Face mask. Green tea and white clay. Homemade nourishing mask for oily skin

Sudden weather changes, temperature changes, stress, hard work negatively affect our skin.

To keep the epidermis in good shape and give it a radiant look, nourishing masks are used.

They are very easy to make and use at home.

Proper selection of a mask, depending on the type of skin and the needs of the body, affects the success of the procedures.

You need to know the rules and features of their application.

Why it is better to collect nourishing masks at home:

Ease of preparation;

Low cost;

The ability to vary the composition (supplement with vitamins).

In winter, masks should contain the greatest amount of vitamins..

It is better to include the following ingredients:

Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes);

Fruits (bananas, lemons, apples, avocados);

Dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cream, yogurt);

Decoctions of herbs (chamomile);

Oils (vegetable, cosmetic, essential);


For masks in the summer, you can include the following components:





Nourishing face mask at home: basic principles of application

Getting an excellent result from a nourishing mask is not so difficult if you first familiarize yourself with the features of preparation and use.

For dry epidermis, ingredients are used:

Dairy production;

It is better to nourish oily skin:


Skimmed milk.

Suitable for normal skin

Liquid - decoctions of herbs.

Oil and honey are slightly heated before use, and eggs and essential oils do not tolerate high temperatures, as they lose their properties.

It is better to use wooden or ceramic dishes, but a glass bowl would be ideal, it is better to refuse metal.

Be sure to check your body's reaction to the mask. This can be done by lubricating the wrist with the prepared solution and looking at the skin's response to exposure during the day. Itching and redness are a sign of the onset of an allergic reaction, i.e. the components of the nourishing mask are incompatible with your skin.

The application of the mask is carried out with massage movements. It is unacceptable to rub the mixture into the skin. The movements should be light and smooth, corresponding to the contours of the face.

The optimal contact time of the mask with the skin is 10-30 minutes, where the minimum period (10 minutes) is intended for exposure to sensitive epidermis, and the maximum (30 minutes) for oily ones.

To remove the mask, use warm milk or a decoction of herbs.

A nourishing mask should be used no more than twice a week.

The benefits of nourishing masks

When the skin lacks nourishment, it begins to lose its healthy appearance and look worse. Therefore, the epidermis, especially in the winter-spring period, must be given additional substances and vitamins. Nutritional masks help maintain health.

They perform the functions:

Deliver useful substances;

Increase the supply of oxygen;

Increase blood flow to the skin;

Restoration of damaged cells;

Protection from the negative impact of the environment.

The result of regular use of masks is an improvement in the appearance of the skin and the restoration of its health.

When is it preferable to use nourishing masks:

Winter-spring period (prevention of beriberi);

Conditions of sudden temperature changes;

stressful situations;

Hard work;

Work in the chemical industry.

Nourishing masks increase the elasticity of the skin and deliver beneficial substances to the cells. Without such prevention, the skin ages faster.

Winter - involve the use of an oil base.

Spring - based on the use of fruits and vegetables.

Application rules:

1. make-up removal. Thoroughly cleanse the skin.

2. Applying a mask. massage movements. The face can be covered with cloth or foil.

3. Withdrawal. When the mask is based on oil components, remove it with a cotton pad. In all other cases - a decoction of herbs. After grease with cream.

Time spending

It is important to carry out cosmetic procedures at the most favorable time. There are hours when the use of nourishing masks is useless. Therefore, it is worth knowing the mode of life of the skin:

8-10: you can make any masks;

11-12: nourish oily skin;

15-18: food is useless;

18-23: cleansing and nourishing the skin;

23-24: ideal time for nourishing masks.

It is very important to use only fresh products.

Nourishing face mask at home: for dry skin

The mask is created on the basis of ingredients containing fats. It is very important to nourish dry skin in winter.

Honey masks

Honey is a unique natural product. Founder mask nourishes dry epidermis. It can also be used for combination skin types.

Honey is a strong allergen. Before use, check the reaction on the wrist. Can not be used for diabetes and dilated vessels on the face.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: olive oil (5 ml), buckwheat honey (12 g), egg yolk, oatmeal (8 g), lemon juice (6 drops). Mix and beat until foam appears.

2. Ingredients: half the yolk, grape seed oil, honey (30 g), carrot juice (20 ml).

3. Components: milk (20 ml), wheat flour (10 g), honey (30 g), quail egg. Mix milk and wheat flour, add honey to the resulting mixture.

fruit masks

Fruits are an indispensable product in the spring months, as they have an amazing amount of vitamins so necessary for dry skin during this period.


Need fresh and ripe fruit;

The mixture is not stored;

After the cream is not applied;

Evening application.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: strawberry juice (48 ml), oatmeal (15 g), lanolin (8 g). Lanolin is heated before use. Juice and flour - mix.

2. Components: melon and plum pulp, vegetable oil. Fruit must be peeled, the ingredients are mixed.

3. Components: sweet fruit juice (16 ml), sour cream (9 ml), vegetable oil (5 ml), egg yolk, barley flour.

Nourishing face mask at home: for oily skin

One of the main tasks of the mask for oily skin is the normalization of the sebaceous glands. It should not only nourish the epidermis, but also cleanse, soothe and heal it.

Protein masks

Protein is part of the egg, is the building material for cells. Protein masks nourish, dry and reduce pores. The action takes place as quickly as possible. After the first time you will feel the effect.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: protein, lemon juice (3 ml). Whisks to a foamy state. The application is made in several layers, the mask is washed off by brewing tea.

2. Components: protein, sour apple, starch. The apple is mixed with protein, previously whipped into foam, potato starch is added to the resulting solution.

3. Components: protein (2 eggs), honey (30 g), peach oil, oatmeal (50 g).

Yeast masks

Only baker's yeast is used, dry yeast is unsuitable. The mask should dry on the face. Takes off with water.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: yeast, curdled milk, plantain juice.

2. Components: hydrogen peroxide (3%), yeast. Apply in a thick layer.

3. Components: yeast, flour (rye). Mix and leave overnight in a dark place.

Nourishing face mask at home: for normal skin

Essential base of the mask

Essential oils are great for nourishing normal skin types.

Components: fruit puree, yolk, decoction of hercules flakes, essential oil (any of: spruce -2 caps, rosewood - 4 caps, orange - 2 caps). It is good to add soap foam to the mixture.

Nourishing face mask at home: for aging skin

With age, the skin needs to be given more time and attention, as regeneration processes slow down and cell metabolism changes.

For dry skin, a mask of components is suitable:

Honey (2 tablespoons);

Infused green tea;

Hercules flakes.

Honey and green tea are mixed together and flakes and water are added. The resulting solution was placed in a water bath. Apply the mask warm, then cover the face with either a napkin or a terry towel. The mask lasts 20 minutes and is washed off with water.

For skin that has lost elasticity, a mask of components is perfect:

Honey (h. Spoon);


Mix the ingredients.

White yogurt (100 gr)

Honey (tbsp)

grapefruit peel

Mix. Keep for 15 minutes and wash off with green tea.

Nourishing face mask at home: tricks and tips

Useful notes in the application of masks.

You can change the composition of the masks depending on which vitamin the skin lacks:

Rash (retinol);

Change in elasticity (tocopherol);

Dermatitis (niacin);

Paleness (cyanocobalamin);

Redness and peeling (riboflavin).

The desired effect of the mask is achieved by adding vitamins to the composition, since most of the nutrients pass into the cells.

Strengthening the action involves the following steps:

Proper nutrition;

Proper amount of sleep;

Take vitamins (especially in spring and autumn);

Beware of stress.

It is important to remember that if there is no mention of vitamins in the recipe, then you can safely add them.

To keep your skin young and beautiful, use nourishing face masks. It's not hard to make them at home. The main thing to know: recipes, skin features and applications. Also, do not forget to test the resulting mixture on your wrist to detect allergic reactions. These tips will help keep your skin in amazing condition.

A fact that has long been known to everyone: over the years, the skin does not get younger at all. The first wrinkles, pale complexion, acne - all these problems appear earlier if you do not start taking care of yourself at the wrong time. Many tools can be prepared independently. One of these are nourishing face masks: their components greatly affect its condition and make it more beautiful and healthy every day. Everyone can learn how to make masks on their own - you just need to try!

Why you need to make a nourishing mask

If you dream of always looking 100%, prolonging the beauty and health of your skin for many years, then you must definitely take care of it in all possible ways. Washing, nourishing and moisturizing with various creams is not enough. The skin of the face needs additional components that are just in the masks. Often, the nutrient mixture is applied for a period of 5 to 15 minutes. During this time, the skin is able to take in all the nutrients that it needs so much for beauty, health and youth.

It is recommended to apply home remedies no more than 2 times a week. Some formulations can not be used more than 1 time in 7 days. At least once every 10 days, your skin should receive nutrients. Only in this way will you save it from premature aging, loss of freshness and elasticity. The ability to prepare a healthy mixture for the skin without leaving home allows you to make skin care cheaper than salon procedures.

Nourishing face mask at home

Natural face masks are the first aid for any imperfections. Most likely you will find the ingredients for cooking in your refrigerator. Bananas, milk, cranberries, even carrot juice and other products will be an excellent substitute for expensive masks containing chemical elements. To prepare yourself this or that mask, you must first make sure what type your skin is. Each of them will help certain recipes for nourishing masks. Below are popular ways to prepare funds that deservedly collect the best reviews from girls.

For dry skin

If you are the owner of dry facial skin, then you need to properly and timely care for it. Otherwise, you will constantly suffer from peeling, dryness and tightening of the skin. Moisturizing masks for dry skin are made on the basis of honey or cottage cheese. At the same time, do not forget about the nourishing face cream that is applied after the moisturizing procedure. Here are some recipes:

  • buckwheat honey - tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - Art. l;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a metal bowl.
  2. Heat the mixture over low heat.
  3. In any way convenient for you, apply the composition on the face.
  4. Without washing off the first layer, repeat the application after 5 minutes. Repeat steps until remedy runs out.
  5. Wash off with warm water. To enhance the effect, you can wipe your face with a decoction of herbs.

Another great simple hydrating mask:

  • cottage cheese - one tbsp. l.;
  • honey - one tbsp. l.

Preparation and use process:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath.
  3. So that it is not too thick, dilute with warm milk.
  4. The mask is applied and left for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water

For oily skin

Oily skin constantly delivers a lot of trouble to its owners. In summer, it shines strongly in the sun, in winter it does not allow cosmetics to lie normally. The appearance of acne on it is considered the norm. Numerous recipes for nourishing masks will help to cope with this defect. Thanks to their natural ingredients, they improve the water and fat balance of the skin, get rid of annoying greasy shine. An excellent oatmeal remedy is easy to make, and the result is obvious:

  • cereal - one tbsp. l;
  • sour cream - one tbsp. l;
  • olive oil - one tbsp. l.

The method of preparation and application is similar to the previous recipes:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a container.
  2. Gently spread the product on the skin of the face.
  3. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

With this simple recipe, you can get rid of related problems. You will no longer be haunted by the problems of oily skin - acne, greasy shine, short service life of corrective agents. It is useful to use a special matting cream - it will help to achieve smooth skin immediately after application. When choosing such a tool in a store, be sure to consult with a consultant who will select a super tool for you.

For combined

For those who suffer from the disadvantages of combination skin, a variety of recipes for the care and nutrition of this skin type will help. It is important to remember here that some areas of the face are oily, while others, on the contrary, are dry. Especially noteworthy is the T-shaped zone - the nose and forehead. She constantly gives herself away, shines in the sun, preventing your expensive cosmetic powders or foundations from lying correctly and for a long time throughout the day. To balance this balance, you can use the following unusual recipe:

  • dry yeast - Art. l;
  • olive oil - Art. l;
  • honey - tsp;
  • milk - tbsp.

How to prepare and apply:

  1. Warm up the milk.
  2. Dilute it with yeast.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
  4. The product is applied in a thick layer and should remain on the skin for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Washes off with warm water.

The face will be matte, cosmetics will lie in an even layer. With all its availability, such a mask is able to correct imperfections immediately after the first application. The ease of preparation and application makes this recipe even more popular with young girls suffering from combination skin problems. Use the remedy several times a week and enjoy the result.

From wrinkles

Those who want to rejuvenate go shopping for expensive creams and facial skin care products. Ladies spend fabulous sums on trips to beauty salons, where, with the help of medical advances, they achieve youthful skin. Few of them know that the most inexpensive products that are easily made at home can give the face radiance and elasticity. The ingredients for them are sold in absolutely any store. The naturalness of such masks is 100%, which means that there are no side effects or allergic reactions.

The main component of a rejuvenating mask is always acid. In recipes, therefore, fruits or berries are often used. One of the simplest recipes "Mask of Youth" for skin elasticity:

  • strawberries - a handful;
  • protein - 1 pc.


  • mix strawberries and protein;
  • apply the mixture on the skin of the face, eyelids and neck;
  • let the mask remain on the face for 15-20 minutes;
  • to enhance the effect, wipe the skin with a decoction of natural herbs.

Video about nourishing face masks

Preparing moisturizers and anti-aging products for the face is not at all difficult. In the videos below you can see in detail how to make a mask at home. Experienced cosmetologists will give you tips on how to moisturize your face, make your skin matte, remove fine wrinkles and prevent aging literally overnight. Homemade masks have always been the beauty secret of our grandmothers. Try their recipes today, save huge money on buying expensive products of famous brands.

How to make egg houses



Depending on the season, the skin needs certain vitamins. If you ignore the elementary norms of protecting your face from frost or from sunlight, then the skin will become flabby and begin to fade prematurely. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to make nourishing face masks. These procedures can be easily carried out at home.

Nature has no bad weather - absolutely everyone has heard this phrase. But still there are natural factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin of the face. The epidermis needs special protection in winter and nourishment in spring:

  • winter nourishing masks are aimed at moisturizing and getting rid of peeling. Oils and glycerin are taken as the basis for such cosmetics. Honey and chicken egg are often used. These products are rich in all trace elements that the epidermis needs during the chilly winds;
  • in the spring the whole body suffers from a lack of vitamin C, B and A. This lack is reflected in the complexion, dark circles appear under the eyes. Fatigue of the epidermis is removed with the help of masks based on fruits and vegetables.

Rules for applying nourishing masks

In order for the effect of masks at home to be noticeable, you need to correctly carry out this procedure:

  1. Facial cleansing. First, all makeup is washed off. After that, the face must be treated with a scrub or hot compresses. From such actions, the pores will open, and the mask will act more deeply.
  2. A homemade mask is applied along the massage lines. The layer should be plentiful and uniform. As a rule, this procedure lasts from 15 to 35 minutes. It depends on the original components added to the cosmetic.
  3. If oil was used to prepare the mask, then it is better to remove it with a damp cotton pad. The remaining masks are washed off with a decoction of chamomile. It is very easy to cook it. In the pharmacy you can buy grass in bags. In two glasses of boiling water, such a bag is soaked for a whole hour.

Homemade nourishing masks: cooking recipes

Some foods may cause an allergic reaction. To avoid unpleasant surprises, test the effect of the mask on a small area of ​​the skin. This may be in the area of ​​the wrist or behind the ear. Allergies can manifest as itching, redness, or slight tingling. If there were no strange reactions, then the mask can be used for its intended purpose.

Nourishing the skin with bee honey

To 3 large tablespoons of olive oil, add a teaspoon of juice from a lemon slice. After mixing these components, two dessert spoons of honey are added. The mixture is whipped until foamy, patience is required. After that, you can pour a little oatmeal into the future mask to make the mass thicker. The procedure ends in 18-20 minutes.

Nourishing mask for the winter season

Dip a gauze pad into the almond oil for five minutes. A piece of cloth is squeezed quite a bit and placed on the face. Particular attention is paid to the area of ​​the cheeks and nose. The gauze is removed after fifteen minutes. Excess oil is removed with a cotton pad.

Nourishing Carrot Mask

Warm up thirty grams of honey and add a few drops of grape seed oil to it. After mixing, 3 teaspoons of carrot juice are poured into the mixture. The mask will turn out to be watery, but it must be applied warm for 12-18 minutes.

Nourishing mask for dull skin

Egg yolk is thoroughly mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil. Next, you need to prepare the tincture of St. John's wort. For this, a tablespoon of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water. After filtering, 3 large spoons of St. John's wort broth are poured into the initial mixture. The mask is conscientiously mixed and applied to the face. The procedure lasts at least 20 minutes.

Strawberry mask for restoring skin color

Take 50-60 ml of strawberry juice. You can not use store-bought drinks from bags or bottles. It is better to buy strawberries and get natural juice from them. It is necessary to add oatmeal in small portions to it. The mask should be thick. It is applied for ten minutes, as strawberries can stain the epidermis.

Nourishing mask for elastic skin

Two quail egg yolks are stirred with a large spoonful of olive oil. A few drops of essential citrus oil and a teaspoon of honey are added to this mixture. The initial components are mixed into a homogeneous mass and applied to the face. The procedure lasts 25 minutes, the effect will be amazing.

Melon freshness for the skin

Take the grated pulp of plums and melons in the same amount. A few drops of almond oil are added to the fruit gruel. The mixture is well mixed and applied to the skin. The procedure lasts 18 minutes.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Thirty grams of sour cream is mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil. The future mask is conscientiously whipped and applied to the skin of the face. Wash off the sour cream mixture after 35 minutes.

Masks are the best way to quickly moisturize, soothe, deeply cleanse the skin. They have a good result and act as a first aid only if they are selected according to the type of skin and are used clearly according to the instructions.

Masks are tonic, narrowing pores, nourishing and healing. They are used depending on what goal they want to achieve. If after a long day the skin is tired and has lost its freshness, and you urgently need to go to some party or holiday, then in this case you need a tonic mask. If the skin is dry and prone to wrinkles - you need a nourishing mask, and for oily skin - narrowing the pores.

Thus, face masks perform various functions and are conditionally divided into several types.

Purifying masks prepared on the basis of soap suds, wax, clay and other synthetic products that attract dirt, grease and dead horny scales from the surface of the skin. All this sticks to the inside of the mask as it dries and is then removed from the skin along with the mask. As a result, the pores are cleansed, blood circulation improves, which gives the skin a healthy tone and freshness.

In addition, cleansing face and neck masks gently exfoliate the skin.

Experts advise doing cleansing masks once a week. This type of mask is suitable for all skin types.

Immediately after the cleansing mask, which is removed with warm water, it is useful to make a nourishing one. But if there is no time, then at least apply a rich layer of nourishing cream on your face.

If you use masks from the manufacturer, then with oily skin, such masks can be done 2 times a week. With mixed, normal and dry skin - 1 time per week. For sensitive skin - once every two weeks. And after 40 years, masks are made more often - preferably 2 times a week, depending on the condition of the skin.

Homemade masks made from natural products can be used much more often because they are also nutritious.

Anti-inflammatory masks specially designed for oily and problematic skin. Masks of this group not only thoroughly cleanse and tighten pores, but also have an antibacterial effect, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Moisturizing masks vital for dry, dehydrated, sensitive and flaky skin, as they instantly hydrate the skin and restore the natural balance of moisture and skin, as well as soften and restore skin firmness and elasticity.

Nourishing masks are made on the basis of natural products (fermented milk, fruits, vegetables, etc.) and are a great addition to creams. They saturate the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Their use is beneficial for all skin types. But they are essential for mature, aging skin, which needs unique ingredients that can erase the traces of time: reduce wrinkles, restore and renew the skin, charge it with additional energy. It is recommended to do nourishing masks from the manufacturer 3-4 times a week, homemade nourishing masks - every day.

But before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Masks, like peels, are especially effective after a steam bath or a hot compress. It is necessary to apply the mask along the massage lines.

The mask can be applied with a brush, sponge, brush, cotton swab or fingertips. All this must be immaculately clean.

After that, to achieve a greater effect, it is advisable to cover the face with a warm gauze cloth or aluminum foil.

Cleansing, anti-inflammatory, astringent and clay masks, as well as masks containing fresh fruits, vegetables and cereals, are washed off oily skin with warm boiled water (using a cotton swab). To consolidate the effect, you can add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water (a teaspoon per glass of water). For women with normal and dry skin, it is better to use in this case an infusion of herbs, weak tea, milk, rosehip broth, salted cold boiled water. Very thick masks (cottage cheese, etc.) can be removed with a spatula or the edge of a teaspoon, gently and without pressure.

Moisturizing and oil nourishing masks are removed with a dry or slightly damp swab, cosmetic tissue. This should be done easily, avoiding efforts and movements that can stretch the skin. After removing the mask, be sure to wipe the face with lotion or infusion of tea or herbs and lubricate with a nourishing cream that matches the skin type.

Homemade masks have always been the most common skin care product that most effectively improves skin condition. Yes, and help natural masks much better. If, of course, the type of skin is correctly determined.

Commercial face and neck masks often contain synthetic additives. They can be quite sharp and, along with the benefits, do great harm, especially to sensitive skin. Therefore, in some cases, masks made from natural products that you can prepare at home are recommended. Homemade masks, consisting of food and medicinal herbs, have both a cleansing and nourishing effect.

Nutritious vitamin masks can be made from any fruits and vegetables (but this does not mean that only vegetables and fruits can be used in summer). Fruit and vegetable masks are good because they eliminate lethargy and fatigue of the skin, increase its tone, and also contain a large amount of nutrients that stimulate cell activity. All this is very important in the spring, when the skin needs to restore its normal level of moisture. The usual components of masks are also dairy products, egg yolk, etc.

The easiest way to prepare a mask is to crush fresh berries or fruits and immediately apply to the skin. If chopped vegetables or fruits are not juicy enough, milk can be added to the gruel. If the gruel, on the contrary, is too liquid, flour is added to it. It is also convenient to apply whole slices of orange, tomato, cucumber or lemon. If the consistency of the mask is juice, then it is applied as follows: a piece of gauze with cutouts for the eyes, nose and mouth is moistened in juice, squeezed a little and applied to the face and neck. Instead of gauze, you can apply a thin layer of cotton wool. You can simply lubricate the skin of the face with the juice of berries and fruits, leaving it on the face for 15-20 minutes. And you can stir the juice with oatmeal, almond bran, wheat flour.

A gruel mask is applied to the skin in a thick layer (at the same time, the absorption capacity of the skin increases). Such masks contain many vitamins and are mainly used to improve skin nutrition.

So, if your skin is irritated, soothe it with a cool cucumber mask; if you are "tired" during the working week no less than you and become flabby - cheer up with a burning mask with the products of the activity of bees (about

policy). If old dark pigment spots begin to appear on your face from the cold, make a paraffin mask once a week - it will increase superficial blood circulation and deep defects will gradually “resolve”. The duration of this procedure is 15-20 minutes. But if there are dilated blood vessels on the skin, paraffin cannot be used.

Home masks for all skin types

Very useful are nourishing masks based on honey, oatmeal gruel, buckwheat, corn flakes, fruit puree, egg yolk, clay, cleansing masks based on e. soap foam and melted natural wax.

Essential oils to add to the mask and enhance the effect (in drops per 1 teaspoon of the base):

mint - 4 drops;

rosewood - 4 drops;

rose - 2 drops;

neroli - 4 drops;

orange - 3 drops;

verbena - 2 drops.

orange mask. Mix 1 yolk with grated orange peel with a few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. The mask is washed off after 10-15 minutes with a decoction of parsley.

Protein-oatmeal mask. 2 tbsp. mix tablespoons of oatmeal with beaten egg white and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. You can add a few drops of any vegetable oil and honey. Wash off with warm water.

cabbage mask. Finely chop 100 g sauerkraut. Apply to face. Wash off with cool water after 15-20 minutes.

Milk mask. 2 tbsp. spoons of fatty cottage cheese mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of milk or sour cream to a sour cream consistency.

Nettle mask. 1-2 tbsp. Pour tablespoons of crushed dry nettle leaves into a porcelain cup, pour warm water until a thick slurry is obtained. While stirring constantly, steam it for 7-10 minutes and then apply it on the face and neck. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab and rinse your face with warm water. Such nourishing masks are done 2-3 times a week. They are suitable for any skin, but especially for dry and dull. Before applying the mask, the skin should be cleansed with lotion, and dry skin), in addition, greased with a fat cream.

Lemon cream mask. Mix 1.5 teaspoons of lemon juice with 1.5 teaspoons of cream and 5 drops of 5% hydrogen peroxide. Mix and apply on face with a cotton swab. After 30-40 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.

Honey Glycerin Mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and glycerin with 3 teaspoons of cold water. Gradually, stirring all the time, add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal to the mixture. Apply for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Honey-yolk mask. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with 1 yolk, add vegetable oil. Wash off with warm water.

Honey-lemon mask. Mix 100 g of liquid honey with a small crushed lemon. Apply this composition on the face daily for 10-15 minutes before washing. Honey-lemon mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Honey-curd mask. Mix 3 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of honey, apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with a swab dipped in cold milk.

Carrot-oatmeal mask. Mix puree from 1-2 carrots with raw yolk. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal.

Cucumber mask. Put cucumber peels on your face for 20 minutes. (The nutritional health benefits of cucumbers are found just under the green skin.) You don't need to wash your face.

Apple mask. Grate the peeled apple on a fine grater, add 2 tbsp. spoons of fat-free cottage cheese, mix. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Sour cream mask. 1 st. mix a spoonful of sour cream with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any chopped fruit or berries. Apply the paste on the face and wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Creative mask. 2 tbsp. grind spoons of cottage cheese with yolk and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. The mask should be thick enough and without lumps. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Salad mask. Finely chop a bunch of lettuce, pour a small amount of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then put on a napkin, cool a little and apply warm to the skin. Such a mask will saturate dry skin with vitamins, soothe.

Skin nutrition is an important part of skin care. Only by receiving all the necessary substances, she will retain youth and beauty for a long time. Otherwise, the regeneration processes will slow down, collagen fibers will no longer be produced in the right amount, as a result of which the skin will fade, become flabby, and become covered with wrinkles. To prevent this from happening, from the age of 25 you need to make it a rule to regularly make nourishing face masks at home.

Rules for the use of homemade nourishing face masks

In order for nourishing masks that are made at home to bring maximum benefit and not harm, you need to know some rules for their use.

  • Masks must match the type of skin. If you apply a product designed to care for the oily epidermis on dry skin, it will become even drier, it will begin to peel off. On the contrary, if the owner of oily skin uses cosmetics designed for dry skin, she will have a greasy sheen on her face, and acne is not excluded. If you are in doubt about determining your skin type, then seek the advice of a specialist. Knowing your skin type is essential for any cosmetic procedures at home.
  • Masks must be age appropriate. For the care of aging skin, remedies for the first wrinkles will be ineffective. On the other hand, from a young age it is undesirable to use potent agents, since then the skin will become "lazy", so that in adulthood it will be more difficult to choose effective cosmetics.
  • Nourishing masks should be done regularly. At the age of 25–35 years, the regularity of procedures is once a week, at the age of 35–45 years, nourishing masks are recommended to be done twice as often, and after 45 years - every other day.
  • You need to know that it makes sense not to make nourishing masks at any time of the day. Experts have found that cell regeneration occurs in our body at night, from about 10 pm to 4 am. It is at this time that nourishing masks will be most effective. If necessary, go to bed early masks can also be done earlier, but still later than 19 hours, otherwise the effect of them will be zero. It is necessary to take into account one more point: after removing the mask, at least 30 minutes should remain before going to bed.
  • Before applying the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed: at least wash with a suitable product, and ideally, exfoliate.
  • The mask is applied strictly along the massage lines. During the procedure, you need to lie still, relaxing the muscles of the face. For greater effectiveness, after applying the product, the face can be covered with a cloth or foil cut into the shape of a mask.
  • You also need to take off the mask correctly. To do this, you will need a tissue paper or cotton pad. In order for the mask to be removed better, a cotton pad can be moistened in an herbal solution or, in extreme cases, in water. Owners of oily skin can use lotion to remove the mask, including even alcohol. If it is dry, before removing it, it must be softened by placing a damp cloth on top for half a minute.
  • Masks intended for the face should not be used to care for the skin around the eyes.
  • Before using any mask, you should make sure that there is no allergy to it. Apply the mask on your wrist for 15 minutes - if there are no negative reactions, the product can be used without fear.

Nourishing mask for dry aging skin

  • 10% fat cream - dessert spoon;
  • honey (buckwheat is best) - a teaspoon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - a teaspoon;
  • cottage cheese (preferably fatty) - a dessert spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Keep the honey in a water bath until it becomes liquid.
  • Add warm cream to honey, mix well.
  • Put the cottage cheese in the cream with honey, rub it thoroughly so that the mass becomes homogeneous, without lumps.
  • Pour sea buckthorn oil into the curd mass, mix well and apply.

Apply the product along the massage lines on the previously cleansed skin of the face. Do not forget that the décolleté and neck areas need enhanced nutrition - apply a mask to these areas as well. You can take it off after 20 minutes. The mask nourishes the skin well, reduces wrinkles, enhances regeneration, evens out skin tone. Suitable for dry skin, especially for aging skin.

Intensive nourishing mask for normal skin

  • honey - a coffee spoon;
  • wheat germ oil - a coffee spoon (or half a teaspoon);
  • quail egg - one;
  • oatmeal - a teaspoon;
  • lemon - a quarter.

Cooking method:

  • Mix liquid honey (pre-melt) with butter and heat a little. And melting honey, and heating butter or honey-oil mixture, as in this case, is possible only in a water bath, avoiding boiling - only in this case their benefits will be fully preserved.
  • Add lemon juice to the mixture by squeezing it out of a quarter of a lemon.
  • Separate the protein from the yolk and rub the yolk with the resulting mixture.
  • Grind the oatmeal into flour and thicken the resulting mixture with it.

The mass is applied to the face and other problem areas (neck, décolleté). Well, if the mass is still warm. You can put a paper towel on top. Wait 20 minutes and remove the mask with a tissue. The mask can be used not only for normal skin, but also for dry skin, although in this case, lemon juice should be taken less or completely abandoned. The product intensively nourishes and smoothes the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity, promotes regeneration. It is best used for mature, even aging skin.

Nourishing mask for mature oily skin

  • red carrots (fresh) - one small size;
  • chicken egg (yolk) - one;
  • honey - a teaspoon;
  • oatmeal - dessert spoon;
  • grape seed oil - a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • Grate a carrot on a fine grater, put the puree into cheesecloth folded in several layers, squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Separate the yolk, add it to the juice.
  • Melt the honey and mix with the yolk and juice.
  • Add grapeseed oil to it.
  • Beat the mixture until it is completely homogeneous.
  • After grinding the cereal and getting flour from it, thicken the resulting mixture with it.

The mask is applied to cleansed skin of the face, if desired, it can also be applied to the décolleté area, as well as to the neck, although it is advisable to use products intended for normal skin to care for them. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, remove with a tissue soaked in a decoction of calendula or chamomile. You can dampen a washcloth with water and lemon juice. The mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin without leaving a greasy sheen, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves skin elasticity. Suitable for mature skin. Ideal for oily skin, but can also be used by those with normal skin.

Yeast Mask for Skin Nourishment

  • baker's yeast - 20 g;
  • milk - a tablespoon;
  • honey - half a teaspoon;
  • olive oil - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the milk, pour in the yeast, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Melted honey in a water bath, add to the yeast, mix well.
  • If you have dry skin, then add some olive oil to the mixture. Those with oily skin do not need to do this. After mixing the mixture well, you can use it as a nourishing face mask.

The mask nourishes the skin well thanks to its components. To get the effect, keep it for 15 minutes. After using the yeast mask, the skin becomes smooth, tender, elastic. It improves the production of collagen. The level of skin hydration increases. Yeast nourishing mask can be used for skin care of any type at any age, it can be safely called a universal winter mask. In the summer, preference should be given to nourishing masks from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Cabbage mask nourishing

  • fresh medium-sized carrots - half;
  • cabbage (ideally young) - a piece weighing about 50 g;
  • sour cream (thick) - dessert spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Grind vegetables in a blender.
  • Combine vegetable puree with sour cream, stir.

Spread the mass over the skin of the face and neck. Lie down with a mask on your face for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with a damp cloth. The product has a nourishing, moisturizing and light whitening effect. Suitable for all skin types. Can be used from the age of 25 years. It is used at any time, best of all during the harvest season of vegetables, while they are quite fresh and young.

Nourishing mask (summer) for dry skin

  • plum - one ripe;
  • melon - a piece weighing about 20 g;
  • cottage cheese - a teaspoon;
  • thick sour cream - a teaspoon;
  • peach oil - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the stone from the plum, chop the pulp together with a piece of melon.
  • Mix the resulting puree with sour cream.
  • Add cottage cheese and mix well.
  • Pour in the oil and stir again. If the mass is too liquid, add a little more cottage cheese to it.

The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, then removed. It has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Promotes the renewal of skin cells, rejuvenates it. Suitable for dry skin at any age.

Summer mask for normal skin

  • ripe apple - a quarter;
  • berry mix (from any garden berries) - dessert spoon;
  • cottage cheese - a tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the apple and berries (if necessary) from the seeds.
  • Grate an apple.
  • Crush the berries, squeeze out the juice.
  • Combine berry juice with applesauce.
  • Mix fruit and berry mass with cottage cheese. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, after which it is removed with a damp cloth. It has a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin, improves its elasticity. Fruit acids contribute to the renewal of epithelial cells, which helps the skin to maintain youth.

Grape mask for oily skin (nourishing)

  • grapes - a small brush;
  • rye flour (can be replaced with oatmeal or wheat) - how much will it take (dessert or tablespoon).

Cooking method:

  • Wash the grapes and, together with the seeds, pass through a meat grinder.
  • Gradually add flour, stirring thoroughly, until you get a mass that resembles thick sour cream in consistency.

Gently apply the mask to your face and leave on for 20 minutes. Wipe your face with a damp cloth, rinse with cool (but not cold!) Water. The mask perfectly nourishes the skin without leaving a greasy sheen. Grapes have pronounced antioxidant properties, which allows you to maintain youthful skin for a long time. The mask is suitable for oily skin, but can also be used to care for normal skin in order to prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Lifting nourishing mask

  • banana - half;
  • oil (depending on the type of skin - wheat germ or grape seeds) - half a teaspoon;
  • chicken egg (only the yolk or only the protein - depending on the type of skin) - one.

Cooking method:

  • Mash the banana with a fork until smooth.
  • Add oil to banana puree. Owners of dry skin should take wheat germ oil, and women with oily skin - grape seed oil. If the skin is normal, then it is recommended to mix oils or use peach.
  • Separate the protein from the yolk. If you have normal or dry skin, take the yolk and rub it into the banana oil mixture. If you have oily skin, then you need to beat the protein and mix it into the banana mass.

The mask is applied to the skin of the face for 15 minutes, then it is removed with a damp cloth. The mask not only nourishes the skin well, but also gives a lifting effect. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it for the care of young skin, which is already quite elastic. But for mature skin, a banana mask is very good.