Feet sweat in children: what to do with sweaty feet in a child. Knowing the causes of excessive sweating in a child at different ages will help to quickly eliminate the problem.

In the behavior and condition of a small child, parents can be alerted by many things. Especially those who have no experience in parenting. One of the questions - why do the hands and feet of the baby sweat? This may be a signal of some kind of disease or simply a feature of the functioning of the sweat glands..

Sweating itself serves as a process of thermoregulation and normalization of the water-salt balance. Abundant sweating can be the result of many factors affecting the body. A newborn baby still undergoes adaptation to new environmental conditions for many months. Therefore, a slight increase in air temperature or an extra blouse on the body causes sweating.

When hands and feet sweat, in most cases this is not a symptom of the disease. There are several reasons why the baby's body reacts this way to any external stimulus:

  • malnutrition (overfeeding, early introduction of complementary foods);
  • excess liquid or milk intake;
  • clothes made of synthetic fabric;
  • excessive wrapping of the child leads to the fact that he is covered with sweat;

  • high air temperature in the room (the optimum temperature is 20-22 degrees);
  • wet hands occur with strong excitement, stress, screaming, crying;
  • taking medications (protruding sweat smells like medicines);
  • body poisoning.

If you make adjustments to your diet, choose clothes only from natural materials, humidify and ventilate the air in the room, then the problem disappears and medical intervention is not required.

Not the last role is played by heredity. When parents suffer from excessive sweating, then the child begins to sweat at the slightest change in conditions.

In case of excessive sweating, you should consult a doctor for advice. He will need to tell how intensely the problem manifests itself, at what time and which parts of the body suffer the most. Be sure to mention additional warning signs.

If sweat is odorless, appears simultaneously on all parts of the body, acts in response to an increase in body temperature or a hot climate, then there should be no cause for concern.

Health alert

The question of why the baby's arms and legs are covered with sweat should be of concern in the following cases:

  • if the child sweats heavily and often, especially during play, feeding, during sleep;
  • sweat smells strongly, while irritating the skin;
  • if the child's condition becomes restless, sleep is disturbed;
  • separate parts of the body sweat: arms, legs, separately feet and palms;
  • wet parts of the body are cold.

When the body produces an increased amount of sweat, this phenomenon is called "hyperhidrosis". In the first stages of the disease, the arms, legs and armpits begin to sweat. Why is this happening? Often this is associated with unequal excitation or features of the work of the sweat glands. The palms and feet sweat in response to stress, excitement, or changes in environmental conditions. Sweat smells strongly and has a sour smell.

Such a disease can be a secondary symptom of another disease of internal organs or entire systems:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. The vessels of the baby begin to function incorrectly, suddenly narrowing and expanding, become weak and lose their elasticity. That is why, as a result of adverse effects from the environment, the child suddenly begins to feel dizzy, weakness appears, palms, legs, and feet sweat.
  2. Pathology of the heart. It can be observed that the palms and feet are wet and cold.
  3. infectious diseases. They lead to the development of weakness, changes in body temperature, loss of appetite. Sweating forehead, palms, neck, legs.
  4. genetic diseases.
  5. Lymphatic diathesis. The lymphatic system begins to work incorrectly, the function of the adrenal glands decreases. Sweat appears in separate areas (legs, hands), smells strongly.
  6. Rickets is accompanied by excessive sweating. Sweat smells strong and unpleasant (vinegar). Why does the disease develop? Caused by a lack of vitamin D in the body, the skeletal system begins to suffer. The child becomes irritable, capricious, you can notice that the back of his head is balding, sleep and appetite are disturbed, the fontanel does not close well. Another feature is that not the whole body sweats, but separate areas, for example, armpits, palms, neck.

Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. You will need to consult an endocrinologist, a cardiologist, a neuropathologist. Additional examination methods will be prescribed to understand why the problem arose: thyroid ultrasound, blood and urine tests, blood for sugar and hormones, sweat analysis.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures will help to avoid complications and to transfer the already existing disease more easily.

  1. The room where the child is located should be ventilated daily for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Baby clothes and bedding should be made of natural fabrics (linen, cotton).
  3. Every day you should bathe the child (you can add a decoction of string, chamomile, oak bark to the water).
  4. If a child is breastfed, then a woman should exclude fatty, spicy and salty foods from the diet. In the case of artificial feeding, you need to dose the mixture correctly and not overfeed the baby. Complementary foods should be introduced in a timely manner and in accordance with the characteristics of the development of the body.

If the baby is worried about increased sweating, you do not need to self-medicate, smear the child with ointments and other means. A timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid serious consequences.

If for an adult, sweating of the feet and an unpleasant odor are a variant of the norm, then in a child this phenomenon can become a symptom of a latent disease. Therefore, parents should not ignore the problem or self-medicate. Sometimes the pathology is inside and requires the intervention of specialists. The prescribed medications will eliminate the root cause, and the prevention of hyperhidrosis will return confidence to the child, and health to the feet.

If the child's feet smell and this is additionally accompanied by concomitant symptoms, then there is a possibility of a hidden disease. Suspicious signs include:

  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • emotional instability, irritability;
  • constant fatigue, apathy;
  • loss of appetite, refusal to eat;
  • urticaria and other similar manifestations of allergies;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of excessive sweating in children

Since at each age the processes proceed with different intensity, and the organ systems develop in their own way, the causes of the phenomenon in which the child's feet sweat will be different.

In infants

When the baby is just born, heat transfer often does not work the same way as in older children. Therefore, pediatricians ask young mothers and fathers to carefully monitor the external thermoregulation of the child: do not overcool, but also do not wrap excessively.

In addition to errors in the selection of clothes, sweat can also be a symptom, therefore, it is necessary to report this fact at the examination by narrow specialists. These diseases include:

  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • hypertonicity;
  • rickets;
  • metabolic problems.

If there are no such prerequisites, then heredity or a stuffy, unventilated room can become the cause of improper heat transfer. Parents are required to monitor the microclimate at home so that the child does not experience discomfort.

In older children

Children older than 2 years can be asked in more detail about their well-being. But if the child is healthy and his legs sweat a lot, then this phenomenon may be a consequence of:

  • high temperature in the building;
  • outdoor games, training;
  • non-natural materials for socks and tights;
  • "non-breathable" shoes;
  • genetics.

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If unimportant well-being is added to the described symptoms, then you should contact the clinic.

Possible pathologies

Hyperhidrosis happens:

  • Primary. It proceeds without complications, acts as an independent phenomenon, is explained by genetics.
  • Secondary. Excessive sweating is part of the clinical picture of the disease. Pathologies of this kind include:
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • disorders in the functioning of the kidneys or lungs;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • infectious lesions;
  • tumor processes.
  • cause increased sweating of the feet;
  • start in an already humid environment.


After collecting an anamnesis and conducting a visual examination for fungal infections, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. To avoid errors, it is necessary to take into account existing diseases in both acute and chronic forms:

First you need to contact the pediatrician. He will determine if the child has rickets, and will conclude on the need for further visits to other doctors:

  • A neurologist will help in the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Severe consequences are rare, and hyperhidrosis is corrected by a healthy lifestyle, training and sports.
  • An endocrinologist specializes in hormonal problems, in this case, the thyroid gland. A more serious approach is required here, and specific drugs help.

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Self-medication is dangerous at any age, and a developing organism can cause irreparable harm. Also, you should take all medicines only according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, if the parent wants to achieve a result and avoid overdose.


Many drugs have age restrictions. Background diseases also impose restrictions on the choice of pharmacological products, so a doctor should prescribe them.

For oral administration

Up to a year, hyperhidrosis is unlikely to harm the baby. But diseases or their prevention require medication:

  • Since daylight hours and walking time are reduced in winter, an additional intake of vitamin D will help to avoid the development of rickets.
  • ICP and other neurological problems require controlled intake of drugs that will improve blood circulation in the brain, reduce blood pressure, and stabilize the emotional background.

Since young age imposes serious restrictions on medications, doctors tend to minimize their appointment as much as possible by prescribing courses of massage and other physiotherapy for the feet. There are several types of mechanical external impact using rollers that have a beneficial effect on foot health.

For outdoor use

These are ointments, gels and baths, after which the sweat glands work. Active ingredients have an effect:

  • Disinfectant. Bacteria that grow in a favorable environment can cause fungus, inflammation, or suppuration.
  • Deodorant. Some natural essential oils reduce odor, while others regulate temperature by cooling the skin.

Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • "Formidol". Natural components make it safe and reduce the risk of overdose.
  • "Borosin". It fights both sweat and some fungi. The condition of the skin improves, as it contains minerals.
  • "Drisol". A less popular remedy, since the cream often clogs pores, limiting cellular respiration, and can cause allergies.

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Increasingly, parents prefer sprays based on:

  • chestnut;
  • calendula;
  • grapes.
  • easy to use;
  • do not require time for absorption.

Choice of shoes

Compliance with several criteria will help reduce hyperhidrosis and prevent deterioration in foot health:

  • natural materials. Synthetics do not allow the skin to "breathe". Even in cold winters, sweating should not be allowed. For this, if possible, modern membrane boots are suitable, and socks and tights are made of cotton or wool.
  • Comfortable anatomical fit, true to size.
  • In warm weather, the key to moderate sweating is ventilation and hygiene.

If for some reason leather shoes are not available, you should consider options with natural lining or insoles.


A balanced diet will help to cope with excess weight if it has become the cause of hyperhidrosis. You should also avoid spicy dishes with pepper. Water is needed in sufficient quantities, as its excess often causes wet feet.

It is worth ensuring a regular supply of:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • calcium.

Healthy foods and meals include:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • fresh parsley;
  • carrot;
  • green salads;
  • dairy products;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • bran, which can be added to salad, porridge, pastries;
  • honey instead of sugar and store-bought sweets.

It is advisable to exclude:

  • garlic;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • caffeine (coffee, tea);
  • fatty meat and fish dishes;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sausage;
  • food with chemical additives, dyes, emulsifiers.

First of all, sweating is provoked by proteins, and then carbohydrates. If the feet suffer from high humidity, the rejection of sweets and starchy foods can correct this process.

About 2-2.5 million sweat glands function on the human body from the moment of birth, almost 30% of which are located on the soles. Excessive sweating of the feet is a common problem and affects not only adults but also young children. Let's consider why the child's legs sweat, ways to eliminate and prevent the violation, reasons for going to the doctor.

Causes of excessive sweating of the feet in children

Excessive activity of the sweat glands or hyperhidrosis can be caused by physiological and pathological causes. Most often, sweating is temporary, goes away on its own when the provoking factors are eliminated and does not pose a health hazard.

Physiological causes

There are the following physiological causes of excessive sweating:

  • Age features of the body. Children have the same number of external secretion glands as adults, but the total area of ​​their skin is much smaller. Due to the high density of the sweat glands, perspiration in children is 5-7 times more intense than in people of mature age. In newborns, hyperhidrosis is associated with imperfect thermoregulation of the body. The mechanism for coordinating body temperature normalizes during the first 8-12 months of life, and the excretory functions of the skin are finally established by about 7-8 years;
  • Violation of the microclimate in the room. Active babies up to 4-5 years old are especially sensitive to the temperature and humidity of the environment. An increase in air temperature by 1-2 degrees can lead to an increase in sweating by 2-3 times;
  • Hormonal changes in adolescents. Puberty is accompanied by a significant increase in the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Most often, the process of sweating is normalized by the age of 16-18;
  • Wearing clothes and shoes that are not suitable for the weather or made of synthetic materials;
  • Drinking plenty of water, eating fatty and spicy foods.


Sweating in babies is often the result of overexcitation and stress. An abrupt change of scenery, strong positive and negative emotions lead to excessive sweating, which can persist for a long time (from several hours to several days).

Pathological causes

Pathological causes of sweating feet in children include the following diseases:

  • Rickets is a violation of the formation of bone tissue under the influence of an acute lack of vitamin D. Pathology affects infants and is expressed by lethargy, sleep disturbances, sweating, skin itching, in severe cases, curvature of the spine, bone deformity;
  • Respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia. The acute phase of the disease in almost 75% is accompanied by profuse sweating, aggravated at night;
  • Worm infestations. Abnormal sweating is often the main symptom of a helminth infection. Other signs of the disease include weakness, apathy, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight, skin rashes, sometimes dry cough;
  • Endocrine disorders (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis). Diseases are characterized by a sharp weight loss, tachycardia, indigestion, irritability, deterioration in general well-being;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Increased sweating is accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm, pallor of the skin, lethargy;
  • Severe disorders of the internal organs, genetic disorders, tumor processes, tuberculosis.

Reasons to see a doctor

You should immediately contact your pediatrician if hyperhidrosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • indigestion;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Violation of the heart rhythm, weakness, fatigue;
  • Pain of any nature and localization;
  • Skin rashes, dermatitis;
  • The pungent smell of sweat.

Excessive sweating of the legs, which develops suddenly for no apparent reason or persists for a long time, can also be a sign of pathology.

To diagnose the causes of sweating of the legs, laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out (analysis of urine, blood and feces, ultrasound of internal organs, ECG). If necessary, a consultation of narrow specialists (endocrinologist, neuropathologist, dermatologist) can be appointed. Only a doctor can answer the question why a child's feet sweat. Self-medication, especially if a comorbidity is suspected, is unacceptable.

Treatment and prevention of sweaty feet in children

Consider what to do if your child's feet sweat a lot and smell. In the case of physiological causes of hyperhidrosis, the problem can be eliminated in the following ways:

  • Proper selection of clothes and shoes. Don't dress an active baby too warm. All things should be made of natural materials that are well breathable and absorb moisture. It is necessary to reduce the time spent in rubber boots and slates to 2-3 hours a day;
  • Hygiene. With excessive sweating, you should wash your feet daily with antibacterial or baby soap, grabbing the skin between the fingers and the folds around the nail plates. Feet must be wiped dry, it is allowed to apply a small amount of baby cream or talc. It is required to frequently change socks, dry and ventilate shoes;
  • Hardening and stimulation of the protective functions of the skin. It is recommended to take a daily contrast shower for the legs, gradually increasing the difference in water temperature. Well normalizes the work of the sweat glands massage, walking barefoot, any gymnastics for the feet.


Children and adolescents under 16 years of age are contraindicated in the use of most local and systemic medications for hyperhidrosis. If the child's feet sweat and smell strongly, it is allowed to use the following remedies:

  • Boric acid solution. A small amount of liquid with a cotton swab is applied to the skin of the feet daily after washing. The course of treatment is 2 weeks;
  • Burnt alum. Pour 1 tablespoon of the powder into thick cotton socks, put on the baby's feet and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure daily for 7-10 days.

Expert opinion!

For children under 2 years of age, in order to prevent rickets, it is recommended to give 1-2 drops of Akvadetrim daily. The therapy is carried out in the cold season (from October to April). With hyperhidrosis, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements containing vitamins A, E, C, calcium and magnesium are also effective.

Folk recipes

If a child's hands and feet sweat, you can use effective traditional medicine recipes:

  • Herbal baths (a handful of succession, oak bark or sage, brew in 1 liter of boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain);
  • Dry compresses from soda or potato starch (apply a small amount of powder to the palms and feet, evenly distributed over gauze folded in several layers);
  • Compresses from sour cream, curdled milk or kefir;
  • Compress from fresh birch leaves.

If a child's feet sweat in shoes, in order to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, its inner surface should be wiped with ethyl alcohol, a solution of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. You can put tea bags, tansy and carnation inflorescences in shoes.

Power correction

  • Fatty, spicy food, semi-finished products;
  • Red meats;
  • Onion, garlic, radish, sorrel;
  • Confectionery, chocolate;
  • Cocoa, strong tea, sweet carbonated drinks.

It is necessary to include kefir, yogurt, seasonal fruits and vegetables (especially parsley, carrots, cabbage, legumes, figs) in the diet. If the baby's hands and feet sweat, do not limit him to drink. Thirst will only aggravate sweating and lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Excessive sweating of the feet in children is most often not dangerous and goes away on its own with age. To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of sweating, you should carefully observe hygiene, choose clothes and shoes from quality materials, make compresses and baths based on natural remedies.

Sweating feet in an adult is considered one of the options for the norm. But why a child's feet sweat is a question for many parents. They don't know what to do and start to worry. And there are reasons for this. Such a symptom may indicate a serious pathological process in the body of children from one to 12 years old.

Why do feet sweat

In the body of one-year-old children, the processes of thermoregulation complete their development. This means that under normal conditions and in the absence of pathologies, the legs and hands should not sweat.

Children after a year usually already need their first shoes. If the shoes are of poor quality or tight, made of materials that do not allow air to pass through, then it causes the child's feet to sweat a lot.

Another reason could be heredity. If cases of hyperhidrosis, the so-called excessive sweating, are observed in other family members, then such a symptom may also appear in a child. The peculiarity of these two reasons is that the hands of children remain dry. Sweating of the palms is not observed.

Hyperhidrosis as a symptom of diseases

Severe sweating of the feet is a sign of some diseases. In this case, hyperhidrosis is accompanied by additional symptoms. Feet and hands can sweat with such diseases:

  • helminthic invasions;
  • rickets;
  • endocrine disorders that are associated with the work of the thyroid gland;
  • vascular dystonia.



This is a disease that affects children under two years of age. Less often - up to five years. The child is restless. Sweat has a pronounced unpleasant odor. In addition to the legs, the hands also sweat.

Endocrine disorders

The main sign of disorders in the thyroid gland is the smell of sweat in a child. Until the onset of adolescence, that is, up to about 12 years, sweat in children should not have an odor.

What to do about sweaty feet

When the reasons why the child's feet sweat are identified, it is worth considering how to deal with it. In what cases it is necessary to start treatment, and in what cases general measures at home are sufficient.

If sweating of the feet occurs due to shoes or socks, then you need to take a more responsible approach to this issue. It is necessary that the size of the shoes matches the size of the child's feet. Shoes and socks, which are made of natural materials, are well breathable and do not allow the legs to sweat.

hereditary hyperhidrosis

With this variant of sweaty feet, there is little that can be done to influence the cause. But with the help of traditional and traditional medicine, external manifestations can be reduced. Suitable for such purposes:

  • hardening of the feet and walking barefoot;
  • sea ​​salt water;
  • the use of foot baths with decoctions of succession, sage or oak;
  • foot massages that improve blood circulation;
  • the use of special creams or talcs.

When to see a specialist

If the above methods did not help to improve the situation, except for the legs, hands sweat and additional symptoms are observed, then you need to seek the advice of specialists:

  • Neurologist. Determine the stage and danger of vascular dystonia. Most often, this diagnosis is not dangerous. Sweating of the feet is corrected by physical education and hardening. In some cases, treatment is carried out by taking sedatives or fees.
  • Endocrinologist. Examines thyroid function and metabolism. You may need treatment with drugs that correct the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Pediatrician. Examines for rickets. You may need further consultation with a neurologist. The treatment of pathology consists in taking vitamin D. The pediatrician will also help in case of suspicion of worms. After a laboratory examination and clarification of the diagnosis, I prescribe treatment, which includes taking antihelminthic drugs.

The causes of excessive sweating of the feet in children from one to 12 years old can be varied. But you don't need to worry. Rarely, sweaty feet are a sign of a disease. In most cases, the cause of this condition is the wearing of inappropriate shoes.

Sweating is a normal process of thermoregulation. Sweating themselves, adults do not worry about it. If the child's feet sweat a lot, then the parents try to find an explanation. Causes of children's sweating are physiological and pathological.

Understanding why a child's feet sweat is very simple if you analyze the presence and absence of causes that cause sweating. What to do in this situation depends on the danger of the process that causes sweating. In some cases, the help of a pediatrician may be needed.

The danger depends on age. In children up to a year, this condition is the norm. After birth, the baby adapts to the world around it within 12 months. Thermoregulation processes are imperfect. For a newborn, a thermal chain should be observed, since at a reduced room temperature, rapid hypothermia can occur.

Trying to do what is best for the baby, parents overdress him, even when this is not necessary. The body overheats and tries to compensate for the temperature by sweating. Feet sweat more often.

Sweating itself is not dangerous. But it is necessary to ensure that the sweaty baby is not exposed to drafts, he can quickly catch a cold.

Foot sweating in older children can be caused by domestic causes:

  1. Synthetic socks, tights and shoes made of artificial materials. Poor-quality clothing does not allow air to pass through, so a greenhouse effect is created around the legs. The result is an increased function of the sweat glands.
  2. Shoes of the wrong size or not matched to the weather.
  3. Genetic predisposition to increased sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a hereditary pathology. If either parent is affected, their offspring are more likely to inherit the problem.
  4. The use of a large amount of liquid leads to profuse sweating.

If the baby is still sweaty after a year, you should think about visiting a pediatrician. Also, the accompanying older age with various symptoms, which will be listed below, is a reason to seek medical help.

Pathological processes

The most dangerous disease, which is accompanied by increased sweating, is rickets.

Pathology develops in infants and children under two years of age. The disease is associated with a lack of vitamin D and with impaired bone formation.

  • sweating observed at night;
  • anxiety;
  • appetite decreases;
  • weight loss;
  • the child is worried about constipation.

Another serious disease that is accompanied by sweating is tuberculosis. In addition to sweating the child, worries:

  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature rise to subfebrile indicators;
  • coughing.

Other pathological conditions that are accompanied by sweating of the legs:

  1. Excess weight. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases in children. Loads with excess body weight require an increase in energy processes, which is expressed by profuse sweating.
  2. Stress overexertion can manifest itself in the form of profuse sweating of the legs.
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia manifests itself in the form of coldness and sweating of the extremities.
  4. Worm infestation causes intoxication. Sweating increases to flush out toxins.
  5. Problems with the endocrine glands: thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands. Excessive sweating may be the first symptom of an endocrine pathology. You should especially pay attention if the sweat smells like in adults.

Early puberty is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of hormones due to a malfunction of the gonads and pituitary gland. In addition to the early formation of sexual characteristics, excessive sweating appears.

Each of the listed conditions proceeds with the presence of specific signs. Sweaty feet are a minor symptom that may alert parents.


First you need to establish the reason why the feet sweat. If the baby has a problem under one year old, then you should try to dress the child according to the weather and maintain a comfortable temperature in the house. In older children, certain tactics should be followed:

  • Buy quality clothes and shoes. Socks and tights to choose from cotton fabric. In winter, give preference to woolen things. Use shoes made of leather, if the season allows, with holes for air circulation.
  • The size is selected according to the leg or a little more. Wearing tight shoes is not allowed.
  • Provide children with physical activity. Good effect from exercising in the pool. Training leads to a tone of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Hardening, dousing, rubbing in the fresh air normalize the regulation of sweating.
  • Foot massage should be carried out with antiseptic essential oils.
  • If the family has a tense situation that affects the child's psyche, then the help of a psychologist may be needed.
  • Herbal sedatives help with overexcitation.

Walking barefoot on grass, pebbles has a good effect. To prevent rickets, dairy products should be included in the diet, and more often in the sun.

Traditional medicine recipes

To reduce the activity of the sweat glands, herbs with an antiseptic and sedative effect are suitable.

Reduce sweating foot baths with a decoction of oak bark, chamomile herbs, nettles. To reduce the excitability of the nervous system, it is good to bathe the child at night in a bath with needles, mint, lemon balm.