Komarovsky healthy child. The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. Evgeny Komarovsky. About the book "Health of the child and the common sense of his relatives" Evgeny Komarovsky


In most cases, pregnancy proceeds normally. And you need to behave normally during pregnancy. And remember that, although our medicine is free, it is not the doctor who is responsible for the health of a particular person, but the specific person himself. And do not fool yourself by looking for diseases. The overwhelming majority of difficulties are generated by you yourself, being nervous and worrying in vain.


The sooner a newborn is attached to the breast, the better (optimally - right in the delivery room) - this fact has been convincingly proven by physiologists and doctors. Firstly, the very irritation of the nipple during sucking contributes to the contraction of the uterus, which, immediately after childbirth, is very important. Secondly, the first drops of milk - colostrum - contain substances that "start" the development of the immune system and normal digestion, preventing the occurrence of allergic reactions and intestinal disorders in the future.


The main and completely unique distinguishing feature of the newborn is its ability to adapt to environmental conditions. As already explained, the child you brought from the hospital differs very slightly in ability to defend his right to life from exactly the same baby who was born somewhere in a cave many, many centuries ago. Children are still safely born in yurts, tents and wigwams (deserts, jungles, mountains, taiga, tundra, etc.).

The optimum temperature for a child's room is 18-19°C.

The higher, the worse. But for the rest of your life - both yours and your child's - you need to remember the most important rule that allows you to make the right decision when in doubt:


Only in this way and not otherwise, because it is impossible, in no case should we forget that overheating of a child is no less, but, as a rule, much more dangerous than hypothermia!

From the moment you return from the hospital, do not pay attention to whether the door to the room where the child is is open or closed. It does not matter, from the point of view of his health, where the bed is located and whether air from the half-open window gets on it. For a five-year-old child, already spoiled by the desire to save him, he has. But for a newborn, no.


Remember: even if, for some reason, ordinary gauze diapers are better than diapers, for some reason, this can only be true in relation to the child. In relation to those who care for the child, this is clearly and categorically wrong. Small inconveniences delivered to a child will have less effect on the health of the family in comparison with the many hours that his parents will spend doing laundry and ironing boards.

With regard to diapers, there are only two really existing problems - the price and the ability to use them.

How to sleep?

Optimal - on the stomach or on the side. The head is turned to the side, and this side must be changed each time. Some babies sleep best in the middle position - between on their side and on their stomach - with a diaper placed under the side and folded several times.

Children, especially in the first six months of life, are prone to regurgitation, and in the supine position it is very (!) Dangerous. The baby, who has been sleeping on his stomach since birth, begins to hold his head earlier; during movements, he additionally massages his own stomach, it is easier for him to release gases. With a thick mattress and no pillow, any talk about the possibility of suffocating is simply meaningless. It is also unfair to say that without a pillow, a child lying on its side will twist its neck. If you wrap it with a dozen diapers, maybe it will roll up, but if you have one or two diapers, never.

motion sickness

Children have a very weak vestibular apparatus (organ of balance). When swinging, a feeling of dizziness quickly arises, and in some cases the child simply loses consciousness. In the folk language, this is called "rocked". It is extremely difficult to wean a baby accustomed to rocking. Therefore, it is very important not to start, because motion sickness, to put it mildly, is not very good for the child and not very pleasant for the parents.


Mom's walks, which consist in rolling the stroller from one street to another, are not needed by the child. I perfectly understand that you really want to show your neighbors and friends a newfangled house on wheels, but a baby cannot understand this. Mom always has a lot of things to do and there will be nothing good in the fact that you walk up to your heart's content, and dad who comes home from work will scour the kitchen in search of something to eat. In addition, it is not at all necessary for passers-by to sneeze at the child and dirt to fly from under the wheels.

Any riding on the streets should be driven by necessity: there are no assistants, but you need to visit a store or a dairy kitchen, it's time to visit the clinic, in the evening you want to take a walk with your husband and take a break from the bustle of home, there is no balcony, in the end.

The sooner you start teaching your child to be outdoors, the better. Already on the 10th day of life, you can sit with him on the balcony for 15-20 minutes. The next day - 2 times for half an hour and, gradually increasing the frequency and duration of the walks, by the age of one month, make sure that the child spends the whole day on the balcony.

Woke up, fed - walk. Brought, fed - walk and so on. On the balcony, the child always sleeps better and eats after that with great appetite. And it is completely incomprehensible why you need to walk 1 or 2 times a day.

On the balcony, the child, as a rule, sleeps on his side. At the same time, it is important to position the stroller in such a way that you can see his face through the window pane without jumping out onto the balcony.

In the described mode of walking, not only the child is interested, but also his parents. Never again will you have such a “golden” time. For the first 3-4 months of life, the baby sleeps peacefully on the balcony for most of the day, allowing the mother to rest normally and put in order the children's things, the apartment and herself.

General principles of child nutrition

From the moment of birth until the appearance of teeth, the nutrition of the baby is based on:

1. Mother's milk with natural feeding;

2. Adapted milk formula for artificial feeding;

3. The combination of the first and second with mixed feeding.

Where and in what to bathe?

· The best bathing room is the bathroom.

· The optimal place for bathing is a large bath (regular, adult, cast iron, etc.).

A large bathtub allows the child to move his arms, legs and head, without restricting movement at all - it is logical that the bathtub will be completely filled with water.

In a large bath, the water cools more slowly, allowing parents not to twitch about this and not stand with a kettle in their hands, looking at the thermometer every 30 seconds.

Actively moving in a large bath, the baby has the opportunity to spend energy and get tired, therefore, his sleep and appetite improve. In addition, muscles and the heart are trained. And if the child sleeps well, then his mother sleeps well, having, firstly, milk, secondly, the strength for various household chores and, thirdly, the desire to do these things.

There is no need to boil water. Absolutely none! And it's okay if the child sips several times during the bath. Themselves, I suppose, and slurp from the river.

It makes little sense to add potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the water. There is almost no real disinfection, and if it gets into the eyes, chemical burns are possible.

The most optimal option is an infusion of a string (such a grass).

A child without much risk (more precisely, no risk at all) can be immersed in a bath with a water temperature of 26 ° to 37 °. Thus, there is nothing to be especially afraid of for the child. But, before solving other problems, you still need to decide what water temperature is ideal for swimming?

Water should not allow the child to relax. Cold exposure to the skin dramatically increases blood flow in the muscles, increases their tone. The heart works more actively, biologically active substances are released into the bloodstream, stimulating metabolism and increasing resistance to infections.

A child in water with a temperature above 35 ° does not have any incentives to move and develop. Getting him to jump with his arms and legs is quite difficult. But such a bath, as a rule, does not cause any unpleasant sensations in the baby - even though he is a cub, he is human and by nature a lazy person. And in the water, with all his appearance, he demonstrates bliss, causing reciprocal bliss in the crowd of relatives present.

But bathing in warm water does absolutely nothing for health! It may be better to wash (wash off the dirt) in such water, but you can’t swim for health in the indicated temperature conditions!

At the same time, when immersed in water with a temperature below 30 °, a child very often has negative emotions, not that he was cold, not at all. But he does not want to move his arms and legs to keep warm and begins to resent. And grandmothers are outraged with him ... Well, you don’t need to turn the beginning of bathing into a test for all family members - this can very quickly develop a negative reflex in a child to the mere appearance of a bathroom. And a child screaming in the bath leads to an increase in pressure in grandmothers, who also need to be loved and protected.

The optimal temperature to start bathing is 33-34°.

Bathing should be done daily!

No matter how hard it takes you. Believe me, it's better to spend 1 hour a day bathing than months wandering around hospitals.

The ideal time for bathing is before the last feeding, that is, from 23 to 24 hours. If you do everything right, the child will get very tired, get a little cold, get very hungry, after a bath he will eat with appetite and will sleep without waking up (!), 5-6 hours, although I have met children who, at the age of one month, slept at night for 6- 8 hours without any desire to communicate with mom.


1. We must not allow low light in the children's room. This leads to a delay in the ability to distinguish colors.

2. Toys should be large and bright. Their color also matters: in the first half of life - yellow and green are optimal, and then, the more diverse the colors, the better.

3. In order for the child to learn to see correctly, you should not hang toys in front of him at a close distance (less than 40 cm) in the first 3-4 months - he will not be able to really see anything, but there is a risk of developing strabismus.


It must be remembered that children very quickly get used to a certain sound mode. If from the moment of birth you walk around the house on tiptoe and talk only in a whisper, you will have a chance to go through this all your life.

This provision is especially relevant for families that do not have a large number of rooms. Keep living normally. Listen to music, watch TV, talk on the phone. And your baby will be able to sleep throughout his life without waking up from the cough of a neighbor behind the wall.

Doctor Komarovsky is responsible for our future. Thanks to him, a huge number of children will be able to grow up healthy and strong. "The Health of the Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives" is the greatest work of the writer and part-time doctor. It contains advice and wishes in such a sensitive issue for parents as the upbringing of babies. And all of them are not devoid of humor, good instructions.

Yevgeny Komarovsky from the very beginning of his medical career thought about health. This is the main component of the life of every person. Not surprisingly, most feasts with family or friends are accompanied by a toast to health and longevity. And the mental and physical state of the child is all the more important because his life is just beginning. Energy fills the body, bones and tissues are formed and are in constant growth. At this stage, it is important to follow all the necessary recommendations so that a person grows up strong, strong and without ailments. Due to oversight and untimely intervention in the fate of the child, you can make an unforgivable mistake. She will be tragic and haunt her parents for an endless number of days. The task of Dr. Komarovsky is to prevent such a possibility of a dramatic outcome of events.

Thus, the idea came to write a book that incorporated the necessary explanations on the most important issues in the upbringing of an infant. And who better than a practicing doctor who has met with this throughout his life can cope with such a significant occupation. Adding a fair share of witty jokes to important recommendations so that the work does not seem like a sour collection of encyclopedic notes in the field of medicine. Parents, grandparents, having adopted all the instructions, will be able to give their children and grandchildren a full life. For which healthy offspring will be very grateful to them upon reaching adulthood.

I believe that we have come after others in order to do better than them, so as not to fall into their mistakes, into their delusions and superstitions.

P. Ya. Chaadaev

© E. O. Komarovsky, 2007

© M. M. Osadchaya, A. V. Pavlyukevich, illustrations, 2007


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A small but very important preface

... and when they asked to bring the most beautiful thing that exists in the whole wide world, the crow brought her child ...


Almost no one ever reads popular science literature from beginning to end - like a novel. With regard to books with information about children, problems and illnesses, this is especially true. Why read about the rules of nutrition for a pregnant woman when the child is constipated? We open the chapter on constipation, get the necessary information and with a feeling of deep satisfaction we try to put the advice and recommendations into practice.

But, since the hopes for this are low, in order to prevent subsequent misunderstandings, I will allow myself a brief instruction-information for those who are ready to start reading (options - viewing, flipping, studying).

1 The book consists of three main parts:

Part one is devoted to the two most important stages in the life of a child and his parents - pregnancy and the first year of life.

Part two - a child older than a year, of course, not on its own, but in conjunction with dad-mom, grandparents, kindergarten schools, the environment and the healthcare system.

Part three - diseases, hospitals, doctors, medicines; what to do and what not to do.

2 Everything that you read should be considered, first of all, as food for thought. Not a single living soul in the whole wide world can love your child and understand your child the way you do. It is a completely different matter that, understanding, loving, and even at the same time thinking, reflecting, thinking, and so, under all these conditions, it is by no means always possible to achieve success.

3 Success in relation to the process of care and upbringing is a relative concept: depending on which bell tower you look from. From the teacher's point of view, the polite winner of the city Physics and Mathematics Olympiad, who does not get out of hospitals, is an undoubted success. An absolutely healthy juvenile bandit (if he is washed and forbidden to talk) will please the pediatrician with excellent work of internal organs and excellent analyzes.

4 The golden mean is a simultaneous and plentiful balm for the soul of relatives, doctors and teachers - this is a smart, well-mannered and healthy child. This phenomenon is extremely rare, but when implementing some kind of care and upbringing program, we should at least know what to strive for.

5 The actual level of health or ill health of a particular child depends on four factors:

Heredity, that is, what was inherited from mom and dad;

Environment (ecology + living conditions);

health systems;

The process of care and upbringing, that is, the relationship of the child and his relatives.

6 The aforementioned care and upbringing are some very specific actions, a certain set of measures. But the main paradox is this: 100% of the adult population knows how to make children, but 99.9% do not know what to do with children afterwards.

7 The main task of this book is to eliminate the paradox of the situation, in an accessible form to provide the reader with the opportunity to determine for himself what should be done with the child and what should never be done.


The greater or lesser degree of respect given to the author depends on the greater or lesser similarity of his ideas with those of the reader.


The author is not a professor or even an assistant professor, but simply a pediatrician - the most ordinary one, who graduated from an ordinary medical institute. And this book was written for ordinary people, living an ordinary human life. What in theory creates conditions for future mutual understanding. 1
The phrase “not a professor and not even an associate professor” does not at all indicate my negative attitude towards professors and associate professors. Although a certain part of readers will apparently refuse to receive information from a person who is not burdened with degrees and titles. It's a pity of course. But for more than 25 years now I have been directly related exclusively to practical medicine, to the treatment of children. Orderly, nurse, resuscitator, head of the department of the regional hospital. Now I am attending my consulting center. What has not been seen over the years ... Dozens of hospitals. Hundreds of doctors. Thousands of children, thousands of mothers, fathers, grandparents. Thousands, giving me the opportunity and the moral right to write this book without being either a professor or an associate professor.

The author addresses this book to parents - those who have already become parents, and especially those who are just about to become parents. This is not a textbook, not a collection of recipes and instructions, not an encyclopedia and, God forbid, not a guide to diagnosis and treatment!

Most likely, this is a medium-sized guidebook that should help you avoid many problems.

Main- a little bit of common sense, a little bit of logical thinking - and we will agree on everything.

There are a lot of works on a similar topic all over the world. It is not surprising that, having spent money on acquiring another “labor”, future or already established dad and mom want to find out first of all what are the features of this work and are there any at all.

There are three such features:

First Feature - the ability to implement recommendations. After all, hundreds of books on childcare and parenting are written in such a way that the very process of communicating with a child is perceived in isolation from real life. Such “little things” as a hungry dad who came home from work, shops and clinics, disappeared hot water, a broken iron, a particularly wise mother-in-law, another pregnancy, layoffs, the number of days before salary, etc. are not taken into account.

Second feature consists in the fact that, having a higher medical education, the author himself does not always and does not understand everything in smart works designed for a “wide readership”. Therefore, he tried very, very hard to make the book as accessible as possible, but not primitive.

Third feature , perhaps the main one - I'm not just saying "do it" - I'm trying to convince you that this is how it should be done.

It should be noted that modern parents rarely take on the entire burden of responsibility for the health of the child. Allegedly, the state approach to this issue is that the district doctor is allegedly responsible for the health of the child “in general”. But the answers to most "children's questions" are given at family councils, where mom and dad - as the least experienced persons - play an insignificant role. On the one hand, this is quite understandable. On the other hand, it is mom and dad who always turn out to be “extreme” if the child is sick or misbehaves. At this point, relatives, acquaintances and, of course, grandparents will not fail to notice that it was necessary to obey the elders.

In connection with the above, Paying attention moms and dads for the following moments:

looking around, you can easily see that neither you nor your friends are distinguished by iron health. Therefore, the phrase uttered by the mother-in-law or mother-in-law: “I raised three” is not any weighty argument;

Whatever friends, relatives and acquaintances advise you, remember the main thing: you and only you will not sleep at night, run around pharmacies and hospitals!

You know very well that it is much more difficult to remake (re-educate, re-educate) than to do the right thing from the very beginning. Therefore, do not bring your child to a state where only the most drastic measures will allow you to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. It’s better to choose the right direction from birth: it’s easier, cheaper, and more pleasant;

if it didn’t work out from birth - they didn’t know or thought they knew, didn’t want to, didn’t understand - remember: it’s never too late to take up your mind, but the sooner, the easier it is.

* * *

The health of our children in most cases does not suit either parents or pediatricians. 2
A pediatrician is a doctor who provides medical and preventive care to children. Since the book is still related to medicine, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without "especially clever" special words.

And this is doubly unpleasant, given that in terms of the number of children's doctors, we have left far behind not only Bangladesh, but also the United States of America.

The conclusion is simple: neither the quantity nor the quality of pediatricians can solve the problem of children's health. But it’s impossible, most likely, because the mentioned health is much more dependent on mom and dad than on all pediatricians combined. In other words, parents can well make sure that their child gets sick a little, and if it does get sick, then it has the opportunity to resist illness and recover with minimal losses. 3
Losses, as you understand, can be very different - from loss of health to loss of time. We are not talking about financial costs.

This is where the role of the pediatrician becomes clear, which must be strived for always, everywhere and under any circumstances - the role of a consultant. And in this role a pediatrician is needed not so much for the child as for the parents of the child!

In this book, we will try to help mom and dad learn the main principles of care and upbringing, the main rules for helping with illnesses. But you will have to put them into practice yourself - there is no one to wait for help here. True, the principles of the author and the life position of the parents may not coincide, therefore, in order to be frank to the end, I report the following:

the author is a categorical and consistent opponent of pediatric and pedagogical extremism in all its manifestations. Therefore, any attempts to find recipes in this book about how to bathe newborns in the hole or take three-month-old children to the mountains, how to bury urine in the nose or teach a one-year-old child to read, a two-year-old child to play chess, and a three-year-old child to cook for future family life;

the author is convinced that the birth and upbringing of children is not the main and only purpose of a person. Both birth and upbringing represent only one (perhaps the largest and most important) side of the polyhedron, 4
The author actually knows that the polyhedron has no sides - only edges, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

Which under no circumstances should overlap its other sides - love, friendship, work, books, pets, hobbies (knitting, fishing, a new hairstyle, a car, a garden);

no one, nothing and will ever be able to shake the author's confidence that a happy child is, first of all, a healthy child and only then can he read and play the violin. A happy child is a child who has both a mother and a father who find time not only to love this child, but also to love each other.

That, in fact, is all. If it suits you - read on, no - sorry ...

Part one
The beginning of your child's life

The striped boa constrictor has striped cubs.

African proverb

1.1. Pregnancy

How much we suffered because of what did not happen, but could only happen.

Thomas Jefferson

Man is the King of Nature, but at the same time he is a part of it. The part that broke the Master Law of the Jungle 5
Don't stick out!

And she rose above everyone else, while creating a lot of trouble for herself and everyone who remained below. These troubles are based on constant and, unfortunately, not at all fruitless attempts to fight the laws of Nature. Who will undertake to assert that man as a biological species was created incorrectly? Nobody! 6
Note: it is not fundamental who created this species - God or evolution.

Consequently, the hereditary information transmitted from generation to generation is quite good, and Nature is trying by all means to get rid of the deviations that arise on its own, despite the active opposition of modern medicine to it.

A human cub that was born already owns a set of hereditary (genetic) traits, which is called genotype.7
To readers who are outraged by the author's promise to speak simpler and not to use particularly “smart” words, I inform you that the word “genotype” is included in the biology curriculum of an ordinary high school.

But the born owner of the genotype does not have the opportunity to independently manage his wealth. Under the influence of the environment, the genotype is transformed into phenotype- a well-defined set of external signs.

With the same genotype, you can get an enormous number of phenotypes - it all depends on:

1 habitat (climate, city, village, a factory nearby or, conversely, a pine forest, basement, tenth floor, dust, chemistry, radiation, etc.);

2 parents , more precisely, on the conditions that they will create for their child.

With the environment - that's how lucky anyone is. And parents - this, by the way, we are with you.

The essence of the above reasoning is obvious: from the point of view of Nature (genotype), the health of a born child differs very little from the health of his predecessor, who was born 20 or 30 thousand years ago and did not know what steam heating, adapted milk mixture, sterile nipple, boiled water and much, much more, but at the same time, managed not only to survive, but also to give birth. And by the way, we are this very offspring. AND our main task is not to allow the child to lose the health that Nature has already awarded him.

It is necessary to start solving the task as early as possible - it is best already during pregnancy.

* * *

Pregnancy does not occur on its own, without prior sexual intercourse. 8
Exceptions do exist (read the New Testament), but they are very rare.

It follows that all other signs - the absence of menstruation and, on the contrary, the presence of vomiting, nausea and rapidly changing views on the surrounding reality - are just a consequence of one of the most interesting, significant and widespread manifestations of human existence, namely - sexual life.

The likelihood that this book will fall into the hands of a person who is not familiar with what causes pregnancy and how it manifests itself is very small. Well, as soon as we agreed before, we will agree: if there are doubts (suspicions), you should consult a doctor who, by answering such questions, earns his living and is called a gynecologist.

We do not aim to discuss the causes of pregnancy (when, after what, why, from whom, etc.). Both the author and readers are, of course, interested in pregnancy, but, first of all, from the perspective of a child - how a future mother should live in order to give birth later and at the same time minimize the need for a pediatrician.

The order in which one and the same person is entrusted with the supervision of a pregnant woman, delivery and subsequent supervision of a child, unfortunately, is not accepted at all. 9
At least in the geographic space visible to the author.

And there is nothing good in this. Because the points of view of a gynecologist and a pediatrician quite often do not coincide: what is good for the mother (and the gynecologist) is not always good for the child (and the pediatrician).

So, the most ordinary woman who has reached childbearing age decided not to miss this age. This most ordinary woman is prepared by Nature for childbearing and childbirth.

And Nature, and human nature, and the laws of logic, and indeed elementary common sense, are not able to explain why a pregnant woman should not get tired, sleep more, not lift more than one kilogram, etc. After all, this same woman several thousand years ago in in a similar situation, she would continue to live according to the laws of the tribe - well, who would stop cooking food or moving after the deer just because someone’s stomach interferes there or, you see, he is sick ... And you need to think for yourself. Imagine your husband as a large shaggy and not smelling too good male, and yourself as a preoccupied “interesting position” female, who simply has to, during pregnancy, firstly, prevent this male from crossing over to another, and secondly, maintain optimism and, why be modest, beauty.

The most important rule is


However, very, very many women view this condition in this way. In many ways, gynecologists help them - rarely does a visit to the doctor end with discussions about a narrow pelvis, a crooked uterus, inflammation of the appendages, and in general: how did you, girl, manage to ... And even your friends will talk about the hellish torments of the maternity hospital. Again, you have to pass many, many tests and bypass many, many specialists. I can assure you with an oath that I have never met a person who visited a large number of doctors, passed a large number of tests and did not find any ailment dormant in him. Moreover, it is customary for us to run to the doctors after the pregnancy has become a fait accompli, and not before ...

By the way, the very fact of pregnancy in most cases gives rise to many other problems - sexual, material, and finally, housing.

And there is nothing strange in the fact that stress is a surprisingly frequent companion of pregnancy. After all, it is very difficult to resist the abundant influx of negative information. To do this, you need to have very, very strong brains or not have them at all. Both are rare, so it is desirable to remember:

you must first of all listen to yourself - move if you want to move, sleep if you want to sleep, eat if you want to eat, and make love to your husband if you want to make love;

if you want a child and at the same time already pregnant, then no diseases discovered by doctors should cause you despair. State in the depths of your soul the fact that you had to wave your hands before, but do not try to save yourself, because it is difficult to find methods of treatment that are simultaneously useful for both the child and the mother;

any treatment of a pregnant woman should be carried out only when otherwise definitely can not be dispensed with (bleeding, a clear threat of failure, nephropathy, diagnosed diabetes mellitus, rheumatism or other passions).

You live in a country where the number of checkers and those who teach how to heal is almost equal to the number of those who actually heal. The one who treats knows perfectly well that no one will scold him for prescribing 10 medicines for a cold - after all, at least a Ph.D. thesis has been defended for each of these 10 medicines. Pregnancy is always a risk. An obvious risk for the pregnant woman herself and no less obvious risk for the doctor, who, given the assessment of his work by society, is not going to take risks. 10
On the issue of assessing medical work. In the first edition of the book "The Beginning of Your Child's Life" (more about this book - on p. 573), the author noted that at the time of writing these lines, the monthly work of a specialist with a diploma of higher medical education was paid in the same way as 1 (one) hour work of a prostitute. I really wanted to remove this comparison from the second edition of the book. Then I wanted to exclude it from the third, then from the fifth ... 10 years have passed, but unfortunately it (comparison) has not lost its relevance to this day. Although there are certain shifts. And I can solemnly declare (rewrite): "At the time of writing these lines, the monthly work of a specialist with a diploma of higher medical education is paid in the same way as 2 (two) hours of work of a prostitute."

And you need to have a lot of courage not to prescribe, not to send for a consultation, not to put you in a hospital, not to start stimulating, not to prohibit. It is necessary to break away from the papers and find time to calmly talk, explain and, in the end, consciously split the risk in half. But after all, they check the doctor not according to the reviews of patients, but according to the quality of the “documents” written by him! And as soon as any diagnosis is recorded on the card, then it is necessary to treat it: what if there is some kind of trouble, then teachers and inspectors will ask in all severity: how did you, my friend, not appoint? And indeed sometimes troubles happen - one out of 100, but they appoint everyone - just in case. Help the doctor to be honest and frank with you - do not demand unique medicines from him and your immediate salvation, do not shout: “We are ready for anything!”, find out after all, what will happen if you do nothing, and what is more dangerous - to treat or no treatment. I, for obvious reasons, do not name specific diseases, that is not the point. Just a pregnant woman should try to look at herself through the eyes of the doctor to whom she came. She must understand what any doctor understands: pregnancy is a normal physiological process, and the less we interfere with normal physiological processes, the better for all of us!

What if it's not quite normal? So you need to think about whether we are so wise to interfere with Mother Nature if she stumbled a little. And if it’s not at all normal, then get treated, but at the same time remember the wonderful aphorism that was born among practicing doctors: “What is rare is very rare; what happens very rarely, never happens.

Hello dear readers! Today I will simply share my position in relation to the work of Evgeny Komarovsky. I will do this based on his book, but also take into account the numerous videos that you can easily find on the Internet.

I have mixed feelings about this doctor. Someone idolizes him. Someone speaks of him with contempt ... Personally, I really respect the work of this man. He did the almost impossible. In fact, he helped in the 90s to take the first step towards conscious parenthood. Many of his ideas seem revolutionary, liberal. However, what was a brilliant breakthrough twenty years ago may not seem entirely relevant today.

Each mother must decide for herself: who does she trust? Whose advice will he follow? Advice from a local pediatrician? Doctor Komarovsky? Homeopath? Or a lactation consultant? For some, Komarovsky is an ideal option. A compromise between the ideas of natural parenthood and the opinion of the Soviet generation.

For me personally, the work of this doctor is not authoritative now. Below I will explain why. I often embed his videos on the site where he is close to natural parenthood. And deliberately ignoring the video with which I myself disagree.

The fact is that E. Komarovsky knows how to present the material very beautifully and clearly, sometimes he is perceived not as a doctor, but as a person from show business. It logically and visually explains many simple things. But it does not take into account the psychology of the baby at all. I do not blame anyone for this, he has already made a breakthrough in the understanding of childhood diseases. But you want to give your children the very best, right?

The benefits of the book by E. Komarovsky

I strongly recommend that all my readers read the book The Health of the Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives. This book is unique. It explains simple medical things in detail and clearly. What is the flu? What causes pneumonia? What is a runny nose? And how to treat the main childhood diseases? How to understand that the situation is serious and you need to urgently call an ambulance?

For example, the doctor says that the only cure for most flu viruses is fresh air and plenty of fluids. That most pills are useless or even harmful. Tells about some infections. And it gives a lot of useful information.

The doctor requires that a special temperature regime be observed in the apartment. The air should not heat up to 22 degrees. The ideal temperature is between 18 and 20 degrees. I put it into practice. To be honest, after such a bath, children still do not sleep for 5 hours in a row (as Komarovsky promises), but this significantly strengthened their immunity.

Where do I disagree with his books?

However, there are a number of points that I do not accept. The main point - it seems that the doctor sincerely believes that the child needs only food, sleep and the right external conditions. That the need for frequent contact with mom is just “pampering”. What if a child cries, then either something hurts him, or he manipulates his parents. That is, the doctor does not recognize the baby's need for maternal warmth and constant contact with his mother.

That is why Komarovsky is against:

  • breastfeeding on demand;

And in general, in everything related to education, I would recommend reading other literature.

The main slogan of the doctor is "Mom should not be tired, sleepy, exhausted." Good slogan, I support it. Only for some reason the doctor offers strange means on the way to this goal. Maybe because he sees the situation from the male side?

Instead of teaching how to organize co-sleeping so that everyone is happy, we hear about a separate bed. But is it really possible to get enough sleep if you need to get up regularly at night and go to the child?

Instead of teaching how to rest while breastfeeding and combine this with household chores, the doctor teaches that it is necessary to limit the baby's stay on the chest. But doesn't that make mom's life harder?

Yes, it can be difficult to carry. But will the mother be fresh and rested if the baby is constantly crying? And how will “weaning from hands” affect him? Isn't it better to teach mom how to use and correctly alternate the load on the back with rest?


If you adhere to the views of Dr. Komarovsky in everything, I am very happy for you! In any case, this is much better than doing much of what is recommended in the city clinic. And in any case, Dr. Komarovsky appeals to our mind, gives us the opportunity to become wiser and more conscious. And calmer - which is very, very important.

For many parents, this doctor's book will be a real discovery. It really instills calmness and confidence, teaches not to panic and not to complicate your life.

But if you want to go further and get in touch with your baby, understand his needs, and not just physical health... This book will not be enough. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider it the ultimate truth. Read, listen, study as much as possible ... This is the only way to form your own opinion about raising children and understand what is closer to you.

If the article was helpful, share it on social networks. And subscribe to blog updates. See you!

Evgeny Komarovsky is a well-known pediatrician, author of popular books on child and parental health, talk show participant, consultant for specialized programs, creator and head of the Komarovsky Clinic medical center.

Complexity of presentation

The target audience

Potential and accomplished parents, as well as grandparents who care about the health and development of their children and grandchildren.

The author offers many useful tips on how to cope with childhood infections, make the right decisions regarding the child's lifestyle. It offers step-by-step instructions for dealing with children, parents, various relatives, as well as with a pediatrician. The book includes a selection of articles and stories by the author, as well as a detailed study on the tactics of using disposable diapers.

Reading together

The author devotes the first part of the book to the beginning of a child's life - from the mother's pregnancy to his first year. Any newborn already has a genotype with inherent hereditary traits, which, under the influence of the environment, turns into a phenotype with external traits. The main task of parents is not to let the health given to the child by nature deteriorate. You need to start doing this already during pregnancy: listen to yourself and do what you want at the moment, do not despair if doctors find some kind of illness, undergo treatment only if a woman’s health or life is threatened. Pregnancy is a natural physiological process, which should be interfered with to a minimum. Before planning it, it is advisable to check the state of health, go to the dentist, take a full non-home vacation, give up bad habits and slightly reduce sexual activity. The future father should also reconsider his attitude towards his wife, be more attentive, gentle towards her, measure sexual ardor with her reaction, help more around the house.

During childbirth, one should not panic, but listen to the doctor's recommendations and strictly follow his instructions, because the main ultimate goal is to be discharged home with a healthy baby as soon as possible. The three basic rules that a woman who has given birth must follow are not to be nervous, get plenty of rest and breastfeed.

The baby is perfectly able to adapt to environmental conditions, it is important to initially evaluate the child at its true worth and not condescend to it. There are a number of necessary measures to preserve the health of the baby from the first days of his life. Here are the most important ones:

1. The children's room should be neat, clean, well ventilated, with a crib, changing table, shelving or cabinet for storing children's things, a room thermometer and a lamp.

2. The temperature regime is regulated through the air temperature in the room and the baby's clothes, it is optimal to adhere to 18-19 degrees.

3. Pampers solve the problem of baby skin care in the first six months of life, it is important to learn how to use them correctly. But if you have the strength and ability to use gauze diapers, it is better to give preference to them.

4. Baby's undershirts and sliders become completely substitutes for diapers, but you don't need to combine them. Children's clothes are always washed separately from adults.

5. The child sleeps as much as he needs, it is better to initially refuse to rock the baby, since his vestibular apparatus is still too weak.

6. General baths are best arranged after the navel has completely healed.

7. Two weeks after birth, you can walk with a child on the street twice for half an hour.

8. The child should eat those foods that are most natural for him at the appropriate age.

9. From birth, the baby is already a member of the family, but from excessive love and attention to him should not be bad for other family members. Look for the golden mean.

10. A healthy child will always remind you that he is hungry. If there is not enough breast milk, you need to switch to mixed feeding. Until the appearance of children's teeth, only dairy products should be used.

11. Complementary foods at six months begin with vegetable purees, milk porridge, cottage cheese, egg yolk, meat and fish dishes. The older the child becomes, the less dangerous all sorts of experiments related to nutrition.

The most important thing at the initial stage of a baby's life is to preserve everything biological in order to further develop the social.

In the second part of the book, Komarovsky talks about choosing the right parenting tactics to raise a healthy child and keep peace in the family. Mom should initially accept the fact that there is no one to rely on, even her husband. A properly organized daily routine will not create additional problems either for her, or for the child, or for other relatives. Dad should also understand that while his wife is the mother of his child, her maternal instinct is stronger than her feminine love for him, so common sense must be maintained. It is necessary to help the wife make decisions about the common baby.

Grandparents play an equally significant role in a child's life, but the main problem is their sense of ownership in relation to their grandson or granddaughter. And most often grandmother's upbringing, alas, borders on pathology. Therefore, twist it or not, but it is important to learn the golden rule: all decisions regarding the child are made only by his parents.

In matters of baby food, it is impossible to make it the meaning of life for adults; feeding should be carried out as appetite comes and when there is ready-made food. A sick child should not be forcibly stuffed with food, his liver may simply not be able to cope with such a volume, and he will be sick even longer.

Healthy sleep creates all the conditions for active wakefulness after waking up. If in the morning the child gets up without negative emotions, then you can put him to bed at any time.

If you organize a summer vacation for a child, you need to introduce him to those useful factors that were not available to him during the year. The “resting principles” include maximum physical activity, fresh air, food according to appetite, brain rest.

In the third part, the author tells why it is important to make friends with the district pediatrician who will guide the child for 14 years. But in any case, parents are responsible for the health of the child, and the advice of a pediatrician underlies all decisions made by parents. It is not worth discussing whether to do preventive vaccinations - here the author gives an unequivocal answer that they are necessary.

Adults begin to think about the child's immunity when he begins to get sick often. But in fact, everyone gets sick, it is important to understand how often and how difficult it is. The immune system has three natural stimulants - hunger, cold, physical activity, so here you can not suppress the immune system by overfeeding, overheating and restricting movement.

Any infectious disease is caused by only one microorganism, so you need to know exactly the source of the disease, how it was transmitted, what are the susceptibility to the disease and immunity, as well as methods of treatment.

1. Viral infections include measles, chickenpox, rubella, mumps, hepatitis, the most dangerous today are rabies, poliomyelitis, infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus infection.

2. Bacterial infections include whooping cough, diphtheria, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, intestinal infections, chlamydia, meningitis, pneumonia.

Antibiotic therapy is not always safe, so a professional should give advice and prescribe treatment. They are far from the only means that fight pathogens. It is important to remember that antibacterial agents and antibiotics are not the same, and antibacterial drugs are not used for viral infections.

Best Quote

“It’s better to choose the right direction from birth: it’s easier, cheaper, and more pleasant.”

What does the book teach

In the relationship "doctor - child" an important intermediate link is the parents and next of kin. Parents need a pediatrician as a consultant.

The child will be best understood and loved only by his parents.

Everyone wants to have a smart, healthy child, and with proper care and upbringing, you can achieve an almost perfect result.

Children's health or ill health depends on heredity, ecology, living conditions, the health care system, as well as the relationship of the child with relatives.

It is important not only to understand how to have children, but also what to do with them later, what is possible and what is not.


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