The presence of protein in the urine causes a child. What are the reasons for the increase in protein? Features of the child's body. Reasons for increasing protein intake

There are usually no signs that protein has appeared in the urine. Sometimes the presence of protein can be indicated by the property of urine - it begins to foam. Analysis of urine - the only way determine the protein in the urine of a child.

Treatment of protein in the urine of a child

The functional appearance of protein in the urine of a child, as a result of an illness or a nervous breakdown, does not require special treatment, and after a while the level of protein in the urine disappears on its own. In some cases, the doctor may recommend drinking special decoctions that help remove fluid from the body (rose hip, lingonberry leaf etc.), limit or completely eliminate salt intake, as well as prescribe a course of special drugs.

If the protein in the urine of a child exceeds the maximum allowable values, then the doctor may refer for a second examination, since the increase in protein may be temporary, and non-sterile dishes may also cause an unreliable analysis. Together with a urine test, the doctor may prescribe a number of additional studies that will help diagnose the underlying disease, which led to an increase in protein in the urine - general and biochemical analysis blood, urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, ultrasound of the kidneys, etc.

Protein in the urine of a child is not independent disease, this is only a symptom, and first of all, it is necessary to determine the reason why the protein level has increased and only then prescribe treatment. At effective treatment the underlying disease, the level of protein in the urine will begin to gradually decrease and eventually the indicators will return to normal.

Prevention of protein in the urine of a child

Children can have many kidney diseases. The body of babies is quite difficult to cope with impaired kidney function, so it is better not to allow such conditions in children.

Particular attention to the health of children should be paid to those parents who have kidney problems. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the child's condition (transparency, color of urine, frequency of urination, etc.), conduct regular medical examinations, and, if necessary, take tests to control the protein in the child's urine.

It is also necessary to strengthen the baby's immunity, monitor nutrition (give more fruits, reduce salt intake). Typically, kidney disease in children develops as a result of improper treatment SARS or influenza, so it is important to complete the treatment to prevent severe complications colds. After recovery, it is important to observe the rehabilitation period: if necessary, give a course of vitamins, prevent hypothermia, limit the child's stay in public places.

The kidneys of children react acutely to high temperature, therefore, during an illness that is accompanied by an increase in temperature, it is necessary to give the child more fluid for the normal functioning of the kidneys and the removal of toxins from the body. During this period, it is better to give the baby special decoctions (rose hips, parsley root, etc.).

Incorrect or untimely treatment of the inflammatory process in the bladder can cause kidney disease. It is extremely important to cure cystitis in time so as not to provoke complications in other internal organs. If the child has complaints of pain in the lower abdomen or in the genitals, it is necessary to consult a specialist and pass the necessary tests.

To prevent kidney disease, it is necessary to monitor the child's nutrition: do not oversalt dishes, do not use a lot of spices. Also, do not give your child too much fatty foods. Malfunctions of the kidneys can occur due to regular consumption of products fast food. It is important to give the baby enough liquid (compote, plain water). Carbonated drinks adversely affect the work of not only the kidneys, but also other organs of the digestive system.

Quite often, small children, carried away by the game, do not go to the toilet for a long time. Stagnation of urine is bad for the kidneys, so you need to regularly remind the child to go to the toilet. On a walk, the child's feet should always be dry and warm.

The prognosis of protein in the urine of a child

The body of young children does not have high adaptive capabilities, especially in some age periods(up to three years adolescence), when the risk of developing kidney disease increases, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition.

If the protein in the urine of a child is functional disorder, the prognosis is favorable. After the cause is eliminated (infection, physical stress, nervous breakdown), the protein in the urine disappears. With an orthostatic increase in protein (with activity in daytime, V vertical position), which most often affects adolescents and does not require special treatment, the prognosis is also good. In other cases, the prognosis depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the course of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory therapy allows in 95% of cases to completely get rid of the disease within 1 - 1.5 months. Kidney function is fully restored within a year after recovery.

Protein in the urine of a child indicates certain disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, so it is important to establish the cause of the increase in protein in time and begin treatment. In addition, it is necessary to control the nutrition of the baby, exclude salty, fatty foods, as well as fast food from the diet.

What does increased protein in the urine of a child mean? Why is it revealed and what is the reason this phenomenon? Dr. Komarovsky believes that healthy children should have practically no protein in the urine. Urine should be completely transparent. If baby urine is bad, smells bad, has dark color- must be submitted general analysis urine. At three month old baby no protein should be detected in the assay. What can a bad smell of baby urine indicate and what types of tests will help detect pathologies in a baby?

Increased protein in the urine of a child: 3 levels

The kidneys cleanse the body of harmful products vital activity, for example, urea, various salts, creatinine and others. Useful material remain in the blood without proteins. In young children, the kidneys filter up to 50 liters of primary urine per day, only secondary urine is directly excreted. In adults, the kidneys purify up to 170 liters of primary urine, and the daily volume of the secondary reaches two liters.

In children, the volume of urine excreted depends on age, weight and body condition.

IN healthy body the study of the protein does not detect. Some very small indicators of protein in the urine may remain, but they are not shown by conventional research methods, the amount of protein in this case is minimal.

3 levels:

  1. No need to worry if the concentration of protein in the urine is up to 30-50 mg / l.
  2. The level of protein up to 1 g/l of urine is an average increase. You should pay attention to this.
  3. If the protein content is higher than 3 g/l, then it is imperative to find out the reason for such a strong increase.

You should take a general blood and urine test once a year to monitor your health and early stage reveal various diseases.

Leukocytes in the urine of a baby

A study of urine in infants shows only one number - leukocytes. The indicators are normally equal to 2-3 units. High level leukocytes is more than 8.

Need to know what:

  1. In infant girls, the norm of leukocyte cells is 8-10, in boys it is 5-7.
  2. Leukocytes in the urine of an infant indicate any natural abnormalities, may be a consequence of diseases and any anomalies in the development of the urinary tract.
  3. Violation of the outflow of urine can show itself as the presence of leukocytes in the urine. If this is not treated in time, various diseases can develop.

If leukocytes are detected in a urine test in a baby, then this may indicate diseases such as: urinary tract infection, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, urinary stasis. However, the detection of leukocytes in the urine does not always indicate a serious illness; in infants, this may be due to some kind of malaise or even teething. In any case, attention should be paid to this analysis and examined further.

The norm of protein in the urine in children

What is the norm of protein in urine in children? Firstly, the norm is the absence of protein in the urine almost completely. However, if urine tests show that protein is present, it should be no more than 0.033-0.036 g / l. You should start to worry and continue the examination of the body when the analysis shows a result above 3 or more g / l.

Most often, a second urine test is prescribed, because it often happens that there is a failure in the laboratories or an indisposition in the child.

If protein is found in the urine for the second time, then specialists prescribe additional tests of kidney function. First of all, you need to limit the salt in the diet. After a week of a salt-free diet, protein levels will drop significantly. All this must be done under the supervision of a doctor. If even after the diet the protein level has not decreased, you should take special drugs that are prescribed only by a doctor.

What diseases can indicate a large amount of protein in the urine - it can be a variety of diseases:

  • Hypertension;
  • myoglobinuria,
  • Fanconi syndrome,
  • kidney disease;
  • pyelonephritis,
  • Diabetes;
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • Thrombi in the vessels.

Therefore, you need to take an analysis once a year to monitor your health and initial stage identify various diseases.

What does the protein in the urine of the baby say

No symptoms are detected when a small amount of protein is found in the urine. Some young children may have protein even when they are completely healthy when they stand, walk, or run. In medicine, this is called proteinuria, but orthostatic or lordotic. Such a diagnosis does not require treatment, with age all this will return to normal.

In infants, in the first 5-7 days, the rate of protein in the urine decreases, and after 14-20 days there is not even a trace of protein left.

This condition is normal and does not require treatment. However, if even three weeks after birth, protein is found in the urine of the baby, then proteinuria is considered pathological. In the case when in the first days of life a child has an exorbitant level of protein in the urine, an additional examination of the kidneys is prescribed, Bladder to reveal various pathologies and diseases. Most often, pathologies serious illness kidneys are diagnosed precisely in infants.

The reasons for these statistics are:

  • hereditary diseases;
  • Pathologies of development;
  • Trauma during childbirth;
  • Hypoxia during childbirth
  • Infections in the embryonic period;
  • Infection in the hospital;
  • Infection with a fungus or virus at home.

Kidney disease is almost asymptomatic. It is not always possible to recognize exactly the problems of the kidneys, because often the stomach of a baby-baby hurts due to colic or gas. It is very important in the first years of a child's life to take tests in a timely manner, to monitor the health of the baby. If any of the relatives have diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract, it is imperative to pass urine.

One of the main and first signs of kidney problems is the presence of swelling under the eyes (bags), swelling of the legs and arms. This means that the kidneys do not do their job well, the fluid from the body does not come out as it should. In addition to edema in a child, one can observe pale skin, crying when urinating, high fever. Protein in the urine indicates inflammation in the body, various kidney tumors can only be recognized by palpation, so the child should be regularly shown to the doctor.

The rate of protein in the urine of a child

Depending on the age of the child, the normal level of protein in the urine is different.


  • During the first month of life, a child normally has 68 mg of protein in a daily portion of urine;
  • Up to 1 year, the indicator is 87 mg;
  • From 2 to 4 years - 121 mg;
  • From 4 to 10 years - 194 mg;
  • From 10 to 16 years - 238 mg.

Beyond age an important factor is the mass of the child, the size of his body. The norm indicators refer to absolutely healthy children. In the first days, the child has not yet established kidney function, so the indicators may vary depending on the individuality of the child.

In the first two weeks, almost all children have an increased amount of protein in the urine and this is normal.

This happens because the body little man adapts to new living conditions, improves metabolism, begins to work properly internal organs. Over time, the kidneys begin to improve their functions, to properly filter the blood.

Often there are proteins in the urine due to overfeeding with mother's milk. This is normal, in which case the urine may be cloudy, the treatment is to reduce the portion of feeding. In healthy infants, a small amount of protein may be found, it is necessary to start to worry and seriously examine the newborn if the level of proteins in the analysis is prohibitive.

Traces of protein in the urine of a child

An increased level of protein in the urine in a child occurs during the development of an infection in the body. This indicator may indicate diseases of the kidneys and other organs. Small values, the so-called traces of protein, are found in the analyzes of infants.

In absolutely healthy children, protein is found in the urine if they lead a very active lifestyle, run and play a lot. Then a re-analysis is prescribed and the indicators are compared.

If the protein in the urine is not a consequence of the activity of the child or the unformed genitourinary system, then increased rate may indicate the following diseases:

  • SARS, colds and flu;
  • Inflammation in the kidneys;
  • Allergy
  • infection;
  • Diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Brain damage;
  • epilepsy;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Poisoning;
  • Dehydration;
  • Stress;
  • Elevated temperature.

To identify the protein in the urine, you need to pass the biomaterial for a general analysis. You need to give urine in the morning, as soon as the child wakes up. In pharmacies, you can now find special jars for analysis. A small amount of urine is enough for analysis.

After the results of the analysis, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination and treatment to identify any pathologies.

If the level of protein in the body does not go off scale, then there is no need to worry too much, it is possible that a second study will not reveal protein in the urine.

Why protein in the urine of a child: reasons (video)

Protein in the urine of a child important indicator, which indicates any inflammatory processes in the body, helps to recognize pathologies in time even in infants. In the first weeks of life, the baby may experience increased protein in the urine and this is normal, but if its level is outrageous and persists 3 weeks after birth, you should carefully consider this and identify the cause of this condition. All manipulations should take place only under the supervision of a doctor - this is called proper treatment.

Urinalysis for children is prescribed before vaccinations, during the period of medical examination or commission in kindergarten and to school, as well as in the deterioration of health of unknown origin. When evaluating the results of the analysis, the pediatrician may say that laboratory diagnostics revealed what it means to exceed the norm for the amount of protein in the urine. Not always increased amount protein indicates serious pathologies, but it is not worth underestimating deviations from normal indicators.

If there is up to 0.036 g / l of protein in the urine collected for research, this is a variant of the norm.

It should be borne in mind that proteinuria to a small extent may be in newborns. If deviations from the norm are detected in the analysis, it is recommended to retake it. If the re-examination confirmed the changes, then an additional diagnostic examination is prescribed.

Severe and persistent proteinuria indicates that certain changes occur in the child's body. pathological changes, and they are associated in most cases with the urinary organs. The presence of a large amount of protein in the test urine is a signal of disorders that require careful diagnosis and subsequent treatment.


In medicine, several classifications are used. Depending on the protein concentration, the following degrees of pathology are distinguished:

  • The presence of traces of protein in the urine is said to be between 0.02 and 0.033 g/l. This degree is treated by most doctors as the norm.
  • Microalbuminuria - from 30 to 300 mg of protein is excreted in the urine per day.
  • Mild degree of proteinuria - from 300 to 1 gram of protein is secreted.
  • A moderate degree is set when no more than 3 grams of protein is lost with urine per day.
  • Pronounced degree - more than 3 grams of protein is released.

Depending on the level and mechanism of damage, proteinuria is divided into the following types:

  • Glomerular proteinuria occurs with changes in the renal filter. Increased permeability of the glomerular capillaries leads to the loss of high molecular weight albumins. With this type of pathology, swelling of the tissues quickly develops.
  • The tubular form occurs when the tubules become inflamed and stop trapping low molecular weight proteins. This type pathology occurs with pyelonephritis, some congenital disorders, under the influence of the toxic effect of drugs and salts of heavy metals.
  • The prerenal form occurs when there is a pronounced breakdown of internal tissues, which is often the case with oncological processes.
  • The postrenal type of pathology is exhibited when changes in the analyzes are caused by inflammation or damage to the urinary tract. In addition to protein in the urine will be in in large numbers leukocytes and casts.

Protein in the urine of infants can be both a pathology and a norm.

After birth, approximately during the first week of life, almost 90% of children have an increased protein content.

When protein is detected in older children, it is necessary to exclude causes that could affect the performance of biological fluids. Their group includes:

  • Overfeeding. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then it is easy to overfeed, thus, the load on the kidneys increases and protein is released.
  • fever syndrome, colds, flu.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Stress, accompanied by prolonged crying and fear.
  • Dehydration, hypothermia, burns.
  • Long-term use of certain groups of medicines.

Under the influence of the above factors, predominantly moderate proteinuria is observed, and after their elimination within a few days, all tests become normal.

When persistent proteinuria is detected in children, it is necessary to exclude such a condition as orthostatic proteinuria. With this change, protein in the urine appears only if this fluid is collected in an upright position. If urine is collected lying down, only traces of protein will be present. Orthostatic proteinuria is often found in adolescence. Examination of such children usually does not reveal significant changes in their body, but such patients should always be monitored.


When severe proteinuria is detected, an additional examination most often reveals the following reasons changes:

  • Kidney pathologies - glomerulonephritis, tumors, tuberculosis.
  • Kidney injury.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of the blood.


Persistent proteinuria in the urine indicates that there is not enough protein in the blood. Similar state leads to certain changes in well-being, the child may complain of:

  • Rapid fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Headache.
  • Lack of appetite, nausea.

Parents may notice pale and puffy skin. Often there are swelling on the legs and under the eyes, periods of temperature rise are recorded, and a decrease in the amount of urine is noted.

Proteinuria may not be accompanied by any subjective feelings. But this does not mean that such violations in the analyzes should be ignored.


Diagnostic examination is carried out depending on the proposed diagnosis. In addition to the daily and often prescribed:

  • Blood chemistry. With proteinuria, be sure to pay attention to the protein content in the blood. Hypoproteinemia indicates. When conducting biochemistry, the concentration of creatinine and urea in the blood serum is also determined, an increase in these indicators indicates a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate.
  • Urinalysis for creatinine is carried out when collecting a daily sample. Creatinine is the end product of protein breakdown in the body. A decrease in this indicator indicates severe renal pathologies - glomerulonephritis, nephrosclerosis, renal failure.
  • At renal pathologies such an indicator as GFR is estimated - the glomerular filtration rate. The norm of GFR is from 80 and 120 ml per minute. The decline indicates kidney failure and the lower the rate, the more severe the disease.
  • allows you to identify structural changes in the body.


Treatment of children with proteinuria is selected only after establishing the cause of the pathology. In cases endocrine disorders the treatment of the original disease is selected. Severe proteinuria is often treated with hormonal therapy, in addition to which symptomatic treatment is prescribed. and other inflammatory diseases are treated with antibacterial agents.

Importance has a diet with restriction of salt and animal protein. With mild proteinuria, it is often the diet that allows you to quickly achieve improvement in kidney function.

An outstanding pediatrician tells about the protein in the urine test in children and the diseases that cause this symptom in a video.

If protein is found in the urine of a child, this is not always considered by doctors as a sign of pathology. The age of the baby, the concentration of the content of this substance are important. But in most cases, the appearance of protein cells is a symptom of a disease of the urinary system.

Urinalysis for protein

Urinalysis in children should be carried out at least once every six months. This frequency of research allows timely detection possible violations and start necessary treatment. Protein in the urine of a child is detected by laboratory examination of a portion of urine using special samples. Doctors actively use:

  1. Quantitative Lowry method - determines the presence of protein in daily urine at a concentration of up to 100 mg / day.
  2. Qualitative Geller test - up to 30-60 mg / day.
  3. General analysis according to Nechiporenko.

If necessary quick definition result, indicator test strips can be used. When immersed in a urine sample, the color of the indicator changes. When comparing the resulting shade with the existing table, the approximate concentration of protein in the urine of a child is established. The advantage of the method is its simplicity and the possibility of using it at home.

When is a urine test ordered?

In most cases full study the collected urine sample is carried out in the presence of certain indications. For a general diagnosis, doctors prescribe a general analysis. At the same time, volume, color, organoleptic indicators are taken into account. Urinalysis in children according to Nechiporenko with the determination of protein concentration in the sample is prescribed:

  • if you suspect a pathology of the urinary system;
  • after infections;
  • if there are symptoms indicating the presence of protein in the urine:
  • increased fatigue;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature increase;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • bad smell of urine.

Protein in the urine - the norm in children

The standard for this type of research is complete absence protein cells. However, there is an acceptable concentration - such a protein content in the urine, at which they do not talk about a violation, taking it as the norm. In this case, they talk about "traces of protein" in the urine of a child. A similar conclusion is made if the concentration of protein structures in the collected urine sample does not exceed 0.033–0.036 g/l.

It should be noted that with the increase in the age of the child, the rate of protein in the urine changes. This fact is always taken into account when evaluating the results of the analysis. In addition, doctors make an adjustment for the time of the study: the results of tests taken after the course of therapy may indicate an increased protein in the urine of a child. Its norm for different ages of children is given in the table below.

Increased protein in the urine - what does it mean?

Trying to deal with the result of the analysis, the mother often asks the doctors what protein in the urine of a child means. Doctors reassure: 85-90% of newborns have physiological proteinuria. This is due to the increase in permeability. epithelial tissue renal glomeruli and tubules. The child quickly adapts to new conditions for him environment- metabolism increases, organ functions are activated, and physiologically increased protein in the urine in small child normalizes on its own.

Talking about what protein in the urine means, it should be noted that there are other situations when physiological proteinuria can be observed. Often this occurs with excessive breastfeeding. Kidney function in infants is often reduced, so part of the protein may end up in the urine. In this case, the color of urine may also change. Among other reasons for the physiological increase in protein in the urine can be noted:

  • nervous breakdown;
  • hypothermia;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • allergic reactions;
  • burns;
  • body dehydration.

Protein in the urine of a child - causes

According to the observations of doctors, increased protein in the urine is often a sign of a disorder. To isolate a specific pathology, it is necessary to carry out a complex of various studies and analyzes. Among the common factors explaining why protein appears in the urine of a child are:

  • kidney injury;
  • myeloma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • infectious diseases.

Proteinuria always indicates a decrease in protein in the baby's blood. They perform many important functions, therefore, with their deficiency, the physiological status changes. child's body. As a result, characteristic symptoms appear:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • drowsiness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea.

What is the danger of protein in the urine in children?

An increase in protein in the urine of a child indicates possible pathologies urinary system. The lack of necessary diagnostics and appropriate therapy can adversely affect the health of the child as a whole. The progression of the disease leads to the spread of infection and inflammation to other internal organs. IN pathological process may be involved:

  • bladder;
  • ureters;
  • prostate gland in boys;
  • uterus with appendages in girls.

Protein in the urine of a child - what to do?

Increased protein in the urine of a child is an indication for comprehensive examination. The mother must strictly comply with all the recommendations and prescriptions issued by the doctor, go through all the prescribed tests and hardware examinations with the baby. You should not make independent attempts to treat the child, as there is a risk of harming the child's body.

Protein in the urine - treatment, drugs

Having found a protein in the urine of a child, treatment is started only after the exact cause of the violation has been established. Medications are selected individually, depending on the type of pathogen, stage of the disease, severity of symptoms. The dosage and frequency of administration are also set by the doctor and must be strictly observed by the parents. Among the groups of drugs used, it is necessary to highlight:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, mefenamic acid;
  • antibacterial drugs: Penicillin, Amoxicillin;
  • diuretics: Veroshpriron, Diakarb;
  • steroid drugs; Methylprednisolone;
  • immunostimulants Amiksin, Immunal;
  • control drugs blood pressure; Rauvazan Raunatin Reserpine;
  • medicines that regulate blood sugar levels. Deperzolon, Ultralan.

Protein in the urine - folk remedies

Treatment of protein in the urine in children can be carried out with the help of traditional medicine. Such funds are additional as part of complex therapy.

Parsley seeds and roots


  • parsley seeds - 10 g;
  • parsley root - 10 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. The ingredients are mixed.
  2. 1 st. pour a spoonful of the mixture with boiling water, insist.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Birch buds


  • birch buds - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 200 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. The kidneys fall asleep in a thermos and pour boiled, slightly cooled water.
  2. Insist 1.5 hours.
  3. Give the child 50 ml 3 times a day.

Proteinuria is a condition characterized by high levels of protein in the urine. The disease is not dangerous, it is a consequence of pathologies of various nature. Normally, the functions of the kidneys are to filter the products of protein metabolism, remove excess fluid and salts. Protein in the urine of a child is present in a small amount, this process is considered the norm.

Many diseases are accompanied by the penetration of protein through the filtering barrier of the kidneys, the content of the substance allows you to determine the violation in the child's body.

Conditions associated with increased protein in the urine

Doctors have established a list of conditions that provoke an increase in protein in the urine:

  • dehydration;
  • stress;
  • extreme cooling of the body;
  • fever;
  • intense or excessive physical activity.

With these triggers, the protein spike is temporary and does not indicate kidney dysfunction. At the same time, the discharge parameters return to normal without any special therapy upon completion of the condition.

A child with severe dehydration has dark urine, the appearance of protein in the urine. To exclude the pathological nature of these manifestations, the doctor prescribes a series of repeated tests, this allows you to make sure that the proteins return to normal, the protein does not enter the kidneys and urine.

Diseases that can provoke proteinuria

The reason for the increase in the level of protein content in the urine are various diseases, including kidney pathologies. These disorders are characterized by the constant abnormal presence of protein in the urine in children:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • endocarditis (coronary infection);
  • focal segmental glomerulosclerosis;
  • glomerulonephritis (inflammation of kidney cells, they filter metabolic products from the blood);
  • heart failure;

  • coronary pathologies;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma;
  • Berger's disease (inflammatory process in the kidneys, there is an accumulation of antibodies of immunoglobulin A);
  • kidney infection;
  • lupus;
  • malaria;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • preeclampsia;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • renal dysplasia and reflux (reverse flow of urine to the kidneys);
  • long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

How common is proteinuria?

The pathological condition develops in 2-3 children out of 100, children have different age including newborns. Proteinuria is mild: traces of protein in the urine of the child return to normal.

A chronically elevated level of protein in the urine develops in 1 out of 100 children, which means the presence of a disease that is a trigger for abnormal kidney function is likely. It requires serious treatment.


Proteinuria is often asymptomatic, it is impossible to determine the appearance visually, but in the form indirect sign Violations are plentiful foamy cap on the secretions.

Symptoms pathological condition:

  • - when the kidneys are unable to retain protein in a large volume, nephrotic range proteinuria develops, it is accompanied by nephrotic syndrome. At the same time, edema of various localization is observed in children. Edema is noticeable in the face, legs and feet.
  • combined with hematuria - the presence of blood in the urine. In this case, the urine is red or dark brown.

Minor signs of pathology

An additional reason to find out if the protein content in the urine of a child has increased is the following signs:

  • increased fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • fever;
  • vomit;
  • soreness of the bones;
  • temperature rise.

Nephrology - Kidney Diseases

Features of the course of proteinuria at different ages

The development of proteinuria in children has its own characteristics depending on age. This condition occurs in infants up to 1 month. The etiology of why protein in the urine of newborns is present in small amounts has not been elucidated. Protein in the urine of an infant accumulates due to the fact that the functions of the renal membrane at this age are not yet fully formed.

In cases where the protein content does not exceed 0.3, proteinuria does not require treatment and disappears with the growth of the child.

As for older children and teenagers, they have orthostatic proteinuria - protein passes into the urine when the child is in an upright position (standing up).

This type of proteinuria, which does not pose a threat, is not associated with kidney dysfunction or nephropathology. But "orthostatics" lose protein during the day when they are active. At night, their kidneys completely block the passage of protein into the urine. To identify specified type proteinuria will need a study of a morning urine sample and urine collected during the day.

Features of collecting material for diagnostics and monitoring

Diagnosing a high content of a substance in the urine is not difficult. Parents should be aware of some of the nuances:

  • To exclude the infectious nature of the increase in the substance in the fluid, it is necessary to clean the skin around the urethra before collecting samples, bacteria often accumulate in this area, they can affect the results of the analysis.
  • The child should urinate, stop urinating, urinate again into the container. The purpose of this method is to collect "midstream" urine. In doing so, it should be taken into account urinary tract boys are noticeably longer than those of girls.
  • If the child is not yet accustomed to self-care, fluid is collected through a catheter or with a sterile bag placed in a diaper.

To assess the dynamics of proteinuria, a 24-hour collection of fluid samples is prescribed. The bottom line is to collect all the urine allocated during the day in different containers, while noting the time of collection. Samples should be provided regularly at the end of the daily cycle. Bacteria can multiply in urine room temperature, store laboratory-provided containers in the refrigerator.

Patients with diabetes the attending physician prescribes an examination for microalbuminuria 1-2 times a year. A re-identified or significant increase in the content of a substance in the liquid is a sign of diabetic kidney damage.

Treatment of proteinuria

Cases of orthostatic proteinuria or a slight spike in the presence of protein in the fluid do not require specialized therapy.

A high and persistent excess of the protein content in the child's fluid is a definite reason for a visit to a nephrologist. The specialist will establish the causes of the condition, diagnose the disease that needs treatment.

  • reducing salt intake reduces swelling associated with kidney dysfunction;
  • for cupping inflammatory processes in the kidneys, long-acting drugs are prescribed.

In some cases, to make a diagnosis, he prescribes a biopsy of kidney tissue, the accuracy of the diagnosis will increase, normal performance appear immediately after the procedure.

There are a number of traditional medicines that have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the kidneys: parsley root and seeds. Before using them, you should consult with your doctor. Increased protein in the urine of a child provokes a weakening of the kidneys, an additional drug load can result in allergic manifestations.

Video: Protein in the urine