What does chorion mean. Should I panic with an anterior placenta

The process of pregnancy is a very delicate chemistry that affects the entire female body. In order for a child, you need to carefully monitor yourself, eat well and not miss doctor's examinations.

Not all women know what is happening in, and this is quite an important point. Every month, a follicle matures in the female body, which breaks and releases the egg. This period is considered the most favorable for conception. During fertilization, the egg moves through the tubes and enters the uterus, where it is firmly attached to her body. There it develops for a long time. Localization of the chorion, detachment of the chorion and its presentation can cause a number of problems in the preservation of the fetus and its birth.

What is chorion and what is its role

During the entire period of pregnancy, the embryo develops in a shell that protects it from external damage and contains the nutrients necessary for the child. Shell composition: amnion and chorion. Where the outer part is the main one, as it is attached to the reproductive organ. Localization of the chorion, detachment of the chorion is one of the many problems encountered during pregnancy.

For the normal development of the fetus, this matter is vital. Chorion appears at the very beginning of the term and exists until that moment. The correct location of the chorion and its uniform distribution is important. It should be located on the back wall of the uterus. Chorion presentation is when it is in the lower part of the reproductive organ.

In order to diagnose the problems that have arisen in this area, it is necessary to carry out, since a simple gynecological examination will not give results.

Varieties of chorion depending on the gestational age

Chorionic presentation may occur at different stages of pregnancy. Its location is shown by ultrasound. At 6 weeks, the fetal egg is usually attached in a ring-shaped manner over the entire area. On the 8th week, it becomes circular.

Most often, chorion presentation is detected at week 12, since at this time the first scheduled ultrasound examination is performed. This pathology requires bed rest and inpatient treatment. If the placenta rises up, then the threat will be eliminated. Chorionic presentation at week 12 can only be eliminated by drug treatment. Also, pregnant women are prescribed complete rest and.

Expectant mothers are wondering, chorionic villi: what is it and are they the norm. The outer shell of the fetus has small villi that help attach it to the wall of the uterus, so this structure of matter is considered quite normal.

Localization of the chorion

Specialists determine several main positions of the concentration of the placenta:

  1. Localization of the chorion along the back wall. This arrangement of tissue suggests less deviation from the norm than others.
  2. The predominant localization of the chorion anterior is a deviation from the norm that requires medical intervention.
  3. When the chorion blocks the internal os, not only the development of the fetus is difficult, but also its birth.

All problems associated with incorrect presentation are solved only medically. Women should not resort to traditional methods of treatment.

There are several places of attachment of amniotic matter to the uterus, and all of them require separate consideration. Localization of the chorion along the back wall is the most common. This condition is typical of early pregnancy. The predominant localization of the chorion is considered precisely in the back of the reproductive organ. It is clearly visible during an ultrasound examination. In this case, there is no need to panic. The localization of the chorion is posterior and will not cause spontaneous abortion. The state of matter can change, so experts prescribe an examination at an early stage. Expectant mothers should clearly understand that the localization of the posterior chorion is the normal development of pregnancy. Usually at the same time, there are no problems with the health of the woman and the unborn child.

The chorion can be located on the anterior wall of the uterus. Experts consider this arrangement of matter to be normal, but they warn that expectant mothers should be extremely careful. Chorion along the anterior wall of the uterus can threaten placental abruption, so you must follow all the doctor's instructions. However, this is not a cause for panic, since matter has a specific feature to migrate. Chorion along the anterior wall is not a sentence, but minor complications that can be eliminated.

In some women, the attachment of the amniotic egg occurs in the lateral part of the reproductive organ. In this case, doctors say: the chorion is on the front wall or on the back, and on the right or left. This is also established by ultrasound. The anterior localization of the chorion with lateral deviation is also not a pathology and can change.

In the results of the survey, information is sometimes found about the different location of the place of attachment of matter to the wall of the uterus. The low location of the chorion means that the attachment site is in close proximity to the cervix. The distance separating them is no more than 3 centimeters. The low location of the chorion is not a pathology. It is perfectly acceptable for medical reasons. Low attachment of the chorion can change. The uterus increases with the growth of the fetus, so the attachment site rises. Low attachment of the chorion can be considered the norm if it does not cover the pharynx.

There are several types of presentation, which are detected as a result of ultrasound.

  • Marginal presentation of the chorion;
  • partial;
  • Complete.

Full presentation means that the matter is localized near the cervix and closes the exit for the fetus. Chorion blocks the internal os and interferes not only with independent childbirth, but also threatens arbitrary termination of pregnancy. This can lead to surgical intervention during childbirth. Medicine has not yet developed a way to resolve the issue when the chorion covers the internal pharynx. But experts advise with this diagnosis complete rest and proper nutrition.

With partial closure, one part of the cervix remains open.

Marginal presentation of the chorion involves minimal closure of the exit from the canal and only along one edge. This problem does not contribute to miscarriage, unlike the other two.

Chorionic biopsy and indications for its implementation

Many women wonder why a chorion biopsy is performed. You should know that this matter has the same type of genetic structure with the fetus. In this regard, the procedure can be carried out in order to detect diseases in early pregnancy.

Chorionic biopsy is performed with the following indications:

  • late pregnancy;
  • Previously born children have diseases associated with chromosomes;
  • The genes have these diseases;
  • echographic indication.

Chorionic villus biopsy may have complications. This is bleeding, pain or miscarriage. In this regard, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 12 weeks.

Chorionic villus biopsy has its contraindications. If a woman has chronic diseases in the acute stage, the material is not available, there are visible deviations from the norm in the cervix, the presence of fibroids, discharge with blood and other equally serious indications, the procedure is not performed.

Chorionic biopsy reviews are quite contradictory. First of all, you need to know that this is a small, but painful operation. The procedure is carried out through the cervix or abdominal cavity, depending on the location of the matter. In addition, there may be certain complications with the continuation of pregnancy. Whatever the reviews of the chorion biopsy, its conduct should be caused only by urgent need and medical indications. The operation is performed under constant ultrasound monitoring.

During the development of the fetus, a woman's body goes through many changes. First of all, the amount of secreted hormones changes. At the same time, some changes occur in the uterus of a pregnant woman. Most women don't even know about them. During development, the fetus receives all the elements necessary for development through the mother's blood. This happens due to the activity of temporary internal organs that appear during pregnancy. One of these organs is the chorion, which appears almost immediately after conception. The chorion is a set of outgrowths located around the fetus. These outgrowths constantly increase in size and begin to penetrate into the lining of the uterus. And after a while it turns into a child's place of the placenta. It is the chorion that allows blood to circulate through the placenta, and can penetrate the walls of the uterus.
The chorion is the organ that allows the embryo to develop normally. After all, only with its help the fetus can exist and does not die. The chorion is formed approximately seven days after the conception process. The presence of this shell is detected only through an ultrasound examination, since it is simply impossible to do this during a normal examination.
Several types of Chorion can be distinguished, which changes during different periods of pregnancy. If the period is short (up to forty-five days), then this shell will have a circular shape. In this case, it is still impossible to see the embryo itself, but only its shell. In later periods of pregnancy, it may have a circular or villous shape.

Particularly important for the normal development of the fetus is the attachment of the chorion to the uterus, or its localization. In medicine, the term chorion presentation is used. In this case, the chorion is located in the lower part of the uterus, next to the transition of the uterus into the cervix. This attachment of the chorion is very dangerous, as it can lead to severe bleeding during childbirth. And during pregnancy and at all to a miscarriage. Most doctors in this situation undertake a caesarean section. Since natural decay may be completely impossible.
Chorionic presentation is a pathology, but so far there are no ways to eliminate it. But it can disappear on its own. After all, the chorion, like the placenta itself, migrates very often. This is what happens to most pregnant women. However, in some women, the chorion is always located in one place, which leads to difficulties during childbirth. If it completely covers the cervix, then a caesarean section is a mandatory measure. But if it is located more than five centimeters above the cervical canal, then the doctor may allow the woman to give birth on her own.
In this position, bleeding can often occur. But to prevent this from happening, you should completely abandon physical exercises, sudden movements and lifting heavy objects. It is also worth completely avoiding sexual contact.
Anterior localization of the chorion
One of the types of chorion presentation is its localization on the anterior wall of the uterus. In this case, it passes from the anterior wall into the cervix. Such localization is not dangerous, because in this case the uterus remains almost completely open. There is no need to worry too much about this diagnosis. But it is very important that the chorion is localized several centimeters above the internal os. Also in this position of the chorion, its growth occurs much faster.
But even with this arrangement of the chorion, some complications can occur. Indeed, in this case, the placenta grows and develops on the wall of the uterus, which is located closer to the mother's stomach. Then the fetus can be located behind the placenta, through which the baby's heartbeat and its movements are heard very weakly. Also, caesarean section with this diagnosis is much more difficult. Well, besides, after the preliminary birth, the placenta can grow to the muscular layer of the uterus.
Posterior localization of the chorion
Very often, when undergoing an ultrasound scan, pregnant women find out that their chorion is located on the back wall of the uterus. This situation can be called classical. After all, the attachment of the chorion to the back wall of the uterus with the simultaneous capture of the side walls is natural. This position, unlike the anterior localization of the chorion, is not pathological.
The posterior localization of the chorion is normal, and is not a deviation from the norm. But it has its effect on the woman's body. After all, the growth rate of the belly of a pregnant woman depends on this. In the case of posterior insertion, the abdomen is usually small. Whereas with anterior localization, the abdomen is very enlarged, already in the first stages of pregnancy. In the future, the chorion can move up. And this is a common occurrence, because this is how it should happen.
So a pregnant woman should not worry about anything. One has only to adhere to the regimen and constantly be under the supervision of a doctor, following all his instructions. And the chorion itself will rise up, and thus the problem of complication of pregnancy will disappear by itself. And the pregnancy itself in this case will end in a successful birth.
But still, there is a danger that with the posterior localization of the chorion, the placenta can completely block the entrance to the uterus. In this case, you need constant monitoring of the pregnant woman. And it is best for her to be in the hospital, even if she does not have any complaints, and she feels quite normal. In the case of overlapping of the uterus with the placenta, there is always a risk of bleeding, and it can be very strong and often recur. In addition, it can begin without any preliminary symptoms.
During pregnancy, women are amenable to many studies. One of them is ultrasound. During such an examination, the doctor must examine both the chorion itself and its location. In this case, the presence of detachments in the shell and its size are always taken into account, all possible problems are diagnosed. Therefore, any problems associated with this organ are detected at the earliest stages of pregnancy, and are immediately treatable. So it is always worth following all the doctor's instructions, and the pregnancy will end safely.

Girls, who had such an arrangement? At the first screening, they said that the placenta is attached to the anterior wall. The doctor said that everything is OK - this is a variant of the norm. Tomorrow exactly 15 weeks, the tummy is a little rounded, at the last appointment the doctor tried to listen to the heartbeat for a long time, she said that this was due to the location. On the Internet, information varies, to the point that it is dangerous. I would like to ask a few questions to those who had such localization. 1. At what time did you feel the movements? When did the belly appear? 2. Were there any problems with bearing? 3. Did G. forbid sexual activity? (without any threats) 4. Did the placenta change its position during pregnancy? 5. How was the birth? Were there any problems? Thanks in advance to everyone who responds 😊

During the period of bearing a baby, the female body undergoes numerous changes. They begin with a change in hormonal levels. Further changes occur in the reproductive organ itself. During this period, the woman is not even aware of her new position. This article will focus on the term "chorion". You will learn about what it is and where this education is located. You can also get acquainted with the problems that may arise with the chorion.

conception process

To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about fertilization. In a healthy woman, the follicle ruptures once a month. At this point, the female gamete is released, ready for fertilization.

If sexual intercourse takes place at this moment, then the male cells will be able to freely meet with the egg. When two gametes merge, continuous division and movement of cells begins. When the formation reaches the reproductive organ, the ovum is attached. It tightly grows into the inner lining of the uterus and remains there for a long time.

Chorion - what is it?

The chorion is the outer fetal membrane of the embryo. It is worth noting that the fetal egg consists of two important components: amnion and chorion.

The outer part (chorion) is the most important part. It is she who borders on the inner shell of the uterus. Localization of the chorion may be different. You will learn about the most popular of them below.

Chorion is a component of a normal pregnancy. Without it, the fetus will not be able to develop normally and will simply die. This shell appears approximately one week after fertilization and remains until the formation of the placenta. Many doctors say that the chorion is the placenta. To some extent, this statement is true. It is at the junction of the upper shell of the fetus with the endometrium that the placenta is formed.

Chorionic diagnosis

This formation cannot be determined by vaginal examination. The chorion is a formation that can only be seen with an ultrasound examination. Always in the ultrasound protocol, the specialist describes the state of this structure, its location and features.

Types of chorion

Medicine knows several varieties of the upper shell of the fetal egg. It is worth noting that all of them depend on the gestational age and can change greatly over time. The type of chorion can only be determined by ultrasound.

Pregnancy up to 6 weeks from conception

At this stage of the development of the fetal egg, the annular chorion can be found. What it is?

On examination with an ultrasonic sensor, a fetal egg can be detected. It is worth noting that the embryo at this time is not yet visible. The upper shell of the fetal egg is attached to the endometrium over its entire area. It is in this case that we can say that there is an annular chorion.

Pregnancy up to 8 weeks from conception

Often in the protocol of an ultrasound examination, women find an entry: "Chorion circular." What does it mean?

A similar condition of the upper fetal membrane is characteristic of early pregnancy. This kind of formation is transformed at about 8 weeks from the moment of fertilization.

villous chorion

This type of shell is absolutely normal. Many women ask the gynecologist: “Villous chorion: what is it?”

The shell got its name due to the fact that it has the so-called villi. It is with their help that it is attached to the inner wall of the reproductive organ. The villous chorion is always described in the ultrasound protocol. Its location is also noted.

Localization of the chorion

There are several common options for attaching this structure. Doctors still do not know why the fetal egg chooses one or another place. Let's take a look at each possible option.

Posterior localization

This condition is the most common. In most cases, in the first trimester of pregnancy, a chorion is found along the back wall of the reproductive organ. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the structural features of this shell.

Front location

If your chorion is not located on the back wall, then it is attached to the front of the uterus. This condition is also the norm, however, special precautions must be taken.

With anterior localization, there is a risk of detachment of the membranes of the fetus. If you follow all the instructions of the doctor, then, most likely, it will be possible to avoid such complications. Do not panic when receiving such information. The chorion is able to move and migrate.

Lateral arrangement

Chorion during pregnancy may be on the side. This position is always reduced to the front or back. This indicates that the chorion is located, for example, in front and on the right.

Chorion presentation

Many pregnant women have to deal with this diagnosis. To begin with, it is worth clarifying what “previa” means.

If the fetal egg is attached low in the reproductive organ, then the resulting chorion will block the cervical canal or simply be located very close to the exit from the uterus. This condition is a pathology, but the treatment for it has not yet been invented.

Do not be upset because of this arrangement of the chorion. He can migrate. The formed placenta can also move up or sideways. Thus, placenta previa, which was detected during the second screening, often disappears at the third examination with an ultrasound probe.

What can threaten the presentation of the chorion?

This condition usually resolves on its own. However, there is a category of women in whom the chorion and placenta remain in their place and do not move anywhere. What is the risk?

With this outcome of events, doctors can choose a non-standard delivery. If the placenta completely blocks the entrance to the uterus, then a planned caesarean section is performed. In the case when the chorion (placenta) is low, the doctor takes into account the distance between the cervical canal and the edge of the membrane. If the gap between the cervix and the placenta is more than five centimeters, then the woman is allowed to give birth on her own. In other cases, a planned additional ultrasound is performed a few days before the birth and, if necessary, a caesarean section is prescribed.

Chorionic presentation: precautions

If you are diagnosed with this diagnosis, the doctor will give several recommendations. It is worth listening to the advice and taking all precautions. Otherwise, spontaneous bleeding may occur, which leads to the most unexpected consequences.

Keeping physical rest

With the presentation of the chorion, complete physical rest is always prescribed. A woman needs to give up physical education and sports exercises. Also, you can not lift heavy objects and make sudden movements.

In some cases, it is even forbidden to sneeze, since a sharp contraction of the uterus can lead to a partial detachment of the chorion.

sexual rest

In addition to physical rest, sexual rest is also necessary. It is worth abandoning all contacts until the chorion rises to a safe distance from the cervical canal. Otherwise, involuntary contractions of the genital organ can cause bleeding.

Taking medicines

With chorion previa, the doctor may prescribe certain medications. They relax the uterine muscle and prevent it from contracting. In the early stages of pregnancy, these can be Duphaston tablets, Papaverine rectal suppositories, No-Shpa tablets. At a later stage in the development of the embryo, other means may be prescribed: injections or tablets "Ginepral", vitamins "Magnelis B6".

It is worth noting that taking such medications is necessary only on the recommendation of a doctor. In some cases, you can even do without them. Also, the doctor may recommend wearing a bandage. This device will support the stomach and facilitate the general condition of the pregnant woman.


While waiting for the baby, women undergo various studies. Including ultrasound. With such an examination, the doctor always examines the chorion and notes its localization. This takes into account the size of the shell, the presence of detachments and other problems.

Always follow your doctor's advice for chorion presentation. Only in this case, the pregnancy will end with a successful delivery.

The definition of "predominant localization of the chorion along the anterior wall of the uterus" in medicine means such an arrangement of this anatomical formation, in which its large area is located in the anterior projection of the uterus. Let's talk in more detail about all the nuances of such a fastening of the chorion.

Is the location of the chorion along the anterior wall dangerous?

Such an arrangement of this anatomical formation usually does not cause any concern among doctors. In most cases of pregnancy, the chorion is located on the back wall, however, its anterior attachment is not a violation and does not affect the gestation process in any way.

What difficulties can arise in the management of pregnancy with this type of attachment?

The localization of the chorion along the anterior wall can cause some difficulties for doctors when listening to the fetal heartbeat using a conventional obstetric stethoscope.

It is also worth noting that with such a fastening of the chorion, the expectant mother can feel the first movements of the baby much later than usual during pregnancy.

In addition, when managing childbirth, obstetricians should take into account the fact that the placenta is located on the front side of the uterus and monitor its timely separation, because. this can happen before contractions begin. Therefore, with this type of attachment of the placenta, doctors often conduct ultrasound diagnostics to prevent premature separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus.

Otherwise, the predominant localization of the chorion along the anterior wall of the uterus is no different from its location along the posterior surface of the reproductive organ. Therefore, if a woman hears such a conclusion during an ultrasound scan, then the fetus is developing normally and there are no prerequisites for a sudden termination of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a lot of things scare the expectant mother. Especially scary are the words about the attachment and presentation of the chorion on the first ultrasound. In most cases, there is nothing to fear. But some situations require careful dynamic observation and treatment.

A fertilized egg with an embryo developing in it consists of two membranes. Chorion is called external, which for a period of 12-14 weeks turns into a placenta.

A feature of the structure of such a structure is an abundant amount of villi on the surface. With the help of them, the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus. This is an important step in a normal pregnancy.

Types of chorion attachment, some features

The uterus is conditionally divided into three parts: the lower segment, the anterior and posterior walls. When the chorionic villi are attached to one of them, the full development of the embryo and placenta begins. There are the following types:

  1. Along the front wall.
  2. On the back wall.
  3. Bottom view.

Localization of the chorion during pregnancy

If the chorion is along the back wall of the uterus, then this is not a pathology, but the most favorable development option. It is connected with:

  • good blood supply to the area;
  • small ability to stretch;
  • the absence of mechanical impact of the fetus during its movements with legs.

The localization of the chorion along the anterior wall is also regarded by doctors as a variant of the norm. Pregnant women with this diagnosis are included in the high-risk group for bleeding. They are given general recommendations, drug treatment is not prescribed.

Be sure to visit a specialist on an individual schedule!

When managing pregnant women with a chorion located along the anterior wall of the uterus, doctors may encounter some difficulties:

  • complaints of a woman about late fetal movements;
  • deafness of the baby's heart sounds during their auscultation;
  • inaccurate definition of body parts of the fetus.

Such problems are well solved due to in-depth control, which includes more frequent ultrasound and tocography (assess the baby's heartbeat).

Attachment of the chorion in the lower segment of the uterus is a prognostically unfavorable sign. If it is located above the cervix by more than 3 cm, then the pregnant woman is treated on an outpatient basis with more careful dynamic observation. It is worth considering that such terminology is appropriate only for very short periods. After 12 weeks they talk about placenta previa.

Chorionic presentation: what is the danger?

Attachment of the chorion is a natural process necessary for the further good development of the embryo. Against the background of it, a situation may arise when the fetal egg is located very low (close to the internal pharynx, less than 3 cm), covering the natural birth canal. This condition is called chorion previa. There are the following types:

  • edge;
  • central;
  • incomplete (partial).

Options for attaching the placenta

Regional presentation is considered more successful. In this case, the chorion touches the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal os and the cervix. As the fetus grows and the uterus enlarges, the placenta may migrate. On ultrasound at 18 weeks, this situation usually changes to a normal location.

With a central presentation, the chorion completely covers the cervical canal. This is the most dangerous type, in which massive bleeding often develops and fetal death occurs.

Partial presentation is characterized by the fact that the chorion closes the lumen of the cervical canal by 2/3 or less. The advantage of this type is that during the migration of the placenta, it passes into the marginal localization, and then into the normal position.

The danger of any kind lies in the possible occurrence of complications. These include bleeding of varying degrees of intensity and antenatal fetal death. If medical care is not provided in time, the life of a woman is in danger. Such complications are due to the development of a good circulatory system when the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus.

As a result of certain factors (intense physical activity, high blood pressure, uterine hypertonicity), a slight detachment of the chorionic villi occurs, which is accompanied by the development of bleeding. Depending on the area of ​​the damage site, it will be of varying intensity.

Causes of presentation, diagnosis and treatment

The true reason for the development of such situations has not yet been found. Background factors for the occurrence of presentation are:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • frequent abortions;
  • surgical interventions and curettage;
  • the presence of serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • previous pregnancies with presentation;
  • on the part of the fetal egg - a weak activity of enzymes that contribute to normal attachment.

The only method for diagnosing attachment and presentation of the chorion is ultrasound! It is carried out in the early stages, when it is already possible to diagnose deviations and prevent the development of complications.

Pregnant women with central presentation of the chorion are necessarily hospitalized in a specialized hospital. There is no cure for this condition! The actions of doctors are aimed at preventing the development of complications. Therapy for all patients is complex. It includes general recommendations and prescribing medications. A positive result in this case largely depends on the pregnant woman herself.

  • a diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetables, aimed at preventing constipation and large weight gain;
  • complete physical rest (including sexual);
  • do not take a hot bath;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • psychotherapy if necessary;
  • positive attitude;
  • short walks in the fresh air.

Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the tone of the uterus, pressure, treatment of stress. Of the antispasmodics, No-shpu is prescribed in tablets, Papaverine in rectal suppositories, Magne B6, ginipral. The dose, duration of administration and the specific medicine is selected by the doctor!

It is realistic to bear and give birth to a child at various localizations of the chorion. Many girls give birth naturally without any complications. With preserved placenta previa, delivery is carried out by planned caesarean section. This is done to prevent complications in childbirth and save the life of the mother and baby.

Yakutina Svetlana

Ginekologii.ru project expert

In the first few days after the conception of the fetus, the placenta is formed. It is needed to transport nutrients to the fetus, protect against infections, and remove waste products. There are several options for the attachment of this embryonic organ. For women whose placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus, it is important to find out if this is a pathology and how it affects the health of the child and the course of pregnancy.

Correct location of the placenta

To find out if the condition refers to pathologies when the fetus is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, it is important to understand which option is considered correct. The normal development of the baby is possible only with the optimal position in the womb of the "children's place". From a physiological point of view, the posterior attachment of the placenta is correct. But doctors are absolutely sure that the embryo will never begin to develop in a place that is dangerous for this (affected areas of the mucous membrane after abortion, fibroid nodes).

During pregnancy, the uterine cavity stretches unevenly. The front wall increases along with the fetus, becomes thinner. In this case, the density of the posterior is preserved if the embryo is attached to it. The placenta will function normally only with minimal stress on it. More successful is the attachment of the fetus to the back wall of the uterus. The advantages of this position:

  • the immobility of the "children's place" reduces the risk of miscarriage;
  • reduces the risk of injury when hitting the abdomen;
  • the risk of increment of the chorion (placental membrane) to the uterus is minimized;
  • the child, when moving, pushes the placenta less;
  • with caesarean section, the risk of opening bleeding is reduced;
  • lower risk of detachment, which appears with an increased tone of the uterus against the background of attachment of the fetus in front.

Other options for the location of the placenta

At the first ultrasound, pregnant women recognize the fastening of the "baby seat". The posterior location of the embryonic organ is normal. Attaching the fetus to the anterior wall of the uterus is a less successful option. There are also other options for the location of the embryonic organ. The chorion can be localized in the back of the left or right, depending on the condition of the uterus and other features of the body.

Low placentation is a diagnosis that is made to pregnant women if the edge of the placenta is located further than the internal os of the uterus - more than 6 cm. This condition can be caused by inflammatory diseases of the endometrium (internal mucous membrane of the uterus), infections, a history of abortions, frequent pregnancies, etc. . Nuances:

  • Low placentation is dangerous with premature detachment, hypoxia, obstruction of the birth canal and bleeding.
  • Patients with this diagnosis may be prescribed additional ultrasound.
  • If at 36 weeks the situation has not changed, a caesarean section is performed.

The term obstetric presentation is used to refer to the attachment of the membranes of the placenta in the region of the cervix. As mentioned above, low localization of the embryonic organ is fraught with complications. Depending on the physiological characteristics, in addition to the lower placentation, there are other presentations. The classification is:

  1. Complete placenta previa along the anterior wall. The internal os is blocked by the embryonic organ. With complete relaxation of the uterus, the baby will not be able to pass through the birth canal due to the valve formed as a result of this arrangement of the embryonic organ.
  2. Partial presentation. In this case, the "children's place" overlaps the uterine opening partially. During childbirth, the baby's head will not be able to pass through the narrow channel of the ways.
  3. Central. This situation is characterized by complete blockage of the cervical canal (the place where the cervix passes into the body) by the embryonic organ. In this case, the natural resolution of pregnancy is impossible. A caesarean section is scheduled to save the baby.
  4. The marginal placenta previa along the anterior wall provides for the development of a "children's place" at the edge of the internal pharynx. In this case, natural childbirth is possible, but there is a risk of acute hypoxia and fetal death.
  5. Lateral presentation. This situation is characterized by a partial overlap of the cervical opening, which complicates the process of natural childbirth.

Reasons for the location of the placenta on the anterior wall

Pregnancy does not always go according to the ideal scenario. The embryonic organ can attach laterally or anteriorly, which is a common occurrence in recent times. Some doctors believe that the chorion along the anterior wall of the uterus is a variant of the norm that needs special observation. There are many reasons for this state of affairs. The mechanism of attachment of the placenta in front is not well understood, but the following can provoke its violations:

  • change in the endometrium;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • myoma;
  • physiological features of the fetal egg;
  • inflammatory diseases, infections of the reproductive system;
  • adhesions, scars on the walls of the uterus;
  • repeated curettage (abortion);
  • previous operation - caesarean section.


Expectant mothers with this feature are worried about whether the location of the placenta along the front wall is dangerous. Experts do not give a definite answer. Pregnancy with such attachment of the fetus can normally proceed normally and be resolved by natural childbirth. But there are certain risks of complications. All of them are due to the fact that the placental walls are characterized by high density. When the embryo is attached to the anterior part of the embryonic organ, the process of excessively active stretching of the latter begins. Possible complications include:

  1. Insufficient functioning of the "children's place", a violation of the process of transporting oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.
  2. Preeclampsia.
  3. placental insufficiency.
  4. The movement of the "children's seat" down. When the distance to the uterine os is reduced to 4 cm, anterior placenta previa is diagnosed, which entails the threat of miscarriage and bleeding.
  5. Low presentation (rare cases when the "children's place" can completely close the cervix of the uterus). In this case, natural childbirth is excluded.
  6. Partial or complete detachment of the placenta (develops against the background of presentation along the anterior wall and placental insufficiency).
  7. Internal or external bleeding, hypoxia, fetal death. Such complications develop if, with the location of the embryo along the anterior wall in the later stages, the intensive movements of the baby will lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and the departure of the "children's place" from it.
  8. Placenta ingrowth is noted when placing the "children's place" in front and too strong attachment to the uterus. The risk of such a complication increases dramatically in women who have had abortions, caesarean sections, and inflammatory diseases in the past.


The attachment of the fetus to the anterior wall of the uterus does not affect the well-being of the woman. This location of the embryonic organ of the pregnant woman will become known only after passing a full examination and ultrasound. Indirect symptoms of the chorion along the anterior wall are the following:

  • belly is atypically large;
  • weak sensation of fetal movements;
  • poor listening to the child's heartbeat (the sound may not be picked up at all in the absence of a pathology of the cardiovascular system).

Often, unpleasant symptoms of the condition appear when the "children's place" begins to sink down and presentation develops. Expectant mothers with the location of the fetus along the anterior wall should pay attention to the following:

  • heaviness, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding;
  • spotting brown vaginal discharge;
  • bleeding of varying degrees.


The sooner doctors identify such a feature of pregnancy as the location of the placenta along the anterior wall, the easier it will be to prevent complications. Expectant mothers should undergo all examinations at the appointed time. Diagnosing the condition is not difficult. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis without an ultrasound examination. A complete picture of the location of the fetus and possible risks is given only by ultrasound of pregnant women. Doctors make the final verdict based on the results:

  • gynecological examination;
  • palpation of the abdomen;

Pregnancy and childbirth

By itself, the front fastening of the "children's place" does not bring any trouble to the expectant mother and does not affect the woman's well-being. The condition is a feature of the course of pregnancy and does not require special treatment. It is important to note that it is impossible to influence the location of the placenta, but pregnancy with an anterior location of the embryonic organ requires constant and close monitoring. The doctor must monitor the patient's condition in order to identify complications in time.

To reduce the risk of negative consequences for pregnant women with an anterior attachment of the fetus, the following is recommended:

  1. Refuse serious physical exertion, provide rest, avoid stress and unrest.
  2. With an increase in the tone of the uterus, you should touch the abdomen less often, so as not to cause placental abruption. This is especially important in the third trimester.
  3. It is important not to miss doctor's appointments in order to detect changes in the location of the fetus in time.

If the pregnancy proceeded without complications, then the patient is assigned a natural birth. The process of the appearance of the baby can be easier than with a different location of the embryonic organ. Another thing is when a caesarean section is shown to a woman. The anterior location of the fetus complicates the operation, increases the risk of bleeding. This is due to the need to make an incision at the attachment point. To reduce the risk of blood loss, doctors take into account the peculiarities of the location of the "children's place" and adjust the course of the surgical intervention.


The happiest time in the life of every woman is pregnancy and the birth of a baby. The transformation of a girl into a full-fledged woman occurs during the nine sacred months, when a small life is formed and develops inside the female body. The long process of turning a small grain into a newborn baby goes through several stages of its development. Moreover, a woman does not even suspect the presence of many physiological elements inside her own body.

The localization of the chorion (the outer shell of the fetal egg), which is an integral part of the nutrient medium of the embryo, is a rare wording for a future mother. But its importance in the course of a normal pregnancy is quite large. This is due to the fact that, forming almost immediately after the fertilization of the egg, the chorion performs the main functions before degeneration into the placenta.

Chorionic types

Visualized only with ultrasound diagnostics, the elements of the fetal egg along the outer shell have several types, which depend on the period of pregnancy:

  • The ring-shaped form that accompanies the first month and a half of an interesting position is practically not noticeable. Around the fetal egg in its natural form, the localization of the chorion along the back wall of the uterus received a similar name.
  • Circular form - manifests itself during the first two months of pregnancy, which makes it possible for the gynecologist-diagnostician to calculate the most accurate period for the development of the fetus. When exactly the annular type degenerates into a circular type is unknown.
  • The villous appearance is the most complete form of the outer shell of the fetal egg, allowing its villi to attach to the uterus, holding the fetus in a static position most of the time. Increasing gradually in size, the villi form the placenta, inside which the embryo develops in the best conditions for it.

Normal location of the outer shell of the fetal egg

Localization of the chorion can have several positions along the posterior wall of the uterus. Moreover, exactly how the outer layer of the fetal egg is located is a completely uncontrolled process on the part of a person. And to explain why the fetus has a specific localization is quite difficult even for highly qualified doctors with vast experience. How can the chorion be located inside the female body:

  • Chorion along the back wall of the uterus is the most popular and natural position, occurring in 50% of pregnant women. It is safe from the point of view of bearing a fetus, which makes it possible to assume such a position as a physiological norm. Complications of the course of pregnancy, if the chorion is located on the posterior uterine wall, can be caused by blocking the entrance to the uterus, resulting in possible bleeding. The localization of the chorion along the back wall of the uterus looks like a neat pregnancy with a small belly.
  • The localization of the chorion along the anterior wall is also considered normal today, since in this position the fetal egg comes out to the cervix, leaving it freely open. Chorion along the anterior wall sometimes increases the risk of placental abruption, which forces doctors to take additional precautions by sending the expectant mother for inpatient treatment without significant complaints and symptoms. In contrast to the posterior localization, the position along the anterior wall of the uterus gives a rapid and significant increase in the volume of the abdomen, declassifying the woman's interesting position already at the beginning of the second trimester.
  • The position of the fetal egg, which is not subject to a clear definition of the posterior or anterior wall, is considered a lateral position. But doctors do not use such a wording, but most often they say: the chorion is located on the left side down or up, depending on the specifics of the localization.

Sometimes the chorion, located in any of the available positions, can attach to the uterine walls, causing complications in bearing a baby. The natural course of development of the fetal egg tends to move freely within the female body, depending on movements and other provocations. If, due to the attachment of the chorion to the walls of the uterus, it is immobilized, doctors prepare the woman in labor for the possibility of performing a caesarean section.

The localization of the chorion also determines its presenting, which provokes certain precautions in the behavior of a pregnant woman. If the chorion is located in the lower region of the uterus, this can cause the cervical canal or uterine outlet to overlap. As a standard, any type of presentation is considered a pathological process and is subject to careful and systematic observation by the attending physician. Strict adherence to all appointments of the gynecologist will help to avoid complications and give birth on their own.

Most often, preventive measures to prevent stable attachment of the chorion to the walls of the uterus are:

  • Sexual peace, which not all pregnant women accept with great joy. But still, if the doctor believes that it is worthwhile to refrain from increasing the tone of the uterus through sexual contact, it is worth listening to the recommendations and suffering a little.
  • Restriction of physical activity can contain a wide range of recommendations: from simple abstinence from heavy lifting to inhibition of the sneeze reflex.
  • Therapeutic measures to improve the general condition of a pregnant woman may include taking certain medications.

In any case, it is worth remembering that pregnancy is a rather vulnerable period in a woman's life, so listening to the advice of experienced professionals is not just a recommendation, but the duty of a future mother.