The structure of the abdomen during pregnancy. Pregnancy with a boy: features, folk signs. What are the exact signs during pregnancy that there will be a boy: appearance, behavior, sensations, taste preferences, the shape of the pregnant belly

Acute abdomen during pregnancy, or a belly that has a different shape, suggests that soon a woman can give birth to a child whose gender will correspond to the shape of the tummy, in which he is all the time before her birth.

Determining the sex of the child by the shape of the belly of the expectant mother is quite simple. Pregnant women, as well as future fathers, are positive about this way of determining who the family should expect soon. Although ultrasound is an equally effective way to find out who to expect in the family in the near future, folk methods determining the sex of the unborn child is also very popular both among pregnant women, for whom childbirth will not be the first, and for those expectant mothers who give birth for the first time.

What does the shape of the abdomen indicate during pregnancy?

The boy is characterized by a neat little low belly during pregnancy. Despite the fact that a woman is pregnant, her rounded belly can only be seen from the front. If you look at the future mother from the back, it is quite difficult to guess that the woman is in an interesting position. A sharp belly indicates that a boy will soon appear in the family, so it’s worth preparing a blue envelope for the mother and child to be discharged from the parental home and decorating the baby’s room with wallpaper with cars.

If the pregnancy ends with the birth of a girl, then the belly looks noticeably different from the previous description, as it looks much larger than those of women who are expecting a boy. For pregnant women expecting the birth of a girl soon, the presence of an oval oblong tummy is characteristic. During pregnancy, the girl's belly increases not only upwards, but also to the sides. Because of this, the waist area of ​​the expectant mother becomes much wider than before. It is usually possible to notice that a woman is pregnant only when future mother waiting for the birth of a daughter.

If a woman does not trust such methods of determining the sex of a child and still wants to do an ultrasound, she may simply not attach any importance to the shape of her abdomen. At the same time, the expectant mother should be prepared for the fact that the people around her will tell her what sex she should expect in the near future, since many people can determine the sex of the baby by the shape of the mother's abdomen.

Doctors believe that it is not possible to predict the sex of a child by the shape of the abdomen. The size of the abdomen and its shape has nothing to do with the sex of the fetus inside. There have been many around the world various studies, on the basis of which the doctors concluded that the shape of the abdomen has nothing to do with the sex of the unborn child. That is why among specialists such a method for determining the sex of a child, as a careful examination of the abdomen of a woman in labor and determining its shape, did not find fans.

At the same time, it has been proven that the shape of the abdomen can be influenced physiological features each woman in labor on an individual basis. If the expectant mother has a narrow pelvis, then the stomach, respectively, protrudes slightly forward during pregnancy. In the event that a pregnant woman has enough wide hips, then the stomach disintegrates into different sides and looks uneven.

The form may also depend on other factors that become known only at the time of the development and course of pregnancy. For example, the rate of weight gain in a pregnant woman may also have an impact on the fact that the stomach subsequently takes any particular shape. Attention should also be paid to the fact that an excessive amount of fat will not subsequently disappear along with extra kilos, which are formed from the weight of the fetus itself and amniotic fluid. It will be deposited even at the waist of a young mother. And it will not be so easy for a woman to get rid of it compared to how easy it was to gain this weight.

It can be concluded that determining the sex of the child according to the shape of the belly of the expectant mother is not so effective method like an ultrasound.

However, despite the fact that almost all experts consider this method ineffective, young mothers will still continue to try to determine the sex of their child in this way. It is possible that a coincidence of circumstances will make it right.

Pregnancy: how to determine the sex of the child in other ways

If a woman observes nausea in herself exclusively in the morning, then most likely she will have a girl. If, however, attacks of nausea haunt a woman throughout the day, it's time for her to buy a blue envelope for discharge from the parental home, because she will soon have a boy.

If the hairline on the legs began to grow noticeably faster, we should expect the birth of a boy. For pregnant women whose leg hair has grown much more slowly, it will certainly be interesting to know that this is due to the birth of a girl soon.

If your nose is slightly swollen during pregnancy, do not be upset when looking at yourself in the mirror. Soon a son will be born to a pregnant woman, and the nose will subsequently become the same as it was before.

Girls love sweets and fruits. And the boys prefer meat and hearty dishes more.

In order to determine the sex of the unborn baby, a woman just needs to observe a little what she most wants to eat. If these are sweets, a beautiful daughter will be born soon.

If a pregnant woman cannot live a day without eating a piece of fatty meat, she should soon expect the birth of the future favorite of the whole family - a son.

To determine the sex of the unborn child, a woman in labor should carefully examine her stomach. Belly during pregnancy with a boy, according to folk wisdom, outwardly it will be very different and look different than the stomach during pregnancy with a girl. If a pregnant woman notices that a few extra hairs have appeared on it, the couple will soon have a boy. A woman who has pigmentation on her stomach during the process of bearing a child should not worry. It's just clear sign that soon she will have a daughter.

Additional points

From the heartbeat of a pregnant woman, according to folk beliefs, also depends on who will be born to her in 9 months. If the heart beats fast, it means that a girl will be born to a young mother. A boy will be born if the heartbeat is slower than it was before pregnancy.

A woman's mood during pregnancy can say a lot. Usually those representatives of the fair sex who will soon give birth to a girl do not differ good mood. Something bothers them all the time, something irritates them and they don’t like everything.

Unlike capricious girls, boys in their mothers' belly behave calmer and more restrained. A woman in an interesting position is not worried about anything. She does not worry about any reason, she is completely satisfied with her current state.

According to folk signs, without much difficulty it is possible to determine the sex of the child, starting from the side in which the woman first heard the baby move. If this happened with right side, the birth of a boy should be expected. If the movement was on the left side, the woman will soon become the mother of a charming daughter.

If the blow inflicted by the child is located in the region of the liver, it means that a girl will be born to the expectant mother. If the blows constantly fall on the area Bladder means that the woman will give birth to a boy. Of course, it is quite difficult to determine the sex of the baby in this way, since the blows can be too varied and fall into different places. A woman simply does not have time to remember where each of them falls in order to subsequently make a correct prediction.

What is determined by the shape of the abdomen

Many believe that the shape of the abdomen can determine the half of the future baby, but this opinion is erroneous. The shape of the abdomen indicates the position of the baby in the uterus. According to the form, experienced doctors determine the term of childbirth and their passage (light, complex, C-section etc.).

What determines the shape of the abdomen

The shape of the abdomen depends, first of all, on the individual and various characteristics of the woman. These are: the number of births; the position and size of the fetus in the uterus; physique, height, anatomy of the pelvis.

The condition of the muscular tone of the uterus and the abdominal wall has a special effect on the shape. If the pregnancy is the first, then the stomach, with good muscle tone, looks more “tight”. In tall and large women, the belly is not very noticeable until long periods of pregnancy. In miniatures, on the contrary, the stomach seems large, especially if the fetus is large or narrow pelvis. In women with repeated pregnancies, the abdomen may be distended. This is because the baby takes its final position in the uterus on recent months pregnancy. The shape of the abdomen will be larger if the mother is expecting two or more babies.

With a well-running pregnancy, the shape of your abdomen is good in any way. But if you notice that the stomach is lowered too low, then problems may arise, you should consult a doctor. This may cause, according to doctors, premature birth. In such cases, doctors advise wearing a special bandage and less strain.

What can be the shape of the abdomen

By appearance the abdomen is determined by the state of the course of pregnancy. The shape of the abdomen is of considerable importance, this is especially true of the third trimester of pregnancy. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and the fetus is correctly located, then the abdomen acquires an ovoid or ovoid shape. If there is polyhydramnios during pregnancy, then the abdomen looks round, in other words, it has a spherical shape. If the fetus in the abdomen is located across the uterus, then the abdomen becomes shaped in the form of a transverse oval. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the abdomen has special form in women who have a narrow pelvis. If a woman is pregnant for the first time, then the belly becomes pointed in shape, with repeated pregnancy, the shape becomes slightly sagging and pointed upwards. belly future mother will be noticeable to others only by the 4-5th month.

If the shape of the abdomen is not normal

At each examination, the gynecologist must monitor the shape of the abdomen of the expectant mother. If it does not correspond to certain terms of pregnancy, there may be various pathologies. If your belly shape is longer than expected, pregnancy may be at risk.

According to the shape of the abdomen, as some expectant mothers and their relatives still believe, one can determine the sex of the unborn child. In their opinion, a more “sharp” tummy, which, moreover, is practically invisible when viewed from the back of a pregnant woman, indicates that a boy will be born. Rounded belly, on the contrary, indicates that a girl will be born.

However, modern obstetrician-gynecologists use more reliable methods for diagnosing the sex of the baby and give their opinion on ultrasound. But you should not pay attention to the shape of the abdomen at all, because it can indicate features during pregnancy or even its dangerous complications.

What determines the shape of the abdomen in pregnant women

The tummy of expectant mothers during pregnancy grows due to the growth of the baby, an increase in the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid. Usually, the first changes in the volume of the abdomen become noticeable by the 12th week of pregnancy, they become more pronounced by the 20th week. During the first pregnancy, when the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are not stretched, or if the woman has a good “abs”, the stomach can be almost invisible even at the 20th week.

Normally, in this period, the bottom of the uterus is located just below the navel, at 24 weeks - at its level, at 28 weeks - 2-3 centimeters higher. By the 38th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the lower process of the sternum and costal arches - this is its highest level. Then the uterus will drop a little - and the child will be slightly lower and closer to the pelvic cavity.

These changes should not frighten the expectant mother, because they are physiological and prepare the baby for childbirth. Interestingly, with almost the same height of the fundus of the uterus at the 32nd and 40th weeks, the abdominal circumference at the 40th week will be 8-10 centimeters larger than it was at 32 weeks. This is due to the growth of the baby and the fact that the uterus, along with him, sank a little down.

Only a doctor can correctly assess the height of the uterine fundus, compare it with the volume of the abdomen and the gestational age, - this is how the head of the organizational and methodological department of the Yekaterinburg Clinical Hospital comments on the topic we are discussing. perinatal center, obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Vladimirovna Perevozkina.

Olga Vladimirovna also drew our attention to the fact that there is no scientific basis for determining the sex of the baby by the shape of the mother's abdomen, and what medicine can discuss today from evidence-based positions concerns only the size of the belly of a pregnant woman and their deviations up or down.

What signs in the shape and size of the tummy should the expectant mother pay attention to and, if necessary, discuss her concerns with the doctor:

Belly looks too big

It makes no sense to give norms for the volume of the abdomen here, because each woman has her own initial volumes, but there are certain conditional guidelines: if at a gestational age of 20 weeks the volume of the abdomen was 70-75 cm, then at 30 weeks - 82-87 cm and 95-100 cm by week 40. Increased belly size may indicate:

Multiple pregnancy (twins or triplets)

Polyhydramnios (it can be caused by infection, endocrine diseases and Rh conflict),

Large fruit (self common cause here - endocrine diseases of the mother and high growth his parents)

Anomalies in the development of the fetus,

Chorionepithelioma, or cystic skid (this is a malignant neoplasm from the cells of the chorion, that is, the embryo),

Breech presentation of the fetus (when the pelvic end of the baby is below his head). In this case, it is important to decide on time and competently the question of how it would be better to give birth - by yourself or with the help of a caesarean section.

The belly is too small

There may also be several reasons for this:

Ectopic pregnancy (this cause is relevant only at the very beginning of pregnancy, and requires immediate surgical intervention),

Oligohydramnios (among its causes - disruption or rupture membranes, severe illness mothers, malformations of the baby, infections),

Delayed fetal development (reasons - disruption of the placenta, intrauterine infections, toxicosis of pregnancy, poor nutrition of the expectant mother),

Malformations of the baby,

Non-developing, or frozen pregnancy.

If it seems to the expectant mother that the tummy is growing too slowly, she should pay attention to the movements of the baby and own feelings- weakness, nausea, bloody issues, temperature increase. And seek immediate medical attention. Most likely, the doctor, after his own measurements of the location of the uterine fundus and listening to the baby’s heartbeats, will send the expectant mother for an ultrasound scan, and based on its results, a decision will be made on necessary treatment and prospects for pregnancy.

It is important to take into account that the condition of the abdominal muscles affects the size of the belly of the expectant mother. With repeated pregnancies, especially multiple pregnancies, and also if the mother did not use postpartum bandage, and the muscles turned out to be stretched, the stomach will look already less compact. There is another factor that expectant mothers need to take into account - this is the work of the intestines, because when it overflows, low tone And increased gas formation the volume of the abdomen will objectively and subjectively appear larger.

We wish you happy pregnancy, easy childbirth and great joy from meeting with the baby!

A woman changes during pregnancy: personality traits become softer, movements are smooth, mood is changeable. But the main metamorphoses occur with the stomach.
The growth of the abdomen during pregnancy depends on many factors. The main ones are: the size of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid and the increase in the uterus, the physiological characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother.

These include the lifestyle of a pregnant woman: her gastronomic preferences during the 9 months of waiting and her attitude to physical exercises.

No two bellies are the same different women. Moreover, even in one mother's belly at the first and repeated pregnancies may differ, because each of them is unique.

Baby life

The official start date of your pregnancy, according to an obstetric-gynecological point of view, is the first day of the last. It is sometimes difficult to determine at what point life began, so doctors have unified the starting point.

future baby grows and gains weight from the first weeks of development, but by the middle of the second trimester this increase is so symbolic that it practically does not affect the increase in mother's belly.

Ultrasound examination allows you to see the embryo for the first time at the 2-3rd week of development, diameter gestational sac at this time is 2-4 mm.

(10th obstetric week of pregnancy) the diameter of the fetal egg is already 22 mm. And after another 2 weeks, we can talk about the indicators of the child himself: his height reaches 6-7 cm, and his body weight is 20-25 g. By the end of the 16th obstetric week growth will almost double, and weight - by as much as 4 times.

Now you notice that the tummy begins to round out, and after 4 weeks your position will become noticeable to others. Active growth abdomen during this period is due not only to the rapid development of the baby, but also to an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid, which provide the child comfortable conditions existence.

20 weeks at a height of 25-26 cm, weight 280-300 g 24 weeks at a height of 30 cm, weight 600-680 g 28 weeks at a height of 35 cm, weight 1000-1200 g 32 weeks at a height of 40-42 cm, weight 1500 - 1700 g 36 weeks height 45-48 cm, with height, weight 2400-2500 g By the time of delivery with a height of 48-53 cm, weight 2600-5000 g amniotic fluid in the uterus. Amniotic fluid is very important for full development child: they protect him from adverse external influences, create conditions for free movement and provide nutrition, protecting the umbilical cord from being squeezed between the walls of the uterus and the body of the child.

The volume of amniotic fluid is determined by natural needs prenatal development baby. At the end of the first trimester, it does not exceed 100 ml, at 18 weeks it is already about 400 ml, and at the end of III, until the 37-38th week of pregnancy, there are almost 1-1.5 liters of amniotic fluid in the uterus.

Krokhin's house

The uterus increases and changes its shape from the first weeks of the baby's development. Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs about 50-100 g, and its shape resembles a pear (it retains this shape in the first months of pregnancy).

At the end of the 2nd month, "Krokhin's House" rounds up and becomes almost 3 times larger. By the third trimester, the uterus acquires an ovoid shape, its volume at the end of pregnancy increases by more than 500 times, and its weight reaches 1 kg.
How well does the uterus grow? early dates pregnancy, the gynecologist determines with the help of ultrasound. When she goes beyond pelvic bones, the doctor measures the height of the fundus of the uterus.

The research method is simple: the distance from the upper edge of the pubic symphysis to the upper part of the uterus is measured measuring tape. The number of centimeters has approximately correspond to the gestational age in weeks.

If the indicators differ significantly, the woman needs an additional examination to rule out possible complications pregnancy, such as polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

The shape of the abdomen is an eternal subject of controversy. Before the advent of ultrasound, it is "reliable" to determine the sex of the unborn child. Scientists are unanimous that such a diagnosis is just a coincidence. In fact, the shape of the abdomen depends on the position of the child (longitudinal and transverse) and mother's physiology.

In short and strong women, the stomach always seems to be larger than in tall and slender women.. If the future mother has a narrow pelvis, the stomach looks somewhat pointed, with wide hips it looks like an egg.

Another factor on which the shape of the abdomen depends is the initial state of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

If a woman is in good physical form did not neglect exercise before pregnancy and during it, the tummy will be taut and neat. But if the muscles are not in good shape, it will become noticeable earlier, and in shape it will be more rounded and pendulous.

The health of the spine and the spine of the corset is also important. During pregnancy, the center of gravity changes, the increase in the abdomen shifts it forward, because the thoracic and sacral spine deviate back, and the lumbar spine forward (S shape).

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Find out what causes abdominal pain in pregnant women, and what to do if they are present.

All parents want their baby to be born healthy. Every mother worries about the condition of the baby even before birth. She experiences many new sensations that she has not yet known during pregnancy. It often happens that in the first months interesting position stomach starts to hurt. This causes great concern. Let's explore the causes further discomfort.

How the belly grows by week of pregnancy, photo. Growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by weeks and months

When a woman for the first time interesting condition, she is curious not only internal changes happening to her, but how the appearance will change, more precisely, how the tummy will grow.

How the stomach changes from the fourteenth week

Typically: up to twelve weeks - three months pregnant, it will be completely invisible. After all, the uterus is still in the small pelvis. But it already has impressive dimensions - like the head of a newly born child.

Twelfth week - stomach

TO sixteenth week - four months pregnant your baby will already weigh 100 grams, and the convex side of the uterus will be exactly in the middle between the navel and the pubis. The tummy will start to bulge. Amniotic fluid will take up a space of 300 milliliters.

On twentieth week - at the end of the fifth months of pregnancy, the length of the embryo will be - 26 centimeters. The bottom of the uterus will fall below the navel by two fingers. The weight of the baby is three hundred grams, and the water will have a capacity of about 500 milliliters.

Belly at 20 weeks pregnant

On twenty-fourth week, at the end of the sixth month, the bottom of the uterus reaches the level of the navel, the stomach is already perfectly visible even in loose clothing.

Twenty-fourth week - stomach

On 28th week - at the end of the seventh month of pregnancy the embryo reaches thirty-five centimeters, the uterus is already three fingers higher than the navel. The mass of the baby is already 1,000 - 1,200 grams.

Fetal development at the twenty-eighth week

On thirty-second week, at the end of the eighth month of pregnancy, the navel is smoothed out, and the uterus is located approximately in the middle between the xiphoid process, the navel. The child has a mass of 1,700 grams, and in size it reaches 41 centimeters.

Tummy size at 32 weeks

On thirty eighth week ninth month of pregnancy, the baby already reaches the uppermost space in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe costal arches. The weight of the fetus is 2,500 grams or more, height is forty-eight centimeters or more.

Belly - thirty-eighth week

On fortieth week before childbirth the belly begins to sink, the baby is ready to be born. The pregnancy is coming to an end. Often during this period of pregnancy, the navel begins to protrude.

Forty weeks pregnant - belly

IMPORTANT: The size of the tummies in different women during pregnancy may differ due to the unequal body structure, hereditary characteristics. Also in women who have multiple pregnancy more tummy.

What should be the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl?

Specialist doctors reject the hypothesis that the shape of a mother's belly can tell who will be a son or daughter. However, people think otherwise. According to the signs, it is believed that if there is a girl, then the belly of the future woman in labor is more rounded, spreads a little on the sides. In addition, mommies of babies become not so beautiful on later dates course of pregnancy. They have puffiness, the face changes slightly for the worse.

Pregnant woman girl

If future mom is waiting for her son, then her tummy is neat, sharp, does not float on the sides. If a woman stands with her back, then even in the later stages her pregnancy is invisible.

Why does the lower abdomen pull during pregnancy when walking?

Sources pain in the lower abdomen during walking can be various reasons. In order not to endanger yourself and your baby, if you have such unpleasant feelings, contact your local gynecologist with a problem. Only he can correctly establish what causes the pulling pain.

Pulling pain in the abdomen when walking - its causes

Causes pulling pain in the abdomen may be:

  • increased blood flow to the uterusnormal phenomenon in early pregnancy
  • swelling, sprain of uterine ligaments- occurs due to the growth of the uterus, if you lie down, relax, then such sensations disappear, in the case when strong pain does not subside, spotting appears - there may be a miscarriage
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • increase in the size of the fetus- in the later stages, this process is more often observed in primiparous
  • lowering of the abdomen before childbirth

Pregnant belly before childbirth

Why does the stomach itch during pregnancy?

Itching in the abdomen is common occurrence with a growing belly. This is what the doctors used to think. However, then they began to study this phenomenon and established several reasons why the stomach might itch.

  • allergic reactions for food, creams, wool, synthetics and a number of other materials. Such problems appear during pregnancy. To solve them, you need to remove the allergen
  • Skin itches due to stretching because the belly grows more and more every week. Use hypoallergenic creams to relieve itching sensations
  • Sometimes itching on the skin of the abdomen indicates liver disease. manifestation of cholecystitis. Only a specialist doctor can establish the pathology data after the results of the tests
  • Often the stomach itches just like that, itching, as it appears, so it goes away

IMPORTANT: If you experience discomfort (itching, burning) in the abdomen, tell your doctor about the problems. Let the doctor dispel all your doubts, make a diagnosis, and thereby make sure that there is no danger to your life and your child.

What does pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy mean?

Sometimes future women in labor feel pain at the top of the abdomen. Such feelings are natural, because a number of functional changes occur in the body. The fetus grows, in the second half of pregnancy it moves quite actively. These painful feelings occur periodically and pass within one to two hours.

Pain in the lower abdomen

But there are others causes of upper abdominal pain in expectant mothers.

  • Non-compliance with the diet, wrong diet (consumption of fatty, smoked, salty foods), overeating. In such cases, do not massage the abdomen, so that there is no danger of internal bleeding. After a couple of hours, the pain subsides on its own.
  • Pathologies associated with gastrointestinal disorders. In the presence of these diseases, you can not self-medicate
  • Pain in the left side may indicate the presence of intestinal diseases., pancreas and hernia
  • Pain in the upper right part occurs with inflammation of the ulcer, liver, gallbladder, pancreatitis

IMPORTANT: If you are experiencing acute, unbearable pain, then do not hesitate, contact a specialist doctor. Self-medication in such cases is not effective.

Pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

With the advent of the fetus, pregnant women may experience a number of new, sometimes unpleasant sensations. Some mothers are worried about unusual feelings because they do not understand the nature of their origin.

Now you will find out why pulsation in the lower abdomen. There are several sources of pulsation:

  • embryonic movements at a short time, often perceived as a pulsation
  • on the twenty-eighth week, your baby is already making swallowing movements if he swallows amniotic fluid, then hiccups occur - this is the cause of the pulsation
  • at the beginning of the third trimester, the tummy already has a decent size, the baby is growing, and when the mother takes an uncomfortable position, sometimes the vena cava (lower) is squeezed, which causes pulsation
  • in very rare cases, the cause of the pulsation is an aortic aneurysm in such cases, hospitalization is required.

Lowered belly during pregnancy: causes

Usually, the tummy of the expectant mother drops immediately two weeks before the previous birth. By medical regulations this process should take place in the thirty-sixth week - not earlier.

However, there are some exceptions. Often the stomach drops down due to the individual structure of the body (in fat mothers). Also, this happens in women who give birth not for the first time or have multiple pregnancies.

Dropped belly - 38th week of pregnancy

What should be the temperature of the abdomen during pregnancy?

At normal flow during pregnancy, body temperature, including the abdomen, can range from 36.5ºС to 37ºС. Temperature drops may be accompanied by fainting. Increases negatively affect the development of the embryo in the first weeks (months) of pregnancy. Therefore, expectant mothers need to monitor their health, try not to get colds, drink vitamins, eat right, strengthen the immune system.

Why did my belly shrink during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's waist should increase. Obstetricians carefully monitor this. However, there are times when the stomach is slightly reduced in size.

This happens due to the fact that the future woman in labor has slightly lost weight or the woman is preparing for childbirth. Before childbirth, the abdomen drops, and its volume decreases. If the tummy does not grow during pregnancy, then fetal pathologies are possible. In such cases, hospitalization cannot be dispensed with.

What does the shape of the abdomen indicate during pregnancy?

According to folk signs, the shape of the tummy can give out who the mother wears under her heart - a girl or a boy. Doctors, by the shape of the abdomen, determine the position of the embryo and draw conclusions about its development. In addition, according to the excess body weight of a pregnant woman, doctors also determine her state of health, namely, the presence of diseases of the kidneys and other organs.

IMPORTANT: Very important during pregnancy positive attitude. Demand attention to yourself and the baby. Already since short term pregnancy, communicate with the baby, sing songs, stroke the tummy.

Video: Why does the stomach hurt in the early stages?