The kitten has urine with blood what to do. Hematuria in cats - a hidden threat to the urinary tract

Bloody urination in a cat should not always be taken as a cause for panic. Foods that a cat eats can also stain urine: for example, table beets or carrots. When a cat takes certain medications, it is also possible for her urine to stain a specific color. However, only a veterinarian can determine whether this staining is dangerous for a cat's health or not.

Why does a cat urinate blood?

There are several reasons for a cat to urinate with blood. These include:

Only a comprehensive examination by a veterinarian, as well as the necessary tests and studies, will help to identify what specifically caused such an ailment.

Diseases in which a cat urinates blood

If a cat has blood in the urine, then she definitely has some kind of disease. Depending on the location, there are several diseases that are accompanied by urination with blood. This:

  • bladder disease;
  • diseases of the prostate gland in cats;
  • diseases of the vagina and uterus in cats;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the urinary tract;
  • diseases of the ureters;

In diseases of the prostate gland in cats and diseases of the vagina or uterus in cats, blood is clearly visible: it appears not only during urination, but also when the animal is in a state of absolute rest.

In diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, the following symptoms are observed:

  • frequent urination;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • during urination, the cat meows plaintively, because she has pain;
  • as for activity and appetite, they remain the same.

Among the symptoms of diseases of the kidneys and ureters are:

  • the cat loses its appetite;
  • the animal becomes lethargic and passive;
  • urinary frequency may not change.

Of course, having noticed the listed symptoms in your cat, you need to call a veterinarian.

In diseases of the prostate gland in cats and diseases of the vagina or uterus in cats, blood is clearly visible: it appears not only during urination, but also when the animal is in a state of absolute rest.

How to help a cat that urinates blood

When contacting a veterinarian for help, you should keep in mind that the doctor will require the following information from you:

  1. How often did the animal go to the toilet in the last 24 hours?
  2. What color is urine. Pathology can be seen if the urine has a light pink and even coffee tint.
  3. If there is spotting in the pet's urine.
  4. Does the cat experience pain during urination: usually, when she is in pain, she begins to meow plaintively.
  5. How long ago did you notice blood in your cat's urine?
  6. Whether blood is present in the urine of the animal constantly or does it appear from time to time.

It is possible that this information alone and a comprehensive examination of the pet will not be enough to make the correct diagnosis, so the doctor may refer you to an ultrasound of the internal organs. Do not forget that ultrasound can only be done with a filled bladder. Of course, it is difficult to control the process of urination in your pet, especially if he suffers from urinary incontinence. Try to give the cat a good drink before the ultrasound - so the bladder will not empty soon, which means that it will be easy to do an ultrasound.

How to collect urine for analysis from a cat

Often, if you suspect a disease of the genitourinary system, a pet urine test is necessary. Collecting urine from a cat is very problematic. However If you follow the following rules, you can quickly and easily do this:

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Remove the filler from the tray and rinse it thoroughly.
  3. Insert a grate into the tray and wait for the dog to want to go out of need.
  4. Once the job is done, take the tray and carefully pour its contents into the collection glass.
It is possible that this information alone and a comprehensive examination of the pet will not be enough to make the correct diagnosis, so the doctor may refer you to an ultrasound of the internal organs. Do not forget that ultrasound can only be done with a filled bladder. Of course, it is difficult to control the process of urination in an animal, especially if the pet suffers from urinary incontinence. Try to give your pet a good drink before the ultrasound - so the bladder will not empty soon, which means it will be easy to do an ultrasound.

It should be remembered that the expiration date of urine for analysis is not long - only 3-4 hours, so you need to collect urine from your pet at least three hours before traveling to the laboratory, except for the time spent on the road.

Treatment of diseases caused by urination with blood in a cat

Based on the clinical examination and urinalysis results, your cat is diagnosed as having urinated with blood and then treated. Most often, diseases of the urinary system are treated with antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. A course of antibiotics may also be prescribed. In addition to drugs, you will need the above decoctions and vitamins to maintain the strength of a weakened body.

Prevention of urination with blood in a cat

To prevent your cat from urinating with blood, you need to carefully monitor her diet, properly care for her, regularly show her to the veterinarian, make sure that she does not get cold and drink enough water. Only proper care, care and attention of its owner will help to avoid such health problems, and then not only urination with blood, but also any other sore will bypass your pet.

If it is found that the cat is bleeding from the urethra, it is necessary to immediately find out the cause of this phenomenon and carry out a qualitative treatment of the pathology. There are several reasons for the appearance of such a violation, therefore, for a timely and accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to visit a veterinary clinic. At home, the diagnosis of the disease will fail both due to the owner’s lack of necessary knowledge, and due to the impossibility of a high-quality examination of the pet with all the tests.

Causes of the problem

The urethra in a cat may begin to bleed if there is damage to it, or if there is a neoplasm in it. More often, the blood from it is released from the fact that bleeding is observed in the bladder or kidneys.

The main reasons why a cat bleeds from the urethra are as follows:

  • Urethritis. The disease is related to the sex of the animal. The cat does not suffer from this disease. The disease occurs only in cats and more often if the animal is castrated. With this violation, the urethra (urethra) becomes inflamed, because of which its surface is covered with erosions, from which blood appears. A cat with this disease also suffers from seriously difficult urination and pain during this process. Treatment is carried out with the use of antibiotics and local antiseptics.
  • Cystitis. A cat and a cat can equally suffer from inflammation of the walls of the bladder. In this condition, it is not the urethra that bleeds, but the bladder due to erosions on its walls. The condition of the animal is rapidly and seriously deteriorating, and in order to restore the health of the cat, it is necessary to urgently treat it with antibiotics that the veterinarian will prescribe. It is strictly forbidden to appoint them independently. If cystitis is not treated, the inflammation spreads to the kidneys and urethra. Therapy in this case is complicated.
  • Injury. If the urethra is damaged, then in this case, blood appears in the urine of the cat. This usually occurs with urolithiasis, when fractions of various sizes, passing through the urethra, injure its mucosa. At this point, the cat will usually scream loudly due to acute and unexpected pain. Bleeding is rarely prolonged. After a few drops are released, the bleeding stops. Re-blood can begin to flow if the cat again suffers from a stone during urination, which will damage the delicate mucosa of the urethra. It is impossible to name any exact urolithiasis symptom that allows the owner to accurately determine the disease. The diagnosis will be made only by a specialist.
  • Consequences of catheterization. It is usually performed when the urethra is blocked, when it is necessary to remove urine that has accumulated due to some kind of violation. During this procedure, the cat's urethra is sometimes injured by the tube, which causes bleeding. It can occur both at the time the catheter is in the body of the animal, and after it is removed. It is not necessary to treat the cat, the violation gradually disappears by itself.

After the reason for which blood is released from the urethra is determined, treatment is carried out, which, if started in a timely manner, most often leads to the complete elimination of the dangerous problem. The main thing, as soon as blood appears, is not to start the disease, but immediately show the animal to a specialist and do everything, exactly following his instructions. If the animal reacts negatively to some of the prescribed drugs, they cannot be canceled on their own, but you need to re-visit the doctor and pick up another medicine.

The appearance of blood in the urine of a cat (or cat) is a sign of various diseases, both in the urological sphere and in systemic lesions. The scientific name for blood in the urine is hematuria. Most owners notice a change in the color of urine easily, especially when the cat does it in the wrong place, such as on the floor or on a cloth. Blood in the urine goes unnoticed when a cat or a cat goes outside to perform needs. In most cases, blood found in the urine of a cat indicates a disease of the urinary system. It can be either infection, etc. Much less often, this symptom indicates injury (if only the fact of injury was in the history of the disease). The detection of blood in the urine is a serious symptom for any reason for its appearance and requires medical intervention. The owner must understand that blood can be both in its natural form - red, and in the form of dark brown urine, in cases where urine with blood is not released immediately, but after a while and has time to decompose while in the bladder . Blood in a cat's urine usually indicates a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. Next, we will present more detailed information about the causes of blood in the urine of a cat.

How can you notice the appearance of blood in the urine?

Hematuria can most often be identified fairly accurately by a change in the color of the urine. When red blood cells (erythrocytes) cause a change in the color of the urine that can be seen with the naked eye, the condition is called overt hematuria. But in those conditions when blood is released into the urine in small quantities, neither the doctor nor the owner will notice a change in the color of the urine, then this condition is called latent hematuria and can only be determined by urinalysis. Sometimes cats excrete pure blood, and outside the tray, also the remains of blood can be seen on the animal's fur in the crotch area.

What are the causes of blood in the urine?

Blood in the urine of a cat can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, as well as after physical impacts, such as falling from a great height or being hit. Below is a list of the most common causes of blood in the urine. The order of causes in the list below corresponds to the frequency of occurrence in the practice of a veterinarian:

- Diseases of the lower urinary system are the most common and rather dangerous causes that give a clinical manifestation of hematuria. In turn, this condition develops with urolithiasis in cats, which gives cystitis, urethritis, injuring the mucous membrane and causing bleeding. Cystitis, caused only by bacteria without urolithiasis, also presents with blood in the urine.

- Hemorrhagic glomerulonephritis leads to total hematuria, when the urine is evenly colored with blood, while, as a rule, there is no frequent urge;

- Cancer of the kidneys and urinary tract, bladder or genital organs;

- Damage to the urinary tract, genitals, bladder. A fall from a height often results in a transient staining of the urine reddish due to the blood in it;

- Poisoning with rat poison or other anticoagulants;

- Congenital anomalies in the development of the pelvic organs, as a rule, manifest themselves from an early age;

- Reaction to certain medications, such as corticosteroids, pain medications;

Diagnosis of the causes and treatment of diseases leading to the appearance of blood in the urine

As a rule, a veterinarian will need a series of studies to determine the causes of blood in the urine, since the effectiveness of the treatment will depend on this. This will require a detailed medical history, the results of monitoring urination. Feeding and behavior of the cat are also important. The most detailed information will allow you to quickly and accurately reach the correct diagnosis. According to the chemical and physical analysis of urine, it is easy to determine bacterial cystitis or urolithiasis, as well as other diseases of the urological sphere. With a source of blood in the lower parts of the urinary system, urine, as a rule, is stained unevenly, the first or last portion of urine may be contaminated with blood, while with a renal origin of bleeding, the so-called total hematuria (the color of "meat slops") is observed, when urine completely uniformly colored red. X-ray of the bladder, ultrasound examination of the organs of urination and urination are required to clarify the diagnosis. Treatment of hematuria depends on the initial condition and the causes of it. If the urethra is blocked by sand or stone (which is much more common in cats), urgent surgery may be required, and antibiotics are suggested for bacterial cystitis. If a neoplasm is diagnosed, then surgery followed by chemotherapy may be recommended. To address problems related to the urinary tract or kidneys, diets that change the composition of the urine and/or medications may be offered as needed.

These animals are either transparent or have a yellowish tint. It is all the more unpleasant to see "tomato juice" in your pet's tray or to find out that when Urinalysis revealed occult blood. This is hematuria in cats. There are not so many reasons for this phenomenon, and therefore an experienced veterinarian in most cases is able to quickly identify them.

What is cystitis? This is an inflammation of the bladder. It should be noted that specifically in cats, “cystitis” is often also understood as inflammation of the upper urinary tract (which is associated with some of their anatomical features). In addition, with the same success, inflammation of the lower sections also falls under this definition, so that in many cases the entire genitourinary system has to be treated.

In about 10% of cases, this is observed in completely healthy young cats.(but they have blood in the urine only occasionally, and not constantly). Other reasons may include:

  • Severe injuries. It is typical for cats, or those who have fallen under the wheels of a cyclist.
  • Blood clotting disorder, because of which the blood vessels begin to "poison" the blood into the urine.
  • The presence of stones in or(This occurs in approximately 10% of cats over the age of eight).
  • bacterial infections. Note that in cats, primary

The appearance of blood in the urine of a cat is an alarming symptom, which its owner must definitely pay attention to. Veterinarians call this pathology hematuria. If the main sign of the disease is detected, the animal should be immediately taken to an appointment with a competent specialist.

Causes of blood in the urine of a pet

Many factors can trigger the appearance of a disease due to which a cat pees with blood. Only a veterinarian can determine the true cause of the development of pathology after conducting the necessary laboratory examinations of his patient.

It is very important to determine the true reason for which the cat fell ill. After all, the choice of treatment depends on it.

Symptoms of hematuria

Normally, cats should have yellow-orange or clear discharge. Red and pink shades may indicate the presence of blood impurities in the urine. In order for the owner to be able to control the color of his pet's discharge, he should teach the cat to go to the toilet in an empty tray. It is also allowed to fill it with a light filler.

Urine that is red, pink, or brown indicates serious health problems for your pet. It is worth paying attention that sometimes blood clots are even present in the secretions. Unnatural saturated color of urine indicates an excess of red blood cells, which in turn may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system of a pet.

In addition to the uncharacteristic color of urine, other symptoms may indicate hematuria:

  1. Loss of interest in food.
  2. Constant lethargy.
  3. Increase in body temperature.

In this state, the cat may begin to pee past the tray. During the process itself, the animal becomes too nervous due to painful urination.

In fact, red urine does not always indicate a pathology. Perhaps not so long ago the animal ate carrots or beets. These vegetables are able to stain the discharge in an unnatural color. In such a situation, there is no cause for concern.

How to protect a cat from a dangerous disease

It is very important to quickly detect that the cat is urinating with blood. The sooner measures are taken to rid the animal of the disease, the less her body will be injured. But, as practice shows, cat owners rarely pay attention to their discharge. However, it is still worth looking at the behavior of the pet during urination. If he behaves anxiously, then you should definitely look at the color of his urine.

Hematuria does not show itself immediately. Its main symptom, namely urine with blood, does not always appear at the initial stage of development. It is possible to recognize the disease only by the abnormal behavior of the cat. He begins meowing for no reason, trying to urinate on the carpet or furniture, constantly rushing around the house. If such signs are found, it is worth passing the pet's discharge for analysis in order to identify the pathology in time if he is sick.

First aid for an animal when blood is found in the urine

The owner of a cat that has hematuria is unlikely to be able to provide her with professional help. This should definitely be discussed with a veterinarian. If it is not possible to take the animal to a specialist in the near future, then you should try to consult with him about first aid for the pet over the phone. It is necessary to tell the veterinarian in detail all the symptoms of the cat so that he can imagine a complete picture of the malaise.

In any case, a cat that has blood in the urine will need to be examined in a clinic. The owner can provide first aid to the pet as follows:

  1. It is necessary to place the cat in a warm place where there are no drafts. It is advisable to put a litter under it so that the animal does not catch a cold. Do not disturb your pet again. He needs complete rest.
  2. Intramuscular administration of painkillers, for example, No-Shpy, is allowed. Thanks to this animal, it will be easier to endure the pain syndrome.
  3. Do not feed a cat with hematuria solid food. The diet of a sick animal is best made up of liquid food prepared from easily digestible foods. Also, do not limit it in drinking water.
  4. It is necessary to disinfect the urinary tract. To do this, it is advisable to give the cat a drink of decoctions based on parsley root and bearberry.
  5. Decoctions made from horsetail and juniper will help to remove inflammatory products from the pet's body.

Under no circumstances should antibiotics be given to a sick cat. Such medicines should be prescribed only by a veterinarian and only after a preliminary examination of the patient. If the medicine is chosen incorrectly, it will only worsen the health of the animal. Because of this, the recovery process will be significantly delayed.

The above manipulations will not help the animal recover. They only allow you to briefly alleviate the condition of the cat until a specialist examines it.

Collection of cat urine for analysis

To understand what exactly worries a cat, it is necessary to carefully study its urine in the laboratory. But first, the owner should collect a sample that will be sent for analysis. A simple instruction will help to carry out this procedure correctly:

  1. The first step is to prepare the tray. It is washed thoroughly. It is advisable to pour boiling water over the tray.
  2. Do not pour filler into the tray if you plan to collect urine.
  3. If the animal has no desire to go to the toilet in an empty tray, then you can fill it with special pebbles.
  4. As soon as the cat urinates, you need to pour the liquid into a container for analysis. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is advisable to wear gloves.
  5. A jar of urine must be taken for analysis in the first couple of hours after collection.

In the laboratory, specialists will study the sample. Based on the results of the tests, the veterinarian will make an accurate diagnosis for the cat.

Methods for the treatment of hematuria in a cat

As soon as the specialist confirms the diagnosis of hematuria, he will prescribe an effective treatment for the sick cat. It will include the following therapies:

  1. Taking medications that have antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Taking antibiotics intramuscularly or orally. This method is used if the disease has an acute form.
  3. Reception of vitamin complexes and herbal tinctures that increase immunity.
  4. Taking medications to stop bleeding.
  5. Compliance with a therapeutic diet.
  6. Intravenous infusions of saline and glucose.

If the cat has problems with urination, she must have a catheter installed. In some cases, the animal needs surgery. Surgery cannot be avoided if the presence of blood in the urine is caused by the presence of kidney stones or tumors.

How to Avoid Blood in Your Cat's Urine

To prevent the development of hematuria, the owner of the cat must carefully take care of her health. Here are some simple preventive measures that can help prevent the disease:

In no case should one ignore such a dangerous symptom as blood in the urine of a cat. It can indicate serious disorders in the genitourinary system. A pet is not able to cope with such a problem on its own. Only a loving owner has the opportunity to help a domestic cat recover, as well as to live a full life again without unrelenting pain and other uncomfortable sensations.