Snot in a dog is a common cold, or a sign of a serious illness. How to treat a runny nose in a dog grunting

A runny nose (rhinitis) in a dog will never appear just like that. With increased production of mucus, the nose of the animal reacts to foreign elements (for example, motes) or representatives of pathogenic microflora, whose active life threatens its health.

What causes a runny nose in a pet. Symptoms

You can try to cure a runny nose in a dog on your own, but for a start, MirSovetov will remind you what you absolutely cannot do. If a pet feels unwell due to a foreign object stuck in its nose, do not try to wash it with a stream of water or rinse its nose with drops - the rubbish will push even deeper.

If the dog has a lot of nasal discharge, soak gauze turunda with warm water or chamomile decoction and use it to remove dirt and mucus around the nostrils and from the nose itself. Anandin or Maksidin 0.15% should be in the pet's first aid kit - these are effective antiviral and immunomodulatory solutions. They are instilled 1-2 drops into each nasal passage for dogs of small and medium size, and for large comrades weighing more than 40 kg, a single dose is increased to 3 drops. Gently acting, both drugs do an excellent job with inflammation, blocking the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The medicine is used up to 3 times a day, after cleaning the pet's nose from a mucous or liquid secretion.

If after 2-3 days the situation with a runny nose has not changed dramatically and the pet continues to breathe noisily and rub its face with its paws, you should make an appointment with a veterinarian. Perhaps the specialist will find other signs of the disease in the dog that the owner did not notice - then adequate and timely treatment will be prescribed.

Before visiting the veterinarian, you need to carefully monitor the nature of the discharge from the pet’s nose: whether they are plentiful or scarce, what color and consistency they have, at what time of the day they are the most (after eating, after walking, after waking up the dog).

You should also not lose sight of the fact that a sick dog should not lie on a cold surface or in a draft, and the best dish for a pet in this state is semi-liquid, not hot food.

At the vet's appointment

The more fully the dog owner describes to the doctor the external picture of his pet's malaise, the faster the specialist will suspect and, ultimately, discover the cause of rhinitis. To confirm the diagnosis, the dog may take a blood test and a swab from the nose. In some cases, x-rays or biopsies are used for research. In the process of local treatment, drugs are usually used in the form of ointments, drops and sprays. However, the dog owner needs to understand that these remedies only eliminate the symptoms, and not the factor that caused the rhinitis. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and, as they say, to the point: for allergies - antihistamines, for bacteria - antibacterial drugs, for viruses - antiviral drugs, etc. It is better not to trust the health of your friend to the advice of friends or other amateur dog breeders. Dogs should only be treated by a qualified doctor.

A dog, like any other animal, is susceptible to infection by various diseases. In this article, we will tell you what causes a runny nose in a dog, what are the symptoms of the onset of the disease, and, of course, what to do and how to treat your pet with such a disease.

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What is rhinitis in dogs?

Snot in a dog is caused by a disease such as rhinitis. Rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. As you understand, such an infection is accompanied by secretions that flow from the nose. They are usually green and are characteristic of both adults and puppies.

By its nature, this infection can be:

  • hemorrhagic;
  • catarrhal;
  • follicular;
  • or coarse.

In practice, most animals catch rhinitis in the winter season.

Symptoms of inflammation of the nasal mucosa

So, if the dog has already developed a runny nose, then most likely you will be able to see other symptoms of the disease:

  • your pet loses his mood, the dog practically stops playing, in general, his condition can be regarded as lethargic;
  • another symptom of the disease is a decrease in appetite, that is, the animal can eat, but without enthusiasm, as before, it will not pay attention to the goodies that you gave it earlier;
  • It is not necessary to check the body temperature, as it may be slightly elevated or kept at a normal level, so this is not a 100% indicator;
  • an important symptom is the fact that the pet sneezes, and does it very often, and not as in cases where it simply inhaled dust;
  • in addition to the fact that the pet sneezes, he will constantly lick his lips to remove discharge from under his nose;
  • also, the animal will regularly sniff or snort, which is directly related to a runny nose;
  • the pet may rub its nose against furniture or other household items to drown out the itch from snot;
  • in such cases, the dog will have very difficult breathing, a little lengthened, whistling is possible, as is the case with a person when he catches a cold.

But that's not all. If the rhinitis is sufficiently advanced or the dog simply has a more complex form of the disease, then her shortness of breath can be mixed. If you look at the nasal mucosa, you can see a serious course. In most cases, if the snot flows constantly, the openings of the nose become clogged with unpleasant secretions, in some cases, pus or blood clots can be seen.

In addition, the animal will have a reddened mucous membrane. If suddenly your puppy or adult dog has chronic purulent rhinitis, then this is even worse. In such cases, the disease proceeds for a very long time, exacerbations may occur from time to time. Moreover, the pet can significantly lose weight. If you look into the mucosa, you will see how it has turned pale, ulcers and wounds will be visible on it.

As for follicular or croupous rhinitis, it is not so common in pets.

But in these cases, the dog:

  • the temperature rises significantly, you can feel it with your hand;
  • the dog behaves very sluggishly, can lie in one place for hours and not move;
  • the pet is breathing very hard.

In such cases, deposits from secretions will also appear on the inside of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, which will have a gray or gray-yellow color. Ulcers will be visible under these deposits. In the case of the follicular nature of the disease, a few days after infection on the mucous membrane, you will see many nodules that have a yellowish or gray tint. When they disappear, more visible wounds will appear in their place. As a rule, such forms of the disease last about three weeks, but usually everything ends well for the animal.

Causes of nasal discharge in a pet

Now consider the reasons why a dog could catch rhinitis:

  1. Illness due to hypothermia. In the event of a sharp temperature drop, when, for example, the dog ran out of a warm room and stayed in the cold for a long time, the mucous membranes, namely the nasal mucosa, suffer first of all. than a temporary ailment, which usually goes away without specific treatment. But if this does not go away in a day or two, then it is quite possible that the dog will begin to develop rhinitis.
  2. In case of chronic deviations. Rhinitis in a puppy can be the result of a predisposition of the body, that is, an allergic reaction to more complex diseases, such as a cold or pneumonia. In addition, infectious diseases of the mucous membranes can also serve as a cause.
  3. Sometimes the cause of rhinitis is damage to the respiratory system. This can occur as a result of frequent inhalation of acrid smoke, harmful fumes, or if dust enters the mucous membrane, as well as larger harmful particles that cause irritation.
  4. Weakening of the immune system caused by more complex diseases. If the animal's immunity is weak, then it is most vulnerable to this kind of ailment, especially if during this period the dog spends a lot of time in the cold. Or, for example, if there is a lack of vitamins A, B, C in the pet’s body.

Forms of the disease

As for the form of the course of the disease, it can be:

  1. Acute. In this case, rhinitis is provoked by constant irritation of the mucous membrane, which occurs as a result of a sharp temperature drop, colds. Acute rhinitis usually resolves in a mild form and, as a rule, does not reach the second stage. In this case, if you take the time to treat your animal, he will recover in 1-2 weeks.
  2. Chronic. The chronic form is the result of an allergy. Usually it is treated without problems, but if the dog has a predisposition, then rhinitis will definitely manifest itself more than once. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to identify the disease itself, which is the root cause.

How to treat a runny nose in a dog?

So, what should the owner do and how to treat his four-legged friend? The question of how to cure an animal at home is of interest to many dog ​​owners, so further we will talk about how the treatment is carried out.

  1. To begin with, you should reduce the time of walking on the street, if the dog lives in the house, then it is necessary to eliminate all possible drafts, and the sleeping place of the animal should be insulated. To treat a dog, vitamins A and E must be added to his diet.
  2. The pet's nose, namely the bridge of the nose, should be warmed up with warm salt or sand.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide moisten places with ulcers, it is necessary to make sure that there are no wounds at all after peroxide, lubricate the wounds with petroleum jelly.
  4. If the skin of the nose is cracked, then it should be treated with Streptocid, it is better to use a powder than an ointment.
  5. If the dog cannot breathe, then do the following. Treat with drops. Furacilin or Maksidin drops or special veterinary drops are bought. Treatment can be carried out with a decoction of chamomile, but only in the absence of allergies. It is necessary to drip 2-3 drops into each nostril. Sometimes you can use children's Pinosol, but it is prescribed solely on the advice of a veterinarian.
  6. You can do dog inhalation. To do this, you can try to lubricate the mouth of the animal with an ointment containing glycerin, boric acid and menthol, but most likely you will not be able to do this. Therefore, you can try to get the dog to inhale the steam of boiled potatoes. In this case, the head of the animal does not need to be covered.

Do not try to give the dog human drops, such as Naphthyzinum, this will only worsen the condition of the dog!

In any case, before embarking on self-treatment, we strongly recommend that you consult a veterinarian on this issue. Only a doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and further treatment that will save your pet from the disease.

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Video "Diagnosis and treatment of rhinitis in dogs"

In this video you can see how the diagnosis and treatment of rhinitis in four-legged pets is carried out.

Dogs are susceptible to many of the diseases that humans face. A runny nose in a dog is a common inflammation of the mucous membranes of the sinuses. It is important to recognize this disease at an early stage, while the disease has an initial form. It is necessary to find the cause of the disease, because sometimes a runny nose speaks not about the usual, but about or inflammation of the larynx.

Along with a runny nose, there are common symptoms that indicate a dog's malaise:

  • The state of the animal becomes lethargic, the dog does not show interest in favorite toys, spends most of the time in a dream, may refuse to go for a walk.
  • Perhaps a decrease in appetite or its complete loss, even the once-favorite delicacies do not cause the same emotions.
  • In some cases, an increased was recorded, but even if it is normal, this does not indicate the health of the dog.

Symptoms that indicate a runny nose in a dog are as follows:

  • The pet starts often, and this is not due to the fact that he inhaled dust. Against this background, dryness of the nasopharynx appears, the dog licks its nose, tries to reach it with its paw.
  • Breathing is difficult, especially when the dog is sleeping. There is a whistle from the nose, sniffling, snorting. Such sounds are similar to the sounds of a cold person.
  • It can be seen that discharges have formed in the nose and under it, they can be liquid or viscous, transparent and swampy, it depends on the causative agent of the disease. Frozen crusts appear under the nose.
  • Due to severe itching, the dog may rub its muzzle against the furniture.

All these symptoms indicate the classic form of the disease, but there are also advanced cases. If a runny nose is not treated for a long time, then the nasal passage will be completely clogged, the dog will not be able to breathe correctly, it will inhale and exhale air through the mouth - this can be heard right away.

If the disease takes a serious turn, then the discharge from the nose becomes purulent, sometimes streaks of blood are visible in them. At the same time, the inner shell of the sinuses swells up, acquires an inflamed appearance of a pink color. Such symptoms indicate that the animal has long been suffering from an illness. At this stage, the dog may lose weight, cracks appear near the nose, and a depressed state is noted.

In the case of follicular rhinitis, growths appear on the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, when they are sore, wounds remain in their place. You can not remove them manually, otherwise you can bring the infection.

An accurate diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a doctor. The veterinarian will determine the form of rhinitis, determine the stage of the course of the disease, or come to the conclusion that a runny nose is one of the symptoms of another disease.

Causes of rhinitis in dogs

Before proceeding with the treatment of the animal, the exact cause of the common cold is established. Often the causative agent of rhinitis is harmful microorganisms, viruses, bacteria. Nasal congestion can appear against the background of a common cold, during which the opportunistic flora of all mucous membranes of the body is activated, or maybe the plague virus has become the causative agent.

A runny nose in some cases indicates an allergy that has arisen against the background of ingestion of dust, pollen, host spirits, anything. This is a difficult process, it must be stopped, otherwise the pet may be fatal.

Irritation of the membrane of the nasal sinuses with volatile substances can also cause rhinitis. The most inquisitive dogs suffer because of this subsequent inflammation of the mucosa. In most cases, the veterinarian prescribes drops that relieve swelling in the shortest possible time.

If a foreign body, for example, a sliver, has entered the nasal passage, the pet will be tormented by purulent discharge, quite often mixed with blood. Trying to remove the item yourself can make the situation worse. Foreign body removal should only be done by a veterinarian. The sooner he does this, the lower the chance of subsequent complications.

Sometimes rhinitis occurs as a result of undermined immunity against the background of chronic diseases. If the liver, kidneys, lungs or any other organ of the dog suffers, then all health in general is undermined. In this case, the treatment of a runny nose does not give a lasting result, the doctor, first of all, should lead to remission of a chronic illness.

Formations in the nasal passage, such as polyps, papillomas, nodes, interfere with breathing, the mucosa dries out, against which a runny nose appears. Solve the problem in an efficient way.

The surgical method eliminates congenital and acquired defects of the jaw, nasal septum, which interfere with normal breathing and cause rhinitis.

When identifying the first symptoms of a runny nose in a dog, you should immediately consult a doctor. The owners can provide first aid to the pet on their own.

Before visiting a doctor you need:

  • Examine the nasal passages and mucous membranes, for this you can use a flashlight. The color of the secretions, their consistency is assessed, the uniformity of the inner surface of the nasal sinuses, their shade is checked. If a foreign body is found, you can’t touch anything, it’s forbidden to use drops, they can push the object even deeper.
  • With the help of gauze or a cotton pad wound around the finger, dirt and crusts from secretions are removed around the nose. You can first prepare a soothing infusion of chamomile and treat this area with it, the decoction will temporarily relieve the dog of itching.
  • Veterinarians allow the use of nasal drops of general action, designed to destroy harmful microbes and bacteria. 1-2 drops of Maxidin, Anandin or a similar solution for dogs are enough for each nostril. These drugs will not harm the pet, they are distinguished by their mild effect on the tissues of the mucous membrane.
  • The dog should not lie on a draft or cold floor - this can aggravate the disease. It is necessary to ensure that the dog settles in insulated places where there is no way to catch a cold.
  • The food should be familiar to the dog, it is impossible to switch to another food at the time of illness. It is important to provide the animal with plenty of fluids, preferably warm water.

After an unhealthy pet is given first aid, you need to show it to the veterinarian. The doctor will select the treatment, depending on the causative agents of the common cold.

While the dog is sick, walk time is reduced as much as possible. The doctor will take care of, appoint additional groups C, B, A and others.

In some cases, sinus lavage will be required, the veterinarian may do this once, or may prescribe this procedure daily. Washing is carried out at home, medicinal disinfectant solutions are intended for this, as well as infusions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. Sometimes a doctor advises adding a solution of iodine to the mixture.

In the case of follicular rhinitis are required. The resulting growths are softened with ointment or petroleum jelly, sometimes hydrogen peroxide is used for this. Several times a day, lotions are made into the nasal openings.

In the chronic form of the course of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes powders that dry the skin around the nose. Prolonged runny nose in many cases is a symptom of a more serious illness, the dog will be assigned tests and studies aimed at finding the root cause.

About runny nose in dogs on video

Prevention of the common cold in dogs

In most cases, rhinitis is caused by colds, and prevention will help minimize the risk of the disease.

Preventive measures include:

  • Quality food. Many dog ​​breeds suffer from inappropriate food. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right food. It is recommended to consult with your doctor about taking additional vitamins during the period.
  • Active lifestyle. The dog should be outside at least 2 times a day, walk should be quite a long time. The exception is bad weather conditions, in which case the walking time is reduced.
  • Exclusion of hypothermia. The animal should not freeze, you need to ensure that the dog sleeps in a comfortable, dry place, not in a draft. In the cold season, during a walk, you need to put warm overalls on your pet.
  • Vaccinations. You need to regularly show the dog to the veterinarian and carry out vaccinations, following the plan.
  • Fencing contact with sick animals. A dog can catch a viral disease from another dog, so if possible, you need to protect your pet from communicating with sick individuals.

Another important point is hardening, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, strengthens the immune system. It consists in a gradual increase in walking time in bad weather. If it is cold, then the walking should be shorter, but during the day you need to take your pet outside more often than usual.

Prevention and timely diagnosis will not undermine the health of the pet.

It is believed that a dog's nose is an indicator of a dog's well-being, but this is not always the case. It is generally accepted that if the nose is hot and dry, then pathology is necessarily present in the dog's body, by no means. A warm and dry nose in an animal can be after sleep, during active games, if the room is hot or the dog is lying near heating appliances.

What do dog snot say

Conversely, a wet nose and low temperature do not always indicate the good health of the animal. Not all diseases are accompanied by hyperthermia or feverish conditions. But the presence of nasal discharge almost always indicates a disease.

A wet nose is not always a sign of health in a dog.


Many reasons provoke nasal discharge, and almost all of them are associated with pathological processes. Main reasons:

  • allergy;
  • foreign body;
  • palatine cleft;
  • nostril constriction;

Snot may appear due to allergies.

Some causes are easily eliminated and do not pose a serious danger to the animal, and some are a real problem, ignoring which means the death of the pet.

Description of the main causes of snot in a dog

It is impossible to say with complete certainty that there are "non-serious" diseases. Each ailment tends to become more complicated, “cling” to a secondary pathology and create a lot of problems for the owners and the animals themselves, even if the disease initially did not pose a threat.

The disease can develop into a more serious disease.


Inflammatory process on the nasal mucosa, which develops as a result of a decrease in immunity, a deficiency of vitamins, microelements, macroelements, proteins.

And also provoke rhinitis drafts, hypothermia, temperature changes, inhalation of toxic fumes. According to the nature of the flow, they distinguish:

  • hemorrhagic form;
  • catarrhal form;
  • croupous form;
  • follicular appearance.

There are two types of rhinitis.

According to the type of flow, acute and chronic types are distinguished with corresponding differences in symptoms.

The catarrhal form implies the presence of oppression, lethargy, weakness. Decrease in appetite, insignificant temperature increase is registered. The animal sneezes, breathes hard, sniffs noisily, scratches its nose. In some cases, there is swollen mucous membrane, dried crusts around the nostrils.


Help lies in placing the dog in a warm place, limiting exercise.

During the treatment period, the dog should be in a warm room.

  • The daily norm of food includes a vitamin complex of groups A, B, E, C, supplements with micro and macro elements.
  • Apply local treatment from cracks with disinfectant solutions.
  • Nasal drops or decoctions of medicinal herbs are dripping - chamomile, coltsfoot, succession, raspberries.
  • Croupous lesions require the use of antibiotics.


The cause of a runny nose in dogs can be an allergic reaction to external influences. The animal can react to flower pollen, household chemicals, car exhaust.

Car exhaust can cause allergies.

Additional signs may be: lacrimation, sneezing, swelling of the nasal mucosa, redness. Change in skin and wool odor, sweating.

First aid and treatment

First aid - limiting walks in dangerous places.

Avoid breathing car exhaust, flowering plants. Specific treatment begins with finding out the allergen. Next, prescribe antihistamines and drugs that increase immunity. If additional symptoms are present - itching - symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

cleft palate

As a rule, the pathology is congenital, characterized by fusion defect of the bone suture of the soft or hard palate, but there are cases of acquired disease.

The cause of the acquired disease is strong blows or a fall from a height. However, there are reasons that contribute to the birth of puppies with pathology. All of them relate to the wrong maintenance of the mother.

A dog falling from a height can get a cleft palate.


The most common provocateurs:

  • malnutrition;
  • infections during pregnancy;
  • intoxication;
  • an overdose of steroids;
  • imbalance of metabolic processes.

Snot can appear in a dog due to malnutrition.

The lesion most often affects the upper part of the lip, differing only in the size of the defect.


A sick puppy constantly sniffles, breathes mainly through the mouth. Cannot suck at the mother's breast, as there is no way to create appropriate pressure in the oral cavity. Remains of food, mucus and pus come out through the nose. Observed, constant sneezing, dysphagia.

The dog has a persistent cough.


  • The treatment measures are providing access to food until the puppy is old enough to undergo surgery.
  • Therapy for the respiratory system, if necessary, ensuring normal breathing.

Until the puppy has grown up, he should be provided with access to food.


The causative agent of the disease is a virus from the Adenoviridae family, which is extremely resistant to environmental conditions.

At room temperature, it can actively develop within three months. Adenovirus is called infectious cough, infectious tracheobronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis depending on the localization of the virus.

A virus from the Adenoviridae family actively develops at room temperature.

Risk group

The most susceptible to pathology are dogs that live crowded, in kennels, or are often located in places where there are a large number of animals. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, with close contact, through saliva and secretions. Dogs of any age get sick.

Dogs in the kennel get sick more often.


The intensity of symptoms directly depends on the age of the pet and the degree of infection. Small puppies are especially difficult to tolerate the disease.

  1. The first symptom is a cough.
  2. Further, the disease becomes more complicated and can trigger the process of inflammation of the lungs - pneumonia. At the same time, pneumonia is characterized by a severe course, with many dangerous complications.
  3. It is characteristic that a dog's cough occurs approximately five days after contact with a sick animal.
  4. The nature of the cough can be different - wet, rough, loud, barking, soft or in the form of a dry whistle.

Puppies tolerate the disease more difficult.


Coughing up sputum. The cough is so strong that the pet may vomit. Most often, coughing begins after physical exertion. In severe form, fever, anorexia, constant drowsiness, apathy occur.

After physical exertion, the dog develops a cough.


If there are no complications, adenovirus is treated with amoxicillin, amoxiclav. If complications are present, antibiotics are used - cephalosporin, gentamicin, enrofloxacin. Recommended steam inhalation, isotonic sodium chloride solution. To support the immune system, Gala-Vet, Roncoleukin is used in the treatment. Expectorants - Bromhexine.

The drug Amoxiclav is used to treat adenovirus.

The course of treatment is ten days, until the x-ray shows lungs clear of pneumonia. An x-ray should be taken two weeks after all symptoms have resolved.


Kare's disease belongs to the category of the most severe viral pathologies. Small puppies diagnosed with the disease rarely survive, but adults who survive the disease and recover become immune to it. The route of infection is the digestive and respiratory system.

Distemper is a complex viral pathology.


The first symptoms are manifested in the form of slight depression, vomiting, loss of appetite. Eye mucous membranes are inflamed, profuse lacrimation and discharge from the nose, diarrhea is possible. The coat grows dull, the body temperature rises, the dog is afraid of light. Further, the clinical picture depends on the form, of which there are four, and on the course of the pathology.

During the illness, the dog loses its appetite.

Pulmonary form

  • With a pulmonary form signs of respiratory illnesses are recorded against the background of elevated temperature.
  • The intestinal form implies the presence digestive tract disorders .
  • Skin lesions are characterized rashes and sores on the skin .
  • Convulsions, nervous tic, aggression, increased thirst, paralysis of the hind legs, - Clinical lesions of the central nervous system.

There is an increase in body temperature.


Treatment of distemper should be carried out comprehensively and affect almost all body systems. The main task is to prevent a decrease in immunity, eliminate dehydration, intoxication, prevent paralysis, and.

  1. The introduction of urotropin, glucose, calcium gluconate, isotonic solution, diphenhydramine, ascorbic acid is recommended.
  2. Prevent paralysis prozerin, mydocalm .
  3. Soothe with application phenobarbital, glutamic acid .
  4. Against epileptic seizures - finlipsin .

Prevention of snot in dogs

Preventive measures should be aimed at preventing a decrease in immunity.

  • For this, it is necessary to provide good nutrition , use as bait vitamin and mineral complex .
  • Avoid suspicious contacts, vaccinate and disinfect the animal itself and its habitat in a timely manner.

Timely vaccination is a preventive measure.

Video about runny nose in dogs

With the onset of autumn colds, not only a person begins to suffer from colds. Snot in a dog is far from a rare occurrence, even novice cynologists know about it. However, it can indicate many abnormalities in the animal's body. To understand why a dog has a runny nose and how to treat it, you need to know the causes and accompanying symptoms of this phenomenon.

Causes of a runny nose in a dog

You can start with your pet with confidence if the dog has been touched by one of the following reasons:

  • Allergic reactions. In this case, the discharge from the nose of the dog is not thick, without color.
  • If a dog has narrow nostrils, then a runny nose is just a phenomenon inherent in this breed. Therefore, if you are the owner of a pug, bulldog, Pekingese or griffon, then you have nothing to worry about.
  • If foreign bodies get into the nose, then the dog rubs it with its paws, then the discharge may be mixed with blood.
  • If the animal inhaled smoke or hot air, then the dog's snot will pass very quickly.
  • Viral infections can also cause rhinitis in dogs.
  • Just like humans, a dog can get cold and get a runny nose.

These reasons are quite common. Treatment of each of them must be carried out comprehensively. One and the same technique cannot be applied to all causes. If you doubt whether the animal has rhinitis or a problem in another factor, then study

Symptoms of rhinitis in dogs

If a dog has snot, then you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms of this phenomenon. It often happens that it is impossible to detect rhinitis, since there is no discharge from the nose of the animal as such. Then pay attention to the following signs:

  • The dog is breathing heavily or snoring.
  • The pet breathes through the mouth, shortness of breath appears when running.
  • Cracks are visible on the nasal mucosa.
  • The dog is losing weight.

It is usually not difficult to identify a runny nose in a dog. Your task is to correctly determine the cause of rhinitis, because the treatment depends on it.

If you are not sure that you have correctly diagnosed the animal, it is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian. If you treat the animal in the wrong way, you risk not only not achieving the desired result, but also aggravating the situation by provoking a number of complications.

How to treat a runny nose caused by superficial factors

If you know for sure that the snot in a dog is provoked by an allergic reaction, a foreign body or rhinitis, then getting rid of the pathology is not difficult. So, the methods of treatment include:

  • If an allergic reaction occurs, the cause must be eliminated. An allergen can be dust, the presence of other animals, an insect bite, the material from which the food bowl is made, some types of food, plants.
  • If a foreign object is stuck in the nose of a dog, it is necessary to help the pet remove it. If you cannot do this naturally, seek help from your veterinarian.
  • If the dog has green snot that smells bad, then most likely the cause is a viral infection. In this case, you can not prescribe treatment yourself, you must take the pet to the veterinarian.

If the cause of discharge from the nose is anatomical defects, then the treatment takes on a different character.

How to treat anatomical disorders

Problems with the structure of the nasal region of the animal are quite rarely the cause of a runny nose. However, you should be aware of the following facts:

  • If the animal does not have an opening between the nasal cavity and the mouth, then you will see a transparent discharge. Without surgery, this problem cannot be solved.
  • If the animal snores at night and breathes heavily through the nose, then it may have an elongated soft palate. Such a defect is also eliminated by surgery.
  • If a dog has narrowed nostrils, then there is nothing surprising in the discharge from the nose. You can solve this problem with surgery, but this is not a mandatory procedure.

If the dog has serious diseases, then the discharge from the nose becomes purulent. They need to pay special attention.

The dog has snot: what to do with purulent discharge

If you see that a dog has purulent, mucous and thick formations of green or yellow color from the nose, the animal must be urgently taken to the veterinarian. The reasons for such phenomena can be:

  • Plague. This name often inspires horror in people, and in this case it is justified. Between 30 and 100% of puppies die within the first 3 months of life if they are diagnosed with distemper. You should be worried if the dog begins to be afraid of the light, hide in the dark, and at the same time she starts to have diarrhea. A cough may also develop, the animal may wheeze. A particularly dangerous symptom is red in an animal. To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to take a sample of discharge from the nose of the animal and take it to the laboratory. After confirming the presence of pathology, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • Adenovirus. This disease is accompanied by sneezing and coughing. If the eye, then, most likely, you were not mistaken with the diagnosis. Remember that this pathology is very contagious, so do not immediately take your pet to the veterinarian. It is better to call a specialist at home. The veterinarian will quickly determine the presence of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Remember that with a nose, you should immediately send the pet to a specialist, since one of the above pathologies may well manifest itself in a dog.

Experienced veterinarians say that a runny nose in an animal can be determined by the nature of the snot. It is worth raising a panic and contacting a hospital only if there are accompanying symptoms and copious purulent discharge.

The best advice from experts is that you need to constantly monitor the behavior and health of your pet. No disease goes unnoticed. In observant owners, dogs rarely get sick, and any pathology is quickly eliminated.