When does the active growth of the abdomen begin during pregnancy. At what week of pregnancy does the belly start to grow? Age of pregnancy. If a woman carries twins when the womb becomes voluminous

Having learned about the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother certainly wants to know when her tummy will begin to grow. This issue is of particular concern to primiparous women. After all, this is a completely new state for them, sensations, and you need to determine exactly when you should update your wardrobe.

So, let's find out what affects the increase in the parameters of the abdomen, how it grows week by week, how its growth differs with multiple pregnancy And why does the stomach need a bandage.

Growing belly or uterus?

Various women's forums are full of revelations that in some women the belly begins to grow from the fifth week of pregnancy, in others from the tenth, and in others, roundness becomes visible to others at thirty weeks. But the key word in these revelations is precisely “stomach”. And it grows and not in pregnant women from overeating,. Therefore, future mothers who claim that their tummy grows already in the first weeks of pregnancy confuse the “belly” with the uterus. It is growing at an accelerated pace from the 16th week of pregnancy, but already from the 20th, others can really visually determine interesting position ladies on a rounded belly. By the way, the angle of protrusion of the uterus largely depends on how the baby is located inside, on the structural features of the pelvis and the elasticity of its abdominal wall.

What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

Every woman has the beginning of the growth of the tummy, more precisely the sizes uterus, strictly individually. It depends on many factors. The first of them is what kind of pregnancy a woman has. If it is the first, then the rounding of the tummy becomes visible for a period of four to five months. During the second pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are already stretched, so the tummy appears earlier. The roundness of the abdomen also depends on the structure of the pelvis. Yes, ladies narrow pelvis it can be seen much earlier, with a wide - later.

Another parameter that affects the beginning of the appearance of the tummy is the activity of a woman. If she plays sports or is a professional athlete, then the roundness of the tummy is drawn by the third trimester. And then when dressed in tight, tight clothes. The opinion that the roundness of the abdomen depends on the size and weight of the fetus is erroneous. In fact, little depends on these factors. After all, all babies in the womb of mom until the third trimester grow and develop in approximately the same way.

How do doctors record the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The gynecologist observing the woman after registration regularly measures the size of her uterus. Since then, he has been following intrauterine development future child. The size of the uterus is measured using measuring tape. To do this, a pregnant woman simply lies down on a couch in the office, and the doctor measures the length of the female genital organ. You should know that in the physiological (normal) course of pregnancy, the length of the uterus corresponds to the number of weeks. For example, at 12 weeks, the height of the uterus is 12 centimeters. And at this time, talk about a noticeable rounding of the tummy future mother it is too early. By the way, the observing doctor also measures the circumference of the abdomen. He enters these indicators into the woman's medical record.

It should be borne in mind that the circumference of the abdomen is a variable indicator. It depends on the location of the fetus in the uterus, the number near amniotic fluid, and largely from the fat layer of the abdomen.

Growth parameters of the uterus and abdomen during pregnancy

The expectant mother should know that the uterus is constantly growing, only visually its rounding begins to be noticeable on certain terms. How does the uterus increase by week of pregnancy? At what pace?

It goes something like this. At 4 weeks pregnant, it resembles the size of a chicken egg. At week 8, its size increases to the size of a goose egg. From a man's fist, the uterus "looks" at 12 weeks. Then its bottom reaches the upper point of the pubic articulation. By the time of 16 weeks of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus is determined in the middle between the navel and the pubis. At 24 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is at the level of the navel, already 4 cm above it at 28 weeks, and at 32 weeks, the bottom is between the navel and the xiphoid process. The uterus reaches this process at 36 weeks, and at 40 it falls.

As for the growth of the abdomen itself in an interesting position, there are almost no changes with it until the period of 12 weeks. In the first trimester, a small embryo is well protected by the bones of the small pelvis from outside influences. Further, from 12 to 16 weeks, the growth of the tummy of a pregnant woman can be determined by a friend, mother, colleague, in a word, those people who constantly communicate with a woman and know her usual parameters. If a woman is thin, then, of course, roundness will be more noticeable. Starting from the 17th to the 20th week of the term, the tummy is already visible to everyone around. Especially if the woman's clothes are tight. As a rule, at this time, expectant mothers visit stores or departments for pregnant women in order to update their wardrobe.

After 20 weeks of bearing a child, pregnancy can no longer be hidden from others. The exception is very plump women or those who wear very loose clothing.

Usually, after the 28th week of the term, the expectant mother again updates her wardrobe, since the clothes are already becoming too tight for her. A rounded tummy urgently requires spacious, special, comfortable clothing.

When does the belly start growing in pregnant twins?

What if the mother is carrying twins? When in this case does her tummy begin to round?

Yes, the question is relevant, since the terms differ significantly from a singleton pregnancy. So, when carrying twins, the rounding of the tummy becomes visible already in the first trimester. The uterus with multiple pregnancy begins to increase 4 weeks earlier. The general weight gain of such a mother also makes itself felt. But worrying about a big belly and thinking that you will have twins or triplets is not worth it if this was not determined by ultrasound. The reason for the significant increase in your tummy may be simply a large number of amniotic fluid. Or perhaps the date of birth is simply incorrectly calculated, that is, an error in the gestational age.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

So, what factors influence the beginning of the rounding of your tummy?

First of all, it is heredity. Ask your mother how she bore you when her stomach became noticeable. In most cases, women repeat the scenario of their mothers' pregnancy.

The constitution of a woman also affects the beginning of rounding: height, physique, weight. In miniature ladies, the rounding of the tummy is more noticeable, in curvy ones it is much less.

Significantly affects the growth of the abdomen and the overall weight gain, or rather the advice of grandmothers is for two. Essentially, this malnutrition becomes the reason that a woman "sorts out" the rate of weight gain during the period of bearing an unborn child.

It happens that the size of the fetus is large, and this is stated by ultrasound. Then, of course, the roundness of the abdomen will be visible earlier than usual. By the way, in our time, cases of the birth of large children have become more frequent.

The type of presentation is also a factor affecting the visibility of the growth of the abdomen. If the baby is in the area closer to the spine, the tummy will not be so noticeable, and when it lies closer to the front wall of the uterus, then the tummy will visually grow earlier.

Bandage and growing belly

Expectant mothers should not worry about the beginning of the growth of their tummy. It grows for itself and let it grow, round. Much more important is how you feel about it. So, a solid belly is always considered a risk factor due to possible occurrence uterine tone. And because of the stretching of the skin on the abdominal wall, scars begin to appear, that is, stretch marks. That is why doctors advise, and sometimes strongly recommend, pregnant women not to overdo it with food for two and wear a bandage. It should be bought at the beginning of the growth of the tummy. A prenatal bandage will protect the skin from stretch marks, slightly reduce the load on the spinal column, and fix the child in the correct position.

Bandages come in the form of panties with a high waist or a belt with a clasp. When buying a bandage, first try it on, choose the most convenient model.

It should also be taken into account that the appearance of stretch marks with the growth of the abdomen must be prevented. For this purpose, special gels, creams should be used that moisturize the skin and improve blood circulation. good remedy prevention of stretch marks when rounding the tummy is a contrast shower.

So, the rounding and growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is, first of all, an increase in the uterus and its “pet”. It does not matter when your tummy will be visible to those around you, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and healthy at the same time!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

During the period of bearing a baby, the forms of the expectant mother are rounded and this is quite natural. When does the belly appear in pregnant women and how much strong influence does height, weight of a woman and some other anatomical features affect the size of the abdomen?

At what time does the belly appear in pregnant women and can it be considered a pathology too rounded shapes? Expectant mothers want to know about this in advance. It is important for someone that nothing is noticeable until a certain moment, while someone, on the contrary, wants to feel like a lady "in position" as soon as possible.

At what week does the belly appear in pregnant women, if the child is the first? Uniform standards in this case does not exist. It depends on many factors, among which are:

Anatomical features of a woman, her complexion;

The condition of the abdominal muscles;


Features of attachment of the placenta to the wall of the uterus.

Gynecologists assure that the uterus begins to go beyond abdominal cavity only at 12 weeks. Until this time, the stomach practically does not increase if the muscles on its front wall are strong enough. Women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, as a rule, have very neat tummies during the first and second trimesters of gestation.

If the abdominal muscles are weak or stretched during previous pregnancies, "interesting position" becomes noticeable much earlier. That is why it is worth taking into account the fact whether the child is the first, or the woman has already managed to experience the joy of motherhood. With a multiple pregnancy, the belly also increases at a much faster rate than with a singleton, but by early dates the difference is not as noticeable as in the later ones.

Very big problems during pregnancy delivers a disease such as diastasis. In this case, the abdominal muscles diverge a little and already at a very early date a characteristic roundness appears in the waist area. It is necessary to solve the problem after childbirth and often doctors suggest surgical intervention. With diagnosed diastasis, they usually limit physical activity during pregnancy and recommend wearing a special wide belt.

As for the anatomical features of the body structure, this factor also matters. In miniature and thin women, the belly becomes noticeable much earlier compared to tall and puffy young ladies. In this case, the length of the body is important. Ladies with a long torso have every chance of hiding pregnancy until 16-20 weeks.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles so that the stomach does not protrude too much is only necessary before pregnancy. Waiting for a baby sports loads should be excluded. You can maintain your posture with a special bandage, but it should not be too tight.

Many women claim that their belly became noticeable already at 4-5 weeks of gestation. In fact, the uterus at this time is slightly enlarged and it cannot go beyond the abdominal wall. Visual magnification the abdomen occurs due to a general weight gain, the appearance of puffiness, hormonal changes. Some women already a week after the delay of menstruation notice that they have recovered by 3-5 kilograms. If the abdominal muscles are weak, against the background of fluid retention in the body, the waist area may be rounded.

Gynecologists say that the place of attachment of the placenta is also important. If the "children's place" is located on the anterior uterine wall, the stomach will become noticeable much earlier. When the placenta attaches to back wall and is located high, pregnancy can be hidden longer. It is with the location" children's place"and a special structure pelvic floor gynecologists associate a phenomenon in which others do not know about the "interesting position" of the expectant mother until the birth itself. It may seem incredible, but there have been such cases in medical practice. But all these women were overweight.

There are certain norms for the growth of the abdomen, depending on the gestational age. The doctor at each appointment measures the circumference of the waist and makes exchange card relevant entries. If the growth of the abdomen occurs at an accelerated pace, multiple pregnancy can be suspected. When the belly grows slowly and there is no increase in waist circumference in 1-2 weeks, the doctor may suspect various pathologies. But this sign is only indirect, and answers to all questions can only be obtained during the passage of ultrasound diagnostics.

The protruding belly with the help of clothes can be both emphasized and hidden. For example, tight knitted dresses emphasize the waistline and it becomes clear to others that the woman is expecting a baby, already at the 2nd month of pregnancy. Flowing loose-fitting clothes will help to hide the tummy, and especially blouses gathered on a belt located just above the hip line.

At long gestation periods, it is worth considering other factors that can affect the size of the waist circumference. These include the amount of amniotic fluid.

The same woman can have completely different pregnancies. In medical practice, there are cases when the belly grows much more slowly with the second or third child than with the first. This is due to the successful attachment of the placenta in the uterus.

The abdomen becomes noticeable, as a rule, only at 12-16 weeks of pregnancy. But if the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are poorly developed, and the woman is fragile and short, roundness in the waist area appears much faster and already at the 2nd month of gestation, the “interesting position” is visible to others.

During pregnancy, every woman in the body undergoes changes that are common to all and individual for each individual woman.

These changes include hormonal changes in the body, instability of the psyche and mood, changes in work internal organs and changes in metabolic processes.

An obvious symptom of pregnancy is an increase in the size of the abdomen. In the process of bearing the fetus, the belly grows gradually, with constant acceleration.

How does the belly grow during pregnancy

All girls have a belly that grows in different ways, and that is why in this issue do not rely on the experience of any friends and acquaintances.

The dynamics of the increase in volumes can tell the attending physician about many features of the woman's body, because this process is responsible the most important reproductive organ female body- mother. The increase in this organ is primarily associated with the development of the embryo.

In the classic course of pregnancy, the uterus should significantly exceed its pre-pregnancy weight (approximately 10 times), increase in size, develop a denser circulatory network, and amniotic fluid should appear.

Oxygen is supplied to the embryo through the blood if the stomach is small, then the fetus does not have enough oxygen, it starts hypoxia ( oxygen starvation), given state dangerous for the embryo.

If the tendency to increase the abdomen is not within the boundaries of normal indicators, then this may indicate abnormal amounts of amniotic fluid and sometimes even ectopic pregnancy.

Such a pregnancy as an ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous for a woman's life. Such a pregnancy, as a rule, does not lead to the formation of a fetus.

In this pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop outside the uterus often in the fallopian tubes. The reason may be that the egg did not leave the tube and did not attach to the placenta.

An important indicator of an ectopic pregnancy is that in this case, the size of the woman's abdomen increases, not corresponding to normal indicators. That's why in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, as a rule, an abortion is performed.

How fast does the belly grow during pregnancy

All the fair sex is very individual, but there are fairly reliable statistics that say that a visually noticeable increase in volume occurs at 4-5 months of pregnancy.

So, at a 12-week period, the fetus has a length of 5-6 cm with a weight of only about 30 g. And at a 16-week period, the fetus reaches a size of approximately 12 cm, and can reach 100 g in weight.

Also, if ultrasound is performed for a short period, then it is possible to notice that the fetus will occupy almost the entire internal cavity of the uterus, and amniotic water will be practically absent. For more late term fetal waters will occupy a significant space.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly of thin girls begin to grow?

An increase in the size of the abdomen in slender ladies can be seen at 16 weeks. During this period, the fetus has a mass of approximately 100 g.

At skinny girls abdomen is visible small terms , this is due to the fact that the power of fat deposits is low. That is why the growth of the abdomen becomes visible.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly of overweight girls begin to grow?

Fruiting fat girls becomes noticeable much later. Pregnancy can be hidden up to 25 weeks, which is quite a long time.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the thickness of adipose tissue is large, and it is capable of long time hide position.

When does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?

The process of increasing the abdomen depends on:

So, for example, if the fetus in the uterus is placed in close proximity to the spine, then the stomach may become visible a little later. It is also worth considering that Many people experience gas during pregnancy.

remember, that exact date It is impossible to determine at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

When does the belly start to grow during the first pregnancy

Often during pregnancy for the first time, the belly grows slowly. Growth becomes visible by 14-16 weeks. This phenomenon depends on the fact that during the first pregnancy the muscles of the press are strong and elastic, it is able to hide the fetus for a sufficient time.

Also in primiparous women, the belly has a characteristic ovoid shape. Under the chest, the belly is more convex and pointed towards the top. This is also due to the elasticity of the muscles.

To make sure at what week of pregnancy your belly begins to grow, keep a diary and visit the doctor regularly.

When does the belly start to grow during the second pregnancy

With a second pregnancy, the belly appears much earlier than when pregnant for the first time. Often this can be explained by the fact that the muscles are weakened, they are less elastic than before childbirth.

Also, with repeated pregnancy, the abdomen acquires a pendulous shape. It differs significantly from the abdomen of a primiparous woman. Such a stomach is one palm below the chest and one palm above the pubis.

Such the shape and location are determined by the weakened muscles of the abdominal cavity, the condition of the uterus and some other factors.

Also, if repeated pregnancy happened after a short period of time after the previous one, then the muscles of the abdominal cavity will not be able to fully recover and the stomach will look a little saggy.

When does the belly start to grow during twin pregnancy?

If a woman is pregnant with twins, then her the position can become noticeable as early as 4 weeks of fruiting. But such a rapid increase in the abdomen can also confirm polyhydramnios, large fruit or chorionepithelioma.

Chorionepithelioma is a neoplasm that develops from the tissues of the placenta. It is a formation consisting of small bubbles.

Growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by months

The growth of the abdomen occurs gradually. The most important impact on this process has uterine growth.

Before pregnancy, the uterus of a nulliparous woman in its mass is no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it can reach 1000 g. Also, the volume of the uterus increases up to 500 times.

In parallel with the increase in the period, the amount of fetal water increases. In the early period, the fetus occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, the amount of fetal water is very small.

The size of the uterus corresponds to the size chicken egg in the first month of pregnancy, all the space in it is occupied by a fetal egg, amniotic fluid is practically absent. Pregnancy for so short term visually invisible.

The fetal egg has a size of 22 mm at 2-2.5 months. And the uterus reaches the size of a goose egg, the amount amniotic fluid becomes 30 ml. Some pregnant women may notice this period increase in volumes.

By three months, the length of the fetus can be up to 7 cm. The mass can be up to 25 g. The size of the uterus is approximately equal to the size of the head of a newborn child, and the volume of fetal water becomes equal to 0.1 l. The bottom of the uterus can be felt through the abdominal wall during this period, it rises to the edge of the pubic articulation.

It is impossible to know for sure at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. It is possible to only approximately calculate this individually for you.

By four months, the length of the fetus can reach up to 12 cm, weight - 100 g. The bottom of the uterus will rise, now it will be located at an equal distance from the navel and the pubic eminence. The volume of fetal water will increase to 0.4 liters. The abdomen during this period of pregnancy is quite well visible.

By five months, the fetus can reach 26 cm, and by weight up to 0.3 kg. The embryo is already developing genitals, and it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child quite reliably. The bottom of the uterus continues to rise, now its level will be approximately 2 fingers higher than the navel.

By six months, the length of the fetus can reach 30 cm with a mass of 680 g. The bottom of the uterus will rise to the level of the navel. The belly of a woman is already quite visible, since the mass of the fetus reaches a fairly large mark. Also the waist is increased by about 20 cm.

At 28-30 weeks (7 months), the uterine fundus rises 3 fingers above the navel, the weight of the fetus can be 1.2 kg with a corresponding length of 35 cm. At this time, the abdomen is quite noticeable.

By thirty-two weeks, the fundus of the uterus will be located at an equal distance between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shortest and narrowest part of the sternum). Fruit length can be 42cm with a corresponding mass of 1.7 kg.

At 37-38 weeks, the stomach acquires its largest volume. The bottom of the uterus rises to the costal arches and the xiphoid process. The volume of fetal water is 1-1.5 liters and at that time it is maximum.

By forty weeks, as a rule, the bottom of the uterus descends and is established between the navel and the xiphoid process at the same distance. IN given period the volume of fetal water decreases sharply, from about 1.5 liters to 0.8 liters. In the event that a woman overwears a child, then the volume of fetal water may be less than 0.8 liters.

The body weight of a full-term baby at the time of birth is not less than 2.6 kg and not more than 5 kg, and the body length must be between 48 and 54 cm.

Be careful! It is necessary to carefully monitor the process of abdominal growth and all related processes, as too small or too big belly may indicate various pathologies.

If the belly is smaller normal indicators, this may indicate fetal hypotrophy. A phenomenon in which there is a delay in embryonic growth. Also, slow growth trends in volumes may indicate oligohydramnios.

Causes of low water:

  • hypertension;
  • preeclampsia;
  • diseases excretory system embryo;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • other factors.

Also non-compliance with the parameters may indicate pathology of the uterus. If the position of the embryo is transverse, then the abdomen may be below normal in size. With such a presentation of the embryo, natural childbirth is impossible.

If the stomach is larger than normal, then this may indicate polyhydramnios. The usual volume of fetal waters is approximately equal to 2000 ml, and the volume during the phenomenon of polyhydramnios can even reach 12 liters. This pathology, most often, can occur due to diabetes mellitus.

But big size can also talk about multiple pregnancy, but it should be borne in mind that similar pregnancy dangerous enough. The risk of various complications increases. The abdomen can quickly increase if a large fetus develops.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

Growth in the size of the uterus (uterus)

The size of the reproductive organ increases throughout pregnancy. Before pregnancy, the mass of the uterus corresponds to no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it increases to 1 kg. The internal cavity can increase up to 500 times.

Utherus has pear-shaped at the beginning of pregnancy, and by three months it increases up to 3 times and becomes more rounded.

Already in In the third trimester, the uterus becomes ovoid. Over the entire period of fruiting, a dense network of vessels develops in the uterus and the oxygen regime increases.

Embryo Growth Process

Throughout the entire period of gestation, the embryo is constantly growing. Body weight and length are constantly increasing. All systems develop in it, especially the circulatory system.

Interesting fact! A pregnant woman does not feel the presence of a fetus inside her until he begins to change position and push.

Increasing the amount of amniotic fluid

During pregnancy, the amount of fetal water constantly increases in the uterus. Their presence is extremely important for the development of the embryo.

With anomalies, such as polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios, should be carefully monitored during pregnancy. This is necessary in order to prevent possible pathologies development.

weight gain

Many pregnant women noticeably put on weight. And it affects the size of the belly. How more woman recovered, the larger the belly will be.

Presentation - the position of the embryo in the uterus (womb)

If the fetal egg is attached to the front wall of the uterus, then the stomach will be larger compared to the position gestational sac, which is attached closer to the spine.

hereditary indicators

Heredity has a great influence on the process of bearing a child.

If the woman's relatives noticed later appearance belly, it is most likely that the woman herself will notice the growth of her belly too late.

Body type

Growth, elasticity and strength of muscles, body weight have a significant impact on the increase in the abdomen.

Strong and elastic abdominal muscles are able to hide pregnancy for a long time.

How the belly begins to grow during pregnancy: photo

belly growth - important indicator normal course pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to monitor this process.

If the abdomen grows too fast or, conversely, slowly, then it is worth undergoing an additional examination to exclude the development of pathology.

From this video you will find out at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

This video will tell you useful information regarding changes in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Belly in the first trimester

How the belly grows during pregnancy depends on the growth of the uterus, the growth of the fetus itself and the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, as well as individual features the woman herself. As a rule, the stomach in early pregnancy does not particularly increase in size.

This is due to the fact that in the first trimester the embryo is very small. So, for example, in the first six weeks of pregnancy, the diameter of the fetal egg is only 2-4 mm. By the end of the first trimester, the length of the embryo is about 6-7 cm, the volume of amniotic fluid is not more than 30-40 ml. The uterus is also enlarged. To track the dynamics of its growth and compliance with the term, your gynecologist will measure the abdomen during pregnancy by weeks. At the same time, the height of the bottom of the uterus should correspond to the week of pregnancy, that is, at week 12, the distance from the pubis to the top point is on average about 12 cm.

And if in the first three months of pregnancy the stomach becomes larger, then due to overeating, as women in the position increase their appetite. Also, the abdomen is slightly enlarged due to common problem expectant mothers - increased gas formation.

Belly in second trimester

The second trimester is exactly the time when the belly is noticeable during pregnancy. There is a sharp growth and weight gain of the fetus. The uterus is also growing rapidly. So, at week 16, the growth of the fetus is approximately 12 cm, and the weight is about 100 g. The height of the bottom of the uterus is about 16 cm.

Doctors say that 15-16 weeks is the time during the first pregnancy, when the belly begins to grow. But people around you will begin to guess about your beautiful “secret” at about 20 weeks, especially if you wear tight-fitting clothes. However, in some women, the belly is noticeable a little later or earlier. This is due to some features:

  • this is influenced, for example, by the anatomical features of the structure. In women with wide hips And tall pregnancy is less noticeable than in thin women with narrow hips;
  • the size of the abdomen during pregnancy also depends on the type of presentation of the fetus. If the fetus is located on the front wall of the uterus, the stomach is drawn earlier, and on the back, closer to the spine, then later;
  • and if you have a second pregnancy, when does the belly grow? Due to the first pregnancy, the elasticity of the abdominal wall decreases, so the stomach of such women sticks out and becomes noticeable a little earlier - at 15-17 weeks;
  • if the child is large, its growth rate is accelerated. And, accordingly, the time when the belly is visible during pregnancy comes faster.

Belly in third trimester

By the beginning of the 3rd trimester, when the height of the child increases to 28-30 cm, and the weight - up to 700-750 g, no one doubts your pregnancy. The height of the bottom of the uterus is 26-28 cm. The abdomen is already clearly visible, even if you wear loose clothes. IN recent months pregnancy, the fetus and uterus will grow rapidly, and, accordingly, the stomach will increase sharply, stretch marks may appear. However, if your belly grows slowly or too quickly during pregnancy, this may alert your doctor. Most likely, there is a pathology. When the size of the abdomen is exceeded, polyhydramnios is possible. With oligohydramnios and fetal malnutrition (growth retardation), the size of the uterus is smaller than expected.

Thus, impatient future mothers, in order to tell the world about their happiness, will have to wait until the end of the second - the beginning of the third semester.