Laboratory tests of urine for suspected cystitis. Urine tests for cystitis: what to take, how to prepare, decoding

A disease such as cystitis is often tried to be treated at home, but the causative agent of the infection "calms down" for a while, and then declares itself with another exacerbation. If you do not want to "acquire" a chronic form of the disease - go to the doctor. It is the analysis of urine for cystitis that becomes the key to diagnosis and the subsequent choice of treatment.

Cystitis is called unpleasant illness: inflammation of the mucous membrane Bladder accompanied by depressing discomfort. Most often it becomes a problem for women, although men are also familiar with it. And if from time to time it is “extinguished” on its own, sooner or later the infection will rise from the bladder to the kidneys: and in this case we are talking already about a serious disease - pyelonephritis. Therefore, do not delay and get ready for the test.

Cystitis affects the composition of urine

Human urine is often the determining factor in making a diagnosis. It contains elements that must correspond to proportions: their violation becomes a sign of the development of pathology.

When analyzing urine, it is important to quantify each change: this allows the doctor to more accurately diagnose the disease. For example, a significantly elevated protein indicator is most likely indicative of pyelonephritis. In the case of cystitis, this element goes beyond the norm, but not much.

Of great importance in determining the disease are also quality characteristics urine. In other words, appearance this biological fluid can tell a lot.

Color matters

At healthy person urine clear straw color. Pathological changes it is visible to the naked eye. On examination, it is noticeable that the urine differs from normal state, first of all:

  • becomes opaque and acquires turbidity;
  • may be white or Brown, sometimes a reddish tint - depends on the presence of blood in the urine;
  • there are traces of pus (this indicates a running inflammatory process);
  • there are flakes;
  • mucus is present.

Provocateurs of changes that occur in the biological fluid are bacteria and their metabolites. It is pathogenic microorganisms that cause the inflammatory process. Its progress, in turn, leads to the appearance of blood in the urine, desquamation of the epithelium in the bladder, and pus. With hemorrhagic cystitis, urine even takes on the appearance of "meat slops."

If qualitative changes can be detected at the first examination of the liquid, then the situation with quantitative and structural characteristics is clarified only in the framework of laboratory studies.

Urinalysis: how and why

Sitting in the cold, stress, constant fatigue and overuse of medications all weaken the bladder, making it unable to resist infection. It, by the way, penetrates the body in two ways: through urethra or kidneys. A general study of urine helps to find out about this.

By the way, cystitis develops in acute, subacute and chronic forms (with exacerbations from 2 times a year). In the first case, this is accompanied by regular visits to the restroom, pain and a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, and temperature. In the second - there may not be all the symptoms. Clinical manifestations diseases in the chronic form are no longer so bright and noticeable, "calmed down" for a while.

The most difficult thing is to identify the symptoms in children: the baby is not always able to explain what is happening to him. Therefore, the disease is confused with appendicitis. Try to pay attention to external signs, with urine tests, the child may not be all right.

It is urine that first reacts to inflammatory processes and helps to initially clarify the picture of what is happening in the body.

Collect biomaterial correctly

An objective result can be obtained only when the urine is correctly collected: there are rules that are not recommended to be violated, otherwise the main characteristics of the urine will be distorted, and the diagnosis itself will become doubtful.


So, before the day of collecting biomaterial comes, fulfill several conditions:

  1. Do not consume foods and drinks that contain pigments and can color urine.
  2. Do not eat or drink sour things at night, including cottage cheese and kefir - they can affect the level of urine acidity.
  3. If you are taking laxatives or diuretics, if possible, refuse them 1-2 days before collecting the biomaterial, otherwise its characteristics may be unreliable.
  4. Don't drink alcohol.

For general analysis, average morning urine is required. Calculate the time so that you have no more than 2-3 hours to deliver it to the laboratory. Otherwise, some indicators will change, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Evening urine is not suitable for analysis: overnight it can seriously change its biochemical composition, so misinterpretation is not ruled out as part of the study.

How to collect

On the day of sending the biomaterial to the laboratory, follow the instructions below:

  1. Before you collect urine, wash your genitals and dry yourself thoroughly to get rid of soap residue. It is important that no additional impurities get into the container.
  2. Flush the first jets into the toilet, then urinate strictly into a jar. Remove it without waiting for the end of urination. So you will be able to collect the average portion of biological raw materials, which is the most informative and objective in terms of indicators.
  3. Enough 50 ml. liquids.

It is highly undesirable for women to give urine for research during menstruation. You have to wait for it to complete. In case of an urgent need for analysis at this time, urine should be collected using a swab. In addition, do not forget to warn the attending physician about this so that he correctly interprets the results of the study.

Where to put

Separately, it is worth mentioning the capacity where the material is collected. A special container can be found in a pharmacy, or a self-prepared jar will do. First wash it with soda, rinse hot water, then pour boiling water over, tightly close the lid.

Biomaterial should not be poured from container to container. This threatens to get "extra" elements and substances into the urine: the study will not be truly informative.

Studying the results of a properly collected urine will allow the doctor to get a first impression of the developing disease.

Often the doctor prescribes the change biochemical analysis blood with cystitis: the features of the body's work are viewed by changes in the concentration of potassium, calcium, sodium, as well as the activity of enzymes.

Laboratory research

With cystitis more complete picture provide three main methods:

  • general analysis urine (OAM);
  • special analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • examination of urine for the presence of bacteria.

Before finding out the role of each method in determining the disease, it is curious to know what characteristics are inherent in a healthy person.

Norm indicators

A general study of urine shows the condition of the bladder mucosa, whether pathogenic microorganisms are present, the level of red blood cells, white blood cells and protein.

The urine of a non-diseased person meets the following criteria:

  • color - straw or yellow;
  • transparency - full or slightly cloudy;
  • density - up to 1.030 g/l.;
  • acidic environment - up to 7 pH;
  • protein - up to 0.033 g/l;
  • hemoglobin - not detected;
  • leukocytes - 5-6 cells in the field of view;
  • nitrates - absent;
  • ketone bodies- up to 20 mg;
  • glucose - not detected;
  • bilirubin - absent;
  • urobilin - 17 µmol/l;
  • erythrocytes - in minimum quantity (0–1);
  • epithelial cells - up to 6 per field of view;
  • cylinders - absent or single inclusions.

With cystitis, these indicators look different, since the entry of harmful microbes into the body disrupts the normal functioning of the genitourinary system and causes inflammation.

General analysis of urine for cystitis

Since the disease is caused by inflammatory processes in the walls of the bladder, the presence of bacteria and elevated level leukocytes and erythrocytes. The number of the latter may indicate that the mucous membrane of the canal or bladder is damaged. The content of red blood cells also indicates that there are bleeding wounds.

The number of leukocytes in the urine with cystitis increases 10 times. Growth is due to the fact that the bladder mucosa is trying to turn on local protection in this way.

Presence a large number leukocytes makes the urine cloudy and opaque. This is also facilitated by the presence of bacteria and their metabolic products, the admixture of flakes and blood, epithelial cells, mucus and pus.

Due to the multiplication of microbes, the reaction of urine changes and becomes acidic, while for a healthy person the norm is a slightly alkaline reaction of urine. The activity of pathogens also provokes a slight increase in protein.

Pathology markers

The information contained in the results of a urinalysis in the development of cystitis is easy to read by specialists, but for ordinary person is not entirely clear. Although each characteristic is significant and serves as a marker in determining the stage of the disease. Therefore, knowing the decoding, or what each digital value implies, will be useful.

So, for a person suffering from cystitis, the following indicators are characteristic:

  • Leukocytes. Their number in the urine reaches up to 60 in the field of view. If an acute form develops, then this value can be 70-80. Thus, the higher this indicator for cystitis, the more advanced the disease is.
  • Erythrocytes. Their number in the urine of a sick person is up to 20-30 in the field of view. This suggests that the vessels in the bladder are affected.
  • epithelial cells. They are found in numbers up to 20. This is caused by the death of cells in the mucous membrane of the urinary system.
  • Protein . Indicators increase to 3 g / l. IN this case we are talking about a failure in the work of the kidneys and the process of intoxication of the body.
  • Cylinders. Their content in the urine reaches 20 per 1 ml. This may well indicate that the infection has penetrated the kidneys.

Treatment of cystitis, which is caused by the development of pathogenic microflora, is carried out with the help of antibiotics. However, bacterial species respond differently to drugs. To find out which one will be effective, you need to pass urine on the sowing tank.

Bacteriological research

This method helps to determine the causative agent of the disease, the nature of the pathogenic microbes that provoked cystitis and their number in the body. The main thing is that the analysis reveals the sensitivity of harmful bacteria to medicines. To do this, the collected biomaterial is placed in special containers, where a nutrient medium is created for infections, viruses and fungi.

Please note: urine should be examined by the tank culture method no later than 2 hours after collection of the material. The quality of diagnostics depends on the timeliness of the analysis.

By the way, the method is actively used during the pregnancy of women, because it allows you to determine the types of bacteria and their reaction to drugs, and most importantly, to preserve the health of the unborn baby.

in number pathogenic microbes that can be identified using the sowing tank include:

  • streptococcus;
  • enterococcus;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • salmonella;
  • coli infection;
  • Klebsiella microbes;
  • gonococci.

In the case of cystitis, most often the results show the presence of Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, Trichomonas, less often - viral and fungal infections.

After you hand over the biomaterial for research and the result is obtained, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy.

Nechiporenko method

If a general analysis of urine showed that there are deviations from the norm, and the doctor needs to clarify the nature of the pathology, another study is prescribed.

The Nechiporenko method, from the point of view of diagnosis, is more accurate and helps to identify not only cystitis, but also other diseases of the urinary system, for example, kidney pathology.

The bottom line is as follows: urine is mixed, part of it is placed in a separate test tube, which is spun with a centrifuge for 3 minutes. The resulting sediment becomes the subject of study. In a special counting chamber under a microscope, the number of biological elements in the urine is counted. The resulting number is multiplied by a factor to determine the average volume of substances in one milliliter.

In a healthy person norm indicators when examining urine according to Nechiporenko, these are:

  • erythrocytes - up to 1000/1 ml;
  • cylinders - up to 20 units / 1 ml;
  • leukocytes - up to 2000/1 ml;
  • protein - absent;
  • bacteria - absent;
  • epithelial cells - in the minimum allowable amount.

Doctors often prescribe such an analysis to women who are expecting a baby. The method allows to identify individual pathologies that may threaten normal course pregnancy.

The study according to Nechiporenko does not replace the standard urinalysis, but only serves as an addition to it.

Ultrasound, cystoscopy and PCR

In medical practice, there are several more methods for diagnosing cystitis. It is good to examine the inside of the urethral canal and the bladder helps cystoscopy. The procedure is carried out using a long optical device, therefore it is not very pleasant for the patient. But thanks to her, the "picture of what is happening" in the organs is transmitted to the computer monitor. The method allows you to assess the state of the bladder and its mucous membrane, identify all deviations from the norm, determine the shape inflammatory process. By the way, with the help of a cystoscopic examination, doctors detect oncology already at initial stage development.

causative agents acute cystitis may have sexually transmitted infections. the best way experts call their detection polymerase chain reaction method(PCR). The most accurate and helps to identify diseases even in their latent form. The essence of the study is to detect in the biomaterial (blood, serum, nasal swab, excretions of the urinary canal) the genetic code of the infectious agent.

Ultrasonography bladder doctor prescribes when diagnosis by cystoscopy and PCR is not enough. Ultrasound allows not only to determine the degree of the inflammatory process, but also to identify diseases in the urinary and reproductive systems. By the way, very often they need to be treated simultaneously.

Ultrasound is also performed when cystitis is in acute form- in this case, cystoscopy is prohibited.

Urine values ​​return to normal when the bladder is cleared of infection. But even after the first improvements, experts advise not to stop the fight against cystitis. Do not be lazy and, after a couple of weeks, take a second analysis: only the complete release of your biological fluid from leukocytes, erythrocytes and protein will allow you to exhale and feel like a truly healthy person.


Requires medical confirmation. This will make it possible to determine at what stage the disease is, it will also make it possible to distinguish cystitis from urethritis.

Only if the patient passes all the tests, and especially for urine, will the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and its degree.

And the most important thing here is to check the kidneys and determine if they are already involved in the inflammatory process.

The diagnosis of cystitis is confirmed by:

  • examination of the patient;
  • listening to patient complaints;
  • urinalysis;
  • , peritoneum, pelvic organs;
  • performing cystoscopy.

When applying, the doctor will definitely ask about the lifestyle of the patient.

The doctor must accurately establish:

  1. in what period did the exacerbation of the disease begin;
  2. cause;
  3. signs and how often they bother;
  4. whether the patient had a history of urinary tract infections.

It is a detailed survey that will make it possible to partially determine the form of the course of cystitis: subacute or. Only ultrasound and tests can determine the shape accurately.

It is very important to tell your doctor about all the symptoms that you have. They will help to understand the problems in more detail.

Clinical picture

The clinical picture, as a rule, is considered on the basis of examination of the patient and his analyzes. During the examination, the doctor uses only his fingers. Only if the patient has concerns, the urologist can take a swab from the bladder or urethra.

Woman at the appointment with a urologist

In women, it first probes the abdominal wall. If cystitis has an acute form, then it will be in moderate tension and the patient will only discomfort. In the event that the muscle is tense too much and the patient has sharp pain, then the inspection is terminated immediately.

After that, the patient is sent for examination to the surgeon, so that he excludes paracystitis and peritonitis. In the event that these diseases are still confirmed, the patient is immediately hospitalized and operated on.
In men, the situation is more complicated: the doctor relies only on probing the peritoneum externally.

Paracystitis is an inflammation of the bladder tissue. In the chronic stage, it is treated at home, if the form has become acute or subacute, then only in the hospital and only through surgery to avoid the likelihood of a purulent infection in the bladder, as well as damage to the urinary canal.

Immediately when symptoms resembling cystitis appear, you should go to the doctor to avoid.

Preparation for analysis

What urinalysis should be done for cystitis? First you need to know that tests and studies are needed in order to identify the disease.

Unpleasant sensations will not bring only the delivery of a urine test, while other studies will cause discomfort. Before starting a urinalysis, preparation is required. This is important for the analysis to be accurate enough.

Tests for cystitis in women should not be done if you are menstruating, and also within two days after it, since blood particles can get into the urine and this will greatly complicate the analysis and also make it less accurate.

In the event that the patient is menstruating, but her condition is severe, then other studies are carried out. Before taking the test, in the evening of the day before it, you should not eat anything sour, spicy or salty. Dinner should be something light and so that you do not want to drink after it.

In the morning, urine is collected as follows: empty the bladder a little, then stop and continue already in a special bowl and then finish. A portion of urine should be medium, it will give more correct results.

Also, before delivery, it is worth carrying out certain hygiene procedures: with cotton wool, you need to close the passage into the vagina so that the cells and particles of the skin do not get into the urine.

In the event that you have problems with urination, then you must definitely tell your doctor. In this case, he will place a catheter to extract necessary analysis usually done in a hospital.

Also interesting fact is that you should not have sex before passing urine, even if you really want to. Since this can lead to incorrect results.

Laboratory research

Urine is examined in the laboratory in the first order. It is this analysis that will determine the degree of inflammation, whether the kidneys are involved in it, and how much you need to intervene.

The analysis, as a rule, is ready the next day after delivery. It is given directly to your doctor or sent to the registry.

You can independently decipher the urine test for cystitis: the norm indicators are on the forms themselves. In the event that in the analysis the result for cystitis exceeds the norm, this means that there is inflammation in the body. Some hospitals do not have such banks, so the norm indicators are written by hand and you can also read them.

When analyzing urine, it is necessary to pay attention to certain indicators:
  • leukocytes. Normally, they should be from 0 to 3;
  • erythrocytes. They should not be in the urine at all;
  • bacteria. In a healthy person, there are no more than 10 3 per 1 milliliter.

In some cases, the analysis indicates a protein indicator. In the event that the patient is healthy, then there will be no protein in the blood. In the event that your disease is confirmed, do not panic. Cystitis, which is not too complicated, is treated quite simply.

It should be remembered that the drugs that the patient may take change the composition of the blood and urine. That is why it is worth telling your doctor about what medications you are taking, this is important in the study.

Instrumental research methods

A study of this type is carried out only in a few cases, namely:

  • at the initial stage of the disease;
  • in chronic form.

Such a study is called cystoscopy, it involves the study of a special device. If carried out this procedure in the acute form of the disease, the likelihood of injuring the bladder mucosa increases.

The procedure begins with the introduction of a cystoscope - this is a special optical device and they begin to examine the walls of the urethra and bladder.

Cystoscopy is prescribed only when other methods of detecting the disease have not helped to make a diagnosis. Doctors try to resort to this procedure much less, as it is quite painful, and can also lead to infection. After cystoscopy, chronic cystitis worsens.

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A video on how to act if the first signs of cystitis appear, and what tests you need to take:

Urinalysis in determining cystitis remains the most important. If this is not enough, then the doctor may prescribe a urine test, which is called Nichiporenko. You should not worry because of this, since cystitis can not be immediately detected. That is why the doctor requires an examination of the patient, and tests, and ultrasound in order to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Good afternoon Inflammation of the mucous walls of the bladder was diagnosed. Urinalysis showed that there was protein in the liquid. The doctor prescribed treatment, but did not explain the full severity of the disease. Tell me, what does the protein in the urine testify to with cystitis?


According to established standards, there is no protein in the biological fluid of a healthy person or its indicator is minimal (up to 0.033 g/l in adults and up to 0.14 g/l in children). If in the results of a laboratory study its concentration did not exceed these marks, then there is no particular cause for concern. In most cases, with the inflammatory process that characterizes cystitis, the protein level increases, but not significantly. This process is explained vigorous activity pathogenic bacteria that provoked pathology.

During a urological disease, an excess amount of a substance in the analysis of urine can be triggered by such complications:

  • pathological processes in the kidneys;
  • the presence of a tumor in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • intoxication of the body, etc.

If the protein values ​​during cystitis significantly exceed the permissible norm, which is determined by the patient's age and other characteristics of the body, such as pregnancy, then an additional examination is required. It is aimed at identifying the pathology that arose as a result of a complication of cystitis or independently.

When the attending physician does not prescribe additional diagnostic measures, then this indicates that, in addition to the inflammatory process localized on the walls of the bladder, there are no other health problems. If there is any doubt about the competence of the doctor, seek the advice of another specialist. At the appointment, it is recommended to take the results of a urine test, on the basis of which the previous urologist prescribed treatment.

Few people do not know about cystitis. This unpleasant disease occurs in the life of almost every woman. Inflammation of the walls of the bladder is accompanied by sharp pains, frequent trips to the toilet with poor urine output, fever, mucus, blood during urination and other signs. Urinalysis helps diagnose the disease with cystitis. A laboratory study allows you to determine deviations from normal biochemical parameters in a woman, prescribe competent treatment to prevent complications.

The main method of laboratory research for cystitis is a urinalysis

Urine collection rules

For getting correct result research, it is important to follow the recommendations for collecting material for laboratory evaluation. The rules for collecting urine are as follows:

  • For general analysis, morning average urine is taken, evening material is not suitable, as it can give inaccurate information.
  • A day before delivery, you need to abandon products that can color urine (beets, bright fruits, berries).
  • It is also necessary to exclude sour foods and drinks. This will help with maximum precision determine the level.
  • Diuretics and laxatives must be discussed with the attending physician before analysis.
  • It is not recommended to take the test during menstruation.
  • Washing should be carried out before taking the material.

It is especially important to follow the above tips during the acute course of cystitis. This will help to accurately determine the severity of the disease, to choose adequate therapy.

How do urine indicators change with a disease

If signs of the disease are found, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. Tests for cystitis in women are evaluated according to several indicators. These include color, smell, amount of protein, acidity and more.

  • Of great importance in the study of the material is its shade. With a disease, the color of urine becomes cloudy, dull, sometimes an admixture of mucus and blood is diagnosed. This happens due to the vital activity of pathogens that destroy the cells of the epithelium of the bladder. Blood appears due to damage to the mucous membrane of the organ. With the development of especially severe forms of the disease, the shade of urine becomes red, mixed with flakes. This is the reason for the immediate medical examination. Turbidity often speaks not only of inflammation, but also of the appearance of pus. Repeated analysis allows you to evaluate the picture of cystitis, the progression of the disease.
  • In most cases, urine odor worsens. It becomes harsh and unpleasant. A patient with inflammation of the bladder, independently notices these changes. Later, these indicators change due to the use of antibiotics and other medications.
  • Protein in cystitis is often excreted in small amounts. Indicators change due to the vital activity of pathogens. Normal protein - up to 0.033 g / l. With a significant increase in these data, the doctor may suspect the development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

Urinalysis indicators are evaluated by a doctor, self-diagnosis is unacceptable

Additional information:

  • Tests for cystitis determine the alkaline reaction of urine. The number of bacteria affects the increase in acidity.
  • Normally, leukocytes in women are 5 - 6 cells in the field of view. An increase in their level indicates the development of the inflammatory process. Sometimes there are so many leukocytes that an admixture of pus can be seen during the study. This indicates a strong inflammatory process, which is often accompanied by a serious condition of the patient.
  • Indicators in the analysis of urine with erythrocyte cystitis also increase. An increase is considered to be the level of red cells in the field of view of a microscope more than two.
  • The number of squamous epithelial cells. Urine values ​​in healthy woman- 5 - 6 epithelial cells in the field of view, in men no more than three.
  • A general analysis allows you to identify the level of bacteria in cystitis. During the disease, they are found moderately or massively.
  • The presence of mucus indicates damage to the tissues of the organ. It is not found in a healthy woman.
  • The presence of hemoglobin indicates an admixture of blood in the urine.

To determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to pass bakposev. This helps to pick medicine for effective therapy. This is especially important among patients suffering from chronic cystitis.

Remain unchanged during illness specific gravity urine, amount of bilirubin, glucose, salts. Deviations of these indicators indicate other pathologies associated with other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Rapid test to detect the disease

The modern pharmacology market offers a wide range of different rapid tests. They help you get quick result according to the main indicators.

The test determines:

  • the presence of protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes in urine;
  • an admixture of pus, blood in the urine;
  • The level of nitrates is detected using tests with indicator strips.

This research method is appointed by a specialist, allows you to get a preliminary diagnosis in a short period of time. If express tests are ineffective, more detailed tests are prescribed. laboratory research.

Additional Research

What tests for cystitis give Additional information? Donating blood for laboratory tests is not always recommended, as this analysis is not very informative.

Get detailed information a consultation with a doctor and additional studies of the disease help about the disease

A blood test helps determine the level of inflammation in the body, which does not always indicate cystitis.

Methods for diagnosing the disease include gynecological examination, which allows you to take a smear to study the microflora of the vagina, the presence of pathogens in it.

A frequent research method for cystitis is urine according to Nichiporenko. During the study, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the urine sediment is determined. Analysis reveals possible complications including kidney disease.

If biochemical indicators urine tests are normal, but the symptoms of the disease are present, it is necessary to undergo a more detailed examination, since the cause of unpleasant manifestations may lie in another disease. To do this, a woman must undergo a gynecological examination, cystoscopy and ultrasonography pelvic organs.

Cystitis is basically female disease, with pronounced symptoms that allow you to recognize this disease at an early stage.

Symptoms are known to many women, these are: difficulty urinating, It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen, the temperature may rise and frequent trips to the toilet. But in order to make a correct diagnosis - acute cystitis, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis. urogenital area and also to carry out a number of laboratory tests.What tests to pass with cystitis in women?

  • pass urine for a general analysis - indicators of the presence of cystitis in the body in the analysis are: the presence of bacteria and an increased level of leukocytes;
  • pass urine for testing according to Nechiporenko - this method detects diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, even in a latent form. The disease can be determined by the level of erythrocytes, the level of leukocytes and the level of cylinders in the biological material of the patient;
  • pass urine for bacteriological culture - the method is used to determine the pathogenic pathogenic microbes that provoked the disease cystitis. According to the results this method, the doctor determines the safest drug course with drugs that will be effective;

For cystitis, urine testswill show the exact result, only if the rules of collection and delivery are observed.

Diagnosis of cystitis in women:

  • Ultrasound of the bladder - makes it possible to determine the degree of the inflammatory process and find diseases in the urinary system and in the genital area, which must be treated in parallel;
  • cystoscopy is a study that determines the oncology of the bladder at the initial level. Also with this method diagnose condition of the bladder and mucous membrane of the organ;
  • a smear in women for analysis is a study of the microflora of the vagina, it will help to identify the inflammatory process in the vagina, vaginosis disease and genital herpes;
  • cystitis diagnosisPCR method is a study of biological material for sexual infections and pathologies in the hormonal background.

General urinalysis

What does a urine test show?? Urine analysis shows, first of all, the presence of pathogenic microbes, the degree of activity in the urinary organs, and the condition of the bladder mucosa. Also the presence of leukocytes, the level of erythrocytes and protein.

General urine analysisshould normally meet these criteria:

  • urine color - yellow or straw, in the bodycystitis urine color- cloudy and brown;
  • transparency rate - slight turbidity of urine is allowed and completely transparent;
  • urine density - up to 1.030 g / l;
  • the medium must be acidic - up to 7 pH;
  • protein in the urine in a small detectable amount, with cystitis can be detected;
  • leukocytes in urine - in small quantities, with inflammation of the bladder, their level increases sharply;
  • hemoglobin was normal - not detected, with chronic cystitis, hemoglobin in urine is present in significant quantities;
  • nitrates - absent;
  • ketone bodies - within 20 mg, with cystitis this figure may be higher;
  • glucose - not detected, with an inflammatory process, the level of glucose is quite high;
  • bilirubin - absent, with cystitis present in the urine;
  • urobilin index - 17;
  • erythrocytes may be in a minimal amount, with inflammation, erythrocytes increase in number;
  • smell of urine with cystitis- sharp and rotten.

Method of bacteriological research

For research by the tank seeding method. According to the principle of this method, the material for research must be placed in a special environment and created for them. normal conditions for development.

For the reproduction of bacteria, there are special containers with a nutrient medium for infections, viruses, fungi and bacteria. Bacteriological culture allows you to determine:

  • the presence of pathogenic bacteria;
  • the number of these bacteria in the body;
  • sensitivity of these microbes to antibiotics and antimicrobials.

The quality of diagnosis by the bacteriological method depends on how the urine is collected for research and its timely inoculation into a nutrient medium. collected urine should be sown no later than 2 hours after collection.

For maximum and exact result, in pregnant women, in addition to urine, an analysis is taken from the vagina and nose.

Timely diagnosis using this method will be able to preserve the health of the unborn child.

With the help of a seeding tank, you can determine the presence of the following bacteria in the body:

  • streptococci;
  • golden staphylococcus aureus;
  • coli infection;
  • bacterium enterococcus;
  • staphylococcal bacteria;
  • Klebsiella microbes;
  • gonococci;
  • meningococci;
  • salmonella.

These pathogenic microbes are susceptible to different groups antibacterial drugs. After you have given urine to the culture tank, you can determine from the results of the study which bacteria react to a particular group of antibiotics. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed after these studies.

Research by the method of A. Z. Nechiporenko

Tests for cystitis in womenby the Nechiporenko method, differ from the general analysis of urine in that the indicators are not taken from the field of view of the microscope, but the presence of all trace elements and impurities in 1 ml of biological material.

A test according to the Nechiporenko method cannot be done without preliminary preparation - in emergency situations it is not done.

The Nechiporenko test allows you to more accurately determine the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders in urine.

Urine according to Nechiporenko what does it show? The existence of leukocytes in the urine, the presence of erythrocytes and the presence of cylinders.

Leukocytes - are responsible in the body for protecting it from bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

Red blood cells are molecules found in human blood. If not in the body serious illnesses erythrocytes do not reach the kidneys.

Cylinders are indicators of the quantitative passage of protein through the kidneys. The kidneys filter out excess protein and cylinder flakes are produced. Indicators of the norm of a healthy person, by the method surveys urine according to Nechiporenko:

  • the level of red blood cells - up to a maximum of 1000 per 1 ml of liquid;
  • cylinder index - a maximum of 20 units per ml of urine;
  • the presence of leukocytes - up to a maximum of 2000 per 1 ml of urine;
  • protein indicator - absent;
  • bacteria - absent;
  • epithelial cells - in the minimum acceptable norm quantity.

Cystoscopic examination in the female body

How to diagnose cystitisby cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is a method in the study of the urethral canal and the main organ of the urinary system. This examination takes place with the help of a long device (optical), with its help, an image of the urethra and bladder from the inside is transmitted to the computer monitor.

The cystoscope allows you to identify all the pathologies of the urinary system and the form of the inflammatory process, and the degree of inflammation in the urinary organs.
Before the procedure for examining the urethra and the main organ of the urinary sphere, the patient is forbidden to eat food and the procedure is necessarily performed on an empty bladder.

The method of cystoscopy is quite painful and is prescribed for prolonged cystitis. cystitis in women with symptoms of acute cystitis, then in this case, diagnosis with a cystoscope is not carried out.

Blood test for cystitis

General blood test for cystitisprescribed in order to identify the degree of inflammation in the body, as well as indicators in the blood, to determine the state of the genitourinary system. In women during the period of bearing a child, a general blood test is required analysis to detect inflammation in the organs.

After passing a medical course of treatment of cystitis, a second blood test is taken to check for a complete cure for cystitis.

Analysis of PCR diagnostics

The polymerase chain reaction method is best method today, in the diagnosis of a number of diseases. This method is very accurate and has its own specifics. According to the PCR method, diseases that occur in a latent form and in a chronic one are detected. The principle of this method is based on the detection of the genetic code of the infectious agent in the material for research. To conduct this study, any human biological material is used - blood, serum, swabs from the vagina and nose, scrapings from the urethral canal and scrapings from the nasal sinuses, discharge from the vagina, urinary canal.

With cystitis, this diagnostic method can reveal sexual infections, the bacteria of which are the causative agents of acute cystitis - these are ureaplasma, chlamydia, gonococci, mycoplasma, spirochete pallidum, Trichomonas.

The PCR method is done within a few days, the accuracy of this method is up to 95%;

If the results of tests and diagnostics by cystoscopy and PCR are not enough for the treatment of cystitis, then the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the bladder. Ultrasound is also prescribed for acute cystitis, when cystoscopy is prohibited.