Pulling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy: a normal reaction of the body or an alarming symptom. Pulls the stomach at the beginning of pregnancy: how to recognize the threat

Moderate pain in the lower abdomen is the first sign of pregnancy, and basically you should not worry about it. Sometimes pain sensations appear in the early stages immediately after conception or a little later. This is due to changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother.

Sometimes the pain may not leave the woman all the time until childbirth. In this case, you must immediately contact a medical institution, as this is caused by an exacerbation of possible diseases.

Why during pregnancy can pull the lower abdomen as during menstruation?

Pain in the lower abdomen after conception is influenced by various factors, which in many respects are not signs of pathology. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, its occurrence can be:

  • stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • metabolic problems;
  • an ever-growing uterus;
  • activity of the baby inside the womb.

In addition, it all depends on when and at what time the pain occurs, as with menstruation. For example, discomfort, accompanied by increased sexual desire and the appearance of sticky white discharge, indicates ovulation. In this case, pain is noted from the side of the ovary, from which the egg is released into the fallopian tube. As a rule, this occurs 10-14 days before menstruation. If the lower abdomen hurts, but it is still a long time before the menstrual cycle, then it is possible that the egg has formed ahead of time.

In the absence of a connection with ovulation and in the presence of concomitant symptoms in the form of bloody or foul-smelling discharge, high body temperature, vomiting, and a burning sensation in the vagina, one can suspect a disease of the genitourinary system. Usually it is cystitis or inflammation of the genital organs.

In some cases, if, in addition to the above symptoms, sores (primary syphiloma) and other specific rashes are present in the groin area, which is very itchy, some kind of sexually transmitted disease may be detected. To exclude the possibility of developing syphilis or gonorrhea, it is required to undergo appropriate diagnostic examinations and tests.

At the beginning of pregnancy, you need to take into account all these subtleties in order to recognize whether the pain really indicates any health problems or is it a natural phenomenon that will pass with time. The development of the fetus will directly depend on this.

In the early stages

Immediately after conception and in the early stages of pregnancy, women often feel a pulling pain, as before or during menstruation. Of course, such a phenomenon is not very pleasant, and sometimes causes terrible discomfort, but this is quite acceptable after a delay. The formation of the fetus, the softening of the pelvic ligaments, and other intermittent natural phenomena that the female body undergoes in early pregnancy are the very reasons that cause the familiar pain, as during menstruation.

Unfortunately, if the lower abdomen is pulled in the first or last weeks of pregnancy, this is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. This can be caused by various factors, including:

  • natural changes in the female body;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the small and large intestines;
  • serious complications caused by an abnormal course of pregnancy (missed pregnancy or its pathological termination).

The latter is the most to be feared. The life of the unborn child will depend on the presence or absence of the mentioned complications.

You can recognize a frozen pregnancy by the following signs:

  • pulls the lower abdomen, as during menstruation;
  • discomfort in the lower back;
  • brown mucus is secreted from the vagina;
  • the characteristic signs of pregnancy disappear (delayed menstruation, acute reactions to odors, mood swings).

The following may indicate the likelihood of a miscarriage:

  • pulling, aching and gradually increasing pain;
  • bleeding;
  • no delay in menstruation;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being (apathy, weakness, constant fatigue or irritability).

The presence of at least one of the mentioned symptoms already indicates the development of serious complications. As a rule, to be afraid of cessation of fetal development or termination of pregnancy is in the first weeks of the 1st trimester.

In 2nd and 3rd trimesters

If the lower abdomen hurts and aches in late pregnancy in the second and third trimester, it can be:

  • natural causes. These include baby movements, increased stress on the intestines, an increase in the size of the uterus, and so on. In this regard, the stomach can pull for several days, and until the moment of delivery. The duration of discomfort is purely individual for each woman.
  • Premature birth or placental abruption. These two phenomena are characterized by acute and at the same time intense pain.
  • False contractions. Quite often they are confused with the real ones. They occur in the last month of pregnancy, about 14 days before delivery. They are characterized by sudden appearance and short duration.

In the last days of pregnancy, the pain becomes unbearable and manifests itself more often, this indicates the onset of real contractions. In this case, you need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own.

Associated symptoms

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A woman should worry about severe pain that does not go away for a long time and covers not only the abdominal cavity, but also the lower back. Similar discomfort, for example, is noted in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, depending on the location, pain can indicate various diseases:

  • Appendicitis. The pain in this disease is aching in nature, occurs on the right side of the abdominal cavity and can be given to the leg.
  • Inguinal hernia. It is characterized by such signs as the sudden onset of a sharp, gradually increasing pain, a feeling of tension when touching painful places.
  • Colitis. Accompanied by rumbling and bloating, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdominal cavity, a constant feeling of squeezing. The pain is very strong, similar to colic.
  • Osteochondrosis. It is characterized by pain in the lower back, legs and groin.

In the presence of at least one of the above symptoms, a woman urgently needs the help of doctors. Untimely treatment can cause abortion.

In what cases should you urgently see a doctor?

Urgent medical attention is required when not only the stomach hurts, but there are accompanying symptoms. These include:

  • bloody and purulent discharge;
  • temperature increase;
  • back discomfort;
  • gagging;
  • constant urination with painful sensations;
  • constipation;
  • weakness, fatigue and drowsiness.

In addition, you should definitely visit a doctor if:

  • there is a state close to loss of consciousness;
  • pale skin;
  • constantly rising or falling pressure.

How to get rid of pulling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy?

Any discomfort experienced by a pregnant woman greatly worries her, and this in itself can cause not only pain, but also other equally serious problems. You need to control yourself, because almost every symptom is eliminated, and the disease is treated.

In order to prevent the occurrence of pain, it is enough to take the following preventive measures:

  • Change your diet. Exclusion from the menu of poorly digested and not beneficial to the body products will prevent problems with the digestive system.
  • Observe the diet. Fasting or overeating is strictly prohibited. Food should be fractional. It is recommended to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Drink enough water. The daily norm of fluid for a pregnant woman is about 1.5 liters.
  • Spend more time outdoors. Regular walks will help to stay in good shape and will benefit not only the expectant mother, but also her baby.
  • Take warm baths. They should be short (10-15 minutes is enough) and with an optimal temperature (no more than 37 degrees).
  • Don't overstress. It is clear why excessive physical activity can lead to the appearance of pain of a different nature, including in the lower abdomen. That is why before doing housework or doing other things that require movement and effort, a good rest is required.
  • Use special bandages. Such medical products are designed to support the abdominal and pelvic organs in order to avoid possible discomfort. In addition, they perfectly reduce the load on the muscles.
  • Visit a doctor in a timely manner. After studying the complaints and a preliminary examination, the specialist will prescribe the required course of treatment and help get rid of pain, preventing the development of complications.

If the pain is so unbearable that you can no longer endure, and preventive measures do not help, you can take one of the following remedies:

  • antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Drotaverine, Ple-Spa);
  • analgesics (Paracetamol, Efferalgan);
  • folk remedies (infusions and decoctions based on chamomile, mint, lemon).

It is important to understand that the use of any drug is required with caution, since some of them, especially analgesics, can adversely affect the formation and development of the fetus. That is why long-term use of drugs is allowed only on the advice of a doctor.

Seeing the cherished two strips on the test, a woman begins to listen to her body, in which changes occur every day. Often the question arises: "Why does the lower abdomen pull during pregnancy?". Reasons may be enough. The task of the doctor is to understand the nature of their origin. In the article, we will find out what pains are the norm, and what needs to be done to reduce them.

We will also consider situations where you immediately need to see a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination.

When is there no reason to panic?

Many girls note that during pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls, as during menstruation. If a woman is healthy, her general health has not deteriorated, all tests are normal, then most likely the reason lies in the physiological changes that occur in the body. In this case, the pain does not pose any threat, they are the norm.

How to understand that there is no reason to panic? Doctors distinguish the following signs:

  • The abdomen is not hard, the pains are temporary. Occur after exercise. If you give the body time to rest, unpleasant symptoms go away on their own;
  • Pain in the belly button or the area around it. Usually, a similar symptom occurs after 13 weeks. Unpleasant sensations are associated with an increase in the abdomen and stretching of the skin;
  • The woman feels well, there is no severe toxicosis, indigestion;
  • The discharge has the usual color and smell, there is no blood discharge;
  • The pain is pulling, not cramping;
  • If you take an antispasmodic ("Noshpa", "Hofitol"), unpleasant symptoms quickly disappear;
  • The pain is temporary, does not manifest itself every day, does not become stronger.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, don't worry. The lower abdomen aches due to the physiological characteristics that occur in the body: the uterus increases, the hormonal background changes, the internal organs mix a little. Your main task is to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, relax, get enough sleep, eat right.

How to get rid of physical pain

If the pains are natural in nature, they are easily treatable. No drugs should be used, it will be enough to follow the following rules:

  1. Walk more in the fresh air, walks in the park will not hurt;
  2. Adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Eat small meals. Try to include only healthy foods in your diet;
  3. Avoid stress and heavy physical exertion;
  4. Do not forget to do a planned ultrasound. According to their results, you can determine whether there is a tone in the uterus.

At the beginning of pregnancy, you need to listen to your body as much as possible. If something goes wrong, he will definitely let you know.

Attention, ectopic pregnancy

There are situations when a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. Unfortunately, pulling pains in the lower abdomen may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the sooner the gynecologist identifies and eliminates the problem, the more likely the woman is to endure the baby on her own in the future. If time is lost, complications may arise. In addition to bleeding, rupture of the fallopian tube is often observed.

What symptoms should alert:

  • The pains are sharp, cramping in nature. In the supine position, the symptoms only increase;
  • It often happens that pulls the right or left side in the lower abdomen. It depends on which tube the egg is fixed in. Perhaps this is the only obvious symptom that should alert the woman and the doctor;
  • If before that there was no obvious toxicosis, then with the onset of pain, severe vomiting may open;
  • Blood pressure drops sharply, often the pregnant woman loses consciousness;
  • The general condition worsens, there is shortness of breath, palpitations and pulse;
  • If all the symptoms were ignored, the woman begins to bleed. This happens due to rupture of the fallopian tube. It is important to take the pregnant woman to the hospital as soon as possible in order to prevent large blood loss.

Neither a pregnancy test nor an hCG test can show an ectopic pregnancy.

The fact is that with it, the level of progesterone in the blood rises, studies show the presence of an embryo. Diagnosis should only be made by intravaginal ultrasound. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman undergoes surgery under general anesthesia. Next, it turns out the cause of an ectopic pregnancy and its elimination. 90% of women after an unsuccessful intrauterine pregnancy give birth to healthy babies, after appropriate treatment and preparation of the body.

Risk of miscarriage

If in the first trimester a woman feels unpleasant pain, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Associated symptoms are as follows:

  • Pulls the lower back. The pain is permanent, aggravated by physical exertion;
  • The general condition worsens. Body temperature may rise, dizziness, migraine begin;
  • Hard lower abdomen. On palpation, the doctor will immediately notice this;
  • There were discharges with an admixture of blood.

In this case, the most correct decision is to consult a doctor. Most likely, the specialist will offer hospitalization, treatment will be prescribed. These can be droppers with magnesia, taking No-shpa, Papaverine, Magnesium. Well help to remove the tone of the uterus candles Viburkol.

The gynecologist must necessarily find out the cause of the threat of miscarriage. It could be due to low progesterone levels. Duphaston will help correct the situation.

Swabs must also be taken without fail to eliminate the risk of intrauterine infections. In addition, an ultrasound is done, the doctor must make sure that the fetus develops according to the norms.

With the development of modern medicine, when there is a tone or abruption of the placenta, pregnancy can be saved. It is only important to seek help in a timely manner.

Pathologies not associated with gynecological ailments

There are also a number of pathologies in which the lower abdomen is pulled, but they are absolutely not related to gynecology:

  • Cystitis. This is a rather insidious disease in which the mucous membrane of the urinary tract becomes inflamed. Additional symptoms: pain when urinating, frequent urge to go to the toilet, fever, pain in the lower abdomen on the right. Treatment must be timely. Otherwise, there will be a complication in the form of pyelonephritis;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even banal cholecystitis can cause discomfort in a woman. At the same time, they note that the lower abdomen colitis, bitterness and heartburn appear in the mouth. In unopened cases, a diet, taking vitamins and alkaline mineral waters will help;
  • Appendicitis. The pain is strong, sharp, the temperature rises, severe vomiting appears, the woman feels a sharp weakness. Doctors have learned to eliminate such a pathology without harming the baby. Be prepared for surgery, usually by laparoscopy;
  • A cold, such as seasonal flu. Concomitant symptoms: headache, high body temperature, stuffy nose, pulling legs, "breaks out" the whole body.

All of the above diseases should not go unnoticed. At the same time, self-medication is prohibited. This can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

We consider the problem by trimesters

The first trimester is the most dangerous in all pregnancy. The causes of pulling pain can be many. Starting from the usual preparation of the body and natural physiological changes, to the threat of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

It is important for a woman not to wind herself up, and at the first unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor. Do not wait for a planned trip to a consultation. In some situations, delay is unacceptable.

If the lower abdomen is pulled in the second trimester, while the woman feels great, the pregnancy is not difficult, then most likely the reason is in the stretching muscles. So that the problem does not manifest itself so clearly, and does not cause discomfort, you can do light exercises. But this can be done only after consulting a doctor.

In the third trimester, pain is more of a norm than a pathology. The body is actively preparing for childbirth, the bones diverge a little. Many women may experience pathology in the form of symphysitis.

The period of gestation for a woman is associated with a huge responsibility. She is now responsible not only for herself, but also for the new born life. Fear, doubt, stress often lead to deterioration.

If the lower abdomen is pulled during early pregnancy, the cause may be the usual excitement. Often, such discomfort becomes a signal of pathological conditions. After all, the first trimester is the most dangerous, so it is so important to understand your own feelings in order to see a doctor in time.

Physiological changes

The natural process, in which it can pull the lower abdomen, takes place 7-10 days after conception. This is due to the fixation of the amniotic egg on the walls of the uterus. It is accompanied by slight discomfort, possible spotting blood discharge, small blood vessels of the endometrium depart. During this period, a woman does not know about her condition, the onset of pregnancy can show a graph of basal temperature. And the bleeding is so small that it does not exceed a couple of drops.

The first month, such sensations can periodically occur due to changes in hormonal levels. With each week, the amount of progesterone is growing rapidly, the uterus loses its tone, a woman can take it for the onset of menstruation. If the expectant mother knows about her new status, and the discomfort is regular, she needs to urgently seek medical help.

The entire period of gestation is associated with changes in the functioning of the digestive system. Bloating, flatulence, intestinal disorders are frequent companions in the first months. Often, toxicosis is added, which provokes cramps in the lower abdomen. Hiking, proper sleep and fractional nutrition will help alleviate the condition.

Frozen pregnancy

The entire first trimester remains the threat of interruption. The reason can be various factors - an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, previous abortions, past infections, malfunctions of internal organs, in particular the endocrine system. The body rejects the embryo, the uterus begins to contract as during menstruation, the endometrium is excreted along with the amniotic egg.

If bleeding occurs, hospitalization is necessary. If the interruption has already occurred, the doctor must make sure that there are no particles of the embryo left in the uterine cavity. Scraping if necessary. A woman needs to go through a recovery period and only after that plan a new conception.

Ectopic pregnancy

A dangerous diagnosis for the health and life of the mother. If you ignore the signs and do not go to the hospital, the consequences can be sad. Statistics is relentless, this is one of the main causes of reproductive system disorders, which leads to infertility.

The amniotic egg after the onset of conception is not fixed in the uterus, where the embryo should form and grow. It remains in the fallopian tube and begins to gradually increase in size, leading to a rupture in the future. This is associated with pulling sensations, often turning into pain. If an ectopic pregnancy is detected in time, sad scenarios can be avoided by minimizing the consequences.


  • pulls not only the lower abdomen, it is also given in the lower back;
  • sensations of pressure in the genitals, anus;
  • after conception, bloody or brown discharge regularly appears;
  • fainting, nausea, sudden pressure jumps.

The sooner the pathology is detected, the better the prognosis for the further rehabilitation of the woman. In addition to surgical intervention, today there are methods of conservative treatment.

Threat of interruption

Careful attention to one's own health can only reduce the risk, but not eliminate it. The reason for the appearance of the danger of bearing lies in the lifestyle of the expectant mother, or will not at all depend on her actions. Even if a woman is at rest for the first 10 weeks, this will not save her from spontaneous interruption.

Causes of placental abruption:

  • gene mutation of the embryo;
  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • artificial insemination;
  • the presence of several embryos;
  • infections and chronic diseases of the internal organs.

If pulling spasms gradually turn into pain and are accompanied by bleeding, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you can drink antispasmodics (No-shpu or its analogue Drotaverin), take a prone position, waiting for the paramedic. In some cases, pregnancy can be saved, additional tests and studies are carried out already in the hospital walls to prescribe appropriate drug therapy.

Pathology of the corpus luteum

Temporary duties of protecting and nourishing the embryo until the formation of the placenta are performed by the corpus luteum. Its task is to provide a normal hormonal background to weaken female immunity, and, consequently, to preserve the viability of the child. If in the early stages the lower abdomen pulls a little during pregnancy, this may be a signal of violations of its work. A corpus luteum cyst usually does not cause discomfort to expectant mothers, accumulation of fluid and an increase in size, does not prevent the organ from performing its natural tasks.

  • physical activity restrictions;
  • temporary cessation of sexual activity;
  • gentle bed rest.

Diseases of the internal organs

Pulling sensations may not necessarily be associated with the reproductive system and the formation of the child. Under the influence of hormones, chronic diseases of the excretory system are exacerbated. Also, this is one of the signals of appendicitis, requiring immediate surgical intervention. In any case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, therapist, and other narrow specialists.

Pain in the lower abdomen is not a reason to panic, significant natural changes are taking place in the body. But at the first uncomfortable sensations, it is still worth contacting a consultation. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the phenomenon that has arisen, after appropriate diagnosis and research.

Any expectant mother, even if she is not going to give birth for the first time, is subject to certain fears associated with pregnancy, and even more so if it pulls in the lower abdomen.

As a rule, for most women, the period of an “interesting” situation proceeds calmly, without any complications, without causing unnecessary unrest. And, nevertheless, if a pregnant woman has a pull in the lower abdomen, this may indicate significant problems in the body, the cause of which must be clarified as quickly as possible.

Each trimester of pregnancy may have its own types of pain, and each has its own reason for their occurrence. Conventionally, pain is divided into dangerous and non-dangerous. Non-hazardous include those species that do not pose a threat to the expectant mother and her fetus. It can be that can occur in absolutely any person and have the appearance of short-term spasms. This is usually related to the food that the pregnant woman takes. If the stomach pulls, but the pain is minor, the cause may be an underestimated sensitivity when the baby begins to move in the stomach. In other cases, you need to consult a doctor.

There are a number of diseases during the course of pregnancy, which are accompanied by pain, it is simply necessary to know about them.

If it pulls in the lower abdomen on the right, and, in general, no pathologies have been detected in the body, there is no discharge, this may be APPENDICITIS. In this case, the pregnant woman will need urgent and qualified medical care (surgical). This is the most dangerous type of pain localized in the lower abdominal cavity. The slightest delay can cost the life of an unborn baby.

If it pulls in the lower abdomen and the pain is accompanied by discharge with blood (vaginal), the cause may be either an abortion (spontaneous). This is an extremely dangerous condition that requires urgent medical attention. Otherwise, the pregnancy is unlikely to be saved.

Inflammation foci in the reproductive female organs (fallopian tubes, ovaries) are also accompanied by painful sensations, concomitant discharge (purulent) and fever.

If it pulls in the lower abdomen and this sensation is transmitted to the lumbar region of a pregnant woman, bloody discharge appears and the activity of the unborn baby increases, this is an alleged THREAT OF DELIVERY before the due date (premature). Due to the intensity of the development of this type of disease, prompt medical assistance is also required.

Pain in the lower abdomen (drawing, periodic), accompanied by a general weakening of the body, nausea, dizziness and dry mouth can be

The cause of pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity in the expectant mother can be STRETCHING OF THE LINATIONS AND MUSCLES. The fact is that they are stretched due to the enlarging uterus, which the ligaments and muscles support. These pains are temporary, but they can become more significant with physical exertion, overeating and overexertion. They can be caused by excessive tension in the abdomen, a strong cough. For pain of this nature, special treatment is usually not prescribed. It is enough to arrange for yourself periodic rest and lead a calm, peaceful life without worries. An active life in this case is unacceptable.

It does not matter what could have caused the pain in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman, it is important to be able to timely and adequately assess her condition and correctly diagnose the disease. And only a good specialist can do this. And if you value your health and the health of your future baby, at the first manifestations of pain, especially in the lower abdomen, immediately consult a doctor. We wish you and your little one good health!

Pregnancy is a kind of test for the expectant mother, physically and emotionally. Especially if the woman is in this state for the first time. You have to constantly listen to the new changes taking place in her body. Changes are often frightening and alarming, especially when they are associated with pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, without which no pregnancy can do. The pains are periodic and constant and can begin at 3-4 weeks of gestation. It is important to understand why the lower abdomen is pulled during pregnancy, what is normal, and what you need to pay close attention to. After all, sometimes a timely appeal to the attending physician saved the life of the child, since in the early stages of pregnancy it pulls the lower abdomen due to the threat of miscarriage, and in the later stages - the threat of premature birth.

Main reasons

The causes of pain that occurs during pregnancy can be divided into two groups. The first is physiological. Such pain does not affect the life and health of the baby and mother. The second is the pain associated with the threat to the life of the child.

Physiological causes of pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester

From the very first days of pregnancy, a serious restructuring begins in the body, during which discomfort may be felt. This can scare the expectant mother, especially if you are pregnant in the early stages. There are several main reasons why pain and discomfort can begin.

  1. In the first two weeks of pregnancy, the fetal egg attaches to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. This can cause pain similar to menstruation. Sometimes there are minor bleeding.
  2. The uterus needs increased blood supply, which causes some discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  3. Under the influence of hormones, including progesterone, which is responsible for the safety of pregnancy, there is a slight divergence of the pelvic bones and an increase in the volume of the pelvis for the correct and easy passage of the child through the birth canal.
  4. In early pregnancy, problems with the digestive system can cause a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Thanks to hormones, intestinal motility decreases, which is why a woman is faced with constipation, bloating, and heartburn. Pain in the stomach and intestines can be given to the lower abdomen, thereby frightening the expectant mother. But we must remember that with increasing intestinal motility, the uterus also begins to contract. It is recommended to drink an antispasmodic tablet as soon as possible, for example, "No-shpu", and consult your doctor.

Physiological pulling pains in the second trimester

The second trimester is rightfully called the easiest of the entire pregnancy. Many of the unpleasant symptoms inherent in the first trimester have passed, and the difficulties that await in the third have not yet appeared. But at this time, certain difficulties and discomfort may also arise. For example:

  1. In the second trimester, the baby grows intensively, the uterus grows and stretches. The pressure on the ligaments increases, which can be very noticeable. Sharp pain appears with sudden movements or sneezing, but quickly passes.
  2. It pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy due to the growing uterus, squeezing the intestines, which provokes malfunctions in its work, constipation, flatulence and dysbacteriosis. This causes a pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Discomfort at this time occurs due to excessive tension in the abdominal muscles. It is recommended to lie down and rest.

Physiological pain in the third trimester

In case of any pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen in the third trimester, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible to exclude unforeseen and dangerous situations.

If the pregnancy is going well, then such pain may be due to the following reasons:

  1. The uterus continues to grow, stretching the ligaments. The pelvic bones expand. The baby's head gradually begins to sink into the pelvic cavity. This can cause nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Continues to disturb the intestines, causing gas formation and constipation, which can be manifested by short-term sharp pain.
  3. The child has grown up, and his movements inside the abdomen may be given discomfort.
  4. In this trimester, training contractions are felt, preparing the body for the upcoming birth. They pass after taking the "No-shpy" tablet or using the "Papaverine" candle (after consulting with the attending physician).
  5. If the lower abdomen is pulled during pregnancy for 38 weeks or more, and antispasmodics do not help, most likely, childbirth begins.

Differences between physiological and pathological pain

Despite the fact that it is difficult to independently determine which group the pulling pains belong to - physiological or pathological, there are a number of indirect signs that indicate that the expectant mother should not worry:

  • the pain is monotonous, not constant, not cramping;
  • no bloody or brown discharge;
  • pain subsides after taking antispasmodic drugs;
  • rest helps to get rid of symptoms;
  • there are no more third-party signs of deterioration in well-being (dizziness, excessive sweating, chills, changes in blood pressure).

But if a woman in her first pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen, it is recommended to contact a medical institution as soon as possible.

Pathological pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

The first trimester is called the most dangerous for the entire pregnancy. In the first 12 weeks, the risk of spontaneous abortion is high. It depends on the state of the mother's body whether the attachment of the embryo to the uterus and its further development will be successful. At this stage, the laying of all the organs of the baby. Therefore, it is very important to listen to your body.

As a rule, a woman finds out about pregnancy for a period of 4-5 weeks. Then the symptoms begin to be felt. At this time, the embryo begins to develop in the uterine cavity, and the body gets used to a new state for it. If the lower abdomen is pulled at the 5th week of pregnancy, immediate medical intervention may be required. Let's consider the reasons in more detail.

Frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy, unfortunately, can even be in a woman who followed all the recommendations of the attending physician. This is a spontaneous death of the embryo in the uterine cavity, which does not depend on the age of the mother and the duration of pregnancy, although it most often occurs in the first 13 weeks. Signs appear 2-3 weeks after freezing, when the fetal egg begins to be torn away from the uterine cavity. It may come out on its own if it happened at an early date, or medical intervention will be required if it is later.

Causes of fetal fading

There are several:

  1. The main cause of fetal fading are genetic abnormalities and malformations that are incompatible with life.
  2. Viral and infectious diseases, STDs, chronic diseases transferred by a woman even before pregnancy.
  3. Hormonal disruptions.
  4. Weight lifting.
  5. The stress of the expectant mother.
  6. Rhesus conflict.
  7. The use of drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
  8. Alcohol consumption.
  9. Physical injury.

But fetal fading can also occur in an absolutely healthy woman without any obvious reasons. Therefore, it is important to listen to your body, and consult a doctor at the first sign.

Signs of a missed pregnancy

We list these:

  1. During pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen.
  2. The discharge is spotting or copious, like menstruation.
  3. Temperature increase.
  4. Signs of pregnancy disappear, such as morning sickness and chest pain.
  5. Nausea, vomiting.
  6. Cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
  7. Ultrasound does not reveal the heartbeat of the embryo and the growth of the uterus.
  8. At a later date, the movements disappear.


There are such types of diagnostics:

  1. Ultrasound (sometimes the diagnosis is made erroneously. The reason may be an incorrect calculation of the gestational age, a poor-quality ultrasound machine, an insufficiently competent ultrasound specialist. It is recommended to contact third-party specialists for confirmation after a while).
  2. A blood test for hCG looks in dynamics.
  3. Gynecological examination.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is hospitalized. Depending on the period and condition of the pregnant woman, a natural miscarriage, drug intervention or curettage is expected. In the later stages, an artificial birth is called.

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathology in which the attachment of the embryo does not occur in the uterine cavity. Depending on the location of the fetal egg, such a pregnancy can be:

  • tubal - implantation occurred in the fallopian tube;
  • abdominal - when attached in the abdominal cavity;
  • ovarian - when fixed in the ovary.

All organs, except for the uterus, are not intended for the development of pregnancy, therefore, with this pathology, a rupture of the organ where implantation occurred may occur. It is very important to diagnose this condition as early as possible, as this can lead to severe pain shock, bleeding, and sometimes death of a pregnant woman.


At an early stage, it is difficult to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, because there is an increase in hCG, there are signs that are inherent in a normal pregnancy. But due to the growth of the fetal egg, the woman begins to feel pulling, and then sharp pains in the lower abdomen, in the place where the fetus is located. Sometimes dizziness and fainting disturb. Blood discharge of various sizes appears. It happens that the fetal egg is detached on its own, a miscarriage occurs, accompanied by a copious discharge of blood. A large blood loss is very dangerous when an organ is ruptured. You need to call an ambulance immediately and stop the bleeding. In this case, urgent surgical care is required in order to save the life of a woman.


It is carried out as follows:

  1. An analysis to determine the level of hCG in the blood will help diagnose an ectopic pregnancy. It is done dynamically. If growth is slow or stops, this is a reason to see a doctor.
  2. ultrasound. In this study, the fetal egg is found not in the uterine cavity, but in the organ in which it is attached. Also, the doctor will be able to see the blood in the abdominal cavity if the organ has ruptured.
  3. Laparoscopy.
  4. Blood analysis.

An ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous pathology that threatens infertility and a woman's life.

Threat of interruption

During pregnancy, the possibility of spontaneous abortion or the threat of premature birth is high. But with proper treatment and the fulfillment of the doctor's prerequisites, this can be avoided.


Allocate such:

  1. Tone of the uterus. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, turning into cramping. The stomach turns to stone. You need to lie down and call a doctor.
  2. Placental abruption, accompanied by dull pain. Internal bleeding starts. May lead to hypoxia and fetal death.
  3. The main number of miscarriages occurs at a very early stage and is associated with genetic abnormalities of the embryo.
  4. Hormonal disorders. With a shortage in the pregnant woman's body of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, there may be a threat of interruption. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs that can normalize the hormonal background.
  5. Infectious diseases of the mother.
  6. Taking medications prohibited during pregnancy.
  7. Physiological problems in a pregnant woman, for example, the irregular shape of the uterus and its defects.
  8. Endometriosis.
  9. Thin endometrium. In this case, it is difficult for the embryo to attach and stay in the uterine mucosa.
  10. Stress.
  11. Wrong way of life.


There are such main reasons indicating a miscarriage that has occurred or is beginning:

  1. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. With timely treatment, the interruption process can be stopped.
  2. If in late pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled, as during menstruation, and the pain becomes stronger, this may indicate a threat of premature birth.
  3. Spotting and bleeding. With such a symptom, an ambulance is immediately called and the horizontal position of the pregnant woman is ensured. Minor bleeding may indicate a threat of interruption, but if the discharge is profuse, accompanied by acute pain, this may indicate a spontaneous abortion that has begun, which, unfortunately, is very difficult to stop.

If at 32-35 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled, and the pain has a cramping regular character, this indicates early labor activity. An ambulance is urgently called. Do not be afraid, since children born at this time, with proper care and treatment, are completely viable.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time when the expectant mother needs to relax and enjoy it. But do not forget that for any, even insignificant at first glance, discomfort, you should consult a doctor.