Psychological correction of aggressive behavior in children. Correction of aggressive behavior in adolescence Methods for correcting aggression in children

"Psychological correction of aggressive behavior of children"
(speaking at the district conference)
Aggression - (from the Latin “attack, attack”) is a motivated, destructive behavior that is contrary to social norms and rules, causing physical harm to the objects of attack, as well as moral damage to living beings (negative experiences, a state of tension, depression, fear, etc. .) (Psychological dictionary, 1997)
The problem of aggressive behavior of children is very relevant today. Aggressive children are becoming more and more difficult to work with, and often teachers simply do not know how to deal with their behavior. Adults do not like the aggressive behavior of children. Such children annoy them, and the conversation about them, as a rule, is conducted in condemning terms: “rude”, “impudent”, “hooligan” - such labels are given to all aggressive children without exception, not only at school, but also at home. Observing aggressive children can be said in the words of the Australian psychotherapist W. Oaklander: “I perceive the child. who reveals destructive behavior, as a person who is driven by feelings of anger, rejection, anxiety, insecurity, resentment, he often has low self-esteem. He is unable, or unwilling, or afraid to express what he feels in any other way. He feels that this is the only way he can survive.”
Causes of child aggression
- "Family" reasons
- "Personal reasons
- Situational causes
- Type of temperament and character traits
- Socio-biological causes

I would like to dwell on "Family" reasons: Rejection of children by parents
This is one of the basic reasons for aggressiveness, and by the way, not only for children. Statistics confirm this fact: often attacks of aggressiveness are manifested in unwanted children. Some parents are not ready to have a child, but it is undesirable to have an abortion for medical reasons, and the child is still born. Although the parents may not tell him directly that he was not expected or wanted, he is well aware of this, as he "reads" information from their gestures and intonation. Such children try by any means to prove that they have the right to exist, that they are good. They try to win their much-needed parental love and tend to do so quite aggressively.
Indifference or hostility from parents
It is very difficult for children whose parents are indifferent, and even hostile towards them.
Children learn about behavior patterns from three sources. The first is the family, which can simultaneously demonstrate aggressive behavior and ensure its reinforcement.
Secondly, they also learn aggression by interacting with peers and often learning about the benefits of aggressive behavior during games. Thirdly, children learn aggressive reactions not only from real examples, but also from symbolic ones. At present, there is practically no doubt that that scenes of violence shown on TV screens contribute to an increase in the level of aggressiveness of the viewer, and especially of children.
There are two types of aggression - "benign" and "malignant". The first manifests itself at the moment of danger and is protective in nature. As soon as the danger disappears, this form of aggression also fades. "Malignant" aggression is cruelty, is spontaneous and is associated with the structure of the personality.
Analyzing aggressiveness, American psychologists have derived the following criteria that allow us to speak about the presence of this property in a child to one degree or another.
Diagnostic criteria for children of preschool and primary school age:
1. More often than others, they lose control over themselves.
2. They argue, swear with children and adults.
3. Deliberately annoying adults, refusing to fulfill the requests of adults.
4. More often they blame others for their "wrong" behavior and mistakes.
5. Envious and suspicious.
6. Often get angry and resort to fights.
Diagnostic criteria for children of middle and senior school age:
1. Threatening other people.
2. Initiate fights.
3. Use items in a fight that can hurt.
4. Cruel towards people and animals.
5. Deliberately damage property.
6. Blackmail, extort.
7. They run away from home.
8. Skipping classes for no reason.
To identify the aggressive and delinquent orientation of adolescent behavior, you can use the ADP questionnaire (aggressive maladjustment of adolescents) Bass-Darkey.

Psychological correction of aggressive behavior in children.
In order for the result of work with aggressive children to be stable, it is necessary that the correction be not episodic, but systemic. Otherwise, the effect of the correctional work will be unstable.
There are six key areas of correctional work with such children:
1.Consultation work with parents and teachers aimed at removing the provoking factors of aggressive behavior in children.
2. Teaching a child constructive behavioral responses in problem situations.
3. Teaching the child techniques and ways to manage their own anger and emotions.
4. Reducing the level of personal anxiety. Development of positive self-esteem.
5. Development of empathy.
6. Teaching a child to express their anger in ways that are safe for themselves.
Work with aggressive children can be built both individually and in a group. The number of lessons with aggressive children should be at least 1-2 times a week. Duration not less than 40 minutes.
We can distinguish the following principles on which the interaction of a psychologist with a child in the course of joint work is built:
-contact with the child
-respect for the personality of the child
-positive attention to the inner world of the child
- invaluable perception of the personality of the child, acceptance of him as a whole
- cooperation with the child - assistance from responding to problem situations and developing skills of self-regulation and control.
Psychological correction of aggressive behavior
Characterological features of the child Directions of correctional work Methods and techniques of influence
1High level of personal anxiety. Perception of a large number of situations as threatening. Reducing the level of personal anxiety. Relational techniques: deep breathing, visual imagery, muscle relaxation, free breathing to music.
2. Weak awareness of one's own emotional world. Low level of empathy. Formation of awareness of one's own emotions, as well as the feelings of other people, the development of empathy. 1. Work with photographs reflecting various emotional states.
2. Inventing stories that reveal the cause of the emotional state.
3. Drawing, modeling of emotions.
4.Plastic image of emotions.
5. The image of various objects and natural phenomena, inventing stories on behalf of these objects and phenomena.
3. Low self-esteem. Attunement to negative self-perception by others Development of positive self-esteem. 1. Exercises aimed at a positive perception of the image of "I", the activation of self-awareness.
2. Development of incentives and awards for possible successes (album of successes, medals, etc.)
3. Inclusion of the child in the work of various sections, circles.
4. Emotionally stuck on this situation that is happening now. Inability to foresee the consequences of one's actions. Teaching a child the ability to respond correctly and manage his anger 1. Plastic expression of anger, reacting through movements.
2. Multiple repetition of a destructive action in a way that is safe for yourself and others.
3. Drawing anger, modeling anger, discussing the situation of anger.
4. Letters of Anger
5. "Gallery of negative portraits"
6. The use of art therapy techniques, Gestalt therapy in order to more fully respond to feelings.
5. Demonstration of destructive behavior. Behavioral therapy aimed at expanding the range of behavioral reactions in a problem situation and removing destructive elements in behavior. 1. Work with pictures that reflect problem situations (inventing different versions of stories from the picture).
2. Playing scenes that reflect conflict situations.
3. Use of games aimed at cooperation.
4. Analysis of problem situations with the child, the choice of a positive behavioral response and fixing it in the game.
6. Work with parents and teachers. Consultative and corrective work with parents and teachers, aimed at removing the provoking factors of aggressive behavior in children. 1. Informing teachers about the individual characteristics of an aggressive child.
2. Teaching teachers and parents the skills of "non-violent" communication (active listening, the method of "I-messages", the exclusion of threats and orders).
3. Help the family in terms of developing uniform requirements and rules for education.
4. Refusal of punishment, transition to methods of persuasion and encouragement.

The following emergency intervention rules will help ensure positive conflict resolution in a conflict situation.
1. Calm attitude in case of minor aggression.
In cases where the aggression of children and adolescents is not dangerous and understandable, the following positive strategies can be used:
- completely ignoring the reactions of the child / adolescent is a very powerful way to stop unwanted behavior;
- an expression of understanding of the child's feelings (“Of course, you are offended ...”);
- switching attention, offering some task (“Help me, please, get the dishes from the top shelf, you are taller than me”);
- a positive designation of behavior (“You are angry because you are tired”).
Since aggression is natural for people, an adequate and harmless aggressive reaction often does not require outside intervention. Children often use aggression simply to get attention. If a child/teenager shows anger within acceptable limits and for understandable reasons, you need to allow him to react, listen carefully and switch his attention to something else.
2. Focusing on actions (behavior), and not on individuals.
The technique of objective description of behavior makes it possible to draw a clear line between an act and a personality. After the child calms down, it is advisable to discuss his behavior with him. It should be described how he behaved during the manifestation of aggression, what words he said, what actions he performed, without giving any assessment. Critical statements, especially emotional ones, cause irritation and protest, and lead away from solving the problem.
Analyzing the child's behavior, it is important to limit the discussion to specific facts, only what happened "here and now", without recalling past actions. Otherwise, the child will have a feeling of resentment, and he will not be able to critically evaluate his behavior. Instead of the common but ineffective "morality reading", it is better to show him the negative consequences of his behavior, convincingly demonstrating that aggression hurts him the most. It is also very important to point out possible constructive ways of behaving in a conflict situation.
One of the important ways to reduce aggression is to establish feedback with the child. For this, the following methods are used:
- statement of fact (“you are behaving aggressively”);
- ascertaining question (“Are you angry?”);
- disclosure of motives for aggressive behavior (“Do you want to offend me?”, “Do you want to demonstrate strength?”);
- detection of one's own feelings in relation to undesirable behavior ("I don't like it when they speak to me in such a tone", "I get angry when someone yells at me loudly");
- an appeal to the rules ("We agreed with you!").
When giving feedback to a child/teenager's aggressive behavior, an adult should demonstrate at least three qualities: interest, goodwill, and firmness. The latter concerns only a specific misconduct, the child / adolescent must understand that his parents love him, but against how he behaves.
3. Control over your own negative emotions.
Parents and professionals need to carefully control their negative emotions in a situation of interaction with aggressive children. When a child or teenager exhibits aggressive behavior, it causes strong negative emotions - irritation, anger, resentment, fear or helplessness. Adults need to recognize the normality and naturalness of these negative experiences, to understand the nature, strength and duration of the feelings that prevailed over them.
When an adult manages his negative emotions, he does not reinforce the aggressive behavior of the child, maintains a good relationship with him and demonstrates how to interact with the aggressive person.
4. Reducing the tension of the situation.
The main task of an adult facing child and adolescent aggression is to reduce the tension of the situation. Typical wrong actions of an adult that increase tension and aggression are:
- raising the voice, changing the tone to threatening;
- demonstration of power (“The teacher is still here for me”, “It will be as I say”);
- cry, indignation;
- aggressive postures and gestures: clenched jaws, crossed or clasped hands, talking through teeth;
- sarcasm, ridicule, ridicule and mimicry;
- a negative assessment of the personality of the child, his relatives or friends;
- use of physical force;
- drawing strangers into the conflict;
- adamant insistence on being right;
- notations, sermons, "reading morality",
- Punishment or threats of punishment;
- generalizations like: “You are all the same”, “You, as always ...”, “You never ...”;
- comparing the child with other children is not in his favor;
- commands, stringent requirements, pressure;
- excuses, bribery, rewards.
Some of these reactions may stop the child for a short time, but the possible negative effect of such adult behavior is much more harmful than the aggressive behavior itself.
5. Discussing wrongdoing.
It is not necessary to analyze behavior at the time of manifestation of aggression, this should be done only after the situation is resolved and everyone calms down. At the same time, discussion of the incident should be held as soon as possible. It is better to do this in private, without witnesses, and only then discuss it in a group or family (and even then not always). During the conversation, it is important to remain calm and objective. It is necessary to discuss in detail the negative consequences of aggressive behavior, its destructiveness not only for others, but, above all, for the smallest aggressor.
6. Preservation of the positive reputation of the child.
It is very difficult for a child, especially a teenager, to admit that he was wrong and defeated. The worst thing for him is public condemnation and negative assessment. Children and adolescents try to avoid this at all costs, using various mechanisms of protective behavior. Indeed, a bad reputation and a negative label are dangerous: once attached to a child/teenager, they become an independent motivating force for his aggressive behavior.
To maintain a positive reputation, it is advisable:
- publicly minimize the teenager’s guilt (“You don’t feel well”, “You didn’t want to offend him”), but show the truth in a face-to-face conversation;
- do not require complete submission, allow the teenager / child to fulfill your requirement in his own way;
- offer the child/adolescent a compromise, an agreement with mutual concessions.
Insisting on complete submission (that is, on the child not only immediately doing what you want, but also in the way you want), you can provoke a new explosion of aggression.
7. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior.
An important condition for the education of "controlled aggression" in a child is the demonstration of models of non-aggressive behavior. With manifestations of aggression, both sides lose their temper, a dilemma arises - to fight for their power or resolve the situation peacefully. Adults need to behave non-aggressively, and the younger the child, the more peaceful the adult's behavior should be in response to the aggressive reactions of children.
The behavior of an adult, which allows showing a model of constructive behavior and aimed at reducing tension in a conflict situation, includes the following techniques:
- non-reflexive listening (non-reflexive listening is listening without analysis (reflection), enabling the interlocutor to speak out. It consists in the ability to be attentively silent. Both words are important here. To be silent - because the interlocutor wants to be heard, and our comments are of the least interest; attentively - otherwise the person will be offended and the communication will be interrupted or turn into a conflict. All you need to do is keep the interlocutor's speech flowing, trying to get him to speak out completely.);
- a pause that allows the child to calm down;
- suggestion of calm by non-verbal means;
- clarification of the situation with the help of leading questions;
- use of humor;
- recognition of the child's feelings.
Children quickly adopt non-aggressive behavior patterns. The main condition is the sincerity of an adult, the correspondence of his non-verbal reactions to words.

Corrective work aimed at teaching the child acceptable ways of expressing anger, as well as responding to the situation as a whole.
There are four stages of anger response:
The first stage is to “provide children with acceptable methods for expressing anger in a safe way.”
The second stage is to help children come to a real perception of the feeling of anger, to encourage them to emotionally respond to this anger right here and now. You can draw anger with paints or mold it from plasticine. Often in children, the image of anger is identified by the offender.
The third stage is to allow direct verbal contact with the feeling of anger: let them say everything that needs to be told to the right person.
Usually, after the children have fully spoken out (sometimes they scream and cry at the same time), after that the children become more calm and open to further work.
The fourth stage is to discuss with the children what causes their anger, in what situations it most often happens, how they discover it and how they behave at this time. It is important that the child learns to recognize and understand his anger, to behave correctly in it.
The task of the psychologist at the stage of responding to anger is to help the child in terms of releasing his true experiences, which are often hidden behind the external manifestation of anger. It is also necessary to help the child change the situation from the traumatic into a more positive one.

Psychological correction of the aggressive behavior of children should be complex, systemic and take into account the characteristics of aggressive children:
-Lack of control over one's own and emotions
-Limited set of behavioral responses in problem situations.
-Lack of empathy
-High level of personal anxiety.
Correction of aggressive behavior of children should be built in the following areas:
-decrease in the level of personal anxiety.
Teaching the child to control negative emotions.
Teaching your child acceptable ways to express anger.
-development of empathy and adequate self-esteem.
During the period of restructuring of the child's behavior, psychological support of the parents is necessary. The psychologist should help parents to understand why there are difficulties in the child's behavior, and what specifically needs to be corrected.

1.Istratova O.N., Exakusto T.V. Reference book of a secondary school psychologist. Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2002
2. Kipnis M. Communication training. M, "axis-89", 2005
3. Matveeva L., Vyboyshchik I., Makushin D. Practical psychology for parents. M "Art-press", 1999
4. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. M., 1996
5. Smirnova T.P. Aggressive behavior of children, 2005
6. Fridman L.M., Kulagina I.Yu. Psychological reference book., 1991
7. Sheveleva L.N. Programs of socio-psychological trainings., 2006

1. Causes of children's aggressiveness

2. Aggressive behavior of teachers

3. Diagnosis of aggressive behavior

4. Weakening aggressiveness

Causes of child aggression

The upbringing of children requires the most serious tone, the most simple and sincere. These three qualities should contain the ultimate truth of your life.

A.S. Makarenko

The restructuring of our society, due to the transition to market relations, has led not only to economic and political changes, but also to a change in the moral norms of behavior of people and especially young people. Teachers and parents note that asocial orientation is growing in children and adolescents. They became more anxious and aggressive. Aggressive inclinations in behavior are observed even in children of preschool and primary school age.

We will distinguish between the concepts of "aggression" and "aggression". The first (from lat. aggression- attack, threat) - the general name for all destructive, destructive actions aimed at causing harm. Aggressiveness is an intention, a state preceding an aggressive action. And the aggressive action itself is the behavior of the child, which is aimed at causing harm to other people. An aggressive state is accompanied by an emotional state of anger, hostility, hatred, etc. The action is expressed in a direct aggressive act of causing harm to another person: insults, bullying, fights, beatings, etc.

Despite the fact that intuitively the meaning of aggressive behavior is clear to everyone, there are still heated debates about terminological definitions. The fact is that aggressive acts and actions can be of varying severity - from mild, unintentional and accidental to severe and deliberate. When aggression is called the use of firearms for brutal reprisal, then the meaning is the same. But when the same word refers to the persistence, assertiveness, rigidity of a student or teacher, then the meaning is somewhat different. The child shouts out an insulting nickname, the child fights and bites his opponent hard, the child poured paint on the teacher's table. All this is aggression, albeit in different forms. Aggression is physical or verbal (verbal) behavior aimed at causing harm to others. This definition does not include accidental collisions of children in classrooms, unintentional blows on sports fields, causing pain during dental treatment or washing a wound with water. But it is definitely suitable for assault, direct insults, including "innocent" ones - pulling girls' pigtails, infringing on the dignity of "teasers" and "callers". Let's call school aggression any deliberate action of teachers or students that caused mental or physical injury to others.

Everyone suffers from aggression to one degree or another. Moderate aggressiveness is a quality rather positive than negative. What would happen if all people suddenly turned out to be "toothless", lethargic, passive and whiny, unable to defend their rights, unable to stand up for a just cause with their fists, if necessary? Dangerous excessive, uncontrollable and uncontrolled aggressiveness that goes beyond reasonable limits.

The path of development of aggressive inclinations and aggressive behavior is quite well studied - from small imperceptible dirty tricks to large and cruel actions. An unaddressed small transgression makes it easier to attempt major transgressions. Aggression, which develops at first as light verbal insults, later develops into severe physical insults.

There are several theories explaining outbursts of aggression. The first comes from the fact that aggressive behavior is given to man by nature. So he defends himself from his enemies and survives. The second considers aggression to be a natural reaction of the body to states of deprivation and frustration, i.e., the impossibility of achieving a goal, fulfilling desires. We already know that frustration increases when a person expects more but gets nothing. This state, more than others, creates the prerequisites for aggressive behavior. And the third theory claims that aggressive behavior is formed gradually and is the result of education.

Both in animals and in humans, scientists have discovered parts of the nervous system responsible for the manifestation of aggression. With the activation (irritation) of these structures, aggression increases, their deactivation leads to a decrease in hostility. This means that it is possible to increase or suppress aggressiveness by acting on the nervous system with certain substances, such as drugs. Heredity affects the sensitivity of the nervous system to pathogens of aggression. If a child was born with a weakened nervous system, then there is a certain risk that he will develop aggressive tendencies. This does not mean that he will immediately begin to destroy everything in his path, but he will be more prone to emotional disorders than other children. After all, it is emotions that “push” aggression to the surface.

A common factor in the significant growth of aggressive behavior in the modern world is the increase in tension, the deterioration of relations between people. Others treat us the same way we treat them. Hostility always breeds hostility, uncooperativeness on one side always repels the other. If one side sees the other as aggressive, resentful, and vengeful, then the other side will behave in that way in self-defense, which creates a vicious circle. You cannot repay evil with evil, otherwise there will be no end. Someone must show wisdom and prudence and respond to evil with good. Then the path to reconciliation opens.

But aggressiveness in the world is growing like a snowball. It is surprising that people, seeing and understanding that there is no other way out of the vicious circle but reconciliation, do nothing to change the terrible addiction. As a result, evil accumulates, intensifies, destroys people. Children are drawn into this terrible cycle from the cradle, they adopt the manner of aggressive behavior even before they learn to think. Everyday life constantly demonstrates models of aggressive behavior in the family, the surrounding reality, and the media. Is it any wonder that our children are aggressive: they only reproduce what they see around them.

In the development of childish aggressiveness, the same law is manifested as in the development of all other forms of deviant behavior: from external to internal, and then from internal to external. First, changes in external behavior lead to internal changes and fix them, and then internal attitudes begin to determine behavior. This connection can also be formed in the reverse order, if the child already has the gene for the grain of aggressiveness.

The leading theorist of social doctrine, the American psychologist A. Bandura, believes that children learn aggressive behavior by observing the actions of adults and noting the consequences of these actions. In one of his experiments, a woman in front of preschool children for almost 10 minutes. beat up an inflatable rubber doll. Children from the control group, who did not see this, never turned to such a game. And the children who observed the experimenter's behavior were many times more likely to pick up a stick and beat the doll. Observation of an act of aggressive behavior by an adult develops destructive desires in the child, weakens the inhibition of forceful behavior. This also explains the fact that in families with aggressive behavior of parents, children tend to solve their problems by force.

What influences children's aggressiveness? It is provoked by several factors: 1) innate propensity (hostility), 2) aversive cases (pain, heat, tightness), 3) excitement, 4) mass culture, 5) aggressive games and 6) group influence (see Fig. 19) .

The decoding of the human genome confirmed that all the properties of a born child are encoded in the gene code that stores and transmits all the information about him, including the tendency of his parents to aggressive behavior. Of course, this does not mean that the child automatically becomes aggressive, but he has the prerequisites for deviant behavior in his heredity. All other things being equal, his emotional sphere is more vulnerable than that of normal children, and he becomes more easily on the path of aggressive behavior. Negative predispositions are created, for example, by sluggish cells of the cerebral cortex in the children of alcoholics, disturbed genetic structures in drug addicts, and certain hereditary mental illnesses.

In addition to biological, social heredity has a significant impact on human development, thanks to which a young person actively masters the socio-psychological experience of his parents and everyone around him (language, habits, behavioral characteristics, moral qualities, etc.). The question of the inheritance of moral inclinations is especially important. For a long time it was believed that a person is not born either evil, or kind, or generous, or stingy, or aggressive, and even more so not a villain or a criminal. Today, more and more teachers are inclined to think that both moral qualities and human behavior are biologically determined. People are born good or evil, honest or deceitful; nature gives man pugnacity, aggressiveness, cruelty, greed (M. Montessori, K. Lorenz, E. Fromm, A. Micherlik, etc.).

Among aversive pain comes first. Attack behavior in response to pain is typical of all animals: pinch a cat's tail and you will see it immediately. Children behave in approximately the same way, with the only difference being that they are afraid to attack someone who is definitely stronger; then they go away and cry. Heat is also a strong source of aggressive behavior. Disgusting smells, tobacco smoke, air pollution, its high temperature also provoke aggressive behavior. Domestic manifestations of cruelty and violence usually occur in such conditions. In adults, alcohol is more likely to cause aggression. The infliction of pain, the offensive actions of another person usually cause a response - a desire for revenge. Tightness, crowding also increase aggressive behavior. Therefore, outbreaks of anger, abuse and insults so often and easily occur in crowded transport, crowded places.

Excitation, what a person experiences under the influence of a real situation or his thoughts, memories, is a strong provocateur of aggressive behavior. How often the child cries, worries, wants to take revenge, remembering past grievances. It's good that he is able to quickly forget them.

Society often supports and encourages the aggressive behavior of children. Some parents require that the child must give back to any insult. By this they instill pugnacious, inadequate behavior. Just a little, the child grabs a stick, gives free rein to his hands, not even trying to use other ways to resolve the conflict. Children simply do not know about them. Adult assessments have an extremely negative effect: “Scumbag! Squishy! Slobber! You can't take care of yourself!" Some are simply sure that this is how courageous, independent, able to stand up for themselves people are brought up. And they don't think about the consequences of such behavior.

Provokes aggressive behavior and Mass culture. All studies confirm: there is no greater evil in the modern world than television and the press, which excite people's base instincts. It has been established that watching violence on TV by children: 1) leads to an increase in aggressiveness, 2) increases the threshold of insensitivity to violence, 3) forms views on violence as the only way to resolve emerging problems, 4) introduces violence into the norm of social life. This is scary. The best schools, humane pedagogy, loving teachers are powerless before this evil.

Statistics say that by the time they graduate from high school, a child watches about 8,000 murder scenes and about 100,000 other violent acts on TV. None of the past epochs was so densely saturated with violence as ours. Does TV encourage a child to commit aggressive acts? Definitely yes. If for adults, as those who plant violence on the screens claim, it only helps to “let off steam”, then for children it is a direct incitement to commit violent acts. See how, after watching the movie, the boys together take up toy weapons, sticks and stones, and the girls beat and torture their dolls. Bloody television production provides abundant food for aggression. According to one of the American researchers E. Yeron (1987), the higher the degree of violence of the programs, the more aggressive the behavior of children.

The English scientist W. Belson (1978) studied the behavior of 1565 London boys and proved that their aggressive behavior was provoked by watching scenes of violence. Similarly, L. Iron and R. Huismann (1985) found that the intensity of watching violent films in 875 eight-year-old children was positively correlated with their aggressive behavior.

The aggressive behavior of our children is greatly influenced by their gun play. Receiving a toy gun or a knife, the child also receives an instruction for their use: neutralize the enemy, inflict pain on him, solve your problems with the help of force. Shooting from toy bows, crossbows, pistols and machine guns is real; cases of severe injuries are known. In one experiment, after playing with guns, children were more likely to destroy a building made of blocks made by another child. Many children come to school ready to destroy.

It is known that aggressive arousal and behavior increase in groups. Groups are potent pathogens. What a child would never do alone, in a group he can and is likely to do. Group pressure is not only among the strongest, but also the most significant.

The elementary school teacher has to recognize and correct many types and ways of manifestation of children's aggressiveness. He must correctly determine the source of aggressive impulses and actions, find adequate ways to correct them. The type of aggressive behavior often indicates the reasons that caused it. By linking them together, the teacher gains important information.

Causes and types of aggressiveness:

A natural reaction to the humiliation of the dignity of the child, constant ridicule, bullying. This is forced, situational aggressiveness, and not yet a stable character trait. The behavior of the child is provoked by circumstances. The causes that gave rise to it will be eliminated, and aggressiveness itself will disappear;

A consequence of the restriction of freedom, independence, excessive guardianship, the suppression of the child's initiative by adults. There is an aggressive reaction of the child. This reaction is justified only to the extent that is consistent with the norm. This is not yet a character trait, but an attempt to defend oneself, one's rights, one's opinion, to test the "strength" of others. Corrected easily and quickly, if the reasons are correctly understood and an individual approach to the child is found;

A pronounced focus on others (extraversion) as a character trait. Such a child cannot live until he throws out his emotions, feelings, experiences on others. Sometimes they do not want to listen to him, they do not accept him, and then his reactions take the form of harassment, even violence. The case is difficult, medical advice is required;

The manifestation of the Oedipus complex (the focus of aggression on an adult of the same sex as the child). Outbreaks are infrequent, but strong enough, poorly controlled. Psychiatric consultation required;

The manifestation of rivalry between children (in the family, class, school, in the yard) in order to achieve superiority. A very common form of aggression. It is corrected by the teacher if the reasons are correctly established;

The manifestation of an inferiority complex, the desire to prove to others their advantage. It often manifests itself in children who are intellectually limited, emotionally deaf, undeveloped, indifferent to everything. These kids terrorize the class and are on the verge of being expelled from school. While the question of their future fate is being decided, the teacher has to act prudently, but quickly and decisively;

the result of deprivation and frustration, i.e., the oppressive experience of failures in meeting needs and achieving a goal. In this way, the child tries to free himself from his depressing experiences, to take revenge on others for his failures. The sight of happy, successful children irritates him. Physically weak children-frustrants usually do small dirty tricks on the sly. This type of childish aggressiveness will be corrected by the teacher as early as possible in order to prevent the transformation of aggressiveness into a stable character trait.

Thus, we are forced to state that the manifestations of the aggressive behavior of children are growing, the aggressive actions themselves are becoming more and more cruel. The society continues to promote violent ways of solving problems. Under these conditions, the school is forced to significantly intensify the work on correcting the aggressive behavior of children.

Khokhlova Olesya Valerievna, teacher-psychologist

KSU "Isakovskaya secondary school", Isakovka village, Zerenda district, Akmola region

Aggressive child - causes and ways to correct aggressive behavior

The increased aggressiveness of children is one of the most acute problems not only for doctors, teachers and psychologists, but also for society as a whole. The relevance of the topic is undeniable, since the number of children with such behavior is growing rapidly. This is caused by the summation of a number of unfavorable factors: the deterioration of the social conditions of children's lives; the crisis of family education; inattention of the school to the neuro-psychic state of children; an increase in the proportion of pathological births, leaving consequences in the form of brain damage. Computer games and the media, the film and video industry, which regularly propagate the cult of violence, contribute their share.
Increased aggressiveness of children is one of the most common problems in the children's team. Psychological research reveals factors influencing aggressive behavior:
-style of education in the family (hyper- and hypo-guardianship);
- ubiquitous demonstration of scenes of violence (scenes of violence shown on TV screens, contributing to an increase in the level of aggressiveness of the viewer, and especially children.);
- unstable socio-economic situation;
- individual characteristics of a person;
- socio-cultural status of the family;
- constant aggressive behavior of parents, which the child imitates and in whom their aggressiveness is "infected";
- manifestation of dislike for the child, the formation of a feeling of defenselessness, danger and hostility of the world around him;
- prolonged or frequent frustrations, the source of which are parents or any circumstances;
- humiliation, insults of the child by parents, teachers;
- interaction during play with peers who show aggression, from which children learn about the benefits of aggressive behavior;
Often unexpected aggressive reactions can occur during an age crisis. Or because of the internal dissatisfaction of the child with his status in the peer group, especially if he has an inherent desire for leadership or if peers for some reason do not recognize the child.
It can be assumed that already at preschool age certain internal prerequisites are formed that contribute to the manifestation of aggressiveness, that children prone to aggression differ from their peers not only in external behavior, but also in their psychological characteristics.
Aggressive behavior can take many forms. In psychology, it is customary to single out verbal and physical aggression, and each of them can have direct and indirect forms.
verbal aggression.
1. indirect verbal aggression.
It is aimed at blaming or threatening a peer, which are carried out in various statements.
- complaints
- a demonstrative cry aimed at eliminating a peer
- aggressive fantasies
2. Direct verbal aggression.
They are insults and verbal forms of humiliation of another. Traditional children's forms of direct verbal aggression are:
- teasers,
physical aggression.
1. Indirect physical aggression.
It is aimed at causing any material damage to another through direct physical actions.
It can be:
- destruction of products of activity of another;
- destruction or damage to other people's things.
2. Direct physical aggression.
It is a direct attack on another and causing him physical pain and humiliation. It can take a symbolic and real form:
- symbolic aggression implies threats and intimidation,
- direct aggression - direct physical attack (fight), which in children may include biting, scratching, grabbing hair, using sticks as a weapon, etc.
But aggressiveness must be judged not only by external manifestations, it is necessary to know its motives and the experiences that accompany it. Each aggressive act has a specific reason and is carried out in a specific situation.
Among the most common reasons that provoke aggressiveness in children, the following stand out:
- attracting the attention of peers;
- infringement of the merits of another, in order to emphasize one's superiority;
- protection and revenge;
- striving to be the leader;
- the desire to get the desired item.
In most cases, the aggressive actions of children are of an instrumental or reactive nature. Although at the same time, some children exhibit aggressive actions that do not have any purpose and are aimed solely at causing harm to another. Physical pain or humiliation by a peer causes satisfaction in these children, and aggression acts as an end in itself. Such behavior may indicate a child's tendency to hostility and cruelty, which may cause particular concern. The main distinguishing feature of aggressive children is their attitude towards their peers. The other child acts for them as an adversary, as a competitor, as an obstacle that needs to be removed. The aggressive child has a preconceived notion that the actions of others are driven by hostility, he ascribes to others hostile intentions and neglect of himself.
Aggression can be directed:
- on surrounding people outside the family;
- only for close people;
- on animals;
- on yourself (your body and personality);
- on external physical objects (for example, eating inedible);
- on symbolic and fantasy objects (in the form of drawings, passion for games of aggressive content).
The most important thing for working with aggressive behavior is the division of all forms of aggressive behavior into two groups:
1. Non-socialized forms of aggressive behavior (not intended to cause harm to another person, and also not of a hostile nature).
2. Socialized forms of aggressive behavior (directed by hostility, aimed at causing damage or pain to another person).
Therefore, the leading task of the consultant is to determine the dominant motives of aggressive behavior, its direction.
Also, to work with aggressive children, it is necessary to know their character traits:
1. They perceive a wide range of situations as threatening, hostile towards them.
2. Oversensitive to negative attitudes towards themselves.
3. They are pre-configured for a negative perception of themselves by others.
4. Do not evaluate their own aggression as aggressive behavior.
5. Always blame others for their own destructive behavior.
6. In the case of intentional aggression (attack, damage to property, etc.), there is no feeling of guilt or the guilt is very weak.
7. Tend not to take responsibility for their actions.
8. Have a limited choice of reactions to a problem situation.
9. Shows low levels of empathy in relationships.
10. Poorly developed control over their emotions.
11. Poorly aware of their emotions, except for anger.
12. Afraid of unpredictability in the behavior of parents.
13. They have neurological deficiencies: unstable, distracted attention, poor working memory, unstable memorization.
14. They do not know how to predict the consequences of their actions (they get emotionally stuck in a problem situation).
15. Have a positive attitude towards aggression, tk. through aggression they feel their own importance and strength.
T. P. Smirnova additionally identifies three more characterological features of such children:
-have a high level of personal anxiety;
- have inadequate self-esteem, often low;
- feel rejected.
To diagnose a child, there are criteria for aggressiveness:
For children of senior preschool and primary school age.
1. Often (more often compared to the behavior of other children surrounding the child) lose control of themselves.
2. Often argue, swear with children and adults.
3. Deliberately annoy adults, refuse to comply with the requests of adults.
4. Often blame others for their "wrong" behavior and mistakes.
5. Envious and suspicious.
6. Often get angry and fight.
A child who has consistently manifested 4 criteria for 6 or more months can be said to be a child with aggressiveness as a personality trait. Such children can be called aggressive.

For middle school children and teenagers:
1. Threatening other people (verbally, with a look, with a gesture).
2. Initiate fights.
3. Use items in a fight that can hurt.
4. Cruel to people and animals (intentionally cause physical pain).
5. They steal from a person they don't like.
6. Deliberately damaging property.
7. Blackmail, extort.
8. Being away from home at night without parental permission.
9. They run away from home.
10. Not going to school or being kicked out of school.
In this age category, the quality of aggressiveness is possessed by children in whom at least 3 criteria are simultaneously manifested for 6 or more months.
According to most experts, one of the sources of aggression in children and adolescents is the family.
The influence of the family on the child:
- a negative assessment by the child of what is happening in the family;
- the age of the child (the younger the age, the greater the risk of negative impact of a destructive family factor)
- the duration and strength of the psychotraumatic factor (long-term negative impact on the child)
- biological and constitutional prerequisites;

The work of a psychologist with the parents of an aggressive child:
Aggressive children are the category of children that is most condemned and rejected by adults. Lack of understanding and ignorance of the causes of aggressive behavior leads to the fact that aggressive children cause open dislike and rejection in adults in general. Very often, parents of an aggressive child who feel hostility towards him seek psychological help not to help the child, but in order to try to calm him down. When working with parents, it is important to avoid a negative impact on their self-esteem, you need to strive to stabilize it. And it is also necessary to find out the attitude of parents to the child before birth and in the first months of its appearance. If the child was initially unwanted, then perhaps finding out the reasons for the rejection of the child will change the attitude of the parents towards him. If the child was desired, and the parents changed their attitude towards him when he had already become aggressive and naughty, then parents need to be helped to understand that such behavior responds to their own actions.
Parents also need to understand that the most important thing in communicating with a child is a respectful attitude towards his personality, positive attention to the inner world. Try to accept all the shortcomings of the child, love him for who he is! In no case should you inspire the child that he is bad, this can reduce his self-esteem, which negatively affects the interaction with the outside world. You can not humiliate the child, do not drive the child into a corner, hardening him. It is possible to train such a child to be aware of his own feelings, thoughts and desires at every moment of time and to coordinate them with the environment.
It is also very important to normalize the psychological atmosphere in the family, the child should not be a witness to quarrels and scandals. It is also desirable for parents to adhere to one parenting style. Eliminate all aggressive forms of behavior among people close to the child, remembering that the baby, imitating, sees everything. Do not punish the child by physical means, because the more severely the child is punished in the family, the more cruel he is to others. Do not teach the child to suppress his anger, to drive it into himself. Children need to be allowed to express their feelings. These feelings are strong and cannot be denied. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to release anger in ways acceptable to our social norms. For example, you can allow the child to be alone, cry or scream. With a child, you can compose a fairy tale in which it will be possible to throw out your negative emotions to him, or play sports games.
If parents know their son or daughter well, they can defuse the situation during a child's emotional outburst with an appropriate joke. The unexpectedness of such a reaction and the benevolent tone of an adult will help the child adequately get out of a difficult situation.
Regardless of the reason for the aggressive behavior of the child, there is a general strategy of others in relation to him:
1. If possible, restrain the aggressive impulses of the child immediately before their manifestations, stop the hand raised to strike, shout the child.
2. Show the child the unpleasantness of aggressive behavior, physical and verbal aggression in relation to inanimate objects, and even more so to living people.
3. Establish a clear ban on aggressive behavior, systematically remind about it.
4. Present children with alternative ways of interaction based on the development of empathy and experience in them.
Psychological correction of aggressive behavior of children
Correction of aggressive behavior should be systemic, complex, and provide for the study of each characterological feature of a given child.
According to T.P. Smirnova, there are 6 key areas within which it is necessary to build corrective work:
1. Reducing the level of personal anxiety.
2. Formation of awareness of one's own emotions and feelings of other people, development of empathy.
3. Development of positive self-esteem.
4. Teaching a child to respond (express) his anger in an acceptable way, safe for himself and others, as well as respond to a negative situation in general.
5. Teaching a child techniques and ways to manage their own anger. Development of control over destructive emotions.
6. Teaching a child constructive behavioral responses in a problem situation. Removal of destructive elements in behavior.

Tasks of psycho-correctional work with aggressive children:
1. Development of the ability to understand the state of another person;
2. develop the ability to express their emotions in a socially acceptable way
3.Teach ways to reduce stress;
4.Develop communication skills;
5. To form a positive self-perception based on personal achievements.
There are special exercises aimed at teaching the child acceptable ways to discharge anger and aggressiveness, as well as responding to a negative situation in general.
For the first stage of responding to anger, the most effective and widely used psychologists in working with children are the following methods and methods:
1.crumple and tear paper;
2. to beat a pillow or a punching bag;
3. stomp your feet;
4. shout loudly using a "cup" for shouting or a "pipe" made of paper;
5. kick a pillow or a tin can (from under Pepsi, Sprite, etc.);
6. write on paper all the words that you want to say, crumple and throw away the paper;
7. rub plasticine into cardboard or paper;
8.Use a water pistol, inflatable batons, trampoline (at home).
Example exercise:
"Letters of Anger" (for children over 9 years old)
1. The psychologist asks the child to think about the person who causes him anger and active rejection, as well as those situations related to this person where this feeling was especially acute.
2. The psychologist asks the child to write a letter to this person (more often it is one of the parents or both parents, a classmate, a teacher).
In this letter, let the child honestly and sincerely tell what he is going through when he sees this person, when he hears reproaches, remarks, and possibly insults addressed to him, what he wants to do in response.
It is important that the child fully expresses his feelings, freeing himself from them (warn the child that no one will ever see or read this letter except him).
3. After the child writes a letter, they ask him what he wants to do with it: tear it, crumple it, burn it, just throw it away, tie a flying balloon to a string, etc. It is important not to offer the child options for action, but to hear him wish. Often children want to destroy the letter, symbolically freeing themselves from a negative feeling.
4. It is necessary to discuss with the child:
- was it difficult for him to write a letter;
- whether he said everything or something remained unsaid;
- has his condition changed since writing the letter.

Plastic image of anger, reacting to anger through movement
(can be done in a group or individually)
1. The psychologist asks the children to stand in an arbitrary position (or sit down). Then asks them to think about the situation (person) that makes them feel the most angry.
2. The psychologist asks them to focus on their sensations and note in which parts (parts) of the body they are strongest.
3. Then asks them to stand up (if they were sitting) and begin to make movements in such a way as to express as much as possible the feelings (negative sensations) that they experience. Moreover, the stimulating impulse of movement should come from that part of the body where the negative feelings (sensations) are the strongest. In this case, you do not need to control your movements, it is important to express your feelings.
4. The psychologist discusses with the children:
Was it easy to complete the exercise?
- what they experienced difficulty;
- how they felt during the exercise;
- whether their condition has changed after the exercise.

Drawing your own anger
(modeling of anger from plasticine, clay; performed individually)
To complete the exercise, you will need sheets of paper for drawing, colored crayons, felt-tip pens (plasticine, clay).
1. The psychologist asks the child to think about the situation (person) that causes the maximum feeling of anger, aggression on his part.
2. The psychologist asks the child to note in which parts (parts) of the body he feels his anger the most. Discuss it with the child.
3. When the child talks about his feelings, he is asked: “What does your anger look like?”, “Can you draw it in the form of a picture or mold your anger from plasticine?”
4. It is important to discuss with the child his drawing, while showing sincere interest, and note:
- what is shown in the figure;
- what did the child feel when he drew his anger;
- can he speak on behalf of his drawing (to reveal hidden motives and feelings);
- whether his state changed when he completely drew his drawing.
5. Next, the child is asked what he wants to do with
this drawing.
T.P. Smirnova noted that some children crumple the drawing, some tear and throw it away, someone hits it, but most children say that their “drawing has already become different.” In this case, it is worth asking the child to depict the modified version and also discuss it with the child:
- what does he feel when he draws a new version;
- can he speak on behalf of the new drawing;
What is his condition now?
6. T. P. Smirnova writes (according to I. Furmanov) that often children, in the course of drawing (sculpting) their anger (rage, aggression), begin to express everything they think about their situation and their offender. There is no need to interfere with them, because the more fully they speak out, the more it will contribute to a change in the image in a positive direction, and, consequently, a positive change in their emotional state in general.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is important for educators and parents to remember the following: aggression is not only destructive behavior that harms others, leading to destructive and negative consequences, but it is also a huge force that can serve as a source of energy for more constructive purposes, if you know how to manage it. And the task of teachers and parents is to teach the child to control his aggression and use it for peaceful purposes.

1. Platonova N.M. Aggression in children and adolescents / St. Petersburg: Speech 2004
2. Rozhkov O. P. Correction of aggressive behavior of children from 5 to 14 years old / M-Voronezh 2007
3. Smirnova E.O., Kholmogorova V.M. Interpersonal relations of preschoolers, diagnostics, problems, correction / M: Vlados 2005
4. Smirnova T.P. Psychological correction of aggressive behavior of children / Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix" 2005

Vasilyeva Olga Fedorovna
"Psychological correction of aggressiveness in preschoolers"

Aggressive children are the category of children that is most condemned and rejected by adults. Lack of understanding and ignorance of the reasons for their behavior leads to the fact that aggressive children cause open dislike and rejection in adults in general.

Interaction with an adult who is ready to understand and accept him gives aggressive an invaluable experience for the child (perhaps the first in his life, that adults are different, and the world is not so bad; which can positively affect the child’s basic trust in people and the world as a whole.

When working with aggressive As a child, it is important for a teacher to treat his internal problems with respect. Children need positive attention from an adult to their inner world, which has accumulated too many destructive emotions and which they are not able to cope with on their own. Aggression is a reaction to the dissatisfaction of basic psychological needs for love, respect, acceptance and need for another person. Without positive attention and acceptance of the child's personality by an adult, all work will be doomed to failure, as the child will most likely lose confidence in psychologist or the teacher and will resist further work. It is also important to take an invaluable position: do not make evaluative remarks like "It's not good to say that", "You can't behave like this", "how can you do that" etc., since such remarks do not contribute to establishing contact with the child.

In order to conduct a successful psycho-correction we can single out the following principles on which the interaction of the teacher with the child in the course of a joint work:

contact with the child;

respect for the personality of the child;

positive attention to the inner world of the child;

invaluable perception of the personality of the child, acceptance of him as a whole;

cooperation with the child - providing constructive assistance in responding to problem situations and developing self-regulation and control skills.

How to identify aggressive child? Psychologist it is necessary not only to choose the right methods, but also to conduct a study in accordance with the rules, which will avoid errors in the diagnosis procedure and in drawing up a conclusion about the level subject's aggressiveness.

Therefore, the following basic rules:

to obtain a reliable result and draw up a better conclusion about the personal development of the child, use at least three diagnostic methods;

strictly follow the instructions given in the method. Clearly and clearly state the instructions to the subject;

strictly adhere to the age limit of using the technique in working with the subject;

choose only the stimulus material that is contained in the methodology itself.

An experienced teacher in the very first days of meeting children will understand which of the children has an increased aggressiveness. But before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to observe the child who causes concern on different days of the week, during training and in free activities, in communication with other children. To understand the child, you can ask parents, educators to fill out the form of the questionnaire G. P. Lavrentiev and T. M. Titarenko (1992) for parents and educators. The answers of adults will clarify the situation, help to trace the family history. And observation of the behavior of the child will confirm or disprove the assumption psychologist.

P. Baker and M. Alvord advise to take a closer look at whether the following signs are characteristic of the child's behavior.

Let's name the diagnostic criteria for determining aggressiveness in older preschool children:

1. Often (compared to the behavior of other children surrounding the child) lose control of themselves.

2. Often argue, swear with children and adults.

3. Deliberately annoying adults, refusing to comply with requests.

4. Often blame others for their own "wrong" behavior and mistakes.

5. Envious and suspicious.

6. Often get angry and fight.

A child who has consistently manifested 4 criteria for 6 or more months at the same time can be said to be a child with aggressiveness as a personality trait. And such children can be called aggressive.

To determine the severity aggressiveness in older preschool children age is possible apply:

1. Method of observation.

2. Projective technique .

3. Luscher color test.

The method of observation is the most ancient method of collecting information about the behavior of children. It helps to obtain complete, rich information for preliminary psychological analysis of the behavior of children.

Projective technique "Drawing of a non-existent animal"- one of the most common projective diagnostic methods aggressiveness of children. Helps to identify and clarify personality traits, attitudes and child's psychological problems. It also makes it possible to visually see and analyze the inappropriate behavior of the child.

Luscher's color test, an interesting technique that acts like a powerful chord simultaneously on different sides of the human psyche. It is simple and concise, capable of revealing manifestations of a person's individual personality traits, his emotional basis and subtle nuances in a changing state that are not subject to consciousness.

IN preschool some form of age aggression characteristic of most children. During this period, it is not too late to avoid transformation aggressive into a stable character trait. If you miss a favorable moment, in the further development of the child there will be problems that will prevent the full development of his personality, the disclosure of individual potential. Therefore children preschool age need aggressiveness correction.

Based on practical experience with aggressive children and analyzing the characterological features of these children, as well as their families, Smirnova T.P. identified 6 key areas within which it is necessary to build corrective work. Each block is directed to correction of a certain psychological traits or characteristics of a given child and contains a set of relevant psychological techniques and techniques allowing correct this feature.. A separate block is work with parents and teachers, aimed at removing provoking factors.

Main directions corrective activities of the teacher - psychologist with aggressive children:

1) Teaching techniques and ways to manage your own anger.

2) Teaching the child to express his anger in an acceptable way, safe for himself and others, as well as responding to a negative situation in general.

3) Formation of awareness of one's own emotions and feelings of other people, development of empathy.

4) Development of positive self-esteem.

5) Reducing the level of personal anxiety.

6) Teaching a child constructive behavioral reactions in a problem situation, removing destructive elements in behavior.

7) Educational, preventive work with parents and teachers, aimed at removing or preventing provoking factors aggressive behavior in children.

Work with aggressive children within these areas can be built both individually and in a group. It is better to work in a group of 5-6 people. The number of classes should be at least 1-2 times a week. Duration of classes with older children preschool age no more than 30 minutes.

Psychological education of parents is carried out in the form of lectures, conversations, theoretical and practical seminars, round tables, joint parent-child activities, talk shows "I have an opinion" etc. It includes two interrelated directions. The first direction is devoted to acquainting parents with the exceptional role played by intra-family relationships in the emergence and consolidation of a child's anxiety. The significance of conflicts in the family (between parents, parents and other children, parents and grandparents) and the general atmosphere of the family is demonstrated. Particular attention is paid to the development of a child's sense of confidence that parents believe in his strength, capabilities, and can protect him. The significance of the features of making demands on the child, when and why close adults are satisfied and dissatisfied with him, and how, in what form they show this, is shown. The second direction concerns the influence on children of different ages of the fears and anxieties of close adults, their general emotional well-being, their self-esteem. The main task of such work is to form in parents the idea that they have a decisive role in prevention. aggression and how to overcome it; teaching them specific ways to cope with heightened aggression in children.

In order to correction of aggressive behavior of older children preschool age should use:

Classes psycho-gymnastics;

Etudes and games to develop the skill of regulating behavior in a team;

Etudes and games of relaxation orientation;

Games and exercises to develop children's awareness of negative character traits;

Games and exercises for the development of a positive behavior model.

And also use outdoor games in the work that contribute to the neutralization aggression, relieving accumulated tension, learning effective ways of communication, etc. The development of control over one's own impulsive actions is facilitated by finger gymnastics. They can be used by both parents and teachers.

Methods correction of aggressiveness of children of senior preschool age


corrective work

Methods and techniques corrections

1. Teaching your child how to deal with anger in an acceptable way

1) Plastic expression of anger, reaction of anger through movement;

2) art therapy (drawing anger, modeling;

3) multiple repetition of the destructive action in a safe way;

4) transferring anger to safe objects (beat pillow, tear paper)

2. Teaching a child to manage his anger, self-regulation techniques, self-control

1) Relaxation techniques - muscle relaxation, deep breathing, visualization of the situation;

2) a role-playing game, including a provocative situation for developing control skills;

3) awareness of anger through sensory channels (what does your anger look like)

3 Reducing the level of personal anxiety

Relaxation techniques: deep breathing, visual images, free movement to music; work with fears; role-playing games.

4. Formation of awareness of one's own emotions and feelings of other people, development of empathy

1) Drawing, modeling of emotions;

2) plastic representation of emotions;

3) work with cards (photos reflecting various emotions;

4) acting out skits (etudes reflecting various emotional states);

5) technique - "I'm sad when."

6) games "My good parrot", "Emotional Dictionary"

5. Expansion of behavioral reactions in a problem situation and removal of destructive elements in behavior

1) Work with pictures that reflect problem situations (thinking of different ways out of the situation);

2) acting out scenes of a fictitious conflict;

3) games for cooperation and rivalry;

4) sports team games

6. Development of positive self-esteem

1) Development of a system of rewards and rewards for success ( "Success Album", medals)

2) the inclusion of the child in the work of various sections, studios, circles;

3) exercise "I like you.", "Piggy bank of good deeds".

7. Working with parents and teachers

1) Informing about features aggressive child;

2) rejection of punishment as the main method of education, the transition to methods of persuasion and encouragement;

3) individual counseling;

4) assistance to the family in terms of developing uniform requirements and rules for education;

5) teaching utterances "i-messages" instead of "You-messages";

6) learning how to regulate your own mental balance

For correction of aggressive behavior of children in the methodological arsenal of the teacher, in addition to the game, there is a system of non-specific methods. Non-specific methods can be divided into two groups:

1) methods of changing the activities of children;

2) methods of changing attitudes towards the child.

The first group includes: music therapy, drawing, bibliotherapy, puppet therapy.

Music therapy (musical writing, improvisation, listening to music, rhythmic movements) is an effective means of developing a child's personality, correcting his behavior. The selection of musical works is carried out on the basis of tempo and mode. Shades of anger, excitement, anxiety are conveyed by fast minor music; a calm, elegiac mood is created by a slow major melody; and joy, fun, triumph - fast major music. It is advisable to use a recording of the sounds of nature.

Bibliotherapy (literature) has its own opportunities for the formation of voluntary behavior, prevention and corrections already entrenched deficiencies. literary works (fairy tales, epics, stories, fables, etc.) are perceived by the child not as fiction, but as a special reality. In the process of reading, listening to a work, children learn to understand not only the feelings, behavior, actions of the characters, but also their own, get ideas about other possible ways of behavior; have the opportunity to show personal emotions and compare them with the emotions of other children. That is, the child's ability to analyze and control his emotional reactions and behavior is enhanced. Using the example of working with a fairy tale, children can be offered to individually or collectively invent a continuation of a well-known fairy tale; drawing based on a fairy tale; acting out a fairy tale, its episodes with the help of puppets (doll therapy). In fairy puppet therapy children "enliven" dolls. As the child improves interaction with the doll, his behavior also changes. In a fairy tale, as a rule, there are many models of behavior in various situations that the child has the opportunity to "to live", emotionally process, "assign" and transfer to real life.

Drawing. Working with aggressive preschool children age shows the high efficiency of the use of elements of art therapy.

Children like to play with water and clay. Various methods must be used drawing: fingers, palms, feet. Participation of the child in visual activities within the framework of corrective The work is aimed not so much at teaching him how to draw, but at helping him overcome shortcomings in behavior, learn how to manage it. Therefore, the peculiarities of the child's behavior in the process of drawing: choice of theme, plot of the picture; accepting a task, saving or transforming it during drawing; sequence of execution of individual parts of the drawing, own assessment; spontaneous speech statements of the child, the nature of emotional reactions, features of interaction with the co-author of the picture. In the drawings of children with aggressive behavior, at first, as a rule, predominates "bloodthirsty" subject. Gradually content aggressive plots are translated into "peaceful way". A sheet painted over with green paint may evoke other associations in the child (creative, peaceful, which will allow him to change his initial intentions. For example, drawing together is effective when aggressive children create a common drawing. A single plot develops, consisting of separate stories: Each child has their own. The experience of joint creativity, the fullness of emotional communication, friendly participation and understanding can cause a number of changes in the inner life of the child, his behavior. In addition to drawing, it is advisable to use games and exercises with paints, paper, plasticine, chalk, clay.

To the second group - methods of changing attitudes towards the child - relate: personal example of an adult and a peer, ignoring the behavior of a child, "permission" on behavior, changing the status of the child in the team.

Personal example of an adult and a peer. Remembering that the word is only a dwarf, and the example is a giant, adults must implement arbitrary, socially approved behavior both in communication with children and with each other.

Ignoring the child's behavior. Often the best way to stop unwanted behavior is to stop reacting to it. In response to the demonstrative behavior of the child, the adult must respond to question: “What happens if I completely ignore the child’s behavior?” If it is clear that nothing will happen except that the child will lose attention, you can safely ignore the behavior.

Permission to behave. This approach is the opposite of the previous one. The effect is that unconstructive behavior, having become accessible to children, loses its former attractiveness, value, and the child refuses it.

Changing the status of the child in the team. The child has a really responsible task. It can be one-time - to help the teacher prepare manuals for the lesson, or permanent - to conduct physical exercises.

Thus, working with aggressive children should be complex, systemic, combine elements of techniques and exercises from different directions corrective work.

Children's aggression in preschool age is almost always temporary, situational, easily amenable to corrections and with the proper organization of life in kindergarten and in the family, it is not fixed as a personality trait, but smoothed out and disappears. However, this happens only with the patient and coordinated work of the teacher, psychologist and parents.

Correctional- developmental activities preschoolers older age program "Good Road"

I block of the program is designed for older children preschool age, consists of 12 lessons, which are held once a week in the form of mini-trainings lasting 25 minutes.

Work can be built both individually (more often at the stage of responding to anger and the entire problematic situation as a whole, and in a group.

The optimal number of children in a group is 6-8 people.

The main principles on which interaction is built psychologist with child:

1. Value-oriented principle: emotion acts as a value of the individual, which determines the well-being of the child and his mental health.

2. The principle of activity and freedom of self-expression of the child - placing the child in a position of self-control and self-regulation.

3. The principle of sympathy and participation: the child should feel completely safe. An adult provides support without imposing, organizes it from peers.

4. Systematic organization child's psyche: the development of the emotional sphere and overcoming its negative aspects is possible by influencing others mental processes(feeling, thinking, imagining)

5. Reliance on age-related opportunities and sensitive periods of childhood - taking into account their interests, determined by their age.

6. Phased corrective– developing work: when carrying out work, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of steps.

7. The principle of free participation: if the exercises are interesting and entertaining, the children will take part in them.

8. The principle of reflection: to update the knowledge gained, it is important to track, analyze the difficulties that have arisen, and note the successes.

The following structure can be suggested.

Class structure:

1. Ritual of greeting.

2. Warm up

3. Main part (This stage uses conversations, games and exercises aimed at correction and the formation of constructive forms of behavior).

4. Reflection

5. Ritual of farewell

With a thematic plan corrective– developmental activities with older children preschool program age "Good Road" You can get to know yourself in Appendix 2 to this presentation.

Psychoprophylactic, educational,

corrective work with parents

The second block of the program is designed for parents of older children preschool age.


1. The principle of humanistic orientation psychological help.

3. The principle of optimizing the educational methods used by parents in their relationship with the child.

4. The principle of unity of the educational impact of the family, educational institutions and specialists psychological- pedagogical service.

With forms psychoprophylactic, educational, corrective work with parents can be found in Appendix 3 to this presentation.

Preventive, educational, correctional work with teachers

The third block of the program is designed for teachers working with older children. preschool age.

Basic principles of organizing work with teachers:

1. The principle of individualization.

2. The principle of visibility.

3. The principle of systematicity and consistency.

4. The principle of health orientation.

5. The principle of optimizing educational techniques used by teachers in their relationship with the child.

At this stage, the following forms can be proposed work:

Workshop for teachers ;

Workshop for parents and teachers « Aggressive child Who is he and how can I help him?;

Organization of meetings in psychological living room « Aggression. Ways corrections» , "Weather in DOW", "Rights of the Child";

- consultations: "Causes of Childhood aggression» , "Working with Anger", "Working with Feelings", , , "A cheat sheet for adults or rules for working with aggressive children"," Game complexes for the prevention and reduction aggressiveness», "Game to decrease in children aggression and fear» ,

Process psychological and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of older preschoolers will be successful, if the teacher creates such conditions in which the systematic and systematic use of gaming technologies, non-specific methods does not violate the natural logic of the life of children in kindergarten. To do this, in the mode of the day, you need to correctly determine the place correctional and developmental work.

Thematic plan psychoprophylactic, educational, corrective work with teachers

Conduct form

Workshop for teachers

"Communication of the educator with the parents of pupils"

Improving the level of professional skills of preschool teachers in matters of interaction with the families of pupils

Workshop for parents and teachers

« Aggressive child Who is he and how can I help him?

Combining the efforts of the family and teachers of preschool educational institutions in the field of prevention and corrections emotional and behavioral disorders in children, the implementation of a constructive approach to the problems of the child

Meeting in psychological living room(lesson with training elements)

"Aggression. Ways corrections"


"Weather in DOW"

Formation of pedagogical skills; development of professional self-awareness;

Development of a positive self-attitude;

Developing the ability to relax and shoot psycho-emotional stress.

Overcoming internal barriers, fear, anxiety;

Developing skills to provide and receive feedback;

business game

"Rights of the Child"

Child Abuse Prevention


1. "Causes of Childhood aggression»

2. "Working with Anger"

3. "Working with Feelings"

4. "Constructive Communication Skills"

5. "Responding to conflict behavior"

6. "A cheat sheet for adults or rules for working with aggressive children»

7. "Game complexes for the prevention and reduction


8. "Game to decrease in children aggression and fear»

9. "Styles of pedagogical communication with a child"

Improving professional competence in the emotional and volitional development of seniors preschoolers.

aggressive behavior teenager correction

The widespread introduction of psychology into practice naturally leads to the development of all its areas, which are traditionally designated as methods of psychological influence. Among them, one of the most important places undoubtedly belongs to psychological counseling. It is difficult to clearly define this type of activity or clearly indicate the scope of its application, since the word "counseling" has long been a generic term for various types of counseling practice. Consulting includes professional consulting, pedagogical and industrial consulting and much more.

Psychological counseling is closely related, and in many ways directly intertwined with psychological correction and psychotherapy. Let us define counseling as direct work with people aimed at solving various kinds of psychological problems associated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, where the main means of influence are a conversation constructed in a certain way.

Analyzing the various concepts of counseling, it is not difficult to divide them into two large groups - the concepts of impact and interaction. Concepts of influence are almost as influential and pervasive as they are in defining the essence of psychotherapy. For example: "a psychotherapist is a field of psychotherapy, and, therefore, part of the medical theory and practice of influencing the patient's psyche. On the other hand, one can also find non-clinical views on counseling: For example, A. Obozova sees "the general task of a psychologist who conducts counseling in to help the visitor in understanding, finding solutions, ways to achieve the decision made. "The results of the consultant's work are that the visitor begins to better understand his difficulties, sees their cause more accurately, learns ways to solve problems, believes in himself and in the success of his efforts , ready to implement the found solutions to problems.

The corresponding form of conversation is actively used both in psycho-correctional work and in psychotherapy. But if counseling is focused, first of all, on helping the client in reorganizing his interpersonal relationships, then psychocorrectional or psychotherapeutic influence is focused mainly on solving deep personal problems of a person that underlie most of life's difficulties and conflicts. In addition, it is possible to distinguish different types of counseling in accordance with different classification principles, for example, individual and group counseling impose different requirements on the professional skills and abilities of a consultant. From the first meeting, it is obvious that the client is a person in need of help, and the consultant is a specialist who has the talent and skills to provide it. In the case of counseling children, everything is different, since here the parents decide whether their child needs psychological help, so the task of the consultant becomes more complicated, in addition to contacting the parents, he must find a common language with the child. In our opinion, such work should be carried out by a child psychologist who has experience in consulting with adults.

Methods for correcting aggressive behavior are divided into those suitable for individual counseling of children with aggressive manifestations and not suitable. The former include all games and methods aimed at mastering other forms of behavior, when the child gradually becomes aware of his aggression (incorrect behavior) through the game and with the help of a consultant, and then learns to partially control it, assimilating other options for his reaction to what is happening. Some games in which this or that situation is played are suitable here.

The second group includes methods that involve the expression of aggressive impulses. The release of aggression through actions or their imitation in the game - this form is more suitable for group correction of aggression.

Thus, counseling has an elusive border with psychotherapy and it is practically impossible to separate these areas, since any counseling is a psychotherapeutic process, the only thing that influences as a dividing factor is the psychologist's specialization in his work.

When building corrective and preventive work with deviant adolescents, one should rely on the following rules:

Reliance on the positive qualities of a teenager's personality. It is necessary to create situations of success for him, to be able to find the positive in the behavior of a teenager, to build the activity of a social teacher according to this;

Inclusion of a teenager in meaningful activities for him;

Deep trust and respect in relationships with a teenager. Often, such adolescents lack the experience of friendly communication, so any educational action meets with active resistance. The "Methodology of contractual interaction with adolescents" can help the social pedagogue with this.

In the work of a psychologist with aggressive adolescents, the following psychological methods can be applied:

Relaxation training "Siegfried"

1. Voltage phase. Sit up straight like a candle. Spread your arms, shoulders and forearms at a right angle. Pull your shoulders back as far as possible, as if you were trying to hold a small object, such as a pencil, between your shoulder blades.

2. Phase of relaxation. As soon as you feel pain, inhale and exhale twice, then relax. Shoulders and head relaxed forward. Wrap your arms around your knee and stretch out your arms and shoulders. To relax the shoulders and the back of the head, it is recommended to do the Quasimodo exercise in conclusion.


1. Voltage phase. Turn your arms, shoulders and forearms at a right angle. Shoulders hang freely. Close your eyes and exhale. Now raise your shoulders high as if you want to touch your ears with them. Pull your head into the lechi, do not look up at the same time. Concentrate on the muscle fold that has developed at the back of your head. Strongly press this "roller" between the head and shoulders, while breathing deeply. Squeeze it so hard that it vibrates in your head. Don't stop squeezing until you feel pain. Don't hold your breath!

2. Phase of relaxation. It is important that your shoulders are completely relaxed and drop freely down. The head is lowered so low that the chin touches the chest. Do it in one smooth motion. Close your eyes, breathe calmly, evenly, do not lift your chin from your chest. Try to put the right ear on the right shoulder, then the left ear on the left shoulder, the shoulders do not rise. They tense up, and the tension is clearly felt by the tendons located in the area between the ears and shoulders. So, the chin does not move, only the head leans to the side. Breathe calmly and evenly, enjoy the relaxation, but do not prolong it. The relaxation phase should be carried out especially long and thoroughly. If you do not complete the relaxation phase, you will not achieve the desired effect.

Another method - "self-talk" teaches children to slow down, to think before committing an aggressive action. This kind of conversation will act as a buffer between impulse and too hasty action. This method involves the following steps:

1. The child defines the essence of the problem itself, including the emotions evoked: "He is talking nonsense, and I am angry."

2. Then considers several alternative responses. The teacher asks questions like "Do you like what you did in this situation?", "What could you do in this situation?"

3. Variants of behavior and their consequences are analyzed ("What will happen if ...?").

4. Then a decision is made - what needs to be done and how to act.

The technology of complex correction of aggressive behavior was developed by I.A. Furmanov (1996). This model consists of three blocks.

1. Behavior modification training.

The correctional block for aggressive adolescents is an integrative type of psychological training with elements of various psychotherapeutic techniques. The purpose of the training is to find alternative (socially acceptable) ways to meet their own needs and interact with others. During the training, the following tasks are solved: awareness of one's own needs; responding to negative emotions and learning how to regulate one's emotional state; formation of adequate self-esteem; teaching methods of purposeful behavior; internal self-control and containment of negative incentives, negative impulses; formation of a positive moral position, life prospects and planning for the future.

Parent Effectiveness Training.

The program for parents of adolescents with behavioral disorders is aimed at creating psychological conditions for overcoming parental restrictions and acquiring a new experience of interacting with their own children through practical training in communication skills. In the process of work, the following tasks are solved: rethinking the role and position of the parent; development of mutual understanding and mutual respect for each other's rights and needs; reducing anxiety and gaining self-confidence; formation of readiness to discuss with children all controversial and conflict situations in the family; developing a style of effective interaction with children.

"Training of the psychological competence of the teacher."

The third program is aimed at informing teachers about the individual psychological characteristics of the personality of a teenager with aggressive behavior and teaching effective ways to interact with them by means of conflictology and game therapy. During the training, the following tasks are solved: recognition and identification of one's own negative emotional states that arise when communicating with asocial children; training in “purposeful” ways of reacting to negative emotions and methods of regulating mental balance; removal of personal and professional clamps and restrictions; mastering the methodology of contact with disadvantaged children of different ages and developing a style of effective interaction.

Based on the fact that the development of the child is carried out in activity, and the teenager seeks to assert himself, his position as an adult, among adults, L.M. Semenyuk believes that the most effective in correcting the aggressive behavior of adolescents is their involvement in the system of socially recognized and approved activities. As such an activity, sensitive to adolescence, D.I. Feldstein singled out socially recognized and socially approved activity. The psychological meaning of this activity is that by participating in it, he actually joins the affairs of society, occupies a certain place in it and asserts his new social position among adults and peers. In the process of this activity, the teenager realizes himself and is recognized by others as an equal member. society, which creates optimal conditions for the realization of its needs.

Outwardly given, pedagogically “imposed” socially approved activity on a teenager, as L.M. Semenyuk, when it acts for him as an independently organized one, is able to ensure the formation of a motivational-required sphere adequate to it, since, on the one hand, it meets the expectations of a growing person, his potentialities; on the other hand, it provides him with practice for the development of self-consciousness, forming the norms of his life. The basic principles, forms and methods of constructing such activities, worked out in the conditions of educating a teenager "norm", require significant adjustment when including adolescents who are characterized by increased aggressiveness. First of all, it is necessary to organize a system of extensive activities that creates strict objective conditions, a certain procedure for actions, clearly defined patterns and constant control, gradually developing into self-control. Given the consistency, gradual introduction of aggressive adolescents to various types of socially recognized activities - labor and sports, artistic, organizational and others - it is important to observe the principles of public assessment, continuity, and a clear construction of this activity.

Features of entering into a given system of multifaceted activity are different for different groups of adolescents. Their attitudes to affairs, to comrades, to adults develop in a peculiar way, resistance to education also manifests itself in a peculiar way, which was reflected in L.M. Semenyuk typology of aggressive adolescents.

A comprehensive methodology for correcting adolescent aggression in her work was proposed by M.P. Quadricius. The technique consists of three interconnected programs. "Behavior modification training" for aggressive adolescents was aimed at finding alternative (socially acceptable) ways to meet their own needs and interact with others. "Training of parents experiencing difficulties in raising adolescents" was aimed at creating socio-pedagogical conditions for overcoming parental restrictions and acquiring new experience for parents in interacting with adolescents through practical training of communication skills. During the training of the teacher's socio-pedagogical competence, the following tasks were solved: recognition of one's own negative emotions that arise when interacting with an aggressive teenager; teaching how to properly respond to negative emotions and techniques of balance, removing aggressiveness in adolescents through the development of an effective style of behavior of the teacher.

L.M. writes about the possibility of correcting the aggressive behavior of schoolchildren in the conditions of a temporary children's association. Chepelev, shows the possibility of constructing in the conditions of a temporary children's association (in a children's health camp) such a living environment that expands the ways of social response and reduces readiness for aggressive reactions. The main characteristics of such an environment are the eventful nature of a teenager's life in the socio-cultural environment of a children's camp, which stimulates the manifestation of formed and mastery of new socially significant motives; the presence and choice for a teenager of individually attractive types and forms of activity of varying degrees of complexity, allowing him to satisfy his social expectations; cooperation-oriented types of interaction between children and adults; creation of a reflective-information environment that reflects the values ​​of the human community and their formation in the process of joint activity.

The hypothesis that the purposeful use of special physical exercises will help reduce the aggressiveness of a teenager, optimize their psycho-emotional state and form an adequate self-esteem through the development of pro-social behaviors and changes in self-attitude in the process of training. was tested in the study by V.A. Trosk.

E.I. Kondrakov. The program includes three stages:

1) actualization of the problem of aggressive behavior of adolescents in the educational environment;

2) the stage of "signaling" (creating effective ways of warning in case of aggression); escort (couples "aggressor-victim", its individual representatives, observers).

Each stage implied actions at a certain level: schools, classes (groups), parents, teachers, teenagers. The stages were built according to a certain algorithm; the leading idea and tasks of a particular stage were formulated; participants were determined for the implementation of tasks; the relevance of this particular stage for the program of prevention and pedagogical correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents was substantiated; specific ways of solving problems were proposed. The stage of accompanying pairs of "aggressor-victim" was built according to the scheme: actualization of the problem - interpretation - search for a way out of the current situation - development of an optimal solution - implementation of methods - result).

ON THE. Dubinko writes that the use of a cognitive model of aggression makes it possible to find a fundamentally new solution to the problem of correcting aggressive actions, which will have a greater effect if it is carried out at the first stages of manifestation: reading the messages to aggression and interpreting them. The child should be encouraged to expand the experience of interacting with the outside world by observing various situations: using videos, illustrations, or their own life stories. Through their discussion, the child develops variability of actions in intractable situations, experience is formed, as well as a new type of behavior and response.

Correction of aggressive manifestations of adolescents with behavioral and emotional disorders based on their cognitive differences is presented in the work of E.A. Karaseva. In this study, an integrative model of psycho-correctional influence was used, where the techniques of Gestalt therapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral and rational-emotive psychotherapy and psycho-correction were used. The tactics of a psychologist or psychotherapist, respectively, were determined by the cognitive differences of adolescents. If in the dyad "adolescent psychologist" one is field-dependent and the other is field-independent, then the solution of the controversial issue will be closer to the second option, since the influence of the partner for the field-dependent is decisive. At the level of interaction with the psychotherapist, in the case of his field-independent style, the contact will be quite productive, according to the type of "leader, teacher-follower, student." The effect of psychocorrection in the case of a field-independent patient will be determined by the presence of his internal motivation, and the psychotherapist's strategy itself should be based on analytical data processing. When working with reflexive adolescents, attention should be paid to analysis, methods of rational psychotherapy with an appeal to logic, reason, and the psychotherapeutic target will be self-awareness, self-esteem, as well as ways of emotional expression of the patient. In the case of an impulsive cognitive style, psychocorrection based on assistance in mastering scanning strategies and operating at a slower pace of work will be productive. Patients with flexible control adapt more easily to changing environments and learn new forms of behavior better, so the method of behavioral psychotherapy is more effective for them. Persons with rigid and rigid cognitive control are characterized by a reduced ability to learn and for them it is necessary to use other forms of psychocorrection or psychotherapeutic influence (for example, gestalt therapy).

The system for correcting aggressiveness, taking into account the levels of its manifestation, was developed by N.A. Korytchenkov. With generalized aggression, the correction is aimed at developing reflection, empathy, a sense of humor, an adequate perception of oneself and people, and the development of introspection skills. With situational (local) aggression, it is supposed to form self-confidence, responsibility for one's actions and respect for the interests of other people. Correction of adaptive aggression is aimed at the formation of self-criticism, intellectual activity, tolerance, stress resistance, the development of self-control skills, alternative ways of behavior, and the ability to make decisions in extreme situations. With creative aggression, the correction is aimed at developing readiness for the lack of social support, expanding the range of ways to psychologically protect one's "I".

T.P. Smirnova identified 6 key areas of correctional work with aggressive children aged 5-14:

Teaching skills to control and manage one's own anger;

Learning to respond (express) one's own anger and the whole negative situation in general in an acceptable way, safe for oneself and others;

Teaching constructive behavioral reactions in a problem situation, removing destructive elements in behavior;

Reducing the level of personal anxiety;

Formation of awareness of one's own emotions and feelings of other people, development of empathy;

Development of positive self-esteem.

Thus, using psychological methods for correcting the behavior of aggressive adolescents, it is possible to solve the following tasks: awareness of one's own needs; responding to negative emotions and learning how to regulate one's emotional state; formation of adequate self-esteem; teaching methods of purposeful behavior, internal self-control and containment of negative impulses; formation of a positive moral position, life prospects and planning for the future.