How much does a pregnant woman weigh. Excess weight during pregnancy: how not to gain, norms, lists of useful and harmful products

Weight gain during pregnancy is an actual problem of modern obstetrics. The average body mass index of women of all ages is increasing, many of them are obese before pregnancy, which leads to threats to the health of the expectant mother and child. Also, many women become pregnant later in life, already suffering from diseases such as hypertension or diabetes, which increase the risk of complications. Therefore, weight control of pregnant women is an important component of the birth of a healthy child.

Since the 1970s of the last century, the answer to the question of how many kilograms can be gained while carrying a child has sounded differently. Before that, it was believed that a normal increase was a maximum of 9 kg. Since the 1970s, this figure has been increased to 11 kg. However, in recent years, given that women with a large increase in body weight give birth to healthy children, these recommendations required revision.

In 2009, a new table of weight gain during pregnancy was developed in the United States based on WHO data. It takes into account the body weight of a woman before conception.

The norm of weight gain in the 1st trimester is 0.5-2 kg.

It is likely that women who are overweight according to these new guidelines will exceed normal gains. Therefore, they need to provide appropriate assistance even in the early stages of the gestational period. Recommendations may include both a balanced diet and an increase in physical activity in the early stages. It is also necessary to monitor the appearance of edema.

Normal weight gain

The weight gain calendar is individual. Someone is gaining kilograms at the beginning of bearing a child, someone - only in the third trimester.

However, there are average values ​​that doctors are guided by.

Average body weight gain by week:

  • in the 2nd trimester, 300 grams per week;
  • starting from the 7th month - 400 grams per week (about 50 grams per day).

A low rate of weight gain is recorded with the addition of less than 270 grams per week, too high - more than 520 grams.

To monitor body weight, you need to weigh yourself correctly. It is best to do this in the morning after going to the toilet in the same clothes that do not tighten the body. In addition, weighing is necessarily carried out in the antenatal clinic. Both a pathological increase and its delay can be a sign of trouble.

Thus, the data on weight gain for a woman with a starting body weight of 65 kg might look like this:

  • at week 15: (+ 2 kg) 67 kg;
  • at week 20: (+ 1.5 kg) 68.5 kg;
  • at week 25: (+ 1.5 kg) 70 kg;
  • at week 30: (+ 2 kg) 72 kg;
  • at 35 weeks: (+ 2 kg) 74 kg;
  • before childbirth: (+ 2 kg) 76 kg.

For the entire time of bearing a child, the total increase will be 11 kg, that is, within the normal range. In some cases, at 36-38 weeks, the weight decreases slightly, by about 200-300 grams, this is normal. However, sharp fluctuations in body weight over long periods are dangerous and indicate trouble in the body.

The total change in weight by month of pregnancy for a woman with normal body weight:

Special groups of women

The weight gain schedule may look different for women in special groups.

short women

Height less than 157 cm is considered short. Studies have found that this increases the risk of caesarean section. However, this did not increase the likelihood of having a too small or large fetus, and postpartum weight recovery occurred in the same way as in women of higher stature. Therefore, for low patients, all indicators of normal increase do not change.

Teenagers and young women

If the body mass index (BMI) in women younger than 20 years is normal for older patients, their increase should also be normal. If there is a low initial weight and high growth, it is permissible to add more than 18 kg during pregnancy.

multiple pregnancy

  • with an initial normal weight - 17-25 kg;
  • with excess BMI - 14-23 kg;
  • with obesity - 11-19 kg.

Why does a natural increase in body weight occur during gestation?

During gestation, hormonal changes occur in the body, aimed at protecting the fetus from any adverse factors. Basically, they consist in the accumulation of fat reserves in the maternal body. Adipose tissue not only serves as a good shock absorber for the growing fetus, but also is a source of energy, and later - lactation.

Conditions for enhancing fat synthesis:

  • high concentrations of estrogen and progesterone in the blood;
  • physiological decrease in tissue sensitivity to insulin;
  • increased levels of insulin in the blood;
  • increase in the synthesis of adrenal hormones - cortisol and androgens.

All these changes are aimed at increasing fat deposits in the 1-2 trimesters and mobilizing it at the end of pregnancy.

What is the weight of a pregnant woman?

By the end of the gestational period, it increases due to:

  • child's weight (3.5 kg);
  • placenta (1 kg);
  • increase in the volume of interstitial fluid (2 kg);
  • uterus (1 kg);
  • mass of mammary glands (1 kg);
  • increase in blood volume (2 kg);
  • reserves in the maternal body of fats and proteins (3.5 kg);
  • amniotic fluid (1 kg).

In total, the usual increase is about 15 kg. After childbirth, a woman quickly loses up to 10 kg, the rest of the kilograms go away gradually. It is recommended that the process be slow, no more than 4 kg per month. Most breastfeeding women quickly return to their original state.

How to avoid gaining weight during pregnancy?

The basis is proper nutrition. A balanced diet, devoid of too sweet and fatty foods, will help you gain the weight needed to fully supply the developing fetus with the necessary substances.

Causes of pathological weight gain

Possible factors for which there is a large increase in weight:

  • too low weight (very thin women usually quickly gain body weight, ahead of normal indicators, in which case it is better to determine the “normal pre-pregnancy weight” using the formula “height (in cm) minus 100”, and calculate the increase based on its value);
  • high body weight and obesity;
  • high growth;
  • large fruit;
  • edema, including the development of preeclampsia;
  • increased appetite under the influence of high concentrations of estrogen at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • age over 35 years.

What to do with extra kilos?

The daily calorie requirement for a pregnant woman of normal weight with low physical activity (less than 30 minutes of exercise per week) is:

  • in the 1st trimester 1800 kcal;
  • in the 2nd trimester 2200 kcal;
  • in the 3rd trimester 2400 kcal.

This calorie content must be achieved by eating cereals, dairy products, animal and vegetable proteins, vegetables, vegetable oils. Refined foods, sugar, and saturated fats (mainly animals) should be limited.

Losing excess weight during pregnancy is difficult and in some cases not possible. However, you can slow down weight gain if you follow these recommendations:

  1. Use low-fat dishes - chicken breast, herbs, tomatoes, baked potatoes. Avoid french fries, nuggets, fatty cheese.
  2. Avoid fatty dairy products. It is necessary to consume at least 4 servings of milk per day, however, it should be skimmed or 1-2% fat milk or yogurt.
  3. Limit sweets and sugary drinks, give preference to water, plain or mineral, with or without gas.
  4. Do not add salt while cooking.
  5. Limit high-calorie foods - confectionery, sweets, honey, chips. Replace them with fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt.
  6. Reduce the amount of butter, mayonnaise, sour cream consumed.
  7. Refuse to fry foods in oil, instead eat boiled or baked dishes.
  8. Walk or swim regularly, unless your doctor has advised you not to exercise.

What can you eat to avoid excess gain:

  • bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, other cereals, whole grains are better (for example, brown rice and cereals) - these products should make up a third of the daily diet;
  • fruits and vegetables, up to 5 servings per day - this is another third of the products for the day;
  • meat (but not liver), fish, eggs and legumes;
  • skimmed milk, yogurt, low-fat cheese;
  • limiting fluid intake even with the appearance of latent edema is not recommended, it is advisable to drink as much as you want.
  1. Cut food into very small pieces.
  2. There is a dessert fork, and after each piece, put it on a plate and put your hands on your knees.
  3. Chew food thoroughly.
  4. After eating half the serving, take a break for 3 minutes.
  5. Do not read or watch TV while eating.
  6. Dine no later than 19 hours.
  7. Go grocery shopping after meals.
  8. Do not try the dishes during their preparation, do not finish the leftover food after the children.
  9. Walk or stand for half an hour after eating.
  10. Don't go to bed during the day.
  1. Do not use the elevator.
  2. Do not reach 1 stop before the desired one.
  3. While talking on the phone and even watching TV, do not sit, but stand.
  4. Do not use the TV remote control, but press the necessary buttons manually.
  5. Take longer walks on weekends.
  6. Do yoga or swim at least once a week or more.

Rapid weight gain may be a sign of hidden swelling. In this case, it is necessary, in addition to body weight, to control the amount of fluid drunk and excreted per day. If a woman takes in more fluid than she passes urine, the weight reading will increase rapidly. In such cases, obstetricians often prescribe treatment in a day hospital.

Insufficient weight gain

Risk factors for undernutrition in pregnancy:

  • both types of diabetes;
  • previous birth of a child with a defect in the nervous system;
  • past gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or polyhydramnios;
  • phenylketonuria, leucinuria;
  • resection of the stomach or intestines, bariatric surgery;
  • cystic fibrosis, colitis, Crohn's disease;
  • obesity or underweight;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs.

Patients from this group should carefully monitor their weight, trying to prevent a small increase during gestation.

Too slow weight gain or even weight loss can be due to such reasons:

Nausea and vomiting

Weight loss occurs even with moderate toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy. Its symptoms occur at 6-12 weeks, after which the lost kilograms return.


Proper nutrition is important during pregnancy. A special calorie-restricted diet is not recommended. However, women with initial obesity, switching to healthier foods, can lose several kilograms from the “previous stocks”.

pregnancy symptoms

Some of the symptoms associated with early pregnancy can affect eating habits. It can be an aversion to certain smells, tastes, or textures of foods. At the same time, heartburn and constipation occur, which forces a woman to eat less and, accordingly, lose weight.


With severe nausea and vomiting, electrolytes and nutrients are removed from the body, and this condition can persist beyond the 12th week. Appropriate treatment is needed, including dietary changes, rest, and antacid medication. In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized for intravenous fluids.

Miscarriage and missed pregnancy

These pathological conditions usually occur closer to the 13th week. Weight loss is one of the first signs. Then pain in the lower back, pinkish discharge from the genital tract, turning into bleeding, begin to bother. Additional signs of pregnancy disappear, for example, taste preferences. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you are not gaining weight during pregnancy, your doctor may recommend the following measures:

  1. There are small portions up to 6 times a day.
  2. Always have snacks on hand - nuts, raisins, cheese, crackers, dried fruits, yogurt.
  3. Add milk to mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, porridge.
  4. Introduce additional foods into the diet - butter, cheese, sour cream.

Consequences of deviations

In case of insufficient or excessive increase, you must follow all the recommendations of the doctor, since these conditions can cause severe pathological processes.

  • malformations of the nervous system and brain of the fetus;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • spontaneous;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • premature birth;
  • pyelonephritis and diabetes in pregnant women;
  • heavy ;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • macrosomia (large fruit).

Undersupplementation is less common and less well understood, but there is strong evidence that children born later are at higher risk for psychiatric disorders and schizophrenia. Perhaps this is due to malnutrition of nerve cells during brain formation.

Other possible consequences of not gaining enough weight include:

  • premature birth;
  • low weight of the fetus;
  • the need for additional medical care for a newborn child, nursing him in a hospital.

Features of pregnancy management

In patients with inadequate weight gain, more careful medical supervision is necessary. It includes:

  1. The use of micronized progesterone before the 16th week to prevent miscarriage.
  2. Treatment of hypertension (magnesium sulfate, calcium antagonists, etc.).
  3. Treatment of placental insufficiency.
  4. Control of blood sugar levels, and at 24 weeks - a glucose tolerance test (for obesity).
  5. Urinalysis to detect asymptomatic pyelonephritis.
  6. In obese patients, delivery at 38 weeks is recommended.

A lot is changing, the belly grows, the chest swells, the skin and hair change. But the most noticeable thing that worries many pregnant women is the change in weight during pregnancy.
Pregnancy always lasts about 9 months, newborn children also do not differ much in height and weight. Why does one woman add a lot, the second a little?

Optimal weight gain is not only a guarantee that after childbirth you can quickly return to good shape. This is a confirmation of a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, from the moment of pregnancy, your weight becomes interesting not only to you, but also to doctors. Weighing becomes a mandatory procedure for each visit to the gynecologist and part of the "homework".
To properly monitor weight gain, make it a rule to weigh yourself regularly. It is best if you do this on the same scales once a week at the same time (in the morning before breakfast with an empty bowel and bladder), in the same clothes or without it, so that the results can be was then compared.

Is there a single rule?

Of course, the deposition of some fat during pregnancy is inevitable, this is absolutely normal and should be reconciled with. After childbirth, you can, with sufficient desire, quickly regain your previous weight. How many kilograms the expectant mother will recover during pregnancy depends on many reasons. The first of them is the initial body weight (that is, before pregnancy). The lower your own weight, the more you can gain during pregnancy. In order to determine whether the weight of the expectant mother is overweight, low or normal for his growth in medicine, a special index is used - body mass index (BMI).

Body mass index = body weight in kg / height in meters squared Example: Height 1.70 m, weight 60 kg BMI= 60/1.7*1.7=20.7

Based on the value obtained:
- with an index of less than 18.5 - the weight is considered below normal;
- index 18.5-25 - normal weight;
- 25-30 - overweight;
- more than 30 - obesity.

So, if your BMI is 30) 6 kg or less, as recommended by your doctor.

Can't be discounted genetic constitution. In this case, it is important whether a woman has a tendency to be overweight or thin. So, even if the initial weight of two women is the same, but one of them who has always been thin, not adhering to any diets, and the second has achieved the same through diets and training, the first will gain significantly less than the second. It shouldn't be scary.

Another important factor is age. The older the woman, the greater the tendency to overweight.

In addition, weight gain depends on features of the course of pregnancy. So, for example, having survived the events of early toxicosis, the body will try to compensate for the loss of kilograms, and the woman will gain more at the end of pregnancy. It happens that due to hormonal changes, during pregnancy, the expectant mother's appetite increases sharply and, if she cannot restrain it, weight gain will also be large. Weight gain also depends on baby size. If a large baby is expected (more than 4000 g), then both the placenta and amniotic fluid will be larger than the average. Consequently, the weight gain is greater than if the woman were expecting the birth of a small child.
The weight gain differs especially in women with multiple pregnancy. In this case, it, regardless of your own weight, will be 16 - 21 kg.

Rate of weight gain

Weight during pregnancy tends to increase unevenly. And at the same time, it cannot be said that weight gain by weeks of pregnancy will be the same for everyone: for some, weight during pregnancy begins to increase from the first days of pregnancy, for others, significant weight gain during pregnancy begins only after the 20th week of pregnancy.

It is believed that in the first half of pregnancy, women gain approximately 40% of the total weight gain, and already in the second 60%. The average weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy should be about 0.2 kg per week. However, during the same period, many pregnant women are concerned about early toxicosis, so the total increase in three months can be 0-2 kg. In the last weeks, weight gain stops, weight may even decrease a little - in a similar way the body prepares for childbirth. The total change in weight by month of pregnancy for a woman with normal body weight is shown in the following table:

Distribution of weight gain during pregnancy
At the end of pregnancy, the acquired kilograms are approximately distributed as follows:
- Fetus- the average weight of the fetus during full-term pregnancy is 2500-4000 gr. With normal weight gain, this is 25-30% of the total gain. The weight of the fetus increases especially rapidly in the last weeks before childbirth, it is then that the weight of a woman grows at the fastest rate.
- Placenta- an organ that develops in the uterine cavity during pregnancy, which communicates between the mother's body and the fetus. Normally, the mass of the placenta, together with the fetal membranes during full-term pregnancy, is 1/6-1/7 of the weight of the fetus, i.e. 400-600 gr. (5% of weight gain)
- amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid, are the biologically active environment surrounding the fetus. The volume of amniotic fluid depends on the duration of pregnancy. The increase in volume is uneven. So, at 10 weeks of gestation, the volume of amniotic fluid averages 30 ml, at 18 weeks - 400 ml, and by 37-38 weeks of gestation, it averages 1000-1500 ml (10% of weight gain). By the end of pregnancy, the amount of water may decrease to 800 ml. When pregnancy is prolonged (at 41-42 weeks), there is a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid (less than 800 ml). With polyhydramnios, the amount of water can increase by more than 2 liters, and with low water, it can decrease to 500 ml.
- uterine muscle during pregnancy also increases its mass. Before pregnancy, the mass of the uterus averages 50-100 g, and by the time of delivery 1 kg (10% of weight gain). The volume of the uterine cavity at the end of pregnancy increases by more than 500 times. During pregnancy, each muscle fiber lengthens 10 times and thickens approximately 5 times, the uterine vasculature increases significantly.
- Increase blood volume about 1.5 kg, and tissue fluid 1.5-2 kg, 0.5 kg gives an increase in breast volume, together this is 25% of the weight gain.
- Weight gain during pregnancy due to additional body fat in a woman's body is 3-4 kg. (25-30%)

Overweight and underweight

The issue of weight gain during pregnancy does not accidentally require attention. It is best if your weight gain is steadily increasing, within the norm, and there are no sharp jumps up and down. Both underweight during pregnancy and its excess can lead to negative consequences.
Insufficient nutrition during pregnancy and underweight can lead to intrauterine growth retardation, then the baby will be born with insufficient body weight (less than 2.5 kg). Malnutrition causes a failure in the synthesis of hormones that maintain pregnancy, which in turn increases the risk of miscarriage. Babies who are underweight at birth are often weak, have neurological problems, are excitable, and are prone to colds.
Sometimes weight loss during pregnancy can be associated with the manifestation of certain diseases, which can be very dangerous not only for the unborn baby, but also for yourself. Therefore, if you pay attention to a similar trend, you need to urgently consult a doctor. If you have not gained weight for three weeks in the first half of pregnancy and within a week in the second, consult your doctor.

If your weight gain exceeds the individual norm, also consult a doctor.
Excitement should arise if:
- for the first trimester you have added more than 4 kg;
- in the second trimester more than 1.5 kg per month
- more than 800 grams per week in the third trimester.

Seek immediate medical attention if you gain 2 or more kilograms in a week at any stage of your pregnancy!
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can cause high blood pressure, late toxicosis, diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, complications in childbirth.
The most common cause of excess weight gain in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy is GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus)- a condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels that occurs during pregnancy in some women and usually disappears spontaneously after childbirth.
Women with GDM have a higher risk of developing late toxicosis of pregnant women (edema, increased blood pressure, impaired renal function and cerebral circulation), the risk of urinary tract infection and premature birth. Elevated blood sugar levels in the mother are twice as likely to lead to complications in the development of the fetus. Such children are born with overweight (more than 4 kg), which makes it difficult for the normal course of childbirth. The mainstay of treatment for gestational diabetes is diet therapy.
In the third trimester, excess gain is more often associated with fluid retention, i.e. the occurrence of edema. The fact that edema is a frequent companion of pregnancy is known to almost all expectant mothers. However, everyone knows that edema can also be a sign of many diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, heart and a sign of such a serious pregnancy complication as preeclampsia or late toxicosis. Edema of pregnant women is the first stage of preeclampsia (late toxicosis of pregnancy), in 90% of cases, protein in the urine and high blood pressure appear after the edema. Timely treatment can prevent the transition of dropsy to the subsequent stages of preeclampsia. Late toxicosis of pregnancy (preeclampsia) is characterized by life-threatening high blood pressure and can lead to more serious disorders that provoke convulsions. Therefore, edema should be treated not only as a cosmetic defect, but also as a pathology that requires treatment.
If lately comfortable shoes have begun to press on you, an engagement ring is difficult to remove, or bags under the eyes appear in the morning, all this may indicate the presence of edema. The skin on the edematous area is pale, tense and smooth, the pressure of a finger can cause a slowly leveling fossa.
If you have gained more than one kilogram in a week, you cannot take off your wedding ring, or you notice a trace of rubber bands on your legs and waist, this is a signal for an extraordinary visit to the doctor. It is to exclude late toxicosis, the doctor so meticulously evaluates your weight gain and measures the pressure.

Is it possible to starve during pregnancy, "diet"

In fact, dieting during pregnancy is never recommended, even for overweight women. A "golden mean" is needed, because both an excess and a lack of nutrients can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. Because of the increase in maternal blood volume and the building of fetal and placental tissues, some weight gain is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. Some diets can cause deficiencies in nutrients such as iron, folic acid, and other important vitamins and minerals. And a sharp restriction in nutrition, leading to weight loss, can harm the child, since when fat stores are burned, toxins are released into the blood.

For the sake of the desire to please themselves, many women are constantly struggling with being overweight or underweight. During the happy expectation of the baby, the gynecologist will also begin to control the weight. The bottom line is that weight gain during pregnancy is one of the indicators of the state of health of both the woman herself and, of course, her unborn child.

Weight gain by week of pregnancy

The schedule for optimal weight gain during pregnancy does not have a rigid framework, and the calculation of the weekly increase is individual and is based on the specific features of the body composition and the woman's health status. At the same time, some indicators of a possible norm can be calculated. However, before turning to the numbers that reflect the weight gain of each week of pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the body mass index (BMI) of a particular pregnant woman.

Most often, it is during the first trimester that expectant mothers begin to significantly gain weight, more precisely, it begins from the third month of gestation. This may be due to early toxicosis or adaptation of the body to concomitant changes. The average is one to two kilograms. The exception is women who have previously followed a strict diet.

The optimal weight gain in the second trimester increases slightly and varies between 250 - 300 g during each week. For example, 23 weeks of gestation can enrich a woman by 8 kg (from the first days of pregnancy). The weight of the fetus in this case will be approximately 480 grams. The normal allowable increase in body weight, from the initial figures, by week 29 is considered to be eight to ten kilograms.

Good to know:

You need to start monitoring weight gain from the moment when pregnancy was confirmed - this moment is the starting point for measurements. A gynecologist observing the course of pregnancy always recommends keeping a record of your indicators. For the entire period of bearing a child, the weight gain of a pregnant woman should not exceed 10-12 kilograms.

Weight gain rate

In most cases, in the first ten weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers do not experience any increase in volume. At this time, the woman's body adapts to the changes taking place in it. It is important to note here that it contributes more to weight loss than to weight gain. Only after the first ten weeks, the pregnant woman will begin to gain kilograms, justified by the increase in the size of the baby and other factors that accompany her position. The average rate of weight gain when carrying a baby during the first trimester is one to two kilograms. The maximum weight gain of a pregnant woman will be in the second and third trimester. During this period, the weight should increase weekly by 250-300 g.

The third trimester will be of the greatest interest to the gynecologist observing the pregnancy. The doctor will determine the seven-day rate of weight gain for a pregnant woman at the rate of 22 grams of weight gain per 10 cm of height. For example, if the height of a pregnant woman is 160 cm, then the rate of addition will be 352 grams, and with a height of 185 cm - 400 grams.

The body weight of a pregnant woman is monitored at each visit to the gynecologist and entered into the exchange card. Self-control of weight will also not be superfluous, but in order for the measurements to be reliable, they must be carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the same clothes.

Increase schedule

The schedule for increasing the mass of the fetus directly depends on the increase in the mass of his mother. And the weight of pregnant women should take into account not only the weight of the unborn baby, but also the placenta, amniotic fluid, the growth of the muscles of the uterus and mammary glands. The combination of these parameters is the indicator of added kilograms.

So, for example, in the first month of pregnancy, there may be an increase in body weight (in the absence of toxicosis) - 175 g in 7 days. In connection with the restructuring of the body, in the second month of pregnancy, the woman's weight growth rate decreases slightly - 125 g within a week. The third month of bearing a baby is accompanied by the lowest gain - about 75 g per week.

By the fourth month there will be a sharp increase - 200 g per week, and the fifth month is due to a peak increase in body weight - about 600 g per week. In the sixth month, the rate will slightly decrease to 400 g, and from the seventh to the ninth month, weight gain stabilizes and is equal to 450 grams for every seven days. This is an average graph and a slight deviation from its indicators is natural and is associated with the individuality of women, their constitution and physiology.

A week
BMI<19,8 19,8<ИМТ<26,0 BMI>26
2 0,5 0,5 0,5
4 0,9 0,7 0,5
6 1,4 1 0,6
8 1,6 1,2 0,7
10 1,8 1,3 0,8
12 2 1,5 0,9
14 2,7 1,9 1
16 3,2 2,3 1,4
18 4,5 3,6 2,3
20 5,4 4,8 2,9
22 6,8 5,7 3,4
24 7,7 6,4 3,9
26 8,6 7,7 5
28 9,8 8,2 5,4
30 10,2 9,1 5,9
32 11,3 10 6,4
34 12,5 10,9 7,3
36 13,6 11,8 7,9
38 14,5 12,7 8,6
40 15,2 13,6 9,1

Total weight gain

Each case is unique, however, the general rate of recruitment borders within 7 - 16 kg. If the constitution of a woman classifies her as asthenic (thin) - we can confidently say about an additional 12 - 16 kg during pregnancy. At the same time, both the woman herself and her unborn child will feel great. If a woman is inclined to be overweight (hypersthenic), the rate of increase can be 7-10 kg. If a pregnant woman is normostenic, her weight ideally increases by 10-14 kg over the entire period of pregnancy.

Normal weight gain includes many different subcategories. So, for example, the weight of the baby itself is approximately 3.5 kg, and the placenta is about 0.7 kg. Amniotic fluid will add about 0.9 kg to the woman's weight, and the uterus is slightly larger - 1 kg. The increased volume of the mammary glands will reward 400 - 500 grams, and the volume of blood plasma that has grown during this period will add 1.2 - 1.5 liters. The volume of cellular fluid will also increase from 1.4 to 2.7 liters. And the adipose tissue itself will expand by 2.2 - 3 kg.

Pathological weight gain

You should not fanatically monitor weight and control every calorie, thereby infringing on your body in vitamins, since every missing vitamin is a minus for the child. The general decline in the strength of a pregnant woman can provoke a lack of oxygen in the child's body, which can result in placental abruption and miscarriage (premature birth). In the most favorable scenario, the child will be born weak and underweight.

But it is also impossible to gain excess weight, this is fraught with excessive stress on the spine and joints, varicose veins and pain in the lower abdomen and sacral region can be observed. Excessive weight gain is evidence of an unhealthy state of the body of a pregnant woman and is considered an indicator of toxicosis in the last weeks of gestation. The golden mean in weight control and food intake is important. Women who have gained weight within the normal range are much easier to endure pregnancy and childbirth, and the likelihood of miscarriage is significantly reduced.

Large weight gain during pregnancy

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can lead to late toxicosis, diabetes mellitus, difficulty in muscle activity, shortness of breath, increased fatigue, irritability, high blood pressure, pain in the calf muscles and back.

However, weight gain may be the result of not only the growth of adipose tissue, but also the outflow of fluid from the tissue layer. In most cases, swelling will appear closer to labor, but maybe earlier, from 23 weeks. The cause of the pathology is physiological changes in the maternal body, and if a woman was prone to kidney dysfunction and heart problems before pregnancy, edema will be a response of these organs to new loads.

Since the spine during this period is subject to increased stress, the additional mass will further aggravate its position. During this period, the usual center of gravity will be shifted, which entails additional problems. There will be back pain, headaches, osteochondrosis may worsen, protrusion of the intervertebral discs, and the risk of thrombosis will increase.

Among the general recommendations, it is worth noting the obligatory rejection of fatty foods, mayonnaise, and fast food products. should be less high-calorie, but not inferior in nutrition and the amount of vitamins and minerals. It is equally important to correct your daily routine: increase physical activity and increase the time of walking in the fresh air.


A small increase is an indicator that the fetus does not receive the amount of nutrients necessary for its healthy development. Lacking nutrients, the baby begins to take them from the mother's body. In most cases, it is enough just to change the diet: increase the consumption of high-calorie foods and the amount of fat consumed.

It is equally important to include in your diet foods that can stimulate appetite (for example, germinated wheat, which is a powerful storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements). Eating should be fractional and frequent (five to six times a day).

For the entire time of bearing a baby, such a woman must gain at least 11 kg in weight, otherwise, there is a risk of giving birth to a premature baby, whose weight will not exceed two kilograms. For this reason, it is important to make every effort so that the weight gain is between 11 and 16 kg.

It is also very important to determine the root cause, due to which weight gain has slowed down. The reason can be hidden not only in malnutrition, but also in hereditary predisposition, diseases of a physical and mental nature.

Calculation of weight gain during pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy directly depends on the initial physical parameters. The calculation of weight gain is preceded by the calculation of the individual body mass index. According to the standards, the result obtained should fall in the range from 20 to 26.

In the event that the BMI is less than 18.5, this indicates exhaustion, which threatens with serious complications. If the resulting BMI is in the range of 18.5 - 19.8, this is a mild degree of exhaustion. The norm is considered to be a body mass index equal to 19.8 - 26. Mild obesity - BMI 26 - 30, obesity - over 30.

At 20 weeks pregnant

For forty weeks of bearing a baby, the body weight of a pregnant woman should increase by 8 - 12 kg. However, this does not mean that during the first month a woman should eat for two, and a week before labor activity, go on a diet and, as a result, by the time of delivery, reach the desired 12 kg. It is very important to adhere to the norms of weight gain recommended by experts for weeks.

It is the middle of the entire period of bearing a baby and the peak moment in the increase in the mass of the baby and his mother. Over time, the weight of the baby will increase, and the placenta will fall. For example, by week 20, the volume of amniotic fluid is 300 ml (by week 30 - this figure is 600 ml, and by 35 - already a liter, then growth will decrease slightly). The unborn child itself, during this period, weighs about 300 grams and its height is 25 cm.

An increase in body weight at the 20th week of pregnancy is also due to an increase in the size of the uterus, then this muscular organ will increase its volume only by stretching the fibers of the muscle tissue, the weight will remain stable.

The volume of blood circulation will continue to increase throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In preparation for feeding, the mammary glands will begin to increase in volume, due to the reproductive properties of the glandular tissue and the growth of body fat. The total weight gain at week 20 should be about 3 - 6 kg.

At 23 weeks pregnant

By the time more than 5 months have passed since conception, the tummy will noticeably round out. The baby will gain in height (up to 30 cm) and in weight - about 0.5 kg. His brain will also increase tenfold, now its mass is 20-25 g, so a stable supply of the required amount of oxygen to the placenta is important.

An increase in body weight, by, will be considered normal if a pregnant woman has increased her weight by 4-7 kg from the moment of conception. Significant deviations in one direction or another will alert the gynecologist who observes the course of a particular pregnancy. In this case, there is a need to identify and eliminate the cause of deviations.

At 26 weeks pregnant

In the case of normal prenatal gestation, daily weight gain by week 26 should be about 150 grams. Accordingly, by the 26th week, the expectant mother should become 5-9 kg heavier. Such figures are mainly due to the fetoplacental system.

The mass of the fetoplacental system includes the weight of the unborn baby (2.5 - 4 kg), the child's place (0.5 - 0.6 kg) and amniotic fluid (1 - 1.5 liters). The growth of the uterus and vascularization will add about a kilogram to the total, and the increase in the volume of the mammary glands of women by about half a kilogram. An increase in the volume of pumped blood that a woman will lose during delivery from 0.3 to 0.5 liters.

All these kilograms will make up the physiological norm of weight gain necessary for the development and bearing of the baby, these same kilograms will go away without difficulty immediately after labor activity. An excess of weight gain at week 26 may indicate both a large fetus (4 or more kilograms) and the accumulation of an excess of fluid (edema) in the tissue layers.

In the event that the weight of the fetus exceeds 4 kg, doctors will talk about the risk of injury during the passage of the birth canal of the newborn itself, while the woman herself may also suffer. In such cases, the likelihood of indications for a caesarean section increases. Therefore, body weight, on, must be under special control. It depends on whether a woman will give birth on her own or whether there is a need to resort to surgical intervention.

In case of a significant increase in volumes, such pregnant women should adhere to fasting days (daily fluid intake - up to 2 liters, salt intake is reduced). It is important to remember that these days should take place only after consulting a doctor about this and under his constant supervision. In the case of a similar clinical picture, it is equally important to measure blood pressure several times a day. In women of this risk group, more often than in other pregnant women, urine is examined.

Cases of underweight may be accompanied by some delay or absolute stop of intrauterine fetal formation. The cause of insufficient weight may also be oligohydramnios (insufficient volume of amniotic fluid), as well as a chronic disease of the internal organs of the pregnant woman herself. It is imperative to establish the initial causes of the failure, which resulted in a violation of the norm of weight gain, for timely treatment and the adoption of adequate measures.

At 29 weeks pregnant

K, the weight of the child is approximately one and a quarter kilograms. The length of the baby is about 37 cm. The proportions of the body are also modified, the skeletal part is fixed, and the subcutaneous fat layer is formed. The weight gain of a pregnant woman at week 29 is already more significant and is approximately 6-10 kg (in the case of a normal pregnancy).

During this period, a pregnant woman will experience shortness of breath, severe fatigue even from minor exertion, pain in the lumbar region, as the load on the joints and spine will increase. Problems with stools are no less likely - constipation and frequent urge to urinate. You may also snore during sleep.

In order to minimize these consequences, pregnant women are required to adjust the daily regimen and diet. More rest, but not lying in bed, but walking, in other words, combining physical activity with fresh air. Pregnant women can sleep at this time only on their side, since in this position the internal organs of a woman will be subject to the least load.

The diet should exclude the use of legumes, whole milk, fatty foods, grapes, fresh cabbage, overly spicy and salty foods, sweets and pastries. It is equally important to give up everything that can provoke constipation and heartburn.

But to increase consumption in your diet should be grated raw carrots with an apple; dairy products; dried fruits, especially prunes; olive, corn and linseed oil. It is important not to forget about the sufficient amount of clean water.

Weight gain during twin pregnancy

In the case of multiple pregnancies, some doctors tend to argue that there is no difference between a single or twin pregnancy and such a pregnant woman should follow the classic weight gain schedule. Others are sure that the weight gain, during the bearing of twins, should be about 15 - 20 kg. Future mothers of the asthenic body type need to gain about 20 kg, and the hypersthenic type needs 15 kg.

The calculation is not too complicated. For example, the full weight of a newborn will be about three kilograms. As a consequence, the total weight gain of a woman pregnant with two children should be more than 3 kg more, in contrast to a singleton pregnancy. At the same time, we should not forget about the mass of additional amniotic fluid and another "baby place".

If a normal increase is not detected, this may indicate that the pregnant woman is undernourished, or that the energy expenditure is too high. In this case, it is worth adjusting your diet, increasing your intake of high-calorie foods and extending the time spent on rest. If the weight gain slightly exceeds the standards, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of food and activate the daily routine.

Daily increase rate

No gynecologist can reliably state about the normal daily weight gain during pregnancy. So, for example, if in 7 days a pregnant woman has added approximately 450 g (about 60 grams per day) within the normal range, then this is not evidence that this increase scheme must be strictly adhered to daily. Unloading during pregnancy does not allow for strict diets. They include reducing the calorie content of meals without reducing their nutritional value, and a plentiful drinking regimen.

When a woman is carrying a baby, many around her claim that she needs to eat for two during this period, so that there is enough energy for both the expectant mother and her baby. This is fundamentally wrong. You can not resort to other extremes: the observance of strict diets is also unacceptable during the period of bearing a baby. In case of deviations from the norm, the main rule is to revise the diet, since weight gain during pregnancy is easier to control than to stop possible complications provoked by "abnormal" weight.

And I read how your baby develops every week, then you are probably interested in another question - how do you grow at the same time.

Our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator calculates the rate of weight gain for each week.

Calculation of weight gain during pregnancy

Indicate the obstetric (from the beginning of the last menstruation) gestational age, as well as your height and weight before pregnancy:

Weight gain during pregnancy is a very individual process. All women gain weight differently during pregnancy. It also depends on the complexion of the expectant mother and her tendency to be overweight, on the size of the fetus and also on a number of physiological features. However, the process must have certain limits. And they are! Russian obstetrician-gynecologists adhere to the following reference values: the total weight gain during pregnancy should be 10-12 kg, the increase in the first half of pregnancy - 300-400 grams per week, the increase in the second half of pregnancy - 250-300 grams per week. Moreover, such an increase is typical only for women with normal body weight.

Not everyone grows the same

For women who are overweight or underweight, the numbers are very different. With insufficient body weight, weight during pregnancy should increase by 12-15 kg (and again, it is important to know how underweight a woman was before pregnancy). With overweight - up to 8-10 kg for the entire pregnancy. All these figures, as practice shows, are completely approximate and, as already mentioned, individual, but you need to focus on them. Otherwise, you can gain too much, and then it will be difficult for you not only to give birth, but also to get rid of extra pounds after pregnancy, or gain too little, and then the child can slow down its intrauterine development from lack of nutrition.

Compare with the “correct” values, it is better to control the weight during pregnancy by weeks, so you can notice a dangerous trend in body weight changes earlier. Our Pregnancy Weight Calculator will help you with this. If your gynecologist gives recommendations that are very different from the results of the calculation, write to us.

Questions for the article

Pregnancy did not gain weight, the tests are all good, is it worth it ...

And now my weight is 66.7 kg. This is fine?...

My weight is 60.800. Is this too much? I eat a little. If the weight is overweight, then how is it ...

At 9 weeks, the weight was 59.100, yesterday the doctor had a weight of 59.700, is this normal? ...

weeks? Pre-pregnancy weight 59-60 kg (depending on the season), in...

Although there are no edemas and I have always been a water jet, and the tests are normal, and ...

This is fine? The doctor said it was nothing to worry about. But I'm worried...

Weeks, weight was 59,300 with a height of 153. Now the weight is 67,800. Before pregnancy...

Height 150cm. I am now at 21 weeks. I seem to have gained weight. But interesting...

Week of pregnancy my weight is 79,600. Initially, when I got on...

Only 8.9 kg. I was horrified to find that instead of the prescribed 68.9kg....

Pregnancy and weight 75 kg. Is that a significant increase?

They want to be admitted to the hospital for weight loss, while the stomach is in clothes ...

Week weigh approximately 56 kg. Is this normal or do I want...

At week 11, when I got up on the count, I weighed 55.3, and now the 22nd has gone ...

Pregnancy weight 68.3 kg. This is fine?...

Pregnancy. At the moment when I got registered (9 weeks) I...

Pregnancy weight was 56 kg, height 168, was engaged in power ...

I weigh 62.3 kg and gained 4.5 kg in 4 weeks. Tell me how not to type like this ...

70.6 kg with a height of 168 cm. Tell me, did I gain a lot? And what should I do ...

Weight 92 kg. I got registered with a weight of 83 kg. My height is 165 cm. I don’t know what and ...

I lost almost 5 kg (severe toxicosis) is it not dangerous for the child? ...

According to your program, week 25 and I should weigh 60-60.3 kg maximum. And I...

Now it's 16 weeks, I got on the scales and the weight is already 68.3. Say it...

57.8...Is that too much? The doctor is silent....I eat 4 times a day, before pregnancy...

Pregnancy was 54 kg, now the gestational age is 12 weeks, for this ...

Now 28 weeks and I weigh 74.4 kg. The doctor says it's a lot. I...

I weigh 63 kg for a week. Work is not sedentary, I eat no more than 2000 calories and weight ...

I'm gaining weight even though I don't eat everything I want. At 21 weeks I weigh 67, although ...

140. Now pregnant for 14 weeks I weigh 62.10. you never know I gained kg for 14 ...

Registered, weighed 53.5 kg, today was at the reception, weight 63.5 kg. Doctor...

Obstetrics. Before pregnancy, she weighed 70 kg (+ -300 - 500 grams). During...

Today 64.1 kg, but I weigh 65.9 - how bad is this and how do I ...

I went to the doctor, they weighed me in clothes, I had recently eaten and the weight was ...

61.5 kg. Doctors scold for excessive weight gain. "Fat" I see ...

Weight 66 kg 800 gr. Over the past two weeks, gained 1 kg 600 gr. The doctor is very...

Severe toxicosis began .. I couldn’t eat anything at all .. and ...

I gained 2 kg, now I am 23-24 weeks old, I weigh 54.2 is this a lot for me? ...

The term is 17 days, the approximate total should now be 55.6 kg, but...

I feel great. In the first trimester, I lost 2 kg. Weight was about 53.9 ....

(I roar) weight 57 kg, tell me is that all fat? Please say what...

Thin. I am now 16 weeks pregnant and my weight is...

Sports, now 19 full weeks, my weight is 63.500 ...

And on the ultrasound. They prescribed treatment. I'm really worried if this will hurt...

Ferrum lek to drink and folic, but so far the effect is not significant. Injections ...

Showed such numbers 11.3 tell me it's very low and is it worth it ...

It's a lot. During pregnancy, I specifically began to limit ...

The moment I added 8.7 kg, now the weight is 52.9, the doctor said ...

I was supposed to gain 9 kg, but the problem is that I have already gained 12 kg, which ...

174. Should I lose weight? It increased evenly, and for ...

Due to toxicosis at 13 weeks, I became the news of 66.5. Now 18 weeks and my...

Calculator weight should be 60.9 kg. I have it. but the gynecologist...

Proizoshel kakoy to sboy i v 22 nedeli bilo uje 68 kg (dumau chto organizm prosto kompensiroval poteryannie kg)))....

This is fine?...

83,200. This is fine? all tests are good, no edema, blood pressure...

Now 24 weeks. and weight 56kg. The doctor thinks it's overweight. forms are not...

Approximately 64-65 kg, now I weigh 66,200. Height 162. According to your calculator, I ...

Was 50-52 kg. tell me if I can lose weight or restrict ...


What determines the weight gain during pregnancy by weeks and how not to gain too much.

Pregnancy is a special time in every mom's life. And it goes on for every woman in her own way. Some almost all 9 months suffer from nausea, vomiting, struggle with manifestations of heartburn, sleep disturbance, others pregnancy does not bring such inconvenience.

An individual indicator is weight gain. Some women during childbearing practically do not gain extra pounds (and sometimes lose weight), while others are rapidly recovering. What determines the increase in weight in the "interesting position"? Are there rules for gaining kilograms?

Reasons for gaining weight

There are several reasons for weight gain during pregnancy. For convenience, we divide them into objective and subjective.

Objective reasons

The weight of a pregnant woman increases as new life grows in the womb. Body weight is growing due to changes in the female body, in recent months, the weight "sums up" from:
  • 2500-4000 g - the weight of the unborn child;
  • 400-600 g - placenta;
  • 1-1.5 l - amniotic fluid (0.8 l before childbirth);
  • 1000 g - uterus;
  • 1.5 kg - blood;
  • 1.5-2 kg - intercellular fluid;
  • 0.5 kg - increase in breast volume;
  • 3-4 kg - fat reserve, which will be needed for successful breastfeeding.

Subjective reasons

Subjective reasons include insufficient physical activity of the expectant mother, malnutrition. In such cases, specialist advice is required, it is forbidden to take any action on your own, as this can harm the child and mother.

Norms of weight gain

Weight gain, like the course of the entire pregnancy, is individual for each mom. The limits of the norm are calculated by the doctor at the reception. There are some guidelines that experts rely on:

  • most of the weight is gained after 4-5 months (60%);
  • weekly weight gain in the 1st trimester is 200 g, although with severe toxicosis, the weight may decrease. For the entire 1 trimester, 2-3 kg is gained;
  • In the 2nd trimester, weight is gained more intensively. The expectant mother recovers by an average of 0.3-0.4 kg (per week);
  • in the last months of pregnancy, kilograms are not gained so intensively. This is due to the approaching birth, hormonal and physical preparation of the body for the appearance of crumbs.

The expectant mother should monitor her weight daily and (if possible) record the change in her body weight.


Every pregnant woman needs to control her weight every day. In the morning (before breakfast), a woman should weigh herself and record the result. Before measuring weight is:

  1. take off your clothes (weighing in a light robe or shirt is allowed, the main thing is that the clothes do not change during the subsequent weighing);
  2. go to the toilet.

Norm is not the norm

Weight gain during pregnancy is an individual indicator, which depends on the "initial" weight (before pregnancy). As a rule, large girls gain less than slender ones.

BMI (body mass index) is used to calculate baseline results.

BMI is calculated from height and weight before pregnancy. The calculation is made according to the formula: weight (in kg) divided by height in meters (squared).

So, for a mother weighing 80 kg and 1.90 m tall, the BMI will be calculated as follows:

80/1.90*1.90=22.16 (normal BMI)

We present the optimal weight gain in the form of a table

As can be seen from the table, slender girls (BMI is normal or below normal) can gain more kilograms without compromising health than their large (BMI overweight or obesity) “girlfriends”.

Weight gain will look like this:

Pregnancy (week)

BMI less than 18.5

Gain (gr)

Gain (gr)

BMI over 30

Gain (gr)

deficiency or excess

Underweight, as well as gaining excess weight, is fraught with unpleasant consequences, both for the mother herself and for the fetus.

So, with a lack of weight by the mother, physical development may be delayed in the fetus. Babies whose birth weight was 2500 grams (or less) have an increased risk of developing mental and physical illnesses. Lack of weight disrupts the hormonal balance in the body, which leads to malfunctions, sometimes causing miscarriages or premature births. Losing weight is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

Dangerous and excessive weight gain. The following is considered redundant:

  • weight gain of more than 2000 g per week (any period);
  • a set of more than 4000 g (first trimester);
  • more than 1500 g per month (2nd trimester);
  • more than 800 g per week (3rd trimester).

An excessive increase is fraught with an increase in pressure, the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, oxygen starvation of the fetus, aging of the placenta, and late toxicosis. The main danger of rapid weight gain lies in latent edema, which are the result of imperfect work of the excretory system. These edema provoke the appearance of toxicosis, malfunctions of the kidneys.

Such edema can be noticed by a specialist who should be contacted at the first suspicion (puffiness of the limbs, rare urination).

Dealing with excess

The fight against excess weight must be carried out carefully so as not to harm your body and the body of the fetus. The rules of nutrition are the simplest:

  1. can't overeat. It is considered normal for a future mother to increase the caloric content of the diet by 200-300 calories (for obese women, these figures will not work, a gynecologist's consultation is necessary);
  2. fight constipation. Untimely cleansing of the body slagging it, so constipation must be fought. Of course, expectant mothers should not often use laxatives; dietary adjustments can help. To solve problems with the intestines will help:
  • vegetable salads, cabbage (white) salads at night;
  • fresh or dried fruits (prunes, plums, dried apricots, apricots), 1-2 fruits per day;
  • prebiotics (as prescribed by a specialist).
  • exclude "fast carbohydrates". These include cakes, pastries, pastries, sweets, cookies. These products overload the digestive system, contribute to obesity;
  • unload the body. During pregnancy, starvation is unacceptable, but it is allowed to arrange days of unloading. Once every two weeks, you can replace the usual products with vegetables, kefir), limit water intake;
  • do not give up physical activity. Movements within reasonable limits will only benefit the expectant mother (feasible housework, walks, yoga for pregnant women, water aerobics);
  • Recruiting the missing

    Some expectant mothers have the opposite problem - how to gain weight? There are also a number of recommendations in this regard:

    • do not skip meals, even with severe toxicosis, you must force yourself to eat;
    • eat often (5 to 6 times a day);
    • always carry snacks in your purse (biscuits, bananas, nuts, yogurts);
    • use peanut butter (if there is no allergy);
    • replace vegetable oil with olive oil, exclude mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based sauces;
    • drink enough fluids, eat dairy products.

    I started gaining weight only after 30 weeks, before that I had toxicosis, then stress, during which I even lost weight. But by the end of pregnancy, the increase was standard - 12 kg, almost everything was gone during childbirth and during the first month of active breastfeeding. Now I remember the period of feeding and pregnancy as a time when I could eat a lot and even lose weight. But I didn’t eat everything, I strictly followed preservatives, dyes, etc. What pregnant women can eat and what not (list). Pictured 8 months old.

    Normal menu of the expectant mother

    Expectant mothers are not suitable for strict diets. To stop weight gain is necessary by correcting the diet. At the first stage, you need to exclude flour products, fast food, salinity, smoking.

    The daily menu of the expectant mother should consist of:

    • complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, cereals) - 300-350 g;
    • fish (cod, zander);
    • meat (beef, rabbit);
    • poultry (turkeys, chickens)
    • In total, the daily norm of poultry, fish or meat should be 100-120 g.
    • unrefined olive oil;
    • butter (10 g)
    • cottage cheese or yogurt (instead of the usual dessert);
    • salt (no more than 5 g per day).
    You will also need to adjust your eating habits.
    • steam, stew or boil food;
    • one meal should include 1-2 meals (eat in moderation);
    • do not refuse the first meals (breakfast and lunch), dinner can be replaced with a light snack (kefir, yogurt);
    • dinner no later than 19:00 (or 3 hours before bedtime);

    After dinner it is better to go for a walk. This is both physical activity and fresh air, which are so useful for mother and her child.

    It is best to drink water (1.5 liters per day). This amount is divided into 3 parts, 2 of which are drunk before 16:00, and the remaining 1 part - until 22:00. Such water consumption will reduce the load on the kidneys at night and will prevent edema.

    It is important for the expectant mother to eat so that the baby receives the maximum amount of nutrients. Daily diet may consist of:

    • vegetable soups (limit pasta, potatoes and cereals) - 200 g;
    • meat products: light cutlets, zraz, fillet - 150 g;
    • milk (250 g), cottage cheese (150 g), curdled milk or yogurt (200 g);
    • chicken eggs (1-2 soft-boiled or scrambled eggs);
    • any vegetables (steam or eat fresh);
    • appetizers: vegetable salads, aspic with fish or meat, ham;
    • sauces based on sour cream or milk;
    • berries, fruits (all sweet and sour fruits, eat raw berries); drinks: tea diluted with milk, juice diluted with water (50/50), unsweetened fruit drinks.

    “We are what we eat,” said Hippocrates. Nutrition determines our physical and emotional health. It is especially important for expectant mothers to monitor their nutrition, because they are responsible not only for their own health, but also for the health of the unborn baby.