Oatmeal face mask at home. The best recipes for cooking. Quick effect of oatmeal mask

To maintain beauty and youth for a long time, you need to regularly do cosmetic procedures. But this is quite expensive, and visiting a beauty salon also requires time, which is usually not available. Home cosmetology helps, including face masks based on natural ingredients, which are easy to prepare, but incredibly effective. You can cook any of the masks proposed in the article yourself at home, and you don’t need to buy anything extra, all the ingredients can be found in the refrigerator. The recipes are very simple, and the effect will delight you.

Benefits of oatmeal face masks

One of these natural products is oatmeal, also known as Hercules porridge. These flakes are the basis of a number of homemade masks, as they are rich in various useful microelements that nourish the skin and also act as a scrub.

The effect of oatmeal face masks:

  • Nutrition of the skin, which gives it a healthy color;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Fight acne and inflammation;
  • Exfoliating effect;
  • Thanks to the addition of other components - drying oily skin or moisturizing dry.

Oatmeal in its pure form is a neutral component, masks from it are suitable for all skin types. But by adding other ingredients, you can prepare a composition that will solve the problems of your skin.

Types of oatmeal face masks

Homemade face masks in most cases are prepared according to the same rules. Based on the properties of the main component, in this case oatmeal, other natural products are added that enhance the positive effects or, if necessary, stop the negative ones.

But since oatmeal is absolutely neutral to the skin, any masks can be prepared on its basis. Firstly, the soaked flakes are used as a facial wipe before bedtime, which nourishes it and saturates it with useful substances. Secondly, based on oatmeal, a number of very effective masks are made to combat acne. Thirdly, oatmeal is an excellent scrub. Also, with oatmeal, complex masks are prepared from three or more components.

Oatmeal face masks: popular homemade recipes

Home cosmetology provides a lot of scope for your own creativity and experimentation, but there are a number of proven recipes for oatmeal face masks:

  • Oatmeal and baking soda face mask for problem skin

The classic composition for the fight against acne on the skin of the face. Oatmeal should be ground in a mortar or mortar. Then two tablespoons of oatmeal are mixed with hot water to the state of gruel, it is infused for several minutes, a tablespoon of ordinary soda is added to the mask and mixed again. This mask should be applied in a thick layer for 20-30 minutes, until dry, after which it should be washed off with plain water. If necessary, it can be rubbed as a scrub.

  • Purifying Oatmeal Honey Face Mask

In this version, oatmeal is combined with the most popular and useful ingredient in homemade masks - natural honey. This version of the oatmeal mask is advertised as effective against acne, but in fact it has much more properties. Honey is very viscous, it cleanses the pores well, pulling out all the dirt from them, and the flakes will act as a scrub. Honey also removes all inflammation well and nourishes the skin, like oatmeal. A mask is prepared from heated (to dissolve the crystals) honey and chopped oatmeal in a ratio of 1 to 1. If it comes out too thick, you can dilute it with water. An oatmeal-honey mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, washed off with warm water.

  • Nourishing face mask of oatmeal and kefir

This composition nourishes the skin very well, improves color, has a whitening effect. Also, kefir dries out the face, so this mask is suitable for oily skin types and is contraindicated for dry skin. This mask is prepared from kefir and oatmeal in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of cereal per 1 spoon of kefir, applied for 20 minutes, it is not recommended to keep such a mask for too long.

  • Moisturizing face mask with oatmeal and sour cream

Unlike the previous recipe, this mask is designed for dry skin, as sour cream (especially oily) moisturizes it well. It is also prepared from ground oatmeal and sour cream in a ratio of 2 to 1, applied for 20-30 minutes. due to their effectiveness, they have become very popular in home cosmetology. There are also good ones based on apples, honey, cucumbers, chamomile and grapefruit.

The listed options are the most popular, but not the only ones. Many masks can be prepared on the basis of oatmeal by adding ingredients such as lemon juice (for oily skin), oils - olive or essential (for dry skin), ground coffee (to enhance the scrub effect), etc.

It is important to select components for your skin type, avoiding coloring and those that can cause allergies. It is also worth remembering that all oatmeal masks should be applied only to a cleansed and steamed face. The compositions do not need to be overexposed on the skin, and in case of any negative sensations, the mask must be washed off immediately. And most importantly - do the procedure regularly, 2 or 3 times a week.

Take it to your wall:

Oatmeal has long been considered a valuable food product, and today it is becoming increasingly popular as a cosmetic product. Indeed, an oatmeal face mask has a truly universal effect: it is safe for any type of skin and is able to solve many problems. It is easy to prepare, financially very economical for any wallet, and the results can be compared to going to a beauty salon. So the oatmeal face mask should long ago take its rightful place in the arsenal of skin care products in the arsenal of any beauty who cares about her appearance.

Miracle oatmeal - only a positive effect

What is the secret behind the amazing effect on the skin of an ordinary oatmeal face mask, which is so easy to prepare at home? It's all about the trace elements that this product is rich in:

  • 10% water provides skin with hydration;
  • retinol promotes rapid healing of the skin after microtrauma;
  • thiamine returns skin elasticity, eliminates dryness, accelerates regeneration processes;
  • ascorbic acid returns youth to sagging skin.

The complex effect of these substances on the skin is the secret of its rejuvenating effect. A useful and effective oatmeal face mask works wonders:

  • nourishes skin cells;
  • gently exfoliates already dead and interfering with the normal functioning of skin cells;
  • massages;
  • tones the skin;
  • improves complexion;
  • regenerates;
  • moisturizes;
  • tones;
  • reduces sensitivity and inflammation;
  • cleanses the pores.

Knowing now exactly how the oatmeal mask works on our skin, determine in which cases it will be most effective, and who is not recommended to use it.

Oatmeal masks: indications for use

Any hercules mask will affect the skin in conjunction with the ingredients that make up its composition. It depends on them which mask is suitable for a particular skin type. It is recommended to use oatmeal in the following cases:

  • problem skin: an oatmeal mask for acne has long been recommended to all teenagers as a healing, relieving acne;
  • dry skin receive abundant moisture;
  • oily skin will lose its oily unhealthy shine;
  • normal and combination skin receive the necessary nutrition;
  • withered skin restore elasticity and firmness.

Now we can safely say that the Hercules face mask is universal: depending on the auxiliary components, it can be useful for any skin type.

Hercules masks: contraindications

As a food product, oatmeal is contraindicated for people suffering from celiac disease - intolerance to cereals. But this disease concerns only digestion, and the effect of oatmeal on the skin remains completely safe. So cosmetologists and scientists have not yet clarified contraindications to the use of face masks from oatmeal in its pure form. If the mask contains other ingredients, be careful: make sure that you do not have an allergy to one of the components. Only in this case, the mask will be effective and will not entail undesirable consequences.

Oatmeal masks: the best recipes

We bring to the attention of beauties who prefer natural cosmetics prepared with their own hands, some of the most popular and effective masks based on hercules. Any oatmeal face mask is applied exclusively to pre-cleansed skin, the exposure time is 15–20 minutes, rinsed with warm filtered water so that no impurities settle on the face.

  • 1. Honey

One of the most miraculous masks is the oatmeal and honey mask - two products that are unique in their properties will make any skin perfect. Honey needs to be warmed up a little so that it becomes liquid. Mix a teaspoon of oatmeal and honey thoroughly to make a thick, sticky mass.

  • 2. Dairy

Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with a little hot milk. Let it brew. Knead the swollen flakes and apply on the face. This mask will moisturize and nourish dry skin. If you replace milk with ordinary boiling water, you will get an ideal option for problem skin: such a mask will help to cope with acne.

  • 3. Corn

Dilute oatmeal and corn flakes (one teaspoon each) with vegetable (preferably olive) oil until a sticky mass forms. This is a universal mask that is suitable for any type of skin.

  • 4. Kefir

This is an oatmeal-honey face mask with the addition of low-fat kefir, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Having prepared a honey mask according to the recipe, you need to add another tablespoon of kefir to the mixture.

  • 5. Coffee shop

Perfectly toning and deep cleansing facial pores mask, which is recommended to be done once a month. Mix coffee beans of medium grinding with oatmeal (a tablespoon of both), pour warm water, leave for 10 minutes.

  • 6. Tea room

Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with hot tea and cool. If you take black tea as a basis, it will give the skin a beautiful matte shade. Green tea will give the effect of rejuvenation due to the antioxidants it contains.

  • 7. Grape

If you mix cereal (tablespoon), grape juice or oil (2 tablespoons) and yolk, you get a wonderful moisturizing mask for dry skin.

  • 8. Lemon

Oatmeal-honey face mask caring for oily skin with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is important to observe the proportions: for a tablespoon of heated liquid honey - the same amount of oatmeal and a teaspoon of juice.

Mash the pulp of one medium-sized avocado with a fork, mix with honey (2 tablespoons) and oatmeal (3 tablespoons). Dilute with olive oil to desired consistency.

  • 10. Cherry

Pour oatmeal flakes (1 tablespoon) with cherry juice (2 tablespoons). Insist for 10 minutes.

With regular use, an oatmeal face mask will become that invaluable skin rejuvenation tool that no woman will agree to exchange for a store-bought remedy. Cosmetics is a real wonderland that you need to constantly master and make more and more new discoveries for your beauty. Congratulations on today's great discovery of a homemade herculean mask that will give your skin a whole new life.

Face masks from the well-known oatmeal (oatmeal) are perhaps one of the most useful and effective, since they contain a huge number of vitamins. Hercules contains a lot of amino acids and trace elements that nourish and saturate the skin. Such a rich content of useful substances gives a wonderful and versatile effect.

Oatmeal has regenerating, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating properties. Also, oatmeal can remove inflammation and redness. They perfectly cleanse and perfectly narrow the pores of the face.
The most beneficial oatmeal can be used for all possible skin types. It is only important to choose the right components that make up the composition.

Oatmeal mask recipes

Oatmeal and honey tightening mask

Main components:

  • hercules flour,
  • a little honey
  • kefir (you can ryazhenka),
  • one egg and water.

Oatmeal must first be ground, for example, in a blender. Mix the resulting flour with water (about 100 g) and leave for ten minutes. We separate the protein from the yolk, mix the protein well with honey, as well as kefir.
After the swelling of the hercules, we combine it with the prepared mass. We apply fresh gruel, while trying to bypass the eyes and lips. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse off.

An oatmeal and honey facial mask has an excellent lifting effect. Excellent results are noticeable from the first time!

Milk and oatmeal

Main components:

  • hercules flour,
  • a tablespoon of milk
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.

The resulting flake powder is well mixed with the above components. Leave on face for 15-25 minutes. Wash off.

An oatmeal and milk face mask is good for aging as well as very dry skin. But you can do it with normal skin. For effectiveness, you need to carry out this procedure twice a week. The skin after this treatment becomes incredibly clean, even and smooth. An oatmeal mask for dry skin is done a couple of times a week.

soda and oatmeal

Main components:

  • 1 table. a spoonful of soda.

Such care is good and effective for the face of oatmeal for acne, removing redness.

Mix oatmeal powder with soda, dilute with water (preferably warm) to obtain a thick mass. Then we rub this mixture into our skin and keep it for about 15-25 minutes. The mixture will be easier to apply to the skin if it is pre-moistened.

The oatmeal and soda face mask has a great effect on problem skin, while cleansing and reducing inflammation very well.

Hercules and squirrel

Main components:

  • hercules flour (2 tablespoons),
  • one egg white
  • squeezed lemon juice (half a teaspoon),
  • almond oil (half a teaspoon).

Beat the protein and combine with the listed components, mix well. We apply and wait about fifteen minutes.
An oatmeal and protein face mask is ideal for very oily and problematic skin, as it mattifies and tightens wonderfully, reducing pores.

Nectarine and Hercules

Main components:

  • hercules flour (a couple of tablespoons),
  • half a nectarine
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Boil the nectarine for about 30 minutes, then knead it with a fork. We mix the finished fruit mass with hercules, honey. We stand on the face for fifteen minutes. Rinse with water (preferably warm), then rinse well with lukewarm water.

The oatmeal tightening face mask has a rejuvenating effect, maintains beauty and attractiveness.

Hercules flakes, kefir and fruit juice

Main components:

  • hercules flakes,
  • a tablespoon of kefir
  • berry or fruit juice.

Pour oatmeal flakes with kefir and berry or fruit juice, then carefully stir until a uniform mass. We apply the gruel prepared by us and gently massage, and then leave this mask for 15-25 minutes. Wash off with slightly warm water.

The oatmeal cleansing face mask has a wonderful effect on oily skin, has a matting effect. The pores are also significantly reduced.

Hercules and pumpkin

Main components:

  • flour from herculean flakes;
  • pumpkin pulp.

Pumpkin must be grated (preferably fine), mixed with oatmeal flour. Next, the resulting mass is kept on the face and neck for about twenty minutes, rinse with water. It is advisable to use a piece of ice to wipe your face.

Such a nourishing mask remarkably nourishes the skin of the face, as well as the neck, has a rejuvenating effect, and restores an even complexion.

Hercules flakes, honey and orange juice

Main components:

  • hercules flakes (2 tablespoons),
  • fresh orange juice (1 tablespoon),
  • one teaspoon of honey.

All components are mixed and kept on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with slightly warm water.

Such care from hercules flakes has a positive effect on any skin. Dry integuments are nourished and moisturized, oily ones are perfectly matted, and pores are narrowed.

Scrub mask with oatmeal flakes and salt

Main components:

  • hercules flakes,
  • some salt
  • small spoonful of honey
  • kefir (about 3 tablespoons).

All components are mixed and kept for ten minutes on the skin, it is advisable to gently massage for one minute. It is better to wash off the oatmeal mask with slightly warm water.

It perfectly removes old particles from the skin, evens out the color, narrows the pores, nourishes.

This scrub mask is used for oily skin.

Each of us puts a lot of effort in order to look as young and attractive as possible. A huge number of women have long preferred oatmeal as breakfast. Hardly because it is a delicious delicacy. In many ways, only due to its positive effect on the human body. But not everyone knows that oatmeal can act as one of the components of a cosmetic product. Thus, a homemade oatmeal face mask is a truly effective way to preserve the beauty and youth of your skin. But let's talk more about the recipes for its preparation.

Useful properties of oatmeal

The composition of the well-known Hercules includes a huge amount of microelements and vitamins useful for humans.

For example, B vitamins increase the protective index of the skin. This means that thanks to him, the skin is under reliable protection from dehydration, the influence of negative factors, as well as the manifestation of age spots. This is especially true for people with dry and problematic skin.

As for vitamin E, it is actually a powerful antioxidant. It is this element that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and moisturizes it.

Oatmeal face mask and its benefits

From all that has been said, it becomes obvious that Hercules is really useful for the human body. Thus, the mask, which includes oatmeal, helps protect the skin from external factors, as well as moisturize and maintain its youth.

Of course, oatmeal contains far from all those vitamins and minerals that are necessary for facial skin. But this problem is quite simple to solve by adding additional vitamins, oils, herbs, etc. to the mask.

An oatmeal face mask really does have benefits, not only in nutrition, but also in cleansing. The thing is that she is also a kind of scrub. This is where the question arises: “Is it necessary to overpay money for expensive cosmetics if you can cleanse and rejuvenate your skin without leaving home?” If you are not sure whether you need an oatmeal mask, you can always hear reviews about it from any cosmetologist who will certainly advise you to resort to this particular method of nourishing and cleansing your skin. Believe that this tool will be the best alternative to the procedures in the salon, for which you will have to pay a lot of money.

Hercules Rejuvenating Mask

Masks, which include hercules, really work wonders! Already after the first application, you will notice that your skin is noticeably fresher, and the wrinkles on it are slightly smoothed out. The anti-aging oatmeal mask is prepared quite simply, and it does not require any rare ingredients. If you want to restore youth and elasticity to your skin, then be sure to use one or more of the recipes below.

Masks with the effect of rejuvenation

    You will need oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, almond oil and jojoba oil. All of the above ingredients must be mixed until a slurry is obtained. The oatmeal face mask is then applied to the skin. After about thirteen minutes, it must be washed off with slightly warm green tea, and then with ordinary water.

    Add 1/3 cup of milk to the oatmeal flour and wait until the oatmeal swells. Then you need to add a little (about 10 drops) of lemon juice to the resulting mixture. That's basically it. You just have to apply the mask on the skin and leave it for 30 minutes. As soon as you wash off the applied composition, you will immediately see the result. In the case of using the mask on an ongoing basis, rejuvenation will soon be noticed not only by you.

    Skin care after 40

    Instant effect mask

    • It happens that when you wake up early in the morning and look in the mirror, you realize that in an hour you need to be at an important meeting, and your face leaves much to be desired. Dont be upset! A mask with an instant rejuvenation effect can solve all your problems! Take ground oatmeal and add orange juice with a teaspoon of honey to it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Then apply the mask on your face and walk with it for 15 minutes. Chamomile tea is best for washing off the composition. As soon as you wash off the mask, you will immediately realize that you are fully prepared for any meeting!

    Dealing with problem skin

    We talked about how you can use hercules for rejuvenation. It's time to talk about problematic skin. Be sure that an oatmeal mask for acne is no less effective than anti-wrinkle formulations.

For many, the very word "oatmeal" is associated with porridge and oatmeal, which we often eat for breakfast. Naturally, this product is very useful for the stomach and the body as a whole. But, oatmeal is not only delicious and energy-rich food. It has a beneficial effect on our skin if we make oatmeal face masks from it at home.

It is full of vitamins and trace elements that fill the skin with moisture, vitamins and give it a fresh look.

So, what is the composition of oatmeal?

1. Vitamin B1. It gives the skin firmness, elasticity and eliminates dryness. In addition, thiamine helps in the fight against wrinkles.
2. Vitamin A. It is also called retinol, which accelerates the healing process of small cracks and wounds on the skin.
3. Vitamin C. Popularly known as ascorbic acid. This vitamin rejuvenates and gives tired skin freshness. He also remarkably removes toxins and is an antiseptic.

Now you have seen what valuable vitamins ordinary oatmeal is full of. If you use all these substances in combination, then the skin will acquire a blooming, healthy and youthful appearance. In addition, oatmeal is saturated with elements such as potassium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium, manganese, iodine, iron and fluorine. A continuous periodic table is obtained! There are a lot of amino acids in oatmeal, which also help the skin to rejuvenate and become much more attractive.

Benefits of oatmeal face masks

"Oatmeal, sir!" - Everyone knows this phrase from the English TV series. By the way, the birthplace of oatmeal, and cereal, is precisely England - a country of fogs, rains and longevity. The British have long revealed the secret of how to make the skin younger, more beautiful and brighter. They eat porridge for breakfast and use homemade oatmeal face masks for their skin. They are no worse than expensive cosmetics and creams. Our women should also follow the example of the English Ladies. Indeed, oatmeal promotes rejuvenation, eliminates flaking and dry skin, and also gives the skin a blooming appearance and elasticity. An oatmeal mask is gentler and more gentle on the skin than other cereals.

What are the benefits of oatmeal for skin?

1. Rejuvenates and cleanses
2. Tones and moisturizes
3. Nourishes and refreshes
4. Exfoliates the stratum corneum
5. Deep cleans pores
6. Relieves inflammation - acne, pimples

1. Those with aging skin
2. For those with dry skin
3. Teenagers who often have acne - blackheads, pimples
4. Those who have oily and problem skin
5. People with mixed skin type

Who shouldn't make oatmeal face masks?

It is unlikely that oatmeal can harm someone. Therefore, oatmeal face masks at home can be used by almost everyone. But, if you add some other substances to the mask, such as honey, lemon or cinnamon, then be careful. They can cause an allergic reaction on the skin.

How to apply oatmeal face masks?

1. Before applying an oatmeal mask to your face, you need to steam the skin in a water bath.
2. If you have purulent inflammation or damage on your skin, then making a mask is not recommended.
3. An oatmeal mask is applied to the skin with strictly clean products and hands. You can use wooden spatulas, brushes or soft sponges.
4. Apply an oatmeal mask should be on the skin, excluding the sensitive area - lips and eyes.
5. Pre-check the skin for allergic reactions. Especially if you add berries, fruits and other products to the mass of oatmeal. Gently apply a small amount of the mask to the wrist (back side) or ear (lobe). If redness or irritation does not appear on them, then you can no doubt make oatmeal face masks at home.

We offer you recipes for oatmeal masks for different skin types, which can be easily prepared at home.

Oatmeal mask for problem skin type

Before you make this mask, you need to prepare an infusion of chamomile and mint. Then strain it and add oatmeal. Now boil this mixture for 5-7 minutes, cool slightly and apply the mask on the skin. Apply a dry washcloth to your face. After 15-20 minutes, the mask must be removed from the skin with a cotton swab soaked in chamomile infusion.
Oatmeal face mask at home is ideal for those who have problem skin - acne, pimples, acne. It is recommended to do it no more than 2 times a week.
Result: relieves inflammation, cleanses and whitens the skin.

1 st. l. - chamomile (dry flowers)
1 st. l. - mint (dry herb)
250 ml. - water (boiled)
1 handful - hercules (chopped)

Anti-inflammatory face mask: oatmeal and honey

It is necessary to mix together - honey, lemon juice and aloe. Now add salt and oatmeal to this mixture - mix everything thoroughly. The mask is applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes, and then removed with a damp cloth. You need to do this mask 2 times a week.
Effect: homemade oatmeal masks dry, nourish, relieve inflammation, make the skin healthy, smooth and radiant. It has an antiseptic effect.

1 st. l. - oatmeal
1 st. l. - aloe (juice)
1 st. l. - lemon (juice)
1 st. l. - salt (iodized)

Nourishing Oatmeal Mask: Yogurt and Honey

If you have dry skin, then make this mask at least 2 times a week. It is easy to prepare and suitable for the décolleté and neck area. First, mix all the products below and apply the mixture on the skin. After 15-20 minutes, remove the oatmeal mask with water - warm-cold.
Result: richly nourishes, tightens, gives the skin freshness and velvety.

1 st. l. - yogurt (low fat)
1 tsp - honey (liquid)
1 tsp - oatmeal (cereals)

Oatmeal face mask with curdled milk

Grind salt, soda and oatmeal and mix. By the way, this mixture can be stored in a dry, dark place for a long time. When blackheads, pimples or other inflammations appear on the skin, then make a mask. Add curdled milk to this mixture and stir until gruel. The mask is applied to the skin with massaging movements, and after 10 minutes it is washed off with water. After this procedure, thickly lubricate your face with a night cream.
Result: cleanses, whitens, relieves inflammation on the skin.

1 st. l. - baking soda)
1 st. l. - salt (sea, food)
1 cup - oatmeal flakes
1 glass - curdled milk

Oatmeal face mask for acne

First, grind the oatmeal and add water and lemon juice to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Let it dry on the skin. The mask is washed off with warm water. Wipe the skin with any drying solution. This homemade oatmeal face mask recipe should be made as needed.
Result: relieves inflammation, normalizes skin balance, cleans pores

3 art. l. - oatmeal (chopped)
100 ml. - water (boiled)
1 tsp - lemon juice)

Rejuvenating Oatmeal Face Mask

Grind oatmeal, and then add honey, beaten yolk and orange juice to them. Add milk to the resulting mixture and mix everything again. Apply the mask on the skin of the face (neck) for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Making a homemade oatmeal face mask at home is recommended at least 2 times a week.
Effect: rejuvenates, softens deep wrinkles, gives the skin freshness

1 tsp - egg yolk
1 tsp - flakes (oats)
1 tsp - honey (liquid)
1 tsp - orange (juice)
1 tsp - milk

Oatmeal mask for problem skin

If you make this mask at least once a week, your skin will become clean, smooth and without inflammation. Beat the egg white and add all the listed ingredients to it. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Effect: eliminates inflammation, oily sheen and tightens pores

1 PC. - egg white
2 tbsp. l. - oatmeal (ground)
½ tsp - almond oil
½ tsp - lemon juice)

Oatmeal face mask with honey for aging skin

An ideal homemade oatmeal face mask for those with aging skin with pronounced wrinkles. First, mix honey, olive oil and egg yolk in a cup. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Now wash off the rest of the mask with water. This mask can be done 2-3 times a week to see the effect.
Result: soothes, smoothes, nourishes, rejuvenates and gives the skin a fresh tone.

1 PC. - egg yolk
2-4 st. l. - oatmeal (crushed cereal)
1 tsp - olive oil
1 tsp - honey (liquid)

Nourishing mask: oatmeal and avocado

A wonderful mask option for those who have wrinkles and a dull complexion. You need to make a homemade face mask from oatmeal 2 times a week to notice the effect. Take all the ingredients: beer, oatmeal, avocado pulp and egg yolk. Now mix them into a paste. The mask should be applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes. It is washed off with warm water, after which a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.
Result: tightens the skin, gives elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, deeply nourishes the skin.

1 st. l. - beer
2 tbsp. l. - oatmeal (cereals)
1 tsp - avocado (pulp)
1 PC. - egg yolk

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

This homemade oatmeal face mask recipe is perfect for those who often have blackheads and pimples on their skin. It only needs to be done once a week to cleanse the skin. First, mix all the listed ingredients to a creamy slurry. Now apply the mask on the skin in circular motions. After 30 minutes, it must be washed off with warm water, and a softening cream should be applied to the skin.
Effect: has an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses, restores the water balance of the skin.

2 tsp – clay (yellow)
2 tsp - salt
1 st. l. - oatmeal (flour)
2 tbsp. l. – water (mineral)

Milk-based oatmeal face mask: whitening effect

Beat the egg white until foamy. Now add honey, lemon juice and oatmeal to it. The mask should be applied to the skin for 20 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature. Ideal for skin with signs of aging and fatigue. It is recommended to make a homemade face mask no more than 1 time per week.
Result: tightens and cleans pores, whitens, rejuvenates and gives the skin a radiant look.

1 PC. - egg white
1 tsp - milk
1 tsp - honey (liquid)
1 tsp - lemon juice
2 tsp - oat flour

Oatmeal face mask with yogurt: nourishing effect

This homemade oatmeal face mask recipe is perfect for aging skin. It only needs to be done once a week. Take cereal and add butter, yogurt and honey to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face, avoiding the eye and lip area. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.
Result: rejuvenates, cleanses pores, whitens and fills the skin with vitamins

1 st. l. - sunflower oil
1 st. l. - yogurt (low fat)
1 st. l. - oatmeal flakes
1 st. l. - honey (liquid consistency)

Nourishing oatmeal face mask with cherry juice

Add oatmeal flakes to the cherry juice - mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask on the skin for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with water. This mask needs to be done only once a week to get the desired result. An ideal recipe for all skin types.
Effect: fills the skin with vitamins, nourishes, tones and cleanses

2 tbsp. l. - cherry juice
1 st. l. - oatmeal (cereals)

Oatmeal eye mask

For this homemade oatmeal mask, all you need is sour cream and cereal. They must be mixed together and wait until the oatmeal swells. Then apply this paste on the skin around the eyes. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. Eyelids and skin under the eyes are thickly smeared with a nourishing cream. This mask should be done no more than 2 times in two weeks.
Effect: tightens the skin, stimulates, moisturizes and smoothes mimic wrinkles

Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cleansing oatmeal masks work well on the skin of the face. They are especially good for problem skin: they remove oily sheen, nourish, cleanse, regulate the water balance of the skin of the face.

Purifying Oatmeal Egg Mask

For this homemade oatmeal face mask, all you need is an egg and cereal. They need to be mixed together. The mask is applied to the skin 2 times - first for 10 minutes, and then for the same time in the second dose. Wash it off with water and lemon juice. The mask is suitable for oily and problematic facial skin, and you need to do it once a week.
Result: tightens pores, normalizes skin balance, cleanses

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 PC. - protein (egg)
2 tbsp. l. - oatmeal (crushed)

Oatmeal and egg cleansing mask for oily skin

Ideal for problematic and oily skin. To begin, grind the oatmeal to a state of flour. Now add the beaten egg, milk and oils to them. Mix this mixture well and apply on the skin for 15 minutes. It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water. It is necessary to apply the mask 2 times a week.
Result: relieves inflammation, cleans black spots, regulates the water balance of the skin

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 PC. - egg
1 st. l. - flakes (oats)
3 drops - tea tree (oil)
3 drops - equilipt (oil)
1 tsp - milk

Purifying mask: oatmeal and coffee

Grind coffee and oatmeal to a flour state. Fill them with water, and then gently rub into the skin in a circular motion. Literally, after 6 minutes, wash off the mask not with water, but with chamomile infusion. You can use a decoction of calendula for this purpose. Now apply a nourishing cream thickly on the skin. This mask should be done no more than 2 times a week.
Result: deeply cleanses the skin, tightens pores and restores water balance

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 st. l. - ground coffee
1 st. l. - oatmeal flakes

Purifying oatmeal mask with honey

It must be done only 1 time in 2 weeks, so as not to injure the epidermis. Take oatmeal and pour boiled water over them. After they swell, add propolis and liquid honey to the gruel. This mask should be kept on the skin for only 10 minutes. Then it is washed off with cool water.
Effect: cleanses, removes oily sheen, nourishes the skin.

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 st. l. - cereal (oatmeal)
1 st. l. - honey (liquid)
1 tsp - propolis (tincture)

Oatmeal mask: deep cleansing

The mask is well suited for oily and blackhead-prone skin. It is advisable to do it 2 times a week to achieve the result. Take oatmeal and add hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to it. Mix everything thoroughly until a mushy state. A mask is applied to the entire face, avoiding the lips and eyes. After 10 minutes, it should be gently washed off in a circular motion. After the procedure, wipe the skin with a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent that narrows the pores.
Effect: relieves inflammation, deeply cleanses pores.

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 st. l. – hydrogen peroxide (3%)
1 st. l. - baking soda)
1 st. l. - oat flour

Purifying Oatmeal Honey Mask

Mix together all the products: cereal, honey, kefir and rosemary. Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face (neck, décolleté) for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and apply a moisturizer on your face. This homemade oatmeal face mask recipe is perfect for those with problematic skin. It should be done at least 2 times a week.
Result: deeply cleanses, relieves inflammation and oily sheen, dries the skin.

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 st. l. - low-fat kefir
1 tsp - oatmeal (cereals)
1 tsp – honey
4 drops - oil (rosemary)

Oatmeal Pore Clay Mask

First, pour oatmeal (crushed version) with warm water - let it swell. Clay must also be diluted with water, and then added to the finished oatmeal. The mask should be applied to the skin for 15 minutes - let it dry. Then wash it off with warm water. Do this mask once a week.
Result: deeply cleanses and tightens pores, improves skin condition, gives a blooming look.

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 st. l. - oatmeal (cereals)
60-75 ml. - water (boiled)
1 st. l. – clay (blue)

Purifying mask: baking soda and oatmeal

This mask is prepared quickly and easily. First, mix baking soda and oatmeal and add some warm water to this mixture. You will get a mushy mass. It should be gently rubbed and left on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mask from your face with water. It should be done no more than 2 times a week.
Result: deeply cleanses pores, eliminates inflammation.

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 st. l. - baking soda)
2 tbsp. l. - oatmeal

Purifying oatmeal mask with kefir for oily skin

Mix together oatmeal flakes, honey and kefir. Now add salt to this mass - mix everything thoroughly. Apply an oatmeal face mask at home to your skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with running water, and apply a nourishing cream to the skin. It is best to make this oatmeal face mask at home before going to bed - 1 time per week.
Effect: deeply cleanses, tightens pores, removes oily sheen

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 st. l. - kefir
1 tsp - oatmeal (cereals)

0.5 tsp - salt

Oatmeal scrub mask for problem skin

In order to prepare an oatmeal face mask at home, you will need a few ingredients. Oat flakes should be crushed, and then salt and honey should be added to them. After mixing this mass, apply it on the skin of the face (neck) for 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water. If you have skin prone to irritation and allergies, then do this mask no more than 1 time per week.
Result: deeply cleanses pores, rejuvenates, dries and gives the skin elasticity and freshness.

The composition of the oatmeal mask:
1 tsp - honey (liquid consistency)
1 tsp - oat flour
pinch - salt (coarse)

If you want to give your skin smoothness and freshness, then try refreshing homemade oatmeal face masks. Such masks smooth fine wrinkles, brighten and rejuvenate the face.

Refreshing Strawberry Oatmeal Face Mask

The recipe for such a refreshing oatmeal face mask at home is very simple. Take a fresh berry and mash it with a spoon or in a mixer. Now add grapefruit juice and oatmeal to the strawberries. Leave this mixture for 10 minutes in a warm place. The mask is applied to the skin for only 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature. It can be used 3 times a week.
Effect: smoothes fine wrinkles, brightens, gives the skin a smooth and beautiful appearance.

The composition of the mask:
1 st. l. - flour (oatmeal)
3-4 pcs. – fresh strawberries
2 tbsp. l. - grapefruit (juice)

Refreshing mask of oatmeal and orange with peach juice

Grind the oatmeal, and then add peach and orange juice to it. The next step is to add milk and mix everything well. Apply a homogeneous mass on the skin of the face (neck) for 30 minutes. Then wash off the rest of the mask with cool water. It should be done at least 2 times a week. An ideal recipe for aging and dull skin.
Effect: perfectly tones, refreshes, cleanses and smoothes wrinkles.

The composition of the mask:
1 PC. - peach (juice)
1 PC. - orange (pulp)
1 st. l. - oat flour
1 st. l. - milk

Refreshing banana and oatmeal mask

To make this refreshing oatmeal face mask at home, you will need two ingredients - a banana and cereal. Pre-fill the oatmeal with boiling water, and then mix it with mashed banana. Now apply this mixture on your skin for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water, and it is recommended to do it once a week.
Effect: refreshes, rejuvenates, makes the skin supple and smooth

The composition of the mask:
1 st. l. - oatmeal (cereals)
1 st. l. - banana (mashed)

Oatmeal and Sour Cream: Toning Facial Mask

All listed ingredients - oatmeal, sour cream, vinegar and lemon juice - mix. Then apply the mask on the skin of the face (neck) for 25 minutes. It is better to wash it off with ordinary water at room temperature. In order to see the result, it is necessary to make a mask at least 1 time per week.
Effect: tones, cleanses, refreshes and smoothes fine wrinkles.

The composition of the mask:
1 tsp - vinegar (apple)
1 st. l. - sour cream
1 tsp - lemon (juice)
2 tbsp. l. - flakes (oats)

Toning oatmeal face mask with lemon

Oat flour must be mixed with milk to make liquid sour cream. Now add some lemon juice to the mass. The mask is applied to the skin of the face (neck, décolleté) for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. It must be done at least 2 times a week for a noticeable effect.
Result: tones, refreshes, cleanses the skin.

The composition of the mask:
1 tsp - lemon (juice)
1 st. l. - flour (oatmeal)
1 st. l. - milk