Is the pregnancy test correct? Can I use the same pregnancy test twice? Can I be pregnant if the test is negative. How long does it take for a pregnancy test to show the correct result?

Express pregnancy tests today can be bought at every pharmacy, and even at the supermarket checkout. They are easy to use and reliable: doctors rate their accuracy at 99% Pregnancy Tests. But often such tests lie.

How Pregnancy Tests Work

Absolutely all pregnancy tests check whether there is a special hormone in the urine or blood (if we are talking about a laboratory test). Pregnancy Tests- human chorionic gonadotropin, abbreviated hCG. It begins to be produced immediately after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

If there is no pregnancy, hCG is nowhere to come from. If it is, hCG will be required.

The egg usually attaches to the uterus six days after fertilization. During this period, the test is meaningless: it will not show anything. But then the level of hCG increases rapidly, doubling every 2-3 days.

When to take a pregnancy test

Already 8 days after, during which the egg met with its sperm, the level of hCG becomes sufficient so that pregnancy can be detected using a laboratory blood test.

In a few more days - that is, on the 10-12th day after fertilization - the usual pharmacy tests will also see the pregnancy.

Although the instructions for many of them promise an accurate result already on the first day of delay, doctors advise taking your time. Home pregnancy tests: Can you trust the results?. The reason is simple.

If you ovulated on the 10-14th day of the cycle, then by the beginning of the next cycle, at least 13 days will pass from the moment of fertilization. So, the test will signal you with two stripes.

However, ovulation may be delayed. If the egg was released on the 22nd day of the cycle, then by the beginning the actual gestational age may be less than 7 days. This means that even ideal tests will most likely not fix anything.

If your cycle is more or less than 28 days, it's even more confusing.

Therefore, in order to get the most accurate result, it is worth waiting 5-7 days from the start of the delay.

If you are pregnant, the level of hCG by this point in any case will be such that it is unambiguously recognized even by the cheapest tests with low sensitivity.

But even if you met all the deadlines, the test can still mislead you. For example, it will not see a high level of hCG and will show a negative result with an existing pregnancy, or, on the contrary, it will give out two strips, although it does not smell like a pregnancy. In fairness, let's say that this is not so much the fault of the test as you yourself Five reasons for false-positive pregnancy tests.

Why rapid pregnancy tests lie

1. You used an expired or spoiled test

Express tests contain special highly sensitive substances that react to the level of hCG. It is they who, upon contact with the urine of a pregnant woman, are painted in a bright second stripe or plus sign.

But if the test is out of date or stored incorrectly, the sensitivity of these substances may decrease. As a result, they will give a negative result, which may turn out to be false.

What to do

Buy tests only in pharmacies, where, unlike supermarkets, they are trying to ensure the correct storage conditions. When buying, be sure to check the expiration date.

2. You bought a test with low sensitivity

The sensitivity of express tests is indicated by numbers - 10, 20, 25, 30. These numbers indicate the concentration of hCG in the urine (in mIU / ml) that they are able to capture. The higher the number, the less accurate the test. The most expensive and accurate options have a sensitivity of 10. But the cheap ones may not catch hCG and deceive you by showing a negative result.

What to do

When buying a test, be sure to check with the pharmacist how sensitive it is. Also, this information can often be found on the packaging and always in the instructions.

3. You took the test in the afternoon

It is not for nothing that in the instructions for the vast majority of tests, the manufacturer talks about morning urine. It is more concentrated, there is more chorionic gonadotropin in it, which means that the test will be more reliable.

In the afternoon, the content of hCG in the urine is lower.

What to do

Use the test exclusively in the morning, as directed by the manufacturer.

4. You drank a lot of water before taking the test.

Water dilutes urine, which lowers hCG levels. A rapid test may not detect the hormone and give a false negative result.

What to do

Try not to eat or drink anything before the test.

5. You looked at the results at the wrong time.

The instructions for each test stipulate the rules for its use. For example, like this: “The result can be assessed 4-5 minutes after the test, but no later than 15 minutes.” These minutes are not taken from the ceiling.

The lower limit indicates the time it takes the test for the sensitive substances contained in it to react to the level of hCG. If you look at the test earlier than the agreed time, the second strip (or the plus sign in the corresponding box) may not yet appear and you will see a false negative result.

If you look at the strip later than the time indicated as the upper limit, you risk getting a false positive result. Evaporated urine may leave a line that is easily confused with a second strip.

What to do

Before using the test, read the instructions and follow them strictly.

6. You are taking certain medications

Some diuretics and antihistamines affect the composition of urine, diluting it. This reduces the level of hCG, which means there is a risk of getting a false negative result.

Other drugs, on the contrary, can give you two strips, although in fact they don’t. These medicines include:

  • some tranquilizers and sleeping pills;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • fertility-enhancing drugs.

What to do

If you are taking any of the medicines on this list, you should not rely on a paper rapid test. To establish pregnancy or its absence, do a laboratory blood test.

7. You are sick

If there is an increase in blood or protein in the urine, this can also affect the result of the rapid test. But here it is important to note that in itself this situation is extremely unhealthy. Blood in the urine indicates the work of the bladder or kidneys, increased protein indicates internal inflammation.

Therefore, it is most likely that the erroneous two strips on the test will be accompanied by fever and / or discomfort in the genital area and kidneys.

What to do

Do not rely on a rapid test if you have a fever and pain in your lower back and lower abdomen. With such ailments, it is necessary to contact a therapist, gynecologist or urologist as soon as possible so as not to miss a serious illness.

8. You develop an ovarian tumor

Some types of tumors can trick the test into showing two lines.

What to do

After receiving a positive result, do not delay the visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will conduct studies during which he will establish the actual gestational age (if any) or send you for additional tests and to specialized specialists.

How to do a pregnancy test

  1. Read the instructions. And follow it, of course!
  2. Remember the rule: if you are healthy and the test shows a positive result, the probability of pregnancy is 99%. A negative result may be false up to a week after the delay.
  3. Choose tests with a high level of sensitivity. 10 is ideal.
  4. Do the test in the morning, not in the afternoon, and especially not in the evening.
  5. Try not to drink at least an hour before the test.
  6. Do not rely on the test if you are taking the above medications or if you have a fever or pain in your lower abdomen.
  7. Buy two tests at once to be able to double-check the result.
  8. If rapid tests contradict each other, you should not guess what's the matter. Get a laboratory blood test to get a reliable result.

Important! A positive test, even if you have been waiting for it for a long time, is, alas, not a reason to rejoice. An increased level of hCG in the urine can be recorded, including during an ectopic or missed pregnancy. Therefore, having received two strips, go to the gynecologist as soon as possible.

Choosing the best pregnancy test is quite problematic, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages: some are too expensive, others are inconvenient to use, and others do not always show accurate information. How to choose the best test? What to look for when buying and how to use it correctly so as not to get a false result?

Tests can be found not only in pharmacies, they are often sold in supermarkets and small shops. Analyzers for early detection of pregnancy are presented in a wide range of prices depending on the manufacturer and type.

The action of a pregnancy test is based on the mechanism of interaction of a special substance with chorionic gonadotropin (). This hormone begins to be intensively produced in the female body after a short time after conception. It is produced by the embryo starting from the eighth day after the fusion of the male and female gametes or the day after the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

The test is based on the method of immunochromatography. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the substance that needs to be detected combines with antibodies to it, resulting in a positive reaction. When determining pregnancy, such a substance is hCG.

An active substance with a coloring agent is applied to the test strip. When urine enters, a gradual movement of hCG occurs, and when the “positive reaction” strip is reached, the dye is released and shows the result. If there is no chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, then the staining of the second line will not occur.

When a hormone appears in the urine, its concentration increases twice every day. On the 7-10th day after the fusion of the egg and sperm, the amount of chorionic gonadotropin reaches 25 mIU / ml, and its peak concentration can be observed between the eighth and eleventh weeks of pregnancy.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally which pregnancy test is better, since there are a large number of different types. Tests with high sensitivity to hCG can detect pregnancy after a week.

Review of the best tests of foreign production

There are a large number of diagnostic strips that can be called the best early pregnancy tests. All of them are divided into several groups, depending on the degree of sensitivity and material.

Strip test

The most common and affordable pregnancy tests used in the early stages.

Frautest Express - a paper test strip packed in an individual bag and a box with instructions. The sensitivity is 15 mIU/ml. The advantages of the test include low cost, ease of use, quick results (after 3-5 minutes).

According to the manufacturer, the reliability of the results reaches 99% even when used 1-2 days before the expected date of the start of menstruation. However, user reviews do not always match this statement.

Of the negative sides - the need to use containers for collecting urine.

How to use the test strip:

  1. Read the instructions.
  2. Fill the container with urine.
  3. Open the individual pouch and remove the test strip.
  4. Dip the test into a glass of urine to the indicated level and wait 10 seconds.
  5. Place on a horizontal surface.
  6. Evaluate the results after 5 minutes, but no later than 10.

Frautest Double Control has similar characteristics, the only difference is that the box contains two test strips to confirm the result.

Evitest One also applies to strip tests. The package contains one test strip. The sensitivity of hCG is 20 mIU / ml, which allows you to determine the exact result from the first day.


  • affordable cost;
  • clear instructions for use;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability of results 98%;
  • It is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in stores, so it will not be difficult to purchase it.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that the price of these products is slightly higher than for similar test strips from other manufacturers. Also, the results of the test are not always easy to decipher due to the fact that.

Evitest is easy to use:

  1. After removing from the package, dip the strip into the container with urine to the level marked on the test for 5 seconds.
  2. Evaluate the results after 3-5 minutes. The appearance of two red marks indicates the presence of pregnancy.
  3. If in doubt, a retest the next morning is recommended.

Evitest Plus contains 2 strip tests in a cardboard box and is intended for reliable pregnancy detection.


Frautest Expert is considered to be one of the best pregnancy tests. The analyzer is a cassette with a sensitive strip enclosed inside, complete with a pipette for applying urine. The test is ultra-sensitive (15 mIU/mL) so it can be done a couple of days before your period. Accuracy - up to 99%.

Instructions for use:

  1. Collect morning urine in a container.
  2. Remove the tablet test and the included pipette from the package.
  3. Pick up a couple of drops and place them in a special window on the cassette.
  4. Place the test on a flat surface.
  5. Evaluate the received data after 5 minutes.

Of the positive characteristics, it should be noted the high accuracy of determining pregnancy, the use even with a small amount of urine, the detection of pregnancy before the start of the delay.

The disadvantages include some difficulty in application, as well as a higher price compared to test strips.

Evitest Proof – a tablet test for detecting pregnancy with a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml and an accuracy of up to 99%. Its main advantage is the convenient design of the cassette, in which the test window is located in a recess, which eliminates the possibility of accidental contamination with fingers and changes in diagnostic results. In addition, the tablet allows the urine to be distributed more evenly, which affects the reliability of the results.

Of the negative points: to conduct the test, you need to be in comfortable conditions, preferably at home, since it is necessary to very accurately introduce a couple of drops of urine into the hole intended for this.

Instructions for use are the same for all tests of this type.


According to doctors, they give the most accurate results. To get an answer whether you are pregnant or not, diagnosis is best done in the morning, when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is highest.

Using inkjet tests is simple - in the process of urination, you need to substitute the analyzer under the stream of urine, wait a bit, and after 3-5 minutes get an answer to the main question.

Frautest Comfort - an ultrasensitive test that shows results at a concentration of hCG in the urine from 15mIU / ml. The special design allows the diagnostic device to be used without any difficulties and in any place where there is a toilet.


  • no need to collect urine;
  • convenient structure of the test;
  • the tight-fitting cap eliminates the possibility of disturbing the test results.


  • high price;
  • small risk of getting your hands dirty when urinating.

Frautest Exclusive has the same characteristics as the previous product. The only exception is the more modern appearance of the case, made in pink.

Evitest Perfect is a plastic case with a protective cover, inside which is placed a diagnostic strip. The manufacturer indicates a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml.

Premium Diagnostics - a highly sensitive jet-type pregnancy test that gives results at a concentration of hCG from 10 mIU / ml in the urine. According to the manufacturer, this jet test allows you to establish the fact of pregnancy on the seventh day after conception.


  • ease of diagnostics;
  • high accuracy of results (99%);
  • the test can be performed at any time of the day;
  • can be used in the doctor's office to confirm the results of the examination.

There were no clearly identified negative characteristics of the test.


To date, analyzers are the best tests for determining pregnancy.

The Digital device is one of the most modern and most accurate methods for express pregnancy diagnostics at home. It has hypersensitivity - 10mIU / ml.


  • the accuracy of the results exceeds 99%;
  • in addition to the presence of a pregnancy mark, the device shows on the screen the estimated period (1-2 weeks, from 2 to 3 weeks and more than 3 weeks);
  • with the established fact of fertilization, the accuracy of determining the term is 92%.

The disadvantage is the high price, exceeding the cost of all previously mentioned samples.

Instructions for using the electronic test:

  1. Place the diagnostic test site under the stream of urine, being careful not to let the urine come into contact with the rest of the device.
  2. Attach the cap and wait for the test results to appear on the screen.
  3. The test can also be used by dipping into a container of collected urine.
  4. For accurate results a few days before the expected day of menstruation, the test is best done in the morning.

Many women refer to Clearblue Digital as the best pregnancy test.


The rarest type of pregnancy test, which is a measuring cup with a built-in test strip on its surface to determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Such tests are difficult to find in pharmacies, they are very expensive, so their demand is very low.

Review of the best Russian-made tests

The domestic pharmaceutical industry is also engaged in the production of funds for the rapid determination of fertilization. However, today there are only a few analyzers, mainly represented by test strips. We will try to identify the best Russian-made pregnancy test.

Strip test

Russian pregnancy test strips:

  • Insure - a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 12.5 mIU / ml. Its advantages include high accuracy of results, starting from the expected start date of "critical" days, simple and understandable instructions for use, affordable price. There are no obvious flaws, this is one of the best pregnancy tests.
  • "Rest assured" - a test popular among Russian women that shows accurate results. Strip strips are sensitive to hCG in the urine, starting from a concentration of 25 mIU / ml. The advantage is the low cost. No negative aspects have been identified.
  • "HCG-IHA-VERA" . The susceptibility of these strips begins at a concentration of 20 mIU / ml. The product has a very low price, which is why it is in demand, however, customer reviews often indicate that the diagnosis was not accurate, and even morning urine testing often showed.


"BIOCARD HCG" - a test in the form of a cassette with two windows: in one it is necessary to place 3-4 drops of urine with a pipette, and in the other after 5 minutes the result will appear. The sensitivity is 20 mIU/ml. According to the recommendations specified in the instructions, it is good to do the diagnosis in the morning, immediately after waking up. In this case, the day before, you should not abuse the liquid and take medications, so as not to get a false result.


  • high degree of accuracy - up to 99%;
  • acceptable cost in comparison with imported analogues;
  • the test is effective from the first day of missed menstruation.


  • long waiting time for the reaction - more than 5 minutes;
  • the second strip is not always clearly painted;
  • for reliable indicators, it is recommended to conduct a test with morning urine.

Using the analyzer is simple - bring the test under the stream of urine, then close the cap and wait about 5 minutes.

What to look for when choosing a test

According to the manufacturers, the lower the figure indicated in the instructions, which reflects the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, the higher the accuracy and sensitivity of the analyzer. However, this is not a completely true statement, since hCG is detected only 7-8 days after fertilization with a concentration of 25 mIU / ml, and this value doubles every day.

At the minimum period, it is better to do a pregnancy test in the morning, the hormone content in the urine is maximum at this time. The implementation of this simple rule allows you to detect the conception that has taken place from the first days of the delay.

The pharmaceutical industry, both foreign and domestic, produces a large number of devices for the rapid diagnosis of fertilization, so it is difficult to unambiguously answer which pregnancy test is better. According to statistics, inkjet and electronic tests show the most accurate results.

Useful video about the best pregnancy tests


Thanks to the fact that at one time were invented tests for early detection of pregnancy , a woman can get a positive result long before the gynecologist confirms the happy news. You can be sure that you are pregnant already in the first weeks after conception. If you use the test correctly, you can get the most accurate result.

But for this you need to know exactly how to do the test, which one to buy, when to conduct it and when you can find out about pregnancy. All the features of express pregnancy diagnostics, as well as how to choose the best test, which ones are better to use in a certain period, and how to understand the result, are described in this article.

How does it work?

The mechanism of all pregnancy tests is the same: they determine whether a woman's urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin hormone(hcg) , which begins to be produced in the body after attachment in the uterus of the embryo. That is, during the test, the result appears when hCG appears in the urine of a woman after conception.

Positive result "two stripes" in the photo

Women are always interested in when the exact result of the test will show. It should be noted that the amount of hCG after conception increases every day, but immediately after fertilization, only specialists can determine that a woman has managed to become pregnant by conducting a special study of venous blood. In this way, you can get a positive result five days earlier than 2 strips show any of the tests. Sometimes in the first days after conception, the 2nd strip is barely visible - it depends on the level of sensitivity.

For most rapid tests, the sensitivity level starts at 25 mUI hCG. Sensitivity on some is indicated by 10 mUI hCG, but there is no evidence for this. According to many pharmacists, such sensitive tests are just a publicity stunt. Also, advertising moves can be considered that the express test allegedly has the highest probability of determining pregnancy even before the delay with an accuracy of 99%. Moreover, their price is quite high.

How to conduct?

When to do a pregnancy test, each woman determines for herself. But at the same time, it is important to know when you can take a pregnancy test so that it correctly shows the exact result. The answer to the question of when it is better to take a pregnancy test after conception depends on whether it is regular or not. menstrual cycle at a woman. The corresponding number of days is counted after ovulation , so it depends on when you need to do the test.

After a delay

If you need to determine if there is a pregnancy after a delay, then on which day to do the test, it does not matter, since from the first day of the delay you can diagnose the presence of hCG in the urine. In any case, test manufacturers, answering the question of how long it takes to do a pregnancy test, say exactly that. But in fact, experts say that pregnancy should be determined a week after the delay, that is, after the expected day of the onset of menstruation. At what delay the test determines pregnancy accurately, it also depends on the level of its sensitivity.

Until the delay

However, many women still rush to take a pregnancy test before the delay, choosing highly sensitive samples that have good reviews. However, it should be noted that even the most sensitive test before the delay may not always show the correct result. After all, it is important to correctly determine when testing can be done before the delay, so that even before the delay in menstruation, the reliability of the result is high.

For example, if a woman has a regular cycle and is 28 days, then if the procedure is done on the 23rd day of the cycle, even a sensitive jet will not determine pregnancy before the delay, since there will not be a sufficient level of hCG in the blood. Whether pregnancy will show before the delay on the 26th day of the cycle also depends on the day of fertilization and the duration of the cycle, etc.

With a regular menstrual cycle

It is with her that the reaction occurs when the pregnancy test shows. That is, when a pregnancy test shows a result, this is due to the fact that the hormone contained in the woman's urine reacts to the impregnation of the strip. As a result, a second strip quickly appears on the test.


The test is easy to do: you need to take a clean container, collect some urine in it. The strip is lowered into the urine with the tip up to the mark indicated on it, and held for 10 seconds. It is necessary to lower the strip with the desired side. Evaluation of the result - for 1 to 10 minutes. Whether the second strip will show in the first minute depends on the level of hCG: the lower it is, the later the second strip appears.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.




It is not very convenient to use, it may be wrong, it will not show until the delay.

Modern strip tests

  • Evitest №1
  • FRAUTEST Express
  • Eve (can determine from 1 day delay)
  • secret
  • bbtest
  • Femitest Practice
  • Femitest Practic Ultra
  • Itest Plus

tablet test

Produced in a special box with two holes-windows.

Tablet (cassette) - Evitest Proof

Works like a strip test. Also included is a pipette, a container for collecting urine.


The first step is to drip 4 drops of urine into the first window. After 1-10 min. in the second, 1 or 2 stripes appear.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.


Inexpensive, the result is easy to determine.


You need to do a lot of things to do.

Modern tablet tests

  • Evitest Proof
  • LadyTest-C
  • Frautest Expert
  • Sezam
  • clear blue
  • KnowNow Optima
  • Femitest Handy

Inkjet test

The name already defines the principle of action: you can make it by placing it under a stream of urine.

Inkjet test method - Frautest Exclusive

It is important that those who use Frautest instructions for use were followed exactly. Although the sensitivity frautesta and others of the same type are very high, Frautest Exclusive may show a negative result if it has been used incorrectly.


It should be placed with a tip with a filter under a stream of urine or in a container with it for 10 seconds. After that, 1 or 2 strips appear in a special hole in 1-10 minutes.


Can determine hCG in the urine as early as 5 days before the delay. When asked if the test can not show pregnancy if conception has occurred, the answer is no. An inkjet test will show pregnancy before the delay, as well as in the first days of the delay.


Convenient application, accuracy.


The price of an inkjet pregnancy test is high.

Modern inkjet tests

  • Frautest Comfort
  • Evitest Perfect
  • Frautest Exclusive
  • Femitest Jet Ultra
  • clear blue
  • clear view
  • duet

Electronic test

It is also called a digital pregnancy test.

Electronic verification method - Clearblue

Reviews of experts indicate that this is the most modern express test.


It is necessary to lower the test with the end with the filter into the urine, hold until it is saturated. You can evaluate in three minutes. If the result is positive, the word " pregnancy” or the “+” sign.


Shows pregnancy 4 days before the delay. Due to its high accuracy, it shows a 99% correct result 2 days before the date of menstruation.


If we evaluate the sensitivity of pregnancy tests, then it is the electronic one that is the test with the highest sensitivity. There is no need to ask what are the most sensitive electronic tests, as they all have high sensitivity.


The price of an electronic pregnancy test is very high. How much such a test costs depends on the manufacturer, but on average the cost is about 400 rubles.

Pregnancy test clear blue (the so-called "blue" test), despite the high cost, is very popular. If electronic clear blue, the instruction is observed, then the result will be as accurate as possible. However, this pregnancy test, the instructions for use of which indicates that the resulting inscription on Clea Blue disappears after a while, the woman will not be able to leave as the first evidence of pregnancy. Nevertheless, Clearblue is now popular.

Reusable Digital Tests

The latest invention usb plug test , which can be connected to a computer and see the result.

The kit includes 20 cartridges treated with a reagent that reacts to the presence of hCG in the urine. With the help of such a test, you can check whether conception has occurred 21 times.


Shows the result 4 days before the delay.


If you choose such a test, it can be used many times. Some tests can also check the gestational age. But the time of conception can be known with an accuracy of 92%.


Buying replacement cartridges is currently very difficult.

Negative pregnancy test

Relevant for many women is the question, can a test be negative during pregnancy? Whether an express test may not show pregnancy, patients often ask doctors.

Why the test does not show when pregnancy is delayed, may be due to the fact that a woman uses it too early . After all, some of the tests are not so sensitive.

In some cases, a woman who wants to get pregnant begins to check the "situation" too early, long before the expected period. For example, if you start testing on the 25th day of the cycle, then at this time, hCG in the blood does not yet reach the desired level. Even if a woman has a cycle of 25 days, when you can get pregnant depends on the day of ovulation, so if the value is negative, you should check the result after a while. Which test to choose, the woman decides. But it is important to consider that a negative value is also possible if it is used incorrectly.

Thus, the reasons for a negative test during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • Testing too early.
  • Violations in the body of a woman.
  • Incorrect application of the test.

False positive results

The appearance of two strips in the absence of pregnancy is possible:

  • During the first two months after childbirth.
  • With the development ovarian dysfunction .
  • When hormone-producing tumor .
  • If you are using a test that has expired.

Are the results reliable if you do testing during menstruation?

Another topical question is whether it is possible to do during monthly pregnancy testing? After all, sometimes menstruation continues in a woman even after conception, so such an analysis is very relevant.

Menstrual blood does not affect testing, so how much a pregnancy test shows the result does not depend on menstruation. Be sure that even if the procedure is done using blood-stained urine, the result will not be affected. And, therefore, during pregnancy, two bright stripes will appear.

Outcomes in ectopic pregnancy

If , the fertilized egg is attached outside the uterus. However, the body still produces hCG. But in this case, hCG grows slowly, and sometimes it is completely absent. That is, the usual rapid test for ectopic pregnancy shows 2 strips. In this case, the second strip may be barely noticeable, blurry, when compared with the one that appears during normal pregnancy. It is necessary to take into account, when making a pregnancy test, on which day it will show the result in an ectopic pregnancy: the second strip appears only after the delay has occurred. What day the pregnancy test will show depends on the day of conception and the individual characteristics of the female body.

There is a special test Inexscreen , which a few weeks after the delay makes it possible to suspect that the pregnancy is ectopic. Its action is based on the determination of the modified isoform that is part of hCG. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, this figure is much higher than the 10% that occurs during a normal pregnancy.

Results with a frozen pregnancy

positive or negative when missed pregnancy the result of testing depends on the time when it was carried out. So, if two clear stripes initially appeared, later, after a few days, one strip became fuzzy, and after a few days one strip completely disappeared, you can suspect that the pregnancy has died. In this case, it is important to immediately visit a specialist who will determine how to check the result in this situation.

Whether a gynecologist can determine pregnancy before a delay in this case depends on the research methods.

What to do next if the result is doubtful?

Regardless of which day of the cycle to take the test, it can be doubtful in the end. This is often evidenced by the reviews that women write to each thematic forum.

Doubts arise if it is not clear how many strips appeared. Sometimes the second strip is not visible well, it is somehow blurry, fuzzy. This happens in the following cases:

  • A low level of hCG in the body associated with a woman's health problems.
  • A test that is no longer suitable for use (it may not work due to an expired expiration date, damage).
  • The desire to see exactly two stripes (“I’m afraid that I’m not pregnant”). Often a woman notes indirect signs - nausea, weight loss - and assures herself that she is pregnant.

What is the probability that a woman is pregnant can only be confirmed. Can a blood test for hCG be wrong - in this case, the answer is no.

But you can still repeat the testing, after a 2-3-day break - do it, for example, on the 31st day of the cycle, if menstruation usually begins on the 28th day. The second or third attempt will be successful.

Which tests "cheat" most often?

No matter how manufacturers assure that their products are almost 100% effective, some tests that we do still show unreliable results.

According to the observations of many women, the most common false negative and positive results show such tests:

  • Faith test (its sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml);
  • Bebichek
  • Mon Ami
  • bee sure
  • rest assured


What to do if a woman already has a positive test before her eyes depends only on her. Many future mothers, even those for whom pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, do not know, seeing two stripes, what to do next. In fact, you need to calm down and rejoice. Regardless of which week the pregnancy test you choose shows, there is still a lot of time ahead. Now it is important not to be nervous, to practice a healthy diet and the right lifestyle. And also - visit a doctor to confirm the good news and get important recommendations.

When a woman is faced with a delay in the menstrual cycle, it often comes to mind to check if she will soon become a happy mom. Or when planning a conception, and even before the delay wants to make sure that the long-awaited miracle has happened. To do this, there are various tests to detect pregnancy.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Absolutely all tests that are able to determine the fact of an accomplished conception operate in the same way. For home use, there are those that, by analyzing urine, determine the presence of the hCG hormone in a woman's body, and in laboratories this indicator is taken from a blood test. This hormone is present in a woman only when she is in position. Its quantity grows very rapidly from the moment the fetal egg attaches to the walls of the uterine cavity. The maximum amount of the hormone is observed from the seventh to the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Many tests have the same sensitivity and will perfectly determine the presence of an embryo even from the first day of delay. There are those who are extremely sensitive. They are able to reveal the fact of a desired pregnancy already ten days after a possible fertilization. If there is a need to find out the result as early as possible, then seven days after the probable conception, you can take an appropriate blood test in any laboratory that will show the real level of the hCG hormone. For a more reliable result, when determining at home, it is better to withstand at least twenty days or wait for a delay in menstruation.

Strip tests are the most common, cheap, and simple. The test strip should be dipped into a container with morning urine collection, as it is the most concentrated, to the indicated mark and wait twenty seconds. If two stripes appear, then the woman is pregnant.

There are tests similar to those described above, the so-called tablet tests. Their difference is that the strip is placed in a plastic case, in which there is a hole in order to drip urine there with a special pipette. Jet determinants are convenient because urine does not need to be collected anywhere. Often this can be inconvenient, unaesthetic, and then such tests come to the rescue. To determine pregnancy, it is enough to substitute the strip under the jet and wait. And two strips will show a positive result.

There are also electronic test devices that allow you to detect pregnancy, which are determined both under the stream and in a small container with urine.

Will the test show the result in the afternoon?

Many experts recommend testing in the morning, since the concentration of urine at this time is maximum. If there is a need to determine conception in the early stages, then it is worth doing the test only after waking up, or even taking a blood test for the reliability of the result.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the hormone level has not yet reached particularly high levels, and for the correctness of the readings, it is worth testing in the morning. Daytime urine will not be as concentrated as possible, which can distort the test results. In situations where a woman is faced with a delay of seven days, you can check urine for hCG in the daytime. The main thing for this is to choose a particularly sensitive test that allows you to determine the level of the hormone at any time.

Test strips will not give a reliable answer if the delay in menstruation has not yet come. They are effective at a later date. To identify an interesting position in the early days, it is better to use either flatbed or inkjet detectors. They are more sensitive than test strips. They are also good to use at virtually any time of the day.

The KNOW NOW OPTIMA cassette test does a good job of determining the presence of conception at any time. It is easy to use, has high sensitivity and has an affordable price. Among the strip tests, the most popular ones that do not have a time limit are Evitest, BB Test, Be sure, Frautest, etc. They are good because they are simple and affordable, easy to use and have high sensitivity.

Before the invention of pregnancy tests, mankind resorted to various methods of guessing the onset of the gestation period. Peculiar pregnancy tests were carried out by wetting grain with female urine, mixing urine with wine, changing the characteristics of the biological fluid under the influence of various additives, and also injecting it into a certain type of frog. So, it was believed that when pregnancy occurs, grains of wheat or barley, watered with urine, germinate faster, which helped not only to diagnose a successful conception, but also to predict the sex of the child. A repetition of such a test in the 70s of the 20th century showed a 70% effectiveness of the method for determining pregnancy.

A modern pregnancy test allows you to determine with a high probability the beginning of the birth of a new life without lengthy experiments with various compositions and grains. The variety of tests for rapid diagnostics, however, suggests the need to know when to take a pregnancy test, how to interpret the result and which tests are best to use.

Despite the modernization of diagnostic methods, the material for testing remains the same as in the Middle Ages. Urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin, the same hormone whose concentration is measured in the diagnosis of pregnancy by a blood test.

In the venous blood, the hCG hormone begins to be determined 2-3 days after the beginning of the introduction of the chorionic villi to the walls of the uterus. Human chorionic gonadotropin reaches a sufficient concentration for most tests in the excreted urine about a week after the start of the process of its production in the body.

If there is a sufficient concentration of hCG in the urine for the level of sensitivity of the test, the reaction of the chemical preparation occurs on the surface of the test and the hormone. In the absence of a hormone or its insufficient concentration, the reaction does not occur, and the result is negative.

The average sensitivity of tests on the market is 25 mUI, which hCG reaches, as a rule, two weeks after fertilization. Existing tests with higher sensitivity, reacting to a smaller amount of the hormone, diagnose its appearance 3-4 days earlier.

When can I use the test with a regular menstrual cycle?

If the menstrual cycle is characterized by regularity and a constant number of days between the onset of bleeding, then it is not difficult to calculate the ovulation period. The middle of the cycle (with a standard menstruation cycle of 28 days - on day 14) the egg is released.
Fertilization of an egg is possible within three days of its life cycle. After the process of fusion of the egg and sperm for 4-5 days, the germ cells migrate through the uterus to the site of placentation, after which the production of hCG begins. Assuming fertilization within 2 days, 4 days of migration and the time necessary to achieve the desired level of hormone concentration in the urine, highly sensitive tests are able to show the onset of pregnancy 10 days after ovulation, that is, with an average cycle of 28 days - on the 24th day of the cycle . For greater certainty, experts recommend using a highly sensitive test on the 12th day after the release of the egg from the ovary, tests of normal sensitivity - after 15-16 days.

Diagnosis of pregnancy with an irregular cycle

If the menstrual cycle is not regular, the length of periods between periods varies, then the time of using the test depends on the date of ovulation.
Ovulation can be determined by subjective sensations (some women feel characteristic tingling in the area of ​​​​one of the ovaries, a feeling of fullness, swelling, sensitivity changes, mood), as well as by measuring rectal temperature and using an ovulation test. When determining the onset of ovulation and possible fertilization, a pregnancy test is used 15 days after the due date.

Morning is wiser than evening: when is the best time to take a test

Most modern test strips do not limit the diagnostic period to any time of day: they can be used in the morning, afternoon, and night. However, experts, given the possibility of a natural decrease in the concentration of hCG after drinking a large amount of liquid, recommend resorting to diagnosis in the morning, using the first portion of urine after a night's sleep, especially with a short probable pregnancy.

During the day, when fluid enters the body, the concentration of the hormone decreases. For periods more than 18 days after ovulation, this factor is not decisive, however, the timing of ovulation also does not always coincide with the expected ones. For accurate indicators, it is better to follow the recommendations of specialists, and in a situation where the test needs to be carried out in the afternoon or evening, then the diagnosis is optimal after four hours of abstinence from the toilet and limited use of liquid products to maintain the level of hCG concentration.

Rules for the use of rapid tests

  • It is necessary to follow the rules for storage of tests provided by the manufacturer.
  • Using the test in a damaged package may distort the diagnostic results.
  • The package is opened immediately before the diagnosis.
  • Using an expired test leads to incorrect results.
  • The optimal time for the test is in the morning, immediately after a night's sleep.
  • If the test is not a jet test, a urine collection requires the use of a clean container.
  • It is recommended to carry out hygienic procedures with washing of the external genital organs before testing.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for use.

Pregnancy test: instructions for use

There are various types of rapid tests. Instructions for each type are attached to the test, violation of the rules of use most often leads to the appearance of incorrect indicators.

When diagnosing pregnancy, the test is used within the time specified by the manufacturer. If testing is recommended from the first days of the delay, then it is likely that the sensitivity of the reagent or individual characteristics, the timing of conception will make it possible to detect pregnancy earlier than the specified period, but most often an accurate result is possible only on the indicated days of the cycle.

The cost of the test most often directly correlates with its reliability: the lower the price, the lower the cost of production and the cheaper the chemical reagent, respectively, the higher the number of incorrect results. Four modifications of tests are most common on the market today, each variety has its own characteristics and instructions for use. Some manufacturers produce various types of tests under a single brand (Evitest or Evitest, Frautest, etc.), when buying, you need to pay attention to the variety.

Test strip or strip test

Strip test (stripe test, strip test) is one of the first options for diagnosing pregnancy, a test for self-use and quick interpretation of the results. The most common and cheapest option (for example, Itest Plus is offered at a price of 20 rubles).
A paper-plastic strip with an additional inner layer impregnated with reagents stains in one or two places upon contact with urine. One strip confirms the effectiveness of the test, two indicate the presence of a sufficient concentration of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin to confirm pregnancy.

Rules for use: collect the first morning urine in a clean container, lower the test to the border indicated on the strip, hold it in the liquid for the required time (most often 20-30 seconds), remove it and put it on a dry horizontal surface.

The diagnostic results appear within a period of 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the concentration of the hormone. Some tests can also change the color of the control strip - the paler the color, the shorter the pregnancy.

Tablet type tests

Tablet tests are based on the same principle of action as strip tests: when a certain part of the surface comes into contact with urine, a chemical reaction of the reagent and the hCG hormone occurs. To reduce the probability of error, the volume of liquid is dosed, and the contact point is limited by a special window.
According to the instructions, it is necessary to collect urine in the attached clean container, then use the pipette from the kit to dose 4 drops into the small window of the test tablet. The results are evaluated in the following window: depending on the variety, one or two stripes or minus and plus appear.

Inkjet tests

This variety is considered one of the most accurate and sensitive, and also does not require additional devices and manipulations. The test strip is placed under the stream of urine for 10 seconds (if necessary, you can use a container and immerse the test in urine).
The results are to be evaluated after an interval of 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the concentration of the hormone. Unlike the above options, inkjet tests can be applied 5 days before the expected date of menstruation.

Digital pregnancy test

Electronic modification of conventional variants. The test evaluates the concentration of the hCG hormone and requires immersion in urine, but the result (depending on the type of test) is displayed either on an electronic mini-board or appears on the computer screen, to which the test is connected via a USB port.
This option is considered the most optimal due to the impossibility of distorting the interpretation of the results. However, the sensitivity of digital tests is the same as that of inkjet tests: it is possible to use them 3-4 days before the expected date of menstruation. When testing 2 days before the start of menstruation, an accuracy of 99% is guaranteed.

Negative test result in developing pregnancy

In most cases, tests show a negative result in pregnant women if the tests are used too early with low sensitivity, if the instructions for use or storage are not followed. A negative result is also possible due to late ovulation and late conception - in such cases, the hormonal background changes more slowly than expected in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

Diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal disorders also lead to negative results in test diagnostics. For the threat of miscarriage, an increase in the level of the hCG hormone that does not correspond to the gestational age is characteristic, which, accordingly, leads to one strip on the test at a time when the concentration of hCG should be sufficient for two.

It is worth knowing that during gestation, tests can only be used in the first trimester. The concentration of hCG is not maintained during the period of expectation of the child, which leads to incidents: if tests are carried out for a period of more than 2-3 months, the result will be negative.

False positive results

Positive test results in non-pregnant women are much less common than the reverse situation and in most cases indicate the presence of diseases (ovarian dysfunction, the formation of a tumor formation in the reproductive organs that produces hormones, etc.). False-positive diagnostic results are also noted in the first two months of the postpartum period and when using a test with an expired shelf life.

Testing during menstruation

In some women, pregnancy is accompanied by menstrual-like discharge, similar in abundance, timing and manifestations to normal menstruation. As a rule, the discharge ends in the first trimester, but there are cases of their manifestations throughout the entire gestation period. In such situations, it is recommended to resort to diagnostics by a blood test, but the use of tests is also possible.
Any test is based on an assessment of the concentration of the hormone in the urine and the ingress of menstrual flow into it does not affect the effectiveness of the tests.

If test results are in doubt

Sometimes it is not easy to interpret the results of express diagnostics: the second indicator strip is slightly marked, translucent from the inside of the test. Sometimes this happens due to poor-quality production of cheap paper test strips: when wet, the reagent becomes somewhat more noticeable than when dry.
A visible but pale second line most often indicates a low level of hCG, insufficient for the sensitivity of the test. In this case, it is better to postpone the test for 1-2 days or use a more highly sensitive option.

A strip with an insufficient degree of coloration may also appear as a result of improper storage of the test, violation of the instructions. In any case, retesting and/or blood testing for hCG is recommended.

Ectopic or non-developing pregnancy

The test results for ectopic and / or non-developing pregnancy are also positive: on the days of the expected menstruation, the presence of a second strip on the test is most often noted. But an increase in the level of the hormone under such conditions does not occur; on re-testing, the pregnancy indicator strip may turn pale or not appear, which requires immediate medical attention.