Pastosity of the face: why the face becomes puffy. Diagnosis of edema on the face in renal failure. Diuretics for swelling of the face

Puffy face what to do, puffy face in the morning reasons. How to remove puffiness, puffiness of the face quickly at home.

I have long faced the problem of the so-called "fleshy face": I have cheeks, a big nose(but not potatoes), double chin, no clear facial contour. It all looks like I'm always hungover. At first I thought that I had edema, it really is, I no longer know how to deal with it.
So main question out of all this, maybe someone is also a "happy" owner of a plump, swollen face, how to make the situation less deplorable in terms of losing weight on the face and removing swelling. How to remove puffiness, puffiness of the face?

First you need to find out why you have a puffy face, the reasons. The face may swell due to cervical osteochondrosis, it happened to me. Went through massages and treatments.

I spent all my 16-17 years with an eternally swollen, swollen face in the morning, as a result, it turned out hormonal disorder. Check the kidneys and adrenal glands. And less than a bucket of food. Yes, alcohol is high in calories.

Excuse me, but what does a bucket of food and alcohol have to do with it? The girl complains about excess weight, but on a swollen face and what to do with it. Ice helps a little in the morning.

The second chin from edema does not appear.

I have the same problem, red swollen face. How to remove puffiness from the face quickly. Try not to eat at night, apply the cream on your face an hour before bedtime. Go to an endocrinologist.

How to remove swelling of the face at home? Try the revitonics exercise system. Watch the video on youtube. My Facial Massage Routine. Repeat after her every morning, takes 10-15 minutes. The swelling of the face subsides from straightening the posture and stretching the neck, if the cause of the swelling is in this. Helps a lot of people. Exercises from melannett (search on instagram) - super-effect! More Face fitness.

Either you lose weight all over, or, alas, not at all, and as for the puffiness of the face in the morning, the reason is that it wildly appears in me, if I “oversleep”, get up late, maybe I need to reconsider the regimen.

There are a ton of skinny girls with a puffy face or puffy cheeks, it's not always based on total weight, it could just be the structure or internal disturbances.
I advise the author to go to the doctor, now I myself have a puffy face and am looking for a good endocrinologist.

I don't know if it's swollen or full face this girl, so there is a comment on both that and that situation.

Here is a good and thorough article about lymphatic drainage massage "Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home: technique." If the syndrome is edematous face, then the endocrinologist and hormones are correctly advised, and in parallel, you can do it at home. It definitely won’t make it worse, but there will be a complexion and even bonuses from lymph circulation.

I didn’t write about the bucket, there is such a thing as skinny fat, I was one of those too, like slender, but loose. I went to the gym + proper nutrition (and this is quite a lot of food, much more than I ate), and the figure is just magically changed. The difference is only a month. The goal was not to lose weight.

Comments about being overweight are nonsense. I used to weigh 42 kg with a height of 165, my face was always plump, no matter how thin. By nature, due to the bite, my lower jaw is underdeveloped, so my face always looks puffy and childish. Closer to 30 years and with the mastery of contouring, the situation has become much better, but I still want to do plastic (this is my personal pen, so to speak).
The author, if you are under 25, I am almost sure that over time the face itself will become a little more elegant when the remnants of "infantile plumpness" come off. Well, no one canceled contouring, yes.

Yes, depending on how old you are. Me too round face And plump cheeks, with a constant weight of 50, and the situation began to change only now, by the age of 23 - the cheeks fell a little, although I still don’t like all this. If nothing changes by 25, I think to remove the lumps of bish. Oh, and +1 to the malocclusion, the lower jaw may be receding more than it should. And so it seems that the face is plump and round.

Yes, I'm 18, just now I'm taking hormones, but the endocrinologist said that everything is fine. I would like to believe that with age everything will really go away, it just infuriates me that this is the subject of constant jokes on me, I’m already used to it and I can laugh myself, but no matter how this is a disadvantage that you just can’t do with “prosperity” and a feature.

You can really try Japanese lymphatic drainage massage, it won’t be worse if there are swollen spots on your face, I really like it.

I have the same hat, I was looking for how to remove the puffiness of my face. Asahi massage helps (or whatever, just don’t press hard), eating with a minimum of salt, little coal, more protein (I can write it down if you need details about nutrition), as well as training for fat burning. Alginate dry powder masks. And water, if there is not enough fluid, I swell like an elephant, so you need to drink a lot, but not before going to bed. But the most basic food and water is first and foremost.
PS. Do not listen to comments about the delusional remarks about being overweight, for there is such a thing as skinny fat. It is not important how much you weigh, but what your weight is, even at 45 kg you can be loose and with cheeks. It is precisely pp and sport that can correct this friability, i.e. a change in the ratio of muscle to fat (and the weight may be the same, but the look is fundamentally different).

Does anyone still believe this skinny fat crap? This is even more stupid than the theory of color types. As someone who has worked with the Center for the Study of Nutritional Problems, I can say that this is another dangerous nonsense that encourages teenage girls (thin!!) to think that something is wrong with them. After all, it’s even scary to think what will happen if women stop hating their appearance!

What are those weird body-positive tendencies? No need to hate yourself and panic about your appearance, just being overweight is not the norm, and not the norm - thinness, which is accompanied by cellulite and body fat. This can and should be adequately assessed, and diet and lifestyle adjusted.

What do you find weird about body positivity? I'm sorry, but last week I saw an 18-year-old girl lying in a coffin. This is not a joke or a lie. And it all started very innocently, with the admiration of Twiggy.
Being overweight is when a person becomes obese and serious problems with health. Everything else (puffiness, skinny fat and others like him) is absolutely normal. We are all different.

The strange thing about it is that it is the opposite extreme of obsession with appearance. You can love and respect yourself and your body, which is why you need to keep yourself in a decent form. In a healthy, clean (even omitting the topic of depilation and decorative cosmetics). Healthy body- elastic, taut, mobile. This is aesthetics, this is health and prevention of many diseases in the future. Despite the fact that all this can be achieved in the usual way: eat a balanced (!) And moderate physical activity.

Body positivity is about loving yourself. About treating your body like a friend. And that's all I wanted to say. To this, it seems to me, there is nothing more to add.

So being healthy and beautiful is not love? This is rhetoric. What is the second chin from swelling, are you laughing? It's obviously overweight. Lose weight, otherwise nothing.

You do not want to understand me, but I, sorry, do not have the strength and desire to prove anything to you. I personally made the decision to stop dieting. And from sports, I rarely go to the pool. Because I feel like it and it's convenient. And I didn't care if they thought I was healthy and beautiful or not. There is only one life, and I no longer want to waste it on living up to other people's expectations.

Then why are you on the site of those who care about beauty?

Sit in the hall even until you are blue in the face, feed on the holy spirit, just leave alone those who live for their own, and not someone else's pleasure. Author, you have not seen big noses, you have a great nose.

You made a conclusion about excess weight only from the words about the second chin. But, most likely, she calls the crease on the neck, when she pulls her chin towards her, she calls the "second". Do not forget how much some people like to wind themselves up and exaggerate, there, she, in her opinion, has a big nose. Although a big nose is usually called a little different.

The second chin is not always overweight, to be honest, it’s even dumb when they think or especially say so fat girls that they "did" something, since they don't have it!
To the author, in order to remove puffiness of the face, I advise you to do posture exercises, because. in most cases this appears due to an uneven back, shoulders, etc.
You can see the exercises at melannett! As well as on the back, and on the chin itself, and on the removal of edema, too. Try at least two weeks every day to do the exercises, and you will notice the effect, if you wish, everything is possible!

The girl has a typical pp and healthy lifestyle of the brain (advice about coals and salt, it's funny), I was like that too, believe me, it's useless to argue. I go to the gym and exercise myself because I love power training and I get great pleasure, my food is normal, but I can keep it in balance, without pens, and I think that all bodies are good, and all actions in relation to myself should only be for pleasure.
Even with muscle mass and a low percentage of fat, the face can remain large, plump, because everyone different faces and that's okay. Muscles in the body do not affect the face, but only the percentage of fat, "skinny fat" is just a body without muscles, but with a small percentage of fat.

I fully agree and support. Just look at the faces of the same Selena Gomez or Karen Gillan. According to the logic of the ladies from above, they are apparently "neglected" (a favorite word from phytonish jargon).

I read the post, imagined this "meaty face". I would never say that she has an extra chin, or a big nose, or severe swelling on her face. Simply beautiful, healthy, fresh face. Upstairs, there are some who convince her to lose weight, but where is it thinner? Nonsense.

Adding to the comments above. All my life, this structure of the face was, with a second chin. There was no end to my suffering. And yes, general swelling, like a hangover. I was already about to remove lumps of bish (well, I think, what to expect, 32 already, old age), and then the money ran out sharply, and I decided to try free massages and exercises - and it works! Melanette exercises, revitonics, stupid lymphatic drainage - everything works if systemically. And be sure to take care of the spine, you can go to a chiropractor, but only a verified one, I haven’t found my own yet.

Do you read sideways too? I gave my advice based on my experience and my face. Further, the conversation was about moderate exercise and a balanced diet (it was emphasized many times) am I stupid, or skiing? What is inadequate in proper (I emphasize again) nutrition and sports? And yes, excess salt in the diet retains fluid. Yes, muscles are energy-consuming tissue, so it takes more kcal to maintain it, even at rest. Also, during sports, blood circulation improves, including the head, face, which improves drainage. Does an excess of carbohydrates, especially fast ones, lead to the accumulation of body fat, or is this also something fantastic for you?

They tried to convey to you that everything in this world is relative, including the norm, correctness, and beauty. For you, the norm is to follow the figure and eat right, for others, the norm is to live in your body calmly and without nerves, no matter what the body may be. Another thing is that no one should impose their norm on anyone. Do you like a toned body? Great. Admire yourself, but if you don’t like someone else’s body, then again, these are your problems, you don’t need to transfer them to other people. And the claims to beauty and body positivity, sorry, but some inappropriate. Bodypositive does not deny or prohibit makeup for fun, as they say, and not to meet the needs of outsiders.

The author reports that the puffiness of the face gives her discomfort, wants to find the reasons and how to get rid of it. All. It is not necessary to say that everything is already so good if the author himself sees his shortcoming. No matter how reasonable it may seem to us, solutions are required, not justifications.

You contradict yourself, you advised to completely abandon salt, and not excess, and it has long been proven that body fat appears only due to excess calories, and not fast or slow carbohydrates, people lose weight when carbohydrates are denied, because the color is reduced.

Read again: the minimum is not the complete exception. With the same calorie content, nutrition can be based on protein foods, on pasta alone (count coals) or on fat (eat chips). There are the same number of calories, but the quality of the body will limp.
PS. Similarly, a minimum of coals and more protein does not mean that you need to eat no more pasta per day. And the fact that in% the ratio should be more protein and slightly less carbohydrates.

I don't need to explain it, thanks. A minimum of coal and an excess of protein is bad for the body, 1.5 g of protein is enough. for a person involved in sports, 0.8 for a person who does nothing, and carbohydrates are needed for energy and constantly sitting on low-carb is stupid. The body will begin to take energy from the same proteins. That's it, that you can gain calories with a normal amount of proteins and carbohydrates, and even with fast carbohydrates, this does not affect the quality of the body, the effect of losing weight will be the same, there is no concept of proper nutrition, this is some kind of nonsense. Why advise such a person?

Yes, I believe in skinny fat. I see my photos when I ate once or twice a day, absorbed a lot of sugar, not only from sweets, but also from others. finished products, sauces, etc. and now when I eat 5 (Karl, 5!) times a day. And meat, and chicken, and cereals, and vegetables, and, oh gods, pasta (only from hard varieties). I see how my body has changed, I feel completely different. And yes, I believe in it, you are free to believe in body positivity if you feel so comfortable with yourself, and even if you are not comfortable.

And about the edematous face, I advise you to check all the hormones thyroid gland. I had a problem with this, with the adoption of hormones (treatment), my face stopped swelling so much, and the whole body returned to normal. You don't need to cut carbs in your diet. You can try playing sports and eat in a balanced way, and not be afraid of every fast carbohydrate you eat, as advised above, everything is in moderation and will be good for the body.
A diet based on protein? Isn't that overkill? Protein should not be too much, 1.5-2 grams is enough. per kg of weight for a person who has muscles and this is both in deficit and in surplus.

And I did not indicate specific figures and data, if the author is interested, I will sign my point of view. Now you can not discuss in detail, so do not think of anything extra.

For some reason, almost no one wrote among the reasons for the puffiness of the face that it could just be such a "soft" structure of the face. What the Slavs, by the way, are generally inclined to.
And this often happens with girls with oriental roots, but with Gigi Hadid I see this. So this is by no means a disadvantage, the author!
It looks very cute and childish, with age your face, as already mentioned above, will become more "sharp" itself, then you will regret your plump young face.
Here's a comparison between Gigi and the more "bony-faced" Bella - Bella looks much older despite being the younger sister. Nature has given you a pretty young face and you're still complaining (and you don't look puffy or anything, believe me!)
Once I even read an article by one makeup artist, where he called the contouring used by young girls "blasphemy", because purposefully trying to negate the touching youthful swelling of the face is a crime. With sunken cheeks, we will have time to walk around in old age, believe me.

And I have the same fleshy, slightly swollen face, only my nose is still a potato, so don't be sad, there are worse.

It seems to me that "there are worse" - this is the nose of Gerard Depardieu, and upturned, like Victoria Beckham or Kirsten Dunst - this is coquetry when they complain and humble themselves, calling "the nose a potato." Normal shape, playful and cute looks. What to complain about?

At any age, swelling on the face may appear in the morning: the causes of this unpleasant external defect may be different, but they must be treated with the same seriousness. They may indicate some serious diseases of the body that require immediate treatment.

Almost all people have a slight swelling of the face in the morning, but it is almost imperceptible and disappears within an hour, so not many people pay attention to it. However, in some cases, this phenomenon becomes so pronounced that the face is a rather voluminous swelling, when the eyes become almost invisible from under the cheeks, turning into a small slit. At the same time, the skin acquires an unpleasant reddish-bluish tint, and at one glance in the mirror it becomes scary: how to go to work with such an appearance? First you need to try to find out why suddenly there was swelling of the face: the causes of this phenomenon can be quite safe and quickly eliminated, or they can be the result of serious processes occurring in the body. In the latter case, you will need to undergo a course of treatment.

Causes of swelling on the face

Edema is too much fluid that has accumulated in the tissues. The water that is in the human body is distributed very evenly: 2/3 of its total volume is located inside the cells, the remaining 1/3 part is in the intercellular space. If this third increases, then there is just swelling in the tissues. To eliminate it and put your appearance in order, you need to find out possible reasons swelling on the face: only by eliminating the provocative factor, it will be possible to get rid of the misfortune. To do this, you will need to remember your diet over the past few weeks (or maybe months), illnesses that have been transferred, as well as many other aspects of your life for Lately. The most common causes of swelling of the face, experts call either internal diseases or a violation of the basics. healthy lifestyle life.

1) Internal diseases as a cause of swelling of the face:

  • abnormal heart function (edema on the face with this diagnosis is often accompanied by shortness of breath);
  • violations at work vascular system and in the blood circulation (at the same time, a bluish, very unhealthy shade of the face is often observed);
  • problems with the kidneys, which cannot perform their functions at 100% and hardly remove fluid from the body (in this case, swelling on the face is usually localized in the eye area);
  • liver disease;
  • impaired metabolism, problems with the thyroid gland, malfunction of the endocrine system;
  • beriberi: lack of vitamins in the body, especially from group B;
  • allergic reaction (it can be recognized by the accompanying skin rash, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing) can develop into a very dangerous edema Quincke: it can be provoked by insect bites, hay fever, dust, cosmetics, animal hair, plant pollen, long-term medication;
  • lymphedema, which often occurs as a post-inflammatory syndrome;
  • damage to nerve fibers;
  • injuries and wounds on the face;
  • high blood pressure;
  • obesity;
  • tumor processes (benign and malignant) in the maxillofacial region;
  • infections: conjunctivitis, mumps, sinusitis, inflammation of the eye orbit, barley, dental abscess.

2) Lifestyle as a cause of swelling of the face:

  • lack of sleep (due to insomnia or a small amount of time allotted for a full night's sleep);
  • malnutrition (diet, dry eating, an abundance of fatty and spicy foods, snacks on the run, overeating immediately before bedtime;
  • hot weather;
  • overwork, chronic fatigue;
  • crying on the eve of sleep;
  • bad habits (a large number of cigarettes smoked per day, excessive doses of alcoholic beverages);
  • wrong drinking regimen: edema can be provoked both by an insufficient amount of fluid drunk the day before, and its overdose);
  • pregnancy.

Analyze your lifestyle over the past weeks, try to make connections between your diet, habits, internal diseases and the appearance of edema on the face. This will ensure that you can bring your appearance back to normal and never return to this issue.

Everyone who has a very swollen face in the morning needs to clarify for himself very important thing A: This is not just a cosmetic defect. This is a signal that some processes are taking place in the body that require your immediate intervention.

After the provoking factor is clarified, everything will need to be done possible measures to get him out of your life as soon as possible.

In parallel with this, edema on the face, purely cosmetically, can be very successfully eliminated by salon techniques and at home.

Salon techniques

Whatever the reasons for the puffiness of the face you have identified, you want to leave the cosmetic manifestation of this scourge as soon as possible, and in some cases a rather long course of treatment may be required. In this case, you can seek help from a beauty parlor, where they will tell you how to remove swelling from your face using the latest innovative developments. The specialist will review your clinical picture, will identify contraindications to procedures of this kind and select several options that are optimal for your body. To visit a beauty parlor for this purpose, you need to have enough time and money. To date, of the available salon ways eliminate swelling of the face enough a long period are used:

  • darsonvalization - treatment of edema with high-frequency current, which tones, disinfects the skin, dissolves stagnant formations, improves the supply of cells with oxygen;
  • mialilifting - restoration of the skin after edema under the action of electrical impulses on the muscles of the face, is prescribed at the age of only after thirty years;
  • lifting - lifting of the skin of the face, if puffiness is the result of age-related changes, oxygen lifting is especially popular and effective in this case, which supplies tissues and cells with the necessary amount of vital oxygen;
  • mesotherapy - intradermal injections of medicinal solutions;
  • treatment course massage is one of the most effective ways elimination of edema on the face.

The above salon techniques allow you to remove fairly strong swelling of the face, caused even by serious internal diseases.

Therefore, they should be contacted if the causes of the phenomenon may pose a health hazard. If the provoking factors lie on the surface and depend only on your lifestyle, swelling of the face in the morning can be removed at home: there are a lot of folk remedies for this.

Home remedies for swelling

If you have found out why your face swells, and the reason is not so serious as to seek help from specialists and undergo a course of treatment, you can try to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon on your own, at home. There are a lot of recipes for folk remedies that help the outflow of fluid from the intercellular space. However, everyone who uses them needs to know that the effect will be quick, but rather short-lived: homemade masks and compresses can remove puffiness in half an hour, but only for a day. Until you eliminate the main cause of this cosmetic defect, you will have to contemplate swelling of the eyes and cheeks in the mirror in the morning. There are a lot of recipes for folk remedies so you will have plenty to choose from.

  • Contrasting wash

Start washing with warm water, after 10-15 seconds make the water cold (so that the skin is tolerant), then sharply turn off the tap hot water(again, without fanaticism, so as not to cause redness of the skin of the face). Change twice like this temperature regime washing and with pleasure to note, looking in the mirror, that the puffiness has subsided significantly. Wait another half an hour, and there will be no trace of it. Contrasting temperatures stimulate blood and lymph circulation in tissues, which contributes to quick release from puffiness of the face.

  • Compresses

Compresses are a very effective and time-tested remedy for facial swelling. They are different, so in search of the best option for your body, try different methods.

  1. Cold compress: dip the gauze folded in several layers into cold water, wring it out slightly and apply for 1-2 minutes on the face until it becomes warm. Repeat the procedure from the beginning. Instead of water, it is much more effective in this case to use decoctions. medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula, lingonberry or St. John's wort).
  2. hot compress: in some cases, a hot procedure helps, carried out according to the same scheme as the previous one, but with the help of hot water or medicinal decoction.
  3. Contrast compress: put two cups next to you - with hot and cold water and alternately dip gauze applied to the face in them (1 minute each).
  • Self massage

Massage - very effective home procedure to eliminate puffiness of the face. You can do it yourself without completing any courses. As soon as you find swelling on your face, you need to lie down, relax and do a light, short massage, which includes:

  1. Slight tapping with fingertips on the skin in all directions along massage lines;
  2. Light, but fairly frequent patting of the palms on the cheeks, forehead, chin;
  3. Minor pinching will help improve blood circulation and relieve swelling from the face.

Start your morning with a facial massage - and in the very near future you will be able to forget about swelling.

  • Green tea with milk

If the cause of swelling of the face is in the malfunction of the kidneys, the use of sparing diuretics is recommended. One of them can be a morning cup of freshly brewed green tea, which should be flavored with fresh milk (1/3 milk for 2/3 tea). Soon you will notice how the swelling subsides. Decoctions of horsetail, rowan berries and lingonberry leaves have the same effect, with which you can start your morning with swelling of the face caused by improper functioning of the kidneys.

  • Potato decongestant mask

Mash potatoes boiled in their skins directly with their skins with a fork, apply on the face in a warm form for about 15 minutes. home mask for the face from edema is rightfully considered one of the most effective. Even if you don't have time to boil potatoes, cut a raw (necessarily fresh!) potato into several pieces and apply them to the swollen areas with fresh cuts for a minute or two, then change to new slices.

  • Anti-edema mask sour cream + dill

Grind fresh dill, mix thoroughly (1 teaspoon) with high-fat sour cream (2 teaspoons).

  • Parsley masks for edema

Not only dill, but also parsley has excellent anti-edematous properties. In crushed form, it can be added to (see recipe above) to enhance its effectiveness. Or parsley root is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with strongly brewed black tea.

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Every morning for any woman begins with taking care of her appearance, because everyone knows that a well-groomed appearance is a guarantee have a good day. However, often after a morning sleep you can see a swollen face and eyelids in the mirror.

Why does the face swell? The causes and methods of eliminating this phenomenon can be very different.

Causes of morning and evening swelling

Edema is an excess of fluid in the tissues of the body. It is formed with an increase in the amount of water in the intercellular space. In many ways, swelling of the face depends on the characteristics of the structure of the subcutaneous tissue and skin.

The most prone to edema is the area near the eyes, where there is a porous adipose tissue that can quickly accumulate fluid.

The source of morning swelling can be:

All these are external causes of puffiness of the face in the morning, which can be easily dealt with by reviewing your habits.

It is important to know! There are much more serious reasons due to which the face swells. The causes and methods of eliminating the problem due to hidden diseases require careful diagnosis and medical monitoring. Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable!

So, the cause of evening swelling of the face is interruptions in the work of the heart. Such swelling may be accompanied by shortness of breath, blue lips, swelling of the veins in the neck. By morning, cardiac edema may disappear completely, and in the evening they increase again.

Causes of edema due to diseases and negative factors

Quite often, the cause of swelling of the face is various diseases and negative external factors.

Diseases of the internal organs

The list of diseases associated with internal organs includes:

  1. Diseases of the kidneys. With poor kidney function, watery edema is formed in the morning, which is concentrated to a greater extent in the area lower eyelids. Such edema easily moves from one side of the eyelid to the other. The skin acquires yellowish and bronze hues.
  2. Endocrine diseases. With problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland and insufficient production of hormones, dense swelling of the skin of the face and subcutaneous tissue can occur - myxedema.
  3. swelling due to hormonal failure- This common occurrence before the onset of menstruation or during menopause. With a decrease in adrenal function, edema is accompanied by an increase in pressure.
  4. Liver diseases. Edema appears already at the stage of complications.
  5. chronic diseases respiratory tract or paranasal sinuses.

Cardiovascular diseases

Work related problems of cardio-vascular system may also affect the presence of puffiness.

These diseases include:

  1. Disorders of the heart. In connection with the violation of the work of the heart muscle, the face swells strongly, becomes dense. Edema appears in the evening. Often accompanied by shortness of breath.
  2. Poor patency of the superior vena cava. It manifests itself in a difficult outflow of blood from the head. A bluish complexion indicates the presence of problems with blood circulation.

Fluid retention in the body

With fluid retention, edema and dropsy often develop. The cause of edema is vascular permeability, pressure in the capillaries.

Edema also occurs due to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and even taking certain medications.


Strict diets can lead to a violation of protein metabolism in the body. Puffiness is manifested either due to insufficient intake, or due to increased loss of protein during starvation.

Strict diets can lead to a violation of protein metabolism in the body. Puffiness is manifested either due to insufficient intake, or due to increased loss of protein during starvation.

Also, when the body is critically lacking in nutrients, there is a decrease in the level of electrolytes, minerals and amino acids. Their lack is compensated by the accumulation of fluid.

reduced immunity

The sudden appearance of edema, blue circles or swollen eyelids, pallor of the skin are manifestations of a decrease in immunity.

Often, such swelling is accompanied by skin irritation or rashes, malaise, chills, appetite perversion, for example, a constant need for sweets.

Often such swelling is accompanied by skin irritation or rashes., malaise, chills, perversion of appetite, for example, a constant need for sweets.

Due to reduced immunity, the body's vulnerability to infections of the paranasal sinuses, which provoke swelling, also increases.

You need to keep your immune system strong.


Swelling in an allergic reaction may be accompanied by difficulty breathing, redness on the skin, itching. Usually there is swelling of soft tissues - eyelids and lips.


In the summer, people often experience painful swelling of the face due to sunburn. The most sensitive areas of the face are affected - the forehead, cheeks and nose.

In the summer, people often experience painful facial swelling due to sunburn. The most sensitive areas of the face are affected - the forehead, cheeks and nose.

Mechanical swelling

They are manifested due to injuries, the development of tumors, during pregnancy.

How to get rid of puffiness

As already noted, the causes of swelling of the face are often uncomfortable conditions and an uncomfortable position of the human body during sleep.

And the method of eliminating the grounds for morning swelling in this case will be the re-equipment of the place to rest: replacing the pillow with an orthopedic or less high one, increasing the distance from the bed to working heaters, sufficient length of the bed, frequent airing of the room.

The method of eliminating the grounds for morning puffiness in this case will be the re-equipment of the resting place.

You need to be well prepared for a good night's sleep. Do not abuse late in the evening salty and spicy foods, as well as sweets. Cosmetics for facial skin care should be applied no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Puffiness very often becomes the result of irregular and irrational food intake. You should eat less salt and salty foods, smoked meats, sauces, seasonings, unhealthy fast food.

Sugar also retains water in the body. Very dangerous fatty food products with a lot of sugar: cakes, donuts, cookies.

Proper nutrition includes eating the right amount of animal proteins: eggs, meat, cottage cheese, fish. It is important to eat foods rich in potassium: apricots, melons, potatoes, rice, parsley.

Proper nutrition includes eating the right amount of animal proteins: eggs, meat, cottage cheese, fish.

Cosmetical tools

fabric pharmacy masks very effectively help to remove swelling on the face. Their impregnation includes nutrients, vitamins and various trace elements that provide elasticity, hydration and a tightening effect.

Cream masks and gels are applied in the morning with massage movements which further enhances their usefulness. They are then washed off with water or an alcohol-free lotion.

Cream masks and gels are applied in the morning with massage movements, which further enhances their beneficial effect.

You can also visit beauty salon so that the beautician determines the external causes of swelling of the face and methods for their elimination by selecting an individual program to relieve morning puffiness.

Folk methods for removing edema

Most simple method removing excess fluid from the body is taking diuretics.

Despite their availability, side effects from taking these drugs can be fluid imbalance and loss of kidney function. And even folk diuretics should be taken with extreme caution.

The removal of significant puffiness is facilitated by tincture of bearberry. In the people it is also called bear ears.

The removal of significant puffiness is facilitated by tincture of bearberry. In the people it is also called bear ears.

A tablespoon of dried leaves of the plant is brewed with a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for 12 hours. Drink drink 1 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals.

Note! Reception of folk diuretics, including a decoction of wild rose, birch buds and others, should be carried out at intervals of at least 2 weeks.

Simple and effective tool getting rid of excess salt in the body is to take a decoction of bay leaves.

A simple and effective way to get rid of excess salt in the body is to take a decoction of bay leaves. 4 dry leaves of the plant go to a glass of boiling water. The decoction should be consumed during the day in small sips for one week, and the swelling will subside.

Masks against puffiness

There are many causes of facial swelling and most effective methods their elimination at home is the use of face masks from improvised means.

Effective are:

  • potato mask. To do this, it is boiled with a peel. And then knead right in the peel. Warm mashed potatoes are applied to the face for 15 minutes. Raw potatoes are also used, which are cut into circles and kept on the face until it warms up. You can grate it and use the squeezed juice for compresses. Potato mask recognized as the most effective;
  • dill mask with sour cream. For its preparation 1 tsp. dill mixed with 2 tsp. sour cream and aged on the face for 10 minutes or until the mixture is warm. Then the mask is washed off with water;
  • tea room. Freshly brewed strong tea is cooled, moistened in it fabric base and apply to the face. As the base heats up, it is moistened again. Tea bags can also be applied to the eyelids, but the quality of the leaves in the bags is inferior to brewed tea;
  • herbal infusions. Mint, chamomile and other herbs are brewed, cooled, filtered and used according to the above principle;
  • applications from vegetables or fruits. They are cut and laid on the face.

The benefits of facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics can relieve many causes of swelling of the face. Much can be discussed about the benefits and specific methods for eliminating edema with the help of mechanical action on the skin and muscle work.

Main positive impact facial gymnastics lies in the improvement of blood circulation and movement of lymph in the tissues.

However, the main positive effect of facial gymnastics lies in improving blood circulation and lymph movement in the tissues.

Exercises and light facial massage along the massage lines can reduce swelling, tighten the skin and even remove fine wrinkles.

If you need to remove the swelling immediately

In order to regain a healthy appearance, you can take quick action in the form of cold compresses. The easiest method is to soak a towel in cold water and apply it to problem areas of the face. Or you can wash your face with cold water for 10 minutes.

Cosmetology novelties offer a diverse arsenal of gels and masks to eliminate puffiness in a matter of minutes.

In order to restore a healthy appearance, you can take quick measures in the form of cold compresses. The easiest method is to soak a towel in cold water and apply it to problem areas of the face.

To relieve severe swelling of the face, plastic masks effectively and quickly help. with gel, which have a cooling effect. From swelling of the eyelids, it is enough to hold them for a few minutes.

If not available special mask, and you need to remove the swelling instantly, then at home you can do with ice cubes, especially if you prepare them from an infusion of herbs, and wipe your face with them.

If there is no special mask available, and you need to remove the swelling instantly, then at home you can get by with ice cubes, especially if you prepare them from an infusion of herbs and wipe your face with them.

Carefully! Ice should be used with extreme care. You can not keep an ice cube on the skin for a long time. You can chill the trigeminal or facial nerve. The procedure should not be delayed for more than 5 minutes.

Prevention of swelling of the face

To prevent edema caused by external factors, you need to do the following:

Swelling face? The causes and methods of eliminating this phenomenon can lie both in external factors and in the state of human health.

That's why take care of yourself, your diet and habits in order to feel great and love your reflection in the mirror.

This video will show you how to quickly remove swelling from your face.

From this video you can learn useful information about methods of dealing with puffiness of the face.

Edema on the face is a local accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular space of the skin. Puffiness, "bags" under the eyes, puffiness can be both symptoms of diseases and manifestations of sleep disturbances, nutrition, overwork, alcohol intake. For adequate treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of swelling of the face.

Puffiness is formed due to the excessive transition of the liquid part of the blood from the vessels into the intercellular space. The volume of circulating blood decreases, the baroreceptors located in the wall react to this blood vessels. They signal the kidneys to retain sodium. The element increases the osmotic pressure, and more fluid remains in the body.

Excess "water" tends to accumulate in loose, subcutaneous fat-rich parts of the face: cheeks, eyelids. The forehead swells only in the region of the eyebrows.

On the face, puffiness often manifests itself in the morning. It happens at healthy people due to a slowdown in metabolism, an uncomfortable position of the head during sleep, as a result of venous stasis.

The provoking factors are:

  • lack of sleep;
  • work at night;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • rigid diets with a minimum amount of protein, starvation;
  • abuse of salty foods;
  • cosmetic procedures.

Diseases leading to swelling of the face

There are many diseases in which swelling of the face is one of the symptoms. developing pathology internal organs.

If the edema is persistent, widespread, combined with other symptoms, a thorough examination and treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.


Puffiness that has arisen after violations of the regime, drinking alcohol, after cosmetic procedures can be treated at home.

Products that regulate water-salt metabolism help to remove swelling from the face. These are blackcurrant, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage, cranberries. Daily use these products in fresh, juices, compotes, mousses will have a beneficial effect on the exchange of fluids, enrich the body with vitamins, microelements, and improve kidney function.

Infusions and decoctions medicinal plants, which have a moderate diuretic effect, are also effective for swelling on the face.


Lotions, compresses

If puffiness needs to be removed urgently, they will help local funds and procedures.

A swollen face is not always a sign of a strong friendship with alcohol. Often, this problem occurs in women with impaired metabolism or slow functioning of the endocrine system. Also, swelling on the neck and face can report chronic diseases, allergic reactions, and some other body problems.


The most common causes of swelling on the face are problems with the excretory system or chronic diseases. Here you can add sleep in the "wrong" position, bad habits, and even genetics. According to statistics, every second girl whose mother suffered from a swollen face, the same problem occurs at the age of 35 years.

At the same time, with swelling under the eyes, less common causes of the problem cannot be ruled out:

  • Accumulation of adipose tissue and fiber under the skin. As a result, whole stagnant pits with unextracted lymph and blood are formed on the face. Visually, this can be represented as balls with purulent secretions under the main layers of the epithelium.
  • Hypertension. Another common cause of edema is high blood pressure. Most often this phenomenon occurs in women over 45 years of age or during menopause. Thus, the body is trying to rebuild and check the "working capacity" of its protective functions.
  • Breakdown. Do not be surprised if, after a scandal or other nervous shock, your face is swollen around the lips and eyes. The “culprit” is the endocrine system, which threw too much adrenaline into the body. He slowed down the rate of excretion of fluid and began to accumulate it in all accessible parts of the body. The most common areas are the eyes, mouth and legs.

But, unfortunately, such simple causes of edema are very rare. And sometimes it is almost impossible to independently diagnose the cause of swelling.

chronic diseases

By appearance edema and the area of ​​their localization, you can determine which organ or system is asking for help.

Consider how you can conduct a primary diagnosis by color and swelling area:

  • In diseases of the kidneys, swelling is located mainly on the upper part of the face. They are very small, dotted, but there are many of them. The characteristic color is bluish-white, when pressed, the skin can even turn slightly blue for a couple of seconds.
  • If swelling of the eyelids of the face appears, then this is a sign of abdominal dropsy, lymphoma, or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Immediately make a reservation, when diagnosing a serious disease, along with swelling of the face and eyelids, temperature should also be observed. In the case when the thermometer stubbornly shows 36.6, carefully look at the proteins. You may have conjunctivitis.
  • Red, large swelling of a random location on the face signal about some kind of liver disease. The most common is liver failure. The localization process is very fast. Already a couple of hours after the onset of the first symptoms, cyanosis of the lips and dizziness are added.
  • Bags under the eyes, swelling of the bridge of the nose and upper face indicate heart failure. Also, the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor is the redness of the proteins and the blue around the nasolabial fold.
  • With hypertension, the edema is large and red, if you press on them, it will remain permanent white footprint. A similar tissue reaction will be to any nervous shock or mental illness. Sometimes it is a symptom of psychosomatics. The body's reaction to a stressful situation is similar.

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, then go to see a therapist as soon as possible. In most cases, the puffiness disappears during the day, but returns with new force. If the swelling on the cheekbones and cheeks is gone, this is not always a remission.

Renal and cardiac edema

The easiest way to recognize it is the renal edema of the face: they are large, light, the main place of localization is under the eyes and around the nose. The kidneys are an organ of the excretory system, and when some kind of malfunction occurs in the body, they immediately let you know about it. Puffiness of this kind is not always a sign of a disease (although it is worth checking).

Causes of kidney edema:

  • Lots of fluids before bed. Enough to drink a glass warm water- this will help cleanse the digestive tract. Tea, coffee, especially alcoholic drinks. They slow down the excretory system and provoke the accumulation of fluid.
  • Heavy food. In the evening you can not eat a lot of salty, fried, smoked. It also slows down the elimination of toxins and water, dehydrates the body and overloads the stomach.
  • A large amount of sodium in the body. Its salts enter the body with food and mineral water. Sodium is an essential trace element, but exceeding the allowable content in the blood provokes the appearance of edema around the eyes and slows down the kidneys.

Along with this, we must not forget that renal soft tissue edema in the face and neck can also be a symptom. serious illness. In particular, it is pyelonephritis, toxic damage to organs, liver failure, nephropathy and others.

Cardiac edema is different from renal edema. The legs begin to swell first, which is typical - both feet inflate symmetrically. The accumulation of fluid occurs as if from the bottom up - from the feet to the face. They need to be able to distinguish from the kidney ones, because, in all cases, these are signals about the incorrect functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of cardiac edema:

  • Slow development. Swelling can reach the face in only a week.
  • Along with puffiness, shortness of breath, palpitations are also observed.
  • The swelling itself is red, dense and large. If you click on them, they will turn white and stay that way. long time.
  • The skin in places of swelling is cold, sometimes moist.

The most common cause of cardiac edema is high or low blood pressure. Also pay attention to where you first noticed swelling. If on the legs, then the left ventricle is affected, if in the chest area, then the right one.

Age changes after 40

Swelling of the face after 40 years and during menopause is a “common” thing. They appear as a result of a violation of lymphatic metabolism. How does age-related puffiness differ from painful:

  • The skin does not redden and does not turn pale in the affected areas. She just swells up and gets cooler than before.
  • Swellings appear at any time of the day and do not go away for a long time. It can be in the evening, afternoon or morning - on average, they last up to several days.
  • Parts of the body swell asymmetrically.
  • When pressing on the swelling, a large hole remains, which does not change its shape for a long time.

According to doctors, this is the most difficult type of edema. It's almost impossible to get rid of them. standard set medicines. To find out the cause and treatment options for the disease, contact a phlebologist (this is a specialist in veins, arteries and blood vessels).


Edema during the "interesting position" most often occurs at night and appears on the face and legs. Hormones are raging, the excretory system does not keep up with the changes in the body. It is worth noting that for pregnant girls, a similar phenomenon may indicate chronic disease and even endanger the life of the fetus. Most likely it is hetosis (one of the forms of toxicosis).

First of all, these edemas are dangerous for the unborn child - due to the poor outflow of fluid from the tissues in the body, pressure is disturbed, and the child begins oxygen starvation. A pregnant girl at this time may suffer from swelling of the internal organs and not even be aware of the danger.

In what cases is swelling during pregnancy dangerous:

  • If puffiness is accompanied high blood pressure, loss of strength, nosebleeds and redness of the whites.
  • In case of shortness of breath. Do not confuse shortness of breath after climbing stairs with shortness of breath when lying on a bed.
  • At the time of testing in the urine, at least the slightest amount squirrel.
  • In addition to the nose and other parts of the face, swelling extends to the legs, arms, and back.

Alcohol and bad habits

A swollen face after a stormy party is a common thing. Moreover, it is one of the simplest and most common symptoms of a hangover. The kidneys and liver are affected by toxins, which is why they cannot perform their direct functions normally.

Why does the face swell from alcohol:

  • The toxins contained in alcoholic beverages, block the body's function to distribute fluid normally. As a result, moisture, instead of being excreted, is redistributed into the voids under the skin. Hence the involuntary secretion of selz, runny nose.
  • In connection with the poisoning of the kidneys and liver, the body tries to get rid of intoxication on its own. The result is a decrease in blood volume, a slowdown in the lymphatic system and dry mucous membranes.

To get rid of swelling on the face after alcohol poisoning, doctors recommend drinking brine (this is not a joke, this drink contains a large amount of electrolyte salts necessary to increase the amount of blood) and only after that drink plain water.


Swelling of the neck and face is also considered the main symptom of an allergy. Symptoms of histamine puffiness:

  • Fast flow. At first redder face, after the scarlet spots begin to descend down the body from top to bottom. Depending on the allergen and its amount, swelling can spread within a few hours or a couple of minutes.
  • Discomfort. The face hurts (often the nose, cheekbones and cheeks), the neck and chest begin to itch.
  • Allergy after an insect or snake bite is often accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, hallucinations.

Until the body gets rid of the cause of intoxication, this puffiness cannot be removed. But you can muffle the itching a little and bring down the temperature. If we are talking about a snake bite - it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible (if possible, it is advisable to photograph the bitten reptile).

Bruises and injuries

Spotting and swelling after trauma, operable or other invasive intervention - normal phenomenon. So the body is protected from aggressive external factors. Such edema occurs after tooth extraction, fights, with some dental diseases (in particular, flux), and other similar influences.

In what cases is swelling traumatic:

  • Edema after peeling, biorevitalization, dry cleaning or mesotheoapia. In all these procedures, the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged. In the process of regeneration, it swells and becomes painfully red. By the way, photorejuvenation leaves the same effect.
  • After tattoos and tattoos. When a colored pigment is driven under the skin, the body tries with all its might to reject it. Here work is responsible for puffiness immune system. Redness and swelling disappear a week after the session.
  • After beauty injections, implantation of gold threads and other invasive cosmetic procedures.

Treating them just doesn't make sense. In places of edema, the work of blood vessels is disrupted, some of them are destroyed. You need to give your body time to recover. The maximum that you can do is to eat more vitamins and ensure yourself a quality rest.


The disease when the face swells due to infection is called infectious mononucleosis. This is a fairly rare disease, which is divided into two types:

  • Reticuloendothelial.
  • Lymphatic.

In both cases, the nasopharyngeal mucosa suffers and the face becomes puffy. The cause of the disease is the penetration into the body a large number pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable - it goes away on its own, like chickenpox or measles.

Swelling of the face and eyes in the morning after sleep

This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to exit from a sleepy state. During sleep, blood and lymph actively flow to the face, and with a sharp rise, these fluids simply do not have time to be discharged. In addition, the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • Drinking plenty of water at night.
  • Sleeping on your stomach or on a pillow that is too high - the cervical vessels are pinched, which interferes with normal blood circulation.
  • Fried or overly salty foods for dinner.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, as mentioned above, slow down the outflow of lymph, causing swelling around the eyes.

How to remove swelling on the face?

If the cause of puffiness is an injury or other relatively minor cause, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem at home. But, when edema is a symptom of a disease or an allergy, then a comprehensive approach should be taken to solving the problem.

How is puffiness of the face treated?

  • Special treatments at the spa. one of them the best technicians An infrared sauna is considered to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body.
  • Physical loads. Excellent reviews about the special lymphatic drainage dance - it can be done even by those who have never played sports. Stretching, simple gymnastics and yoga also help the normal distribution of lymph.
  • massage techniques. Here are used special massages that have an effect similar to physical activity.
  • Medicines. They are used in the treatment of allergic edema, as well as puffiness, as a symptom of a disease. Can only be prescribed by doctors.
  • Compresses.

Salon procedures

Before removing swelling from the face in beauty salons, you need to consult a therapist or phlebologist. In the case when they did not find any critical conditions of the body, you can seek help from a cosmetologist.

In the salon from edema is used:

  • mask with hyaluronic acid. It increases skin turgor, thereby beneficially affecting blood flow. Already after the first procedure, a positive effect is visible.
  • Mesotherapy with soft rollers perfectly copes with the problem of severe swelling in the eyelids.
  • Fillers. These are injections of nutrients under the top layer of the skin. The technique helps to get rid of constant puffiness on the cheekbones and around the nose.

Diuretics for swelling of the face

Let's just say that this is the worst way to treat swelling. In fact, you are simply slaughtering the symptoms with aggressive drugs. Among these, Furasemide washes out calcium and is addictive, Veroshpiron is a modern analogue of Furasemide and Trifas.

These tablets can only be used in the form of emergency therapy - they can be drunk once and only if the swelling of the face needs to be urgently eliminated. For example, you need to go on a date or an interview, and you are swollen. Just get ready for frequent runs to “powder your nose.”

They have contraindications, be careful. Such drugs are strictly forbidden to use in any oncology, diabetes during pregnancy and lactation.

home remedies for puffiness

The first thing to do if your face is swollen is to wash contrast shower. This will “reanimate” the vessels and restart the lymphatic system. First wash with warm water, then ice. At severe swelling short-term immersion in a cold bath helps a lot. Take water in a flat container and dip your face into it.

  • Often fatigue or lack of proper sleep manifests itself as edema. Visually remove the effect of "sleepy panda", massage of the eyelids and nose with a special steel ball will help. Many well-known companies (Garnier, L`Oreal and others) supplement such products with useful substances.
  • The old "old-fashioned" way to get rid of edema is to put slices of raw cold potatoes on your face. You need to keep such a “mask” for at least 15 minutes. Then turn it over and repeat the process.
  • To prevent swelling, drink sage tea regularly in the evenings and linseed oil in the morning. This is especially true after childbirth and with age-related changes. Both drugs contribute to the strength of blood vessels, the normalization of the lymphatic system and the strengthening of the nervous system.
  • Swelling of the eyes after vomiting can be quickly removed with cold spoons. Cool the cutlery and apply it to the eyelids. Hold the metal on the skin for up to 10 minutes. If necessary, repeat.
  • Fresh juices have an effect on the body similar to tablet diuretics, only they do not have side effects. Fresh carrots, beets and greens (parsley, spinach, celery) are especially recommended.
  • With swelling from insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps), heparin ointment will help. It should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area and left until absorbed. Refresh layer every 2 hours. This will relieve itching and speed up the healing of the wound.
  • To eliminate "salt" or renal edema, Tsitsulin advises to drink a glass of parsley decoction after meals. It will remove toxic substances and speed up the metabolism. This method is also great for relieving hangovers.

Unlike the opinion on the forums, badyaga categorically cannot be used to treat edema. It is an aggressive irritant and can only aggravate your situation.

How to get rid of swelling on the face with masks

  • Clay. Absolutely any available types will do: blue, white, pink, green.
  • With potatoes. As mentioned above, it helps to strengthen turgor and tighten small wrinkles. For greater effect, mix the potato mass with chilled apple puree.
  • Vitamin and oil. If the cause lies in insufficient nutrition of the skin, improper metabolism or bad habits, then you can even remove the swelling coconut oil and Tocopherol.


To prevent the appearance of swelling under the eyes, prolong youth and remove the effect of swollen eyelids, lymphatic drainage facial massage will help.

A nourishing cream should be applied to cleansed skin - this will facilitate the movement of fingers on its surface and provide an additional restorative effect from the procedure.

  • Movements start from the top of the forehead. Along the massage lines, you need to move the fingertips in a circular motion. From the forehead to the nose, from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner, from the cheeks to the temples.
  • After you need to work vascular network. To do this, pat on the skin with an open palm for several minutes. The movements should be very soft, but confident. In progress lymphatic drainage massage no burning or pain should be felt.
  • It remains to draw several times from the top of the forehead to the chin, from the eyebrows to the cheeks and from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. At the end of the session, a cooling gel can be applied to the skin.


If the swelling does not go away for a long time after the masks, special compresses will help speed up the outflow of lymph. Most importantly, they must be cold.

Options for compresses from edema:

  • Chamomile. 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers are taken on a weave of water. Boil until boiling, then remove the solution and cool in the refrigerator. Keep a compress from this tea for at least 20 minutes.
  • To eliminate the tumor after being hit by the most the best option will make a mask of ice cubes. Only it can not be kept on the skin for a long time - the blood flow will be disturbed. It is better to make a compress and briefly apply it to the affected areas.
  • It is believed that tissue compresses with vitamins and hyaluronic acid help well. This also includes funds with gold and extracts from algae. The main thing is that they have a cooling effect.

With cancer, diseases of the endocrine system, rehabilitation after surgical interventions Before using any of the above methods, you should consult with your doctor.