The child is located on the back wall. Low location of the placenta

The placenta is formed in the first weeks of pregnancy and acts as a conductor of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and removal of its waste products, and also serves as a barrier to infections.

There are several options for its attachment in the uterus. One of them is the location on the front wall. Having heard such a verdict from a doctor, it is important for a woman to know what this threatens normal course pregnancy and child development.

From a physiological point of view, the attachment of the placenta along the posterior wall is considered the most optimal. The fact is that during pregnancy, the walls of the uterus are stretched unevenly. As the child grows, the front wall increases in size and stretches more, while the back wall retains its density and stretches much less.

The anterior wall becomes thinner as it stretches. From this it becomes clear that for the normal functioning of the placenta, the location along the back wall is more advantageous, because in this way it is subjected to a minimum of stress.

Advantages of the back wall

  • The placenta is provided with immobility - placenta previa along the posterior wall is extremely rare, the placenta does not fall down and there is no threat of pregnancy.
  • uterine contractions and increased tone will not increase.
  • The placenta is less exposed to shocks and shocks from the baby during movements.
  • Lower risk increment.
  • Lower risk of injury to the placenta in case of accidental impact to the abdomen.
  • With a caesarean section, the risk of bleeding is lower.

Causes of anterior placenta previa

However, not always everything during pregnancy occurs according to ideal scenario. Often the placenta is attached in a different place - on the side or in front. IN currently many doctors attach the placenta to the anterior wall as a variant of the norm, requiring special monitoring.

There can be many reasons why the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus. The mechanism of such attachment has not been fully studied, but it has been found that it can be provoked by:

  • change in the endometrium of the uterus;
  • Features of the development and implementation of the fetal egg;
  • scars and adhesions on the walls of the uterus.

Various inflammatory diseases of the genital area, endometriosis can lead to changes in the endometrium.

Cicatricial changes on the walls of the uterus appear as a result of operations on the uterus, abortions, inflammatory diseases. This leads to the conclusion that multiple abortions and caesarean sections increase the risk of anterior attachment of the placenta.

According to statistics, such attachment rarely occurs during the first pregnancy. But in multiparous and multiparous women, this is much more frequent occurrence, which may be due to changes in the uterus and especially the inner lining.

If fertilized egg for some reason, it does not have time to penetrate into the endometrium for a certain time, then it is attached to the anterior wall.

Possible complications of anterior attachment of the placenta to the uterus

Is there any danger in this position of the placenta? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously.

The fact is that with a high location of the placenta along the anterior wall, pregnancy can proceed quite normally and end in natural childbirth without pathologies.

At the same time, there are some risks. This is due to the fact that the placenta is an organ that is not capable of stretching. And when the wall on which it is attached begins to stretch too actively, complications are possible.

First of all, this is insufficient functioning of the placenta and a violation of the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. And this in turn can lead to or .

If the distance to the uterine pharynx is reduced to 4 cm, we will talk about such a complication of the anterior location as. Anterior presentation placenta can cause placental dysfunction.

In extremely rare cases (if located too low), the placenta can completely block the cervix of the uterus, which will eliminate the possibility natural childbirth. More often this complication develops during repeated pregnancy.

Anterior placenta previa in combination with placental insufficiency can provoke such a formidable complication of pregnancy as partial or complete abruption.

In some cases indirect symptoms are:

  • weakly felt fetal movements;
  • difficulties with - sometimes the sound of the heart is completely inaudible in the absence of pathology of the fetal cardiovascular system;
  • Large belly.

Unpleasant symptoms may appear if the placenta begins to descend and its presentation occurs. In this case, a woman should pay attention to:

  • severity and;

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis is quite simple and is based on carrying out gynecological examination and ultrasound.

Only ultrasound gives a complete picture of how the placenta is located and whether there is a risk of its presentation.

Therefore, do not refuse to undergo an ultrasound in deadlines. The sooner such a feature of the course of pregnancy is revealed, the easier it will be to prevent possible complications.

Features of pregnancy management

By itself front location does not give the woman any trouble and does not worsen her well-being. Being just a feature of the course of pregnancy, it does not require treatment. In addition, there is no treatment for it, since it is impossible to influence the location of the placenta, as well as change its position and move it to the back wall.

However, this feature of pregnancy requires constant and close observation, so as not to miss the possible onset of complications, which are still more likely with an anterior position than with a normal one.

To reduce the risk, pregnant women with this arrangement are advised to rest more, to completely refuse to lift weights (even if it seems that the objects are not heavy at all), to avoid excitement, stress, and physical exertion.

If, then you should try to touch your stomach as little as possible so as not to provoke an increase in tone and placental abruption.

This is especially important in the later stages.

It is important to visit the doctor on time so as not to miss changes in the placenta and its location. This approach will make it possible to notice in time that children's place has a downward trend.

Childbirth with placenta on the anterior wall

In the absence of complications, such an arrangement of the child's place has no effect on the course of childbirth. Moreover, some women note that childbirth is easier and faster. But it's true if we are talking about natural childbirth.

If a woman is shown a caesarean section, then the anterior location can complicate the course of the operation, increasing the risk of large blood loss. This is due to the fact that the incision is made in the place where the placenta is located.

Therefore, when indications for caesarean section, doctors must take into account the location of the placenta and adjust the surgical intervention in such a way as to minimize the risks of large blood loss. Naturally, for this, a woman must be regularly observed and have all the necessary studies.

The anterior location has no effect on the health of the born child.

Anterior location is not a pathology, but idiosyncrasy pregnancy.

Therefore, do not worry and expect complications - in the vast majority of cases, everything ends successful childbirth without complications. The only feature here is the need for closer monitoring of the course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and unexplored period in the life of every woman. For example, in the body of a pregnant woman, completely new organ, called the placenta, which functions from the moment of conception until the birth of the baby.

The placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus or on the front. Both the one and the other option is considered the norm, but most often this body occupies the back part. By 15-16 weeks, the formation of a child's place, as the placenta is called in the common people, completely ends, and then, until the end of pregnancy, it will grow and nourish the fetus with the necessary substances.

All 38-40 weeks, a doctor who monitors the condition of a pregnant woman conducts ultrasound examinations. Thus, he has the opportunity to monitor not only the condition of the child in the womb, but also the development of the back wall or the front is also determined during the diagnosis. Normally, after the onset of 32 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta should rise up in the uterus. If this does not happen, a woman may be diagnosed with such a diagnosis, which often threatens

Studies show that if the localization of the placenta along the posterior wall of the uterus with the transition to one of the sides is detected, the pregnancy is less likely to have complications, because the anterior part of the uterus undergoes more pronounced changes.

Consider the main functions of the placenta, necessary for the development of the fetus.

Linking function

It does not matter on which side the placenta is located, along the back wall of the uterus or vice versa, its main purpose is to link together two organisms: mother and child. For this, there is an umbilical cord, through the vessels of which everything necessary from the mother is transferred to the child.

Fetal protection

Given that the mother's body has a developed immunity, unlike the body of an unborn baby, a woman easily tolerates various infections obtained from environment. And it is the placenta that protects the fetus from invading the microflora of the child. harmful substances received by the mother during pregnancy.

For normal development The baby needs food even before birth. This is how the placenta works. On the back wall of the uterus, it is attached with the help of villi, and the vessels of the umbilical cord lead to the fetus, through which everything that the baby needs for full development, including oxygen.

Hormonal control

The placenta also provides the synthesis of hormones that help the fetus develop and maintain pregnancy.

There are two main complications associated with the functioning of the placenta.

placenta accreta

As a rule, this pathology is detected only in the process of delivery, when the child has already been born. IN this case the placenta does not separate and exit the mother's body. With the development of such a pathology, the doctor separates this organ manually, plunging his hand into the uterine cavity.

Placental abruption

It does not matter whether the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus or on the opposite side, its detachment is always accompanied by bleeding and threatens the life of both the mother and the child. Therefore, a pregnant woman should always listen to own feelings and report any discomfort to the doctor. After all, there are known cases of death of both the mother and the child, which occurred as a result of detachment. In some situations, if the uterus fills with blood, doctors have to resort to surgical intervention, up to the general.

During the period of observation of a pregnant woman by a doctor, the state of the placenta is always examined first of all, therefore, if any pathology is detected, do not panic, because the further course of pregnancy depends on your mood. And if you listen to the opinion of doctors and follow all the simple instructions, then many problems in given period time you can avoid with ease!

After conception has occurred and pregnancy has occurred, the expectant mother has a large number of questions that, unfortunately, they do not always ask specialists. After the girl goes to see a gynecologist, the specialist will draw up a schedule of scheduled examinations, including ultrasound screening.

According to the results of the diagnosis, in conclusion, it can be written that the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus. Not every woman will pay attention to this, since many do not even know where she should be in the norm. Accordingly, it is not possible to understand whether this is considered a pathology.

The placenta is a temporary organ. Its formation occurs where the introduction of chorionin into the uterine membrane occurred. The baby's place develops during the first 16 weeks prenatal development fetus, and only after that it begins to perform its main tasks (respiratory, nutritional, protective, endocrine).

Depending on where the placenta is attached, it is determined how well and correctly the pregnancy will proceed. In most cases, the place is located on the back wall of the uterus, closer to the bottom reproductive organ. This localization is the most favorable for the child.

Posterior and anterior location of the placenta. Source:

However, if there is a pregnancy along the posterior wall of the uterus, then this position of the placenta has several advantages:

  1. The child seat will have less ability to move downward, it will have a standard, almost fixed position, since this area is less stretched;
  2. If the child actively moves in the womb, or if a woman accidentally hits her stomach, she will often bend over, there is no injury to the placenta;
  3. Decreased chance heavy bleeding during delivery by caesarean section, since the incision does not pass along the back, but along the front wall of the uterus;
  4. When carrying a child, as well as during childbirth, the risk of various complications is minimized;
  5. A woman more clearly listens to the movements of the fetus;
  6. When fixing the placenta along the back wall, the girl's stomach looks smaller and neater;
  7. The likelihood of such conditions as placenta previa or abruption, opening of bleeding or miscarriage is minimal.

When the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus, the gynecologist is able to better observe the fetus in the womb. This feature allows better performance ultrasound diagnostics, listen to the heartbeat and determine the position of the baby. If a woman falls on her stomach, or this area is hit, amniotic fluid soften the force.


Currently, doctors around the world cannot agree on a common opinion, which causes the placenta to be located on the back wall of the uterus. That is why they argue that the children's place is formed in the most favorable zone for the subsequent development of the child.

The chorion is localized behind due to the fact that it is there that there is more blood vessels, as well as more heat than in other parts of the reproductive organ. Also in the immediate vicinity are the fallopian tubes.

By itself, the egg does not have the ability to move, so the attachment of the embryo occurs where it got after the contraction of the fallopian tubes. There is also an opinion that there are certain mechanisms in the egg that determine the place of its fixation.


Pregnancy is a natural, natural state for a woman. Physiologically, the body is designed in such a way that it will create everything the necessary conditions to protect the fetus negative impact unfavorable factors. When the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus, the most comfortable conditions are created for the development of the fetus.

placenta height. Source:

It is in this zone that the most quality system blood branches. As a result, the child will receive required amount nutrients and oxygen, respectively, it will grow better. Also, with such a localization of the child's place, the child is better protected from injury.

Pregnancy in which the placenta is located on the back of the uterus proceeds better and in rare cases is accompanied by complications. When an organ contraction occurs, the child's place remains with its previous sizes, so the risk of detachment is minimal.


It is worth noting that gynecologists pay more attention not to the location of the placenta, but to its height along the lower edge above the pharynx of the uterus. With indicators of no more than six centimeters, they talk about normal condition. In certain situations, the site is lower on the first ultrasound, but subsequently it rises.

Also, in 5% of clinical cases, placenta overlaps the cervix. And this condition is considered pathological, since the tissues will block the path of the child during labor activity. Experts identify several reasons, under the influence of which the attachment of the embryo in the wrong place is noted:

  • The shell of the egg had certain defects;
  • A woman has a history of fibroids, inflammation, or anomalies in the structure of the uterus;
  • Effect of gravity on the fetus during nocturnal sleep.

If the placenta on the back wall of the uterus is located below acceptable level, in which case one speaks of posterior presentation placenta. This condition develops in women who previously performed gynecological curettage, had abortions, suffered endometrial diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature.

The danger in this case is that there is high risk opening of bleeding, a pregnant woman may develop anemia, may occur premature detachment placenta. With such a diagnosis, the patient should be under constant medical supervision in a hospital setting. Ultrasound in such patients is performed more often than in healthy ones.

If the placenta completely blocked the cervix of the uterus, then delivery is performed by caesarean section. If the exit from the uterus is partially closed, then it is allowed to give birth naturally. However, specialists will have to monitor the condition of the child and the contractility of the uterus.

The location of the placenta is determined by ultrasound.

Each woman, having found two cherished stripes on the test, is looking forward to the first ultrasound with great impatience in order to get to know her baby and make sure that he (she) is all right.

It is at the first study that a woman hopes to receive the bulk of the answers to her many questions and fears, but, as a rule, after an ultrasound, even more concerns and questions arise.

The usual phrase of a doctor saying that the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus (as well as on the front wall, at the bottom, side or bottom) causes not only bewilderment, but also fear, as well as worries about whether this is normal and does not create a threat to the baby.

Placenta - what is it, and the essence of its action, location

On the 9th day of pregnancy, in the place where the fertilized egg was attached to the wall of the uterus, a special villous chorion is formed, which precedes the appearance of the placenta, which occurs as early as the 16th week. This organ is truly unique. He appears only during the period of bearing the crumbs and, being born with him, dies, having fulfilled his destiny.

The purpose of the placenta is to provide the growing baby with everything necessary for normal and full development. It is through this organ that the baby receives everything that he needs for life, and gives away the products of his life. In fact, this body is necessary to create the maximum comfortable conditions during intrauterine life crumbs.

The function of the organ is incredibly multifaceted, and until the moment when the baby enters this world and begins to live independently, it is the placenta that performs the functions of almost all of its systems and the most important organs, For example:

  • digestive systems;
  • respiratory organs, in particular, the lungs;
  • excretory system (kidneys);
  • takes over all the functions of the skin;
  • replaces the endocrine glands.

The placenta determines the production of all hormones in the body of the baby and his future mother, their metabolic rate. The organ grows with the baby, constantly increasing in size and on its condition, as well as on the correct functionality, the development and health of the growing baby almost completely depends.

The egg, leaving the tube, can be attached almost anywhere, for example, to the back wall or, conversely, to the front, in the lateral part from any side. It can also be attached at different heights. In some cases predominant localization placenta still on initial term is at the bottom, which causes a lot of complications.

There is a certain myth that says that the position of the baby by the time of his birth will depend on where and how the placenta is located. But in reality, one has little to do with the other.

To the place where the placenta can be localized by ultrasound, the growing baby is attached motionlessly only at the very initial stage, exactly until the umbilical cord and a sufficient volume of fluid appear in the uterus, allowing the baby to start moving, roll over and change its position.

And therefore, to predict in what position he will be at the time of the beginning birth process based on the characteristics of the location of the placenta - it is impossible. Of course, the place where the placenta can attach to the uterine wall has great importance, since a lot depends on this, for example, the presence (as well as the absence) of certain complications.

Placenta placement options:

This term in medicine refers to the too low location of the placenta, which often becomes an indication for a cesarean, especially if the edge of the organ overlaps the birth canal. This condition requires the utmost attention of doctors, since it threatens with many dangers and complications, in particular:

The location of the placenta during pregnancy is of particular importance, since the development of the baby, its health and strength at the time of birth depend on this organ and its condition. Do not despair if the attachment of the chorion did not go perfectly along the back wall, modern medicine allows you to cope with any problem in this area, it is only important to consult a doctor in time.

The placenta on the back wall of the uterus is the normal location of the newly formed baby place during pregnancy. Should it be? Can there be any complications in the process of bearing the fetus and during childbirth? We have tried to answer these and other questions.

What is a placenta?

The placenta is an embryonic organ that forms during pregnancy. It connects the mother's body with the fetus and promotes the exchange nutrients. When does this organ begin to form? After the fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus, the process of formation takes place. "children's place".

The full development of the placental membranes occurs around the 16th week of pregnancy. With the help of the embryonic organ, the blood that enters the fetus is filtered.

Localization options

What does it mean: attachment of the placenta along the back wall? Many women, having heard a similar term at the first ultrasound, get scared, thinking about some kind of deviation. In fact, such an attachment of an embryonic organ is quite normal. A less “successful” option is the development of the placenta during pregnancy along the anterior wall of the uterus. Why?

The anterior wall is more susceptible to stretching because it is much more elastic. If the location of the placenta is low enough, it can even lead to its detachment. Therefore, many women who are faced with a similar problem, in the last months of bearing a baby, go to the hospital for preservation.

What does low mount mean?

The uterus itself is an inverted vessel (smooth muscle organ) and therefore the bottom is located at the top, and not at the exit. What can be fraught with low attachment baby placenta on the back wall? The walls of the embryonic organ experience strong pressure as the fetus develops. For this reason, bleeding may begin with further detachment of the placenta.

In addition, a sufficiently low location of the placental membranes threatens poor blood supply child's body. An acute lack of oxygen is fraught with fetal hypoxia, which can later lead to mental abnormalities in the baby.

What does low mount mean? "children's place"?

If between the pharynx of a smooth muscle organ and bottom edge the distance of the embryonic organ is only 6 cm, this indicates the presence of a deviation.

In most cases, the location situation aligns with recent months bearing crumbs.

This occurs due to the stretching of the walls of the uterus, as a result of which the embryonic organ moves somewhat away from its bottom.

The main reasons for low localization

The low localization of the baby placenta along the posterior wall of the uterus can be caused by a number of reasons.

As a rule, they are associated with early damage to the mucous membranes of the womb:

  • abortion;
  • Gynecological operations;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • miscarriages;
  • infectious diseases;
  • Pathology of the development of the uterus;
  • C-section.

All of the above reasons provoke the formation of scars that prevent the introduction of the egg into upper parts"bridgehead". In addition, low localization "children's place" often occurs due to irregular shape the smooth muscle organ itself or its underdevelopment.

Low location symptoms

In fact, there is practically no symptomatic picture in the case of the development of an embryonic organ near the bottom of the uterus. And only as the fetus develops, a woman may experience discomfort from pulling pain in the lower abdomen, and in some cases from bleeding.

It is possible to determine the presence of this pathology only after examination by an uzist. It is for this reason that almost all experts insist on the periodic passage of ultrasound.

The main types of presentation of the "children's place"

What is preposition?

This term is very often used by obstetricians to indicate the option of attaching the placental membranes in the cervical region. As already noted, low localization is fraught with hypoxia and obstruction of the birth canal.

This condition is considered pathological, but until about 40 weeks of gestation, the place of “dislocation” of the fetal site moves somewhat.

What are the presentation options?

The type of pathology directly depends on the features of the attachment of the placenta.

In connection with these physiological features and the following classification of presentations was created:

  • Complete. In such a situation, the embryonic organ completely blocks itself internal os. This suggests that even if the walls of the uterus are completely relaxed, the baby will not be able to enter the birth canal due to the placental valve;
  • Partial. The "children's place" partially covers the uterine opening, however, during childbirth, the baby's head, as a rule, cannot pass through such a narrow channel;
  • Low. The embryonic organ is localized at a distance of about 6-7 cm from the entrance to the cervical opening. In most cases, such a pathology does not interfere with the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal;
  • Regional. When marginal presentation"children's place" develops at the very edge of the so-called internal pharynx;
  • Central. The cervical canal is completely blocked by the embryonic organ. In this case, the birth of a baby in a natural way is impossible. To save the baby's life, you have to do a caesarean section;
  • Lateral. The cervical opening is only partially blocked by placental membranes, which subsequently complicates the process of childbirth due to the obstruction of the birth canal itself.

Possible consequences of presentation

What are the prognoses for marginal and other types of placenta previa in the posterior wall?

Pathologies associated with the wrong place of "deployment" of the embryonic organ threaten the expectant mother and baby with the following complications:

  • Gestosis (late toxicosis);
  • Improper development of the fetus;
  • Foot presentation;
  • Atypical location of the baby in the womb;
  • Chronic and acute hypoxia;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;

The forecasts are disappointing, but in most cases, the presentation goes away by itself by about 37-40 weeks of baby development.