Unnatural smell of urine. Diseases of the urogenital area. Causes of sweet smell

A change in the smell of urine is a signal from the body about certain disorders in the work of various internal organs. In some cases, you should not pay special attention to it, it passes by itself. But more often this phenomenon indicates serious problems. What does the strong smell of urine in women indicate, the causes of which are sometimes difficult to determine, how to deal with it?

What causes urine smell

As with men, changes can occur in the female body that provoke the appearance of odor. They are associated with the following factors:

  1. Food consumption. Certain foods have a strong aroma that doesn't go away. If a person dined with a dish with onions, garlic, horseradish, then an unpleasant odor will appear not only from the mouth. After the process of digestion of food, urine may smell like smoked or roasted seeds, a spicy aroma appears.
  2. Taking medications. This may be long-term use of antibiotics - in tablet form or injection. Also, taking vitamin complexes, especially group B, provokes a pungent odor. After the use of these drugs is stopped, the problem goes away.
  3. Lack of proper hygiene. Some women do not know how to properly care for the genitals, or do not observe hygiene. Immediately after washing, the bad aroma disappears, but over time it reappears. Particularly carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs is necessary for women in old age. Some older people note that the smell appeared to them immediately after or during menopause.
  4. Dehydration of the body. If the appearance of a problem is observed exclusively in the morning, its cause is an increased concentration, density of urine. Also, the smell can be associated with an untimely visit to the toilet, when a woman endures for a long time, sometimes all night (a common problem in a child).
  5. Alcohol. A pungent smell of urine will definitely appear after drinking large quantities of alcohol.

Whichever of the above factors caused the woman to change the smell of urine, special measures for its treatment are not needed, only actively follow all the rules of hygiene. It is important to eliminate the cause, then the problem should not remain a trace within a day. If this does not happen, there is a reason to contact specialists for examination.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

The nature of the aroma itself will help determine the cause. For those who have never encountered such a problem, it may seem that it is impossible to classify an unpleasant odor. In fact, there are several possible options.

A common cause is a fungal infection, often provoked by candida. The characteristic smell of urine as a result of fungal infection is sour. Other symptoms are:

  • constant itching, burning in the area of ​​the labia, vagina;
  • tingling, discomfort during urination;
  • the color of urine becomes saturated, yellow, cloudy;
  • discharge appears, as with thrush.

Sexually transmitted diseases are also a common cause. Their occurrence is associated with the action of a sexually transmitted infection. The smell of discharge becomes fishy with bacterial vaginosis, and can be so strong that it can be felt from a distance. It is also transmitted in the urine. Gynecologists note the most common sexually transmitted diseases that can be found in a girl:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea.

Each of these infections comes with different symptoms. Often, women pay attention to such signs - traces of copious discharge, stains on linen, soreness when urinating when cystitis occurs, decreased sexual desire, painful sexual intercourse, and a constant feeling of discomfort.

Another common cause is E. coli that has affected the urinary tract and genitals. Most often, infection occurs when hygiene rules are not followed. Urine with Escherichia coli acquires an unpleasant odor.

Important! A common mistake when dealing with a wand is douching treatment. It is tightly attached to the walls of the vagina, so it is impossible to remove it by this method.

Other reasons

Less common are the following reasons for the smell of urine in a woman:

  1. Diabetes. With an increase in blood sugar, the level of acetone increases. The more its value exceeds the norm, the stronger the smell will be. In diabetes, urine smells like rotten apples.
  2. Malabsorption. This is an intestinal disease, it can not cope with the absorption of nutrients from food, which leads to their deficiency in the body. At the same time, urine smells like beer. Another such smell can be observed with hypermethioninemia, liver failure.
  3. Leucinosis. The disease is transmitted at the genetic level, which creates problems with its treatment, it is chronic. The aroma of urine is sweetish, similar to the smell of maple syrup. When the disease is in the acute stage, it becomes too cloying, an admixture of rot appears.

In the urine of each person there is a smell of ammonia, only in a healthy body it is weakly expressed. If it increases, this indicates the onset of inflammatory processes: cystitis, urethritis, kidney disease.

Interesting! The smell of ammonia may increase with prolonged suppression of the urge to urinate. In this case, this is a one-time occurrence.

Why does the body smell like urine

Why in some cases the smell appears from different parts of the body? The exact cause can only be determined with the help of medical diagnostics, the detection of serious diseases. This phenomenon interferes with the normal life of a woman at any age, brings discomfort, so you should not delay seeking help.

Common causes of urine odor from a female body are:

  1. Hyperhidrosis of the third, fourth stage. Often, a severe form of this disease is accompanied by pathologies of the endocrine system, kidneys. They can provoke not only increased sweating, but also the presence of the smell of urine in it.
  2. Lack of proper hygiene. For some women, living conditions do not allow them to take a shower every day, others simply neglect the simple rules of regular change of clothes and bed linen. As a result, bacteria settle on the body, because of their vital activity, an unpleasant odor appears.
  3. Violations of the microflora of the vagina. There are many reasons for the appearance of a failure: gynecological diseases, complications after childbirth, diseases of the genitourinary system (often due to age).

The smell of urine emanating from the whole body can appear for the same reasons as from the urinary organs. This is the frequent use of certain foods, alcohol, the use of certain medications.

Interesting! The smell of urine often haunts beer drinkers who drink from 1 liter daily.

Methods of treatment

To determine how to get rid of the smell of urine, a woman needs to go to the hospital. Doctors will help determine the exact cause, they will prescribe a treatment that will eliminate the problem.

Treatment can be carried out at home, choosing the right remedy. It is impossible to pass the examination on your own. Some mistakenly treat kidney disease, cystitis, but it turns out that it was necessary to fight against sexually transmitted infections.

If a woman has a sexually transmitted disease, a gynecologist is involved in the treatment. It is usually also required for her sexual partner. If kidney disease is diagnosed, drug therapy includes taking antibiotics, antiseptics, diuretics.

The main rule, the observance of which is required when any cause is detected, is the hygiene of the genitals. During treatment, when the fight against unpleasant odor is just beginning, it is necessary to wash yourself after each urination, using the means prescribed by the doctor. Often used herbal decoction, added to the bath.

There are many reasons why urine smells bad. Some of them are safe: drinking alcohol, certain foods. If the symptom appeared due to serious sexually transmitted diseases, pathology of the liver, kidneys, complex treatment is required. It is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis of the patient.

Urine is human waste, and its quality is an indicator of health. The smell of urine in women is an indirect diagnostic sign of an extensive list of diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems, kidneys, and surgical pathologies.

A change in the smell of urine in women signals a possible onset of a disease of the reproductive system

What is the normal smell of urine?

The smell of urine during the standard analysis is not measured and is not considered diagnostic. There is no such column on the result sheet.

However, the sample should not emit a sharp or strong odor. Normally, urine has a faint, barely perceptible odor, given by a small amount of ammonia formed during life.

Causes of Bad Urine Smell

The smell of urine depends on the quality of hygiene, the amount of hormones, other biological substances and the presence of salts in urine. Also, in women, when urinating, urine is contaminated with secretions from the vagina.

All changes in women and girls can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Natural causes that do not affect the general condition of the body.
  2. A sign of diseases of the endocrine, urinary, reproductive system.

natural causes

You should not worry in the following cases:

  1. The fragrance is concentrated in the panty liner or comes from underwear, but nothing bothers you while urinating. Review the manufacturer of hygiene products and discard synthetic materials - they provoke the appearance of a specific smell.
  2. Food products - garlic, onions, cabbage - give the biological fluids in the body a certain flavor. Amber from foods may be present for up to 24 hours after consumption. With an excess of dairy products in the diet, urine gives off milk.
  3. Taking medications - B vitamins, antibiotics, statins - enhances the smell of urine. If you are taking any medications on a regular basis, you should inform the laboratory assistant before sampling. The aroma of medicines, iodine is preserved for 3 days after their cancellation.
  4. Hormonal changes - during menopause, during menstruation or during pregnancy. At the same time, all other indicators in the studied urine sample should be normal, there should be no inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.
  5. Violation of hygiene rules. With insufficient care for the genitals.
  6. Life on protein diets - Kremlin, Dukan, dry fasting. Urine begins to stink of acetone. This is a sign of an acidotic crisis, in which the body begins to use protein from muscle tissue. In this case, the diet should be stopped.

Urine changes odor with different diets

Pathological causes

Urine with an odor is not the only diagnostic sign, but a change in aroma can indicate dysfunctions in the body.

The smell of acetone

A sign of active breakdown of proteins in the body with the production of ketones. They are actively excreted, so the urine smells bad. An excess of ketones can give human secretions the smell of iron and other metals.

Cause this state:

  • abuse of animal food;
  • starvation;
  • prolonged fever, dehydration;
  • high physical activity;
  • drinking alcohol in large quantities, a state after binge;
  • after surgery using general anesthesia;
  • intoxication with pesticides, heavy metals;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

The smell of acetone in the urine appears after drinking alcohol in large quantities

Also, if urine smells like acetone, it can be caused by diabetes mellitus - pancreatic cells do not produce insulin.

The aroma of acetone appears when a patient skips an insulin injection. Additional symptoms of this condition are thirst, frequent nocturnal urination, nausea. In this case, the appearance of a sour or sweet aroma is possible.

The gestational form of diabetes mellitus develops from the 12th week of pregnancy. In this case, the pancreas can not cope with the increased load. After childbirth, the situation normalizes on its own.


This substance is the basis of urea. But the intensification, the appearance of a pungent odor is a sign of the following diseases:

  1. Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis - cloudy urine with an odor, blood may be released. Urination is painful, there is heaviness in the lumbar region, nausea. In the blood test, the level of leukocytes is increased.
  2. Malignant neoplasms of the kidneys, bladder.
  3. Tuberculosis.

In patients with tuberculosis, the urine has a strong smell of ammonia.

Rotten egg smell

Occurs with excessive alcohol intake. Other pathologies that accompany the aroma of hydrogen sulfide:

  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys;
  • liver failure as a result of hepatitis, cirrhosis, organ fibrosis.
  • fistulous passage between the intestines and the bladder - while gases, fecal masses from the intestines enter the urinary tract.

Liver diseases are accompanied by the aroma of hydrogen sulfide

Urine smells like fish

Fishy aroma can provoke 3 conditions:

  1. Gardnerellosis - dysbacteriosis of the vaginal flora.
  2. Trimethylaminuria is the overproduction and accumulation of the amino acid trimethylamine. This is a genetic disorder. It smells strongly of the skin, secretions. The carrier of the smell usually does not notice it, but it is heard by others.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys, urinary tract.

Dysbacteriosis of the vaginal flora - the cause of the fishy smell of urine

Stench or sweetish odor

Morning smells of urine. As a rule, the cause of such trouble in the morning is the lack of fluid entering the body, stagnation of urine.

Pathological causes include:

  • diabetes;
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys.

About kidney tumors, urine can acquire a sweet smell

All pathological causes that provoke a change in body odor, urine, and other biological secretions have additional symptoms, the general condition should be analyzed and examined.

The unpleasant smell of urine in women often appears during the development of serious diseases. The sooner the cause of what is happening is identified, the greater the chances of a quick successful cure. The problem can occur at any age, so every lady needs to remember the basic premises of why urine began to change.

Safe causes of appearance

Sometimes the changed smell of urine in women indicates the impact of factors that are not related to diseases. Among them are:

  • Long-term therapy with the use of antibacterial drugs, as well as B vitamins. In this situation, the urine smells badly of medicines. After the end of the treatment, her aroma will be restored.
  • If the lady's diet includes onions, garlic, coriander seeds or horseradish in large quantities, then the urine acquires an appropriate smell. For similar reasons, urine can smell like roasted seeds or smoked meat. At the same time, it remains yellow and of a normal consistency.
  • The specific smell of urine is found in women with age. It is caused by hormonal changes that occur in the body. For the same reason, a similar symptom may appear during pregnancy or during menstruation.
  • The aroma can also change if the proper hygiene of the genital organs is violated.
  • Often the cause of the stink is a protein diet. A large amount of this product on the menu leads to disturbances in the liver. If such a problem is detected, it is necessary to immediately return to a full-fledged diet.
  • If urine smells only in the morning, this may indicate dehydration at night. A similar problem will turn out to be untimely emptying of the bladder. Sometimes this causes the spread of a bacterial infection.

Normally, the repulsive odor disappears a day after the cause of its appearance has been eliminated. Otherwise, you need to undergo a medical examination.

Causes of repulsive odors

A change in the smell of urine indicates the development of dangerous diseases, as evidenced by the results of numerous studies. A specific diagnosis can be determined based on the aroma notes that will prevail in the biological material.

Sour smell

A key prerequisite for the appearance of a sour smell from urine in a woman is the effect of a yeast-like fungus. A similar symptom is accompanied by candidiasis, candidal urethritis and other problems. There are other signs as well:

  • Cloudy yellow urine.
  • White discharge appears from the vagina. They have a curdled texture.
  • Begins to pursue severe itching of the genitals.
  • A whitish coating appears on the labia and mucous surfaces of the vagina.

It will be possible to eliminate the sour smell of urine only after a course of therapy. Antimycotic suppositories and creams are used. In severe cases, tablets are prescribed. Drugs that restore the normal microflora of the vagina are also prescribed.

During treatment, the use of spices, mushrooms, confectionery, fatty and fried foods is prohibited. Vegetables, unsweetened fruits, cereals, sea kale and fresh herbs will help speed up the healing process.

What causes the fishy smell?

One of the most common reasons why urine smells strongly is diseases transmitted between sexual partners. At the same time, the stench resembles rotten fish. This symptom is accompanied by the following venereal diseases:

  • Trichomoniasis. The reason for its development was Trichomonas. The first signs of the problem appear four weeks after infection. Vaginal discharge changes. They become frothy and acquire an unpleasant odor. The genitals swell and change their color. There are painful sensations during intercourse.
  • Chlamydia. The disease appears after penetration into the body of chlamydia. This happens during vaginal or anal contact. Initial symptoms are discomfort when emptying the bladder. Unnatural discharge from the vagina appears, they often contain an admixture of blood. A woman constantly feels discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Ureaplasmosis. The defeat of the genitourinary system ureaplasma. The infection quickly spreads to the areas of the appendages and uterus. If therapy is not started on time, serious complications develop, including infertility. Urolithiasis may appear.
  • Mycoplasmosis. Becomes a consequence of infection of the genitals with mycoplasmas. The result of this will be the development of urethritis, bacterial vaginosis, pyelonephritis and other serious complications.
  • Gonorrhea. It is diagnosed after gonococci enter the human body. In the emerging secretions, impurities of pus are found. Pain is felt when urinating. A woman is tormented by itching and severe discomfort in the genital area.

In such situations, women will need a course of antibiotic therapy. At the same time, doctors prescribe medications that restore the normal microflora in the vagina. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection spreads throughout the urinary and reproductive system, which causes serious complications.

Another cause of a pungent fishy odor is trimethylaminuria. This is a disease of a genetic nature, in which there is no full regulation of the production of liver enzymes. Most often, such a problem is diagnosed at an early age, but sometimes it can manifest itself much later. The only method of treatment is the intake of adsorbent drugs, as well as a diet with a reduced protein content.

The cause of the unpleasant smell of urine in women is often a violation of metabolic processes. As a result, a huge amount of substances accumulate in the cells, leading to the appearance of stench.

Appearance of notes of ammonia

Ammonia compounds are present in the urine of every person. If it starts to smell much stronger, this indicates the development of one of the following diseases:

  • Inflammatory processes in various parts of the urinary system: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and so on.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Renal failure.
  • With diabetes.
  • Oncological diseases. Not only the aroma changes, but also the color of the urine.

Sometimes a similar symptom is not related to the disease. Notes of ammonia are felt in the urine of a person who takes drugs with a high concentration of calcium and iron or is forced to hold back urination for a long time.

Causes of sweet smell

Urine takes on a sweet smell in women suffering from leucinosis. This problem is inherited. It is associated with a violation of the formation of enzymes involved in the breakdown of amino acids. As a result, these substances accumulate in the cells of the body, which provokes the manifestation of the disease.

Among other signs of the disease are noted: convulsions, impaired coordination of movements, bouts of vomiting. It is impossible to cure completely, which means that the patient will have to adhere to a dietary diet for the rest of her life. This is the only way to eliminate the sweet smell of urine.

Causes of rotten egg odor

If the urine smells like rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide, this indicates an infection of the urinary tract with Escherichia coli. The reason for this phenomenon is unprotected sexual contact with the carrier of the infection or the lack of proper hygiene of the genitals.

Once in the ureter, E. coli is firmly attached to its walls. It is impossible to remove it by douching. If the problem is not identified in time, the pathogen rises up the urinary system and reaches the bladder. Against the background of a weakened immune system, the pathogen multiplies. The woman feels frequent urge to go to the toilet. Urine smells like eggs. Sometimes it may contain an admixture of pus or blood. Efficiency decreases, apathy and loss of strength appear.

Sometimes the urine of a person who consumes excessive amounts of asparagus acquires the smell of rotten eggs. In such a situation, the normal state of urine is restored 6 hours after the rejection of this food product.

In exceptional cases, such a symptom indicates the development of oncological diseases. Therefore, when it appears, it is necessary to consult an oncologist.

Why does urine smell like rotting apples?

A pungent odor often appears with diabetes. This phenomenon is explained by the increased content of acetone in the blood of a sick person. Moreover, the higher the level of sugar in the blood, the brighter and richer the aroma is.

A particularly strong rotten smell haunts diabetics suffering from ketoacidosis. This disease indicates a severe course of diabetes mellitus. The fetid odor in this case comes not only from urine, but also from other human biological fluids. The appearance of a putrid odor from the human body is noted, as acetone penetrates sweat.

If a woman has inflammation of the genitourinary system, the stench can become simply unbearable. When the infection is localized in the kidneys, the concentration of protein in the patient's urine increases, which immediately begins to decompose and exude stench. Such diabetic complications cause cloudy urine, an increase in its viscosity. Often small white flakes are found in it.

Aroma of beer

If the smell of urine has changed dramatically and beer notes have begun to be caught in it, this indicates the development of malsorption. This term refers to a condition in which the intestines do not fully absorb nutrients from food. This provokes a change in the chemical composition of all body fluids. Other symptoms of the problem include the appearance of fatty diarrhea and weight loss.

A strange smell from urine can be the result of hypermethioninemia. This condition is characterized by a sharp increase in the level of methionine in the blood. The first manifestations of the problem are detected at an early age.

The beer smell of urine in women can also appear with liver failure. In this case, the urine acquires a dark saturated hue. The effectiveness of therapy in such a situation depends on the stage at which the disease is detected. If the disease has developed into hepatitis, then the treatment will be difficult and lengthy. The appearance of a persistent smell of raw liver in urine is characteristic. In some cases, urine may smell like garlic or fish.

What causes moldy smell?

The change in the odor of urine occurs under the influence of a violation of the normal fermentation process in the liver. The body loses the ability to fully process phenylalanine. As a result, this substance that caused the problem accumulates in the cells of the body. At the same time, not only urine begins to smell unpleasant, but also saliva, sweat, and other biological fluids.

In addition to the persistent aroma of mold, other symptoms of the disease are also noted:

  • Depression, lethargy, decreased performance.
  • The appearance of seizures.
  • Lag in mental and physical development.

After identifying such a cause and treatment should be started immediately. It is carried out under the vigilant supervision of a physician. The main method of therapy is the adjustment of the diet. This only relieves the existing symptoms. It is impossible to completely cope with the disease.

Failure to comply with the instructions of a specialist causes damage to the central nervous system, as well as the brain. The consequence of this may be the imbecility or idiocy of the child. The disease is hereditary.

Why does the body smell like urine?

The presence of a strong smell of urine from the human body indicates in favor of the development of uridrosis. This is a disease in which an excessive amount of toxins containing nitrogenous compounds is excreted from the body with sweat. The composition of biological fluids changes, they acquire a bad smell.

The main symptom of the disease is the deposition of urate crystals in the armpits and groin. They have a brownish-red tint and an unpleasant smell of urine. It is impossible to eliminate this aroma with the help of deodorizing agents. The stench does not disappear even after taking a bath or shower.

The released ammonia is irritating to the skin. Because of this, a woman is constantly tormented by a feeling of discomfort, severe itching, hemorrhagic spots appear.

If a person begins to smell like urine, this is an occasion to immediately undergo a medical examination. You will have to visit not only a dermatovenereologist and a therapist, but also a nephrologist. An MRI of the whole body would be ideal. This will help pinpoint the cause of this unusual problem.

Women need to treat diseases comprehensively. First of all, the patient must follow the right diet. Affected areas of the skin must be cleaned regularly with specialized products. This will help fight not only the smell, but also the formation of microtraumas and cracks. Several times a day, the epidermis is treated with zinc-based ointments. Taking baths with the addition of medicinal plants is shown: string, chamomile, birch buds.

When an unpleasant smell appears, the first desire of a person is to mask it with a deodorant. Doing this is not worth it. The stench from a smelling body will simply mix with the aroma of a cosmetic product, which will make it simply unbearable. The only way to alleviate the condition is to take a shower as often as possible.

Therapy Methods

If the urine smells unnatural, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of what is happening as soon as possible. This can be done only after carrying out diagnostic measures in a hospital. Based on the results of the research, the doctor will develop the right treatment.

A key part of treating repulsive urine odor in women is changing the diet. You will have to give up confectionery, pastries, smoked meats, fried foods, spices. The menu should include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Drink more fluids. Benefits will bring not only pure water, but also decoctions of medicinal herbs, juices, berry fruit drinks and compotes without added sugar.

When, you should pay special attention to the observance of personal hygiene standards. Washing without the use of detergents is recommended after each bowel movement. This will prevent the infection from passing from the intestine to the vagina. To wash the genitals, use only specialized gentle products, ordinary soap is not suitable for this. If possible, avoid using panty liners. They create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.

A strong immune system will help you deal with the problem faster. Walking in the fresh air, playing sports, visiting the pool will help to increase the protective functions of the body. Start every morning with gymnastics.

Several folk recipes

You can cope with the fact that urine has an unpleasant odor with the help of traditional medicine. Such a technique can only act as an addition to the main course of therapy. Experts identify several effective recipes:

  • Soak a spoonful of dried currant leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. Warm up in a water bath for 20 minutes. Filter the prepared remedy and take a quarter cup three times a day.
  • Apple juice will help to cope with the fragrance of urine. They drink it every day. It helps to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, cleanse the liver and kidneys.
  • Rosehip infusion is considered an excellent bactericidal and diuretic. Two handfuls of dried fruits are steamed with a liter of boiling water and insisted in a thermos all night. The next day, the filtered liquid is taken in a glass three times a day.

In some people, these drugs can provoke allergic reactions. In this case, therapy should be stopped and a specialist should be consulted.

There are many reasons for the appearance of foreign odors in the urine of women. Only by establishing the origin of the problem can you successfully get rid of it. Do not self-medicate, in severe cases this can lead to the development of serious complications.

Urine is a biological fluid through which the body gets rid of decay products, toxins and toxic substances. , which does not have any health problems, does not have a pronounced smell or foreign inclusions, has transparency and various options for yellow shades. Deviation from the norms is a direct indicator of violations of the functioning of internal systems and organs.

A change in the smell of urine in women can be the first alarming symptom of serious diseases and pathologies. In some cases, this may be the result of taking medications or certain types of food. However, in the vast majority of situations, urine with a pungent odor is a sign of serious problems, which must be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

A portion of fresh urine from a healthy person does not smell, the appearance of ammonia vapors, which are a natural product of waste products, is acceptable. For an exception, one can name the appearance of the smell of food eaten the day before, consumed drinks that have pronounced aromas. This refers to the number of norms, is not considered as a pathology.


A negative change in the smell of urine in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may occur due to the influence of a wide range of predisposing factors. These can be divided into two broad subgroups, each separately includes pathological, physiological or natural causes.

Factors classified as variants of the norms of physiology do not have a negative impact on the state, activity of the body, leading to the appearance of individual signs, which include the smell of urine in women. Pathological causes should be given as primary symptoms that may indicate the development of diseases, pathologies.

What does the unpleasant odor present in the biological fluid, separated during the act of urination, indicate? The issue should be considered in detail, since this aspect is one of the fundamental ones for an objective assessment of the state of health.

Physiological causes

Unpleasant smell of urine in women can be caused by a number of natural factors. Then there are no reasons for concern, but it is recommended to track the dynamics of the further state. Physiological aspects include:

  • If urine began to change for the worse, an unpleasant synthetic smell appeared, which is concentrated mainly on linen and does not appear directly when visiting the toilet, it makes sense to pay attention to the quality of clothing. Underpants, hygiene products made from cheap materials, can give urine a pungent stench that gets stronger by the end of the day.
  • To become the cause of a pungent odor in urine in women, various kinds of medications can be taken, which include iodine-containing drugs, vitamins. An unpleasant strange odor may persist for several days after the course of treatment is completed.
  • Food eaten the day before can affect the quality of urine. A sharp pungent odor may be due to the use of garlic, sauerkraut, sour milk, spices, lactic acid products, large amounts of meat, heavy, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, strong coffee.
  • Violation of personal hygiene standards, expressed in the lack of proper care for the genital area - there is a bad smell from the body in the intimate area.
  • Changes and disturbances in the hormonal background that occur with age, after conception, during the menstrual period can cause changes in the quality of urine. If urine smells strongly, it is recommended to visit a specialist to exclude the occurrence of pathologies and diseases.

Since we are talking about the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, it is impossible not to mention the predilection of many ladies for following strict diets. The unpleasant smell of urine, the causes of which were discussed above, in women may be due to following a specific diet based on the consumption of large amounts of protein foods.

Pathological causes

The pungent smell of urine indicates the development of pathologies, diseases, and is the first wake-up call that should not be ignored. Depending on which version of the amber has urine, you can suspect deviations and health problems. If the smell of urine has changed, this may indicate a number of the following problems:

  1. Acetone. If the urine smells of a substance, this is a consequence of a violation of protein metabolism, it can indicate the development of a number of the following pathologies: severe dehydration of the body, fever, general intoxication due to the use of large amounts of alcohol, a number of prohibited drugs, potent drugs, heavy metal poisoning, damage to the digestive organs tract malignant or benign neoplasms.
  2. Ammonia. The substance is produced by the human body in small quantities. The answer to the question why it smells strong is simple - there is a high probability of serious violations, failures in the activity of the organs of the excretory system.
  3. A sweet smell, fetid amber can talk about the development of tumor-like formations. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of a clinical sign in the morning after waking up. The sweet smell of urine is one of the main signs of urolithiasis.
  4. A fishy or mouse smell indicates the development of diseases associated with inflammatory processes, dysbacteriosis of the organs of the reproductive system. It is important to see a specialist to diagnose the condition if the urine is cloudy. The sign indicates the local prevalence of pathological processes.
  5. The smelly, sour smell of urine, the amber of rotten eggs is a consequence of the abuse of drinks containing alcohol, the occurrence of fistulas in the tissues of the bladder, colon.
  6. Moldy smell from urine. Such a pathology is a consequence of a violation of metabolic, enzymatic processes in the liver tissues, as a result of which the quality and composition of all variants of the biological fluids of the body are disturbed, changed.

Regardless of the specifics, features of amber, you should pay attention to the duration of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. The strong smell of urine in women, if it was noticed once, and not on an ongoing basis, is the result of changes, hormonal imbalances that the female body undergoes more often than the male one. If the amber that caused anxiety was noted once, there is virtually no reason for worry.

Urine tends to be updated, thereby reflecting the state of the body. If negative manifestations have been noticed more than once, you should pay close attention to your own health. It is possible to make a diagnosis in case of violation of the composition and quality of urine only after determining the cause, and treatment is prescribed taking into account the symptomatic manifestations of existing pathologies or diseases.

Body odor

Separately, one should consider the unpleasant for the patient, his immediate environment, the phenomenon of amber of urine emanating from the body. Why does a person smell like urine? If we discard such options as non-observance of the basic rules, personal hygiene standards, it is quite possible to say that the patient suffers from uridrosis. A particularly specific unpleasant odor is expressed in people with excessive sweating.

The disease is associated with a violation of metabolic processes, the result of which is the excretion of an excess amount of nitrogenous substances from the body with sweat, followed by their deposition on the skin of the armpits, in the groin area, and other places where sweat glands are located in abundance. The result of the pathology is a sharp unpleasant stench of urine emanating from a person.

The condition should be treated without fail, fetid amber is the tip of the iceberg, the lack of adequate therapy can cause serious consequences. As for the methods of eliminating symptoms, they currently do not exist. It is almost impossible to get rid of the stench through the use of deodorant or perfumes, they give a temporary result, and when mixed with sweat, they increase the unpleasant fragrance at times.

To eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon, water procedures should be carried out several times throughout the day. It is recommended to use an antiperspirant that has no fragrance, this measure will help reduce the intensity of sweating and the appearance of an unpleasant repulsive amber. It is important to choose an antiperspirant taking into account the characteristics of the skin, irritation, redness of the skin will lead to the appearance of a strong amber.

Diagnostic procedures

It is worth going through diagnostic procedures that will help determine the factors that have a negative impact on the composition and quality of urine in women. Common procedures are, for example, the following:

  • Conducted in the laboratory directed, general analyzes of urine, hemolymph.
  • Taking a cervical smear.
  • Ultrasound examination of organs located in the pelvic area.

As additional options, if the above methods are not reliable enough, research options such as PCR, bacterial culture, and computed tomography can be used.

Treatment Methods

If the urine has an uncharacteristic aroma, it has become cloudy, changed yellow, acquired a suspicious structure, this is not due to the influence of physiological causes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A universal remedy that could help if urine smells bad simply does not exist. This is due to the multifactorial nature of the reasons that can have a direct impact on the composition and quality of urine. Several common therapies aimed at eliminating the pathology should be considered:

  1. Hormonal disorders caused by age-related, menopausal or other changes are eliminated by taking appropriate drugs that help restore the balance of certain substances in the body.
  2. Against the background of the development of inflammatory processes, diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, antibiotics, antibacterial and immunomodulating agents are required.
  3. If urine stinks due to a violation of the natural microflora of internal organs, the use of drugs is required - prebiotics, agents that help eliminate factors that have had a direct impact on the development of pathology.

Of course, the list of treatment methods that can be used against the background of such an unpleasant symptom as the sharp aroma of urine is much wider, as well as the list of reasons leading to its occurrence.

Folk remedies

If the reason why urine smells has been identified, it does not have pathological prerequisites, for example, a pungent odor is the result of the use of drugs, food, and other harmless reasons, it is recommended to pay attention to traditional medicine recipes that will help cope with an unpleasant phenomenon.

  • Apple juice. A simple, tasty remedy will help remove toxins from the organs of the digestive tract, excretory system, saturate the body with important substances it needs. It is important to remember that only freshly squeezed juice can benefit, which should be consumed daily.
  • If urine smells strongly in women, it is recommended to regularly take a delicious compote of rose hips. The drink helps to saturate the body with an important substance for it - vitamin C, helps to remove toxins, toxins, decay products. To prepare a drink, it is enough to brew a small handful of fruits with hot water, boil, and soak for a couple of hours. You can drink the drink separately, adding honey, sugar to it, or in combination with ordinary black tea, which does not detract from its beneficial properties.
  • Tea made from dried blackcurrant leaves is no less effective. To prepare a drink, pour a handful of raw materials with boiling water, insist. Drink it alone or in combination with the usual black tea.

Not every modern woman pays attention to the fragrance, the color of urine, until the unpleasant amber becomes pronounced. Namely, the quality of the biological fluid is the primary indicator of the activity of internal systems, organs, the correct functioning of the body. The slightest malfunctions of the body are reflected in the composition, smell of urine. For the timely detection of pathologies, the implementation of adequate therapeutic measures, it is important to know whether the quality of the fluid corresponds to the norms or has deviations.

: causes and treatment. If an unpleasant smell of urine appears, then this is a sign of some disease of the genitourinary system or internal organs and it is necessary, in such cases, to consult a specialist. When a person is healthy, the urine does not have any unpleasant odor, only when it stands for a long time, it begins to exude the smell of ammonia. Urine acquires an unpleasant odor in the following cases:

  1. If there are lingering pains in the lower back and at the same time the urine has an unpleasant odor, this is a sign that an inflammatory process (pyelonephritis) has begun in the kidneys;
  2. If during urination there are cutting pains in the bladder area, if the urine is cloudy and has an unpleasant ammonia smell, then this is a sign of a disease such as cystitis;
  3. If there is purulent and bloody discharge in the urine, then this indicates inflammation of the urethra (urethritis);
  4. In diabetes, the urine has an apple smell; and etc.

Urine is practically a sterile liquid. In the people, it is used as a remedy for many diseases, both internal and external.

In case of any disease, various substances are excreted with the help of urine - the waste products of bacteria. And if your urine has changed - its color, smell, consistency - this is a serious reason to go to an appointment with a general practitioner and take tests to identify the causes of this deviation.

Especially if you notice the appearance of the smell of ammonia - a characteristic sharp pungent odor. At the same time, we can already conclude that you are beginning to have some kind of inflammatory phenomenon. The resulting inflammatory process can be the result of many factors. These include: hypothermia, weakening of the immune system, cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis.

It happens that urine begins to emit a sweet smell with a hint of acetone. If this happens against the background of constant strong thirst, weight loss, increased dryness of the skin, vision problems, calf spasms, urge to go to the toilet at night, this is a sign of diabetes mellitus, and you should immediately take a sugar test.

The unpleasant smell of urine, reeking of putrefaction and feces, indicates the presence of suppuration processes in the urinary organs, as well as genital infections, gangrenous phenomena. In addition, such a smell is a sign of a vesico-rectal fistula. In other words, damage and decomposition of the tissues of the excretory system begins. The seriousness of these phenomena is not in doubt.

We also feel the smell of urine, similar to rancid oil or the smell of rotten cabbage, which is a signal of an increased content of methionine in the liquid medium of the body - hypermethioninemia.

The smell of mold is caused by phenylketonuria, in which the by-products of phenylalanine metabolism accumulate in the body. Phenylketonuria leads to severe damage to the central nervous system.

An unpleasant smell of urine sometimes occurs after sexual intercourse. This is a consequence of the disturbed microflora of the genital organs, which in turn appears as a result of cystitis, thrush, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

A strong unpleasant smell of urine in men is possible in the case of prostate adenoma. This increases the anterior bladder and there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. Excess urine accumulates in the channels, which causes inflammation.

Well, another reason for the unpleasant smell of urine is the abuse of alcohol, especially beer, spicy and salty foods.

How to remove bad smell?

Getting rid of the smell of urine can only be in the case of a thorough study of the causes and the appointment of adequate treatment. From folk remedies, you can recommend any diuretic fees, drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, rosehips, horsetail, knotweed. That is, those herbs and plants that have cleansing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the key point in the treatment is to adhere to the right balanced diet with the rejection of alcohol, salty, fatty, spicy, pickled and spicy.