33 weeks pregnant after conception. What is placental abruption? Analyzes and medical examinations

pregnancy calendars

Thirty-third week of pregnancy - seven months have passed. What is the normal weight of a baby at 33 weeks?

What happens at 33 weeks pregnant?

The movements of the fetus at the thirty-third week of pregnancy are so constrained that you will no longer notice any somersaults, but sometimes you will feel tangible movements with your limbs. The baby's pushes into the area of ​​the liver, stomach, bladder can be very painful, but, as a rule, they are not capable of harming the mother's body. Now you can clearly distinguish the poking of the little bully with your hands and feet and even calm him down with a gentle stroke. Usually, fetal movements become most active while you are resting and decrease during walking.

Continue to still listen to the pace of the movements. With a pronounced deviation from the usual behavior of the fetus, you should not immediately sound the alarm, but you should immediately go to the doctor and report on the observations. You will most likely be given an additional fetal ultrasound or a stethoscope to check the baby's heartbeat to make sure everything is okay. Many future mothers are mistaken, believing that the movements of the abdomen should be equally noticeable in all pregnant women and that they directly depend on the activity of the fetus. If the placenta is attached to the front wall of the uterus, or if the fat layer on the woman's abdomen reaches a pronounced size, the baby's tremors may be completely invisible to outside observers.

33 weeks pregnant - how many months is it?

The thirty-third obstetric week of pregnancy is exactly eight months and one week of your pregnancy. The birth is less than two months away.

33 weeks of pregnancy for a woman is the period when she fully knows all the "charms" of pregnancy. It takes a lot of effort to get up from a chair or lace up your boots yourself! The uterus has not yet descended, and it is becoming more and more difficult to breathe every day. There may be cramps and swelling of the extremities. But what an expression of happiness and peace on the face of the future mother - after all, very soon she will meet with her treasure.

The weight of the child at 33 weeks of gestation, what is the norm?

The weight of the fetus at 33 weeks depends on many factors, including the sex of the child and the physique of the parents. The norm is the weight of the child from 1900 to 2200 grams.

33 weeks of pregnancy - the last date for the third planned ultrasound.

    Biparietal size (BPR): 87mm;

    fronto-occipital diameter (FOD): 105mm;

    head circumference (OG): 316mm;

    thigh length (DB): 64mm;

    tibia length: 56mm;

    fibula length: 54mm;

    shoulder length: 57mm;

    radius length: 47mm;

    ulna length: 53mm;

    foot length: 65mm;

    fruit length (height): 45cm.

Particular attention in the study is given to the state of the placenta - determine its degree of maturity. The more the placenta contains cysts or salt deposits, the worse it is able to perform its function. When the diagnosis of "premature aging of the placenta" is established, you will be prescribed drugs that increase uteroplacental blood flow and, most likely, a second ultrasound or CTG of the fetus in 1-2 weeks.

Baby development at 33 weeks pregnant

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the main points of fetal development are the organization of nervous activity and the accumulation of fat. The formation and further improvement of connections between nerve fibers leads to the fact that the baby is better oriented in the space around him, his tactile sensitivity increases, and the movements of the limbs become more coordinated. The lungs can be considered mature, since the amount of surfactant in them would already allow the child to breathe on his own if he was born at this time.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant?

Why not? But there are some reservations and contraindications.

Firstly, sex at 33 weeks is contraindicated if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Consult with your gynecologist. Secondly, semen softens the walls of the cervix and can stimulate labor. In the later stages, including at 33 weeks of gestation, it is recommended to use a condom.

In addition, choose poses where there will be no pressure on the stomach, and avoid sudden shocks. Watch the color and consistency of the discharge. If they are plentiful, bloody, then you should consult a doctor.

Delivery at 33 weeks pregnant

Childbirth at 33 weeks is considered premature. At this time, doctors try to keep the pregnancy so that the child, remaining in the womb, has more time for the development of all organs. But if it is not possible to stop labor activity, it remains to fight for the life and health of the child, to choose the safest tactics for childbirth.

In order not to provoke childbirth at the 33rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is required to follow a few simple rules.

33 weeks of pregnancy is a difficult period before childbirth. A woman feels a lot of pressure on her stomach, lungs, digestion is disturbed. The nervous system is in tension.

Fetal development

The fruit is actively developing. The following development is typical.

  1. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the normal weight of the fetus is equal to two kilograms. Height - forty-four centimeters.
  2. The movements of the fetus are moderate, as the enlarged uterus restrains it. Basically, the child moves his arms and legs. At the same time, the baby pushes harder.
  3. The brain is fully developed.
  4. The child experiences emotions, including the senses in the work: he can see, hear, taste, smell.
  5. The dissatisfaction of the child can be determined by the sharp active movements.
  6. Although the nervous system is not yet fully formed, the nerve connections are actively working.
  7. The child experiences his own emotions, dreams and even plays.
  8. The body becomes proportional.
  9. The system of thermoregulation, digestion, cardiovascular, endocrine functions.
  10. Immunity is actively developing.
  11. The excretory organs are capable of urination.
  12. The pulmonary system begins to develop, which will be finally formed only by childbirth.

Also find out what is the normal weight of the child at 34 weeks of gestation and everything about childbirth at 35 weeks of gestation.

Photo of the baby at this time

Thus, the final development of the fetus occurs. You can watch the 33rd week of pregnancy in detail on the video.

Ultrasound results

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation should be performed only in the absence of it in the early weeks. The results determine the condition of the fetus:

  • movement activity;
  • presence/absence of deviations in development.

The doctor measures the size of the fetus, evaluates the heartbeat, location, entanglement of the umbilical cord. If the gender was not previously known, now it is easily determined.

The state of amniotic fluid, placenta, uterus, cervix is ​​determined without fail. It is important to undergo an ultrasound in a timely manner, since the doctor determines the presence of pathologies, anomalies, and sets the date of delivery.

After the ultrasound, in the future, according to the results of the data obtained, delivery can be postponed. Events are a safety net in case of unforeseen circumstances. Medical support is often prescribed.

In most cases, pregnancy at 33 weeks is normal, what the child looks like can be clearly seen, medical intervention in the gestation process is not required.



At this stage, it is important to correctly draw up a daily diet. With the active development of the fetus, the mother needs a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It is important to properly plan lunches, breakfasts, dinners. It is best to break the food into several parts. It is so easy to avoid overeating and hunger. During the day, meals are 5-6 times.

Proper nutrition, good mood, fiction will help to cope with pregnancy.


In the third trimester, physical activity is halved. Be sure to prepare the body for childbirth, carry out light exercises, stretching. The list of exercises includes practicing correct breathing, the ability to relax. All exercises must be agreed with the doctor.

In the absence of contraindications, yoga, aqua aerobics are allowed. Initially, the exercises are carried out with an instructor. Then you can practice at home.

Taking medications, using cosmetics

Medicines are used with caution. Only by doctor's prescription. This also applies to cosmetics. Aromatherapy is allowed. The aroma of parsley and dill strengthens the immune system, valerian - soothes the nervous system. Brew herbs, add drops of lemon oil. Spray the apartment periodically with the finished solution. Oils can also be added to the bath.

It is forbidden to smear the skin with oils.

Choosing a maternity hospitalThis is the ideal time to choose a maternity hospital or perinatal center.
DreamSleep can become restless. The reason for this is stress, experiences on the eve of childbirth, as well as the discomfort associated with pregnancy. It is difficult for a woman to choose a sleeping position that was comfortable for both the baby at 33 weeks of pregnancy and her. An acceptable position is lying on your side with one pillow under your stomach, the other between your legs.

A large amount of fluid accumulates in the female body. Edema occurs, blood flow slows down. As a result, the fetus does not receive nutrients, oxygen. Women, in turn, are nervous, which increases blood pressure. The baby gets what he needs, but the mother feels bad at the same time.

To normalize the condition, it is necessary to regularly conduct examinations at the doctor and at home. Follow all doctor's orders.

vitaminsLack and oversaturation of vitamins bring the same harm to the woman and the fetus. You can not ignore the lack or excess of nutrients. The doctor's recommendations must be followed.

Pregnancy is a difficult test for a woman. Compliance with the proposed recommendations will greatly facilitate the bearing of a child and preparation for childbirth.

Well-being and changes in the body

Carrying a child for a woman becomes harder.

  1. There is a lot of pressure on the body.
  2. The woman feels very tired, the desire for an early birth increases. Be sure to gain strength before the upcoming birth.
  3. The 33rd week of pregnancy is characterized by increased pain in the lower back, spreading along the thigh to the knee. The reason for this is the compression of the femoral nerve.
  4. There is itching all over the skin after using cosmetics, etc.
  5. Women often complain of shortness of breath, heartburn, and digestive problems.
  6. There is a need for a balanced diet, intake of large amounts of fluid, salt. Over time, sleep stabilizes, it becomes easier to sleep.
  7. At 33 weeks, a woman often visits the toilet, even at night. Therefore, it is recommended to drink less water in the evening.
  8. Blood pressure rises, which indicates the development of gestosis.
  9. Many women suffer from bleeding gums, small blood vessels.
  10. Numbness, spasms in the legs.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, sex is allowed if the woman regularly visits a doctor, has confirmation that there is no threat to pregnancy.

Male sperm has a relaxing effect on the uterus, is a labor stimulant. Therefore, every sexual intercourse should be with a condom. Only when the delivery is delayed, ejaculate is required. In all other cases it is prohibited. During sexual intercourse, sudden movements are excluded. Pain and discomfort indicate an urgent termination of the act.

If during pregnancy there is a separation of the mucous plug or discharge of water, sex is prohibited. The reason for this is the risk of infection to the fetus. This applies to the manifestation of watery or bloody discharge.

Blood discharge indicates placental abruption, watery - about the leakage of amniotic fluid. The release of a large amount of amniotic fluid indicates the onset of labor.

Allocations at 33 weeks of gestation are cheesy, flaky, foamy, yellow, purulent, gray or green - indicate a pathology. It is necessary to pass tests for microflora. During this period, in addition to the development of infection, there is a high probability of candidiasis, which must be cured before childbirth.

At 33 weeks pregnant with twins, a woman regulates the amount of amniotic fluid. Babies living in the womb develop normally. Pre-delivery is not dangerous. Ultrasound determines their location, gender, condition. Twin births have an interval of 30 minutes. However, doctors often reduce the time.

preterm birth

With a normal pregnancy, there are still seven weeks before delivery. If for some reason childbirth occurs at 33 weeks of gestation, they are considered premature.

The child at this stage is not yet ready for independent development outside the mother's body. Proper care and medical care will help the child develop without loss of health. An important point is the absence of a formed respiratory system in the presence of its functionality. Sometimes at 33 weeks, childbirth is carried out for medical reasons.

You shouldn't panic. The presence of a child in the mother's body can pose a threat to both the baby and the mother. If there are no medical indicators for early childbirth, then it makes sense to spend the remaining time preparing for childbirth.

A woman must be ready physically and emotionally. Documents that will be needed in the maternity hospital, essential things are prepared in advance.

Possible problems and complications

The appearance of diarrhea indicates the onset of labor. Danger is discharge. This may indicate damage to the amniotic sac. Find out everything about and how it should go.

It is very important to notify the doctor about the appearance of a cold. An increase in body temperature is a danger to the baby, a cold:

  • accelerates the aging process of the placenta;
  • provokes premature birth;
  • violates the hormonal level responsible for the production of milk.

Edema creates severe discomfort. In the absence of dangerous indicators that cause swelling, there are simple tips to make you feel better. These include:

  • twenty-minute breaks during physical and mental activity, during rest, you need to sit in a chair, lean on your back, slightly raising your legs;
  • it is not recommended to drink hot tea, milk, especially in the morning;
  • the use of green leafy vegetables: products improve blood circulation, have a diuretic effect.

At this stage, the doctor may prescribe other tests to determine the condition of the baby and uterus. These include dopplerometry, cardiotocography. Do not be afraid of the result in advance, as well as neglect the concerns of doctors. Analyzes will help determine the presence of developmental pathologies, the presence of complications in the condition of the child and the mother's body.

By the 33rd week of pregnancy, the fetus becomes the dominant element in the mother-child pair. He has his own mode of sleep and rest, his own regulatory mechanisms. Many women have to put up with even the taste preferences of an unborn child who reacts sharply, and sometimes painfully, for example, to a cup of coffee or spicy seasoning.

What happens to the baby

A growing baby cannot stretch the uterus indefinitely. He has to fit into the space that already exists. Cramped conditions are reflected in the intensity of movements: they become more rare and stingy, but also more abrupt. In recent months, the baby has built up good muscles, so at 33 weeks one push on the mother's bladder can be much more painful than a series of bumps and twists two to three weeks earlier.

By the nature of the jolts, many women at this time already clearly distinguish where the baby has elbows and where the knees are.

What's going on inside? The main work is in the cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems:

  • the heart increases mass, and the vessels increase the thickness of the walls;
  • in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for basic processes (respiration, thermoregulation, etc.) are completing their formation;
  • the kidneys begin to filter the blood, retaining metabolic products.

The fetus accumulates fat mass, and will continue to act in the same vein for several more weeks. Day by day it changes in appearance: wrinkles and folds disappear, the skin is smoothed, characteristic dressings and plump cheeks appear.

Fruit length and weight

The growth of the fetus at this stage of development is about 43-44 cm, and the weight reaches 1900-2100 g. These are averaged data, and their spread is quite large, both up and down.

What's going on with mom

The uterus is still growing and rising. This period of the third trimester is marked by particularly severe heartburn and shortness of breath. Squeezed diaphragm, lungs, stomach. It is especially difficult for mothers with large babies.

To these symptoms at 33-34 weeks, discomfort in the sacrum, lower back and pelvis will also be connected. This expands the pelvic floor in preparation for childbirth. The process is not fast, and, perhaps, pulling pains in the pelvic bones and the pubic region will bother you until 38-39 weeks.

33 weeks of pregnancy - the period at which the volume of amniotic fluid ceases to increase. So if during this period the expectant mother was diagnosed with oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, with a high degree of probability it will remain until the very birth.

There are now 5.5-5.8 liters of blood in the circulatory system of a pregnant woman. This is 0.8-1 liter more than in the previous trimester. Increasing blood volume is reflected in the appearance.

The woman has a blush, the parts of the face that are abundantly supplied with blood are slightly enlarged: nose, lips, eyelids. But not only the circulatory system is responsible for the spreading nose!

The culprit of lubricating facial features is the somatotropic hormone of the pituitary gland. During pregnancy, the pituitary gland rises to 1 g, against 0.6 g in a man and 0.7 g in a non-pregnant woman. According to the size, the production of somatotropic hormone also grows, which affects the cartilaginous tissues, softening and stimulating their growth. That is why many women during pregnancy notice an inexplicable increase in the nose, tongue and even the size of the legs.

Analyzes and examinations

After 30 weeks, there will be no blood tests until almost the birth, but the doctor will monitor the protein in the urine at each visit. Doppler ultrasound is prescribed to monitor the condition of the fetus. As a rule, a pregnant woman is sent to CTG only when the results of dopplerography show a decrease in blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and placenta.

Dangers and Complications

The main dangers and complications of this period are associated with the condition of the child:

  • chronic hypoxia;
  • premature birth;
  • detachment of a normally located placenta.

The insidiousness of the complications of the third trimester is that the symptoms can be blurry and unclear until the very end. In chronic hypoxia, for example, a woman does not have any unpleasant signs of this condition. The stomach does not hurt and does not pull, there are no strange discharges, edema too. The only sign is a reduction in fetal activity.

Normally, the expectant mother should mark at least 10 episodes of activity per day. Less? That's it, oxygen starvation.

With premature birth and placental abruption, there are both pains and spotting, but they indicate the beginning of the pathological process. There is no time to find out the reasons and ask for advice on the forum - you need to urgently see a doctor!

A complication that is clearly manifested and cannot go unnoticed is preeclampsia. It begins with dropsy of pregnant women, in which swelling of the feet and fingers is simply impossible not to notice! The second stage of preeclampsia is detected only by laboratory methods. It is for this purpose that a urine test is required from pregnant women of the third trimester at each visit to the gynecologist.

All 4 pathologies are serious. With unpleasant consequences, both for the child and for the mother. Depending on the degree of risk, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes outpatient treatment, or hospitalizes the pregnant woman. And here it is important to remember that the doctor's assessment is not an absolute truth. At the slightest doubt, it is better to get additional advice from one or two specialists.

The size of the abdomen and weight still allow you to be active and mobile. If the doctor's recommendations do not require bed rest, do not lock yourself within four walls. They still have time to get bored the first 2-3 months after birth.

Go for a walk, go shopping, meet family and friends, sign up for a swim and a photo session, take prenatal courses. Do what you have long dreamed of, but never had enough time. Cooking courses? Cutting and sewing? Woodburning? You have 3-4 weeks of vitality and energy left - use them wisely!

We congratulate you: you are already pregnant for a full 8 months! But there are two more, not one. Remember that in obstetrics, months are calculated differently? This constantly confuses us, but it’s not so difficult to figure it out: 1 obstetric month is 4 weeks or 28 days. Therefore, if we divide into months the entire period allotted for bearing a child (and this is 280 days), we get exactly 10. Translated into calendar months, pregnancy lasts a little longer than nine months. Here is such a "pregnant" arithmetic.

So, the 33rd week of pregnancy begins - the first week of the ninth obstetric month. Baby, how are you?

fetus at 33 weeks pregnant

And the baby is already quite cramped. He has already grown up: the average size is 43-44 cm, and the weight reaches 2000. In addition, the uterus is growing, but the stomach is not dimensionless. Therefore, somersaulting, unfortunately, is no longer possible here. However, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, the child still has a chance to roll over and take the final position before childbirth, but most likely he did it earlier. Now your miracle will move more than be active, but the strength of the movements will noticeably increase: the baby continues to accumulate fat and build muscle in order to be born an absolute handsome man, which means that the farther, the more painfully and harder he can hit his mother, sending her greetings.

Mom, he's almost like a newborn! Parts of the body have become more proportional in relation to each other, lanugo is gradually disappearing, the endocrine, nervous, immune, thermoregulatory, and digestive systems are working! The brain is fully formed, but nerve connections and connections will be established for a long time - this process, you know, is very delicate.

But the baby has long been expressing his emotions and experiencing yours, he sees dreams, hears all sounds, feels tastes and smells (by the way, be extremely picky in food and cosmetics), needs love and communication. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby sees perfectly, distinguishes between light and darkness, and focuses on all sorts of “interesting things”. The baby is happy to play with her body and umbilical cord. He feels so good here! Warm, cozy, calm... He is not in a hurry to go anywhere, because the preparations for the birth are not over yet.

Most importantly, the pulmonary system continues its development and will fully mature only by the birth itself, but even now the lungs will be able to work if it is suddenly needed. The heart is getting stronger, and with it the blood vessels. The kidneys are now ready to filter.


To assess the intrauterine development of the baby will help ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation. The specialist will pay attention to the motor activity of the fetus, measure its anatomical dimensions and heartbeat, check the absence of intrauterine abnormalities and pathologies, assess the location of the child and the degree of entanglement with the umbilical cord if the baby is “wrapped up”.

The sex of the child is most likely already known to you by this time. If not, then it is quite possible to find out now, unless the small one closes. Otherwise, it will not be easy to examine the genitals: there is less and less space in the tummy, and the baby no longer spins in different directions, as before.

Also, the uzist is obliged to assess the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, the condition, wall thickness and degree of maturity of the placenta, the condition of the uterus and cervix.

After the ultrasound, the specialist will again determine the date of the expected birth: it may change slightly after each diagnosis, as new information and data arrive. The doctor will draw conclusions about the method of delivery and, if necessary, correct the ongoing therapy.

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation is sometimes simply necessary, so do not neglect it. The study will help to identify violations during pregnancy and, in some cases, to decide on early birth. However, in the vast majority of all cases, it is necessary to confirm that the baby is in perfect order, and he is preparing for birth, as expected.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant

If the ultrasound has established and the doctor has confirmed that nothing threatens the pregnancy, then there can be only one reason for refusing intimacy: the woman’s reluctance. Sex at 33 weeks should certainly bring only pleasure to the expectant mother. If this is not so, then dad will have to be patient. However, it often happens just the opposite: pleasure is deprived of a woman, not a man. Many daddies are frightened by a big belly and a kicking baby: it’s a pity, they are so suspicious. Meanwhile, the sensitivity of a woman's genitals is now, as a rule, increased, and sex could become qualitatively different than usual.

It’s just wonderful if nothing interferes with love pleasure even in the later stages. But it is worth considering a number of nuances:

  • Male sperm is a natural labor stimulant because it has a softening effect on the cervix. For this reason, some doctors in the later stages recommend using condoms or simply not ejaculate in the vagina. And before the most expected childbirth or when they are delayed, on the contrary, stimulate the process.
  • Deep penetrations and sudden movements should be avoided during sex at 33 weeks pregnant.
  • Choose poses with penetration from behind: the pose of "spoons", the pose of "dog-style".
  • If the mucous plug (and even more so the water) has gone, then there can no longer be any talk of sex: the path to the baby is open, including for various microbes and infections.


Sex should be temporarily stopped if you notice suspicious discharge in yourself. Mainly, we are talking about bloody traces - red, brown, scarlet (unless their source is the anus, which can be observed with hemorrhoids).

Also, you should think about when you observe a watery liquid discharge of a transparent color without smell. Small amounts of such a liquid may indicate water leakage, which requires hospitalization. A plentiful outflow of amniotic fluid is considered the beginning of childbirth.

If you no longer have Pap tests for infections in the third trimester, then do so. Firstly, the risk of contracting various sexually transmitted diseases is not excluded. Secondly, very often in pregnant women thrush worsens, which must be cured before childbirth, and there is less and less time left. You should address this issue immediately if you observe changes in whites. Green, yellow, purulent, earthy, white, cheesy, foamy, mucus lumpy or flaky discharge at 33 weeks pregnant is pathological!

The discharge of a lump of mucus from the vagina with a volume of approximately 2 tablespoons - at one time or in fragments - may be a mucus plug. It can be translucent, creamy in color, contain streaks of blood, or even be bloody (but not necessarily) and is a harbinger of imminent childbirth. If your cork has come off, then you need to tell the gynecologist about it.

Remember that breast discharge is physiological and does not require anything other than hygiene. It is strictly contraindicated to squeeze out colostrum!


Various discharges at the 33rd week of pregnancy may be accompanied by pain. So, with genitourinary infections, in addition to discharge, you will experience discomfort during urination, perhaps even an increase in body temperature. Of course, such diseases require qualified treatment.

The appearance of traces of blood on underwear, along with pain in the rectal area, is possible with anal fissures and inflammation of hemorrhoids.

But much more often, the expectant mother experiences a different kind of pain. These are pains in the back, sacrum, lower back and legs associated with weight gain. The load on the spine and knee joints is increasing all the time. It becomes really burdensome to wear a belly, especially if you stick it forward. Correct posture will greatly reduce pain in the lumbar region. Comfortable shoes, wearing a bandage, frequent rest in a prone position (preferably on the left side) will also contribute to this. Do not walk or stand for a long time, do not sit on chairs without a back, do not lie on your back.

Cooling the feet (taking a cool bath or placing them on a cold surface) and raising them to an elevated position can help alleviate the painful feeling in the legs. The hands - especially the fingers and wrists - may also experience tingling sensations, as if the hands are going numb. Try not to put them under your head during sleep, and if you are doing work that requires frequent movement of the phalanges and wrists, then knead and rub them more often.

The headache often goes away also after a normal rest, especially well in a darkened, cool and well-ventilated room. A walk, a light snack or a warm shower can also relieve a headache attack, but be careful with the latter: due to the shifted center of gravity, your sudden movements now can lead to a fall. In general, by the way, it’s better not to take a shower when no one is at home, and do not close from the inside (just in case). And in the bathroom and on the floor, lay rubber mats so as not to slip.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the female body is actively preparing for childbirth, so aching pains in the pubic and pelvic area may appear: the bones diverge, opening the way for the child. The knee-elbow pose or a warm bath will relieve pain attacks. It is also very useful to swim and wear a bandage if you have no contraindications to this.

From the 33rd week, you will probably also feel pain in the hypochondrium: the baby rests here with the legs, which are already strong enough to hurt. This will have to be endured, closer to the birth, the tummy will begin to sink - and it will not only become easier to breathe, but it will hurt less in this area.

In general, abdominal pain should alert you: do not be afraid to disturb your doctor once again and clarify what exactly hurts and where. But do not panic ahead of time: pulling pains in the lower abdomen as a harbinger of childbirth can appear as early as 33 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the uterus continues to train, contracting for a few seconds and relaxing again. If such fights do not grow and do not become more frequent, then there is nothing to worry about. But if soreness occurs, you can alleviate the condition by applying warm palms of your hands to your stomach.


At 33 weeks pregnant, the belly reaches its highest point. In connection with this, the mother experiences certain discomfort, mainly shortness of breath, heartburn and painful movements of the child, more precisely, the movements of his legs. However, gradually the tummy will begin to sink down - and these inconveniences will disappear.

A child at 33 weeks of gestation gains weight very quickly: every day he gets heavier by 15-27 g. Of course, his dwelling should be large enough, and as the skin stretches, the stomach can itch more and more. Moisturize your skin, don't wear tight clothes, don't lift heavy things, don't fall. The tummy is now very heavy and "pulls" the whole body along with it. Be careful in your movements, it is not uncommon for women to fall in the third trimester due to a shifted center of gravity.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the stomach may shudder rhythmically: the baby often hiccups.

During each of your visits, the gynecologist will carry out the usual manipulations with the abdomen: measure its circumference, feel it, listen - such an examination will give him a lot of important information about the development of the baby and the course of pregnancy. And the doctor will certainly weigh you: this is also important.

Weight at 33 weeks pregnant

Weight control must be carried out throughout pregnancy, and especially in the third trimester, since there is a risk of preeclampsia, one of the signs of which is excessive weight during pregnancy.

In order not to gain too much, control not only the quantity, but also the quality of what you eat. The calorie content of the diet should be reduced mainly by reducing the proportion of flour and sweet products and dishes. The weight is also affected by fried and very tasty (often we cannot stop in time, right?), Therefore, with a large weight, it is recommended to use a minimum of spices and seasonings.

Extra pounds can also add fluid that lingers in your body. If the urine comes out much less than what you take inside, and also if the face and limbs swell, then you will have to give up salt.

Weight at 33 weeks of gestation may be 9.4-13.4 kg more than the initial data. But this increase is an average, approximate. Small deviations from the norms are not a cause for concern.


So, the final stage of pregnancy is somewhat tiring. In addition to pain, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids and other “joys”, you may experience fatigue and helplessness by this time. Sleep becomes more and more uncomfortable, it is sometimes impossible to breathe at all, especially when lying down: the stomach props up under the very chest. In addition, several times a night you have to get up to go to the toilet: the bladder cannot withstand the pressure of the uterus. Night trips can be reduced by limiting fluid intake at night.

High blood pressure at 33 weeks of gestation may be a sign of preeclampsia, but before lowering it, consult your doctor, as it is a protective reaction of the body to the danger that threatens the child.

Now you may be bleeding from your nose or gums, your ears stuffed up, your belly button protruding, your limbs may go numb and your legs may cramp - all this is temporary, but enough attention should be paid to oral hygiene. There is less and less left before childbirth, but this does not mean at all that it will be easier later. The baby requires a lot of attention and care, and the birth itself can be difficult and exhausting in terms of physical exertion. Therefore, no matter what, try to gain strength in front of them and still relax. This is the time that you can devote to only yourself for now.


Childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation is called premature, because the baby is not yet completely ready for independent existence outside the mother's body. But what is most important now: already at 33 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own, and this greatly facilitates the nursing of a premature baby and preserves his health.

Premature birth can often be avoided by taking extra care of yourself. However, in some cases, childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation will be unavoidable for medical reasons. Do not take it to heart, remember: the time has come when the baby can decide for himself when it is better for him to be born. If something wrong happens to him, then childbirth will be the best way out of the situation.

Naturally, all decisions on the advisability of premature delivery or prolongation of pregnancy should be made jointly with the leading gynecologist.

If there are no prerequisites for early childbirth yet, then start preparing things and documents for the maternity hospital. This is especially important to do in advance if you are going to a partner birth: the second "giving birth" needs to undergo a medical examination and get a pass to the hospital.

33 weeks pregnant. The weight of the fetus is 1900-2000 g, the full height is 42-43 cm. The mineralization of the bones of the fetus is almost complete, but the skull still consists of bones and cartilaginous joints. It is important for a mother to count fetal movements from time to time and saturate her diet with fatty acids. Wrist syndrome can occur even without hard work of the hands.

Fetal development

Growing and gaining weight is the main task for the fetus. Many organs and systems are already fully functional:

  • The heart has been pumping blood for several months now and makes 120-160 beats per minute.
  • The baby swallows the amniotic fluid, and the kidneys convert it into urine and remove it from the body.
  • The endocrine glands produce various hormones that, after childbirth, will regulate the life processes of the child.
  • The brain "commands" every movement of the fetus. Any of them are reflexive. The baby will gradually learn to control his muscles over the course of several years after birth.

The layer of subcutaneous fat continues to thicken, and the original fluff all over the body disappears. The hair on the head thickens a little, but it is still soft and fluffy.

Some organs are not yet involved. The baby's lungs are at rest. But the diaphragm rises and falls, this is also training. There is nothing to look at the baby in the womb, it is dark there, but the muscles of the eye and eyelids are already ready for their activity.

Some babies weigh more than two kilograms at the thirty-third week. At the same time, the weight norm is not violated, because newborns also differ in parameters. Twins are probably not as tall and lighter in weight. Here everything is individual. On average, the fetus gains weight by 15-25 grams every day.

Many babies at this time are already taking the optimal position for the upcoming birth: head down. The legs and arms are crossed. But if the doctor has established a different presentation, there is nothing to worry about yet. Just don't wear a bandage. It helps you, supports your stomach, but it prevents the fetus from moving and may prevent the baby from rolling over properly.

The bones and cartilage of the fetus continue their mineralization due to calcium, which comes from the mother's food. However, the children's skull does not ossify; soft and flexible cartilaginous joints will remain in it until the very birth. Why is this happening?

Very soon, the child will have to go through the birth canal of the mother (of course, if a caesarean section is not planned). The head is the largest part of the baby's body. To facilitate passage, the bones of the skull shift during childbirth and slightly reduce the diameter of the baby's head.

Good to know. Finally, the cranial bones harden already in one-year-old babies. It is no coincidence that there are tiny places on the top of babies where there is no bone tissue and a pulse is felt.


Now this is an important indicator of the condition of your baby. The doctor may ask you more than once to count the number of movements. To do this, choose a quiet time of the day, get comfortable (sitting or lying down, just do not fall asleep) and count the pushes. There should be at least ten of them in two hours. Counted less - tell the doctor about it, he will prescribe a CTG to check the fetal heart activity and ultrasound to diagnose his general condition.

Some mothers feel that the stomach seems to shudder from the inside, but there is no tension, as with contractions. It is generally accepted that this is how fetal hiccups manifest. Doctors attribute this phenomenon to the ingestion of amniotic fluid. It is possible that hiccups do not cause such unpleasant sensations to the fetus as they cause in a child or an adult.

Mom's well-being and feelings

Many women at the 33rd week admit that pregnancy has become a completely familiar state. If there are no complications, then some inconveniences of the condition are compensated by emotional peace, the ability not to go to work/study and the joy of waiting.

You may experience heartburn or constipation any day. If you don't already know how to deal with these conditions, read about it in the "Recommendations" section at the end of the article.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

At this time, you may find yourself with carpal tunnel syndrome, even if you have not typed on the keyboard for a long time. You may have external and/or internal edema. Unwanted accumulations of fluid interfere with the full movement of blood through the vessels, hence numbness and pain. Shake your hands more often, arrange them comfortably in a dream, do not keep them lowered for a long time. An elastic bandage on the wrist or special orthopedic bandages will also help.

Periodic swelling on the legs appears after a long walk or standing. For the same reason, dilated vessels may appear that are visible under the skin.

Attention. Persistent edema (they appear constantly and do not go away for a long time) is a much more dangerous condition, as is a sharp weight gain of more than 300-500 grams per week. This may indicate late toxicosis, especially if you have high blood pressure. Read about this complication of pregnancy in the article.

preterm birth

In the normal course of pregnancy, babies should be born on time or just a little bit earlier. If the baby is born now, he will need a special incubator and professional medical care.

In multiple pregnancies, children are often born much earlier than the fortieth week. If you are expecting twins or even triplets, be prepared for this.

Attention: fatty acids

Usually, pregnant women are strongly discouraged from eating high-fat foods. But omega-3 fatty acid is a very valuable nutrient for the fetus. This natural chemical compound is responsible for the development of the so-called cognitive abilities of the child. They include thinking, attention, memory, imagination and the ability to understand. Even in the first weeks of pregnancy, you could often hear advice to include fatty varieties of fish in your diet. It is they that contain so much more important acids. In late pregnancy, their value increases several times.

What if you absolutely do not like fish or are allergic to seafood? Options are possible. Your diet should include eggs, almonds, walnuts. Flaxseed oil will work too. No need to pour it into a spoon and drink through force, like a nasty medicine. Dress them with a salad, especially if it is made from grated carrots.

Discharge and pain

Nothing changes here. Light scanty mucus from the vagina (transparent or white) is the norm. An admixture of pus, a curdled consistency, an unpleasant odor signal pathological processes in the genitourinary system. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Abundant watery discharge is especially dangerous - cracks are possible, even ruptures of the fetal bladder. An admixture of blood or real bleeding is another dangerous sign. Call an ambulance, as you can give birth prematurely.

Normally, you shouldn't have any pain. Unpleasant sensations of tension, heaviness, tension in the abdomen, back, ribs and lower back are common physiological manifestations of pregnancy. But if something really hurts, be sure to notify the doctor, and for intense pain, seek emergency help.

What is placental abruption?

This is a rare but dangerous complication of the third trimester of pregnancy. Such cases are only 1-1.5%, but you need to know about them.

The placenta normally begins to separate from the uterine wall at the last stage of labor, when the baby has already been born. If detachment occurs earlier, it is a pathology. Main symptoms:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • a change in the shape of the abdomen - this happens due to the accumulation of blood secretions inside.

If the placenta exfoliated partially and in a small part, the mother still has a chance to carry the pregnancy. With a significant or complete separation, the child is threatened with death. The fetus simply ceases to receive enough oxygen through the placenta and umbilical cord and dies from suffocation.

If you have noted the listed symptoms in yourself, urgently call the ambulance. It is possible that doctors will be forced to induce labor or even perform a caesarean section in order to save your baby's life.

Video: Possible complications

Calendar of visits to the antenatal clinic

Usually pregnant women see a doctor every two weeks. A couple of days before the visit, you need to take blood and urine tests for several indicators, the doctor always writes out directions at the previous visit.

If for some reason you were not fully examined - you missed a planned ultrasound or tests, they can be scheduled this week. With an ultrasound examination, the doctor will check various physical indicators of the fetus (circumference of the head, chest, abdomen, symmetry of the length of the limbs). And also - the state of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid.

As additional examinations, you may be recommended to undergo cardiotocography and dopplerometry.

  1. Stick to your normal diet plus recommendations to increase the amount of fatty acids in your diet.
  2. Do not drink tea or coffee with food, these drinks reduce the absorption of dietary iron.
  3. If you suffer from heartburn, drink jelly, do not forget about cereals.
  4. To avoid shortness of breath, move slowly, allocate a large margin of time for any trips and trips. In no case do not give up physical activity, otherwise the unpleasant phenomena will increase.
  5. With constipation in the diet, there must be prunes, which perfectly stimulates contractions of the intestinal muscles.
  6. If your doctor has determined that you may or may be developing hemorrhoids, practice regular washing with warm water.
  7. Eliminate cramps in the calf muscles with a shin massage. It is also recommended to pull the toes of the foot, which reduces.
  8. Carefully take care of the skin of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and chest. Use any cream or lotion that is designed to fight. This is especially important if the skin of the abdomen now and then.
  9. If there is a significant amount of colostrum secretion, be sure to use bra pads and change them regularly, otherwise inflammatory processes may develop in a humid environment.
  10. Oligohydramnios, expecting twins, low placenta and the threat of premature birth are contraindications for intimate life. In all other cases, careful sex is allowed.
  11. If you have fears of childbirth, visit a psychologist, tell your doctor about your fear or just talk with your friends, ask for their advice and support.
  12. In the later stages, the nasal mucosa often swells without signs of a cold (pregnancy rhinitis). Do not use vasoconstrictor drops. Moisturize the nasal mucosa more often, maintain good humidity at home.
  13. lose weight by 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!