How to remove white marks. How to get underarm stains from deodorant and antiperspirant on your favorite clothes? In order not to spoil

So many housewives to the question “How to remove deodorant stains?” they answer the same way: “First, we soak the clothes and leave them for one hour in warm water, after which we wash them with ordinary powder.” Yes, indeed, in many cases these spots are removed in this way, but there are situations when even the best powder does not help to cope with this problem.

When it is not possible to remove white spots in the traditional way, useful advice from experienced housewives comes to the rescue. Today we will consider the simplest and most effective of them in this publication. So let's get started!

Home remedies to get rid of a deodorant stain

  • Lemon juice. This is a very effective and inexpensive way that each of us can use. All you need for the procedure is lemon juice and a bowl of warm water. First, cut a lemon in two and squeeze the right amount of juice directly onto the contaminated area. The larger the stain, the more juice you will need. After a few minutes, rinse the fabric in warm water. There will be nothing left of deodorant stains.
  • Salt. This method is less efficient than the first, but still very good. Take a shallow bowl and make a slurry of water and salt in it, then apply it to the problem area, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with warm soapy water. After the procedure, the spots will either completely disappear or become almost invisible.
  • Ammonia. This is a powerful tool, which is desirable to test on an inconspicuous area before use. So, mix ammonia with water in equal amounts, treat the contaminated area with the resulting solution, wait two to three minutes, and then wash the thing.
  • Dishwashing liquid. To cope with the problem under consideration, a dishwashing detergent with a high concentration can help us. Just apply it on white spots, wait 10 seconds and rinse well. A product that works on the stain for more than ten seconds can discolor clothing. When there is almost nothing left of the stains, wash the fabric in the usual way.
  • Vinegar. If the clothes are colored, deodorant stains can be removed with vinegar. Take a cotton swab, dip it in vinegar, carefully treat problem areas and leave it overnight. In the morning, just wash your clothes as usual. Caution: Do not use this method to remove stains from white clothing, as yellow streaks will appear on it.
  • Powder bowl. For this method, you will need ordinary water and a small amount of washing powder. Just dilute the powder in a shallow container with water (2 tablespoons of powder per 1 tablespoon of water), apply the resulting slurry to the contaminated area and leave for 6-7 hours. After this time, rinse the product in cool water and wash it in a simple way.
  • White spirit or denatured alcohol. First, the contaminated area must be treated with the selected agent and left for 1 hour. If you used alcohol, after 60 minutes you just need to wash the “affected” clothes, if the solvent, then first soak in warm water, dry in fresh air and, when the smell disappears, wash in a typewriter with other things.

How to get rid of deodorant stains forever

In order not to return every summer to the question “How to remove white spots from deodorant?”, You need to learn how to properly apply it to the skin. First, the skin must be clean and dry. If deodorants eliminate unpleasant odors, this does not mean that you can forget about soap. Secondly, all aerosols should be applied at a distance of 15-20 cm from the skin surface. Thirdly, it is necessary not to smear the deodorant on the body, but simply let it dry naturally. This usually takes 2-5 minutes. After that, you can dress and not worry that stains will appear on your clothes.


Now, armed with knowledge, you will never see white stains from deodorant on your clothes, but if they still appear for some reason, you can quickly remove them using the methods given in this publication. Good luck!

The question of how to get rid of the marks left under the armpits by deodorant does not lose its relevance. And this is not surprising. After all, they ruin things they love. Is there a way to remove these stains? How can you get them out at home?

The spots may be white or yellow. The first appear when the thing comes into contact with the skin. The second - "due to" the interaction of sweat and the substances that make up the deodorant used. How to get rid of both those and others?

First view

Removing white spots is quite easy. There are several ways:

  1. The easiest way is to wash in cold water immediately after use. You can take ordinary powder or laundry soap. If the product is made of silk, you can use shampoo.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide will help to remove white marks on white clothes. Pour the stained place with a solution, set aside for a couple of hours. Rinse.
  3. For wool and knitwear, vinegar is suitable. Pour on the stain under the armpits and leave until it is completely removed. You can make a weak vinegar solution. Soak in it, for example, a T-shirt and then wash it by hand or in a typewriter.
  4. White marks on black or colored clothing will be more difficult to remove. If the fabric is thin, baby or glycerin soap will do. It will help not only to remove the marks, but also to remove the smell of sweat. It is necessary to lather the dirty area, rub it well and rinse in plenty of water. For products made of dense fabric, you need to take the most common laundry soap.

To remove white marks from antiperspirant under the arms, and with them the smell of sweat, you can also use improvised means. They are sure to be found in every housewife's house:

  • Salt. Wet the clothes, sprinkle the place of contamination with salt. After 10 hours, wash off the salt and wash the item as usual.
  • Alcohol or vodka. Apply one of the suggested products to the deodorant mark. Wait 2-3 hours. Wash things well.
  • Lemon juice. Lemon juice is a fairly effective substance that helps to remove both fresh and old white marks. Apply it to the affected area and let it dry completely. Wash.
  • Ammonium chloride. It is used in the form of an aqueous solution. Proportions: 1 part alcohol and 4 parts water. Apply until the dirt is completely gone. With this mixture, you can also remove impurities from sweat.
  • This mixture is considered the most effective. You need to take about 10 g of dishwashing detergent, 15 g of hydrogen peroxide and 15 g of soda. Mix all ingredients well. What happened, apply to the product and set aside for 3 hours. After a while under the armpits, the traces of deodorant and the smell of sweat will disappear.

Second view

It is almost impossible to remove yellow marks with ordinary laundry soap or powder. Do not try to remove them with substances that contain chlorine. The spots will only get brighter. How to be in that case?

  1. Take half a glass of water (125 g) and 60 g of soda. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area and let it sit for about an hour. Wash in the usual way.
  2. Few people know that ordinary aspirin will help to remove yellow marks under the armpits. Grind a few tablets into a powder and mix it with water so that a slurry is obtained. Apply it to the dirt and rub it well with a brush. Let it lie down for 4 hours. Rinse in cool water.
  3. You can make a strong salt solution and soak the soiled thing there. Leave until the traces disappear.
  4. If the product is made from natural fabrics (linen and cotton), it can be bleached using direct sunlight.
  5. Particularly strong pollution can be removed with gasoline and ammonia. Gasoline should be applied to the dirty area and left to act. Then wipe with a cotton swab previously moistened with a slightly warmed ammonia solution. Finally, rinse thoroughly with plenty of warm water.

Household chemicals

If folk methods did not help, you should turn to household chemicals, for example, stain removers.

Here are some of them:

  • Frau Schmidt. Effectively removes dirt from black and white fabrics, while taking care of the skin of the hands.
  • Vanish. Suitable for colored fabrics. Leaves a pleasant fragrance on clothes. Separately, you can buy a stain remover for black and white things.
  • Ecover. This Belgian stain remover works well on almost all types of dirt, including deodorant and sweat.
  • Amway Pre Wash. Does not contain harmful components and, as a result, does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Sarma Active. It is considered the most accessible means.

Before you buy one or another stain remover, you should study the reviews about it, the composition and instructions for use. It is important to know for what type of washing it can be used (hand or machine), with what fabrics and types of soiling. It is desirable that the substance be hypoallergenic.

It is quite possible to remove deodorant stains under the arms. To do this, you can use available means, such as salt, lemon juice, soda, etc. If they did not bring the desired result, you will have to use one of the stain removers. After the procedure, clothes should be rinsed well under running water.

Despite the fact that active sweating with an increase in body temperature is a natural process, we get little pleasure from this. Nowadays, few of us can do without the use of odor removers.

In fact, deodorants make it possible to feel confident in any situation without causing discomfort to others. However, when dried in combination with sweat, antiperspirants often leave extremely unattractive yellow stains. Such traces are especially noticeable on dark fabrics. Thus, eliminating one problem, you have to look for ways to solve another. Let's try to figure out how to remove deodorant stains in the most effective way.

Washing powders

Using a damp slurry of regular laundry detergent is one of the best options for removing yellow stains from clothes. To prepare the product, it is enough to combine 2 tablespoons of washing powder with a volume of water of about one tablespoon. The resulting mixture must be applied to the areas of yellowness. After leaving the product on clothes for several hours, rinse thoroughly in cold water. In conclusion, it remains only to wash things by hand or in a washing machine.

Denatured alcohol

In search of a solution to how to remove deodorant stains from clothes, you should pay attention to such an affordable highly effective remedy as denatured alcohol. The method is most appropriate to use in cases where it is necessary to clean the damaged item as soon as possible.

The use of denatured alcohol to clean yellow stains from clothes consists in abundant impregnation of problem areas with the active substance. Clothes with denatured alcohol are left for about an hour. Next, it is enough to perform a general wash using a good washing powder. Only when all conditions are met can unpleasant yellow marks from clothes be completely removed.

Glycerin or baby soap

How to remove stains? If you resort to the most common means, baby soap and glycerin can come to the rescue.

Deodorant stains can be removed by copious treatment of wet clothes with these substances. In order for the traces to completely disappear from things, it is necessary to leave them soaked for several hours, and then wash them using washing powder.


Probably the easiest answer to the question of how to remove underarm deodorant stains is to soak things in a bowl of plain cold water. It is enough to leave the affected clothing in water for an hour. Washing things by hand or in a washing machine using highly effective powders will completely eliminate the remnants of yellowness.


For those who are looking for an easy solution to remove stains from clothes after using antiperspirant, ammonia can help. As practice shows, to remove yellow traces from things in this way, just a few minutes are enough.

This product for removing old yellow marks on fabric is applied to wet clothes. However, only for the shortest period. Indeed, otherwise the product can not only remove stains, but also hopelessly ruin clothes.

Ammonia is a potent chemical. Therefore, before use, it is worth diluting the product with water, observing a 1: 1 ratio.


How to remove old stains that are a consequence of the use of deodorant? This will help the use of ordinary medical alcohol or vodka.

The biggest trouble is the need to eliminate yellow spots from black things. On dark-colored fabric, the spots show up most clearly. And getting them out of here is extremely problematic.

To remove stains with alcohol solutions, you need to soak things in the product for several minutes. To eliminate the oldest stains, you will need to soak things in alcohol for half an hour or more.


For those who are looking for an easy solution to the answer to the question of how to remove stains, the use of table vinegar, which can be found in any kitchen, will help. However, this method of dealing with yellow marks from antiperspirant on clothes is suitable only when cleaning colored items. When using the substance on white fabrics, noticeable stains may remain.

So, in order to remove yellow marks from clothes, you should moisten the problem areas with plenty of vinegar, leaving things to soak all night. Then you just need to wash the clothes by machine using a high-quality powder.

Can yellow stains be prevented from deodorant?

As you know, it is much easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with its consequences. To never think about how to remove yellow stains from clothes, you should resort to the use of antiperspirants, which do not contain aluminum salts. It is this component that, when in contact with sweat, leads to the appearance of yellowness.

If you need to protect expensive clothes from stains, then you can use special armpit pads. Naturally, their use cannot be called a comfortable option. However, this way you can completely protect your favorite sweater or shirt from unattractive yellow spots.

Those who do not want to burden themselves with questions about how to remove stains should think about regularly washing things with ordinary soap or powder every time they are worn.

A good option to prevent the problem is to soak your clothes in cold water. You can soak things with the addition of a small amount of baking soda, which has a softening effect on the water and allows you to cope with pollution.

How to avoid stains when using antiperspirants?

In order for deodorants to really work, give the desired effect and not force you to look for a solution on how to remove stains, you need to apply them correctly on the body.

When using an antiperspirant, make sure your skin is dry and clean. This rule applies to both the simplest and most expensive deodorants. Moreover, before putting on clothes, you should allow the product to dry. Liquid and aerosol deodorants take about 2 minutes to dry completely. Creamy and gel products dry for 3-5 minutes.

Now that we know how to remove the yellow spots that result from the use of deodorants, it remains to clarify a few important points:

  1. Before proceeding with the elimination of yellowness using one of the above methods, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the fabric using a soft clothes brush. This approach to solving the problem subsequently makes it possible to avoid the formation of divorces.
  2. To prevent the appearance of noticeable borders between the cleaned area and the rest of the fabric, a preliminary short-term soaking of the item in warm water will allow.
  3. Before applying the selected product to the entire staining area, it is worth trying it on a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. This will determine the level of its strength after contact with the active substance.
  4. Clean clothes should be towards the center. Otherwise, there is a possibility of formation of so-called boundaries.
  5. Particular importance should be attached to the removal of stains in the region of the edges of the plot. After all, it is here that the most persistent traces remain after contact of the deodorant with sweat.
  6. Do not postpone the removal of yellow spots for later. Cleaning clothing immediately after use produces the best results. Careful attitude to things increases the chances of obtaining a successful result of cleaning the fabric from traces of antiperspirant.

Deodorant is an indispensable assistant, especially in the heat. However, he is also capable of delivering a lot of trouble. After all, even high-quality aerosols and gels sometimes leave marks on clothes. To avoid having to think about how to remove stains from them, try to apply them only on dry and clean skin. In addition, it is necessary to give the product the opportunity to dry: the aerosol will need 1-2 minutes for this, and the gel from 4 to 5 minutes.

If, despite all the precautions, traces appear on the clothes, do not despair! They can still be removed at home.

8 ways to remove stains

Normal washing will not work here. After all, even if you soak a thing for a long time in a good washing powder, this will not help you. But do not rush to get rid of the damaged things! Try one of the following methods.

  1. You can try saving colored clothes with vinegar. Just soak the stains with it and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash the item as usual. Such measures should help. However, remember: white products from such processing may turn yellow!
  2. Rub a pinch of table salt onto the contaminated area. After 10-12 hours, send the damaged blouse or T-shirt into the drum of the washing machine and start the mode suitable for it. So you can even remove old traces of deodorant.
  3. Squeeze some lemon juice on the stains and wait a few minutes. Then wash the item by hand in lukewarm water. In this way, fresh traces can be deduced. Sometimes ammonia is used instead of lemon juice.
  4. White stains from black clothes can be removed with vodka. At the same time, sometimes just a couple of minutes is enough to completely remove the ill-fated pollution. Pour vodka on the damaged area and wait a bit. If the stain does not want to give up, leave the thing for half an hour or even an hour, then wash it.
  5. Sometimes only denatured alcohol can help. The principle of its use is the same as with vodka, just do not leave alcohol for more than an hour and be sure to rinse the product thoroughly.
  6. Liquid dishwashing detergent has already helped many housewives get rid of a variety of contaminants. Fairy is recommended more often than others - it is able to remove even very persistent stains. Try using it to solve this problem as well. Just wash the traces with it and leave for half an hour, then rinse the item under running water.
  7. You can prepare a complex solution. Mix 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of liquid dish soap and two tablespoons of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the stain and leave for two to three hours. Now you can remove dirt with a normal wash.
  8. If all else fails, use ammonia, just dilute it with water in a ratio of one to one. And remember that this is a very strong remedy, so just apply it for a couple of minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. Work with gloves!

Before using any method, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

The fact is that a variety of means are used to manufacture and dye fabrics. Sometimes completely new substances are added to enhance the color fastness or enhance the special properties of the material. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to predict their interaction with stain removers.

And be sure: there are no unsolvable problems, there is only a lack of experience. But this is, fortunately, easy to fix!

“Does not leave white marks on clothes!” is a statement we often see on personal care products such as deodorants. But, unfortunately, especially in the summer, many of us are wondering: how to remove deodorant stains? If white or yellow spots have formed on your favorite T-shirt, then you should not immediately write it off. We can help you get rid of deodorant stains the right way!

How to get rid of deodorant marks?

If you have had to deal with the problem of white stains from deodorant on your clothes, you can easily deal with it if you have such remedies at hand:

  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice;
  • vodka;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • ammonia.

Important! To make this problem less likely, try to take preventive measures. To do this, choose really high-quality tools. We talked about these in the article.

How to quickly remove white spots from deodorant?

A simple laundry detergent will not help remove deodorant marks, but do not despair. Using the methods described below, you can easily deal with such a nuisance, and quickly.

Method 1

If stains form on clothes made of colored fabric, you need to behave like this:

  1. Take vinegar.
  2. Moisten stained areas with vinegar.
  3. Leave the processed item overnight.
  4. In the morning, simply wash the item to remove the smell of vinegar.

Important! This method is only suitable for colored items. If you use it on white things, they may turn yellow!

Method 2

If you didn’t have time to immediately remove the stains from the deodorant and they had time to dry out pretty much, this method will help you remove even old traces:

  1. Take table salt.
  2. Rub salt on yellowed or whitish areas.
  3. Leave the item for 10-12 hours.
  4. Wash using the appropriate wash cycle for this fabric.

Important! Here's a simple way to effectively remove traces of deodorant without spending a dime! After all, there is always salt at home!

Method 3

If you have a lemon in your fridge, then a couple of slices of it will help you deal with the hated traces of deodorant on your favorite blouse. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Take a lemon.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of juice on problem areas on things.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes.
  4. Wash the item in water at room temperature.

Important! This method is used to remove fresh stains from deodorant. If you do not have a lemon, you can replace it with ammonia.

Method 4

White stains from deodorant on a black thing are doubly unpleasant. Not only did the manufacturer promise that there would be no such problem, but now the thing is spoiled and you have to spend time trying to find a solution on how to remove deodorant stains on black. The first thing you should do is stop using your anti-sweat product and get a really high-quality product. The second is to apply this method to restore the fabric and restore its attractive appearance:

  1. Pour vodka on the area affected by the deodorant.
  2. Wait no more than an hour.
  3. Rinse to remove the alcohol smell.

Important! Do not forget to take into account all the rules for cleaning different materials during the final wash. We offer an overview to help you.

In such a simple way, in a fairly short period of time, you will remove white spots from your favorite black clothes!

How else to remove deodorant stains?

The above methods are not a complete list of all possible solutions to the problem of how to remove deodorant stains. There are many other equally effective options. Use them if necessary, based on how much free time you have, and what kind of tools are at hand.

Solution 1

Liquid dishwashing detergent is in every home. It can also be used to remove contamination from antiperspirant. For this:

  1. Take dishwashing detergent, preferably a concentrated liquid.
  2. Scrub unsightly marks with a sponge.
  3. Leave the item for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the product by hand, completely washing off the product.

Solution 2

If it seemed to you that all the previous methods were too simple for you, we complicate the task by mixing several ingredients! In this case, to remove deodorant stains, you will have to do the following:

  1. Take 4 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide, 1 tsp dishwashing detergents, 2 tbsp. baking soda.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Treat the stain with the resulting mass.
  4. Leave for 3 hours.
  5. Recycle the product.

Solution 3

Ammonia is found in almost every home. It is widely used not only directly for medical purposes, but also as an excellent solvent for all kinds of dirt on fabrics, furniture, carpets, for insect control and cleaning jewelry. They can also quickly remove deodorant stains on clothes, including those that have already become outdated.

The procedure for cleaning things is as follows:

  1. Dilute ammonia with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Apply the solution for a few minutes on problem areas on the fabric.
  3. Wash away.
  4. Wash the item.

Important! Ammonia is a chemical solution. When working with it, be sure to wear gloves. Avoid contact with eyes! In order for the pungent smell to quickly disappear, after processing the clothes, ventilate the room in which you did it well.

How to remove white sweat stains from black clothes?

It often happens that you have to deal with white sweat stains on black clothes. In these cases, you need to be very vigilant, since completely different means are suitable for different types of fabrics.

Option 1

Cotton and linen fabrics are processed in this way:

  1. Dissolve the salt with warm water in a proportion of 1 tsp. for 1 glass.
  2. Add 1 tsp. ammonia.
  3. Treat deodorant stains with the resulting solution.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash the item as usual.

Important! If the final wash was not very successful and there are streaks or whitish spots on the fabric, find out .

Option 2

If the product that needs sweat stain removal is made of silk fabric, it can be processed as follows:

  1. Soak the item in soapy water and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Prepare a solution of salt and water - 1 tsp. for 1 st.
  3. Apply the cleaning fluid to the desired areas on the fabric.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash the entire product by hand or in a delicate mode in a typewriter.

Important! If the item to be saved from sweat stains is made of wool, it can only be treated in soapy water and warm water. Otherwise, it will simply deform. Think you might be better off using a dry cleaning service?