How to take urine for analysis from an infant. How to collect urine from a baby. What not to do

In the first year of life, the child should be regularly examined by a pediatrician, undergo specialists and pass tests. And if there are usually no difficulties with a blood test, since you just need to bring the child to the clinic in the morning and then reassure, then before collecting urine from an infant, parents often get lost. Let's figure out how to collect urine for analysis from an infant, in particular, from a boy.

Using a urinal

This collection method is preferred because it makes it easy to obtain urine for analysis.


  • This plastic bag makes collecting urine much easier.
  • It is inexpensive and is available in all pharmacies.
  • Thanks to the adhesive base, it is well fixed on the body of the child.
  • Velcro is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the baby's skin.


  • A urinal must be purchased at a pharmacy, and sometimes the mother does not have such an opportunity.
  • If the bag is not properly attached, urine will not get inside and will have to be collected again.

Lay the washed and dry baby on the back. While spreading the baby's legs, talk to the baby and comment on your own actions until the baby is completely calm. Next, gently attach the urinal so that the genitals are inside.

Wait patiently until the baby urinates. So that the bag does not come off, and the child does not worry, take the baby in your arms. The bag filled with urine must be carefully removed, then pour the contents into a sterile container and take it for analysis.

With the help of improvised means

Many parents in the old fashioned way use improvised means to collect - banks and packages.

to the bank

This method of collecting urine from a boy is one of the most common.


  • Features of urination in boys allow you to accurately collect the middle part of the urine in a jar, you just need to “catch” the stream.
  • This is an affordable and very easy way.


  • If the jar is not sterile, the results of the analysis will be incorrect and the analysis will have to be retaken.
  • The clothes of the parents and things that surround the child are at risk of being damaged by splashing urine.

Lay the undressed baby on a diaper, not forgetting to put an oilcloth under it. Take a jar in your hands and wait. As soon as the baby begins to urinate, let the first drops fall on the diaper, then substitute the jar and collect the required amount of urine. Close the container and wrap it in a plastic bag (this way you will save your own bag from possible leakage).

The jar needs to be sterilized, but it is better to collect urine in a special container for analysis

per package


  • The method will help out when there is no urinal and other containers.
  • The advantage of the method is its general availability, because plastic bags are almost everywhere.


  • The package may not be sterile and results may not be reliable.
  • The handles of the package may come undone, and if the package moves to the side, both the mother and everything around the child may end up in the urine.

The handles of the package are cut so that it becomes possible to tie them around the baby's legs. Having fixed the bag on the child, you need to wait for urination. In this case, the child must be in an upright position. Next, the urine is carefully poured into a sterile container.

If the baby is very small, a plastic bag can be placed under the child on an oilcloth.

  • Do not let your child urinate on a diaper and then try to twist it into a jar.
  • It is not recommended to keep urine at room temperature for more than 2 hours, as this will make the analysis unreliable.
  • The baby must be washed before collecting urine, and parents need to wash their hands using baby soap.
  • The container in which urine is collected must be sterile.
  • For analysis, it is best to collect the first urine that the boy excreted in the morning.
  • If you wait a long time, and the baby still does not urinate, you can resort to small tricks, for example, pour water from one glass to another next to the baby, dip the baby’s hand in a plate of warm water, stroke the baby below the navel, give the baby a drink or wet a little a diaper on which the baby lies.

Have you just left the pediatrician's office and are perplexedly fiddling with a referral for a urinalysis? It is understandable, because your baby is a few months old and it is not realistic to collect material for research in the usual way. I immediately remembered the advice of experienced grandmothers on how to collect urine from a baby girl or boy.

According to their stories, you just need to squeeze out the diaper, on which the daughter peed before. Of course, this method is categorically wrong, since along with urine you will deliver pile and various bacteria to the laboratory. But we will now figure out how to properly collect material for analysis.

How to collect urine from a baby?

  1. You already know that you cannot collect a urine sample using a diaper. In the same category of prohibition, include the extraction of liquid with the help of a diaper or cotton wool. By the way, diapers not only share their biochemical composition, they also act as a filter, so there are benefits from such an analysis as from a goat's milk;
  2. A potty is a device whose direct purpose is to collect urine. However, in the case of laboratory analysis, it is not suitable. No matter how you wash it or douse it with boiling water, plastic is not suitable for collecting material for analysis, since the issue of sterility remains open;
  3. Another way is also familiar to you from childhood - glass containers or a special plastic cup. Quite acceptable, but by no means the easiest option for collecting urine from a baby girl who cannot yet be planted;
  4. There are more practical options - a urinal or a regular plastic bag, but their use will require some skill from you.

Advantages and disadvantages of urinals

You should be aware of the two main disadvantages of a urinal:

  • the fact that you need to remember to buy it in advance at the pharmacy;
  • and also that it is necessary to practice putting it on and taking it off without spilling the precious material.

That is, in principle, there are no shortcomings in the factory urinal. Please note that there are special urinals for boys and special ones for girls, this is important, since the principle of fastening is somewhat different.

Now for the benefits:

  1. Collecting urine from a baby, regardless of its gender, is easy and simple;
  2. Complete sterility;
  3. Urine is collected strictly in the urinal and does not spill over the surface;
  4. There is a dimensional gradation on the storage compartment;
  5. The cost of the device is acceptable;
  6. Can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk.

You have already appreciated the pros and cons, it's time to move on to practical exercises

Preparatory stage

  1. First of all, you need to buy a urinal in advance, and preferably two, since you can damage the device during its unpacking;
  2. You wash the baby well under running water, and also sterilize the container, where you then drain the urine.

Stage of work with a urinal

  1. A practical lesson on how to collect urine from a girl or a boy's baby using a urinal, you start by opening the device itself. Carefully tear open the package so as not to damage the contents, straighten all its parts, then remove the adhesive tape and carefully attach it as in the picture:

  1. Please note that there is a yellow cross on the urinal, it should be between the genitals and the anus;
  2. It is better to hold the baby in your arms, so the storage bag will hang down and the urine will not overflow;
  3. The baby can be capricious all this time, talk to her, sing her favorite song, hug and stroke;
  4. If the child does not pee for a long time, while crying and nervous, try turning on the water in the tap, perhaps the murmur will help urinate;
  5. You can give the baby a drink (this applies to children over 6 months old, who can already be supplemented with water) or suck on the breast, often this also helps babies pee faster.

Final stage

  1. When the treasured material for laboratory analysis has collected in a storage bag in a volume of at least five milliliters, you can release the baby;
  2. After you carefully cut the tip of the bag and drain the urine into a sterile glass or jar;
  3. You send the urinal to the trash can, and the sterile container as soon as possible to the laboratory.

Advantages and disadvantages of a urine collection bag for children

If you don’t know how to quickly collect urine from a baby boy or girl, then a regular bag will come to the rescue. You understand that you need a new one. A previously used, or worse, washed bag is only useful for disposing of used diapers, but not for a sterile urine collection procedure.

  • The package needs to be cut on the sides and built something like a diaper, tying the ends at the hips;
  • You'd better hold the baby in your arms. Then the liquid will drain down and there will be no leaks;
  • If you are lucky, the child will pee for a few minutes, but be prepared that you will have to walk for half an hour;
  • After the package, you need to carefully remove and drain the urine into a sterile cup.

Advantages of collecting urine from a child using a bag:

  • the method is available to everyone, since the package is probably in the house of any hostess;
  • sterility;
  • easy to implement;
  • can be used even with babies.

A plastic bag is a cheap analogue of a pharmacy urinal. The disadvantages include perhaps the possibility of a rush of polyethylene or discomfort during prolonged contact with the skin of the baby. In addition, this method is inconvenient at an older age, when the baby becomes more active and can disrupt the device.

Collection of urine in a jar

An old proven way to collect urine over the years is to use a jar. Instructions for conducting:

  1. In order for the result of the analysis to be one hundred percent correct, you need to carefully prepare the container for collecting urine. The jar should be washed with soda, rinsed well, then sterilized in a water bath, as you prepare jars for conservation;
  2. The hygiene of the baby itself should be no less thorough, the result of the analysis also depends on this;
  3. Then you put the baby on the back on the changing table, previously covered with a waterproof diaper, fix the legs in a position bent and pressed against the tummy;
  4. Bring the jar to the genitals, but do not touch it, and wait for the child to pee;
  5. You can put some pressure on the pubic part, this can encourage the baby to pee faster.

But for a child at 3 months old, who is not yet sitting, and in a position with bent legs, he is unlikely to agree to lie for a long time, it will be difficult to catch the right moment, so we recommend that you use a plate instead of a jar. (You can read about how a child develops at 3 months in the article: What should a child be able to do at 3 months?>>>)

Action plan:

  • the baby needs to be washed;
  • unfold the diaper on the changing table, then put the baby;
  • it is better to put the girl on her tummy, slip a plate under her;
  • prepare a container for collecting urine in advance, it can be a special glass or a well-sterilized jar;
  • as soon as the baby pees, you need to drain the liquid into the container;
  • You can help your baby pee faster. You can give her a drink, turn on the faucet, or pour liquid from one glass to another. Sometimes tickling helps, the baby will laugh and pee faster. (Would you like to know when a child starts to laugh?>>>)

As you yourself could see, in the case of a newborn girl, the can method is almost ineffective, in this case the plate method rules. The disadvantages include issues of sterility and comfort.

Rules for collecting tests in infants

You know that urine analysis can be done in three ways:

  1. Traditional - according to Nechiporenko;
  2. Daily according to Addis-Kakovsky;
  3. And the analysis for the content of calcium according to Sulkovich.

You collect the material for the first and third analysis in the same way, in the morning, taking the middle portion of urine. You need to collect at least five milliliters of urine.

Of course, in the case of a baby, we are not talking about the average portion, then how would you collect at least some urine. But if the attending physician insists on the rules, then you can try the collection method with a jar. You need to prepare three containers and when the baby starts to write, quickly change the glass container.

The second analysis according to Addis-Kakovsky is collected throughout the day in one container, then everything is well mixed and two hundred grams of liquid is poured for analysis. This type of urinalysis in the case of a baby causes the greatest difficulties:

  • Firstly, the baby pees every half an hour, or even more often, and he will not lie on the changing table all day;
  • The package method is also questionable. In this case, you will have to experiment and use different methods throughout the day, depending on the situation.

General rules for all types of urinalysis:

  1. Hygiene of the genital organs of the baby;
  2. Sterility during material collection;
  3. The sterility of the container in which the urine will be transferred;
  4. Rapid delivery of urine to the laboratory.

By the way, an interesting nuance. The rules for passing a urine test for adults have a clear list of what you can not eat or drink. The list includes drugs, diuretics, salty, peppery, various seasonings, there is even a reservation about beets and carrots, which can change the color of urine.

Interestingly, such restrictions apply to infants. It is clear that your baby does not use these products herself, but through your breast milk she receives in full. You should not eat cucumbers, melons or watermelons in the evening, as they are diuretics and, therefore, can affect the composition of your milk.

With regard to the rapid delivery of the collected material to the laboratory, you should be aware that warm urine quickly changes its composition, especially in relation to the bacteriological background.

With the birth of a baby, new troubles and worries arise in the life of a young mother, and one of them is the constant delivery of tests for the baby to the children's clinic. And not every mother knows how to collect urine from a baby.

In fact, everything is not so difficult, you just need to choose the most convenient way and follow all the rules.

How to collect urine from a baby?

There are several ways to take biomaterial from infants. Each parent chooses the one that is most convenient specifically for him.

Urine from a newborn can be collected using:

  • urinal;
  • plastic bag;
  • plastic or glass container.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

The urinal for babies has an adhesive surface for secure fixation of the device

We use a urinal

The urinal is a bag with a special hole, which is attached between the child's legs with secure Velcro. Thus, it turns out that when the baby decides to pee, urine will not flow out, but will be collected in the urinal.

Such a device is not at all expensive, and it can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The rules for using the urinal are simple. Before the procedure, the child should be washed well with a hypoallergenic agent or soap. Next, put the baby on his back and wait until he calms down and stops fiddling. All this time it will be useful to talk with the baby. Mom's voice and soothing intonation will relax him faster.

Then "put on" the urinal. It needs to be attached between the legs of the baby, while you do not need to wear a diaper, as it will squeeze the bag, and as a result, all the urine will be in the diaper.

It will be better if the child is in an upright position during the collection of the analysis: this will protect him from leakage. You can take the baby in your arms and hold him until he pees, or you can put the baby on his legs (this applies to children who already know how to stand).

The collected biomaterial must be poured into a sterilized jar and taken to the clinic.

Thus, the process of collecting urine with a urinal includes the following steps:

  1. wash your hands thoroughly and wash your child;
  2. tear open the package and remove the urinal;
  3. detach the protective film from the Velcro and glue the bag between the child's legs (for girls - around the labia, and for boys, place the genitals inside the bag);
  4. wait for the result, holding the baby in your arms;
  5. peel off the urinal from the baby's skin;
  6. make an incision in the bag and pour the urine into a clean container in a thin stream.

The urinal is a disposable item. Immediately after use, it must be discarded and the next time you use a new one.

Advantages and disadvantages of urinals

As you can see, the urinal greatly simplifies the life of young mothers. This invention appeared relatively recently, but is already very popular.

The advantages of the urinal include availability, low cost, ease of use. As for the shortcomings, there are almost none. Is it possible to collect urine using this device not the first time, but everything comes with experience.

The package must be carefully tied around the baby's hips.

Collecting urine with a bag

The package can rightly be called the "folk" version of the urinal. At least the principle of operation of the package is the same.

For the procedure, you will need a clean (ideally new) plastic bag with handles. Cut the handles so that they can be tied and fixed on the hips of the baby. It turns out an impromptu urinal, which is located between the legs of the baby.

Further, everything is done in the same way as in the case of a purchased urinal. It is better to take the child in your arms and wait for urination in an upright position. If the child is very small, you can simply put him in the crib without a diaper, and put the bag under the baby. But at the same time, do not forget to lay an oilcloth, otherwise you are provided with an extra wash.

Feeding often promotes urination in babies, so try feeding your baby. This will speed up the process.

Advantages and disadvantages of a urine collection bag for children

This method is less expensive than collection with a urinal. In addition, a package (even a simple cellophane one is suitable) is almost always at hand, so there will be no problems with collecting analyzes even in force majeure circumstances.

But there are several disadvantages of this method:

  • lack of absolute sterility;
  • discomfort for the baby;
  • inconvenience of the procedure;
  • the risk of spilling the contents, especially if the child is actively moving.

Now pharmacies sell special sterile containers for collecting biomaterial for analysis.

Collection of urine in a jar

This method is also called "grandmother's", as it is the oldest and most proven of all three. Previously, jars of baby food and mayonnaise were used to collect urine, now it is possible to buy special containers for biomaterial at the pharmacy. Such containers are convenient in that they do not need to be boiled and sterilized beforehand, while food cans must be thoroughly disinfected.

Collecting urine with a jar requires patience and time. It is carried out as follows:

  • wash the baby well and lay him on an oilcloth;
  • pick up a clean jar and wait;
  • as soon as the baby begins to write, substitute a jar and collect urine. It is best to collect "average" urine, as it is the purest - it is her study that will give the most accurate results.

This method is convenient to use for a boy, but to collect urine from girls, a method called "grandmother's plate" is used. The essence of this method is simple.

You will need a clean (sterilized) shallow dish. It must be placed under the girl's ass when she lies on her back in the crib. As soon as the baby pees, the plate must be carefully removed, and the contents poured into a sterile jar with a lid.

Before the procedure, the baby must be thoroughly washed

Rules for collecting tests in infants

  1. Before collecting tests, thoroughly wash the crumbs with soap or a special agent, and then rinse thoroughly with water and wipe dry.
  2. For analysis, you need to collect morning urine.
  3. You can not give urine squeezed out of a diaper or clothes. Such an analysis will give a deliberately false result.
  4. The same goes for diapers. If you "get" the analysis out of the diaper, the result will be incorrect.
  5. Also, do not use urine from the pot, because the pot (no matter how you wash it) will still contain germs.
  6. Urination can be stimulated by turning on a faucet or recording water murmuring.
  7. If the baby is wearing a diaper all night, it is enough to remove it in the morning, and the baby will immediately pee.
  8. You can also “help” the baby to pee by wetting the diaper on which he lies, or by making a light massage of the tummy.
  9. Only fresh urine should be taken to the clinic (it cannot be stored for more than two hours).
  10. Stick a piece of paper with the necessary information about the child (full name, date) on the jar with the analysis.


As you can see, collecting urine from a baby is not so difficult. It is better to use a special urinal for this purpose, but in the absence of such a device, you can resort to proven "grandmother's" methods or collect urine with an ordinary bag. The main thing when collecting analyzes is the observance of all the rules of hygiene and sterility.

The good news is that collecting urine for analysis from a baby is real!

Sooner or later, every parent faces the question of how to collect urine for analysis from their crumbs. They say it's easier with boys...

Having completed the course of a young fighter specializing in girls, I report.

This is real and not even as difficult as it seems.

1. The first way, the most civilized one.

Buy special sterile urinals at the pharmacy. We bought a universal one that is suitable for both girls and boys.

Buy a sterile urinal at the pharmacy

urinal for babies- This is a bag with a hole, which is attached between the child's legs with a special hypoallergenic Velcro. It costs 15-25 rubles (February 2011). BUY A FEW PIECE AT ONCE. Minimum 3 pieces.

My attempt to stick a urinal under the diaper led to a zero result - the diaper was swollen, and the urinal was empty and, as a result, damaged. Then the next morning I undressed the baby, stuck the urinal between the legs as indicated in the instructions (after thoroughly washing it before that) and put it in the crib to play, making sure that the child stood and did not sit on the ass (the pouch dangled between the legs at that time). You can open the tap with water, you can wear it on the handles until you pee. Not a drop is missing :)

Pour the collected urine into a sterile jar, which you first boil or at least scald with boiling water ().

Recently, in Moscow, they have been required to hand over biomaterials in special sterile containers bought at the pharmacy. I have been refused several times to accept urine collected in a baby food jar. So clarify this question in the laboratory.

2. The second way. If it was not possible to buy a urinal.

A) This method was taught to me by a friend who was in the hospital with her daughter. Use clean with soap and water (brand new is even better) plastic bag. The clean bag is cut from the sides and tied around the legs. And that's it! We are waiting, sir.

Use a plastic bag by slitting the sides and tying it around the child's legs.

It turns out a bag between the legs, in which urine is collected

b) If a child very tiny and cannot take a vertical position, put the bag under the baby (see photo). Some will leak out (do not forget to put an oilcloth on it!), but the collected amount is quite enough for analysis.

Take a clean (!) plastic bag

Put the baby on the bag. Part of the urine will leak out, but the rest will be enough for analysis (use oilcloth)

In my opinion, it is more convenient to tie around the legs and take it on the handles in an inclined horizontal position and stay like that with the baby for half an hour.

It will be very good breastfeed the baby, almost all tiny babies pee while eating mom.

Pour the collected urine from the bag in a sterile container(special disposable plastic, which are sold in pharmacies or in any other glass). Baby food jars work well.

Remember what a child needs be sure to wash before collecting the analysis.


It is not necessary to squeeze the described diaper into a jar and take this jar to the laboratory. First, urine is filtered. Secondly, fabric fibers get into.


If you fill a jar (from baby food or a special plastic one) 1 cm from the bottom, this will be enough.

The birth of a baby is a significant event. Young mothers are so happy that all difficulties seem to them absolute trifles. But this confidence disappears immediately after leaving the hospital, when the parents are alone with the baby. While you were in the hospital, everything was under the control of doctors and nurses, but when you were in it turned out that in order to make sure that the child was in full health, it was necessary to pass the first tests in his life.

And then the thought immediately arises: “How to collect urine from a baby, a boy and a girl?” With the strong sex, everything is more or less clear, since the anatomical feature allows you to come up with a lot of ways, but with little princesses everything is much more complicated. Many parents are puzzled over how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is the age when the child lies almost all the time, so young mothers face a difficult task. Without the use of any improvised means, this is difficult to do, but real.

Collection without special funds

You have probably already noticed the peculiarities of the functioning of the intestines and kidneys in your baby. There should not be any problems with the regimen, because from the very first days of being at home everything becomes clear - as a rule, the bladder is emptied almost immediately after a meal, regardless of whether you are breastfeeding your baby or he eats from a bottle.

Within 10-15 minutes after the baby has eaten, you need to carefully observe her in order to understand how to collect urine. The girl is 3 months old, or even longer - up to 6 months, the location of the organs is such that in the process of urination over a horizontally lying body you will see a small fountain, but its height is enough to substitute a low container and collect urine.

As soon as the child begins to strain at least a little and it becomes noticeable that the baby wants to go to the toilet, you need to quickly and without too much fuss (so as not to frighten the child), bring any suitable container to the place between the legs. Therefore, for mothers who do not use diapers for babies, this method is most convenient.

How to collect an analysis at 3 months is more understandable than for a baby who is only a week old, since by this time the child is already confidently holding his head, and some especially quick ones are even trying to sit down. And if the baby sat down, then the scope for imagination is endless. Many resort to the help of strong dads. The father can carry the baby right on the pot for a long time, talking with the offspring until the necessary action occurs, and then all that remains is to pour the contents of the sterile pot into the boiled dishes. Mom, of course, can also do this, but there is a double benefit here: the baby will communicate with dad, and mom at this time will either do household chores or just relax.

Collection using a urinal

The easiest advice on how to collect urine from girls is to buy a urinal. By going to any pharmacy, you can buy such products. They are inexpensive, and the task is facilitated many times over. It looks like a pouch with Velcro that keeps it on the crotch. Moreover, each gender has its own type - the boy has one design of the urinal, another has been created for girls.

An important recommendation regarding this purchase: buy several pieces at once. Firstly, since the baby is spinning, on the first try it may not be possible to fasten this “apparatus” as it should. This is not easy to do without experience. Secondly, you can never immediately determine whether the urinal is intact or not. You can, of course, consider it more carefully, but no one can give a 100% guarantee - this is already a question for the honesty of the manufacturer.

General collection rules

How to collect urine - in theory everyone knows, but in practice it is not always possible to do everything right. This knowledge will be useful to any mother, since from time to time a situation arises when you need to know how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is the age when additional examinations may be required, at which it is necessary to take tests. There are general rules.


First of all, it is, of course, hygiene. It is necessary to wash the baby only with special baby soap. In liquid form, it will be or an ordinary solid piece - it does not matter, but it must be a quality product that will not cause allergies or irritation on the skin.

The girl must be washed from the lower abdomen towards the back. After that, do not lubricate the skin with any means - neither creams nor emulsions. Sprinkle diaper rash, if suddenly they are, is also not worth it. This can always be done after the analysis is taken. It is enough to lightly blot with a napkin and remove excess water.

Sterile container

The container in which you will collect urine must be sterile. It can be a special plastic container that is sold in a pharmacy, or any other jar. From the reviews of experienced parents, we can conclude that the container for any puree is well suited, only before use it must be carefully treated with detergent and put in the microwave for 1 minute with water. Treat the lid of the jar with boiling water.

Urine collection - morning activity

The third basic rule is that all procedures are done in the morning. Yes, and the reception of tests usually falls on the time from 8 to 10 hours. If suddenly your child has done “his own business” much earlier, then it is easy to get out of this situation by placing a container of urine on the refrigerator door at the very bottom. Nothing will happen to the contents for a few hours.

If suddenly the results of the analysis turn out to be bad, the main thing is not to panic right away. It will be easier to retake, because you know how easy it is to collect urine from a newborn. It often happens that it was not possible to carry out hygiene measures correctly, or simply the analysis was performed incorrectly. Before believing the frightening words of a pediatrician, you need to consult a pediatric urologist.

It is very important to master this skill and know how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is an interesting age, when the baby already hears and understands everything, so the mother should speak in a gentle voice and smile during the procedure. Then this event will not cause unpleasant emotions in the child. Nervousness and panic of the mother will definitely affect the baby, and she will experience discomfort.