important to reduce the amount of fat in the diet.

    It is also not recommended to eat beef, which may contain artificial estrogens. You should drink herbal teas, lemon and carrot juices. It is better to exclude or limit alcohol, since under its influence the reserves of minerals and vitamins are depleted, and the liver utilizes hormones worse.

    Often women are interested in why they want salt before menstruation. The fact is that appetite fluctuations are normal during PMS, and sometimes you just need to “meet the requirements” of the body in order to feel better.


    You need to try to avoid stressful situations, not overwork and think positively. To do this, it is recommended to practice yoga, meditation.

    regular sex

    Sex also has a beneficial effect on health - it helps to sleep better, overcome stress, cope with bad emotions, strengthen immunity and increase endorphins. In addition, in the period before menstruation, a woman often has an increased libido, which contributes to an active sex life.

    Medicinal herbs

    With the help of herbal teas, you can significantly alleviate the condition with PMS. The main thing is to choose the right herbs. Tea can be made from St. John's wort, primrose, as well as other herbs recommended by the doctor.


    Thus, premenstrual syndrome is a serious condition that sometimes becomes an obstacle for a woman to a full life and ability to work. According to studies, the most common symptoms of PMS occur in residents of large cities and women who are engaged in mental work.

    However, with the help of specialists, as well as by practicing proper nutrition, regular exercise, taking vitamins and minerals, this condition can be significantly alleviated.

PMS or pregnancy: differences before early delay

A woman who is of reproductive age and does not have serious problems in the field of gynecology, with regular sexual activity, has a ratio of 1:4. Knowing this and starting to plan the acquisition of offspring, the girls are so addicted to the waiting process (“it worked out - it didn’t work out”) that they confuse the symptoms of PMS with the first signs of pregnancy. It is especially easy to confuse these conditions if earlier PMS was not pronounced, and this month the hormones suddenly decided to “rebel”. PMS or pregnancy: what are the differences before the delay - it can really be difficult to determine.

  • What is premenstrual syndrome and its causes
  • Is it possible to get pregnant with PMS
  • The difference between early signs of pregnancy and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
  • Differences before delay
  • Comparison of symptoms of PMS and pregnancy in the table
  • Signs before the start of the cycle
  • Can there be premenstrual syndrome during gestation
  • How to understand if conception has occurred

What is PMS

Rare lucky women note that the onset of “critical days” goes smoothly for them: before menstruation, the lower abdomen does not pull, there is no appearance of rashes on the face, the general condition is vigorous and active. Much more often, 3-4 days, or even 10 days before the next monthly cycle, a woman experiences ailments:

  • sore chest;
  • there is bloating;
  • pulls the lower back;

The chest seems to fill up, swell and hurt so much that it is impossible to touch it. The abdomen increases in volume, it is impossible to retract it, you have to wear loose clothing. Periodically there are aching pains. Sprinkled on the face, as some say: on the eve of menstruation, acne appears.

There is little energy, I want to sleep, a woman notices irritability or tearfulness. This is a strong premenstrual syndrome, that is, changes in the body that signal the imminent arrival of menstruation. In one way or another, its signs are familiar to most women. They are due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone and. Regardless of how the cycle ends - menstruation or conception, the body.

Can you get pregnant with PMS

Premenstrual syndrome is not an obstacle to normal conception. It’s just that for some, the hormonal system functions more clearly and “smoothly” and the pain threshold is high; others react more sensitively to changes in the ratio of hormones in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, fluctuations in the hormonal background are manifested in them by such unpleasant sensations, a sharp change in mood, the appearance of edema and an increase in appetite.

How to determine pregnancy and distinguish from PMS

Soreness in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the chest, drowsiness and lethargy - these are. But after all, something similar is typical for the first days of pregnancy, according to experienced friends.

PMS Signs and Pregnancy: What's the Difference? Is it possible even before the first day of the delay to understand by your feelings that this time there will be no rejection of the egg, because a new life develops from it?

Until the delay

Any gynecologist will say that subjective sensations before conception, expected according to the calendar, are uninformative. Even a test performed on the eve of the expected first day of menstruation will show a false result, since the concentration of hCG is low in order to be determined by a pregnancy test. Therefore, the difference between PMS and early pregnancy is not always possible. Only if a woman knows her body well, she will understand that this time something is going “outside the box”.

Distinguishing the symptoms is difficult, but there is a difference. During gestation, there is no premenstrual syndrome, but the body of the expectant mother seems to react to the hormonal changes that have begun.

Symptoms of PMS and pregnancy: differences for comparison in the table

Let's take a look at a table that collects early non-specific signs of pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome.

Table 1. Differences between PMS and pregnancy

sign PMS Pregnancy Notes
Allocations Often become plentiful, transparent or light. On the last day (or hours) before menstruation, they become brown, smearing Abundant, light. Occasionally 2-3 days before menstruation on the pad - 1-2 drops of blood. This is implantation bleeding, which disappears in a couple of hours and does not significantly affect well-being. Sometimes - this happens with both PMS and pregnancy
Temperature Normal Body temperature may be slightly elevated An increase in body temperature during pregnancy is associated with rising levels of progesterone. The hormone is synthesized. A woman may have a slight fever, there are symptoms similar to a mild cold due to a restructuring of the immune system
Pulls the stomach Pain in the abdomen, lumbar region, perineum 2-3 days before menstruation The phenomenon is caused by the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus Pain worse with PMS
Chest hurts Pain in the entire breast Sore nipples, mammary glands increase in volume Sometimes there is no pain as a sign of implantation. The chest remains calm, which surprises a woman who is used to soreness on the eve of "critical days"
Nausea It is observed at any time of the day due to hormonal surges and associated pressure drops May occur in the morning In the first days of pregnancy - a rare occurrence. But on
Frequent urination Not typical for PMS Occurs due to fluctuating hormone levels Sometimes during PMS, on the contrary, there is fluid retention - slight swelling is observed
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How to distinguish PMS symptoms from pregnancy