Analysis for acetone in pregnant women. Acetone in the urine of a pregnant woman. Detection of ketone bodies at home

With the onset of pregnancy, when a woman is registered with a antenatal clinic, the doctor, in addition to examining her in the gynecological chair, issues many referrals for tests, the results of which can be used to judge the general state of health of the expectant mother. Most often, a pregnant woman has to take urine tests, since it is by them that the doctor determines the condition and functioning of the kidneys and other vital organs. An indicator for a detailed examination and treatment is the detection of acetone in the urine.

The rate of acetone in the urine of a pregnant woman

There should be no acetone in the urine of a healthy pregnant woman. The appearance of this substance in the analyzes indicates that the internal organs are not working properly or the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body is disturbed. Normally, the body of the future mother absorbs the substances necessary for the growth and vital activity of the fetus from food, then a series of chemical reactions occur, during which proteins and fats are broken down into monocomponents that are easily absorbed by the small intestine. In the event that the chemical reaction is disturbed and proteins with fats are not completely broken down, the so-called ketone bodies (acetone) begin to accumulate in the body, which poison the body and prevent internal organs from fully working.

Why is an increased level of acetone dangerous for mom and baby?

The accumulation of ketone bodies is like the accumulation of toxins in the body. They disrupt the liver, gastrointestinal tract, provoke nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, weakness. That is, the mother develops signs of intoxication, which in itself is dangerous for the development of a normal pregnancy. The higher the level of acetone in the body, the more intense the vomiting and diarrhea will be, respectively, this is fraught with the following complications:

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Violation of the heart;
  • Thickening of the blood;
  • Violations in the work of the central nervous system;
  • Fetal hypoxia;
  • Development of placental insufficiency.

Causes of an increase in acetone in the urine during pregnancy

Initially, acetone appears in the blood, but as soon as ketone bodies accumulate and the body cannot cope with their neutralization, acetone is detected in the urine test. There are many reasons for the appearance of this substance in the urine, it depends on the characteristics of the woman's body. In the early stages, acetone in the urine appears due to toxicosis. Proteins, fats and other substances are not absorbed from food, they do not have time to break down, the woman is tormented by constant nausea and vomiting. As a result of frequent vomiting, the pH of the blood changes, which leads to the accumulation of ketone bodies in the body.

Other reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine during pregnancy are:

  • Diseases of the pancreas in the expectant mother;
  • Starvation - often due to fear of nausea, the expectant mother restricts herself in food, which leads to various complications of pregnancy, in particular to acetone;
  • Improper diet, the predominance of fatty foods or fast carbohydrates in food;
  • Obesity of a woman;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

In the later stages, the appearance of acetone in a urine test can signal the development of gestosis, a condition that poses a threat to the health of the mother and the life of the baby. One of the reasons for the appearance of ketone bodies in the urine in late pregnancy is iron deficiency anemia. A lack of hemoglobin in the blood of a future mother is not uncommon, however, in order not to start the disease, it is necessary to eat properly and in a balanced way. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe iron supplements to the patient.

Diagnosis of elevated acetone in the urine during pregnancy

Often, the diagnosis of acetone in expectant mothers is not difficult for physicians. It is extremely important to exclude diabetes in a woman, therefore, an additional blood test for fasting glucose and a glucotolerance test are prescribed. Regular testing allows you to timely identify the pathology and start treatment. The reason for an unscheduled examination is the growing weakness of the pregnant woman, complaints of headaches, indomitable vomiting, the appearance of an unpleasant smell of soaked apples from the mouth and urine, and tachycardia.

To determine the level of acetone in the urine at home, use a test strip for acetone. If "+++" or "++++" is detected, the pregnant woman is hospitalized in the maternity hospital for detoxification therapy.

Treatment for elevated acetone in a pregnant woman

The main principle of the treatment of acetonemia and acetonuria during pregnancy is to replenish the balance of fluid in the body and remove ketone bodies. The expectant mother is shown:

  • Plentiful drink - if a pregnant woman is tormented by vomiting, then you need to drink often, literally a teaspoon every 5 minutes. Alkaline drink, raisin decoction, dried fruit compote are ideal;
  • Fasting - a paradox is the fact that eating food provokes another vomiting, and fasting causes an even greater accumulation of ketone bodies and fetal hypoxia. The way out of the situation is an infusion of saline, glucose and vitamins;
  • Droppers - intravenous infusion of glucose and sodium chloride solutions will quickly restore the volume of circulating fluid in the body, blood pH and maintain the condition of the expectant mother, as she is weakened and cannot eat.

As soon as the condition of the pregnant woman stabilizes and vomiting stops, you can carefully introduce liquid porridge in water (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), vegetable soup, biscuit cookies, drink plenty of water. The diet should be expanded gradually, always with the permission of the doctor, so that the situation with acetone does not happen again.


Prevention of acetonuria during pregnancy is the planning of conception in advance, as some chronic diseases can provoke the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood.

During pregnancy, you should eat a balanced diet, engage in light exercise in the absence of contraindications. With early toxicosis, in order not to provoke attacks of vomiting from bed in the morning, you should rise slowly, eat the first light breakfast without getting up - it can be a glass of cold green tea and a couple of biscuit cookies.

Why does acetone appear in the body of a pregnant woman? This is due to the fact that the protein supplied with food is not completely broken down. Doctors say that a small amount of acetone is constantly in the body, but its value is so small that the component is not displayed in the analyzes. It is simply excreted in the urine.

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences severe stress, the ongoing processes are disrupted, which leads to the appearance of acetone.

Why does acetone appear in urine?

For good health, the human body every minute synthesizes and processes various components that enter the body with food. If a failure occurs, ketones begin to be released, which lead to the formation of acetone.

The causes of this disease are as follows:

  • Too long intervals between breakfast and lunch. If a pregnant woman feels hungry, but there is no opportunity to eat, it is necessary to have a snack with a chocolate bar and be sure to drink it with warm tea;
  • Bad nutrition. Acetone in the urine during pregnancy is often found in women who lead an asocial lifestyle. Remember, food should be high-calorie and nutritious;
  • Too intense exercise. In this case, the body lacks energy;
  • Food poisoning;
  • A severe form of toxicosis, in which food is not digested at all;
  • Diabetes 2 degrees;
  • Depression, constant stress, neuroses;
  • Diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection.

All of these factors can lead to acetone. To detect ketones, you need to pass the appropriate tests.

Symptoms to watch out for

There are a number of symptoms that indicate the presence of acetone in the urine:

  1. The woman sweats a lot;
  2. A pronounced smell of acetone comes from the mouth;
  3. Urine becomes dark in color;
  4. There is rapid fatigue, you want to sleep all the time;
  5. Body temperature drops to 35 degrees;
  6. Dizziness appears, black dots in the eyes;
  7. fainting state;
  8. I want to drink all the time.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. If this is not possible, you can conduct a rapid test for acetone at home. To do this, you will need special strips that determine the presence of ketone components in the urine.

How to detect pathology?

How to detect acetone in urine during pregnancy? The surest way is to take a urine test in the laboratory. It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. In the evening, you do not need to eat fatty, salty foods, a large number of sweets;
  2. You need to collect morning urine. Only she will give an accurate result;
  3. Wash well before the procedure;
  4. To prevent secretion and discharge from the genital organs from being included in the analysis, it is better to close the entrance to the vagina with a sponge or cotton swab.

If acetone is detected, it is advisable to repeat the analysis the next day to make sure it is correct.

If it is not possible to visit the laboratory, you can diagnose yourself. To do this, you need to purchase special test strips at the pharmacy.

They are sold in a tube that does not let air and light through. In a set, as a rule, 30, 50 or 100 pieces. Each strip is coated with a special litmus paper that reacts to the presence of ketones in the urine.

After the analysis, it will be enough to compare the results with the indicators that are indicated on the tube itself.

How to do the analysis:

  1. Take a clean glass;
  2. Pee in it;
  3. Take the test from the tube and dip it into the urine up to a certain mark;
  4. Hold for 3-5 seconds;
  5. Remove excess moisture with a paper towel;
  6. Leave the strip for 1 minute on a flat surface;
  7. Compare the color of the dough with the indicator indicated on the tube.

It's time to evaluate the results. They may be as follows:

  • 1+ - indicates that there is no acetone in the urine, or its amount is within the normal range;
  • 2+ - the indicator can be caused by severe toxicosis;
  • 3+ - indicates malnutrition or starvation of a woman;
  • 4+ - the situation is serious, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is important! Acetone may appear at the first signs of diabetes in a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is better to purchase test strips that determine not only ketones, but also show the level of glucose in the urine.

Treatment Methods

What treatment methods should be used when acetone is detected? In advanced cases, hospitalization of a woman is necessary to prevent preeclampsia and preeclampsia.

  • If a woman does not have diabetes, she is prescribed glucose. Every hour you need to dissolve 1 tablet of glucose. If a pregnant woman does not vomit, a 7% glucose solution in ampoules can be prescribed;
  • In order to prevent dehydration, it is mandatory to take Regidron. 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes for 5-7 hours. Alkali can also be added. To do this, they release gases from the water "Borjomi" or "Narzan" and drink in small sips;
  • If there are signs of poisoning, sorbents are needed: Polysorb, Enteros Gel;
  • With diarrhea, "Stop Diar" and "Smecta" are prescribed.

This treatment should be carried out comprehensively.

In addition, you can use folk methods:

  • Rosehip decoction. It is rich in vitamin C, is an excellent diuretic;
  • Raisin tincture. A handful of dried fruits should be brewed with boiling water, let it brew and drink in unlimited quantities (if there are no edema).

Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist. Remember, acetone can cause serious pathologies in the fetus, so you can’t do without consulting a doctor.

Why is acetone dangerous for the fetus and the woman in labor

In addition to the fact that when acetone appears in the urine, a woman does not feel well, ketones can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. So, in the first trimester, there is a high probability of miscarriage and severe toxicosis. In addition, the child may have developmental delays.

In the second and third trimester, there is a possibility of diabetes mellitus against the background of an increase in acetone. The baby in this case is born quite large, above 4 kg. At first, he may need special treatment.

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy is a pathology that needs to be eliminated. Self-medication is not the best way out of the situation. Seek medical attention immediately, remember that in severe cases, hospitalization is indispensable.

During pregnancy, a woman has to take a lot of tests. It happens that acetone is found in the urine. There can be many reasons for the appearance of ketone bodies, but the most common of them is prolonged toxicosis. It causes vomiting, which dehydrates the body. In this case, processes occur that lead to the accumulation of ketone bodies in the body.

Ketone bodies

The name acetone comes from the old German word "aketon", which has Latin roots. The presence of ketone bodies in the body is manifested by the presence of a smell coming from the mouth, as well as a sensation of an unpleasant aftertaste. Acetone initially accumulates in the blood, and then, in the process of its excretion by the body, in the urine. However, primary detection is carried out by analysis of urine. This method of determining the presence of acetone in the body is very simple and effective.

Normally, the presence of ketone bodies in the blood is up to 2 mg/100 ml. The quantity is so small that it is impossible to detect it by standard methods. At the same time, such a small content is completely removed from the body with the help of the urinary system, as well as during breathing and sweat formation.

Ketones are an intermediate product of metabolism (the biochemical process of metabolism). Their formation occurs in the process of splitting fats and proteins.

Reasons for the appearance of redundant indicators

Acetone in the urine can appear during pregnancy due to the fact that the body does not have time to adapt to the loads that the unborn child requires from the mother. Usually, a woman's body is rebuilt in the first half of the childbearing period. If this does not happen, then the presence of preeclampsia (complications during the normal course of gestation) is assumed, and an increased content of ketones leads to a deterioration in well-being.

The greatest number of cases of detection of acetone occurs by the 17-week gestation period.

The reasons for the increased content of ketones in the analysis of urine during pregnancy may be the following factors:

In the absence of effective measures to eliminate the causes that led to an increased content of acetone (acetonuria), the following complications are possible:

  • poisoning of a woman and a fetus due to a high concentration of ketone bodies in the body;
  • childbirth taking place before the appointed time, miscarriage;
  • dehydration;
  • coma.

If ketones are found in the urine, a woman receives a referral for re-analysis to clarify the results, upon confirmation of which the pregnant woman is placed in a hospital.

Methods of therapy

In a hospital, a woman is required to undergo the following studies:

Acetone is excreted from the body during pregnancy with the help of abundant fluid intake. With severe toxicosis, special solutions must be drunk in small sips.

To restore the electrolyte balance of the pregnant woman, droppers with glucose and a special vitamin complex are placed to normalize the nutrition of the fetus.

When the electrolyte balance is restored, the pregnant woman is prescribed a special diet, which includes vegetable soups, cereals, lean meat, cottage cheese, apples.

Meals should be reusable, in small portions. When serious pathologies are identified, the root cause is eliminated.

Detection of ketone bodies at home

You can perform an analysis for the presence of acetone yourself, at home. That's what ketone tests are for. They are freely sold in pharmacies. Tests are a plastic base in the form of a strip on which reagents are applied. There are multifunctional tests that allow you to perform research on several parameters at once.

Attention: self-analysis using the test is not a substitute for laboratory research.

Acetone that appears in the urine will not affect the condition of the fetus if the underlying cause is identified in a timely manner and the prescribed treatment is effective.

Being in joyful anticipation of motherhood, a woman passes a lot of various tests throughout her pregnancy. This is not very convenient, because it takes a lot of time. "How justified is that?" - sometimes expectant mothers ask. In fact, it cannot be otherwise - a regular study of the biomaterial opens up to doctors a complete picture of what is happening in the body of a pregnant woman. Only thanks to laboratory tests it is possible to understand whether a growing baby is comfortable enough, whether he or his mother needs qualified help from specialists. When it comes to the birth of a new life, it is important to monitor the slightest changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Urine and blood tests are a procedure that the expectant mother needs to undergo more often than others. We propose to discuss today the importance of the study and the optimal indicators of acetone in the urine during pregnancy.

It is not always possible for a future mother to understand from the first time what these or those data of clinical studies that regularly appear in her exchange card mean. For example, what does the presence of ketone bodies in the urine indicate?

Ketonuria, ketones, acetone bodies, acetonuria, acetone in the urine during pregnancy is a synonymous series that identifies one condition when a high concentration of ketone bodies is found in the blood. An absolutely healthy person has minimal levels of this substance in the blood, and ketones leave the body as part of sweat, exhaled air and urine. That is, a urine test in this case will confirm that there is no acetone in its composition. If the presence of a specific substance in the urine is indisputable, then the pregnant woman will need qualified help to eliminate this malfunction in the body. This condition is dangerous for the mother and the unborn child.

Reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine during pregnancy

With the participation of carbohydrates in the body, the synthesis of various chemical components necessary for a person's well-being takes place. And with a sugar deficiency, the body gets out of the situation, using its fat reserves. However, if the required level of glucose is not stabilized, special by-products, ketones, begin to form in the blood. They are excreted outside with urine.

Why does the body's rational search for alternative energy sources lead to such consequences? There are several reasons:

  • long intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • low-carbohydrate diet (while pregnant women are supposed to eat 300 kcal more than women who are not pregnant);
  • intensive sports;
  • food intoxication;
  • toxicosis with severe bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • diabetes mellitus, difficult to correct;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by high fever;
  • stressful situations, constant depressed state of the expectant mother;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • metabolic disorder.

Signs of pathology

Symptoms of the presence of acetone in the urine during pregnancy vary in expectant mothers, depending on the various factors that are adjacent to this condition. Here are the most common signs by which one can suspect the presence of elements of the carbonyl group in the body during pregnancy:

  • increased sweating;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • persistent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • bad breath;
  • abdominal pain;
  • constant thirst.

Features of the diagnosis of acetone in the urine during pregnancy

We note right away that the presence of a moderate amount of ketones against the background of nausea and vomiting is characteristic of many women in position. The easiest way is to regularly take a urine test, since this is the only way to notice the violation in time and eliminate it with the appropriate treatment.

A urine test for acetone during pregnancy is possible both in the laboratory and at home. To obtain information about the condition of the expectant mother, special laboratory reagents are used in the form of test strips. They operate according to the following principle: the manufacturer applies an absorbent pad to the paper, treated with a special chemical that reacts to any concentration of ketones, if they are in the urine. Also, a plate with a graduated shade of a color indicator is attached to the test strip, guided by which, a woman can independently determine the level of acetone in her urine. The multifunctional test allows you to examine urine up to 13 parameters, and this is more important than ever for expectant mothers in whose body the appearance of the fetus caused certain disorders.

Meaning of the results:

  • when urine is 1+, it indicates a negative test result (approximate amount of acetone in serum is 0.5 - 3.0 mg / dl);
  • a score of 2+ indicates minimal serum ketones (up to 7 mg/dl). The cause of this phenomenon may be toxicosis or an unbalanced diet during pregnancy;
  • 3+ pregnant urine has if the woman has a moderate level of acetone in the body (about 30 mg / dl). Usually such figures of the substance indicate acute starvation of the patient;
  • a score of 4+ indicates that acetone in the urine during pregnancy is increased (approximately 80 ml / dl). This is a signal of the possible development of gestational diabetes.

For reference

Gestational diabetes, detected during the period of bearing a baby, indicates an incorrect reaction of the mother's body to sugar: due to a hormonal surge after pregnancy, a woman's cell sensitivity to her own insulin decreases. In 50% of expectant mothers on this basis, after the birth of a child, real diabetes mellitus develops. In addition, with gestational diabetes, cases of premature delivery, as well as the birth of dead babies, are not uncommon. For the baby, this position of the mother is also extremely dangerous: the fetus does not yet produce its own insulin, therefore, an increased amount of this substance in the mother's body provokes the appearance of various intrauterine malformations.

Only morning urine is suitable for analysis. At night, the body, as a rule, does not receive liquid and food, which serves as an impetus for the body to expend fat reserves for energy production. This leads to the synthesis of ketone bodies in the blood. To collect clean, without impurities of the sexual secretion, material for research, during the collection of urine, the entrance to the vagina is closed with a cotton swab. Urine should be placed in a small sterile container.

The usual study of urine excludes the presence of ketone bodies in its composition. The norm of acetone during the bearing of a child should not consist of substances of organic origin (in extreme cases, their level should be minimal). The concentration of ketone bodies in the range of 15 - 60 mg / dl is considered to be pathological.

If we talk about the norm, then ideally there should be no acetone in the urine during pregnancy - its volume in the daily serving of serum does not exceed 0.01 - 0.03 g.

When the test results indicate an increased content of acetone in the blood, and the expectant mother feels good at the same time, she needs to be re-examined in the laboratory - this is the only way to exclude the possibility of error.

What does the presence of acetone in the urine mean?

Indicators of the number of ketone bodies in the urine over 3 - 15 mg may be the result of such health complications of a pregnant woman as:

  • gestational diabetes;
  • various pathologies of the kidneys;
  • degradation of blood vessels;
  • acute lack of calcium in the expectant mother;
  • problems with the respiratory system;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis, which is considered a prerequisite for diabetic coma.

Ketone bodies create an acidic environment, so their increased amount is very dangerous for the fetus: the constant exposure of a large number of ketones to a growing body can make a child mentally retarded in the future.

Acetone in the urine in early pregnancy most often appears under the influence of hormones that make the female body less sensitive to insulin - this interferes with the normal absorption of glucose and turns into an active release of elements of a carbonyl nature. Acetone in the urine in late pregnancy sometimes appears sporadically - such precedents do not cause any suspicion among doctors. However, with a stable presence of ketone bodies in the urine, the pregnant woman is undoubtedly sent for additional examination.

How to normalize your condition with acetone in the urine

When, as a result of an analysis, ketone bodies were found in an increased amount in the urine of a pregnant woman, the expectant mother should carefully listen to all the doctor's recommendations. First of all, the specialist will take the necessary measures to find out the cause of the incident. When a specific diagnosis is made for a pregnant woman, the attending physician will develop a further treatment regimen, taking into account the delicate situation of the patient.

Dangerous chemical reactions involving organic elements most often occur in pregnant women. To stabilize the condition of the victim, urgent hospitalization of the pregnant woman is sometimes required.

To prevent a repeated increase in acetone in the blood of a woman, the responsible implementation of all the prescriptions of the attending physician will help. As a rule, the preventive treatment program includes the following activities:

  1. Normalization of the diet - you need to eat regularly, with an interval of 3 - 4 hours.
  2. In the evening, at the last meal, it is best to satisfy your hunger with a starchy and protein-rich snack - this will help reduce the rate of absorption of carbohydrates.
  3. A pregnant woman needs to sleep no more than 9-10 hours.

Regular examination of the expectant mother for the presence of acetone in the urine allows doctors to monitor how her needs for various nutrients and trace elements change. On the basis of such monitoring, a special diet was developed for increased acetone in expectant mothers.

Such a diet consists in a clear balance between the use of proteins and carbohydrates. The percentage of food containing carbohydrates in large quantities, as you understand, should be reduced. However, you can’t completely refuse carbohydrates: at the same time, you need to forget about white bread and cakes, making a choice in favor of fresh vegetables and sweet fruits.

In order to no longer face an increase in acetone in the urine, the expectant mother should eat hateful vegetable soups, cereals with a minimum amount of butter and lean meat in the form of rabbit and turkey fillets. You should also diversify your menu with red and green apples, biscuits and low-fat cottage cheese. Fractional and frequent meals with the consumption of non-carbonated alkaline water in small portions (up to 15 ml) will help the pregnant woman stay healthy and feel good.

Let's summarize. Video

During pregnancy, any changes in the analyzes are alarming and make the expectant mother nervous. They may reflect physiological changes in the body or indicate a health problem. These include the appearance of acetone in the urine.

Acetone in urine

Acetone in urine during pregnancy is nothing more than ketone or acetone bodies. Normally, they are synthesized by the liver and are present in the body in trace concentrations. Such an amount of acetone in the blood does not pose any threat to health. Moreover, in certain situations - for example, during starvation - ketone bodies serve as an energy source for brain cells. They also nourish the muscles, kidneys and other organs.

However, when formed in excess, these compounds are capable of exhibiting toxic effects. This happens when there is a metabolic disorder. Under conditions when an insufficient amount of carbohydrates enters the body, metabolism starts in a different way. Proteins and fats begin to be broken down intensively to produce glucose from them.

As a result of these complex biochemical processes, a large amount of acetone is formed in the blood, which is called acetonemia, or ketonemia. Ketone bodies are excreted in the urine, where they are detected during the analysis.

Causes of ketonemia

During pregnancy, acetone can be elevated in the urine due to various conditions. It is not always a disease. It happens that the analysis turns out to be positive even in the absence of any complaints during a routine examination of the expectant mother.

But most often, an increase in ketone bodies in the urine is associated with the following pathological processes:

  • Toxicosis of the first and second trimester.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Overeating.
  • Intestinal infection.
  • SARS.
  • Diabetes.

That is why, if increased acetone was detected in the urine during pregnancy, a woman needs a mandatory examination by the attending physician and an additional examination to determine the cause.


Not every toxicosis causes the appearance of ketones in the urine. We are talking about vomiting of pregnant women, especially moderate and severe forms. In this pathological condition, the body loses a large amount of fluid, and if it is not adequately replenished, dehydration develops.

In such a situation, the metabolism is disturbed, the level of acetone in the blood becomes elevated.

  1. The appearance of a characteristic odor of acetone from the mouth and from the body.
  2. Change in the smell of urine.
  3. The development of intoxication - lethargy, apathy, poor health.

With dehydration associated with vomiting, the only measure of help is rehydration - replenishment of the volumes of lost fluid. However, if you drink a lot of water or tea at once, the vomiting will get worse. Therefore, it is necessary to make up for losses in small portions, in a sip. Drinking should be sweetened so that glucose levels are restored and metabolism is normalized.

Unbalanced diet

Losing weight is a common activity in everyday life, but it is much less common during pregnancy. But still, some expectant mothers, concerned about the beauty and ideal parameters of the figure, resort to this method of correction even when carrying a child.

What is the diet during this period? Not every change in nutrition is dangerous for a woman and a child. During pregnancy, it is not at all necessary to eat every time you want, and for two. It is quite enough to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition - frequent and fractional, without overeating at night. A slight weight gain is usually inevitable.

However, women who want to lose weight often resort to a low-carb diet. It really effectively eliminates body fat, since the body has nowhere else to draw carbohydrates from. However, the level of ketone bodies with this metabolism is increased.

Pregnancy is not the time to experiment with diets, and every woman needs to remember this.

Binge eating

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy may be the result of overeating. This is the second extreme of malnutrition. And it is much more common during pregnancy. Sometimes overeating turns out to be the result of a completed diet, when the expectant mother can finally afford previously forbidden dishes. But often the appearance of ketone bodies in the urine is associated with the consumption of large amounts of fatty foods - for example, during a feast. This leads to disruption of the pancreas and changes in metabolism. The liver actively processes incoming substances and synthesizes acetone, which is manifested by its excess in the blood and urine.

In this case, characteristic symptoms will also be noted:

  • Specific smell.
  • Pain and heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Chair changes.
  • Nausea and vomiting may occur.

During pregnancy, it is very important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. And although it is believed that the expectant mother should not infringe on food, you need to treat increased appetite with common sense.

Intestinal infection

Most often, expectant mothers when carrying a baby are faced with a rotavirus infection, especially if there is another child in the house. Young children are the main source of infection with this unpleasant disease.

Rotavirus infects the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Dehydration often develops against the background of these manifestations. It is this that leads to the appearance of acetone in the blood and urine.

A positive analysis for ketone bodies in this disease is a very frequent companion.


Dehydration during pregnancy does not always require vomiting and diarrhea. If ARVI or flu is accompanied by a high temperature, this also leads to fluid loss.

In addition, in these diseases, the body actively fights infection and consumes glucose to provide energy processes. If you do not replenish the consumption of carbohydrates - for example, with sweet tea, their deficiency will develop very quickly.

And in this situation, the metabolism will go down a siding path - it will begin to break down proteins and fats in order to synthesize glucose from them. And a urine test for acetone will be positive.

As a rule, with ordinary ARVI, rarely does anyone think about acetonemia and does not prevent this pathological condition. It can be suspected by a sharp deterioration in well-being, weakness, lack of appetite and the smell of acetone from a woman.


Ketone bodies in the urine can be a manifestation of diabetes. As a rule, they are found in the case of decompensation of this disease - when the body's ability to cope on its own has been exhausted.

Outside of pregnancy, diabetes in women aged 22–40 is rare. The first type of this disease usually develops in childhood, and the second - after 50-60 years.

However, during the bearing of a child, a very special pathology can occur - gestational diabetes, a disease of pregnant women. After childbirth, it disappears, although sometimes it transforms into ordinary diabetes mellitus. Often, the expectant mother does not even suspect that she has developed such a disease. And only the identified acetone in the urine will be the reason for an additional study.

Confirming gestational diabetes is easy. To do this, it is enough to determine the level of blood glucose - on an empty stomach and after eating. In both cases, it will be increased.

Currently, all expectant mothers are screened for carbohydrate metabolism disorders at the end of the second or at the beginning of the third trimester. To do this, they take an analysis called a “glucose tolerance test”.


An increase in thyroid function is called hyperthyroidism, and its extreme degree is thyrotoxicosis. At the same time, certain changes occur in the body of a woman. They also apply to metabolism.

Metabolism in hyperthyroidism is accelerated, it is dominated by the processes of catabolism - decay, this is especially true for proteins. As a result of such disorders, the liver synthesizes a large number of ketone bodies that accumulate in the blood.

In addition to a positive urine test for acetone, thyroid pathology can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  1. Slimming.
  2. Irritability.
  3. Insomnia, emotional lability.
  4. Tendency to diarrhea.
  5. Tremble in your hands.
  6. An increase in blood pressure.
  7. Arrhythmias, palpitations.

Hyperthyroidism during the gestation period requires urgent treatment by an endocrinologist.

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy does not always indicate a serious illness, but this is a reason for a doctor's examination and a comprehensive examination.