Skin diseases: internal and external causes. Cosmetic defects of the skin of the face

After removing make-up on the skin of my model's face, I found a severe acne - acne.

Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands characterized by blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles. There are internal and external causes the occurrence of acne.

The main internal reasons are:

Hormonal changes in the body

The active release of hormones causes increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Thus, sebum changes its properties, turning from liquid to dense and viscous.

Endocrine disorders

If acne persists adulthood, then their presence may indicate violations of the production of sex hormones.


Under the influence of various factors (vitamin A deficiency, exposure to harmful chemicals on the skin), thickening of the superficial stratum corneum of the skin may develop. Thickened horny scales, along with altered sebum, clog pores, being a favorable environment for the development of the microbial process.

Immune system disorders

Against the background of a decrease in the protective mechanisms of the skin, even "neutral" microorganisms can cause considerable harm.

External causes include:

Comedogenic cosmetics

These are cosmetics that clog pores and promote the appearance of acne: creams, powder, lotions, blush, oils, lanolin, petroleum jelly, etc.

Therefore, when buying care products and decorative cosmetics, you should choose products with the inscription: "Non-comedogenic".

Heat and humid climate

sun and ultraviolet

Increased secretion sebum and additional drying of the stratum corneum lead to exacerbation of acne. This mechanism works both when tanning in the sun, and when tanning in a solarium.

Blackhead squeezing

The causes of enlarged pores are almost the same as the causes of acne, since both disadvantages are directly interconnected: in the presence of open pores, blackheads and oily sheen often occur. The causes of this condition may be different, but they can all be divided into two large groups:


This is a hereditary predisposition due to large pores. Getting rid of this condition is quite difficult, but still with right approach you can choose a method that will reduce pores and eliminate further problems.


This group includes all those cases when enlarged pores appear at a certain age. The reason for their formation may be a violation of the hormonal background, internal diseases, Not proper care for skin and others.

1.2.4. Elimination of skin imperfections

Trying to get rid of acne at home or folk methods is possible, but ineffective. Blackhead removal requires a professional comprehensive solution. Self-squeezing does not help get rid of acne. This method can only exacerbate the problem, since such a disposal of acne is fraught with the introduction of infections and microbes.

As you know, the most effective option for combating acne is an integrated approach: medical supervision plus regular care.

What can be done at home:

For self-treatment of acne, you can use sulfur. Sulfur is a chemical element found in nature in its native form in the form of yellow deposits, buds, solid mass, crystals. Ordinary sulfur is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder, the so-called gray color. The people also call the resin of coniferous trees gray. With acne, it is enough to take sulfur powder on the tip of a knife in the morning, washing it down with water. You need to take this until the complete disappearance of acne, and this is guaranteed.

The biggest problem that occurs with oily skin type is enlarged pores. The fact is that enlarged pores become clogged very quickly due to the fact that dirt, excess fat and dead cells get into them. Bacteria begin to actively multiply in the sebum, as a result of which the face becomes an ugly gray color and acne appears. In addition, chronic acne stretches and enlarges the pores even more.

There are many skin defects and each of them indicates certain processes occurring in the body. It is hard to come to terms with them, because they can not only disrupt the normal full life but also lead to discomfort and psycho-emotional problems.

Reasons for defects

Human skin is a very complex system that performs thermoregulatory, excretory, receptor, immune and regulatory functions. It interacts closely with internal systems and reacts to the environment.

By appearance skin can be objectively judge the general condition of the body. Undoubtedly, it also performs an aesthetic function.

To a greater extent, its defects are associated with diseases or precede them. Acquired deficiencies arise from both external and internal causes. The first include mechanical, thermal and chemical factors. This is how keratinization, pigmentation, expansion of the vascular walls, dryness, burns and peeling appear.

Types of defects

Skin imperfections are different etiology, and this determines one or another method of elimination.


The vast majority of neoplasms on the skin are benign and do not pose a threat to health. In open areas, they become cosmetic defects and, growing, cause discomfort.

Several types of warts can form on the human body:

  1. Ordinary - dense keratinized papule from 0.1 to 10 mm. Localized on the back surfaces of the hands and feet.
  2. Genital condyloma - soft papillary growth on the leg. It is formed mainly on the genitals.
  3. Flat (youthful) - limited smooth papule round or irregular shape light brown, pink or flesh-colored. It often occurs in children and adolescents and is located in groups on the hands or face.
  4. A plantar wart occurs in places of pressure or constant friction. From small and shiny over time, it turns into a yellow-gray plaque with a rough, rough surface. The growth is painful, interferes with walking and can cause temporary disability.
  5. Senile (keratoma) - a flat, small spot or papule, "sticky" to the skin, with clear boundaries, warty surface, pink or yellow color. Over time, it turns brown.

Removal of all types of warts is carried out by physical (cryolysis, electrocoagulation, laser excision) or chemical method (trichloroacetic and nitric acid, condilin, solcoderm). Due to the viral nature of the disease, none of the methods gives a complete recovery. Relapses occur in 65% of cases.


Skin deficiencies in the form of unaesthetic vessels on the face (red or blue streaks) along the back and wings of the nose, on the cheeks and chin occur when a combination of unfavorable internal and external factors. The former include disorders of systems and organs: gastrointestinal and female diseases, hormonal disorders and chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx. Not the last role is played by physical factors: prolonged exposure to cold, sun, wind.

Modern cosmetology uses laser correction to remove spider veins - a painless and effective procedure that does not leave wounds and scars.

The possibility of relapse persists if therapeutic and preventive measures are not taken in time: vasoconstrictive drugs, vitamins, home skin care with the help of protective and moisturizing agents.


Multiple acne rashes occur in the presence of pathogenic bacteria and with weak body resistance, the causes of which can be hormonal, vascular and metabolic disorders.

The disease manifests itself in the form of superficial or deep inflammation that affects all cells. sebaceous gland. The rash is localized on the face, chest, back and shoulders.

Types of acne and their clinical picture:

  1. Black (comedones) - pores clogged with sebum, dust and particles of the epithelium.
  2. White (millet, milia) - small tubercles no more than 2 mm, painless and dense.
  3. Necrotic (Beck's acne) - pink and purple-red skin elements, in the center of which foci of necrosis form. After resolution, they dry up, turn into bloody black crusts. Over time, the elements disappear, and a depressed, white-pink scar remains in their place.
  4. Spherical (conglobate). A severe form of the disease with a long course and frequent relapses, in which individual merge and form dense purple-blue infiltrates of a spherical shape. After opening them, a purulent liquid comes to the surface, and dense scars form on the spot.

Hardware and drug therapy for acne is indicated for single skin elements. In other cases, it is full examination, identification and sanitation of chronic sources of infection, diet.


Scars are formed as a result of violation of the integrity of the skin after trauma, surgery, burns. They are formed from connective tissue in order to close the resulting epidermal damage. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. The period of epithelialization lasts 10 days. By the end of this time, swelling and inflammation decrease, and granulation begins.
  2. The stage of formation of a young scar occurs on the 11th day and lasts about a month. At the site of injury, young, loose and bright tissue is formed from elastin and collagen.
  3. At the stage of maturity, the blood supply decreases. The scar turns pale and thickens due to the further growth of collagen with elastane. The process lasts about two months, and with repeated trauma, it can transform into a keloid or hypertrophic scar.
  4. The stage of final transformation occurs by the end of the 8th month. In a mature scar, the vessels completely die off. It becomes inconspicuous, thin.

Scars are unpredictable. If the process of regeneration of the defect occurs physiologically, then over time the scar shrinks and turns pale. But at adverse conditions it acquires a purple color, does not decrease. In this case, they resort to dermbrasion, laser resurfacing, chemical peeling.

Speakers above the surrounding skin and having sharp borders, keloid scarring is difficult to correct.


The cause of the pathological condition is excessive production of sebum and a change in its chemical composition. The hereditary factor, diseases of the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems predispose to the development of this type of dermatitis.

Seborrhea can develop anywhere on the body, but most often it captures the nasolabial folds, external auditory canals, shoulders, back, and groin area.

Dermatitis is manifested by rashes in the form of red papules and is accompanied by itching, peeling, burning. They merge into ring-shaped or garland-like plaques with clear boundaries and are covered with greasy, yellow scales. With the progression of the disease, crusts form and infection joins them.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is similar in appearance to dandruff, but there is itching and a clearly visible lesion.

Modern medicine and pharmacology cannot yet offer a drug that regulates the production of sebaceous glands, therefore only symptomatic therapy is prescribed: antifungal agents, antimycotic shampoos, cleansing and disinfecting lotions, creams based on sodium hyaluronate and zinc pyrithione.

Patients with seborrhea are shown a diet with restriction of salt, sugar, fats and alcohol.

If the causes of the disease are eliminated and symptomatic treatment is carried out in full, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.


Excessive hair on the face and body is considered not only one of the serious cosmetic flaws. In women, it serves as a pretext for the development of complexes and other psychological problems.

Causes of hypertrichosis:

  1. Violations of the endocrine glands.
  2. Long-term use of anabolic drugs.
  3. Hereditary and constitutional (ethnic) predisposition.

After examining and establishing true reason defects are prescribed complex treatment. It includes oral medications and cosmetic procedures.

  1. For mild hypertrichosis, bleaching with hydrogen peroxide is effective.
  2. Depilation - removal without a hair follicle using a machine or special chemicals. It is considered one of the inexpensive and affordable methods, but with significant drawbacks: the procedure has to be carried out regularly, and lotions and gels can only be used in small areas.
  3. Epilation - hair removal together with the bulb with a special device (epilator), tweezers, wax. IN beauty salons procedures of electrolysis and laser exposure are also carried out.

A successful cure for hypertrichosis is impossible without the use of drugs that inhibit the production of androgens: combined oral contraceptives in combination with Spironolactone, Ketoconazole, Finasteride. The effect after drug therapy occurs approximately by the end fourth month: the growth of new hair is completely suspended, and the existing ones are removed using cosmetic procedures.

Age disadvantages

Facial skin defects in the form of wrinkles, flabbiness are inevitable over the years. As part of the body, the skin reacts and reflects the ongoing biochemical processes in the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. From the age of 25, the production of collagen, a protein of strength and elasticity, gradually decreases, and from the age of 30 it decreases by 1% annually.

The main signs of wilting:

  • color change;
  • areas of pigmentation;
  • increase in the number, depth of wrinkles;
  • loss of clarity of the oval;
  • expansion of capillary vessels;
  • atrophy of adipose tissue;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum.

Skin aging is an individual process. It depends on the constitution, the activity of the sebaceous glands, the shape of the face and the general condition of the body.

Withering according to the “tired” type occurs in people of average build with normal or combination skin, a diamond-shaped or oval face.

Signs of aging:

  • grayish tint;
  • decrease in turgor;
  • omission of the corners of the mouth, eyes;
  • deepening of the nasolabial fold;
  • mild swelling;
  • inelasticity, "doughness" when pressed.

“Tired” skin looks better and fresher in the morning, and by the evening it becomes “sad, sad”.

This type of aging is considered the most favorable: the skin responds well to the procedures.

Withering by fine wrinkled type"baked apple" occurs in lean women with dry skin and a small subcutaneous fat layer.

Signs of aging:

  1. Dehydration, dryness, tightness.
  2. Many small wrinkles around the mouth, eyes and deep ones on the forehead.

The advantages of this type include the absence of ptosis (sagging) due to the small number of fat cells.

Deformation wilting of the "bulldog cheeks" type occurs in owners full face with combination or oily skin. Their subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, and for this reason the risk of venous insufficiency, hyperemia and rosacea increases.

Decay signs:

  1. "Moved" down the front contour.
  2. Flew (drooping skin) over the lower jaw, on the neck.
  3. Double chin.
  4. Puffiness of the eyelids, bags under the eyes.
  5. "Marionette wrinkles" are the creases that run from the corners of the mouth to the bottom of the chin.

Withering according to the "muscular" type occurs in women with Asian appearance: their facial muscles are well developed, there is little subcutaneous fat, and this allows them to long years look young. Withering with this type is rapid. It occurs within two years due to the weakening of the muscles: creases, deep wrinkles, overhanging skin over the upper eyelids appear.

Modern cosmetology offers individual programs for the removal of defects and rejuvenation from the inside for each type. List of effective and popular procedures when fading:

  1. Injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and herbal extracts.
  2. Laser and ultrasonic peeling.
  3. Modeling masks for a lifting effect.
  4. vacuum massage.
  5. Botulinum toxin injections.
  6. Photo procedures.
  7. Cryotherapy.

Women over 40 need annual consultations with a beautician. The specialist will monitor the changes that have occurred and select procedures and tools.

Modern cosmetology and aesthetic medicine is able to remove or make invisible any, even the most complex skin imperfections.

The structure of the skin is so complex, and its vital functions are so diverse that the slightest, at first glance, insignificant cause can cause changes in the skin, disrupt its normal life, and lead to cosmetic defects.

Some cosmetic imperfections predispose to or precede skin diseases. So, excessively oily or dry skin can lead to eczema. Chronic diseases of the internal organs can also be accompanied by the appearance of cosmetic defects. Redness of the skin of the nose and red acne are often, for example, the result of a disease gastrointestinal tract.

External temperature can have a strong effect on the skin: for example, prolonged exposure to high temperature causes redness, promotes the expansion of skin vessels and the formation of a vascular network on the face, as well as small vascular tumors. Low temperature can cause skin redness and even chills.

Radiant energy in the form sun rays- a common cause of cosmetic changes on the skin. In persons who abuse exposure to the sun, the skin turns red, becomes dry, flaky, and rough. Often, careless lovers of the sun's rays even get burns on the skin.

Chemical factors that cause the formation of cosmetic imperfections include soaps, alcohols, colognes, paints, alkalis, acids, etc. Excessive use of alkaline soaps, soda, alum, colognes, etc. can cause dry skin and the appearance of red spots on it.

A significant part of cosmetic defects is caused by internal causes. There is a lot of activity going on in the human body. Blood continuously brings the nutrients necessary for the life of tissues; they are processed in the body and then excreted as waste. This is the metabolism.

The main substances necessary for the life of cells and tissues are proteins, carbohydrates, fats and salts. Protein metabolism disorders lead to common diseases and are reflected on the skin, and carbohydrate metabolism disorders cause cosmetic imperfections and skin diseases. It has been proven that the abuse of sweets leads to the appearance of rashes.

Violation of fat metabolism leads to significant changes and manifests itself in the form of acne and greasiness of the scalp. In old age, impaired fat metabolism is the cause of the formation of wen on the eyelids and facial skin.

The endocrine system plays an important role in the life of the body. Endocrine glands produce special substances - hormones that enter directly into the blood. The activity of the endocrine glands is regulated by the central nervous system. The endocrine system is also closely connected with the nervous apparatus of the skin. Violation in one of the links that make up the endocrine system affects the activity of the skin and its appendages.

A large role in the life of the body is played by special substances - vitamins.

Our scientists have done a lot to clarify the role of individual vitamins in the life of the body. The number of vitamins being discovered is increasing every year. The actions of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, PP have now been sufficiently studied.

The lack of vitamin A in the body manifests itself in the form of dry skin. In persons with a lack of vitamin A, the skin flakes, coarsens, becomes covered with horny layers. It can be considered a proven link between vitamin A deficiency and a number of skin diseases. Diseases of the nails, callus, skin horn, etc. are also associated with this.

Vitamin A is found in fats of animal origin - fish oil, liver of various animals, egg yolk.

Equally important for healthy skin is the group of vitamins B. It includes vitamins B1, B2, B3 and others. They are found in cereals and green plants, yeast, rye flour, oatmeal and buckwheat, liver, kidney, meat, milk, cheese, egg white, fish oil, vegetables covered with leaves.

The lack of vitamins B1 and B2 in the body causes a number of common diseases. A fairly common skin lesion in the corners of the mouth - zoeda, as well as hair loss and thinning are associated with a lack of B vitamins. Vitamin B1 tones the nervous system and, in particular, the skin.

The role and importance of vitamin C for the body are well known. Vitamin C is found in rose hips, cabbage, tomatoes, sorrel.

Depletion of the body with vitamin C entails violations of skin pigmentation.

Vitamin PP - nicotinic acid - is currently widely used in the treatment of certain cosmetic deficiencies, such as redness of the face, red acne and a number of skin diseases. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and reflexively on the skin.

Medicines and foods can cause skin changes. On the poor tolerance of individual medicinal products evidence of skin rashes. Thus, preparations of bromine and iodine sometimes cause acne or a rash in the form of red spots (erythema) and blisters (urticaria).

In cosmetics, mercury, which is part of ointments for freckles and age spots, is widely used. There are many individuals who are sensitive to mercury preparations and may develop skin rashes when using them.

The skin is closely connected by nerves with all internal organs. The work of the skin and all organs, in turn, is controlled by the cerebral cortex. It is quite natural, therefore, that a disease of the internal organs or any part of the nervous system can be reflected on the skin and cause one or another skin disease. In fact, this is what happens: with a blood disease, a rash appears on the skin, damage to the blood vessels is accompanied by the appearance of red acne. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often affect the skin of the face and trunk. These diseases are accompanied by acne and dark spots. With liver disease, age spots are observed.

Cosmetic imperfections can also be due to the fact that decay products from the intestines or kidneys are absorbed into the blood; these products cause the appearance of urticaria, contribute to hair loss, the appearance of age spots, acne.

From the foregoing, it can be seen how diverse the causes of cosmetic imperfections are. It is quite obvious that in order to prevent and eliminate cosmetic deficiencies, a deep study of them is required. The most common forms of facial cosmetic imperfections are detailed below.

Young healthy skin is elastic, smooth, tightly stretched. With age, it turns yellow, becomes dry, rough, loses its elasticity, and wrinkles, furrows and folds appear on it. The formation of wrinkles occurs gradually. First, wrinkles appear on the forehead, then in the direction from the nose to the chin, at the outer corners of the eyes, and finally on the neck, bridge of the nose, chin and upper lip.

Wrinkles can be observed in humans different ages. Sometimes facial wrinkles begin to appear in young age. What explains this?

First of all - various habits that cause frequent contraction of facial muscles, for example, wrinkling the forehead, squinting the eyes (usually in the sun); the manner of laughing also contributes to the formation of wrinkles; in some persons, laughter causes a sharp contraction of all facial muscles; the folds formed during laughter fan out all over the face.

Wrinkles can also appear with an intensive decrease in body weight, prolonged stay in stuffy, smoky rooms, while smoking. A healthy lifestyle, proper skin care, control of facial expressions and constant good mood help to delay the appearance of wrinkles. It has been noticed that people who are self-possessed, balanced, and benevolent retain smooth skin much longer compared to bilious, always dissatisfied people.

Premature appearance of wrinkles is also observed with the wrong position of the head during sleep. Many sleep with pillows high under their heads; the head at the same time leans on the chest, and wrinkles form on the neck and chin.

Transferred infectious, chronic diseases, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, women's, gastrointestinal and other diseases weaken the overall resistance of the body, reduce skin elasticity and it begins to wrinkle.

A significant role in the development of wrinkles in young people is played by various external influences: prolonged exposure to the sun and wind, temperature fluctuations in the air, its excessive dryness or humidity.

Skin that has undergone prolonged stretching cannot quickly contract, it sags, becomes covered with wrinkles.

Many girls with good skin abuse frequent washing and especially powdering their faces. Meanwhile, the frequent use of powder dries the skin and creates favorable conditions for the formation of wrinkles.

Preventive measures and proper skin care can contribute to the destruction of wrinkles. The situation is more serious in cases where wrinkles reflect age-related changes in the skin.

Already in the third decade of life, wrinkles are the result of the onset of age-related fading of the skin. Between the ages of 30 and 40, the number of wrinkles increases significantly and reaches a maximum by the age of 55-60. The skin of the elderly undergoes significant changes: it loses its density and elasticity; due to thinning of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, degeneration and death of elastic fibers, it stretches and falls; at the same time, the zygomatic bones protrude sharply, the nasolabial folds are clearly identified, the volume of the chin, neck, and occiput increases.

It is not true that careful skin care should be started only after the appearance of wrinkles. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

If a sharp outline of wrinkles on the forehead, chin crease begins and the skin becomes a little sluggish, you need to seriously think about proper facial care.

Hot compresses (poultices) are a good remedy. For their preparation, a small towel or napkin is folded into a strip 20-25 cm wide, dipped in hot water, squeezed and then applied to the face. The middle of the compress covers the chin from below, and the ends are applied to the cheeks, forehead and nose (only the mouth and nostrils are left free). The poultice should be kept on the face for 2-3 minutes, then removed and wiped or poured over the face with cold water.

It is advisable to wipe the face with a cold saline solution (half a teaspoon of table salt per 1 glass of water).

For very dry skin, instead of salt, you can use a solution of tannin (half a teaspoon of tannin in 1 glass of water).

Before going to bed, it is useful to lubricate the face with a cream or ointment. Ordinary table salt is added to the ointment - half a teaspoon of finely crushed salt is rubbed with the contents of one jar of cream. Such a cream is applied to the face, especially on wrinkles, and for 2-3 minutes it is driven in with the ends of the fingers.

In the morning, it is advisable to rinse your face with cool water, lubricate it with cream and powder. You should not go out without smearing your face with cream.

People with emerging wrinkles should avoid direct sunlight; air baths should be preferred to sunny, and when sunbathing, be sure to lubricate the face with cream.

With great success in the care of wrinkled skin, masks are used. They prevent the formation of wrinkles and have an exceptionally beneficial effect on the skin. Below are recipes for several masks:

1. Protein-lemon. The egg white is whipped into foam, juice from half a lemon and salt on the tip of a knife are added to it; the whole mixture is well stirred.

2 Yolk-oil. Egg yolk mixed with half a teaspoon of camphor or castor oil.

3. Egg and oatmeal. A teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of oatmeal are added to a beaten egg white or yolk.

4. Yolk-honey. Egg yolk is ground with half a teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of glycerin.

5. Yeast. 20 - 25 g of yeast is diluted with milk or vegetable oil to the density of sour cream.

6. Yeast sour. 25 g of yeast is diluted with water to the density of sour cream and allowed to stand until fermentation.

7. Rye sour. Leaven rye flour. If the necessary components are not at hand, then masks from one protein or yolk can be used.

These masks can be alternated with masks recommended for sagging skin. Before applying the mask, the face must be washed or wiped. The duration of the use of masks is 15 - 20 minutes. All masks, except yeast, can be left overnight. Masks containing oils are removed with a damp swab, the rest are washed off with water.

When double chin, thin flabby skin and folds on the neck, it is recommended first of all to get rid of the bad habit of pressing the chin to the chest. It is much more useful, and even more beautiful, to keep the head slightly raised. In addition, with daily facial care, you need to pat the skin of the chin area 1-2 times a day for 3-5 minutes with the back of your fingers or the end of a towel soaked in saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water).

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles and prevent their development, it is advisable to do special gymnastic exercises daily, as well as pay more attention to the general regimen. During sleep, the face should rest freely on the pillow, in no case should one burrow into it.

Of great importance is the condition of the teeth and timely prosthetics of the oral cavity. The absence of teeth not only leads to abnormal digestion, but also inevitably changes the shape of the face: the cheeks sink, deep folds and furrows form.

However, only proper facial skin care and prevention are not enough for the successful elimination of wrinkles. Care must be taken to improve the general state of health; establish a restorative regime, follow a certain diet, engage in physical education and gymnastics of the whole body and face.

If, despite systematic and versatile care, the phenomena of wilting and flabbiness of the skin still increase, the folds deepen, new wrinkles appear, it is necessary to try a special massage treatment, and in case of failure, resort to the intervention of a surgeon - a specialist in wrinkle removal.

flabby skin

Flabby skin is characterized by a pale color, slight sebum secretion, reduced elasticity, stretched pores, a tendency to wrinkle and sag.

With flabby skin, it is necessary to use irritating and astringent agents. In the morning, the face does not need to be washed, but wiped with one of the solutions below. Washing is usually more useful at night with cool water. Salt procedures are also advisable: one teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of water, a cotton swab or the end of a towel is moistened in this solution and lightly patted all over the face and neck.

Instead of washing, you can use the following compositions:

2. Calendula - 1 tablespoon, Water - 80 g, Cologne - 20 g.
After rubbing the skin of the face with these liquids, a cream is applied. The cream should be driven into the skin with your fingertips. With flabby skin, masks have a good effect; lemon is used in winter, cucumber in summer.

Lemon mask. To prepare a lemon mask, peel the lemon from the peel, cut into thin slices and remove the grains, then knead the lemon slices with a fork. Having prepared the lemon mass, prepare the face for the mask. To do this, it is rubbed with a greasy cream and then a transparent layer is applied. thin layer cotton wool. The lemon mass is distributed over a thin layer of cotton wool so that it covers the entire face. If in some places the lemon mass dries up, add a new portion; after 10 - 15 minutes, the cotton wool with the dried lemon mass is removed and the face is smeared with a fat cream. Sometimes after the mask it is useful to pat your face with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice. Lemon mask cleanses the skin, tightens pores, improves skin nutrition and strengthens it.
cucumber mask also nourishes and tones the skin. To prepare such a mask, one or two cucumbers are peeled, cut into thin slices, put in a cup and rubbed. If you have a grater, it is better to grate the cucumber. The face is cleansed as above. The cucumber mass is evenly applied to the face and kept for 10-15 minutes, then the mask is removed with a dry cotton swab, the face is wiped with the remaining cucumber juice and smeared with cream or ointment. By the same method, you can make masks from tomatoes and berries.

For persons with flabby skin, in addition to the described special care and masks, a general strengthening regime is necessary: ​​daily gymnastics, sports exercises, walks. To raise the general tone, it is useful to take vitamin B 1.
If special skin care and restorative measures do not give an effect, you should additionally resort to facial massage. The first sessions should be carried out no more than once every three days, as the skin tone increases - every other day. The entire course of treatment consists of 15-20 massage sessions. Treatment is useful to carry out twice a year.


Increased activity of the sebaceous glands with flaccid skin leads to permanent changes. Skin pores, invisible to the naked eye, expand; the skin takes on an ugly appearance: as if punctured.

Usually this cosmetic defect is observed in persons suffering from chronic constipation, anemia, and nervous disorders. Porous skin is a consequence of impaired metabolism.

With porous skin, the face should be washed with cold water or toilet soap.

After washing, it is useful to use astringent solutions to wipe the skin of the face, for example, a solution of alum (alum - 5 g, water - 60 g, cologne - 40 g, glycerin -1 g) or a solution of calendula (2 tablespoons of calendula tincture per half a glass of water).

Toilet vinegar has long been used to strengthen porous skin. For its preparation, 20 parts of vinegar are mixed with 40 parts of water and 40 parts of cologne. Wipe the skin with this solution twice a day.

Very often, porous skin is accompanied by increased secretion of sebum. If sebum secretion is normal, and the skin pores are sharply enlarged, then after rubbing, you can lightly lubricate the skin with softening creams.

Very useful for porous skin protein masks with alum, calendula tincture masks or yeast masks. To prepare a protein mask, beat the protein, after which one teaspoon of a 5% aqueous solution of alum or calendula is added to it. The mixture is applied to the face evenly.

For the preparation of a yeast mask in 5% - m aqueous solution alum dissolve a piece of yeast until a creamy mass is obtained. This mass is applied to the face in an even layer and left for 15-20 minutes, then it is washed off with cold water without soap.

Persons with porous skin who have to stay in the air for a long time are recommended to wipe the skin with liquid creams before going out into the air.

Convenient to use and good effect liquid cream of the following composition:

whip up egg white, 100 g of cologne, 100 g of a 5% solution of alum, juice of one lemon and 4-5 g of glycerin are added to it. If the skin is porous, but not very oily, 4-5 g of castor oil can be added to this mixture.

With porous skin, as with other cosmetic defects, a restorative treatment is necessary.


Eels are plugs ranging in size from poppy to millet, clogging the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The color of eels is brownish, sometimes black. Only the outer end of the cork is painted, which is covered with dirt, dries and hardens. After removal of the blackhead, an enlarged opening of the duct remains. A favorite place for blackheads is the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, chest and back. Acne is more common in oily skin.

Blockage is the result of increased horn formation, which leads to the appearance of horn plugs. Corks prevent the release of fat; it lingers in the ducts, expanding them. The extruded cork consists of sebum and horny cells.

The formation of acne is associated with a violation of the activity of some endocrine glands, for example, the ovaries, the thyroid gland. common cause acne formations are chronic constipation. Acne first appears during puberty. Often they are already found in children 10-12 years old on the forehead and on the nose.

Acne skin care is mainly about removing plugs and preventing their appearance. This is best achieved by washing with boron-thymol or carbolic soap. The face is soaped and rubbed with a sponge - lightly, then gradually increasing until a rich foam is formed. The foam should be left on the face for 1-2 minutes, after which it is washed off first with hot and then with cold water. Soaping should be repeated if there are many blackheads. After such daily procedures, blackheads loosen more easily and are removed during washing.

If it is not possible to go to a beauty parlor, then after a thorough toilet of the hands and washing the skin of the face, you can carefully squeeze out blackheads with your fingertips. Before doing this, it is useful to do steam bath.

Before going to bed, it is necessary to regularly wipe the skin of the face with one of the alcohol solutions of the following composition:

2) calentula - 1-2 tablespoons, cologne - 30 g, water - 40 g, glycerin -1 g.

In addition to local treatment, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the body. First of all, you need to pay attention to digestion. Food should be eaten slowly, chewing it well. You should refrain from drinking plenty of water, fresh bread, spicy, hard to digest food, eggs, fatty meats (especially lamb, pork, lard), as well as flour dishes.

For prevention, a regular diet is also important; food should be taken four times a day. Eating right before bed is bad.

In addition to proper skin care and diet, with acne, it is necessary to carry out general hygiene measures: physical education and sports, the widespread use of air, sun and water.


Pithead acne is usually located in the center of the face - on the nose, forehead and chin. They occur in both sexes at any age. Almost every person has such blackheads on the wings of the nose. They resemble dots of black color, hence the name - “black dots”.

Spot acne can appear on both dry and oily skin. The main reason for their formation is dust and dirt that get on the skin. The enlarged orifices of the ducts of the sebaceous glands predispose to the formation of punctate acne. Various substances clog them. Sometimes blackheads can appear as a result of rubbing ointments or creams containing a large number of mercury and bismuth. Often black dots are formed when using a “reductor” for hair.

In order to avoid the formation of black dots, it is necessary to protect the skin of the face from dust, lubricating it with emollient creams, and also limit the use of bismuth and mercury ointments that clog the mouths of the sebaceous glands.

To get rid of blackheads, it is advisable to wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide, toilet or table vinegar, and lemon juice. These rubbings contribute to the dissolution and discoloration of blackheads. Steam baths and skin cleansing also have a good effect on black spots.

If black dots form on oily skin, then cleansing should be done as follows: a soapy cream mixed with finely crushed salt is applied to the face, and this mixture is left for 2 to 3 minutes: then it is washed off first with warm and then cold water.
Black dots on dry skin are treated with finely ground salt, after lubricating the skin of the face with a greasy cream, some kind of oil, or applying oil mask. Facial skin cleansing should be done 2-3 times a month. The main means of combating black dots is cleansing the face in the evening. The more carefully it is carried out, the more surely further complications can be avoided, since juvenile acne begins precisely with black dots.
Most good result will be if you use bran, salted (1 teaspoon per glass of boiled water) or sea water for cleansing. And also -1 cup of oatmeal is finely crumbled or 1 teaspoon of baking soda or boric acid is added. The mixture is well mixed and stored in a glass container. Used for cleansing oily skin with clogged pores. Suitable for all skin types without the addition of soda.
Sea salt, after dissolving, must be separated from sand and other sediments that can damage the skin.

In the morning and evening, contaminated areas can be wiped with the following liquids: 3% hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, tonic lotion. As a rule, the formulations are recommended to be changed after a week. They are suitable for both dry and oily skin. If black dots are spread all over the face, then systematic cleansing will have to be combined with deep cleaning, which you will do in a beauty parlor.
With rapid contamination of the skin in the evening, you can apply salt procedures 2-3 times a week. To do this, you need to soak a cotton swab with hot water, lather well with baby or toilet soap until foam is formed, sprinkle with a small amount of fine salt and in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes, lightly wipe the contaminated areas. Leaving the foam on the skin, wipe it off, after 1-2 minutes, wash it off first with warm, then cold water. This procedure gives the greatest effect after a bath. 15-20 minutes after the salt procedure, the face is wiped with boron, salicylic (1-2%) or camphor alcohol or aloe juice, which disinfects, tones, and soothes the skin well.

In almost the same way (but not after a bath), you can clean your face every other day with a cotton swab moistened with warm water and sprinkled with dry mustard (for the first 4-5 times in a small amount). Only areas affected by black dots are treated with circular rubbing movements, at first for 1 minute, later, after 3-4 times, a little longer. After this procedure, immediately rinse your face with plenty of cold water, and then you can use a composition of glycerin and lemon juice (or table vinegar). After the first rubbing, sometimes there is a slight tingling of the skin, a slight redness, but then these phenomena decrease and disappear. Dry mustard cleanses the skin very well, removes black spots, clogs, deeply disinfects the skin, preventing inflammation.

With dry skin, a cotton swab is soaked vegetable oil, they lubricate areas with black dots 2-3 times, then these areas are treated with a warm soapy swab with fine salt. After 2 minutes, the face is rinsed with warm water and a mixture of the following composition is applied to it: 1 teaspoon of potato starch, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or table vinegar. It is applied every day or every other day for a month. You need to keep the mixture | closed jar in the refrigerator.
In spring and summer, it is good to make masks or rub the juice of fresh sorrel, young leaves of dandelion, calendula and plantain, which have excellent healing properties. And finally, a yeast mask with 3% hydrogen peroxide or sauerkraut or lemon juice regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.
To prevent the infection from multiplying on your face, you need to know a few astringents and antimicrobials:
- tincture of calendula: 1 tbsp. spoon for 0.5 cups of distilled water:
- cleansing lotion for oily skin:
0.5 teaspoons of borax, 2 teaspoons of glycerin,
1 st. a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide, 0.5 cups of distilled water (store in a dark bottle, shelf life 45 days).
You can make lotion from white lilies. Place the petals in a dark vessel and fill with alcohol half a centimeter above the petals, tightly close the lid and place in a dark place. After 10 days, strain the tincture and fill it with water in a ratio of 1:1.
Make yourself a mask of equal parts of pine and spruce needles, birch buds and young leaves, nettle, plantain and cornflower flowers. It has a disinfecting effect on the skin.
2 tbsp. grind spoons of the mixture in a coffee grinder, stirring thoroughly, pour boiling water over until a slurry is formed. Apply warm slurry evenly on the face for 10-15 minutes.
In principle, if you have oily skin and are prone to acne, keep an eye on your stomach, its proper functioning is one of the conditions for keeping the skin clean. Refuse from poorly digested food, all kinds of spicy seasonings. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, green salad is useful. It is good to drink a glass of milk daily on an empty stomach in the morning, and a freshly prepared chamomile decoction in the evening before going to bed.

Pay attention to regular cleaning of the skin, especially in the evening, before going to bed. In addition, once a week you need to do a steam bath or alternate cold and hot compresses, and then apply a cleansing mask. In general, watch yourself and do not run your face.

In addition to blackheads, whiteheads are found on the skin of the face. They resemble a grain of white color, dense to the touch. Small dotted and larger (up to millet grain) nodules can be single or grouped.

Most often, whiteheads are located on the face in the area of ​​the zygomatic bones, sometimes on the eyelids. Whiteheads are formed due to the retention of fat deep in the lobule of the sebaceous gland, while the sebaceous gland is stretched and its contents are visible through the cuticle in the form of a whitish nodule.

Single whiteheads are removed by extrusion after opening the cuticle with a needle.

With a large number of whiteheads, especially if they are small in size, it is better to resort to skin exfoliation.


The most common are the so-called common acne. Their appearance is associated with puberty, as well as gastrointestinal diseases, disorders of the endocrine glands, general anemia, etc. Full time job with lubricating oils, resins, tar can also cause acne vulgaris. In the presence of microbes on the skin and weak resistance of the body, acne occurs.

There are superficial and deep inflammatory acne. The former capture only the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland, the latter - affect the entire sebaceous gland.

The formation of inflammatory acne begins with the appearance of a red inflammatory rim around the blackhead; gradually the acne increases, rises in the form of a nodule above the level of the skin. Further development of inflammatory acne occurs as follows - an abscess appears in the center of the nodule; it opens, pus is released and a painful nodule remains in its place, which resolves over time, leaving pigmentation. Sometimes the formation of inflammatory acne spreads and the entire sebaceous gland is affected; in other cases, painful nodes develop in the skin, which suppurate and, after the release of pus, heal with a scar.

Usually inflammatory acne or acne occurs on the face. The predominant place of their location is the forehead, cheeks, chin.

In case of improper metabolism, it is necessary to introduce a special diet. Food should be rich in vitamins A, B and C; fat intake should be limited. Since inflammatory acne is often concomitant disease in chronic and intestinal diseases, the activity of the intestine should be regulated. It is important to carry out general strengthening treatment: with vitamins B and C - for oily skin; iron, phosphorus, vitamin A - for dry skin. To improve metabolism, it is useful to take purified sulfur on the tip of a knife three times a day.

General strengthening treatment should be combined with physiotherapy, sun, air and sea baths, as well as regular bathing.

Acne is a very persistent disease, therefore, in addition to general measures, an energetic local treatment and proper skin care. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin and disinfect it. A significant effect in the treatment of acne gives a steam bath. Lighting with ultraviolet rays and UHF also helps well. All these procedures dry out festering acne, cause expansion of skin vessels and a rush of blood, promote better resorption of compacted nodules.

Also useful for acne special masks- drying and peeling.

Since the formation of acne is associated with increased sebum formation, you should start washing with hot water and soap and then rinsing with cold water, rubbing yourself with a 50% solution of calendula, 1% ammonia, lotions for oily skin, alcohol solutions, etc.


1 st. a spoonful of chamomile, sage and plantain, pour 200 g of boiling water and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. After that, pour warm water (temperature 40 ° C) into the basin. Pour tincture of chamomile, sage or plantain into this water at the rate of 100 g of tincture per 1 liter of water. Dip your hands in the resulting solution for 10 minutes, then, taking your hands out of the water, put your palms to your face to the places of the greatest skin damage with acne, peeling, urticaria and hold your hands like that for three minutes. Then make circular movements with an active hand (right-handed - right, left-handed - left), without touching the face, at a distance of 5-10 cm. After that, again lower your hands into the same solution for 5 minutes.

This procedure must be performed in the evening one hour before bedtime every day during the entire period of the full moon or new moon. In addition, the procedure of ten-minute “soaring” of the hands helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach, allows you to heal on early stage gastritis and duodenitis, helps in the treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

This procedure is contraindicated in people suffering from hypertensive crises and who have had a heart attack, as well as those who have an oncological disease.

Great help in curing not only acne, but also various skin diseases, osteochondrosis, inflammatory processes can be provided by special energy skin breathing. Unfortunately, at present, people practically do not use the possibilities of skin respiration. Moreover, wearing synthetic clothing, a person further complicates skin breathing, disrupting the natural metabolism and energy exchange of the body, thereby preventing the removal of harmful substances and toxins from the body.


Among the very unpleasant cosmetic imperfections include redness of the face and red acne. Usually redness occupies the back and wings of the nose, cheeks, chin, less often - the forehead. The skin is red or dark red.

On closer examination, a network of dilated skin vessels can be seen on the skin. Sometimes these changes last for a long time. In such cases, one can notice, especially on the nose, separate bright red nodules - the so-called redheads. The longer these changes stay on the skin, the more thickened the skin of the face, the larger bright red blackheads become.

There is an opinion that a red nose is a necessary consequence of alcohol abuse. However, this phenomenon is often observed in people who do not drink alcohol. This cosmetic defect is associated with vascular disorders. Its causes are varied: chronic constipation, low acidity of gastric juice, gastrointestinal diseases, women's diseases, diseases of the endocrine glands, etc. Often, redness of the nose or face appears due to chronic rhinitis or other diseases of the nasopharynx. Various external factors also play a role in the development of facial redness and acne vulgaris: prolonged (repeated) exposure to heat, cold, wind, sun.

Redness of the face usually develops after 33-40 years; more often this cosmetic defect is observed in women.

With a tendency to redness, it is necessary to monitor the normal activity of the intestines, to refuse spicy and too hot food, hot tea, coffee, cocoa, and the use of alcoholic beverages. It is also necessary, if possible, to beware of everything that causes the expansion of skin vessels and a rush of blood to the skin of the face. For example, prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, cold; prolonged and abrupt warming of the face near a hot stove or stove, washing with very cold water, rubbing with a towel, vigorously rubbing the cream ointment should be avoided.

Skin prone to redness should be irritated as little as possible.

If the dilated blood vessels or their mesh from the specified regimen does not disappear, then it is necessary to turn to special medical care.

With redness of the skin and red acne, steam baths, paraffin masks, and massage are contraindicated.


Some women, as a rule, want to get rid of freckles without fail and quickly. Others treat them more calmly, but far from being indifferent.

Freckles (their medical name is ephelids, which in Greek means sun blotches) appear as a result of a violation of pigment metabolism. Pretty specks, which often throw young girls into a panic in vain, are accumulations of grains of a dark coloring matter - melanin. It is formed by the colorless amino acid tyrosine at the border of the deep and superficial layers of the skin. Therefore, freckles are so difficult to reduce - it is necessary to remove their surface layer.

Melanin is known to be formed from tyrosine under the action of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, freckles are “relatives” of sunburn. But sunburn covers the skin completely, and this indicates that tyrosine is evenly distributed in skin cells. Freckles are islands of tyrosine, which turned into melanin without permission. Precisely arbitrarily, because they are also on closed parts of the body. Who has freckles, they exist all the time. However, in autumn and winter they turn pale and become invisible, and in the spring and summer they reappear.

The greatest color intensity of freckles is observed at the age of 20 to 25 years. Until the age of thirty, their number may increase, and in old age, freckles become less bright. There is an opinion that they are inherited. Freckles are more common in blondes and redheads.

Those who are predisposed to the appearance of freckles and want to get rid of the bottom, you need to take care first of all about protecting the face from ultraviolet radiation.

As for the diet, it is imperative to monitor the content of vitamins C and PP in the daily diet. If it is not possible to get these vitamins in sufficient quantities with natural products, you can take them in tablets for two to three weeks, vitamin C 1-1.5 g three times a day before meals, and vitamin PP 0.01 g three times a day after meals. There is a week break after each course. There are two or three courses in total.

It should be remembered that protective creams and powder protect the skin from sunlight for only three to four hours. If you have to stay in the sun for a long time, then you need to first remove the previous layer of cream and powder, apply a new one.

Special Care for a face prone to freckling is to use whitening creams and masks. Their choice depends on the skin type.

It is very useful for any type of skin before applying a nourishing cream to lubricate the skin with lemon juice, grapefruit, sauerkraut. The cream is applied to a wet face. The procedure can be repeated daily until a positive effect is obtained. When applying freckle products, be extremely careful with the skin under the eyes!

If a small number of freckles appear or they are weakly colored, then it is quite enough to wipe the skin of the face with onion juice, vinegar or lemon juice in the morning and evening.

The undoubted benefit is brought by an old folk remedy - washing the face with sour milk.

Wiping with the following solutions gives a good effect:

1) vinegar - 20 g, lemon juice -15 g, water -10 g;

For the preparation of rubs, you can also beat the protein into a foam and mix with the juice of one lemon, 4 g of glycerin and 100 g of alcohol.

If the above means are insufficient, then after wiping the face, rub the cream in addition at night.

Rubbing creams usually causes skin irritation and flaking. After exfoliation, freckles usually fade or disappear. In the future, protective creams and solutions should be systematically applied.


In addition to freckles, there are various age spots on the skin of the face. They often appear on the face of women, but are also found in men. These spots have a varied shape of irregular outlines, a smooth surface and sharp borders. The size of the spots is different, the color is from light yellow to dark brown. They are located symmetrically, mainly on the forehead - at the edge of the hairline, in the middle of the forehead, above the eyebrows. In young people, spots appear mostly on the upper lip, nose and cheeks. In old age, the spots are located in the lower part of the cheeks, sometimes reaching the neck.

Pigmentation often appears with female diseases, liver diseases, as well as in people who are nervous, weakened by chronic diseases, working with high temperature with chemicals, inadequate dietary intake of vitamin C.

Pigmentation may occur on the skin due to the introduction of various substances into the skin. This happens in accidents: from gunpowder when fired from a gun, from graphite or coal when a mine collapses. Sometimes dyes or ink are artificially injected into the skin. This pigmentation is called a tattoo; after its removal, scars remain.

Age spots on the face can be the result of the use of highly irritating ointments and creams, and on the body - from pressure and friction with garters, belts, etc. Plays a significant role in the appearance of age spots on the face. sunlight. Therefore, spots, like freckles, become more distinct with the first rays of the spring sun. To prevent the appearance of age spots, avoid the sun in spring and summer and protect the skin of the face.

Skin care is of great importance for the prevention of age spots. It is very useful to prescribe massage, whitening and oily masks.

Special treatment consists in artificial exfoliation of the cuticle. For this purpose, irritating weak whitening mercury ointments, masks, hydrogen peroxide are recommended.

Treatment of age spots should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The use of potent agents for age spots is unacceptable: by irritating the skin, they can contribute to a more persistent darkening.

With age spots, internal treatment with vitamin C, which is found in lemon, orange juice and rose hips, can be of great benefit. It is especially useful to take vitamin C for several weeks in winter and spring when the body is deficient in this vitamin.


Warts are a very common cosmetic defect. Warts are common, pointed and flat. Common warts - formations from horny cells; their sizes range from millet to lentil grain; they are round or oval, firm to the touch, painless; their surface is uneven. Most often, common warts are located on the hands, especially on the fingers, sometimes on the soles, less often on the face. The number of warts can reach several tens. Sometimes, merging, they form keratinized plaques of irregular shape. Common warts occur in both sexes at any age, they are more common in children.

Genital warts are a connective tissue formation on a stalk. More often single genital warts are observed, but sometimes they occur in groups, resembling a cockscomb or cauliflower head in shape.

On contact surfaces of the skin, especially in places of friction and increased sweating, genital warts grow intensively. To the touch, genital warts are soft and painful. Flat warts are more common in children and adolescents. The size of flat warts is small, the surface is smooth: they barely protrude above the level of the skin. Most often, flat warts are located in groups on the hands and face.

It is believed that warts are caused by the smallest microbes, the so-called filterable virus, but the nervous system also plays an important role in their occurrence.

Warts can be transmitted by contact. Their spread is facilitated by: injury to warts (cutting with scissors, biting off with teeth), the general condition of the body and a number of other points.

There are many folk remedies for the destruction of warts: lubrication with celandine juice, applying grated garlic, raw potatoes or an Antonov apple for 24 hours.

The well-known cauterization of warts with lapis and other means does not give significant results, since these methods often cause irritation and increase the growth of warts. The best effect is obtained by burning and destroying warts with electric current: electrocoagulation, galvanocaustics, darsonvalization. In children, an excellent result is the burning of warts with carbonic snow. Removal of warts is performed by a doctor.

I must say that warts can disappear without any treatment. Removal of warts must be combined with general strengthening treatment: the strictest observance of cleanliness, thorough washing of hands and feet is necessary.

Folk remedies for warts:

1. Celandine. Smear the warts daily 2 times a day with the juice of freshly picked celandine.

2. Dandelion. Small young warts can be reduced with dandelion juice.

3. Apple. Cut in half with string. Grate the warts with both halves, then connect the halves, tie them with the same thread and bury this apple in the ground or manure. When the apple rots, the warts will disappear.

4. Garlic. Make a cut on a clove of garlic and rub it on the wart. A minute later - another cut and rub again with juice. So rub the whole clove on the wart. This should be done once a day at night, as often as possible. The result will be available within a week. Depending on the size of the wart, it sometimes takes up to 3 weeks for treatment. After the warts are gone, rub these places with garlic for a few more days to completely eliminate their roots.

5. Acetic acid or essence. To do this, you need to make a small wick of cotton wool and lubricate the warts 1-2 times a day. If they are small, they will pass in a week. And for large warts: flour is mixed with acetic acid or essence (a very small amount). A piece is cut out of the adhesive plaster with a hole in the middle according to the volume of the wart. A plaster is glued to the place of the wart, and a mixture of flour and acid is applied on top of this hole directly on the wart, and a continuous plaster is also glued on top. This procedure is best done at night, and removed in the morning. As a rule, small warts fall off on the third day, and large warts fall off after a week. After that, for a few more days, you need to rub the place where the warts were with garlic.

6. Salt. In the morning and in the evening, rub your hands with ordinary coarse salt. Pour 3-4 kg of salt into the bag. Put your hands in a bag of salt and rub them, as is done when hands are washed with sand or soaped with soap. The hand rubs the hand. Rub for 5 minutes. Then shake off your hands and do not wash. This should be done within a week or a little longer. After a few days, watery blisters appear on the hands (all this happens painlessly). The skin comes off in patches, and with it the warts.

7. Castor oil. It should be rubbed in the morning and evening for 10-20 minutes. The course of treatment is quite long - 2-3 months. It takes patience.

8. If there is a dog in the house, healthy, kind and affectionate, you need to smear the child’s hands where there are warts with sour cream and let the dog lick it. The dog can even lick his wounds. You can repeat this procedure several times.

9. Soda bath (1 dessert spoon per 1 liter of water), keep your hand in it for 10-15 minutes. After that, cut off the agave leaf, rinse, cut lengthwise and tie the raw pulp to the wart. Remove everything in the morning. In the evening, repeat everything again. After 7-10 days (and sometimes even earlier), the warts themselves come out with roots and no traces remain.

10. Wash raw potatoes, grate, trying to wipe off the peel mainly (the middle can be used for soup). Put the mass that turned out with the peel on compress paper or cellophane (to keep moisture) and tie it to those places where there are warts. It is best to do this at night. It is better to do this procedure every other day 3-4 times. They will not disappear immediately, but after 3-4 weeks, maybe a little more, you will get rid of them.


Moles are congenital and can appear at any age. Moles and birthmarks have various sizes and forms. Their size ranges from a pinhead to a small pea. There are also larger birthmarks.

The color of moles and birthmarks is the most diverse - from dark to black-brown. Vascular moles and birthmarks originating from blood and lymphatic vessels are painted in a pale pink or bright red color, pigmented ones are stained with melanin in brown or black.

The surface of moles and birthmarks is smooth and uneven. Pigmented birthmarks are sometimes covered with hair.

Irritation contributes to the growth of moles and birthmarks. Meanwhile, often while shaving, men damage moles, and women irritate them by pulling out their hair.

Moles and birthmarks can develop into tumors. Therefore, their timely removal is important not only from a cosmetic point of view.

Birthmarks appear immediately after birth or after a few weeks. However, they can appear much later - at preschool age and during puberty. The structure of these spots is different. Sometimes they contain an excessive amount of skin pigment, sometimes they consist of dilated vessels. It is extremely dangerous to eliminate birthmarks using chemical or mechanical methods, as this can give impetus to the development of a malignant tumor. It is permissible to remove birthmarks consisting of dilated blood vessels, but this should only be done by a specialist doctor.

Some believe that moles can be removed by yourself by bandaging them with silk. This is a deep delusion. It is best to remove moles by burning with electric current. This operation gives excellent results, even with large sizes moles and birthmarks, but only a doctor should produce it.


None of the skin lesions causes so much trouble for a woman as excessive hair growth of the skin of the face and legs, and often it leads to the development of an inferiority complex. The main causes of excessive hair growth are disorders of the endocrine glands, heredity and some others.

Attempts to get rid of excess hair shaving or plucking are useless. These are only temporary measures, after which they grow even faster. When pulling hair out of the nose, a serious inflammatory process can develop. IN Lately all kinds of epilators began to be used to remove hair, but, unfortunately, these products also give only a temporary effect.

Self-treatment of hair loss is unacceptable. If it bothers you, it is better to consult a specialist in skin diseases, and he will prescribe the most appropriate method of treatment for you - electrical, radiological, etc. And yet ...

Hair removal creams and foams are the most sought after. Leave the product in a thick layer for 10 minutes, then remove it with a spatula and wash the body area with warm water without soap. After the procedure, do not use any deodorants or perfumes!

You can quickly shave your hair with an electric razor for women. Its surface is adapted for the armpits. Or shave with a mechanical razor. New types of machines protect against damage when shaving.

Cosmetic wax is a reliable tool with which you can remove hair on your legs for a relatively long time. Heat the wax to the consistency of liquid honey and apply with a brush in strips of 10 x 3 cm on the legs from the bottom up. After 10 minutes, the hardened wax is removed with one jerk in the opposite direction of hair growth. Lubricate the skin with cream.

Epilation is the destruction of hair follicles with electricity. The procedure is carried out in a medical institution, only then it will be painless. At one time, the cosmetologist can treat a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. In case of increased hair growth, you should consult a doctor.

Severe facial hair is often the result of an increased content of male hormones in the body, the abuse of certain medications. In any case, all types of mechanical hair removal are unacceptable and consultation with an endocrinologist and gynecologist is necessary. At home, bleaching gives a good effect.

Hippocrates (430-370 BC) was the first to attempt to separate medicine from philosophy and religion. He described a large number of skin rashes (scab, freckles, pigmentation, scabies). He divided all skin diseases into those dependent on external and internal causes. This approach, as the main one, is still used by dermatologists.

Causes of cosmetic defects


Friction and pressure (result - skin pigmentation, calluses);
- external temperatures (reddening of the skin, dilation of skin vessels, vascular network, vascular tumors);
- sun rays (redness, dryness, peeling, burns);
- chemical substances(dryness, red spots);
- viruses (warts, papillomas, condylomas).


Violation of protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, malfunctions in the endocrine system;
- deficiency or excess of vitamins;
- medicines;
- food products;
- diseases of the internal organs.

Skin takes Active participation in the life of our body: it sensitively reacts to environmental factors and to the functional processes of internal organs. Signals the skin with its condition. As a result, there are various cosmetic imperfections. They precede or indicate the appearance of skin diseases.

We have no task detailed review skin diseases. We confine ourselves to mentioning that today a person is in wait: pustular diseases(furuncle, carbuncle, zayeda, superficial panaritium), viral diseases(warts, herpes, molluscum, papillomas), fungal diseases (lichen, psoriasis, epidermophytosis) and others(scabies, dermatitis, eczema, allergies, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, seborrhea, dandruff). They are unpleasant external manifestations, many of them are contagious, and the treatment of some is delayed for many months. Therefore, it is necessary to be very attentive to the condition of your skin and its derivatives (hair and nails) in order to take the most necessary measures with the help of a doctor as soon as possible.


The medical name for freckles is ephelids (translated from Greek - "sun blotches"). According to cosmetologists, 60-70% of Russians have a tendency to freckles. On the noses of 10% of them flaunt " hemp". Their appearance is determined by the presence in the skin of a pigment called melanin, which absorbs the sun's rays. Only blacks don't have freckles.

From childhood to 25 years, the number of freckles usually increases, their intensity increases. After 30 years, their number does not decrease, but they turn pale and are almost imperceptible. After 40, they often disappear or merge, turning into age spots.

Fighting freckles is not easy, but their appearance can be prevented. Sun protection must be used: glasses, a hat with wide brim, cream with a maximum protective number (SPF). To make age spots and freckles less noticeable, they are bleached. At home, you can make special masks. In cosmetology clinics, stronger products with oxidizing agents and effective chemical peeling fruit acids.

In addition to freckles (solar pigment spots), age pigment spots (especially under the influence of ultraviolet radiation) and pregnancy pigment spots (during the last three months of bearing a child) can form on the skin.


Almost every person has moles. It is believed that normally each person should have no more than 100. It is clear that usually people do not count, but the appearance of new moles in large numbers cannot be ignored. This is already a reason to contact a specialist in skin tumors. Because the risk of skin cancer also increases proportionally. According to statistics, in 70% of patients with melanoma (the most aggressive of all tumors), this malignant neoplasm can be reborn from long-existing pigmented nevi.
When is a mole dangerous to life?

A new mole has appeared and it is rapidly increasing in size;
- the size, color and shape of the mole have changed;
- in the area of ​​the mole, itching, burning, tingling occurs, nodules, ulcerations appear;
- the mole is constantly injured, bleeding.

Do not panic, but urgently go to the doctor! At a consultation, a dermatologist will determine the degree of malignancy of the degeneration of a mole. When it is removed, a mandatory histology should be carried out. Therefore, it is best to deal with mole problems in medical institutions or cosmetology clinics.

In practice, several methods are used to remove benign skin tumors: surgical, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, and the use of a laser. The last one is the most efficient.

Unesthetic vessels

Usually blue (sometimes red) vessels appear on the wings and back of the nose, and so intensely that even men are forced to use makeup so that they are not suspected of being addicted to alcohol. Often thin streaks fill the cheeks so that they constantly appear crimson. Sometimes spots and dots of various sizes are scattered across the face, from which multiple vascular rays diverge.

Previously, to eliminate these skin imperfections, the methods of electrocoagulation (destruction by electricity) and cryodestruction (freezing) were used. They give a positive result, but on the condition that you first need to break the integrity of the skin layer under which the vessel is located. This led to the formation of scars.

With the advent of special vascular lasers, it became possible to eliminate the vessel in the depths of the skin without damaging it.


Acne occurs when there are microbes on the skin and the body's resistance is weak. There are superficial acne and deep inflammatory acne that affects the entire sebaceous gland. Acne is the result of a general disorder of fat metabolism. They are found mainly in people suffering from seborrhea, dysfunction of the genital and other organs of internal secretion.

Simple acne affects people of both sexes. Acne appears during puberty, by the age of 30 their number decreases. They are usually localized on the skin of the face, chest, back, shoulders. Blackheads are: black (comedone), white (blackheads), necrotic, spherical, professional.

First, "black dots" form, then they become inflamed, turning into painful and ugly pimples, which is a real skin disease - acne.

By the way, even therapeutic and decorative cosmetics. Once you allow yourself to go to bed, ignoring the evening make-up remover, and you are already on the right track to acne. From this point of view, lipsticks, greasy shadows and blush are the most dangerous. Acne on the forehead can also appear when using low-quality hair wax.

The skin is inextricably linked with the vital activity of the whole organism and reflects the state of human health. Intact skin serves as a reliable barrier, protection from the harmful effects of the environment - temperature, chemical, mechanical and from the introduction of microorganisms. With age, the recovery processes worsen and, every year, the skin begins to fade faster, wrinkles appear, skin color changes. At 20, it seems that 30, 40, and even more so 50 years, it's somewhere in the sky. This is a common misconception, and only those who start taking care of their skin in time are not afraid of any anniversaries, while maintaining a beautiful complexion and young elastic skin.

50% of the effectiveness of cosmetics is the right care that suits your skin type! Another 50% is a mandatory control over the condition of the skin, which can vary depending on weather conditions, water, how well we slept, and even on the menu of our dinner the day before.
What is skin type? What are the skin types? And finally, why do you need to know your skin type? The answers to these questions are great importance for skin care and disease prevention. In cosmetology, there are 4 types of skin: normal, combination, oily and dry.

normal skin is quite rare. It is of medium thickness, with subtle pores. Such skin is not afraid of wind, frost, heat, it can protect itself from the outside, nourish and cleanse itself from the inside. Normal skin does not mind washing, tolerates most cosmetics and pleases the owner with its unpretentiousness. You may be proud of such skin, but this does not mean that it does not require permanent care. Without proper care, even the best skin loses its beautiful qualities.

Combination skin is a combination of different skin types. For example, oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin), but dry on the cheeks. Or areas of dry skin among oily or normal skin. Or a normal forehead and cheeks, but a shiny nose. Usually, when they can’t figure out what type to attribute this skin, it is called combined. For this reason, it is recommended to separate cosmetic care for combination skin, depending on the type of skin in this area. Fatty places should be treated with products that have a drying, anti-inflammatory effect. Dry areas need moisturizing and enhanced nourishment with creams.

Dry skin. Dry skin is usually understood as thin, sensitive skin: it "tightens" after washing, it does not shine, pores are almost invisible on it, and blackheads and pimples rarely occur. Anatomically, it is thin, usually slightly pigmented skin with a small amount of sebaceous glands and a thin subcutaneous fat layer. The size of the sebaceous glands of dry skin is usually smaller than that of oily skin. Early withering of dry skin is predetermined by its small thickness (the pillow on which the epidermis rests is very thin) and a small amount of pigment, which does not provide adequate protection from UV radiation. Facial cleansers should be mild and alcohol-free. Creams are used, which include fatty components that soften and nourish the skin. IN cold weather dry skin needs the most careful care.

Oily skin. Oily skin depends on 25% of genetic predisposition, and everything else is the influence of the environment, nutrition, physical and spiritual well-being of a person. In the morning the skin is shiny, the pores are enlarged, especially on the wings of the nose and around it. Excessive oiliness of the skin may be the result of dysfunction of the nervous system, diseases of the endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, abuse of fatty and spicy foods. Oily skin is well tolerated by water and soap, temperature changes, cold and wind, but it does not resist infection well, so it needs the most thorough care.

Skin type is given to a person at birth and does not change throughout life. But there is also such a thing as the condition of the skin, which depends on external factors and can change. Improper diet, lifestyle, harmful effects of the environment - all this affects the condition of our skin.

Sensitive skin - reacts to external and internal irritants with the appearance of red spots, peeling, inflammatory elements, itching, burning, swelling. The main causes of skin sensitivity can be: heredity, hormonal and immune disorders, environment, stress, malnutrition, diet, alcohol and smoking. Sensitive skin is one of the causes of rosacea. Taking care of such skin is a lot of work. First you need to find out the cause of the increased sensitivity of the skin and, only then, proceed to solve the problem. In almost every cosmetic brand you can find a line for sensitive skin. Also use seasonal cosmetics - in winter, the cream should protect from frost and wind, and in summer from sunlight. At night, the skin needs rest and support. Use regenerating and nourishing creams containing marigold oil, panthenol, sallantoin, bisabolol, vitamins A, E. And most importantly - do not succumb to stress and bad mood, smile more often.

Dehydrated skin is a lack of moisture in the skin. Dehydrated skin can appear in any skin type. Signs of such skin are: local peeling and a fine network of wrinkles, which is especially noticeable when applying powder and foundation. The causes of dehydration can be: dry air in heated rooms and airplanes, wind, sun, insufficient water intake, alcohol consumption and smoking, illness, and, of course, improper skin care. Do not confuse dehydrated and dry skin. Dry skin is associated with a violation of the amount of lipids (fats). For dehydrated skin, it is recommended to use moisturizers, serums and masks. They contain hyaluronic acid and components that restore the hydrolipid barrier of the skin. Be sure to exclude from the use of alcohol-based products. It is best to choose a cleanser that does not need to be washed off with water. In the treatment of oily dehydrated skin, the choice of nutritional preparations must be approached very carefully so as not to cause the formation of comedones. Moisturize oily dehydrated skin better light serums and emulsions.

Problem skin. Skin rashes were previously thought to be associated with certain types of food or dirty skin. Today, the main causes are considered to be a violation of the function of the sebaceous glands and the influence of psychological factors such as stress. Problematic skin is a combination of a number of problems (rashes, age spots, scars, scars, vascular network, acne, etc.). In the most severe cases, we can talk about the "exit" to the surface of internal diseases, such as a violation digestive system and hormonal imbalance. At the moment, there are a large number of cosmetics for problem skin on a natural, chemical or mixed basis. The composition of products for problem skin includes components that, in addition to nutrition and moisturizing, should have anti-inflammatory, anti-seborrheic, and cleansing effects. The main cause of skin manifestations is a violation of the cell renewal process, so do not forget about deep cleansing of the skin with scrubs, masks, peels and, of course, the use of specialized therapeutic agents: creams, ointments.

aging skin - a separate topic for conversation. A sign not so much of age as of the weakening of the body and environmental influences. In addition, early skin aging is promoted by: lack of skin care, increased articulation, infectious and chronic diseases, smoking, alcohol. It affects, first of all, on the face. Try to grab the skin of the eyelid with a napkin and release it, if the crease quickly straightened out, then everything is in order, if not, you need to urgently take action, no matter how old you are. It is best to clean such skin with liquid emulsions, cream or cosmetic milk. It is recommended to make nourishing masks 2-3 times a week. Timely competent cosmetic care with the use of anti-aging (anti-age) cosmetics will help, if not stop the biological process of skin aging, then slow it down and make it less pronounced.

When choosing a skin care program, try to take into account age, skin type and its condition for a given period.. Do not forget about daily (basic) care - this is the basis of proper and professional care for your appearance! It consists of three main stages and has a strict sequence.

1. Purification. The skin needs thorough cleansing in the morning and in the evening, regardless of age! Only thoroughly cleansed skin is able to absorb the active ingredients of cosmetic products.

2. Toning. Do not neglect the toning procedure, referring to the lack of free time or the pointlessness of this stage. Toning is the final step in the cleansing process. It is significant in that after its implementation, the remnants of the cleanser and sparingly soluble cosmetics are removed, deep cleansing of the pores is carried out, disinfection is carried out, the normal level of moisture in the skin is restored, blood circulation improves, tone, firmness and elasticity of the skin increase, puffiness decreases and cell regeneration accelerates. And another important argument in favor of toning is saving on cream! Using tonic, you spend 30% less cream. How? Yes, very easy! After applying the tonic, the skin is slightly moist and, accordingly, it needs a smaller amount of cream. Moreover, the tonic, as it were, prepares the skin for applying the cream, and therefore for its perception, respectively, the cream and its beneficial features better absorbed by the skin. Compare the skin after washing and after toning and the result will pleasantly surprise you!

3. Protection or restoration of the skin. Day or night creams.
During the day, our skin has a lot of tasks, but its main job is to protect against negative impact external environment. If our body is hidden under clothes, then our face is always open. Therefore, it is difficult to disagree that the skin of the face needs mandatory additional protection.
With the advent of the night, our skin has the opportunity to compensate for all its costs. All recovery processes take place at night. Darkness, complete relaxation and immobility of the muscles of the face are ideal conditions for rest and nutrition. While we sleep, our body begins to actively remember and test everything that happened during the day. Blood circulation is accelerated, cell metabolism reaches a peak of intensity and the susceptibility of the healing components of the cream is enhanced. That is why cosmetologists believe that it is better to fight for beauty and youth during sleep!

And don't forget the eyes! The eyes are the first sign of age, fatigue or an unhealthy lifestyle. For the eyelids, special creams are used. Do not use the same creams as for the face. The skin around the eyes is different from other areas. It is thinner, does not have a fatty layer and sebaceous glands, and is richly supplied with blood. Therefore, do not overload the delicate skin around the eyes with products that are designed for facial care.
Here are three simple yet important steps to follow every day and twice a day to keep your skin looking youthful!